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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Tidens Fylde": Temporality and Tradition in Carl Nielsen's Works for Violin

Phillips, Lucy, Phillips, Lucy January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation highlights the position of the violin works in Danish composer Carl Nielsen’s oeuvre. The violin was an integral part of this composer’s life from an early age. Despite this, his compositions for the violin have received little critical attention. My project is the first full-length treatment of Nielsen’s repertoire for violin. I approach the subject with the goal of examining Nielsen’s position in the early twentieth century through the notions of temporal consciousness and tradition. I address the interplay of these ideas as signifiers within the works, particularly the Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op. 35 and the Præludium og Tema med Variationer, Op. 48. This interplay enables us to view Carl Nielsen as a participant on the world stage of Western music as a modernist, despite his apparent ties to tradition. I also address the issue of accessibility in Nielsen studies by including a complete translation of Hungarian violinist Emil Telmányi’s Vejledning til Instudering og Fortolkning af Carl Nielsen’s Violinværker og Kvintet for Strygere [Guide to the Study and Interpretation of Carl Nielsen’s Violin Works and Quintet for Strings]. The Carl Nielsen narrative is framed by his symphonies and his status as a nationalist composer. Through this study, I expose the importance of this overlooked repertoire in the current revision of the Nielsen narrative.

Identitet, kropp og hverdagsliv i et folkelig perspektiv : og erfaringskunnskapens plass innen folkehelsetenkningen / Identity, Body and Everyday Life in a Popularly Perspective : and the Role of Experiential Knowledge within Public Health Thinking

Solheim, Inger Helen January 2013 (has links)
Over the last decades the weight has increased in the Norwegian population. Report no 16 to the Storting, “Prescription for a healthier Norway”, expresses concern for this development and defines important areas of commitment to prevent a further increase in health problems like diabetes 2 and other lifestyle related diseases. The foci described above are all justified by figures and statistical surveys. The dominant approach towards lifestyle related diseases is closely connected with Western medicine. The main tendency in the recommendations is primarily presenting overweight and obesity as something negative and problematic.  This study focuses on self-assessment and self-perception of people that are overweight as well as those of normal weight. The aim is to reveal the collective understanding in a local community that struggles to avoid a further weight-gain in its population. This thesis seeks to, shed light on how the weight- evolvement in the Norwegian society influence peoples individual self-image and body perception. A local community in Norway (“Libygda”) defined by media, some years ago, as the most overweight local community in the country, constitutes the basis for this thesis. Methods like fieldwork, multistage focus group interviews and individual interviews (all carried out in “Libygda”) were used. The main focus in all the approaches is the bottom up strategy gained through the research approach Co-operative Inquiry which implies that both researcher and participants together search to gain insight and new experiential knowledge. In this case about individual health perception, body and identity. The data material is analyzed mainly through Life Mode-Theory, and theories of social capital (and other theories from the Social Science field). Methodological and theoretical approaches within Public Health Work are mainly based in Health Science, whereas this thesis has Social Science (Sociology and Social Anthropology) as its point of departure. The thesis will by its perspective aim to complement the traditional Health Science and offer a supplemental approach to the Science of Public Health. This thesis describes how experience-based perspectives on health and body exist side by side with the medical and Public Health Science perspective. This implies that there exists a parallel understanding of reality, which is rarely focused on by health professionals. If Public Health Work should gain a greater impact on peoples’ everyday life, these experience based and folk perspectives must be taken into consideration and accepted by professionals as relevant. / De siste tiårene har vekten økt i den norske befolkningen. Stortingsmelding nr 16 ”Resept for et sunnere Norge” uttrykker uro for denne utviklingen og definerer viktige satsningsområder for å hindre en økning i antallet diabetes 2 og andre livsstilsrelaterte sykdommer. Satsningsområdene beskrevet over er alle basert på og dokumentert ved statistiske undersøkelser. Hovedtendensen i anbefalingene har som utgangspunkt at overvekt og fedme er assosiert med noe negativt og problematisk. Denne avhandlingens fokus er den subjektive selvoppfatningen til både normalvektige og overvektige. Hensikten er å avdekke den kollektive forståelsen av helse og et godt liv i et lokalsamfunn med overvektsutfordringer i befolkningen. Avhandlingen søker å belyse hvordan vektøkning i det norske samfunnet påvirker individers selvbilde og kroppsforståelse, og hvordan dette speiles på lokalsamfunnsnivå. Et lokalsamfunn i Sør-Norge (”Libygda”), definert av media rundt tusenårsskiftet som den mest overvektige kommunen i Norge, danner utgangspunktet for denne studien. Metoder som feltarbeid, deltagende observasjon, flerstegs fokusgruppeintervju, individuelle intervjuer (alt uført i ”Libygda”) blir benyttet. Hovedfokuset i de metodiske tilnærmingene er en nedenfra-og-opp inngang inspirert av handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid, hvor både forsker og deltakere sammen søker ny innsikt og erfaringskunnskap om individuell og kollektiv helseoppfatning, kroppsforståelse og identitet. Datamaterialet blir analysert i lys av livsformteori, sosial kapital og andre relevante samfunnsvitenskapelige teorier. Metodiske og teoretiske tilnærminger innen folkehelsearbeidet er ofte knyttet til helseforskningen, mens denne avhandlingen har et samfunnsvitenskapelig (sosiologi og sosialantropologi) utgangspunkt. Avhandlingens perspektiv søker å komplementere tradisjonell helseforskning med en erfaringsbasert tilnærming til folkehelsevitenskapen. Avhandlingen beskriver hvordan erfaringsbaserte og folkelige perspektiver på helse og kropp lever side om side med den medisinske og folkehelsevitenskaplige. Dette innebærer at det eksisterer en parallell forståelse av virkeligheten, som sjelden blir tillagt vekt eller fokusert av helsepersonell eller akademia. Hvis folkehelsearbeid skal få større innflytelse og gjennomslagskraft i menneskers hverdagsliv, må disse erfaringsbaserte og folkelige perspektivene inkluderes av fagfolk.

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