Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folklore"" "subject:"folkloric""
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Literární a mytologické osudy postavy praotce Čecha / Literary and mythological trajectories of "Forefather Bohemus"Deči, Vojtěch January 2022 (has links)
In his work, the graduate reflects the literary and mythological aspect of the founding figure of the "Forefather Bohemus" in the Czech literary environment. In the theoretical part of the work, he will think about the processes of mythology of history that take place around this character, and based on a comparison of key works he will present his own approach. The practical part will consist of interpretive probes into selected canonical texts: the chronicles of canon Kosmas, the so-called Dalimil and Václav Hájek of Libočany on the one side, and modern fictional works by Žofie Podlipská and Rudolf R. Hofmeister on the other. Keywords Forefather Bohemus; folklore; myth; national epic; chronicle.
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Lotyšské hnutí "dievturība" / The Latvian Movement of "Dievturība"Vacíková, Michala January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe origins, history, activity and influence of a Latvian religious movement called Dievturība, established in Latvia in the interwar period, interruption of their activities as a consequence of the Soviet occupation in 1940 and its renewal in exile, especially in the United States, where the followers of Dievturība built an important Latvian cultural centre, as well as its rebirth in the independent Latvia after 1990. With the help of the American Dievturi Latvian followers try to gain more attention through organizing cultural events and raise public awareness of Dievturība. Furthermore the thesis surveys origins of the movement's doctrine, contacts of Dievturība with folklore groups, attitude of its followers, Dievturi, towards politics and media and especially the significance of Dievturība for forming the modern Latvian society. Special attention is paid to Ernests Brastiņš, a founder of the movement, to his life, thoughts, ideas and plans connected with his effort to revive Latvian national cultural consciousness. There are also important the views of critics of Dievturība's doctrine and its understanding of pre-Christian Latvian religion, to which Dievturība relates. In my work I also try to outline the pre-Christian Latvian religion and to find differences...
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Nacionalismus v Srbsku na konci 20. století: Zločin a turbofolk jako krytí autokracie / Nationalism in Serbia at the end of the 20th century: Crime and turbofolk as a cover to autocracyDuric, Jovana January 2019 (has links)
Crime and turbofolk as a cover to autocracy? Nationalism in Serbia at the end of the 20th century Abstract: In this MA. thesis it will be investigated how, by the influence of the politics of Milosevic in the 1990s, implemented by the political elite gathered around him, a rise of crime, war profiteering and the development of a new popular culture genre of turbofolk appeared in Serbia. Such socio-political conditions, supported by a strong media propaganda by the regime, turned out to be the key pillars of Milosevic's autocratic rule. Special emphasis will be given to a new cultural phenomenon that struck this region in the period - the phenomenon of "turbofolk" as the dominant music genre of the time, that completes the picture of Serbian society during the 1990s. Overwhelmed with elements of kitsch and baroque, this popular music genre which originated in the restaurants of central Serbia suburbs, has become an unavoidable part of everyday life of young people, whose new idols were individuals who measured their success by the number and importance of their criminal ventures. The emergence of turbofolk, therefore, is considered in light of the birth of the new socio-political circumstances. But it is interesting to note that turbofolk, with some adjustments, remains the dominant musical genre in Serbia...
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Transformace podoby trickstera v současném ruském dětském folkloru / Transformation of Trickster in Contemporary Russian Children's FolkloreRuchkina, Irina January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the transformation of a trickster figure in the Russian children's folklore. The first part is devoted to an analysis of trickster tale and trickster heroes. This section is primarily based on classic works of prominent ethnologists, anthropologists and folklorists - they are mainly the works of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Vladimir Propp, Jeleazar Meletinskij and many others. This section is concerned mainly on the systematization and analysis of the classic characteristics of a hero trickster for subsequent analysis and comparison of the current hero of the sadistic poems - the little boy. The second part is an introduction to the themes of the sadistic poems - it is dedicated to the history of their origin; historical, cultural and social factors that had an impact on their development; systemization of the sadistic poems by topics and trends. This part is based on the works of Russian anthropologists, folklorists and psychologists. The third part of my work is dedicated to an independent comparative analysis of the nature of the protagonist of the sadistic poems - the boy as a trickster figure. The analysis is based on the classic ethnographic studies devoted to trickster tales and also on the works on the phenomenon of the sadistic poems. During this analysis, where I...
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Reflexe folkloru regionu Slovácko ve sbírkách Památníku národního písemnictví a návrh jeho prezentace / Reflection of the Moravian Slovakia‘s folklore in the collections of the Museum of Czech Literature and a proposal for its presentationEretová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This Thesis discusses the mapping and documentation of the folklore of Moravian Slovakia and traditional folk culture in collections of the Museum of Czech Literature. The collections of this culture government organization have never been researched from this point of view before. The thesis findings reveal that a great number of archives oriented on folkloric rich ethnographic region of Moravian Slovakia have been found in the collections of the Museum of Czech Literature, specifically in the three following departments of the museum: Literary Archive, Art Collections, and Library. The vast majority of the found materials come from the 19th century and first half of the 20th century. The archives are composed of a wide range of materials, such as manuscripts, typescripts, photography, cuttings, printings, drawings, lithography, graphics, sculptures, paintings, publications, periodicals, bibliophile books. The found materials belong to the traditional folk culture, as far as high art and culture. The outcome of this study is a proposal for the exhibition project Slovácko! which is intended to illustrate possible ways how to propagate and present the explored artifacts and archive materials from the collections. Drafts of financial sources, staffing, concept of the exhibition and graphic solution of some promotional designs are included in the proposal.
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Фолкорно наслеђе као основа развоја руралног туризма Браничевског округа / Folkorno nasleđe kao osnova razvoja ruralnog turizma Braničevskog okruga / Folklore heritage as a basis for the development of rural tourism in Branicevo regionBabić Vedrana 25 October 2012 (has links)
<p>Браничевски округ је специфичан по богатству двеју култура, српске и влашке, које се прожимају и на себи својствен начин чине овај део Србије специфичним и надасве интересантним. Ова културолошка појава пружа велико богатство које кроз фолклорно наслеђе које треба сачувати, неговати и на прави начин представити на туристичкој мапи Србије.</p><p>На простору Браничевског округа традиционална духовна култура представљена је породичним и личним обичајима Срба и Влаха који живе у овом делу Србије. Заједнички живот омогућио је приметну акултурацију духовне културе, али и очување обичаја као дела идентитета сопствене културе. </p><p>Влашки народ је као етничка заједница са својим интересантним и упечатљивим културним обележјима изузетно занимљив за проучавање. О њима се релативно мало знало и мало писало, можда и због тога што су се у новијем историјском периоду у значајној мери изјашњавали и као Срби, иако су свој језик и обичаје чували, а традицију поштовали и неговали. У многим сегментима су се асимилирали са српским становништвом и прихватили начин живота које носи савремено доба. Међутим, они су исто тако пренели и своју традицију и веровања на оне са којима деле заједнички живот. Тако се на овим просторима створио занимљив конгломерат култура сачињен од мноштва интересантних и јединствених обичаја.</p><p>Већина општина Браничевског округа се сврстава у неразвијени део Србије, па су одувек биле и синоним за тајновито подручје, пуно мистике. Оно што се одувек везивало фолклор Браничевског округа и Хомоља, као саставног дела, а што и данас привлачи велики број људи у ове крајеве јесте извесна тајновитост која прати културу народа овог подручја. </p><p>Дисертација се бави темом развоја руралног туризма у Браничевском округу темељеног на фолклорном наслеђу. Кроз ову област проучавања акценат је у раду стављен на традиционалну ношњу, песму и игру, архитектуру, гастрономију, односно на све оне елементе фолклора који би били специфични као туристички потенцијали и заједно са другим сегментима чинили заокружену целину и комплетан туристички производ у руралним срединама Браничева.</p><p>Браничевски округ би у настојању да повећа туристичку потрошњу и задовољство туриста требало да креира понуду са што већим бројем различитих производа и услуга и на тај начин афирмише богато фолкорно наслеђе и омогући квалитетан развој туризма у руралним срединама.</p> / <p>Braničevski okrug je specifičan po bogatstvu dveju kultura, srpske i vlaške, koje se prožimaju i na sebi svojstven način čine ovaj deo Srbije specifičnim i nadasve interesantnim. Ova kulturološka pojava pruža veliko bogatstvo koje kroz folklorno nasleđe koje treba sačuvati, negovati i na pravi način predstaviti na turističkoj mapi Srbije.</p><p>Na prostoru Braničevskog okruga tradicionalna duhovna kultura predstavljena je porodičnim i ličnim običajima Srba i Vlaha koji žive u ovom delu Srbije. Zajednički život omogućio je primetnu akulturaciju duhovne kulture, ali i očuvanje običaja kao dela identiteta sopstvene kulture. </p><p>Vlaški narod je kao etnička zajednica sa svojim interesantnim i upečatljivim kulturnim obeležjima izuzetno zanimljiv za proučavanje. O njima se relativno malo znalo i malo pisalo, možda i zbog toga što su se u novijem istorijskom periodu u značajnoj meri izjašnjavali i kao Srbi, iako su svoj jezik i običaje čuvali, a tradiciju poštovali i negovali. U mnogim segmentima su se asimilirali sa srpskim stanovništvom i prihvatili način života koje nosi savremeno doba. Međutim, oni su isto tako preneli i svoju tradiciju i verovanja na one sa kojima dele zajednički život. Tako se na ovim prostorima stvorio zanimljiv konglomerat kultura sačinjen od mnoštva interesantnih i jedinstvenih običaja.</p><p>Većina opština Braničevskog okruga se svrstava u nerazvijeni deo Srbije, pa su oduvek bile i sinonim za tajnovito područje, puno mistike. Ono što se oduvek vezivalo folklor Braničevskog okruga i Homolja, kao sastavnog dela, a što i danas privlači veliki broj ljudi u ove krajeve jeste izvesna tajnovitost koja prati kulturu naroda ovog područja. </p><p>Disertacija se bavi temom razvoja ruralnog turizma u Braničevskom okrugu temeljenog na folklornom nasleđu. Kroz ovu oblast proučavanja akcenat je u radu stavljen na tradicionalnu nošnju, pesmu i igru, arhitekturu, gastronomiju, odnosno na sve one elemente folklora koji bi bili specifični kao turistički potencijali i zajedno sa drugim segmentima činili zaokruženu celinu i kompletan turistički proizvod u ruralnim sredinama Braničeva.</p><p>Braničevski okrug bi u nastojanju da poveća turističku potrošnju i zadovoljstvo turista trebalo da kreira ponudu sa što većim brojem različitih proizvoda i usluga i na taj način afirmiše bogato folkorno nasleđe i omogući kvalitetan razvoj turizma u ruralnim sredinama.</p> / <p>The Branicevo district is specific by richness of two cultures, Serbian and Vlach, which are pervasiving and, in their own way, make this part of Serbia specific and, most of all, very interesting. This cultural phenomenon provides a great richness which should be preserved and nurtured through folklore heritage, and properly presented on the tourist map of Serbia.</p><p>In the area of Branicevo district, the traditional spiritual culture is represented by family and personal customs of the Serbs and Vlachs who live in this part of Serbia. Coexistence has provided notable acculturation of spiritual culture, but also conservation of the customs as part of identity of their own culture.</p><p>The Vlachs, as an ethnic community with its interesting and impressive cultural characteristics, are very interesting for studying. Relatively, is little known and written about them, perhaps because in the recent historical period, in the most of cases, they declared themselves as Serbs, although they preserved their language and customs, in the same time they cherished and respected their tradition. In many segments, the Vlachs assimilated with the Serbian population and accepted the way of life that carries the modern age. However, they also transferred its tradition and beliefs to those with whom they share a life together. In that way, in these areas has been created an interesting conglomeration of cultures made from a variety of interesting and unique customs.</p><p>Most of the municipalities of Branicevo district are classified as undeveloped part of Serbia; therefore, they have always been synonymous for the mysterious area, full of mysticism. The thing that always has been associating folklore of Branicevo district and Homolje as an integral part, which still attracts a large number of people in this region, is a certain mystery that follows the culture of the people of this area.</p><p>This dissertation develops the theme of the development of rural tourism in Branicevo district, based on the folklore heritage. Through this area of studying, an emphasis in dissertation is put on traditional costumes, music and dance, architecture, gastronomy, respectively on all of the elements of folklore that would be specific as tourism potential and which would make, with other segments, the complete unity and complete touristy product in the rural places of Branicevo.</p><p>In effort of increasing the consumption and satisfaction of tourists, the Branicevo district should create an offer with many different products and services. In that way, Branicevo district could affirm the rich folklore herithage and provide quality development of tourism in rural areas. </p>
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Valašský hudební folklor v hudební výchově 2. stupně základní školy / Wallachian folklore music in Music education 2nd grade Elementary SchoolKučerková, Magdalena January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses options of using Wallachian musical folklore in the education for the 2nd grade class at an elementary school. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretic information about the Wallachian region in general. It includes facts about folklore, delineation of boundaries, the origin of this region as well as typical costumes and folk architecture. The author focuses on distinctive folk songs, typical musical instruments and dances typical for the Wallachian region. The second part introduces folk collectors, important people and current folk events in this region. The research part examines the relationship and knowledge of the musical folklore and the pupils of the 2nd grade. The author uses a questionnaire method of research. After that, the practical part of this thesis offers a suggestion for Wallachian folklore to become a part of these music classes. KEYWORDS Wallachia, musical folklore, Wallachian song, Wallachian dance, music class
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Tulení kůže: interpretace islandské pohádky a jejich motivů ve vztahu k staroseverskému symbolickému rámci / The Seal Skin: An Interpretation of the Icelandic Folktale and its Motifs with regard to the Old Norse Symbolic FrameNováková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This work presents an interpretation of icelandic narrative about the Seal Skin with regard to the Old Norse symbolic frame, so the possible paralel motifs and motivic "cores" could arise, even in spite of the temporal period between the origin of our primary text and the origin of Old Norse myths and sagas. The approach of this work is based in structural theories and tools used by Claude Lévi-Strauss, where these tools help us identify the basic narrative units called mythemes: primarily they include characters, objects and settings. The basic principle of founding these mythemes in different genres and cultural contexts is the method of amplification, which is used in psychological and clinical practice of Carl Gustav Jung. The aim of this work is to grasp and comprehend the narrative and its meaning and connect the Old North mythical tradition with modern folklore of Iceland. The result is in-depth analysis of the symbolical net, in which the narrative and its mythemes are embedded. Furthemore this analysis displays the contribution and benefits of the particular interpretation levels and its usefulness for future research. Key words: seal skin, seal woman, seal, icelandic folklore, Old Norse myths
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"Pukl, hyjta ha muzika" aneb osobní vzpomínky členů chodských folklorních souborů nejen na národopisný festival Chodské slavnosti / "Pukl, hyjta ha muzika" or else personal memories of Chod Folklor group members not only on ethnographic festival Chod CelebrationsBatková, Žaneta January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this Master's thesis is to reflect personal memories of the folklore group members on ethnographic Chod festivals, which circle around the period from the fifties till the present day. As well as putting the emphasis on comparison between the memories made before and after 1989, I also focus on the component spheres of interpretation, such as topics about traveling of the Chod folklore groups before the year of 1989 or about music careers of each of the narrators. Furthermore, I observe the changes in political situations and its potential influence on Chod Festivals and its organization and the relationship of local folk groups. The primary sources of this thesis consist of interviews conducted by oral history method with former and current members of local folk groups. The text also derives from archived materials, period press and memoir literature. During the reflection on ethnographic festival the text observes not only historical and political aspect, but the musical and social aspect as well. The biggest contribution of the thesis is therefore the presentation of the topic from different points of view. Key words: Chod Festival, Folklore, bag pipers music, communism, traveling, Oral history.
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Nářeční prvky v českém hraném filmu 30. a 40. let / Dialectical elements in Czech acted cinema of the 30's and 40'sFarkaš, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Title: Dialectal elements in Czech acted cinema of the 30s and 40s Author: Petr Farkaš Department: Film Studies Department Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Ivan Klimeš Abstract: The subject of this diploma thesis is a reflection on the possible uses of spoken language in films aimed at dialect as one of the substandard forms of Czech national language. In particular, the thesis focuses on the use of Moravian dialectal elements in the language of the film characters in Czech acted cinema made in the 1930s and 1940s. It evaluates the Moravian applied dialect from the phonetic and lexical point of view and analyses its function. The aim of the thesis is an evaluation and generalization of the possible uses of dialectal elements in cinematographic work. Keywords: folklore, dialect, artwork language, stylization of spoken language, spoken language in films.
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