Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folklore"" "subject:"folkloric""
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Srovnání lidových písní českého a moravského regionu a jejich využití v hodinách hudební výchovy / A comparison of the Folk Song in the Bohemian and Moravian Region and its Application in Music ClassesDvořáková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis follows up on the bachelor's thesis called The Folk Song in the Pilsen Region as a Part of the Regional Culture. Primarily, the theoretical part of the thesis aims to compare and contrast two distinct regions, specifically the Pilsen region and the Wallachian region. It focuses on the characteristics of their folk culture including folk architecture, folk costume, folk customs and most importantly folk songs. The thesis deals both with their characteristics typical of Bohemian and Moravian regions in general and their characteristics typical of the Pilsen and the Wallachian regions. The thesis further focuses on folklore festivals, folklore ensembles and folk song collectors associated with these regions. The practical goal of the thesis is the application of Pilsen and Wallachian folk songs in Music classes at upper primary school (or in the corresponding grades of multi-year gymnasium) in the form of a play with folk songs from both regions and arousing pupils' interest in folk songs. The appendix includes pictures and photographs associated with the folklore of the Pilsen and Wallachian regions as well as examples of Wallachian folk songs that can be used as a song-book in Music classes.
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Gustav Voborník jako šéf baletu Divadla Josefa Kajetána Tyla v Plzni v letech 1968 - 1981 / Gustav Vobornik As An Artistic Director Of The Ballet Company Of Theatre Named After Josef Kajetan Tyl In Pilsen (1968-1981)Beková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
The thesis' subject is the career of Gustav Voborník, a reliable dancer and an accomplished choreographer, in the J. K. Tyl Theatre in Pilsen from 1968 till 1981. The chief part of the thesis deals with the total of nineteen ballet productions that Voborník created in the Pilsen theatre in his lifetime. A brief introduction discussing the problem of sources in this field of research is followed by a biography of Gustav Voborník, detailing his experience as a dancer and as a choreographer as well as his preparation for a production and for a work with dancers. To complement the overview of Voborník's artistic work, this part also features chapters dedicated to various ensembles that helped shape his artistic personality: the Czechoslovak State Song and Dance Ensemble and the Vít Nejedlý Army Artistic Ensemble. The final chapter before the part describing Voborník's Pilsen works as a choreographer is a short one introducing his views of the folklore, since folk dances and culture in general are the sources of many of his choreographies, while the 2nd half of the 20th century is known as an era of substantial shift in the perception and practice of folk traditions. This most extensive part of the thesis also features an overview of Gustav Voborník's cooperation with the drama ensemble, the operetta,...
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Stavba v krajině - Centrum ekologické výchovy / Architecture in landscape - Environmental Education CenterSáčková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the task was to design a building situated in South Moravia near the Nové Mlýny dam with a view of Pálava hills. The house is designed with respect to the environment as extremely efficient building. Part of the ecological concept is also water management and purification. The primary function of this object is an environmental education aimed at primary schools and its students. There are two classrooms available, both of them designed for 27 children, and a lecture hall for 66 students. There is an accommodation for 60 persons including dining room arranged in the object. Also there is room for cultural events in the area, a separate building that provides refreshment and bicycle or boat rental.
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Типови фантастике у прози Радована Белог Марковића / Tipovi fantastike u prozi Radovana Belog Markovića / Tipes of fantasticism in prose of Radovan Beli MarkovićIlić Slađana 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Проза Радована Белог Марковића није фантастична у<br />целини, већ садржи елементе фантастике. Типови<br />фантастике у њој су разноврсни. Типологија фантастике<br />у прози овога писца изведена је из његовог дела<br />индуктивном методом и унеколико се заснива на даљој<br />и ближој литерарној традицији, али и на закључцима до<br />којих смо дошли и на основу којих су изведени и други<br />типови фантастике у делу овога писца.<br />Типологија фантастике у прози Радована Белог<br />Марковића<br />Ф А Н Т А С Т И К А<br />ЛИРСКА, ЈЕЗИЧКА,<br />ДЕЛИРИЧНА<br />са елементима ониричког,<br />са елементима ониричког и сакралног<br />Демитологизована<br />Митолошка и фолклорна<br />Десакрализована<br />Приповедног простора и времена<br />Двојника<br />Меланхолије и досаде<br />Предмета<br />Природе<br />Смрти<br />Мнимих бића<br />Jединственост Радована Белог Марковића у савременој<br />српској књижевности огледа се у начину<br />структурирања дела, његовим формалним одликама,<br />као и у бројним и разноврсним начинима<br />мистификације приповеданог, у лиризацији прозног<br />текста и барокности језика, што су углавном и његови<br />највећи доприноси књижевности којој припада.</p> / <p>Proza Radovana Belog Markovića nije fantastična u<br />celini, već sadrži elemente fantastike. Tipovi<br />fantastike u njoj su raznovrsni. Tipologija fantastike<br />u prozi ovoga pisca izvedena je iz njegovog dela<br />induktivnom metodom i unekoliko se zasniva na daljoj<br />i bližoj literarnoj tradiciji, ali i na zaključcima do<br />kojih smo došli i na osnovu kojih su izvedeni i drugi<br />tipovi fantastike u delu ovoga pisca.<br />Tipologija fantastike u prozi Radovana Belog<br />Markovića<br />F A N T A S T I K A<br />LIRSKA, JEZIČKA,<br />DELIRIČNA<br />sa elementima oniričkog,<br />sa elementima oniričkog i sakralnog<br />Demitologizovana<br />Mitološka i folklorna<br />Desakralizovana<br />Pripovednog prostora i vremena<br />Dvojnika<br />Melanholije i dosade<br />Predmeta<br />Prirode<br />Smrti<br />Mnimih bića<br />Jedinstvenost Radovana Belog Markovića u savremenoj<br />srpskoj književnosti ogleda se u načinu<br />strukturiranja dela, njegovim formalnim odlikama,<br />kao i u brojnim i raznovrsnim načinima<br />mistifikacije pripovedanog, u lirizaciji proznog<br />teksta i baroknosti jezika, što su uglavnom i njegovi<br />najveći doprinosi književnosti kojoj pripada.</p> / <p>Тhe prose of Radovan Beli Marković is not fantastic as a<br />whole, but contains elements of fiction. Tipes of<br />fantasticism in it are diverse. The typology of fantasticism<br />in prose of this writer is derived from his work using the<br />inductive method. This typology is based on a distant and<br />recent literary tradition, but also on conclusions reached<br />by the author of this dissertation, on the basis of which<br />other types of fiction were derived in the writing of this<br />author.<br />Typology of Fantasticism in prose of Radovan Beli<br />Marković<br />F А N Т А S Т I C I S M<br />Lyric, linguistic<br />Delirious<br />- with elements of oneiric<br />- with elements of oneiric and sacred<br />Demythologized<br />Mythological and folklore<br />Desanctified<br />Narrative space and time counterpart<br />Melancholy and boredom<br />Objects<br />Nature<br />Death<br />Imaginary creatures<br />The uniqueness of Radovan Beli Markovic's writing in<br />contemporary Serbian literature is reflected in the way of<br />structuring his writing, its formal qualities, as well as in<br />numerous and diverse ways of mystification of the<br />narration, in making his prose lyrical and language<br />baroque, representing mainly his greatest contribution to<br />literature where he belongs.</p>
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Lužickosrbské motivy ve vybraných umělých pohádkách současné literatury / Motifs of Sorbian Lusatia in contemporary literature focusing on the genre of modern fairy-taleValášková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
TITLE Motifs of Sorbian Lusatia in contemporary literature focusing on the genre of modern fairy-tale AUTHOR Bc. Tereza Valášková DEPARTMENT Department of German Studies SUPERVISOR PhDr. Tamara Bučková, Ph.D ABSTRACT This master thesis deals with the motifs of Sorbian Lusatia in the selected modern fairy-tales in contemporary children's and young adult literature. The problem is explained on the basis of fifteen books by eight Sorbian writers and one German writer. The motifs of Sorbian Lusatia are sought in the Sorbian cultural history, mythology and folklore. This master thesis wants to prove, if motifs of Sorbian Lusatia are used in contemporary children's and young adult literature of the selected authors in the genre of modern fairy-tale. It demonstrates that the issues associated with the culture of this West Slavic minority are in contemporary, especially in Sorbian, but also German literature, a popular source of multicultural enrichment in Europe, which is threatened by monoculture. The methods include especially motif analysis, verification or falsification of the hypothesis, then interpretation and comparison. The work is constructed deductively and it focuses on the description of the issue. It was found that in the selected modern fairy-tales these following motifs occur: history of the Sorbian...
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Vybrané aspekty sémantiky barev v lidové slovesnosti sebrané v 19. století / Selected Aspects of Colour Semantics in Folk Texts Collected in the 19th CenturyNováková Tomášková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the subject of semantics of colours in the Czech folk texts using theoretical and methodological framework of culturally oriented and cognitive approaches to language. In order to contribute to the research of the colour domain in linguistic picture of the world in Czech, semantic structure of colour concepts is examined using qualitative analysis of the occurrences excerpted from the corpora of the selected compilations of folk songs of the 19th century. The topic of radiance and visual salience of colours and their manifestations in the source material is discussed as well. Furthermore, the thesis examines if conclusions concerning the usage of colour terms in folk texts drawn by the studies based on the folklore of other Slavic languages can be applicable to the Czech material.
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Ambivalence identity: kulturní tradice jako téma v současném českém a slovenském umění / Ambivalence of Identity: Cultural Traditions As a Theme in Contemporary Czech and Slovak ArtMaixner, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of a new presence of references to traditional folk culture in contemporary Czech and Slovak art. Emphasis is placed on the period from the year 2000 to the present. The core of the work consists of chapters devoted to artists who in this period significantly thematized various aspects of traditional folk culture, either as a partial element of specific projects or in the form of continuous interest in the field. The essence of this part is to show the breadth and heterogeneity of the examined manifestations across the media spectrum. The main purpose of the work is to analyze and place the researched phenomena in a relevant context within the theory and history of art. The reason is their different nature from thematically similar manifestations in the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, when compared with current trends abroad, a number of connections are shown, such as links to environmental issues, criticism of the state of society and, above all, to new issues related to personal and collective identification. Therefore, I base the analysis of these phenomena on a hybrid interdisciplinary basis using theoretical approaches to identity in the social sciences and humanities. I do so in the introductory theoretical chapters, but the main focus is on the final analytical synthesis. To a large extent, it also builds on data obtained from interviews with artists, the transcripts of which the reader will find in the appendix. Finally, the documentation of curatorial projects and exhibitions realized as a practical part of the dissertation project is attached.
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SLOVÁCKÁ SONDA. Vyjednávání lokální identity alternativních kapel na Moravském Slovácku. / SLOVAKIAN PROBE. Negotiation of local identity of alternative bands in Moravian Slovácko.Svobodová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this musical anthropology qualitative research, mainly based on the field work, is to describe, analyze and interpret the process of construction of local identity of an alternative bands in Moravian Slovácko. The subject of this research are mainly two music bands from Slovácko - PSCrew and 12:PIET. PSCrew band represents hip-hop style and 12:PIET ranks among punk style bands. The musical production of these bands is defined (using an emic term) as an alternative folklore. With a use of theoretical concepts of stereotype and partially also retro and revival, I tried to demonstrate how these alternative musicians with an emphasis to their authenticity by the means of their musical spheres (so called soundscapes) pursue their notion of what is considered to be related to Slovácko and how the negotiation of their local identity is involved. For that the locally defined stereotypes are often used. These are typically recontextualized by its adaptation into the form that reflects the postmodern period.
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Griko: kulturně-lingvistická analýza přežívajícího salentského dialektu na pomezí řecké a italské identity / Griko: cultural-linguistic analysis of the surviving Salentian dialect on the verge of Greek and Italian identityTurturro, Stasia-Luisa January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis will focus on the Griko dialect, which is still spoken in some areas of Apulia and which is characterized by its ambiguity between the Greek and Italian language. It thus bears the remnants of Greek culture in southern Italy. The diploma thesis will consist of a theoretical and practical part: In the first part, the cultural-historical reality that defines the dialect will be described. This will be followed by a practical analysis of selected texts, their subsequent description and analysis by a comparative method. Lastly, the work will deal with the current socio-cultural situation of the dialect and its use. Key words: griko, Southern Italy, Salento, Apulia, Greece, language, dialect, culture, text analysis, national traditions, identity, Greek, Italian, prestige, origin
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Kolektivní paměť Dejvic, Bubenče, Lysolaje, Šárky a Suchdola mezi druhou světovou válkou a gentrifikací / Collective memory of Dejvice, Bubeneč, Lysolaje, Šárka and Suchdol betwen Second World War and gentrificationZmeškal, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
(in English): Master thesis examines specific aspects of collective memory of parts of Prague 6, especially districts Dejvice, Bubeneč, Lysolaje, Šárka and Suchdol. These former municipalities are at Prague's outskirts and their marginalization supported some specific local narratives: legends and rumours. In this area gentrification went through since the beginning 21th century and is coming to an end. Gentrification to certain extend ends the social life of narratives, which originated in the 1950s. Master theses researched, how the narratives changed, for instance ones about former malting plant or brick factories. Another researched aspect is continual change of spatial appropriations of this part of Prague and its territorialisation within the framework of local culture: in the local memory there are partially deposited memories of local youth gang fights, which divided territories in Dejvice and Bubeneč at the late 1950s and early 1960s. During the field research the legend about "Roklák" was collected in Podbaba. The research also captured the change of usage of former locations of industrial plants and the continual process of their gentrification.
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