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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etisk fondinvestering : En undersökning hur påverkansfaktorer skiljer sig åt inom socio-demografiska grupper

Isaksson, Andreas, Damfeldt, Jasmine, Samuelsson, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding for how risk, return and ethicalaspects affect the decision to invest in an ethical fund. Specifically is the aim of the thesis todevelop a perception if socio-demographical differences regarding gender, age and education canexplain the propensity to invest in ethical funds. Method: A survey consisting of 90 respondents. Conclusion: The thesis finding show support for the claim that women see the ethical aspect inrelation to the return for investment in an ethical fund as more important than men do. This canfurther explain the propensity for women to invest more in ethical funds than men. The thesisdoesn’t find any support for the claim that women and men, younger and older value low risk, forthe decision to invest in an ethical fund, differently. This goes against previous research within thefield of mutual fund and indicates that the investment behavior between ethical funds and regularfunds differ. The thesis did not find any support for the claim that higher educated people see theethical aspect in relation to the return as more important than people with lower education. / Syfte: Studien syfte är att utveckla en förståelse för hur risk, avkastning och etiskt inslag påverkarvid beslutet som leder till investering i en etisk fond. Specifikt syftar uppsatsen till att utvecklauppfattning kring om socio-demografiska skillnader avseende kön, ålder och utbildning, finns somförklaring i benägenheten att investera i etiska fonder. Metod: Vi har gjort enkätundersökningar på 90 respondenter Slutsats: Uppsatsen finner stöd för att kvinnor ser den etiska aspekten i relation till avkastningenvid investering i en etisk fond som viktigare än vad män gör. Detta kan förklara varför kvinnorockså är mer benägna än män att investera i en etisk fond. Uppsatsen finner inget stöd för attkvinnor och män, yngre och äldre värderar låg risk vid investering i en etisk fond olika. Dettamotsäger tidigare forskning inom investeringsbeteende för fonder generellt sett vilket indikerar attinvesteringsbeteende för vanliga fonder och etiska fonder skiljer sig åt. Uppsatsen finner helleringet stöd för att högre utbildade ser den etiska aspekten som viktigare än avkastning vidinvestering i en etisk fond.

Ansvarsfulla investeringar : En studie om hur ansvarstagande integreras i miljö- och etikmärkta fonder

Tibbelin, Isabelle, Lawless, Leona January 2017 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har vuxit fram som resultat av en ökad medvetenhet för etik- och miljöfrågor i samhället. I takt med denna utveckling har ansvarsfulla investeringar blivit ett självklart inslag i nästan all fondförvaltning. Fondbolag bestämmer själva vilka placeringskriterier som investeringar måste uppfylla för att ingå i deras etiska och hållbara fonder. Detta skapar förvirrande förutsättningar för privatspararen som vill investera ansvarsfullt. Denna studie har utifrån en kartläggning av Premiepensionens miljö- och etikmärkta fonder studerat hur investeringsstrategier ser ut hos dessa fonder och varför, samt vilka kriterier som måste uppfyllas. Detta har kompletterats med intervjuer med representanter från fem olika institutioner som verkar på fondmarknaden. Det teoretiska ramverket för denna studie utgörs av en analysmodell av tre olika investeringsstrategier; negativ screening, positiv screening samt aktiv påverkan. Utöver detta används även legitimitetsteorin; teorin om att företag agerar för att erhålla ett slags erkännande från sina intressenter. Resultatet visar att negativ screening förekommer i störst utsträckning, följt av aktiv påverkan och sist positiv screening. Trots att negativ screening kritiseras av de som är väl insatta i branschen för att vara kontraproduktiv är den ändå mest populär. Avgörande kriterier varierar mellan strategier, men miljö- och socialt ansvar utmärker sig som viktiga bedömningsgrunder. Detta antas vara ett resultat av de ökade kraven som ställs från omvärlden. Resultatet visar att fondbolag är benägna att välja den strategi som utlovar mest legitimitet samt är mest kostnadseffektiv.

Financování příspěvkových organizací na konkrétním případu - Národní památkový ústav v Brně / Finance of non-profit organizations National heritage fund

Zvolánková, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work consists of two parts. Teoretical parts is based on characteristic of non-profit organizations, their specific finance and budgeting, their system of accounting and problematics of funds creation and usage.

Účetnictví investičních společností a fondů / Accounting of Investment Companies and Funds

Mareš, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to summarize the development of the legislative framework of investment companies and funds in the Czech Republic from the beginning of privatization until the present. Make the reader familiar with the financial accounting and reporting of investment companies and funds, not only with the Czech legislature but also with two main world concepts-IFRS/IAS and US GAAP. Analyse possibilities of the future development of these concepts in the field of financial reporting of investment companies and funds with presumption of its continuous convergence.

Dopady zavedení bankovních regulací na bankovní trh v České republice

Havlíčková, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis evaluates the impact of the regulatory measures implementa-tion in the banking sector which were adopted at European Union level on the Czech banking market. Attention is paid to the introduction of risk-weighted con-tributions to funds within the Czech Guarantee System, the Deposit Insurance Fund a Resolution Fund. The diploma thesis answers the research question whether the implemented regulatory measures have a uniform impact on the in-stitutions operating in the banking market.

Analýza vybraných fondů kolektivního investování v ČR / Analysis of selected investment funds in the Czech republic

Heršálek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The Master thesis "Analysis of selected investment funds in the Czech republic" deals with collective investments with focus on mutual funds. The first part is dedicated to definition of the term collective investments, its history and general characteristics of mutual funds. The middle part is dedicated at firts to the czech market of collective investment and the analysis of this market. The last part focuses on comparison of the performance of selected funds and its characteristics.

Daňové aspekty svěřenského fondu / Taxation of Trust Fund

Karas, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
The Trust Fund is for the Czech law a completely new institution, therefore its deeper legal examination and interpretation of its individual provisions is just at the beginning. It is generally regulated by the Act no. 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code, as amended. The essence of the Trust Fund lies in the fact that the Settlor separates a specified part of his property and entrusts it to some purpose. This creates a separated property, to which has the original owner (the Settlor) no ownership rights. Management of this separated property performs the Trustee. However, he has no ownership of this property. Property in the Trust Fund does not belong to anyone, but the Trustee can dispose of it. The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively summarize and analyze the taxation of the Trust Fund according to the regulation applicable in 2014 and also after its revision in January 2015. The thesis identifies the problems and uncertainties in taxation of Trust Fund. It explains how these problems were solved by the revision of the Tax Law and in case of persisting uncertainties proposes solutions de lege ferenda. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with the institution of Trust Fund. There is explained its essence, function and obligatory requirements. The second, main part of this thesis...

Svěřenské fondy / The Trust Funds

Hollmann, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Summary: I chose the topic of my master's thesis considering the recency of the subject according to the recodification of private law. Legal institute of trust has been in Czech lands since 19th century and nowadays it experiences it's controversial return. Although the recent legal form of trust is defended by authors of the new Civil Code, experts criticise it roughly and there are ongoing negotiations about abrogation of the legal institute or about its amendment. This thesis is composed of ten thematic chapters. After the introduction I explain the origin of the legal institute of trust in Roman law, specifically in the form of fideikomis and its development. As the legal form results from The Civil Code of Québec highly influenced by the legal institute of trust, I focus on the legal institute of trust in common-law countries in the third chapter. I also dedicate one chapter to The Civil Code of Québec, as it was the main source of inspiration for Czech legislators. For a period of absence of the legal regulation of the trust in Czech law, according to the Hague Convention it was possible to create foreign trusts on the territory of the Czech Republic. For that reason I discuss the legal regulation of trusts abroad in chapter five. Sixth and seventh chapter is dedicated to the regulation of trust in...

Kolektivní investování a jeho právní úprava / Collective investment and its legal regulation

Schwarz, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
5252 Abstract Collective investment and its legal regulation In the Czech Republic the collective investment has experienced a huge expansion in the last decade which was caused among others by renewing the trust in legal regulation which ensures the safety of investment to the investors. Because the topic is relatively difficult and undoubtedly interesting I chose it as a topic of my diploma thesis. This paper is divided into chapters and subchapters containing particular topics regarding the collective investment legislation but to maintain the overall logical structure of the issue. Before starting to write the diploma thesis I discussed the biggest problems of a practical application of the collective investment legal regulation with practising lawyers as this view from the academic preparation was missing. I found out from this short survey the most common problems connected with the collective investment legal regulation which I discussed in this diploma thesis. These include in particular the definition of public offering under the Collective Investment Act, the possibility to offer the services of closed-end foreign funds in the Czech Republic and the recently introduced legislation regarding standard and alternative funds. For this reason I researched the available literature including papers in...

Srovnání odvětví kolektivního investování ve vybraných zemích / Collective Investment in Comparative Context

Štaňko, Andrej January 2010 (has links)
Collective investment is significantly influenced by international companies. Importance and reasons why to use international structures are discussed in the diploma thesis. Basics of legal regulation of the collective investment in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are in parallel described in the text. Impact is also given to the European regulation and its mirroring in the national laws. The diploma thesis describes the legal regulation of the complete list of the funds which can be used in the mentioned countries, including special funds. Moreover historical consequences and present situation on the collective investment market are discussed.

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