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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytointi:aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi kuntasektorin toimintatavoista ja prosesseista

Sakko, S. (Susanna) 22 September 2015 (has links)
Abstract The present study concerns the recruitment of foreign workforce in municipalities and private enterprises which provide local services. We scrutinize in which professions the workforce is required in the future. This research also focuses on ways how the employer can hire the best suitable foreign employees in the organization. As the final step the aim is to develop a model for recruitment of foreign workforce. This topic is currently interesting because of the increase of the share of older population and the decrease of available workforce in Finland in the near future. It is estimated that for example there will be 185 000-210 000 new jobs available in social and health care sectors during 2005-2020. The purpose of this dissertation is to increase the knowledge regarding the recruitment of foreign workforce in the municipality sector. The research was carried out using questionnaires for ten different organizations in Northern Ostrobothnia. These are Pudasjärvi, Kempele, Liminka, Muhos, Hailuoto, Sievi, Lumijoki and Tyrnävä municipalities, Mäntykoti ry in Oulu and the Family home Ojantakanen in Pulkkila. The main research question of this dissertation is: How the recruitment of foreign workforce can be carried out in the municipality sector? The theoretical background of the analysis is based on international human resource management and multicultural literature, knowledge about the quantities of foreigners, and demographic prognosis of population statistics. Methodologically the study is a qualitative study. The research method is content analysis based on research data. The data were collected during 2011-2013 using three questionnaires to municipality and business managers. According to the results of this research the organizations need further information on how to organize the recruitment of foreign workforce the best way. There is need for the recruitment of foreign workforce in the Northern Ostrobotnia, but there are no strategies of how to carry out work-based immigration, or the strategies are inadequate. The personnel and the managers need further education to learn how to meet and orientate foreign employees. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus käsittelee ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytointia kuntiin ja kunnallisia palveluja tuottaviin yksityisiin yrityksiin. Työssä selvitetään, mille aloille työvoimaa tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan ja millä keinoilla työnantaja voi palkata sopivimmat ulkomaiset työntekijät organisaatioonsa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on tavoitteena kehittää ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytointimalli. Aihe on ajankohtainen, sillä väestön ikääntyminen ja työvoiman tarjonnan väheneminen vaikuttavat lähivuosina Suomen työvoiman määrään. On arvioitu, että muun muassa sosiaali- ja terveyssektorilla avautuu 185 000–210 000 työpaikkaa vuosina 2005–2020. Väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoa ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytoinnista kuntasektorilla. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Pohjois-Pohjanmaalta kymmenestä eri organisaatiosta. Nämä ovat Pudasjärven, Kempeleen, Lumijoen, Limingan, Muhoksen, Hailuodon, Tyrnävän ja Sievin kunnat, Oulun Seudun Mäntykoti ry ja Ojantakasen perhekoti Pulkkilassa. Väitöskirjan keskeinen tutkimuskysymys on: Miten ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytointi voidaan toteuttaa kuntasektorilla? Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta perustuu kansainvälisen henkilöstöjohtamisen sekä monikulttuurisuuden kirjallisuuteen ja väestötilastoihin liittyviin demografisiin ennusteisiin. Tutkimusote on laadullinen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin vuosina 2011–2013 kolmella kunta- ja yritysjohtajille suunnatulla kyselyllä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan organisaatiot tarvitsevat lisätietoa siitä, mikä on paras tapa toteuttaa ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytointi. Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla on tarvetta ulkomaisen työvoiman rekrytoinnille, mutta suunnitelmia työperäisen maahanmuuton toteuttamiseksi ei ole tai ne ovat puutteellisia. Henkilöstö ja esimiehet tarvitsevat koulutusta ulkomaalaisten työntekijöiden kohtaamiseen ja perehdyttämiseen.

Immigration comparée dans un contexte de globalisation / Immigration compared in a context of globalisation

Viandaz, Magali-Lina 08 September 2010 (has links)
A travers la comparaison des politiques migratoires de travail en France et en Suisse, il s'agit de savoir de quelle manière ces deux pays arrivent-ils à un compromis entre un libéralisme tendant à davantage d'échange et un système de droit visant à réduire cette ouverture ? Cette étude comparative porte sur les politiques d'immigration en France et en Suisse depuis la Seconde Guerre Mondiale jusqu'aux dernières lois. En repartant des raisons d'émigration des travailleurs migrants, il s'agit de s'intéresser au traitement de l'immigration et de la main-d'œuvre étrangère par les sociétés d'accueil à travers les permis de travail, les cartes de séjour et de façon plus générale "la catégorisation" des étrangers. L'évolution des caractéristiques des travailleurs migrants est également analysée afin de distinguer les différentes "générations" de travailleurs venus, ainsi que leurs insertions dans le monde du travail. La question de l'intégration est posée grâce à un certain nombre d'indicateurs concernant les travailleurs et leurs familles : la scolarisation des enfants, le logement, les droits sociaux et civiques; mais également à travers l'analyse de l'Etat-Nation. Enfin, l'impact de la communautarisation des politiques migratoires est développé afin d'exposer les possibilités pour chaque pays de définir les personnes autorisées à venir sur leurs territoires dans un contexte de globalisation, en fonction de leurs besoins respectifs. / By comparing the labour migration policies in France and Switzerland, the question is how these two countries arrive at a compromise between a liberalism towards more exchange and a legal system aiming at reducing this opening. This comparative study covers the immigration policies in France and Switzerland since World War II up to the latest laws. By starting with the reasons for emigration of migrant workers we must interest ourselves in the dealings with immigration of foreign labour in the host societies through the work permit, resident permit and more generally speaking the "categorisation" of foreigners. The evolution of the characteristics of the migrant workers is also analysed in order to distinguish bettween the different "generations" of migrant workers as well as their integration into the world of work. The issue of integration is treated through a certain number of indicators regarding the workers ans their families : schooling of children, accomodation, social and civic rights; but also through the analysis of the Host Country. Finally, the impact of the communitarisation of the migratory policies is developed in order to display the possibilities for each country to define the persons authorised to enter their territories in a context of globalisation, according to their respective needs.

外籍勞動力在臺縣市分布的影響因素探討 ─長期追蹤資料分析法 / The Study on the Factors Influencing the Foreign Workforce in Taiwan among cities and counties ─Panel Data Analysis

謝沛穎 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣隨著戰後嬰兒潮步入高齡,加上生育率為世界最低國家之一,刻正面臨嚴重的少子化及高齡化問題,除提升生育率、減少本國勞動力外流、並爭取海外留學生、僑民回國就業外,補充外籍勞動力,以減緩工作世代壓力,實為我國的當務之急。 為了解外國勞動力在臺工作縣市分布的影響因素,不同於以往的研究,本文從縣市別角度出發,採用2006年至2015年臺灣21個縣市的追蹤調查資料,以外籍專業人員、外籍勞工、全部外籍勞動力為被解釋變數建立3個模型,並分別以最小平方法、固定效果模型以及隨機效果模型進行迴歸分析,結果顯示,影響外國專業人才來臺工作縣市分布之重要因素為產業因素與教育資源因素,而失業率、產業因素以及教育資源因素則為外籍勞工與全部外籍勞動力的重要影響因素。 / Taiwan, with the post-war baby boom turning into the elderly boom by time, coupled with being one of the lowest birth rate in the world, is currently facing serious population aging problems. In order to deal with this situation, Taiwan government needs to encourage fertility, reduce domestic workforce outflows, and attract overseas students and nationals to return home. In addition, it is also urgent to recruit foreign workforce to ease the pressure of domestic working generation. Different from the previous studies, this study attempted to understand the influencing factors of foreign workforce’s distribution in Taiwan by adopting a new perspective of observing each city and county respectively. This study used the data of 21 cities and counties in Taiwan from year 2006 to 2015, choosing the data of foreign workforce, foreign professionals and foreign labors as the dependent variables. Afterwards, the OLS model, the fixed effect model and the random effect model were conducted to estimate those variables separately. The results indicated that the industrial factors and educational resources factors were the main important factors influencing the distribution of foreign professionals in Taiwan, while the unemployment rate, industrial factors and educational resources factors were the important factors influencing the distribution of foreign labors and all the foreign workforce.

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