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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resilience and mental health in parents of children surviving Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Le, Thien Thanh January 2011 (has links)
Our main findings in the present study are that parents of children surviving leukaemia have in general an average level of resilience. Regarding mental health, fathers show more mental health symptoms. Fathers struggle with depression and anxiety, while mothers show no such symptoms. Despite showing symptoms for depression and anxiety, fathers are still capable of being structured and having social competence in the daily life. The same goes for mothers who manage future planning well. As a result, the first hypothesis which stated that parents of ALL children had weaker resilience, as well as the second hypothesis about the relationship between high resilience and good mental health can be rejected. The course of childhood cancer is not predictable for either children or parents. Some children respond rapidly to treatment, and have a relatively smooth course, while others go through a tough time and experience more difficulties. Parents’ physical and mental health also fluctuates during the active cancer period. The child and the parents affect each other by their adaption and coping style. Besides researchers and health care professionals, other parents and family members in the same situation, will also gain from new knowledge about protective factors and other factors that might lead to or strengthening ones’ resiliency and mental.

Hvordan oppdager og formidler helsesøstrene et godt samspill mellom foreldre og barn ialderen 0-3 år? / How do health visitors discover and affect a happyinterplay between parents and children in the ageof 0-3 years?

Ulland, Erna January 2005 (has links)
Hensikten med denne studien er å få innsikt i hvordan helsesøstrene oppdager og formidler et godt samspill mellom foreldre og barn i alderen 0-3 år. Dessuten er det et mål å få kjennskap til helsesøstrers interesse, kompetanse og muligheter for å gå inn i vanskelige situasjoner i arbeid med foreldre-barn-relasjon. Det kvalitative forskningsintervju er valgt for å samle inn data og det ble gjennomført ti intervjuer av helsesøstrer som representerer fire forskjellige kommuner, og fra åtte forskjellige helsestasjoner i Norge. Alle informanter unntatt en har tatt sin helsesøsterutdanning for mer enn ti år siden. Etter at de tok utdanningen har de stort sett arbeidet som helsesøstrer. Metoden for å analysere datamaterialet er innholdsanalyse i kombinasjon med Kvales tre tolkningsnivåer. Funnene i studien viser at foreldre-barn-samhandling påvirker tilknytningens kvalitet. Barn som opplever en god tilknytning til sine nære omsorgspersoner utvikler en god modell for relasjoner til andre mennesker. God tilknytning betraktes som en viktig faktor for den sosiale, emosjonelle og kognitive utvikling. Samfunnet har i løpet av de ti siste årene vært gjennom store forandringer. Disse forandringene har også påvirket familiemønstrene.Helsetjenesten må i større grad tilpasse seg de nye helsekrav. En konklusjon i studien sier at helsesøstrer kan være viktige omsorgspersoner i situasjoner hvor det er en emosjonell brist i tilknytningen mellom foreldre og barn. Trass i dette viser studiens funn at dette arbeidet lett blir underprioritert p.g.a. alle andre krav og gjøremål som må utføres i løpet av en arbeidsdag. Det er derfor mye som tyder på at denne oppgaven for helsesøstrer med fordel kan styrkes. / The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of how health visitors discover and affect a happyinterplay between parents and children in the age of 0-3 years. Besides, its goal is also to get insight into health visitors' interest, competence, and possibilities to enter into difficult situations in their work with parent-child-interaction. The qualitative research interview is chosen to collect data. Interviews were undertaken with ten health visitors, who worked in eight different health stations, fromfour different urban districts in Norway. All informants, but one, finished their healthvisitor education for tenyears ago. They have mainly worked as health visitors since they finished their education. The method used to analyze the collected data is content analysis combined with Steinar Kvale’s three levels of interpretation. The study shows that the parent-child-interaction affects the quality of attachment of the latter to the former. The children, who are experiencing a good attachment to the caregivers, care providers close to them, develop a good rolemodel in relations towards other people. A good attachment is considered important to the child’s social, emotional and cognitive development. Norwegian societyhas during the last ten years been through many great changes. These changes have also influenced family patterns. Health services have to adjust in a larger scale to these new demands for health care. One conclusion of the study is that health visitors can be important caregivers in situations, in which there is an emotional flaw in the attachment between parents and children. Another conclusion drawn from the study is that the health visitors’ task or felt duty to improve the child-mother attachment is easily put aside, due to plenty of other duties that have to be done byhealth visitors during a days work. There is however sufficient reason to believe that this particular task for health visitors should be strengthened, since as researches show, a good child-mother attachment plays a fundamental role in the child development. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-103-2</p>

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