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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychologické profilování pachatele / Psychological profiling of an offender

Münzová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
Criminal profiling Abstract The purpose of my thesis is to analyse criminal profiling, one of the disciplines of forensic psychology used by law enforcement authorities in their effort to capture offender of a crime. The reason for my research is my interest in the criminal law in general, mainly in the psychological aspects of work of law enforcement authorities with individual offenders. The thesis is composed of three chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of criminal profiling. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology of criminal profiling and the essence of criminal profiling in general. The chapter is subdivided into five parts, which deals with the term of criminal profiling, its development, particular delicts suitable for profiling, the manner of creating a profile and its efficiency in the criminal proceedings in Czech Republic. Chapter Two examines the best known approaches to criminal profiling, its methods and typology. The chapter consists of five parts. Part One focuses on the different approaches to criminal profiling. Part Two investigates the deductive and inductive methods of criminal profiling. Part Three addresses the issue of the best known computer databases used in criminal profiling, ViCLAS and VICAP. Part Four focuses on geographic profiling, a...

A atuação do psicólogo junto às Varas de Família: reflexões a partir de uma experiência / The work of the psychologist with the family courts: reflections from an experience

Melo-Santos, Pollyana Cristiane de 05 July 2013 (has links)
Nesta dissertação buscou-se refletir sobre a atuação do psicólogo junto às Varas de Família, a partir da experiência e da perspectiva de profissionais que participaram da implantação de um Serviço de Psicologia em um fórum. Teve como objetivo ainda descrever o processo de implantação desse Serviço, conhecer as temáticas dos casos encaminhados e identificar possibilidades de atuação do psicólogo junto às Varas de Família. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa através de um estudo de caso. As observações, análise documental, conversas informais e entrevistas foram os procedimentos utilizados na construção dos dados para análise, para a qual foi utilizado o referencial da Teoria Crítica da Sociedade. Os dados foram organizados a partir de três temas mais recorrentes, sendo eles a construção do espaço, as possibilidades de atuação e a adaptação ao meio. A análise apresenta as contradições em meio às quais se dá a atuação do psicólogo junto às Varas de Família, dentre as quais se destaca aquela relacionada às finalidades humanas e às finalidades jurídicas da atuação do psicólogo. Para o Direito, os conflitos de família ganham sentido no processo judicial, e este passa a ser o objeto do Direito. Para a Psicologia, os conflitos ganham sentido nas relações entre os indivíduos, e o processo judicial consiste em um meio pelo qual a lide se manifesta, sendo os fins da atuação pautados no cuidado com as pessoas, voltados para as finalidades humanas. Na análise da construção do espaço, remeteu-se a aspectos como a naturalização da desigualdade presente na instituição judiciária entre os magistrados e demais servidores. A implantação do Serviço de Psicologia é percebida pelos próprios profissionais como um improviso. A construção do espaço vai além do ambiente físico, diz respeito também à construção de um lugar para a Psicologia no fórum, nas relações que se estabelecem, no trabalho a ser realizado. Quanto às possibilidades de atuação, identificou-se que no Serviço de Psicologia, campo desta pesquisa, a atuação dos profissionais de psicologia junto às Varas de Família está restrita à demanda de avaliação psicológica determinada pelos juízes. Intervenções são realizadas em alguns casos, a fim de auxiliar as famílias, à medida que não interfiram no processo de avaliação que resulta em um laudo psicológico. Levanta-se a hipótese de que existe um sentimento de ameaça reprimido frente à realização de uma atuação que não apresente finalidades jurídicas. Ainda que haja consciência sobre a importância de pensar outras formas de atuação, a necessidade de ajustamento leva à submersão da consciência crítica e à adaptação. Esta dissertação contribui para uma possível análise crítica dessa atuação / This dissertation aimed to reflect on the psychologists role at family courts, based on the experience and the perspective of professionals who participated in the implementation of a Psychology Service in a court. It also had the purpose of outlining the process of implementation of this service, to get acquainted with the topics of court cases and to identify opportunities for psychologists at family courts. For the development of this research, a qualitative methodology was used through a case study. The observations, document examination, informal conversations and interviews were the procedures conducted to make up data for analysis, which was grounded on the Critical Theory of Society. Data were organized from the three most recurrent topics, namely the construction of space, the possibilities of intervention and the adaptation to the environment. Data analysis shows the contradictions amidst which the psychologist stands at family courts. Among them it should be highlighted the ones related to human ends and the purposes of the psychologists legal work. Under the law, family conflicts make sense in the judicial process and this becomes the object of law. For Psychology, conflicts make sense in the relationship between individuals, and the judicial process is a means by which the confrontation is expressed. Psychologists interventions aim at human care leading to human ends. The analysis of the construction of space, revealed some issues such as the naturalization of inequality of magistrates and other officers in a judicial institution. The establishment of the Psychology Service is perceived by the professionals themselves as an improvisation. The construction of the space goes beyond the physical environment, also involving the constitution of a locus for Psychology in the court, in the relationships that are established, and in the work accomplished. As for the possibilities of intervention, we found out that within the Psychology Service, which is this research field, the role of professional psychologist at family courts is restricted to the requirements for psychological assessment determined by judges. Interventions are performed in some cases to assist families, provided they do not interfere in the evaluation process which leads to a psychological assessment report. It is possible to hypothesize that there could be a sense of repressed threat facing the achievement of interventions that do not express legal purposes. Although there is an awareness of the importance of considering other ways of intervention, the need for adjustment leads to the restraint of critical awareness and to adaptation. This dissertation contributes to a possible critical analysis of this intervention

Um estudo psicanalítico sobre adoção e devolução de crianças: a preparação dos pretendentes, a fase de aproximação e o acompanhamento do estágio de convivência / A psychoanalytical study about adoption and devolution children: Preparation of prospective adoptive parents, approach phase, and oversight of cohabitation phase

Carvalho, Flávia Almeida de 04 July 2017 (has links)
Tornar-se pai e/ou mãe pela via da adoção requer atravessar tanto por processo jurídico quanto psíquico. Pretendentes e crianças são submetidos a cada um desses percursos, que contém características específicas em seus desenvolvimentos. No âmbito jurídico é necessário passar por uma sequência de trâmites legais até que se concretize a adoção com a emissão da nova certidão de nascimento. Um complexo trabalho psíquico precisa ser realizado para se construir a parentalidade e a filialidade adotivas. O entrelaçamento dos aspectos envolvidos nessas delicadas mudanças pode gerar conflitos que acabam por levar à devolução. Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo geral identificar quais os fatores presentes na fase de aproximação e no período de convivência, do processo de adoção, que podem estar relacionados aos casos de devolução de crianças. Tendo como base uma metodologia clínico-qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com seis psicólogas da equipe técnica de cinco Varas da Infância e da Juventude da cidade de São Paulo e região; com a finalidade de se obter informações sobre os procedimentos utilizados para a realização da preparação dos pretendentes, a aproximação entre eles e as crianças e o acompanhamento do período de convivência. A análise dos resultados, por meio de categorias temáticas, referendou-se no referencial psicanalítico (intrapsíquico e vincular). Quanto à preparação dos pretendentes, foi observada a existência de dois espaços, o curso preparatório ou grupo informativo e o estudo psicológico da fase de habilitação do processo de adoção. No primeiro eles entram mais em contato com informações de ordem processual e realidade das crianças acolhidas e no segundo com material subjetivo sobre a parentalidade adotiva. Aqui é fundamental que reconheçam a importância da via jurídica da adoção e do trabalho realizado pela equipe técnica e estabeleçam uma relação de confiança e parceria com esses profissionais. Na fase de aproximação, a equipe técnica da instituição de acolhimento tem um papel fundamental para proporcionar os primeiros contatos e avaliar como estão desenvolvendo esses encontros, sendo relevante que as duas equipes estejam com a mesma compreensão a respeito de como proceder nos passos a serem dados nesse momento desse projeto específico de adoção, sempre levando em conta o tempo da criança para se efetivar seu desacolhimento. No estágio de convivência é essencial que as psicólogas se estabeleçam como referência de apoio aos pretendentes, se fazendo disponíveis para orientá-los e ajudá-los conforme as dificuldades forem aparecendo na adaptação com a criança. É imprescindível que os adotantes consigam pedir e encontrar ajuda de profissionais especializados para conseguirem superar os percalços encontrados na construção dos novos vínculos familiares. Foi possível observar que instituições judiciárias que oferecem boas condições de trabalho aos profissionais das equipes técnicas e que possam contar com uma boa estrutura da rede de apoio têm um número menor de casos de ocorrência de devolução. Espera-se que esse estudo possa ter ampliado o entendimento sobre o tema, contribuindo para a reflexão das práticas utilizadas pelos profissionais do judiciário, a fim de prevenir ou evitar a ocorrência de casos de devolução de crianças / Becoming a parent by adopting requires going through a legal and a psychological process. Prospective adoptive parents and children are submitted to each of these journeys, which contain particular characteristics as they unfold. In terms of the legal system, it is necessary to get through a series of legal phases until the completion of an adoption through the issuance of a new birth certificate. Complex psychological work has to be carried out to build adoptive parenthood and childhood. The overlapping between all aspects involved in these delicate changes can cause conflict that can lead to devolution. This study has as its aim to identify which factors present in the approach phase and in the period of cohabitation of and adoption process may be related to cases in which children have been returned. Having a clinic-qualitative methodology as its foundation, semi-structured interviews were carried out with six psychologists from the technical staff of five Children and Youth Court of the city of São Paulo and greater area; with the purpose of obtaining information on procedures used to put in the place prospective adoptive parents preparation, rapprochement between them and the children, and the period of cohabitation. The analysis of results, through thematic categories, was based on psychoanalytical references (intra-psychological and bonding). Regarding adoptive parents preparation, the existence of two venues was observed: the preparatory information course and the psychological study of the habilitation phase in the adoption process. In the former, they mostly get in touch with information from legal aspects and the reality of the children they took in and, in the latter, with the subjective material on adoptive parenthood. In this instance, it is key that they recognize the importance of the legal adoption track and of the work carried out by the technical team, and that they stablish a trusting cooperative relationship with these professionals. In the rapprochement phase, the technical team of the foster home plays a fundamental role in providing the first contact opportunities and assessing how these meetings are developing, being relevant that these two teams have the same understanding with respect to how they will go about taking the next steps in this particular moment of the adoption process, always taking into consideration how long a child takes to process his/her disbanding. It is essential, in the phase of cohabitation, that psychologists stablish themselves as a reference for support to prospective parents, making themselves available for guidance and assistance according to the difficulties that might arise in the adaptation with the child. It is crucial that the adoptive parents be able to find professional help from specialized professionals in order to overcome the obstacles found in the construction of new family bonds. It was possible to observe that legal institutions that offer good working conditions to professionals from technical teams, and that can rely on a good supporting network infrastructure, have a lower number of devolution cases. We hope that this study has broadened the understanding of the topic, contributing to a reflection on the practices carried out by professional from the judiciary, aiming to prevent or avoid the occurrence of the devolution of children

Treating Sex Offenders: An Evidence-Based Manual

Stinson, Jill D., Becker, Judith V. 01 January 2013 (has links)
This structured yet flexible manual presents an innovative group treatment approach that targets deficits in self-regulation—a central problem for sex offenders. Safe Offender Strategies (SOS) comprises 10 evidence-based modules that teach participants the skills to desist from problem behaviors, manage their emotions and impulses, and break unhealthy relationship patterns. Motivational enhancement and validation techniques are woven throughout this collaborative treatment. SOS can be used with a range of clients—including high-risk offenders and those with mental illness or intellectual disabilities—in institutional or outpatient settings. Fifteen reproducible forms and worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1065/thumbnail.jpg

Police Culture and Perceived Service Value: Officer Perspectives on Psychological Services Utilization

Barker, Kymberli Copeland 01 January 2019 (has links)
There is a noted discrepancy between police psychological services offered and services utilized. It is important to understand reasons for underutilization when creating services for officers. The purpose of this study was providing empirical evidence from the officers-perspectives to answer this question. The conceptual foundation was officers may refuse participation due to police culture. The conceptual framework was represented in research questions focused on officers- perspectives regarding psychological services provided by psychologists without law enforcement (LE) experience. The participants were employed law enforcement officers (LEOs) from regions across the United States. Officer participation from all 50 states was targeted to assist in ensuring demographic variability. Phenomenological methods were employed. Samples were gathered by contacting 2 police departments (PDs) per state, in arbitrarily chosen cities and rural areas. One questionnaire with pre-addressed, stamped envelopes was sent to each department indicating the research post office box. Data were analyzed by applying qualitative research data software, open coding, in-margin notetaking procedures, and individual recognition of themes. Ten to 25 participants were required and 10 were achieved. Two categories, 6 subcategories, 2 themes, and 3 subthemes emerged from the data analyses. Data analyses aligned with previous findings in 2 aspects and did not support others. Positive social change will be affected through identifying reasons for low service utilization. Agencies may begin restructuring program policies, developing more effective training, and other psychological protocols for LEOs and providers.

Courtroom Psychology during Criminal Trials and its Therapeutic Role on Victims and Offenders

Wilson, Tierra 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the legal and mental health fields little is known about the therapeutic impact of courtroom psychology during criminal trials. The purpose of this research study was to investigate the inter-relating factors of law and psychology throughout criminal trials as experienced by lawyers and psychologists. Research questions explored the influence of courtroom psychology on criminal trial proceedings and challenges as experienced by both criminal trial attorneys in presenting mental health evidence, and by psychologists when testifying during criminal trials. Further exploration focused on the significance of courtroom psychology, and how lawyers and psychologists perceived courtroom psychology impacting justice for victims and influencing offender rehabilitation sentencing decisions. Procedural justice was the conceptual framework utilized in this investigation, and therapeutic jurisprudence was the theoretical base that guided this study. A qualitative-phenomenological research design was applied by interviewing 4 criminal law attorneys and 4 clinical forensic psychologists. Four themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the data collected: (a) an increase in the enhancement of psycho-legal services, (b) a need for additional education, (c) a desire to improve professional relationships through collaborative efforts, and (d) a demand for requiring advanced training. These results may serve as a foundation for professionals to provide ethically effective and relevant legal-therapeutic services for progressing courtroom psychology measures. Implications for positive social change from this research include recommendations to government, legal, and mental health system entities to consider generating and readjusting standards of practice that govern criminal trial proceedings.

Juvenile Detention Center Effects on Futures of At-Risk Youth

Zitterkopf, Jennifer Lynn 01 January 2019 (has links)
Juvenile Detention Center Effects on Futures of At-Risk Youth by Jennifer L. Turner MS, Walden University, 2014 BS, University of Maryland University College, 2011 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Forensic Psychology Walden University August 2019 Many juvenile offenders return to the justice system after serving their incarceration sentences. Detaining youth has a negative impact on their mental health, education, employment, and ability to secede from a criminogenic life course. Identifying detention center effects on youths' futures can provide further insight on why the current approach does not successfully deter youth from secondary delinquency. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore future effects on incarcerated youth. A qualitative research design using a phenomenological paradigm was used to investigate study constructs. Labeling and social learning theories served as theoretical frameworks. Labeling theory was used to describe impact on youth after they receive a label of juvenile delinquent. Conceptualization on learned criminal behaviors in incarceration environments was made using social learning theory. Data was collected from personnel directly involved with juvenile incarceration, release, and rehabilitation. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. Coding software, bracketing, and concept mapping were implemented for data analysis. Detention centers attribute to a decrease in abilities required for youth to become functioning society members. Implications for social change include enhancing knowledge for professionals working to rehabilitate juveniles in effort to increases ability for future success. Participants specifically noted a lack of collaboration and understanding on how to implement evidenced-based practices into juvenile offender rehabilitation. Collaboration between the JJS, detention center staff, parents, and community programs is necessary to address this social problem.

A comparison of Miranda procedures the effects of oral and written administrations on Miranda comprehension /

Blackwood, Hayley L. Rogers, Richard, January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of North Texas, Aug., 2009. / Title from title page display. Includes bibliographical references.

An exploratory validation study of a risk assessment tool for male sex offenders with an intellectual disability

Sindall, O. January 2012 (has links)
Section A: The aim of this paper was to review and provide a summary of the empirical and theoretical literature on risk assessment, recidivism and theories of offending in relation to intellectually disabled (ID) sex offenders. This work is still in its infancy when compared with the non-intellectually disabled sex offending and risk assessment research and it was therefore important to include an overview of the general sex offending literature, to establish how this relates to the more recent developments in the study of ID sex offenders. Section B is an exploratory validation study using a longitudinal cohort design. The purpose of the study was to explore the criterion validity of the ARMIDILO-S (Assessment of Risk and Manageability of Intellectually Disabled Individuals who Offend - Sexually) risk assessment tool. The study investigated the tool by using it with a clinical population of adult men with an intellectual disability, who had taken part in sex offender group treatment, due to their sex offending behaviour. Section C is a critical appraisal of the process of undertaking this research. It is a reflective and critical account of what skills and lessons the author has learnt, what could have been done differently, and how it might affect clinical work and future research.

An exploration of the relationships between inpatients and clinical psychologists in forensic mental health services

Ellis, Kate January 2013 (has links)
Recent studies with offenders have identified a growing distrust in psychologists and that this may be due to the changing role of clinical psychologists working within these settings. In addition to the traditional role of alleviating psychological distress, psychologists in these settings also have the additional role of providing expert risk assessment. Clinical psychologists working in forensic mental health settings (FMHS) are also tasked with this ‘dual role’. To date, there is no research exploring the impact of this dual role in FMHS. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with eight inpatients in two medium secure units. A grounded theory analysis produced a model of how trust was built and relationships developed. Despite the ‘dual role’ held in these settings, with an approach that is transparent, open, collaborative, and patient-centred; service users are able to build trusting relationships. Furthermore, they report making positive therapeutic gains. Where ‘coercive’ experiences were described, this appeared to be a representation of more distant times, with recent experiences being described as more satisfactory. Clinical psychologists also seem to be placed in a position of ‘mediator’ amongst the wider care team. Further research is required to explore these findings and whether they apply in other secure settings.

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