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Towards the improvement of policy and strategy development for the sustainable management of non-timber forest products: Swaziland: A case studyDlamini, Cliff Sibusiso 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Forest and Wood Science))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / It is evident that existing, nominal, functional, national and international policies and
legislation continue to be ineffective in combating the disastrous environmental and socioeconomic
consequences of unsustainable forest management. Several underlying causes to
this failure were identified as: i) the lack of involvement or omission of the full range of
stakeholders, in particular resource users, in the various steps and procedures of policy and
legislation formulation and implementation; ii) these stakeholders are excluded in the review
and updating of obsolete policies and legislation; iii) little emphasis is placed on sustainable
forest management through the scientific understanding of natural forests and woodlands,
including the dynamics of their ecology and socio-economics.
This study identified the key/critical aspects of the development process of policy and
strategy for the sustainable management of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). This research
study reviewed existing policies and legislation and the current status of the NTFP sector,
conducted a series of community consultation meetings on resource use and management,
user surveys and economic valuation, resource surveys and economic valuation, and made
policy recommendations for the development of a concept and strategy for the sustainable
management of NTFPs. The main focus was on the edible and medicinal NTFPs in the four
ecological zones of Swaziland...
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An analysis of the motivations of Oregon's ranchers to diversify into agritourismPegas, Fernanda de Vasconcellos 22 June 2004 (has links)
Agritourism is one way to sustainably conserve open space. Its potential to supplement Oregon ranchers’ income may also preserve ranching culture. Research on agritourism in Oregon and elsewhere, however, is scarce. This study focused on the motivations of Oregon ranchers to diversify into agritourism, the congruence of conservation easements and agritourism, the feasibility of using sustainability indicators as tools to measure agritourism sustainability, and the future of agritourism in Oregon.
This study mimics the one conducted by Nickerson, Black, and McCool (2001), using a mailback survey. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to Oregon cattle ranch owners during the summer of 2002. Of those received, 177 were useable, for a response rate of 44%.
Agritourism is hardly pervasive in Oregon; only 21% of respondents indicated they engage in agritourism enterprises. Of those who do, working ranch and fee hunting/fishing are the main activities offered. Top reasons for cattle ranchers to operate an agritourism business are to fully utilize ranch resources, capture additional income, to offset fluctuations in ranch income, and to educate the consumer. Major barriers to agritourism are insurance and liability concerns,
lack of time, regulations, and lack of financial assistance and resources. Only 10% of Oregon ranchers and 19% of ranchers in agritourism had land protected under a conservation easement (both open and closed to the public).
Although none of the hypotheses were supported, significant relationships were found between cattle ranchers in agritourism and the number of years cattle ranchers have been in the ranching business and the presence of family members who work off-ranch part-time year round; and gross annual household income and the hiring of non-family members who work part-time year round in the agritourism business. The majority of respondents rely on livestock production as a source of income, but livestock production is responsible for only about half of ranchers’ gross annual household income. Off-ranch income is the second major source of income. Findings indicate that agritourism may provide a profitable source of income allowing more ranchers to work full-time on the ranch while maintaining their ranching livelihood. / Graduation date: 2005
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Proposta de interligação das glebas do parque estadual de Vassununga (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP). / Proposal for the interconnection of the Vassununga State Park fragments, State of São Paulo, Brazil.Korman, Vânia 08 April 2003 (has links)
O fato dos ecossistemas nativos do estado de São Paulo estarem fragmentados faz com que as unidades de conservação públicas desempenhem papel vital na conservação da biodiversidade. O Parque Estadual de Vassununga (PEV), localizado em Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, possui área total de 2069,24 ha, porém, dividido em seis glebas distintas. A gleba Pé-de-Gigante é a única composta por fisionomias de cerrado, desde campo cerrado até cerradão, e uma pequena área composta por floresta estacional semidecidual. As demais glebas (Praxedes, Maravilha, Capetinga Leste, Capetinga Oeste e Capão da Várzea) são compostas por floresta estacional semidecidual. Esta unidade de conservação, sob a administração do Instituto Florestal/SMA, abriga alta diversidade de espécies da fauna e flora silvestres, incluindo os mais belos exemplares de jequitibá-rosa (Cariniana legalis) e várias espécies da fauna silvestre ameaçadas de extinção, como o lobo guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) e a onça parda (Puma concolor). Sua contribuição também se faz pela recarga de aquífero, em uma região dependente de água subterrânea. O presente estudo visou identificar as áreas potenciais de interligação das glebas do PEV, utilizando recursos de um sistema de informação geográfica, bem como indicar propostas e procedimentos para o uso e a ocupação das terras no entorno, considerando os elementos estruturais da paisagem (matriz, fragmentos de habitat e corredores). Diagnósticos em campo foram realizados com o objetivo de verificar alguns dos impactos ambientais que ocorrem no entorno do PEV, confrontando o uso atual das terras com a legislação ambiental brasileira. Análises de métricas da paisagem e um mapa de risco potencial de erosão, utilizando a Equação Universal do Solo (EUPS), também foram desenvolvidos. A análise da área de estudo revelou que o Parque Estadual de Vassununga localiza-se em uma paisagem bastante fragmentada, com uma baixa porcentagem de habitats naturais, e tem sido pressionado pelas atividades antrópicas que ocorrem no entorno. A aplicação da EUPS indicou que as áreas de maior risco potencial de erosão localizam-se próximas aos mananciais e ao longo dos cursos dágua. Estes resultados foram importantes no direcionamento das propostas para o aumento da conectividade da matriz e de interligação das glebas do Parque. As propostas foram divididas em duas etapas: 1. a adequação ambiental das áreas de preservação permanente previstas na legislação e, 2. a interligação das glebas entre si e a outros fragmentos remanescentes por meio de corredores e pontos de ligação, restaurando-se áreas degradadas, protegendo os recursos hídricos, acompanhadas com propostas de manejo para a proteção dos ecossistemas do PEV e de mudanças no uso das terras. A interligação das seis glebas do Parque Estadual de Vassununga, por meio de corredores e stepping stones, bem como o uso racional das terras em seu entorno, são medidas fundamentais para a manutenção e conservação de seus ecossistemas e da biodiversidade de toda a região. / The native ecosystems in the São Paulo State are very fragmented, therefore, the network of natural preserves becomes essential for the conservation of the remaining biodiversity. The total area of the Vassununga Park, in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro municipality, São Paulo, Brazil, is 2069,24 hectares, but divided in six independent fragments one of them covered mostly by savannah and the others of seasonal forest. These 6 fragments of Vassununga Park, shelter a high diversity of species, including the most beautiful and old jequitibá trees (Cariniana legalis) and several threatened species of animals, such as maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) and cougar (Puma concolor). This Park also holds an important contribution towards recharging the aquifer, in a region very dependent on underground water. The aim of this study was to identify potential areas to link the fragments of the Park, using Geographic Information System, as well as to indicate proposals for a better use of the lands around the Park considering the structural elements of landscape (matrix, habitat fragments and corridors). Field diagnoses were carried out, in order to detect the main impacts in the surrounded matrix and to confront the actual land use with Brazilian environmental legislation. Some spatial indices of the landscape were calculated and a potential soil loss map, using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), were also developed. The analysis of the studied area revealed that Vassununga Park is located in a very fragmented landscape, with a low percentage of native ecosystems and it has been submitted to pressures caused by human activities in the surrounding areas. The application of the USLE showed that the highest risk of potential erosion is close to the watershed and rivers. These results were important to direct proposals for the interconnection of the Park fragments, first by the regularization of the preserved areas according to the Brazilian legislation and secondly by indicating the most adequate sites to install corridors and stepping stones, restoring damaged areas and protecting water resources and the ecosystems of Vassununga Park, followed by suggestion of land use changes. The connection of the six fragments of the Vassununga Park, through corridors or stepping stones, and also the sustainable use of land surrounding it, are very important procedures for the biodiversity maintenance of this Park and region.
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Análise da cadeia produtiva e estrutura de custos do setor brasileiro de produtos resinosos. / Productivity chain analysis and cost structure of the Brazilian naval stores products.Ferreira, José Pinto da Rocha Jorge 04 February 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho iniciou-se com a descrição da goma-resina, do breu e da terebintina. A primeira, extraída de plantios de Pinus elliotti e Pinus caribaea através da resinagem, é a matéria prima base da cadeia dos produtos resinosos. O breu e a terebintina, obtidos através do processamento da goma-resina, são seus primeiros derivados e são, por sua vez, matéria-prima de diversas indústrias químicas, como a de tintas, vernizes, colas, borrachas, desinfetantes, perfumaria, e outras. Passaram-se também em revisão os vários aspectos técnicos das operações de resinagem e, ainda, o processamento de resina. Igualmente se analisou a estrutura dos custos de produção, foram mensurados os custos específicos da operação de resinagem e, de forma menos aprofundada, os da operação de processamento de resina. Procedeu-se também à análise da cadeia produtiva, descrevendo o surgimento e a evolução do setor dos produtos resinosos brasileiro, a sua distribuição e concentração, sob a ótica da Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT). A metodologia adotada neste trabalho baseou-se na análise gráfica e tabular de dados secundários e da pesquisa de campo realizada por intermédio de questionários, elaborados e lançados em articulação com a ARESB (Associação dos Resinadores do Brasil), e, ainda, de entrevistas com diversos empresários e representantes do setor. A produção brasileira satisfaz o consumo do país e ainda origina excedentes que são exportados e proporciona saldos comerciais positivos. O mercado internacional é dominado pela China que, com vastos recursos florestais e muita mão-de-obra disponível, responde por cerca de 65% da produção mundial e dita os preços dos produtos resinosos. A estrutura dos custos de produção da operação de resinagem, considerada um aspecto importante para a visualização dos problemas internos do setor, indica, sobretudo, uma importante participação do fator mão-de-obra, mas não se constataram níveis críticos relacionados aos seus custos como sucede atualmente em outros países produtores de resina. O setor, englobando empresas de resinagem e de processamento de resina, surgiu de esforços de grandes empresas das indústrias químicas e florestais, ainda hoje tem como agentes empresas provenientes de etapas a montante e a jusante na cadeia, e empresas estrangeiras que viram no Brasil a oportunidade de continuar ligadas a atividade. A produção está sobretudo localizada no Estado de São Paulo e o mercado, ao contrário do que se pressupunha, não se encontra concentrado em algumas empresas. Observando os parâmetros de ECT utilizados na análise da cadeia produtiva, a forma híbrida das estruturas de governança parece ser a predominante no setor. À semelhança de uma cadeia agro-industrial normal, o setor apresenta estrutura de governança voltada para o mercado nos estágios iniciais da cadeia, tendendo ao longo da cadeia, no sentido jusante, para situações hierarquizadas. Verifica-se uma tendência de verticalização das empresas de processamento de resina e derivados para montante como forma de garantir suas matérias primas. / This paper is initiated with the description of gum resin, gum rosin and turpentine. Gum resin, mainly extracted from Pinus elliottii and Pinus caribaea plantations, is the basic raw material in the production chain. Gum rosin and turpentine are the first two products obtained after processing the pine gum, and are themselves used as raw material in the chemical industry to produce paints, varnishes, glues, rubber, perfumes, disinfectants, and others. The gum resin extraction and the technical aspects of its processing are revised. Tapping, industrialization and the whole production cost structure are also analyzed. The origin and evolution of the industry is analyzed, as well as its distribution and concentration, and the production chain is described from a Transaction Cost Economy (TCE) point of view. The methodology adopted in this study is based on graphical and tabular analysis of secondary data, interviews with industry owners and managers, and information collected from questionnaires jointly designed with the Brazilian Gum Resin Producers Association (ARESB). Brazilian production covers domestic demand, and the surplus generated is exported. The international market is controlled by China, which with large forest and labor resources accounts for approximately 65% of the world production and establishes prices. Labor is the main item in the extraction costs structure, but is not as problematic as in other producing countries. The gum rosin and turpentine production segment, initially developed in Brazil by large forest and chemical companies, is still led today by groups positioned upstream and downstream in the production chain, and by foreign enterprises that have seen in Brazil the opportunity to maintain their link with the activity. Production is mainly located in the State of São Paulo, and the market, contrarily to what was expected, does not concentrates in a few companies. According to the TCE parameters used in the production chain analysis, a hybrid governing structure comes up as the predominant structure in this segment. Similarly to a common agribusiness, the chains initial stages are market orientated, but towards the end of the chain the segment shows a more hierarchical structure. A trend to verticalization upstream is also noted on gum rosin and turpentine producers, in order to guarantee adequate stocks of raw material.
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Miško išteklių kokybės rodiklių tyrimas / Analysis of quality criteria of forest resourcesMileriūtė, Sandra 09 June 2005 (has links)
The object of study was state forest resources of Mažeikiai state forest enterprise. Purpose of study - define, if the forest management of Mažeikiai forest enterprice compile with the requirements of sustainable forest management. It was used data comparison method, according to the system of criteria and indicators, accepted in Ministerial conference, in 1998, Lisbon.For the evaluation of indicators and criteria, dataof forest inventories of 1982, 1998 were used. It was also used data for comparison, obtained from State forest survey service for the year of 2004. The results of analysis showed that restitution process of land has interrupted the continuous run of sustainable forest management, but the conditions of forest are improving. The decline of forest sanitary state was caused by abiotic factors and followed by insect invasion, which reduced resistance of forests. As a negative factor, the increase of spruce stands is determined. It will reduce stand resistance more and it is not favourable for conservation of biodiversity.
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Rekreacinės infrastruktūros plėtros priemonių programa VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijos administruojamos teritorijoje / Program of recreational infrastructure development measures in the territory administered by Vilnius Forest EnterpriseNanartavičius, Artūras 21 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas – VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijos administruojami miškai
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti rekreacinei infrastruktūrai įtaką darančius aplinkos veiksnius ir parengti darnią jos plėtros priemonių programą.
Darbo metodai – žinybinių ir savivaldos institucijų dokumentų ir ataskaitų analizė; šalies strateginių planų plėtojant rekreacinę infrastruktūrą miškuose duomenų analizė; anketinės poilsiautojų apklausos rezultatų analizė; SSGG analizė.
Darbo rezultatai. Remiantis anketinių apklausų, žinybinių ir savivaldos institucijų dokumentais bei šalies strateginių planų duomenimis atliktas rekreacinių miško išteklių vertinimas VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijos administruojamoje teritorijoje. Nustatyta, kad Vilniaus miškų urėdijos valdomi miškai yra patrauklūs rekreacijai bei turizmui. Rekreacinės infrastruktūros būklę poilsiautojai vertina vidutiniškai (3,5 balo). Respondentai miškuose pasigenda miško įrangos, t.y. laužaviečių, miško baldų, pažintinių takų, dviračių trasų, apžvalgos aikštelių, vaikų žaidimo aikštelių bei viešųjų tualetų. Specialiųjų planų sprendiniai dėl numatytų rekreacijos ir turizmo plėtros objektų bei turizmo trasų išdėstymo yra ne visiškai suderinami su VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdija.
Parengta rekreacinės infrastruktūros plėtros priemonių programa VĮ Vilniaus miškų urėdijoje. Siūlome įrengti po 2 pažintinius takus bei poilsio ir stovėjimo aikštelę, po 1 dviračių trasą bei informacinį stendą, 6 atokvėpio vietas, 6 iškylavietes, 39 kelių užkardas iki 2015 metų. Taip pat... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of study – forests administered by Vilnius Forest Enterprise.
The aim of study – to assessment environmental factors influencing recreational infrastructure and work out a sustainable program of its development measures.
Methods of study – departmental and municipal documents and reports analysis; data analysis of national strategic plans for the development of recreational facilities in forests, visitors‘ questionnaire survey data, SWOT analysis.
Results of study. Based on questionnaire surveys, documents of departmental and municipal institutions as well as on strategic plans of the country, an evaluation of recreational forest resources in the territory administered by Vilnius Forest Enterprise was carried out. It was found that forests administered by Vilnius Forest Enterprise are attractive for recreation and tourism. The condition of recreational facilities by vacationers is evaluated averagely (3.5 points). The respondents in the forests miss forest equipment, i.e. fireplaces, wooden furniture, cognitive trails, bike trails, observation sites, playgrounds and public toilets. The solutions of special plans for the development of recreation and tourism facilities and routes layout are not adjusted with Vilnius State Forest Enterprise.
Recreational infrastructure development action program for Vilnius Forest Enterprise have been elaborated. We suggest to installing 2 parking places, 2 walking routes, 1 bicycle routes, 1 information stand, 6 respite places, 6... [to full text]
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Indigenous plant use in Gxalingenwa and KwaYili forests in the Southern Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal.Nomtshongwana, Ngcali. January 1999 (has links)
In response to an increase in forest destruction, nature conservation agencies in South Africa are beginning to introduce innovative and integrated conservation strategies. This study was established to provide information on resource use in Gxalingenwa State Forest (GSF) and
KwaYili State Forest (KSF) on which such conservation initiatives might be based. Local villagers in the area depend on a mix of forest products to meet their livelihood needs, including for example heating, cooking, fencing, building, craft-work and medicine. Large quantities (102.072 tonnes) of plant resources are removed from the GSF and KSF annually by traditional healers and commercial gatherers with commercial gatherers responsible
for the largest proportions (88.1 %). However, the total market value of medicinal products to the resource users is higher than the local value, implying that the resource users are not harnessing the full potential of the forest products. Fuelwood, building, fencing and carving also account for a large bulk of materials harvested from the indigenous forests annually.
Among several species, Podocarpus falcatus is the most preferred and harvested tree for fuelwood, fencing and building. Despite its high recruitment level, it shows a very unstable population structure. Calodendrum capense is debarked for medicinal uses. It is used locally
and its current harvest by commercial gatherers is driven by a huge demand from the 'muti' markets. In KSF, C. capense generally has a low density but also has a relatively good recruitment rate when compared with an unexploited forest. However, the harvesting of immature stems pose a threat to this species. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.
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North American ecological zone classification for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's Forest Resource Assessment 2000 Project : map compilation and validationDouville, Michelle. January 1999 (has links)
Classification and mapping of ecological zones on a global scale has been a topic of research for many years. This research looks at the development of a global spatial database of ecological zones for the FRA 2000 Report of the United Nations FAO. Besides evaluating the most appropriate type of classification scheme for this purpose, it explores and demonstrates how existing data, for the United States and Canada, can be reclassified to match the FAO classification scheme. Accuracy of mapping is a synergistic function of error, uncertainty, and quality. An assessment of the draft FAO Level D Ecological Zone map was performed which classifies 10-year average, bi-monthly, smoothed AVHRR-NDVI composites of the conterminous United States by applying linear discriminant and decision tree analyses. The results of the linear discriminant analysis were more significantly correlated to the FAO classes, although both approaches suggest that the classification scheme does maximize between-class variance of the NDVI temporal series.
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Assessment of fuelwood resources in acacia woodlands in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia : towards the development of planning tools for sustainable management /Getachew Eshete. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Proposta de interligação das glebas do parque estadual de Vassununga (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP). / Proposal for the interconnection of the Vassununga State Park fragments, State of São Paulo, Brazil.Vânia Korman 08 April 2003 (has links)
O fato dos ecossistemas nativos do estado de São Paulo estarem fragmentados faz com que as unidades de conservação públicas desempenhem papel vital na conservação da biodiversidade. O Parque Estadual de Vassununga (PEV), localizado em Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, possui área total de 2069,24 ha, porém, dividido em seis glebas distintas. A gleba Pé-de-Gigante é a única composta por fisionomias de cerrado, desde campo cerrado até cerradão, e uma pequena área composta por floresta estacional semidecidual. As demais glebas (Praxedes, Maravilha, Capetinga Leste, Capetinga Oeste e Capão da Várzea) são compostas por floresta estacional semidecidual. Esta unidade de conservação, sob a administração do Instituto Florestal/SMA, abriga alta diversidade de espécies da fauna e flora silvestres, incluindo os mais belos exemplares de jequitibá-rosa (Cariniana legalis) e várias espécies da fauna silvestre ameaçadas de extinção, como o lobo guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) e a onça parda (Puma concolor). Sua contribuição também se faz pela recarga de aquífero, em uma região dependente de água subterrânea. O presente estudo visou identificar as áreas potenciais de interligação das glebas do PEV, utilizando recursos de um sistema de informação geográfica, bem como indicar propostas e procedimentos para o uso e a ocupação das terras no entorno, considerando os elementos estruturais da paisagem (matriz, fragmentos de habitat e corredores). Diagnósticos em campo foram realizados com o objetivo de verificar alguns dos impactos ambientais que ocorrem no entorno do PEV, confrontando o uso atual das terras com a legislação ambiental brasileira. Análises de métricas da paisagem e um mapa de risco potencial de erosão, utilizando a Equação Universal do Solo (EUPS), também foram desenvolvidos. A análise da área de estudo revelou que o Parque Estadual de Vassununga localiza-se em uma paisagem bastante fragmentada, com uma baixa porcentagem de habitats naturais, e tem sido pressionado pelas atividades antrópicas que ocorrem no entorno. A aplicação da EUPS indicou que as áreas de maior risco potencial de erosão localizam-se próximas aos mananciais e ao longo dos cursos dágua. Estes resultados foram importantes no direcionamento das propostas para o aumento da conectividade da matriz e de interligação das glebas do Parque. As propostas foram divididas em duas etapas: 1. a adequação ambiental das áreas de preservação permanente previstas na legislação e, 2. a interligação das glebas entre si e a outros fragmentos remanescentes por meio de corredores e pontos de ligação, restaurando-se áreas degradadas, protegendo os recursos hídricos, acompanhadas com propostas de manejo para a proteção dos ecossistemas do PEV e de mudanças no uso das terras. A interligação das seis glebas do Parque Estadual de Vassununga, por meio de corredores e stepping stones, bem como o uso racional das terras em seu entorno, são medidas fundamentais para a manutenção e conservação de seus ecossistemas e da biodiversidade de toda a região. / The native ecosystems in the São Paulo State are very fragmented, therefore, the network of natural preserves becomes essential for the conservation of the remaining biodiversity. The total area of the Vassununga Park, in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro municipality, São Paulo, Brazil, is 2069,24 hectares, but divided in six independent fragments one of them covered mostly by savannah and the others of seasonal forest. These 6 fragments of Vassununga Park, shelter a high diversity of species, including the most beautiful and old jequitibá trees (Cariniana legalis) and several threatened species of animals, such as maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) and cougar (Puma concolor). This Park also holds an important contribution towards recharging the aquifer, in a region very dependent on underground water. The aim of this study was to identify potential areas to link the fragments of the Park, using Geographic Information System, as well as to indicate proposals for a better use of the lands around the Park considering the structural elements of landscape (matrix, habitat fragments and corridors). Field diagnoses were carried out, in order to detect the main impacts in the surrounded matrix and to confront the actual land use with Brazilian environmental legislation. Some spatial indices of the landscape were calculated and a potential soil loss map, using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), were also developed. The analysis of the studied area revealed that Vassununga Park is located in a very fragmented landscape, with a low percentage of native ecosystems and it has been submitted to pressures caused by human activities in the surrounding areas. The application of the USLE showed that the highest risk of potential erosion is close to the watershed and rivers. These results were important to direct proposals for the interconnection of the Park fragments, first by the regularization of the preserved areas according to the Brazilian legislation and secondly by indicating the most adequate sites to install corridors and stepping stones, restoring damaged areas and protecting water resources and the ecosystems of Vassununga Park, followed by suggestion of land use changes. The connection of the six fragments of the Vassununga Park, through corridors or stepping stones, and also the sustainable use of land surrounding it, are very important procedures for the biodiversity maintenance of this Park and region.
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