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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zpětnovazební funkční verifikace hardware / Feedback Hardware Functional Verification

Santa, Marek January 2011 (has links)
In the development process of digital circuits, it is often not possible to avoid introducing errors into systems that are being developed. Early detection of such errors saves money and time. This project deals with automation of feedback in functional verification of various data processing components. The goal of automatic feedback is not only to shorten the time needed to verify the functionality of a system, but mainly to improve verification coverage of corner cases and thus increase the confidence in the verified system. General functional and formal verification principles and practices are discussed, coverage metrics are presented, limitations of both techniques are mentioned and room for improvement of current status is identified. Design of feedback verification environment using a genetic algorithm is described in detial. The verification results are summarized and evaluated.

Statická detekce častých chyb JBoss aplikačního serveru / Static Detection of Common Bugs in JBoss Application Server

Vyvial, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
First, a few bugs from a list of common bug were chosen and patterns describing these bugs were inferred. Then, detectors searching for such patterns were implemented as plug-ins to FindBugs static analyzer. Finally, detectors were used to detect bugs in development version of JBoss AS. Results are presented at the end of this paper.

Statická detekce malware nad LLVM IR / Static Behavioral Malware Detection over LLVM IR

Surovič, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá metodami pro behaviorální detekci malware, které využívají techniky formální analýzy a verifikace. Základem je odvozování stromových automatů z grafů závislostí systémových volání, které jsou získány pomocí statické analýzy LLVM IR. V rámci práce je implementován prototyp detektoru, který využívá překladačovou infrastrukturu LLVM. Pro experimentální ověření detektoru je použit překladač jazyka C/C++, který je schopen generovat mutace malware za pomoci obfuskujících transformací. Výsledky předběžných experimentů a případná budoucí rozšíření detektoru jsou diskutovány v závěru práce.

Formal methods adoption in the commercial world

Nemathaga, Aifheli 10 1900 (has links)
There have been numerous studies on formal methods but little utilisation of formal methods in the commercial world. This can be attributed to many factors, such as that few specialists know how to use formal methods. Moreover, the use of mathematical notation leads to the perception that formal methods are difficult. Formal methods can be described as system design methods by which complex computer systems are built using mathematical notation and logic. Formal methods have been used in the software development world since 1940, that is to say, from the earliest stage of computer development. To date, there has been a slow adoption of formal methods, which are mostly used for mission-critical projects in, for example, the military and the aviation industry. Researchers worldwide are conducting studies on formal methods, but the research mostly deals with path planning and control and not the runtime verification of autonomous systems. The main focus of this dissertation is the question of how to increase the pace at which formal methods are adopted in the business or commercial world. As part of this dissertation, a framework was developed to facilitate the use of formal methods in the commercial world. The framework mainly focuses on education, support tools, buy-in and remuneration. The framework was validated using a case study to illustrate its practicality. This dissertation also focuses on different types of formal methods and how they are used, as well as the link between formal methods and other software development techniques. An ERP system specification is presented in both natural language (informal) and formal notation, which demonstrates how a formal specification can be derived from an informal specification using the enhanced established strategy for constructing a Z specification as a guideline. Success stories of companies that are applying formal methods in the commercial world are also presented. / School of Computing

Formal methods adoption in the commercial world

Nemathaga, Aifheli 10 1900 (has links)
: leaves 122-134 / There have been numerous studies on formal methods but little utilisation of formal methods in the commercial world. This can be attributed to many factors, such as that few specialists know how to use formal methods. Moreover, the use of mathematical notation leads to the perception that formal methods are difficult. Formal methods can be described as system design methods by which complex computer systems are built using mathematical notation and logic. Formal methods have been used in the software development world since 1940, that is to say, from the earliest stage of computer development. To date, there has been a slow adoption of formal methods, which are mostly used for mission-critical projects in, for example, the military and the aviation industry. Researchers worldwide are conducting studies on formal methods, but the research mostly deals with path planning and control and not the runtime verification of autonomous systems. The main focus of this dissertation is the question of how to increase the pace at which formal methods are adopted in the business or commercial world. As part of this dissertation, a framework was developed to facilitate the use of formal methods in the commercial world. The framework mainly focuses on education, support tools, buy-in and remuneration. The framework was validated using a case study to illustrate its practicality. This dissertation also focuses on different types of formal methods and how they are used, as well as the link between formal methods and other software development techniques. An ERP system specification is presented in both natural language (informal) and formal notation, which demonstrates how a formal specification can be derived from an informal specification using the enhanced established strategy for constructing a Z specification as a guideline. Success stories of companies that are applying formal methods in the commercial world are also presented. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Méthode de conception de logiciel système critique couplée à une démarche de vérification formelle / A method for designing critical software system coupled with a formal verification approach

Methni, Amira 07 July 2016 (has links)
Avec l'évolution des technologies, la complexité des systèmes informatiques ne cesse de s'accroître. Parmi ces systèmes, on retrouve les logiciels critiques qui doivent offrir une garantie de sûreté de fonctionnement qui s'avère crucial et pour lesquels un dysfonctionnement peut avoir des conséquences graves. Les méthodes formelles fournissent des outils permettant de garantir mathématiquement l'absence de certaines erreurs. Ces méthodes sont indispensables pour assurer les plus hauts niveaux de sûreté. Mais l'application de ces méthodes sur un code système bas niveau se heurte à des difficultés d'ordre pratique et théorique. Les principales difficultés concernent la prise en compte des aspects bas niveau, comme les pointeurs et les interactions avec le matériel spécifique. De plus, le fait que ces systèmes soient concurrents conduit à une augmentation exponentielle du nombre de comportements possibles, ce qui rend plus difficile leur vérification. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthodologie pour la spécification et la vérification par model-checking de ce type de systèmes, en particulier, ceux implémentés en C. Cette méthodologie est basée sur la traduction de la sémantique de C en TLA+, un langage de spécification formel adapté à la modélisation de systèmes concurrents. Nous avons proposé un modèle de mémoire et d'exécution d'un programme C séquentiel en TLA+. En se basant sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé un ensemble de règles de traduction d'un code C en TLA+ que nous avons implémenté dans un outil, appelé C2TLA+. Nous avons montré comment ce modèle peut s'étendre pour modéliser les programmes C concurrents et gérer la synchronisation entre plusieurs processus ainsi que leur ordonnancement. Pour réduire la complexité du model-checking, nous avons proposé une technique permettant de réduire significativement la complexité de la vérification. Cette réduction consiste pour un code C à agglomérer une suite d'instructions lors de la génération du code TLA+, sous réserve d'un ensemble de conditions.Nous avons appliqué la méthodologie proposée dans cette thèse sur un cas d'étude réel issu de l'implémentation d'un micronoyau industriel,sur lequel nous avons vérifié un ensemble de propriétés fonctionnelles. L'application de la réduction a permis de réduire considérablement le temps de la vérification, ce qui la rend utilisable en pratique.Les résultats ont permis d'étudier le comportement du système, de vérifier certaines propriétés et de trouver des bugs indétectables par des simples tests. / Software systems are critical and complex. In order to guarantee their correctness, the use of formal methodsis important. These methods can be defined as mathematically based techniques, languages and tools for specifying and reasoning about systems. But, the application of formal methods to software systems, implemented in C, is challenging due to the presence of pointers, pointer arithmetic andinteraction with hardware. Moreover, software systems are often concurrent, making the verification process infeasible. This work provides a methodology to specify and verify C software systems usingmodel-checking technique. The proposed methodology is based on translating the semantics of Cinto TLA+, a formal specification language for reasoning about concurrent and reactive systems. We define a memory and execution model for a sequential program and a set of translation rules from C to TLA+ that we developed in a tool called C2TLA+. Based on this model, we show that it can be extended to support concurrency, synchronization primitives and process scheduling. Although model-checking is an efficient and automatic technique, it faces the state explosion problem when the system becomes large. To overcome this problem, we propose a state-space reduction technique. The latter is based on agglomerating a set of C instructions during the generation phase of the TLA+ specification. This methodology has been applied to a concrete case study, a microkernel of an industrial real-time operating system, on which a set of functional properties has been verified. The application of the agglomeration technique to the case study shows the usefulness of the proposed technique in reducing the complexity of verification. The obtained results allow us to study the behavior of the system and to find errors undetectable using traditional testing techniques.

Algorithmique et complexité des systèmes à compteurs / Algorithmics and complexity of counter machines

Blondin, Michael 29 June 2016 (has links)
L'un des aspects fondamentaux des systèmes informatiques modernes, et en particulier des systèmes critiques, est la possibilité d'exécuter plusieurs processus, partageant des ressources communes, de façon simultanée. De par leur nature concurrentielle, le bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes n'est assuré que lorsque leurs comportements ne dépendent pas d'un ordre d'exécution prédéterminé. En raison de cette caractéristique, il est particulièrement difficile de s'assurer qu'un système concurrent ne possède pas de faille. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la vérification formelle, une approche algorithmique qui vise à automatiser la vérification du bon fonctionnement de systèmes concurrents en procédant par une abstraction vers des modèles mathématiques. Nous considérons deux de ces modèles, les réseaux de Petri et les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs, et les problèmes de vérification qui leur sont associés. Nous montrons que le problème d'accessibilité pour les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs (avec états) à deux compteurs est PSPACE-complet, c'est-à-dire complet pour la classe des problèmes solubles à l'aide d'une quantité polynomiale de mémoire. Nous établissons ainsi la complexité calculatoire précise de ce problème, répondant à une question demeurée ouverte depuis plus de trente ans. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche au problème de couverture pour les réseaux de Petri, basée sur un algorithme arrière guidé par une caractérisation logique de l'accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri dits continus. Cette approche nous a permis de mettre au point un nouvel algorithme qui s'avère particulièrement efficace en pratique, tel que démontré par notre implémentation logicielle nommée QCover. Nous complétons ces résultats par une étude des systèmes de transitions bien structurés qui constituent une abstraction générale des systèmes d'addition de vecteurs et des réseaux de Petri. Nous considérons le cas des systèmes de transitions bien structurés à branchement infini, une classe qui inclut les réseaux de Petri possédant des arcs pouvant consommer ou produire un nombre arbitraire de jetons. Nous développons des outils mathématiques facilitant l'étude de ces systèmes et nous délimitons les frontières au-delà desquelles la décidabilité des problèmes de terminaison, de finitude, de maintenabilité et de couverture est perdue. / One fundamental aspect of computer systems, and in particular of critical systsems, is the ability to run simultaneously many processes sharing resources. Such concurrent systems only work correctly when their behaviours are independent of any execution ordering. For this reason, it is particularly difficult to ensure the correctness of concurrent systems.In this thesis, we study formal verification, an algorithmic approach to the verification of concurrent systems based on mathematical modeling. We consider two of the most prominent models, Petri nets and vector addition systems, and their usual verification problems considered in the literature.We show that the reachability problem for vector addition systems (with states) restricted to two counters is PSPACE-complete, that is, it is complete for the class of problems solvable with a polynomial amount of memory. Hence, we establish the precise computational complexity of this problem, left open for more than thirty years.We develop a new approach to the coverability problem for Petri nets which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by implementing it in a tool named QCover.We complement these results with a study of well-structured transition systems which form a general abstraction of vector addition systems and Petri nets. We consider infinitely branching well-structured transition systems, a class that includes Petri nets with special transitions that may consume or produce arbitrarily many tokens. We develop mathematical tools in order to study these systems and we delineate the decidability frontier for the termination, boundedness, maintainability and coverability problems for these systems.

Parallel model checking for multiprocessor architecture / Model checking sur architecture multiprocesseur

Tacla Saad, Rodrigo 20 December 2011 (has links)
Nous proposons de nouveaux algorithmes et de nouvelles structures de données pour la vérification formelle de systèmes réactifs finis sur architectures parallèles. Ces travaux se basent sur les techniques de vérification model checking. Notre approche cible des architectures multi-processeurs et multi-cœurs, avec mémoire partagée, qui correspondent aux générations de serveurs les plus performants disponibles actuellement.Dans ce contexte, notre objectif principal est de proposer des approches qui soient à la fois efficaces au niveau des performances, mais aussi compatibles avec les politiques de partage dynamique du travail utilisées par les algorithmes de génération d’espaces d'états en parallèle; ainsi, nous ne plaçons pas de contraintes sur la manière dont le travail ou les données sont partagés entre les processeurs.Parallèlement à la définition de nouveaux algorithmes de model checking pour machines multi-cœurs, nous nous intéressons également aux algorithmes de vérification probabiliste. Par probabiliste, nous entendons des algorithmes de model checking qui ont une forte probabilité de visiter tous les états durant la vérification d’un système. La vérification probabiliste permet des gains importants au niveau de la mémoire utilisée, en échange d’une faible probabilité de ne pas être exhaustif; il s’agit donc d’une stratégie permettant de répondre au problème de l’explosion combinatoire / In this thesis, we propose and study new algorithms and data structures for model checking finite-state, concurrent systems. We focus on techniques that target shared memory, multi-cores architectures, that are a current trend in computer architectures.In this context, we present new algorithms and data structures for exhaustive parallel model checking that are as efficient as possible, but also ``friendly'' with respect to the work-sharing policies that are used for the state space generation (e.g. a work-stealing strategy): at no point do we impose a restriction on the way work is shared among the processors. This includes both the construction of the state space as the detection of cycles in parallel, which is is one of the key points of performance for the evaluation of more complex formulas.Alongside the definition of enumerative, model checking algorithms for many-cores architectures, we also study probabilistic verification algorithms. By the term probabilistic, we mean that, during the exploration of a system, any given reachable state has a high probability of being checked by the algorithm. Probabilistic verification trades savings at the level of memory usage for the probability of missing some states. Consequently, it becomes possible to analyze part of the state space of a system when there is not enough memory available to represent the entire state space in an exact manner

Databáze specifikací bezpečnostních protokolů / Specifications Database of Security Protocols

Ondráček, David January 2008 (has links)
Original protocols, which were created during early development of computer networks, no longer provide sufficient security. This is the reason why new protocols are developed and implemented. The important component of this process is formal verification, which is used to analyze the developed protocols and check whether a successful attack is possible or not. This thesis presents selected security protocols and tools for their formal verification. Further, the selected protocols are specified in LySa calculus and results of their analysis using LySatool are presented and discussed.

Návrh a implementace nástroje pro formální verifikaci systémů specifikovaných jazykem RT logiky / Design and Implementation of a Tool for Formal Verification of Systems Specified in RT-Logic Language

Fiedor, Jan January 2009 (has links)
As systems complexity grows, so grows the risk of errors, that's why it's necessary to effectively and reliably repair those errors. With most of real-time systems this statement pays twice, because a single error can cause complete system crash which may result in catastrophe. Formal verification, contrary to other methods, allows reliable system requirements verification.

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