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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflexivization in Lithuanian and English / Refleksyvizacija lietuvių ir anglų kalbose

Ivaškaitė, Rita 25 May 2005 (has links)
The present paper focuses on the problem of reflexivization in Lithuanian and English. The study is based on a corpus of 6718 instances of reflexive constructions in the novel “Sodybų Tuštėjimo Metas” by Jonas Avyžius and their equivalents in the English variant of the text translated by Olga Shartse. The aim of the paper is to describe the semantic patterns that can be expressed by reflexive constructions in Lithuanian and English, and to determine the basic similarities and differences in the employment of reflexivization in the two languages. The analysis is carried out by means of the descriptive method. The results show that both in Lithuanian and English the greatest number of reflexive constructions are used in their primary function, i.e. to mark the coreference of two semantic roles. In both the languages reflexives can be used to mark other meanings than that of semantic reflexivity, but Lithuanian reflexive constructions are in a position to express more meanings. The analysis of the data shows that, in contrast to Lithuanian, in English there is a strong preference for the use of unmarked reflexive constructions rather than for the marked ones in all the semantic patterns. The differences in the use of reflexive constructions in the two languages can be accounted for by the peculiarities of the morphological structure of the languages. In English the reflexive marker is a pronoun with a relatively independent syntactical status, which can be omitted if the context... [to full text]

Elementos rigidos, valorizações e estrutura de aneis de Witt / Rigid elements, valuations and structure of Witt rings

Papa Neto, Angelo 09 December 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Jose Engler / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T13:32:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PapaNeto_Angelo_D.pdf: 939822 bytes, checksum: 40aedb2e25f1f22956a7ff182038cae3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Um corpo ordenado é uma estrutura algébrica similar à do corpo dos números reais. No entanto, ao contrário dos reais, um corpo arbitrário F pode admitir mais de uma ordem, inclusive um número infinito e não enumerável de ordens. A cada elemento x do corpo F podemos associar uma forma quadrática binária [1, x], chamada 1-forma de Pfister. Os elementos de F = F 0} representados por [1, x], constituem um grupo que chamamos grupo de valores da forma e denotamos por D[1,x]. Um elemento d S F é chamado rígido se D[1, d] = F2 U dF2 , onde F2 é o subgrupo de F formado pelos quadrados. Um elemento d é dito birígido se d e -d são rígidos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal obter um teorema de estrutura para o anel de Witt (das classes de equivalência de formas quadráticas) de um corpo ordenado F admitindo um elemento rígido que não é birígido e que é negativo em relação à pelo menos uma das ordens do corpo. Mais precisamente, obtemos uma decomposição do anel de Witt de F como produto de anéis de Witt de duas extensões H ¿ F e K ¿ F, ambas contidas no fecho quadrático de F. Os anéis de Witt de H e K têm estrutura mais simples que a do anel de Witt de F. Obtemos os corpos H e K construindo subgrupos Rd e Sd associados ao elemento rígido d e exigindo que valha uma propriedade de decomposição: F = Rd· Sd. O corpo H é uma henselização de F relativa a um anel de valorização (A;mA) de F tal que Rd = (1 + mA) F2 . O corpo K é pitagórico e tem espaço de ordens XK homeomorfo ao espaço X/Sd das ordens de F que contém Sd. Obtemos ainda uma condição necessária e suficiente para que ocorra a decomposição F = Rd · Sd, que depende do grupo de valores e do corpo de resíduos do anel de valorização A. / Abstract: An ordered field is an algebraic structure like the field of real numbers. However, while the field of real numbers have only one ordering, an arbitrary ordered field F may have more than one ordering, and also a infinite and uncountble number of orderings is allowed. To each element x Î F one can associate an binary quadratic form [1, x], called Pfister 1-fold form. The set of elements in F = F 0} which are represented by [1, x] is a group D[1,x], called value group of [1,x]. An element d S F is called rigid if D[1, d] = F2 U dF2, where F 2 denotes the subgroup of squares in F . An element d is called birigid if d and -d are both rigid. The main purpose of this thesis is to prove an structure theorem for Witt ring (of equivalence classes of quadratic forms) of an ordered field F with a rigid element which is not birigid and is negative in at least one ordering of F, that is, we get a decomposition of the Witt ring of F as a product of Witt rings of extensions H ¿ F and K ¿ F, both inside the quadratic closure of F. The Witt rings of H and K have a simpler structure than Witt ring of F. We get fields H and K by builting subgroups Rd and Sd associated to the rigid element d and making the addicional assumption that F = Rd·Sd holds. The field H is a henselization of F relative to a valuation ring (A;mA) of F such that Rd = (1 + mA) F2. The pythagorean field K has space of orderings XK homeomorphic to X/Sd, the space of orderings of F which contain Sd. Moreover, we settle an necessary and suficient condiction to decomposition F = Rd·Sd holds, relative to value group and residue field of valuation ring A. / Doutorado / Algebra / Doutor em Matemática

Exploring emotive listening experiences through continuous measurement of self-report and listening profiles / Maria Louisa Schutte

Schutte, Maria Louisa January 2011 (has links)
Training can enable performers to express music in a personal and emotional way while communicating aesthetic impressions to an audience. Little research has been done on the emotive experiences of performing musicians listening to their own performances. The main goal of this study was to develop a reliable way to investigate emotive content of such experiences through a combination of listening profiles and continuous measurement. This empirical, methodological study used a mixed-method design. Responses from formally and informally trained musicians were tested. The methodology consists of two parts: listening profiles (Part I), and the continuous measurement of self-reported emotional response to music (Part II), supported by interviews. Part I consists of a demographic questionnaire, a listening test and a personality test. Part II consists of a computerised questionnaire with four questions: 1) word sorting, 2) word, colours, and facial expressions checklists, which participants use to indicate their emotional responses while the music plays, 3) free description, and 4) rating scales. Data was obtained during three test periods. Part I results revealed that personality, illness, preferences, and psychological factors influence the emotive content of listening experiences. Participants’ response time and manner of word sorting was also supportive of their profiles. Part II results revealed that listeners pay attention to both structural and performance elements as well as emotive content in both prescribed and personal musical tracks. Only a few participants were able to identify the predetermined emotion of the prescribed musical tracks. Participants’ experiences seemed to be influenced by training and personal preferences. Listening to their own recorded performances, informally trained participants were able to focus progressively less on performance elements and more on emotive content, while formally trained participants seemed to focus progressively more on performance elements, and less on emotive content. / Thesis (MMus)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Exploring emotive listening experiences through continuous measurement of self-report and listening profiles / Maria Louisa Schutte

Schutte, Maria Louisa January 2011 (has links)
Training can enable performers to express music in a personal and emotional way while communicating aesthetic impressions to an audience. Little research has been done on the emotive experiences of performing musicians listening to their own performances. The main goal of this study was to develop a reliable way to investigate emotive content of such experiences through a combination of listening profiles and continuous measurement. This empirical, methodological study used a mixed-method design. Responses from formally and informally trained musicians were tested. The methodology consists of two parts: listening profiles (Part I), and the continuous measurement of self-reported emotional response to music (Part II), supported by interviews. Part I consists of a demographic questionnaire, a listening test and a personality test. Part II consists of a computerised questionnaire with four questions: 1) word sorting, 2) word, colours, and facial expressions checklists, which participants use to indicate their emotional responses while the music plays, 3) free description, and 4) rating scales. Data was obtained during three test periods. Part I results revealed that personality, illness, preferences, and psychological factors influence the emotive content of listening experiences. Participants’ response time and manner of word sorting was also supportive of their profiles. Part II results revealed that listeners pay attention to both structural and performance elements as well as emotive content in both prescribed and personal musical tracks. Only a few participants were able to identify the predetermined emotion of the prescribed musical tracks. Participants’ experiences seemed to be influenced by training and personal preferences. Listening to their own recorded performances, informally trained participants were able to focus progressively less on performance elements and more on emotive content, while formally trained participants seemed to focus progressively more on performance elements, and less on emotive content. / Thesis (MMus)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Лексички крњи глаголи и њихова употреба у савременом руском и српском језику / Leksički krnji glagoli i njihova upotreba u savremenom ruskom i srpskom jeziku / Lexically incomplete verbs and their use in modern Russian and Serbian

Krstić Maja 21 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Дати рад има задатак да представи, опише и одреди статус лексички крњих глагола у руском и српском језику. Реч је о глаголима који нису способни самостално да функционишу, због чега су упућени на самосталне речи, са којима у споју остварују своју улогу и постају способни да изразе граматичко значење самосталних речи, као и читаве конструкције чији су саставни део.<br />Глаголи овога типа биће класификовани у три основне групе: 1) копулативни глаголи; 2) модални и фазни глаголи и 3) формално пунозначни глаголи, њихова анализа спроводиће се како у оквиру наведених група, тако и у целини, а основу датог проучавања представљаће контрастивна анализа и одређивање статуса датих глагола у савременом руском и српском језику.<br />Иако су више пута били предмет истраживања, непунозначни глаголи нису добили једну целовиту анализу, нису адекватно груписани и побројани, није урађена типолошка класификација ове групе глагола у оба поређена језика. Насупрот детаљно истраженој групи пунозначних (самосталних) глагола, група лексички непунозначних глагола заслужује исцрпнију анализу, јаснију научну дефиницију, изучавање њихове семантике, карактера, као и специфичности односа које означавају, односно положаја који заузимају у општем систему језичких јединица.</p> / <p>Dati rad ima zadatak da predstavi, opiše i odredi status leksički krnjih glagola u ruskom i srpskom jeziku. Reč je o glagolima koji nisu sposobni samostalno da funkcionišu, zbog čega su upućeni na samostalne reči, sa kojima u spoju ostvaruju svoju ulogu i postaju sposobni da izraze gramatičko značenje samostalnih reči, kao i čitave konstrukcije čiji su sastavni deo.<br />Glagoli ovoga tipa biće klasifikovani u tri osnovne grupe: 1) kopulativni glagoli; 2) modalni i fazni glagoli i 3) formalno punoznačni glagoli, njihova analiza sprovodiće se kako u okviru navedenih grupa, tako i u celini, a osnovu datog proučavanja predstavljaće kontrastivna analiza i određivanje statusa datih glagola u savremenom ruskom i srpskom jeziku.<br />Iako su više puta bili predmet istraživanja, nepunoznačni glagoli nisu dobili jednu celovitu analizu, nisu adekvatno grupisani i pobrojani, nije urađena tipološka klasifikacija ove grupe glagola u oba poređena jezika. Nasuprot detaljno istraženoj grupi punoznačnih (samostalnih) glagola, grupa leksički nepunoznačnih glagola zaslužuje iscrpniju analizu, jasniju naučnu definiciju, izučavanje njihove semantike, karaktera, kao i specifičnosti odnosa koje označavaju, odnosno položaja koji zauzimaju u opštem sistemu jezičkih jedinica.</p> / <p>The aim of this dissertation is to analyze and determine the status of lexically incomplete verbs in Russian and Serbian. Lexically incomplete verbs are those that cannot function independently, which is why they are directed towards independent words. It is by means of this relationship they are able to perform their function and express grammatical meaning of independent words, as well as of the entire phrase they are a part of.<br />These verbs will be classified in three primary groups: 1) copulative verbs; 2) modal and phase verbs; 3) verbs with formally full meaning, their analysis will be performed both within the framework of the aforementioned groups and by treating them as a whole, whereas the basis for the study will be set by a contrastive analysis and the determination of the status of the verbs in modern Russian and Serbian.<br />Even though they have so far been an object of numerous studies, verbs without full meaning have yet not been given a thorough analysis, nor have they been adequately grouped, inventoried and typologically classified in either of the two contrasted languages. If compared to the group of independent verbs with full meaning that were examined in great detail, the group of verbs without full lexical meaning deserves a more comprehensive analysis, a clearer scientific definition, an analysis of their semantics, character, as well as the specific relations they signify and the position they occupy in the general system of linguistic units.</p>

Étude explicite de quelques n-champs géométriques / Non disponible

Benzeghli, Brahim 03 June 2013 (has links)
Dans [PRID], Pridham a montré que tout n-champs d'Artin M admet une présentation en tant que schéma simplicial X. → M, telle que le schéma simplicial X satisfait à certaines propriétés notées par G.Pn,k de [GROTH]. Dans la présentation (…→ X2 → X1 → X0 → M), le schéma X1 représente une carte pour X0 x MX0. Donc, la lissité de X0 → M est équivalente à la lissité des deux projections ә0,ә1 : X1 → X0. Ce sont les deux premières parties de la condition de Grothendieck-Pridham, notées G.P1,0 et G.P1,1. Dans [BENZ12] nous avons introduit un n-champ d'Artin M des éléments de Maurer-Cartan d'une dg-catégorie. On a construit une carte, et on a déjà fait la preuve des premières conditions de lissité explicitement. Pour tout n et tout 0 ≤ k ≤ n Pridham considère un schéma noté MatchΛkn(X) avec un morphisme Xn → MatchΛkn(X). On construira explicitement le schéma simplicial de Grothendieck-Pridham X, on montrera la lissité formelle de cette carte précédente, ainsi que M est un n-champ géométrique. / In [PRID], Pridham has shown that any Artin n-stack M has a presentation as a simplicial scheme X. → M such that the simplicial scheme X satisfies certain properties denoted G.Pn,k of [GROTH]. In the presentation (…→ X2 → X1 → X0 → M), the scheme X1 represents a chart for X0 x MX0. Thus, the smoothness of X0 → M is equivalent to the smoothness of the two projections ә0,ә1 : X1 → X0. These are the first two parts of the Grothendieck-Pridham condition, denoted G.P1,0 and G.P1,1. In [BENZ12] we introduced an Artin n-stack M of Maurer-Cartan elements of a dg-category. We constructed a chart, and have already proven the first smoothness conditions explicitly. For any n and any 0 ≤ k ≤ n Pridham considers a scheme denoted MatchΛkn(X) with a morphism Xn → MatchΛkn(X). We will construct explicitly the Grothendieck-Pridham simplicial scheme and show the smoothness of the preceding map, therefore M is a geometric n-stack.

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