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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Beckman Rietz, Lena Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
The Venetian veduta or view, became popular in the Settecento when Venice had turned into a regular stop on the Grand Tour. The foreign market’s interest in vedute, prompted Venetian artists to follow in Canaletto’s path. Francesco Guardi (1712-1793) is today famous for such views, and his paintings hang in museums around the world. One of his vedute, Piazza San Marco, Venice, was bought by the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm in 1964. In 1990, however, the Nationalmuseum changed the attribution of the painting. What prompted such a change? This thesis critically discusses the difficulty of attribution and dating of vedute in the Eighteenth century, specifically of paintings by the artist Francesco Guardi. Moreover, it presents and examines the strengths and weaknesses of the different attributional methods based on documentary, stylistic, topographic and technical approach, and with what success scholars have used them to establish a chronology of Francesco Guardi's oeuvre. Due to its well documented history, the painting, Piazza San Marco, Venice, will serve as a case study for the difficulties of attributing and dating Francesco Guard’s vedute, and the thesis will present evidence to Piazza San Marco, Venice,’s authenticity as a Francesco Guardi autograph.

Un approccio alle raccolte poetiche-drammatiche tra Sei e Settecento

Marri, Fabio 02 July 2020 (has links)
I manoscritti qui considerati vanno dal Seicento al primo Ottocento, e documentano una fase della letteratura italiana che continuava a interessare lettori e collezionisti. Un caso esemplare è il manoscritto Ob.37, raccolta calligrafica, che contiene soprattutto sonetti, canzoni e poesie musicali senza indicarne il nome dell’autore. La prima menzione di questo supporto è nel catalogo Scheureck del 1755, ma non sappiamo altro sulla sua acquisi-zione. Il lavoro erudito consiste nell’identificare gli autori delle poesie, e rintracciare i testi anche in codici simili della stessa epoca. Interessante pure un gruppo di manoscritti che portano le segnature Mscr.Dresd.Ob.48.b, Ob.48.c, Ob.48.d, Ob.48.e, Ob.48.f, Ob.48.g, Ob.48.ga e Ob.48.h, prevalentemente libretti di opere liriche, con l’eccezione del Falcone, commedia la cui esecuzione va collocata a Vienna intorno al 1740. Di qualche interesse ne è la lingua, aperta sia a modi proverbiali, letterari o popolari, sia a sezioni in dialetto veneto e lombardo, che si possono paragonare a quelle della commedia dell’arte fino ai primi successi di Carlo Goldoni.


FIACCADORI, CHIARA 08 March 2016 (has links)
Il presente studio si propone di ricostruire, in una dimensione monografica, la figura di Francesco Scaramuzza, personalità artistica prolifica che ha determinato nella prima metà dell’Ottocento il nuovo corso della pittura parmense. Interprete e portatore di un Romanticismo atipico, fu debitore, a suo modo, tanto della lezione dei Nazareni quanto, più tardi, della svolta lombarda verso i temi contemporanei, senza mai trascurare l’amata impronta correggesca. L’artista attraversa tre distinti momenti di committenza, dal governo restaurato di Maria Luigia d’Asburgo, dopo la parentesi napoleonica, all’infelice intervallo borbonico, presto sfociato nell’annessione al regno Sardo di Vittorio Emanuele II. Sotto la sovrana austriaca giunge all’apice della carriera, subendo, però, una battuta d’arresto con i Borbone a causa delle sue note simpatie libertarie. Trova una conferma nel nuovo governo unitario, il quale gli affida il compito di illustrare la Divina Commedia, la sua opera più nota e più riuscita, che segnerà, dopo diciassette anni di strenuo lavoro, il punto di arrivo della sua carriera d’artista. / This study aims to reconstruct, in a monographic dimension, the profile of Francesco Scaramuzza, a prolific artist who determined the new course of painting in Parma in the first half of the 19th century. Interpreter and bearer of an atypical Romanticism, in his artistic development he was inspired by the lessons of the Nazarenes as much as by the Lombard interest in contemporary subjects, without neglecting the beloved imprint of Correggio’s style. Throughout his career he went through three different patronages, from the restored regime of Marie Louise of Hapsburg, after the Napoleonic period, to the unhappy Bourbon interlude, ended quickly with the annexation to the reign of Vittorio Emanuele II. Under the Austrian sovereign he reached the peak of his career, suffering, however, a setback under the Bourbon government because of his well-known libertarian sympathies. His value was recognized eventually by the establishment of the united Italy, who entrusted him to illustrate the Divine Comedy, his most famous and successful work, which will mark, after seventeen years of strenuous work, the conclusion of his career as an artist.

A ideia de ordem: symmetria e decor nos tratados de Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio e Cesare Cesariano / The idea of order: symmetria and decor in Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio and Cesare Cesariano\'s treatises

Pedro, Ana Paula Giardini 28 March 2011 (has links)
Frente aos preceitos ditados por Vitrúvio em seu De Architectura, arquitetos tratadistas do Quatrocentos e do Quinhentos, absortos em requalificar a arquitetura e a cidade, divisam symmetria e decor como premissas excelsas a corporificar na ars aedificatoria a perfeita ordem e beleza da natureza. A perquirição de suas acepções, não obstante os obstáculos postos à exegese dos tratados, desvela novos juízos sobre os sentidos de ordem então exalçados. Instituídas, desde a fonte antiga, pelas analogias com o homo ad circulum e ad quadratum, os tratados de Antonio Averlino, detto il Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio Martini e Cesare Cesariano consolidam e multiplicam as possibilidades de associações macro e microcósmicas com a ordo divina. Congêneres ao decor, tais symmetriai e razões do homem bene figuratus precisam expedientes inescusáveis de adequação e variedade, inerentes à vera práxis arquitetônica. / Before the precepts stated by Vitruvius in his De Architectura, architects from the 15th and 16th centuries, absorbed in requalifying the architecture and the city, perceive symmetria and decor as excelling premises that embodied the perfect order and beauty of nature in the ars aedificatoria. The search of their significances, despite the obstacles placed by the treatises exegesis, discloses new judgments about the senses of order extoled at that age. Antonio Averlino, detto il Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Cesare Cesariano\'s treatises consolidate and multiply the possibilities of macro and microcosmic associations with the divine ordo, already settled in the ancient source through the analogy with the homo ad circulum and ad quadratum. Congeneric to decor, such symmetriai and the reasons of the homo bene figuratus determine required expedients for adequacy and variety inherent in the veracious architectural praxis.

The ecclesiastical architecture of Francesco di Giorgio Martini a study of theory and practice /

Wolf, Eric Michael. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 268-274).

Das Heil kommt von den Juden (Joh 4,22) Untersuchungen zur Heilsbedeutung Israels /

Kutschera, Rudolf, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Leopold-Franzens Universität, Innsbruck, 2003.

Peindre la science : Caravage et le milieu savant de Rome

Papacostidis, Anna 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A ideia de ordem: symmetria e decor nos tratados de Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio e Cesare Cesariano / The idea of order: symmetria and decor in Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio and Cesare Cesariano\'s treatises

Ana Paula Giardini Pedro 28 March 2011 (has links)
Frente aos preceitos ditados por Vitrúvio em seu De Architectura, arquitetos tratadistas do Quatrocentos e do Quinhentos, absortos em requalificar a arquitetura e a cidade, divisam symmetria e decor como premissas excelsas a corporificar na ars aedificatoria a perfeita ordem e beleza da natureza. A perquirição de suas acepções, não obstante os obstáculos postos à exegese dos tratados, desvela novos juízos sobre os sentidos de ordem então exalçados. Instituídas, desde a fonte antiga, pelas analogias com o homo ad circulum e ad quadratum, os tratados de Antonio Averlino, detto il Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio Martini e Cesare Cesariano consolidam e multiplicam as possibilidades de associações macro e microcósmicas com a ordo divina. Congêneres ao decor, tais symmetriai e razões do homem bene figuratus precisam expedientes inescusáveis de adequação e variedade, inerentes à vera práxis arquitetônica. / Before the precepts stated by Vitruvius in his De Architectura, architects from the 15th and 16th centuries, absorbed in requalifying the architecture and the city, perceive symmetria and decor as excelling premises that embodied the perfect order and beauty of nature in the ars aedificatoria. The search of their significances, despite the obstacles placed by the treatises exegesis, discloses new judgments about the senses of order extoled at that age. Antonio Averlino, detto il Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Cesare Cesariano\'s treatises consolidate and multiply the possibilities of macro and microcosmic associations with the divine ordo, already settled in the ancient source through the analogy with the homo ad circulum and ad quadratum. Congeneric to decor, such symmetriai and the reasons of the homo bene figuratus determine required expedients for adequacy and variety inherent in the veracious architectural praxis.

Missa Papae Marcelli: A Comparative Analysis of the Kyrie and Gloria Movements of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and an Adaptation by Giovanni Francesco Anerio

Moore, Michael J. 05 1900 (has links)
Missa Papae Marcelli: A Comparative Analysis of the Kyrie and Gloria Movements of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and an Adaptation by Giovanni Francesco Anerio

Drafting Spaces: Four Literary Visions of the Northern Adriatic

Wyatt, Andrew January 2023 (has links)
The question that forms the foundation of this project is quite simple: how can space help us discuss literature and vice versa? The chapters of this dissertation explore the writing of Francesco Dall’Ongaro, Italo Svevo, Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini, and Marisa Madieri, each of whom addresses spatial concepts in their textual representations of the northern Adriatic region. Utilizing the related yet distinct approaches of spatial literary studies and geocriticism, paired with intellectual history, I find that the northern Adriatic region can be construed as a literary creation comprised of distinct, resistant narratives. The four texts under discussion promote a particular narrative of the region, revealing different strategies for its literary construction. Furthermore, this project aims to demonstrate that the spatially-attentive critic, no matter the discipline, has a vital role in deconstructing the process by which spaces enter the imaginary through cultural production.

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