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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelle zur Beschreibung des Geschwindigkeitsverhaltens auf Stadtstraßen und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrssicherheit auf Grundlage der Straßengestaltung

Schüller, Hagen 16 June 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift widmet sich der Beschreibung des Geschwindigkeits-verhaltens von Kraftfahrern auf innerörtlichen Straßen sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrssicherheit. Grundlage bilden manuelle und automatische Querschnittsmessungen von Einzelgeschwindigkeiten in Hauptverkehrs- und Erschließungs¬straßen mit zulässigen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten von 50 bzw. 30 km/h. Die Beschreibung von Wunschgeschwindigkeiten über unterschiedliche Abgrenzungen freifahrender Fahrzeuge, deren Geschwindigkeiten die Grundlage für die folgenden Modelle bilden, sowie die Überprüfung der Übertragbarkeit von Querschnittsmessungen auf die Strecke und die Analyse von Geschwindigkeitsganglinien dienen der Einordnung der in dieser Untersuchung vorgelegten Ergebnisse. Ziel des ersten Teils der Arbeit ist die Beschreibung möglicher Einflussfaktoren aus der Gestaltung, dem Betrieb sowie der Lage im Netz und dem Umfeld einer Straße auf die Wahl der Geschwindigkeit von Pkw-Fahrern. Erste Ansätze werden aus dem Vergleich von fahrtrichtungsbezogenen Geschwindigkeiten an einem Querschnitt mit asymmetrischer Gestaltung abgeleitet. Auf Basis querschnittsbezogener mittlerer und v85-Geschwindigkeiten werden verschiedene multiple Regressionsmodelle aufgestellt und miteinander verglichen. Die Modelle basieren auf Messungen im Straßennetz Dresdens und werden anhand von Messungen aus anderen deutschen Städten validiert. Signifikante Einflussgrößen ergeben sich aus den Bereichen Verkehrsbedeutung, Querschnittsgestaltung, Umfeldnutzung und Fahrbahnoberfläche eines Straßenquerschnitts. Die Einflussgrößen sowie deren Abhängigkeiten untereinander werden diskutiert und Potenziale für Maßnahmen zur Geschwindigkeitsreduzierung aufgezeigt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden für Tempo-50-Straßen verallgemeinerte lineare Modelle zur Beschreibung des Einflusses der Geschwindigkeit auf die Verkehrssicherheit abgeleitet. Für unterschiedliche Unfallkollektive bezüglich räumlicher Abgrenzung, Unfallschwere und Verkehrsbeteiligung wird der Geschwindigkeitseinfluss auf die Unfallzahl anhand einer Potenzfunktion (Power-Modell) unter Kontrolle der Randbedingungen Verkehrsaufkommen des motorisierten Individual-verkehrs und Umfeldnutzung beschrieben. Die Zahl der Unfälle mit Personenschaden steigt progressiv mit der mittleren Geschwindigkeit und degressiv mit dem DTV an. / Driving speeds of personal vehicles on urban roads are analyzed and their influence on traffic safety is modeled. The speed data is measured at cross sections on major and minor roads with speed limits of 50 and 30 km/h. Different kinds of classification of free-flow-vehicles were analyzed for the description of the desired speed of a driver. Also local speeds along road sections as well as time variation curves of driving speeds are documented in order to interpret and classify the provided findings. The first part of this work deals with the prediction of local driving speeds based on parameters of the roadway environment determining road design as well as the land-use next to the road. One first simple approach is to compare both driving directions at non-symmetric cross sections. Then several multiple regression models for mean speeds and 85-percentiles of the speed distribution are estimated and compared with each other. The models are based on the road network of the city of Dresden and are validated with speed measurements in other German cities. Road classification, cross section characteristics, land-use and the road surface condition are found to be significant parameters that correlate with driving speed. The possible influences on the choice of speed and their interdependencies as well as their practical relevance are discussed. In the second part of this work the influence of speeds on the occurrence of traffic accidents is estimated using Generalized Linear Models. This is done for different accident groups under consideration of the annual daily traffic and a parameter that describes the length and type of land-use of the adjacent buildings next to the road section. The relationship between speed and accident counts can be described using a power function. Accident numbers rise progressively with increasing speeds and rise in a declining manner with increasing amount of traffic.

Teacher-directed play as a tool to develop emergent mathematics concepts : a neuro-psychological perspective

Helmbold, Erika Geertruida 11 1900 (has links)
Recent research has elucidated the sustained benefits of early mathematics instruction. With growing concern about the performance of South Africa’s senior learners in mathematics, it is imperative to look at long-term solutions within the education process. One such solution may be to focus on improved mathematics instruction as early as preprimary school. However, children at this young age are not typically suited to formal teaching. Alternative methods of mathematics instruction must be considered for maximum and effective impact. The study was conducted to test the notion that not all early methods of mathematics instruction are equal. During the empirical research approximately 200 preprimary school children in three different socio-economic environments (urban higher SES, township and rural) were tested after experiencing a teacher-guided play-based mathematics teaching intervention, or after experiencing a worksheet-based or free-flow play-based curriculum. The test performance of the participants was primarily compared to find relations between teaching methods and early mathematics performance. The study found that a teacher-guided play-based curriculum is superior to other curriculums in the instruction of mathematics in all educational settings, regardless of socioeconomic background. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Teacher-directed play as a tool to develop emergent mathematics concepts : a neuro-psychological perspective

Helmbold, Erika Geertruida 11 1900 (has links)
Recent research has elucidated the sustained benefits of early mathematics instruction. With growing concern about the performance of South Africa’s senior learners in mathematics, it is imperative to look at long-term solutions within the education process. One such solution may be to focus on improved mathematics instruction as early as preprimary school. However, children at this young age are not typically suited to formal teaching. Alternative methods of mathematics instruction must be considered for maximum and effective impact. The study was conducted to test the notion that not all early methods of mathematics instruction are equal. During the empirical research approximately 200 preprimary school children in three different socio-economic environments (urban higher SES, township and rural) were tested after experiencing a teacher-guided play-based mathematics teaching intervention, or after experiencing a worksheet-based or free-flow play-based curriculum. The test performance of the participants was primarily compared to find relations between teaching methods and early mathematics performance. The study found that a teacher-guided play-based curriculum is superior to other curriculums in the instruction of mathematics in all educational settings, regardless of socioeconomic background. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Os conflitos tributários internacionais e sua possível solução pela via arbitral / The international tax conflicts and their soluctions by arbitration.

Daniel Dix Carneiro 20 August 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno da globalização teve o condão de aproximar os diversos povos, cada um com seus interesses e culturas próprios. A existência de um consenso internacional na definição de princípios a serem seguidos quando das relações externas não consegue impedir, contudo, o surgimento de possíveis conflitos e divergências, tendo em vista a pluralidade cultural das diversas nações mundiais, fato que induziu a sociedade internacional a desenvolver meios que pudessem dirimir pacificamente as controvérsias, porventura, surgidas entre elas. A adoção dos meios para solução pacífica dos conflitos internacionais encontra-se incentivada pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (art. 4., incisos VI e VII) e sua utilização não importa qualquer renúncia ao exercício da soberania, nem tampouco à imunidade de jurisdição. Para que se tenha uma eficácia maior da submissão dos conflitos surgidos no âmbito externo aos meios admitidos para resolvê-los, é importante que os países envolvidos no litígio possuam orientação interna no sentido de privilegiar o Direito Internacional frente à sua legislação infraconstitucional doméstica. A eventual primazia do direito interno pode resultar na inocuidade da adoção dos meios pacíficos de solução de controvérsias internacionais, uma vez que as autoridades dos países litigantes poderão se esquivar do cumprimento do acordo ou decisão alegando uma possível contrariedade com os ditames legais domésticos. Nesse contexto, a seara tributária tem despertado constantes divergências internacionais. As diferentes interpretações conferidas pelas diversas nações, dentre elas o Brasil, quando da aplicação dos tratados por elas firmados e que tenham vertente fiscal, em especial aqueles que visam evitar a dupla imposição fiscal da renda, ou garantir o livre trânsito de bens, pessoas e serviços, acaba trazendo grande insegurança àqueles investidores que possuem operações conectadas a dois ou mais sistemas tributários diferentes. Assim, ganham cada vez mais corpo, os debates em torno da extensão dos mecanismos pacíficos para resolução de divergências, também ao âmbito de aplicação de todo e qualquer tratado que verse sobre a matéria tributária. Tal fato propicia a busca de uma possível uniformização dos métodos hermenêuticos aplicáveis àqueles fatos geradores tributáveis que se encontrem vinculados a dois ou mais entes soberanos. É nesse contexto que se apresenta o presente estudo, o qual aborda a possibilidade de a República Federativa do Brasil submeter ao procedimento arbitral aquelas controvérsias de cunho tributário que eventualmente decorram da interpretação divergente das convenções internacionais das quais seja parte e que tratem de matéria fiscal. / The phenomenon of globalization had the power to bring together different peoples, each with their own interests and cultures. However, in view of the cultural diversity of different peoples around the world, the existence of an international consensus in establishing the principles to be followed when external relations are formed cannot prevent the emergence of external conflicts and disagreements. This led the international society to develop mechanisms that could peacefully settle the controversies that may eventually arise. The adoption of such mechanisms is encouraged by the Brazilian Constitution, whose article 4, sections VI and VII, advocates the pursuit of peace and peaceful settlement of disputes. Its use does not lead to the renunciation of the exercise of sovereignty nor to the immunity of jurisdiction. Meanwhile, in order to achieve greater efficacy in the submission of disputes arising outside of the means allowed to solve them, it is important that countries involved in the disputes have consolidated internal orientation towards favouring international law over their domestic infra-constitutional legislation. The primacy of the domestic law may result in the ineffectiveness of adopting peaceful means for solving international controversies since authorities of the countries engaged in the dispute may avoid compliance with the agreement or decision on the grounds of some contradiction with the domestic law procedures. In this context, the taxation arena has been constantly attracting international disagreement. The different interpretations conferred by various nations, including Brazil, in applying taxation-related treaties signed by themselves, particularly those attempting to avoid double income taxation or to guarantee the free flow of goods, people and services, bring a high level of insecurity to investors possessing operations connected to two or more distinct tax systems. As a result, the debates regarding the extension of the peaceful mechanisms to the solution of divergences take shape, including those related to the application of any treaty which speaks to the subject of taxation. This favors the search for the standardization of the hermeneutical methods applicable to those tax events which are linked to two or more sovereign entities. This is the context surrounding the current study, which addresses the possibility of the Federative Republic of Brazil to refer tax-related disputes, caused by divergent interpretation of the international conventions of which it is a member, to the arbitral proceedings.

Os conflitos tributários internacionais e sua possível solução pela via arbitral / The international tax conflicts and their soluctions by arbitration.

Daniel Dix Carneiro 20 August 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno da globalização teve o condão de aproximar os diversos povos, cada um com seus interesses e culturas próprios. A existência de um consenso internacional na definição de princípios a serem seguidos quando das relações externas não consegue impedir, contudo, o surgimento de possíveis conflitos e divergências, tendo em vista a pluralidade cultural das diversas nações mundiais, fato que induziu a sociedade internacional a desenvolver meios que pudessem dirimir pacificamente as controvérsias, porventura, surgidas entre elas. A adoção dos meios para solução pacífica dos conflitos internacionais encontra-se incentivada pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (art. 4., incisos VI e VII) e sua utilização não importa qualquer renúncia ao exercício da soberania, nem tampouco à imunidade de jurisdição. Para que se tenha uma eficácia maior da submissão dos conflitos surgidos no âmbito externo aos meios admitidos para resolvê-los, é importante que os países envolvidos no litígio possuam orientação interna no sentido de privilegiar o Direito Internacional frente à sua legislação infraconstitucional doméstica. A eventual primazia do direito interno pode resultar na inocuidade da adoção dos meios pacíficos de solução de controvérsias internacionais, uma vez que as autoridades dos países litigantes poderão se esquivar do cumprimento do acordo ou decisão alegando uma possível contrariedade com os ditames legais domésticos. Nesse contexto, a seara tributária tem despertado constantes divergências internacionais. As diferentes interpretações conferidas pelas diversas nações, dentre elas o Brasil, quando da aplicação dos tratados por elas firmados e que tenham vertente fiscal, em especial aqueles que visam evitar a dupla imposição fiscal da renda, ou garantir o livre trânsito de bens, pessoas e serviços, acaba trazendo grande insegurança àqueles investidores que possuem operações conectadas a dois ou mais sistemas tributários diferentes. Assim, ganham cada vez mais corpo, os debates em torno da extensão dos mecanismos pacíficos para resolução de divergências, também ao âmbito de aplicação de todo e qualquer tratado que verse sobre a matéria tributária. Tal fato propicia a busca de uma possível uniformização dos métodos hermenêuticos aplicáveis àqueles fatos geradores tributáveis que se encontrem vinculados a dois ou mais entes soberanos. É nesse contexto que se apresenta o presente estudo, o qual aborda a possibilidade de a República Federativa do Brasil submeter ao procedimento arbitral aquelas controvérsias de cunho tributário que eventualmente decorram da interpretação divergente das convenções internacionais das quais seja parte e que tratem de matéria fiscal. / The phenomenon of globalization had the power to bring together different peoples, each with their own interests and cultures. However, in view of the cultural diversity of different peoples around the world, the existence of an international consensus in establishing the principles to be followed when external relations are formed cannot prevent the emergence of external conflicts and disagreements. This led the international society to develop mechanisms that could peacefully settle the controversies that may eventually arise. The adoption of such mechanisms is encouraged by the Brazilian Constitution, whose article 4, sections VI and VII, advocates the pursuit of peace and peaceful settlement of disputes. Its use does not lead to the renunciation of the exercise of sovereignty nor to the immunity of jurisdiction. Meanwhile, in order to achieve greater efficacy in the submission of disputes arising outside of the means allowed to solve them, it is important that countries involved in the disputes have consolidated internal orientation towards favouring international law over their domestic infra-constitutional legislation. The primacy of the domestic law may result in the ineffectiveness of adopting peaceful means for solving international controversies since authorities of the countries engaged in the dispute may avoid compliance with the agreement or decision on the grounds of some contradiction with the domestic law procedures. In this context, the taxation arena has been constantly attracting international disagreement. The different interpretations conferred by various nations, including Brazil, in applying taxation-related treaties signed by themselves, particularly those attempting to avoid double income taxation or to guarantee the free flow of goods, people and services, bring a high level of insecurity to investors possessing operations connected to two or more distinct tax systems. As a result, the debates regarding the extension of the peaceful mechanisms to the solution of divergences take shape, including those related to the application of any treaty which speaks to the subject of taxation. This favors the search for the standardization of the hermeneutical methods applicable to those tax events which are linked to two or more sovereign entities. This is the context surrounding the current study, which addresses the possibility of the Federative Republic of Brazil to refer tax-related disputes, caused by divergent interpretation of the international conventions of which it is a member, to the arbitral proceedings.

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