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Pieno laikymo sąlygų įtaka technologinėms pieno savybėms / The influence of milk storing condition on the milk technological characteristicsDubauskaitė, Aurelija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo tikslas - nustatyti sušaldyto ir atšildyto pieno įtaką jo technologinėms savybėms, kurios yra svarbios gaminant fermentinius sūrius bei raugintus pieno produktus.
Darbe nustatyta, kad pieno laikymo temperatūra turi įtakos pieno savybėms, taip pat ir vėliau vykstantiems technologiniams perdirbimo procesams bei pagamintų produktų kokybei. Nustatyta, kad pieną laikant +10 0C temperatūroje per 24 h vyksta kazeino komplekso skilimas, kuris žymiai stipriau pasireiškia, kai pienas lėtai užšaldomas (-14 0C) ir lėtai atšildomas (+10 0C) taip pat per 24 h.
Pokyčiai, per šį laikotarpį įvykę baltyminėje sistemoje, pailgina pieno fermentinės struktūros susidarymo procesą. Lyginant su ����viežiu pienu, išlaikyto pieno (+10 0C) struktūros formavimasis vyksta 28 % ilgiau, o iš sušaldyto ir atšildyto pieno fermentinė struktūra formuojasi net 44 % ilgiau. Nustatyta, kad pieno laikymo sąlygos turi įtakos fermentinės struktūros kokybei. Iš fermentinės struktūros, gautos naudojant pieną, išlaikytą 24 h +10 0C temperatūroje, blogiau skiriasi išrūgos, jose daugiau baltyminių dalelių, lyginant su fermentine struktūra, gauta iš šviežio pieno. Šios neigiamos fermentinės struktūros savybės dar labiau išryškėja, kai naudojamas pienas, kuris laikymo metu buvo užšaldytas ir atšildytas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad terminis pieno apdorojimas po jo išlaikymo šiek tiek pagerina technologines savybes, tačiau nepakeičia technologinių savybių pokyčio tendencijos priklausomybės nuo laikymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of work: To explore, frozen and warmed what influence the milk technological properties of milk which are important in manufacture of fermental cheeses and sour - milk products has.
In work presents the milk storage temperature has influence on milk characteristics on the later following technological process and on the quality of milk products.
It was found out that in the storage time (24 h) at the temperature +10 0C casein micelles disaggregated, and their average size decreased. These changes were more distinct in the case of freezing milk samples temperature of -14 0C.
The results showed that milk storage conditions had influence on the fermenting time and on the properties of ferment structures. Fermenting time in the milk samples after storage of +10 0C temperature was longer by 28 % and in the samples frozen at -14 0C it was longer by 44 % to compare with that of raw milk before storage.
Besides that, the properties of ferment structures from milk after storage became worse. In this case whey separated slowly, and contained more protein aggregates. These negative properties were more evident in the case, when milk samples in the time of storage were frozen at -14 0C and warm at +10 0C.
Such storage conditions were found to have a negative influence on the formation and properties of fermented structure. In the samples, milk acidity increased slowly and sour fermented gel structure formed slowly too.
Sour fermented gel structure from milk before storage... [to full text]
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Elucidation of secondary cell wall secretion mechanisms of Arabidopsis thaliana, Poplar (Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa) and Pine (Pinus contorta)Kaneda, Minako 05 1900 (has links)
Lignin is a key component of plant secondary cell walls, providing strength to the plant and allowing water transport. Lignin is a polymer of monolignols that are synthesized in the cell and transported into the cellulose rich cell wall. The primary goal of this thesis is to understand the mechanism(s) of monolignol deposition during xylogenesis. The currently accepted theory is that monolignols are exported by Golgi-mediated vesicle delivery to the secondary cell wall. When this theory was re-examined using cryofixed developing pine, quantitative autoradiography showed that monolignols did not accumulate in Golgi but were rapidly translocated from cytosol to cell wall. This suggests alternative mechanisms, such as membrane transporters, work in monolignol export. ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters were chosen because they transport other secondary metabolites and some ABC transporter encoding genes are highly expressed in lignifying cells. Four candidate ABC transporters were selected in Arabidopsis (ABCB11, ABCB14, ABCB15 from the ABCB/MDR subfamily and ABCG33 from the ABCG/PDR subfamily) and shown to have overlapping, high vasculature expression patterns. Mutants with T-DNA insertions in single ABC transporter genes had no change in lignification of inflorescence stems. However, a reduced polar auxin transport phenotype was detected in mutants of ABCB11, ABCB14 and ABCB15. An additional approach was the use of inhibitors of ABC transporters. A new assay, which was developed to quantify lignification in primary xylem of Arabidopsis roots, demonstrated that ABC inhibitors did not change lignin deposition.
Monolignols are exported and polymerized in the polysaccharide matrix of the cell wall, which includes hemicelluloses that may organize monolignols during polymerization. Since diverse lignified cell types are enriched in either G- or S-lignin, I hypothesized that this pattern could reflect different hemicellulose distributions, which was examined using antibody labeling of xylans or mannans in hybrid poplar xylem. While xylans were generally distributed in all secondary cell walls, mannans were enriched in fibers but not in the ray and vessel walls. In summary, during secondary cell wall deposition, monolignols are exported by unknown transporter(s) rather than Golgi vesicles. In developing poplar wood, the monolignols are deposited into diverse hemicellulose domains in different cell types.
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Protein functionality in turkey meatChan, Jacky Tin Yan Unknown Date
No description available.
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Frost Heave: New Ice Lens Initiation Condition and Hydraulic Conductivity PredictionAzmatch, Tezera Firew Unknown Date
No description available.
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Civil recovery of corruptly-acquired assets : a legal roadmap for NigeriaOpedayo, Okubule Bukola January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this research paper is to examine the legal framework for the recovery of corruptly-acquired assets, with particular emphasis on the Nigerian situation. Its primary focus is a detailed examination of the legal mechanisms for the recovery of such assets in the context of international asset recovery. Despite the success of the Nigerian government in recovering the Abacha loot,8 siphoning off of public funds by public office holders continues, and charges of fraud persist against top bank executives alleged to have converted depositors&rsquo / funds fraudulently. The prevailing criminal or conviction-based forfeiture mechanism in Nigeria appears inadequate to deal effectively with these situations. The need to enhance capacity through the adoption of civil or non-conviction based forfeiture laws therefore becomes imperative.</p>
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Bulk deposition of pesticide mixtures in a Canadian prairie city and the influence of soil temperature fluctuations on 17β-estradiol mineralizationAndronak, Lindsey Amy 16 August 2013 (has links)
Tests were conducted for 71 pesticides in weekly bulk (wet + dry) deposition samples collected from May 25 to September 21 over two years at two sites in the City of Winnipeg, Canada. Twenty-one pesticides and their metabolites were detected in this study and 99% of samples collected contained mixtures of two or more pesticides. Malathion and glyphosate were the largest contributors to bulk deposition in 2010 and 2011, respectively. A second study examined the mineralization of 2,4-D and 17β-estradiol using a novel in-field soil microcosm study and a series of laboratory experiments under different temperature incubations. Results indicated that temperature fluctuations do not greatly affect the amount or rate of mineralization relative to the traditionally constant laboratory incubations of 20°C; however long-term freezing of soil reduced potential mineralization over time. This research advances scientific knowledge of agri-chemical fate and provides data for strengthening current environmental policy analysis in Canada.
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Bulk deposition of pesticide mixtures in a Canadian prairie city and the influence of soil temperature fluctuations on 17β-estradiol mineralizationAndronak, Lindsey Amy 16 August 2013 (has links)
Tests were conducted for 71 pesticides in weekly bulk (wet + dry) deposition samples collected from May 25 to September 21 over two years at two sites in the City of Winnipeg, Canada. Twenty-one pesticides and their metabolites were detected in this study and 99% of samples collected contained mixtures of two or more pesticides. Malathion and glyphosate were the largest contributors to bulk deposition in 2010 and 2011, respectively. A second study examined the mineralization of 2,4-D and 17β-estradiol using a novel in-field soil microcosm study and a series of laboratory experiments under different temperature incubations. Results indicated that temperature fluctuations do not greatly affect the amount or rate of mineralization relative to the traditionally constant laboratory incubations of 20°C; however long-term freezing of soil reduced potential mineralization over time. This research advances scientific knowledge of agri-chemical fate and provides data for strengthening current environmental policy analysis in Canada.
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Žieminių kviečių tolerantiškumas žemoms temperatūroms: genų paieška ir analizė / Freezing tolerance in winter wheat: gene identification and analysisArmonienė, Rita 08 December 2014 (has links)
Tyrimų tikslas. Identifikuoti naujus žieminių kviečių genus, aktyvuojamus žemose temperatūrose bei atlikti šių genų sekų ir genetinės raiškos analizę. Tyrimų uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti žieminių kviečių genotipų tolerantiškumą žemoms neigiamoms temperatūroms natūraliomis ir dirbtinėmis sąlygomis. 2. Nustatyti skirtingose grūdinimosi stadijose diferenciškai ekspresuojamus genus (kDNR-AFLP analizė) ir atlikti DNR sekų analizę. 3. Optimizuoti mutagenezės metodą ir sukurti dviejų perspektyvių žieminių kviečių linijų mutagenines populiacijas. 4. Nustatyti skirtingu intensyvumu ekspresuojamų genų mutacijas HRM metodu, įvertinti nustatytų mutacijų įtaką genų ekspresijai grūdinimosi metu ir žemų neigiamų temperatūrų tolerancijai. / Research objective: To identify new genes of winter wheat induced at low temperatures, to perform sequence analysis of these genes and to quantify their expression. Experimental tasks: 1. To evaluate freezing tolerance of various winter wheat genotypes under field and controlled conditions. 2. To identify differentially expressed genes at subsequent time points of cold acclimation and to perform analysis of their DNA sequences. 3. To optimize mutagenesis method and to create Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) population of two winter wheat lines. 4. To identify mutations in differentially expressed genes by High Resolution melting (HRM) method, to estimate the impact of mutations on the gene expression during cold acclimation and tolerance to freezing.
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Freezing tolerance in winter wheat: gene identification and analysis / Žieminių kviečių tolerantiškumas žemoms temperatūroms: genų paieška ir analizėArmonienė, Rita 08 December 2014 (has links)
Research objective: To identify new genes of winter wheat induced at low temperatures, to perform sequence analysis of these genes and to quantify their expression. Experimental tasks: 1. To evaluate freezing tolerance of various winter wheat genotypes under field and controlled conditions. 2. To identify differentially expressed genes at subsequent time points of cold acclimation and to perform analysis of their DNA sequences. 3. To optimize mutagenesis method and to create Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) population of two winter wheat lines. 4. To identify mutations in differentially expressed genes by High Resolution melting (HRM) method, to estimate the impact of mutations on the gene expression during cold acclimation and tolerance to freezing. / Tyrimų tikslas. Identifikuoti naujus žieminių kviečių genus, aktyvuojamus žemose temperatūrose bei atlikti šių genų sekų ir genetinės raiškos analizę. Tyrimų uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti žieminių kviečių genotipų tolerantiškumą žemoms neigiamoms temperatūroms natūraliomis ir dirbtinėmis sąlygomis. 2. Nustatyti skirtingose grūdinimosi stadijose diferenciškai ekspresuojamus genus (kDNR-AFLP analizė) ir atlikti DNR sekų analizę. 3. Optimizuoti mutagenezės metodą ir sukurti dviejų perspektyvių žieminių kviečių linijų mutagenines populiacijas. 4. Nustatyti skirtingu intensyvumu ekspresuojamų genų mutacijas HRM metodu, įvertinti nustatytų mutacijų įtaką genų ekspresijai grūdinimosi metu ir žemų neigiamų temperatūrų tolerancijai.
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Protein functionality in turkey meatChan, Jacky Tin Yan 06 1900 (has links)
Turkey with pale, soft, exudative (PSE)-like condition is one of the growing concerns in the poultry industry as it affects meat quality due to low ultimate pH at 24 h post mortem (pH24). Hence, there is a need for better utilization of PSE-like meat for the preparation of further processed products. In the first two studies, the biochemical, functional, rheological, and textural properties of proteins in turkey breast meat with different pH24 in fresh and frozen conditions were investigated. These studies revealed that low and normal pH meat had similar properties indicating similar extent of protein denaturation, except for lower water holding capacity (WHC) in low pH meat. High pH meat had similar or better functional properties than normal pH meat. In the third study, improvements in WHC, protein solubility, and gel forming ability of low pH meat was achieved by the application of high pressure processing (HPP). / Food Science and Technology
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