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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proizvodnja i ocena kvaliteta voćnog vina od sorti domaće šljive (Prunus domestica L.) / Production and quality assessment of fruit wines from native plum (Prunus domestica L.) varieties

Miljić Uroš 06 April 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se oceni mogućnost upotrebe tri sorte domaće &scaron;ljive, različitih epoha sazrevanja (Čačanska rana, Čačanska lepotica i Požegača), kao sirovina za proizvodnju voćnog vina. Utvrđeni mehanički sastav plodova i hemijske karakteristike kljuka i soka ispitivanih sorti &scaron;ljive ukazuju da se čačanska lepotica i Požegača mogu smatrati boljim sirovinama za proizvodnju voćnog vina u odnosu na sortu Čačanska rana. Vr&scaron;ena je optimizacija uslova alkoholne fermentacije (temperature, vrednosti pH, trajanja fermentacije i doze enzimskog preparata), u sklopu koje je, takođe, ispitana i upotreba različitih pektolitičkih enzima za tretman kljuka i ocenjen uticaj upotrebe različitih sojeva kvasaca, kao proizvodnih mikroorganizama, na kvalitet vina od &scaron;ljive. Utvrđeno je da, među ispitanim proizvodnim organizmima, kvasac Spriferm (S. cerevisiae) daje vino od &scaron;ljive najboljeg kvaliteta. Postupkom numeričke optimizacije dobijene su sledeće vrednosti procesnih parametara fermentacije vina od &scaron;ljive: temperatura 25 &deg;C, vrednost pH 3,5 i doza pektolitičkog enzima 0,5 g/100 kg. Pri navedenim uslovima dobijeni fitovani modeli predviđaju prinos etanola od 7,5% v/v, prinos glicerola od 5g/l, prinos vina od 48% (48 ml vina na 100 g kljuka) i formiranje 710 mg/l metanola. Karakterizacija proizvedenog vina od &scaron;ljive podrazumevala je određivanje sadržaja najvažnijih sastojaka: alkohola, kiselina, mineralnih materija, fenolnih i aromatičnih jedinjenja, kao i ocenu njegovih funkcionalnih karakteristika (antiradikalske, antimikrobne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti). Na kraju, ocenjena je mogućnost smanjenja produkcije metanola u vinu od &scaron;ljive primenom različitih fizičko-hemijskih tretmana kljuka. Utvrđena je značajno veća efikasnost postupaka koji uključuju neki vid toplotnog tretmana kljuka u odnosu na postupke koji podrazumevaju upotrebu određenog enolo&scaron;kog sredstva.</p> / <p>The aim of this PhD thesis was to assess the possibility of using three native plum varieties, with different ripening periods (Ĉaĉanska rana, Ĉaĉanska lepotica and Poņegaĉa), as raw material for the production of fruit wines. Determined mechanical composition and chemical characteristics of fruit pomace and juice indicate that the Ĉaĉanska lepotica and Poņegaĉa are considered as better raw materials for the production of fruit wine compared to Ĉaĉanska rana. Optimization of fermentation conditions (temperature, pH, the duration of fermentation and the dose of pectolytic enzyme) was conducted. This step also included investigation of the different pectolytic enzymes use for the treatment of pomace and evaluated the impact of using different yeast strains, as well as the effect of different production microorganisms on the plum wine quality. It was found that, among the tested production microorganisms, Spriferm (S. cerevisiae) yeast gives the plum wine of best quality. Numerical optimization procedure resulted with the following values of the process parameters of plum wine fermentation: temperature 25 &deg;C, pH value 3.5 and pectolytic enzyme dose of 0.5 g/100 kg. Under these conditions the obtained fitted models predict the ethanol yield of 7.5% v/v, glycerol yield 5 g/l, the wine yield of 48% (48 ml from 100 g of pomace) and the formation of 710 mg/l of methanol. Characterization of the produced plum wines included the determination of the most important ingredients: alcohol, acids, minerals, phenolic and aromatic compounds, as well as evaluation of their functional characteristics (antiradical, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities). Finally, the possibility of reducing the methanol production in plum wine was estimated by applying different physico-chemical treatments of the pomace. Significantly higher efficiency of procedures that involve some form of heat treatment of pomace, compared to treatments which involve the use of certain oenological means, was observed.</p>

Att giöra et godt wijn : En arkivstudie om frukt-, bär- och växtviners historia i Sverige från år 1735-1865. / An Archive Study on the History Fruit, Berry, and Plant Wines in Sweden from the Years 1735-1865.

Sandvik, Hanna, Lundgren, Lykke, Karlsson, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
Frukt-, bär- och växtviner är ett område som är svagt studerat i Sverige, i synnerhet från ett historiskt perspektiv. Denna uppsats studerar hur dessa viner utformats i handskrivna recept genom att ta reda på förekommande ingredienser, redskap, måttenheter och tillagningsmetoder från år 1735–1865, samt om en utveckling går att urskilja. 16 handskrivna recept har kategoriserats och analyserats i arkivstudien. Det framgår att måttenheterna skiljer sig helt från de måttenheterna som används i dagsläget. Lika så är det för en del av redskapen, där det även framgår att vissa av redskapen också hade en funktion som mätningsverktyg. Ingredienserna som användes till vinerna är inte främmande i dagsläget där både inhemska- och importvaror användes. Tillagningsmetoderna som förekommer i recepten är simpla och kortfattade. Resultatet visar att det finns utmärkande måttenheter, redskap, tillagningsmetoder och ingredienser för handskrivna recept men att dessa inte skiljer sig mycket åt mellan århundradena. Däremot är det intressant att se hur samhället, ekonomi, lagar och regleringar har påverkat framställningen av frukt-, bär- och växtviner. / Fruit, berry, and plant wines is an area that is poorly studied in Sweden, especially from an historical perspective. This essay studies how these wines have been constructed in handwritten recipes by finding out occurring ingredients, utensils, units of measurement and cooking methods from the years 1735-1865 and if an evolvement is possible to distinguish. 16 handwritten recipes have been categorised and analysed in the archive study. It appears that the units of measurement are not at all the same as the units of measurement that are used today. The same applies to some of the utensils, where it also appears that some of the utensils also had a function as measuring tools. The ingredients used for the wines is nothing new, where both domestic and imported goods are used in the recipes. The cooking methods that appear in the recipes are rather simple and concise. The result indicates that there are distinctive ingredients, utensils, units of measurement and cooking methods for the handwritten recipes but that these doesn’t differ much between the centuries. On the other hand, it is interesting to see how society, economy, laws, and regulations have affected the production of fruit, berry, and plant wines.

Hemijski sastav, biološke i funkcionalne karakteristike novih proizvoda od zove / Chemical composition, biological and functional characteristics of new elderberry products

Vujanović Milena 14 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je određivanje hemijskog sastava, biolo&scaron;kih i funkcionalnih karakteristika novih proizvoda od zove. Dobijanje proizvoda na bazi zove zasniva se na primeni tradicionalnih i savremenih tehnolo&scaron;kih procesa proizvodnje. Iskori&scaron;ćenje prirodnog potencijala zove započeto je primenom tradicionalne i savremene (liofilizacija) tehnike su&scaron;enja. U cilju dobijanja visoko-vrednih ekstrakata ploda i cveta zove primenjene su tradicionalna (maceracija) i savremene (ultrazvučna i mikrotalasna) ekstrakcione tehnike sa dva ekstragensa (50% etanol i voda). Dobijanje matičnog soka od plodova zove podrazumevalo je primenu tradicionalnog načina ceđenja, dok je vino od plodova zove dobijeno po standardnom postupku proizvodnje vina. Vino je izloženo različitim temperaturnim tretmanima u različitom vremenskom periodu (60 &deg;C u toku 5 minuta, 60 &deg;C u toku 10 minuta, 70 &deg;C u toku 5 minuta i bez toplotnog tretmana) u cilju evaluacije biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti dobijenog proizvoda. Etarsko ulje ploda i cveta zove je dobijeno hidrodestilacijom. Ispitivanje efikasnosti primenjenih tehnolo&scaron;kih postupaka su&scaron;enja i ekstrakcije je zasnovano na određivanju biolo&scaron;kih i funkcionalnih karakteristika dobijenih ekstrakata ploda i cveta zove. U ispitivanim ekstraktima ploda i cveta zove dominantne fenolne kiseline su hlorogenska i protokatehinska kiselina, a rutin i kvercetin-3-O-heksozid su dominantna flavonoidna jedinjenja. Biolo&scaron;ke i funkcionalne karakteristike su ispitane primenom različitih in vitro antioksidativnih, neuroprotektivnih, antitirozinaznih i antidijabetogenih testova. Primenom liofilizacije kao savremene tehnike su&scaron;enja i mikrotalasne ekstrakcije kao savremene ekstrakcione tehnike povećava se biopotencijal ispitivanih ekstrakata. Matični sok od plodova zove kao potencijalno novi funkcionalni proizvod je analiziran u cilju definisanja hemijskog, fitohemijskog i nutritivnog sastava, biolo&scaron;kog potencijala i senzorskih karakteristika. Ispitivanja dobijenog vina su bila usmerena na utvrđivanje optimalnih uslova za proizvodnju voćnog vina. Definisanjem hemijskog i fitohemijskog sastava i evaluacijom biopotencijala vina određen je optimalan temperaturni profil za dobijanje jednog od novih funkcionalnih proizvoda. Na osnovu utvrđenog hemijskog sastava etarsko ulje ploda i cveta zove se pokazalo kao potencijalno novi prirodni agens za održavanje svežine i produženja roka trajanja prehrambenih proizvoda. Zova je nesumnjivo samonikla biljna vrsta koja u budućnosti osnovano može biti polazna sirovina za kreiranje i dobijanje novih prehrmabenih proizvoda na domaćem i inostranom trži&scaron;tu.</p> / <p>The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the chemical composition, biological and functional characteristics of new elderberry products. Elderberry products were obtained via traditional and modern technological processes. The exploitation of the natural potential of the elderberry started with the application of traditional and modern (lyophilization) drying techniques. To obtain high-value extracts of fruits and flowers, traditional (maceration) and modern (ultrasonic and microwave) extraction techniques with two solvents (50% ethanol and water) were applied. Obtaining the juice from the elderberry fruits implied the application of the traditional cold pressing method, whereas wine from the elderberry fruits was obtained in accordance with the standard procedure of wine production. The wine was exposed to different temperature treatments in different periods (60&deg;C for 5 minutes, 60&deg;C for 10 minutes, 70&deg;C for 5 minutes and without heat treatment) to evaluate the biological activity of the product. The essential oil of the fruit and flower was obtained by hydrodistillation. The examination of the efficiency of the applied technological procedures of drying and extraction is based on observing the biological and functional characteristics of the obtained extracts of the said fruits and flowers. In the examined fruit and flower extracts, the dominant phenolic acids are chlorogenic and protocatechuic acid, while rutin and quercetin-3-O-hexoside are the dominant flavonoid compounds. Biological and functional characteristics were examined using various in vitro antioxidant, neuroprotective, antityrosinase, and antidiabetic tests. The application of lyophilization and microwave extraction (as modern drying and extraction techniques) increased the biopotential of the analyzed extracts. Elderberry juice, a potentially new functional product, was analyzed to define the chemical, phytochemical and nutritional composition, biological potential, and sensory characteristics. The wine was tested in order to determine the optimal conditions for the production of fruit wine. By defining the chemical and phytochemical composition and evaluating the biopotential of wine, the optimal temperature profile for obtaining one of the new functional products was determined. Based on the obtained chemical composition, it is determined that the essential oil of fruits and flowers is a potentially new natural agent for maintaining freshness and extending the shelf life of food products. Without a doubt, elderberry is a wild plant species that could be used in the future as the starting material for creating and obtaining new food products on the domestic and foreign markets.</p>

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