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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Συνδυασμός της περιβάλλουσας ανάλυσης δεδομένων με τη μεθοδολογία QFD στον σχεδιασμό υπηρεσιών / The combination of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to design services

Τάτση, Αμαλία 03 April 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία εκπονήθηκε στα πλαίσια του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος MBA «Νέες αρχές Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων» του τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, κατά το έτος 2013. Αντικείμενο της εργασίας είναι η παρουσίαση μιας μεθοδολογίας που μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί για τον σχεδιασμό καλύτερων υπηρεσιών. Η εφαρμογή πραγματοποιείται για την διερεύνηση της αποδοτικότητας των υπηρεσιών μιας τράπεζας. Για τον σκοπό αυτό χρησιμοποιήθηκαν προκαθορισμένα κριτήρια (πρόταση από φίλο, φήμη, έξοδα λογαριασμών, τοποθεσία, επιτόκια δανείων, πάρκινγκ, πιστωτική πολιτική) τα οποία διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην απόφαση των πελατών για την τράπεζα που θα επιλέξουν. Τα κριτήρια αυτά εξετάζονται ξεχωριστά για κάθε τμήμα της τραπεζικής αγοράς (στεγαστικά δάνεια, καταναλωτικά δάνεια, πιστωτικές κάρτες, άλλα δάνεια, λογαριασμοί ταμιευτηρίου, λογαριασμοί προθεσμιακών καταθέσεων και μερίδια αμοιβαίων κεφαλαίων) και υπολογίζονται οι συντελεστές στάθμισης που αντιστοιχούν στο καθένα. Οι συντελεστές αυτοί, έχουν ιδιαίτερη αξία για τα στελέχη της τράπεζας γιατί δείχνουν την αξία που έχει κάθε κριτήριο για τον πελάτη. Με αυτό τον τρόπο, τα στελέχη έχουν την δυνατότητα να σχεδιάσουν τις τραπεζικές υπηρεσίες δίνοντας μεγαλύτερη έμφαση στα κριτήρια με τη μεγαλύτερη βαρύτητα έτσι ώστε να επιτυγχάνεται καλύτερη ικανοποίηση των αναγκών των πελατών. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάται η περίπτωση μιας ελληνικής τράπεζας, που κατέχει υψηλό μερίδιο αγοράς και για καθεμία από τις υπηρεσίες της υπολογίζονται οι συντελεστές στάθμισης. Η τράπεζα αυτή αναφέρεται ως Τράπεζα Χ στην υπόλοιπη εργασία για ευνόητους λόγους. Η επίλυση του προβλήματος πραγματοποιείται με δύο τρόπους: 1) με την χρήση της μεθοδολογίας AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) σε συνδυασμό με τη μέθοδο QFD (Quality Function Deployment) για την συμπλήρωση του πίνακα HOQ (House of Quality) και 2) την χρήση της μεθοδολογίας DEAHP (Data Envelopment Analytic Hierarchy Process) σε συνδυασμό με το QFD για την συμπλήρωση του HOQ. Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης δείχνουν ότι και στις δύο μεθοδολογίες η κατάταξη των κριτηρίων βάσει των προτιμήσεων των πελατών είναι σχεδόν η ίδια. Συγκεκριμένα, τα δύο πρώτα κριτήρια στα οποία οι πελάτες δίνουν μεγαλύτερη βαρύτητα είναι τα έξοδα λογαριασμών και τα επιτόκια δανείων. Ακολουθούν τα κριτήρια φήμη, πρόταση από φίλο, πάρκινγκ κατά φθίνουσα σειρά κατάταξης και τελευταία είναι τα κριτήρια τοποθεσία και πιστωτική πολιτική. Ωστόσο, οι συντελεστές βαρύτητας των κριτηρίων που υπολογίστηκαν είναι διαφορετικοί στο συνδυασμό των μεθοδολογιών QFD-AHP σε σχέση με QFD-DEAHP. Αυτό συμβαίνει λόγω των διαφορετικών τρόπων επίλυσης και διαφορετικών υποθέσεων που χρησιμοποιούνται σε καθεμία μεθοδολογία. / This study was conducted at the Department of the Postgraduate program “New principles of Business Administration” in department of Business Administration of the University of Patras. The objective of this study is to present a methodology which can be used to design better services. This methodology is applied in order to investigate the efficiency of the services of a bank. For this purpose we used pre-defined criteria (recommendation by friends, reputation, expense accounts, location, interest charges on loans, parking, credit policy) which play an important role when the customers select a bank. These criteria are examined separately for each segment for the banking market (housing loans, consumer loans, credit cards, other loans, direct access deposits, time deposit accounts, matual funds shares) and we calculate the relative weight of each criterion. The relative weights above are important for the bank executives because they show the impact of each criterion in the opinion of customers. In this way, executives are able to design their banking services placing emphasis on the criteria with the highest preference in order to satisfy customer needs. Specifically, in this study we examine the case of a Greek bank with high market share and we calculate the weights for each service of the bank. This bank is called Bank X in the remaining study for obvious reasons. The problem was solved with two different ways: 1) by using the combination of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) with QFD (Quality Function Deployment) methodology in order to complete the matrix of HOQ (House of Quality) and 2) by using DEAHP (Data Envelopment Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology and QFD in order to complete the HOQ. The results of this study show that the ranking of bank selection criteria is almost the same for both methodologies. Specifically the first two criteria which customers seems to prefer are the expenses accounts and interest charges on loans. The rest of criteria are reputation, recommendation by friends, parking in descending order of priority and finally are the criteria location and credit policy. However, the weights which calculated for each criterion are different in combination of methodologies QFD-AHP compared with QFD-DEAHP. This happens because of the different ways of solving and different assumptions which are used in each methodology.

Modulbaserat effektpedalbord för gitarrister : Från nördinformation till designprocess / Modular effects pedalboard for guitarists : From nerd input to design process

Brorson, Petter January 2013 (has links)
Detta projekt utfördes som examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i innovationsteknik och design, 22,5 högskolepoäng, vid Karlstads universitet. Som uppdragsgivare stod Reminiscor AB. Uppkomsten av projektet låg i en förfrågan från företaget att utveckla ett moduluppbyggt pedalbord för gitarrister.Det här produktutvecklingsprojektet genomfördes med användarkrav och användarönskemål i fokus för att definiera lämpliga funktioner för och utformning av ett modulbaserat pedalbord. Arbetet inleddes med att undersöka utbudet av olika typer av pedalbord och effektpedaler på marknaden. Intervjuer med gitarrister i olika åldrar och från olika genrer genomfördes för att skapa en uppfattning om gemensamma krav och önskemål som kunde ligga till grund för det fortsatta arbetet. Utifrån observation av pedalbordsanvändning och litteraturstudier ingick även ergonomiska avvägningar i utformningen av konceptet.Konceptet som projektet resulterade i togs fram bl.a. med hjälp av Modular Function Deployment-MFD, en metod för att finna lämplig modulindelning av produkter. Denna metod innefattar Quality Function Deployment-QFD, funktionsanalys, modulindikationsmatris-MIM, utvärdering och förbättring på modulnivå. Arbetet presenterar även hållfasthetsberäkningar och visualisering av det framtagna pedalbordskonceptet.Det framtagna konceptet består av sex olika moduler av två olika typer, främre och bakre. Dessa finns i sin tur i tre olika längder som kan kombineras och monteras samman för att utgöra pedalbord av olika storlek. Varje enskild modul är dessutom försedd med en funktion som gör att monteringsytan för pedaler kan ställas i olika inbördes vinklar. På så sätt möjliggör modulerna ett pedalbord med stora anpassningsmöjligheter för användaren. / This is a Degree Project for a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering, 22.5 ECTS Credits, at Karlstad university on assignment by Remiscor AB. The project originated in a request from Reminiscor AB to develop a modular pedalboard for guitarists.In order to define appropriate functions and design of a modular pedalboard, user requirements was the focus point of this product development project. The early stages of the project involved research on the range of different kinds of pedalboards and effects pedals offered on the market. Interviews with guitarists of different age and from different genres were carried out to give an understandingo f common demands and preferenses, to serve as a foundation for further work. From observation of pedalboard use and litterature studies, the design of the concept also included ergonomical considerations.One of the methods used to develop the concept that this project resulted in was Modular Function Deployment-MFD. This method helps defining an appropriate modular structure in a product. It involves Quality Function Deployment-QFD, function analysis, Module Indication Matrix-MIM, evaluation and improvement on a modular level. This work also present calculations on Solid Mechanics and visualisation of the developed pedalboard concept.The presented concept consists of six different modules divided into two types, front and back. Each of these include three different lengths that can be combined to constitute pedalboards of different sizes. Each individual module contain a function to enable different angle settings of the pedal mounting surface, independent of adjacent modules. With these properties, the modules make a pedalboard with considerable customization options for the user possible.

Streamlining tool design and manufacturing process for blancing and function test equipment to a propeller hub assembly / Effektivisering av konstruktions- och tillverkningsprocess för balanserings- och provkörningsfläns till propellernav

Vestlund, Jimmy January 2014 (has links)
Rolls-Royce AB in Kristinehamn, Sweden, part of Rolls-Royce Marine, is a leading developer and supplier of water jet and propeller based propulsion equipment. Its low volume production series and wide product variety offered to its customers along with an increasingly competitive market has entailed an increased demand on both delivery time and cost reductions. The on-site manufacturing engineering department is responsible for developing all tools and fixtures, and programming required to maintain the on-site production, assembling and quality testing. As part of the departments streamlining efforts this study aimed on evaluating streamlining possibilities related to the existing tool design used for static balancing and function testing controllable pitch propeller assemblies before packaging and shipping, along with the related tool development and manufacturing processes has been conducted.The process evaluation started from the point when a hub assembly design was finalized until when a manufactured tool was delivered for use in production. Work focused on locating inefficient activities and product properties, with respect to tool cost and lead time, followed by setting up an amendment proposal, implementing it and producing an alternate tool design of which the effects on tool cost and manufacturing lead time would be evaluated. Post evaluating the current state of the process and product a set based front loaded product development methodology known as Modular Function Deployment was chosen to be the applied method. This application resulted in a modular tool design that avoided the determined most inefficient manufacturing operation combination of welding and annealing. Modularity increased manufacturing flexibility, enabling more concurrent manufacturing, to reduce the lead time. The tool design also applied integral properties by identifying the common components and features between tool sizes. This led to reducing manufacturing and material costs. Possible lead time reduction for manufacturing was determined to be 35-45%, 3-4weeks, in comparison with the original tool design due to increased parallel manufacturing and avoiding inefficient manufacturing methods. The estimated cost reduction for combined development and manufacturing was determined to be 105K SEK the initial year followed by 175K SEK the second year assuming the current tool manufacturing rate. The combined effects of reduced cost and lead time would be beneficial to Rolls-Royce AB by contributing to an increase in delivery reliability and competitive prices on the market

An engineering approach to an integrated value proposition design framework

Van der Merwe, Carmen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Numerous problems with product quality and time-to-market launches can be traced back to the management of the product lifecycle. This research assignment provides insight into how an integrated value proposition design framework can address these issues by shifting the focus of product lifecycle management from being product-centric to being customer-centric. This framework combines tools, methods and processes from a variety of disciplines such as Systems Engineering, Marketing, Project Management, and Financial Management. The application of the framework during the product lifecycle management process is that of a planning and communication tool to ensure integration between multifunctional teams to increase customer value proposition quality and decrease product time to market. This research assignment was implemented in a new product development case study within a leading Telecommunications company in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van ‘n produk se lewensiklus veroorsaak verskeie probleme wat gepaard gaan met die kwaliteit van produkte en die verlengde tydperk wat dit neem om produkte aan die mark bekend te stel. Hierdie navorsingswerk verduidelik hoe die geïntegreerde waarde-stelling raamwerk die probleme met betrekking tot die bestuur van produkte se lewensiklusse aanspreek. Die raamwerk verskuif die fokus van die bestuur van ‘n produk se lewensiklus, wat produk-gesentreerd is, na ‘n kliënt-gesentreerde fokus. Die raamwerk maak gebruik van tegnieke, metodes en prosesse verkry uit die dissiplines van Sisteem Ingenieurswese, Bemarking, Projek bestuur en Finansiële bestuur. Die toepassing van die raamwerk verbeter die bestuur van ‘n produk se lewensiklus deur beplanning en kommunikasie te fassiliteer tussen multi-funksionele spanne. Genoemde raamwerk bevorder die samewerking tussen multi-funksionele spanne, verbeter die waarde-stellings aan kliënte, verhoog die kwaliteit van produkte en verkort die tydperk van produk bekendstelling aan die mark. Bogenoemde navorsingswerk is geïmplementeer in ‘n vooraanstaande Telekommunikasie maatskapy in Suid-Afrika, op ‘n nuwe produkontwikkeling gevallestudie.

Proposta de uma sistemática para o processamento de requisitos do cliente de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social / A proposal of a protocol for processing clients requirements in social housing projects

Lima, Lisiane Pedroso January 2007 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, a provisão de habitação de interesse social tem apresentado uma crescente complexidade, envolvendo uma rede intrincada de relações entre os diversos agentes e o Estado, que operam de maneira fragmentada. Neste contexto, existe a necessidade de gerenciar os requisitos dos clientes de forma a processar e disponibilizar as informações adequadas para apoiar a tomada de decisão no processo de desenvolvimento do produto. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor uma sistemática para o processamento de requisitos dos clientes de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social, a fim de aumentar a satisfação dos usuários dos mesmos. O método de pesquisa foi dividido em três etapas: (a) estruturação dos requisitos; (b) ponderação dos requisitos; e (c) estudo da aplicabilidade do desdobramento da função qualidade (QFD). Primeiramente, buscou-se uma maneira de estruturar os principais fatores que afetaram a satisfação dos usuários de nove empreendimentos habiacionais, a fim de propiciar maior entendimento dos seus principais requisitos. Na segunda etapa, buscou-se analisar e comparar as diferentes percepções desses agentes para entender como esses perceberam os principais requisitos dos usuários, estruturados na etapa anterior. A última etapa buscou utilizar a matriz da qualidade do QFD no processamento de requisitos de cliente no contexto da HIS, com o objetivo de propor adaptações necessárias dessa ferramenta para sua aplicação neste contexto. O desenvolvimento dessa dissertação possibilitou a proposta de uma sistemática para o processamento dos requisitos dos clientes. A análise individual dos principais intervenientes auxiliou no processamento de dados, com o qual formam desenvolvidos dispositivos visuais que auxiliaram na sistematização dessas informações, possibilitando análises diversas. A aplicação da matriz da qualidade do QFD propiciou a oportunidade de um processamento integrado, à medida que os dados dos usuários e dos agentes puderam ser analisados conjuntamente, possibilitando um fechamento das etapas anteriores. / In the last few decades, the provision of social housing has become more complex, involving a network of relationships between several stakeholders and the government, which tend to operate in a fragmented way. In this context, it is necessary to manage client requirements, in order to process and make available suitable information for supporting decision making in the product development process. The main objective of this research work is to devise a protocol for client requirements processing in social housing projects, with the ultimate aim to increase the degree of users´ satisfaction. The research method was divided into three stages: (a) structuring of requirements; (b) weighing requirements; and (c) study of the applicability of quality function deployment (QFD). Initially, a method for structuring the main factors that affect the users´ satisfaction in nine housing projects was devised, in order to improve the understanding about their requirements. In the second stage, the different perceptions of the construction professionals involved in the product development process on the users´ requirements were analysed and compared. In the last stage, the QFD quality matrix was used for processing requirements, with the aim of proposing adaptations of that tool to the context of social housing. The individual analysis of construction professionals supported the processing of data that were used to produce visual devices, making it possible the development of several analises. The application of a QFD matrix created the opportunity for further processing clients’ requirements, since data from the users and from the construction professionals were analysed together, providing an opportunity to integrate data produced in the previous stages.

Análise do custo empresa e do benefício cliente como direcionador de investimentos nos requisitos do cliente : o caso de uma indústria alimentícia

Santos, Fernanda Cristina January 2015 (has links)
O acesso à informação formou um mercado altamente competitivo. Os clientes têm acessos a um número maior de marcas e produtos. Isso fez com que as empresas se preocupassem em agregar maior valor ao seu produto. Investir mais em desenvolvimento de produtos e em processos mais eficientes passou a ser um fator crítico para o sucesso das organizações. Neste trabalho, propõe-se um método para direcionar os investimentos da empresa para melhoria de um produto já existente, utilizando o método Quality Function Deployment (QFD) como base e incorporando um sistema de avaliação econômica a ele. Um estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa alimentícia da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O produto escolhido foi a massa fresca alimentícia. Por meio do detalhamento dos requisitos do cliente e o estudo do processo produtivo foram elaboradas as matrizes tradicionais do QFD: matriz da qualidade, matriz de processos, matriz de recursos, matriz de matéria-prima. Informações importantes como os requisitos mais valorizados pelo cliente e os processos que mais impactavam para a melhora desses requisitos foram identificadas. A incorporação da análise de custos foi realizada através do Custeio Baseado em Atividades, direcionando-o para os requisitos do cliente. Assim, foi possível conhecer os custos de cada atividade do processo de produção da massa fresca alimentícia e, então, com o direcionamento dos custos às características, pôde-se conhecer também os custos de cada característica do produto. Os resultados mostraram que mais da metade dos custos do produto é para facilitar a sua compra (distribuição e armazenamento). Realizou-se uma validação do método com o objetivo de verificar se o consumidor estaria disposto a pagar pelo aumento da qualidade desse produto. Foi possível observar que o cliente deste tipo de massa aceita pagar até R$ 1,53 por um aumento do nível da consistência e R$ 1,56 por um sabor mais artesanal, que representa aproximadamente 38% e 39% a mais no preço deste produto respectivamente. Por fim, com os dados obtidos com a aplicação do método foi realizada uma simulação de um investimento para melhoria da consistência. O método mostrou-se eficaz como um direcionador inicial de investimentos. / Access to information formed a highly competitive market. Customers have access to a greater number of brands and products. This made companies to concern about adding more value to their product. More investment in product development and efficient processes has become a critical factor for the success of organizations. In this paper, we propose a method to direct the company's investments to improve an existing product, using the Quality Function Deployment method (QFD) as a base and incorporating an economic evaluation system to it. A case study was conducted at a food company in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. The chosen product was the fresh pasta. Through the details of the customer requirements and the study of the production process were prepared traditional matrices of QFD: product planning, process planning, production planning and parts deployment. Relevant information such as the most important requirements for clients and the processes that most impacted to improve these requirements were identified. The incorporation of the cost analysis was performed using the Activity Based Costing, directing it to the customer's requirements. Thus, it was possible to know the costs of each activity of the fresh pasta production process and then directing the costs to the characteristics, we could also find the costs of each product feature. The results showed that more than half of the product cost is to facilitate your purchase (distribution and storage). The method was validated in order to check whether the consumer would be willing to pay for increased quality of the product. It was observed that the customer of this type of pasta agrees to pay up to R$ 1.53 per an increased level of consistency and R$ 1.56 for a more artisan flavor, which is approximately 38% and 39% more in the price of the product respectively. Finally, with the data obtained with the method a simulation of an investment to improve the consistency was performed. The method proved to be effective as an initial director of investments.

Proposta de uma sistemática para o processamento de requisitos do cliente de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social / A proposal of a protocol for processing clients requirements in social housing projects

Lima, Lisiane Pedroso January 2007 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, a provisão de habitação de interesse social tem apresentado uma crescente complexidade, envolvendo uma rede intrincada de relações entre os diversos agentes e o Estado, que operam de maneira fragmentada. Neste contexto, existe a necessidade de gerenciar os requisitos dos clientes de forma a processar e disponibilizar as informações adequadas para apoiar a tomada de decisão no processo de desenvolvimento do produto. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor uma sistemática para o processamento de requisitos dos clientes de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social, a fim de aumentar a satisfação dos usuários dos mesmos. O método de pesquisa foi dividido em três etapas: (a) estruturação dos requisitos; (b) ponderação dos requisitos; e (c) estudo da aplicabilidade do desdobramento da função qualidade (QFD). Primeiramente, buscou-se uma maneira de estruturar os principais fatores que afetaram a satisfação dos usuários de nove empreendimentos habiacionais, a fim de propiciar maior entendimento dos seus principais requisitos. Na segunda etapa, buscou-se analisar e comparar as diferentes percepções desses agentes para entender como esses perceberam os principais requisitos dos usuários, estruturados na etapa anterior. A última etapa buscou utilizar a matriz da qualidade do QFD no processamento de requisitos de cliente no contexto da HIS, com o objetivo de propor adaptações necessárias dessa ferramenta para sua aplicação neste contexto. O desenvolvimento dessa dissertação possibilitou a proposta de uma sistemática para o processamento dos requisitos dos clientes. A análise individual dos principais intervenientes auxiliou no processamento de dados, com o qual formam desenvolvidos dispositivos visuais que auxiliaram na sistematização dessas informações, possibilitando análises diversas. A aplicação da matriz da qualidade do QFD propiciou a oportunidade de um processamento integrado, à medida que os dados dos usuários e dos agentes puderam ser analisados conjuntamente, possibilitando um fechamento das etapas anteriores. / In the last few decades, the provision of social housing has become more complex, involving a network of relationships between several stakeholders and the government, which tend to operate in a fragmented way. In this context, it is necessary to manage client requirements, in order to process and make available suitable information for supporting decision making in the product development process. The main objective of this research work is to devise a protocol for client requirements processing in social housing projects, with the ultimate aim to increase the degree of users´ satisfaction. The research method was divided into three stages: (a) structuring of requirements; (b) weighing requirements; and (c) study of the applicability of quality function deployment (QFD). Initially, a method for structuring the main factors that affect the users´ satisfaction in nine housing projects was devised, in order to improve the understanding about their requirements. In the second stage, the different perceptions of the construction professionals involved in the product development process on the users´ requirements were analysed and compared. In the last stage, the QFD quality matrix was used for processing requirements, with the aim of proposing adaptations of that tool to the context of social housing. The individual analysis of construction professionals supported the processing of data that were used to produce visual devices, making it possible the development of several analises. The application of a QFD matrix created the opportunity for further processing clients’ requirements, since data from the users and from the construction professionals were analysed together, providing an opportunity to integrate data produced in the previous stages.

Análise do custo empresa e do benefício cliente como direcionador de investimentos nos requisitos do cliente : o caso de uma indústria alimentícia

Santos, Fernanda Cristina January 2015 (has links)
O acesso à informação formou um mercado altamente competitivo. Os clientes têm acessos a um número maior de marcas e produtos. Isso fez com que as empresas se preocupassem em agregar maior valor ao seu produto. Investir mais em desenvolvimento de produtos e em processos mais eficientes passou a ser um fator crítico para o sucesso das organizações. Neste trabalho, propõe-se um método para direcionar os investimentos da empresa para melhoria de um produto já existente, utilizando o método Quality Function Deployment (QFD) como base e incorporando um sistema de avaliação econômica a ele. Um estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa alimentícia da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O produto escolhido foi a massa fresca alimentícia. Por meio do detalhamento dos requisitos do cliente e o estudo do processo produtivo foram elaboradas as matrizes tradicionais do QFD: matriz da qualidade, matriz de processos, matriz de recursos, matriz de matéria-prima. Informações importantes como os requisitos mais valorizados pelo cliente e os processos que mais impactavam para a melhora desses requisitos foram identificadas. A incorporação da análise de custos foi realizada através do Custeio Baseado em Atividades, direcionando-o para os requisitos do cliente. Assim, foi possível conhecer os custos de cada atividade do processo de produção da massa fresca alimentícia e, então, com o direcionamento dos custos às características, pôde-se conhecer também os custos de cada característica do produto. Os resultados mostraram que mais da metade dos custos do produto é para facilitar a sua compra (distribuição e armazenamento). Realizou-se uma validação do método com o objetivo de verificar se o consumidor estaria disposto a pagar pelo aumento da qualidade desse produto. Foi possível observar que o cliente deste tipo de massa aceita pagar até R$ 1,53 por um aumento do nível da consistência e R$ 1,56 por um sabor mais artesanal, que representa aproximadamente 38% e 39% a mais no preço deste produto respectivamente. Por fim, com os dados obtidos com a aplicação do método foi realizada uma simulação de um investimento para melhoria da consistência. O método mostrou-se eficaz como um direcionador inicial de investimentos. / Access to information formed a highly competitive market. Customers have access to a greater number of brands and products. This made companies to concern about adding more value to their product. More investment in product development and efficient processes has become a critical factor for the success of organizations. In this paper, we propose a method to direct the company's investments to improve an existing product, using the Quality Function Deployment method (QFD) as a base and incorporating an economic evaluation system to it. A case study was conducted at a food company in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. The chosen product was the fresh pasta. Through the details of the customer requirements and the study of the production process were prepared traditional matrices of QFD: product planning, process planning, production planning and parts deployment. Relevant information such as the most important requirements for clients and the processes that most impacted to improve these requirements were identified. The incorporation of the cost analysis was performed using the Activity Based Costing, directing it to the customer's requirements. Thus, it was possible to know the costs of each activity of the fresh pasta production process and then directing the costs to the characteristics, we could also find the costs of each product feature. The results showed that more than half of the product cost is to facilitate your purchase (distribution and storage). The method was validated in order to check whether the consumer would be willing to pay for increased quality of the product. It was observed that the customer of this type of pasta agrees to pay up to R$ 1.53 per an increased level of consistency and R$ 1.56 for a more artisan flavor, which is approximately 38% and 39% more in the price of the product respectively. Finally, with the data obtained with the method a simulation of an investment to improve the consistency was performed. The method proved to be effective as an initial director of investments.

Análise do custo empresa e do benefício cliente como direcionador de investimentos nos requisitos do cliente : o caso de uma indústria alimentícia

Santos, Fernanda Cristina January 2015 (has links)
O acesso à informação formou um mercado altamente competitivo. Os clientes têm acessos a um número maior de marcas e produtos. Isso fez com que as empresas se preocupassem em agregar maior valor ao seu produto. Investir mais em desenvolvimento de produtos e em processos mais eficientes passou a ser um fator crítico para o sucesso das organizações. Neste trabalho, propõe-se um método para direcionar os investimentos da empresa para melhoria de um produto já existente, utilizando o método Quality Function Deployment (QFD) como base e incorporando um sistema de avaliação econômica a ele. Um estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa alimentícia da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O produto escolhido foi a massa fresca alimentícia. Por meio do detalhamento dos requisitos do cliente e o estudo do processo produtivo foram elaboradas as matrizes tradicionais do QFD: matriz da qualidade, matriz de processos, matriz de recursos, matriz de matéria-prima. Informações importantes como os requisitos mais valorizados pelo cliente e os processos que mais impactavam para a melhora desses requisitos foram identificadas. A incorporação da análise de custos foi realizada através do Custeio Baseado em Atividades, direcionando-o para os requisitos do cliente. Assim, foi possível conhecer os custos de cada atividade do processo de produção da massa fresca alimentícia e, então, com o direcionamento dos custos às características, pôde-se conhecer também os custos de cada característica do produto. Os resultados mostraram que mais da metade dos custos do produto é para facilitar a sua compra (distribuição e armazenamento). Realizou-se uma validação do método com o objetivo de verificar se o consumidor estaria disposto a pagar pelo aumento da qualidade desse produto. Foi possível observar que o cliente deste tipo de massa aceita pagar até R$ 1,53 por um aumento do nível da consistência e R$ 1,56 por um sabor mais artesanal, que representa aproximadamente 38% e 39% a mais no preço deste produto respectivamente. Por fim, com os dados obtidos com a aplicação do método foi realizada uma simulação de um investimento para melhoria da consistência. O método mostrou-se eficaz como um direcionador inicial de investimentos. / Access to information formed a highly competitive market. Customers have access to a greater number of brands and products. This made companies to concern about adding more value to their product. More investment in product development and efficient processes has become a critical factor for the success of organizations. In this paper, we propose a method to direct the company's investments to improve an existing product, using the Quality Function Deployment method (QFD) as a base and incorporating an economic evaluation system to it. A case study was conducted at a food company in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. The chosen product was the fresh pasta. Through the details of the customer requirements and the study of the production process were prepared traditional matrices of QFD: product planning, process planning, production planning and parts deployment. Relevant information such as the most important requirements for clients and the processes that most impacted to improve these requirements were identified. The incorporation of the cost analysis was performed using the Activity Based Costing, directing it to the customer's requirements. Thus, it was possible to know the costs of each activity of the fresh pasta production process and then directing the costs to the characteristics, we could also find the costs of each product feature. The results showed that more than half of the product cost is to facilitate your purchase (distribution and storage). The method was validated in order to check whether the consumer would be willing to pay for increased quality of the product. It was observed that the customer of this type of pasta agrees to pay up to R$ 1.53 per an increased level of consistency and R$ 1.56 for a more artisan flavor, which is approximately 38% and 39% more in the price of the product respectively. Finally, with the data obtained with the method a simulation of an investment to improve the consistency was performed. The method proved to be effective as an initial director of investments.

Proposta de uma sistemática para o processamento de requisitos do cliente de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social / A proposal of a protocol for processing clients requirements in social housing projects

Lima, Lisiane Pedroso January 2007 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, a provisão de habitação de interesse social tem apresentado uma crescente complexidade, envolvendo uma rede intrincada de relações entre os diversos agentes e o Estado, que operam de maneira fragmentada. Neste contexto, existe a necessidade de gerenciar os requisitos dos clientes de forma a processar e disponibilizar as informações adequadas para apoiar a tomada de decisão no processo de desenvolvimento do produto. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor uma sistemática para o processamento de requisitos dos clientes de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social, a fim de aumentar a satisfação dos usuários dos mesmos. O método de pesquisa foi dividido em três etapas: (a) estruturação dos requisitos; (b) ponderação dos requisitos; e (c) estudo da aplicabilidade do desdobramento da função qualidade (QFD). Primeiramente, buscou-se uma maneira de estruturar os principais fatores que afetaram a satisfação dos usuários de nove empreendimentos habiacionais, a fim de propiciar maior entendimento dos seus principais requisitos. Na segunda etapa, buscou-se analisar e comparar as diferentes percepções desses agentes para entender como esses perceberam os principais requisitos dos usuários, estruturados na etapa anterior. A última etapa buscou utilizar a matriz da qualidade do QFD no processamento de requisitos de cliente no contexto da HIS, com o objetivo de propor adaptações necessárias dessa ferramenta para sua aplicação neste contexto. O desenvolvimento dessa dissertação possibilitou a proposta de uma sistemática para o processamento dos requisitos dos clientes. A análise individual dos principais intervenientes auxiliou no processamento de dados, com o qual formam desenvolvidos dispositivos visuais que auxiliaram na sistematização dessas informações, possibilitando análises diversas. A aplicação da matriz da qualidade do QFD propiciou a oportunidade de um processamento integrado, à medida que os dados dos usuários e dos agentes puderam ser analisados conjuntamente, possibilitando um fechamento das etapas anteriores. / In the last few decades, the provision of social housing has become more complex, involving a network of relationships between several stakeholders and the government, which tend to operate in a fragmented way. In this context, it is necessary to manage client requirements, in order to process and make available suitable information for supporting decision making in the product development process. The main objective of this research work is to devise a protocol for client requirements processing in social housing projects, with the ultimate aim to increase the degree of users´ satisfaction. The research method was divided into three stages: (a) structuring of requirements; (b) weighing requirements; and (c) study of the applicability of quality function deployment (QFD). Initially, a method for structuring the main factors that affect the users´ satisfaction in nine housing projects was devised, in order to improve the understanding about their requirements. In the second stage, the different perceptions of the construction professionals involved in the product development process on the users´ requirements were analysed and compared. In the last stage, the QFD quality matrix was used for processing requirements, with the aim of proposing adaptations of that tool to the context of social housing. The individual analysis of construction professionals supported the processing of data that were used to produce visual devices, making it possible the development of several analises. The application of a QFD matrix created the opportunity for further processing clients’ requirements, since data from the users and from the construction professionals were analysed together, providing an opportunity to integrate data produced in the previous stages.

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