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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prácticas funerarias incaicas en Sacsayhuamán: enterramientos ceremoniales y complejo funerario

Paredes, Mónica 10 April 2018 (has links)
Inca Funerary Practices at Sacsayhuamán: Ceremonial Burial and Funerary ComplexExcavations in the Inca site of Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco, show at least two kinds of Inca burial practices. Archaeological studies conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC) in 1999 in the Suchuna sector revealed a specific cemetery area. This complex of about 80 graves was designated for the disposal of the ordinary people. More recently, in 2001 the Instituto Nacional de Cultura has conducted excavations in the Muycmarca sector. Fifteen funerary contexts were found, which were associated with architectural structures and offerings. It seems that the practices associated with burials at Muyucmarca were of a ritual character. This paper presents the comparative analysis between the Suchuna and the Muyucmarca burials with the goal of advancing our understanding of various distinctive Incaic funerary practices and burial patterns. / Excavaciones recientes realizadas en el complejo de Sacsayhuamán, Cuzco, evidencian la existencia de, por lo menos, dos tipos de prácticas funerarias incaicas. Los trabajos de investigación realizados en 1999 en el sector de Suchuna, subsector Cementerio, a cargo del Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), permitieron delimitar un área que tenía el uso específico de complejo funerario y que fue destinada al enterramiento masivo de la población común. Además, excavaciones realizadas durante 2001 en el sector de Muyucmarca sacaron a la luz 15 contextos funerarios, así como restos de numerosas ofrendas. En este último caso se trata de entierros asociados a estructuras arquitectónicas y eventos ceremoniales. En el presente artículo se hace un análisis comparativo entre los hallazgos de Suchuna y Muyucmarca con el objetivo de avanzar en el entendimiento de los distintos patrones funerarios incaicos.

O perfil funerário do sítio pré-histórico Toca da Baixa dos Caboclos -sudeste do Piauí -Brasil

LEITE, Ledja Suzane da Silva 25 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Falcao (caroline.rfalcao@ufpe.br) on 2017-06-07T19:04:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) 2011-Dissertacao-Ledja-Leite.pdf: 6161459 bytes, checksum: 49c04520ad9381db271730a067697b46 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-07T19:04:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) 2011-Dissertacao-Ledja-Leite.pdf: 6161459 bytes, checksum: 49c04520ad9381db271730a067697b46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-25 / Esta pesquisa objetivou estudar as práticas funerárias realizadas nos nove enterramentos evidenciados no sítio Toca da Baixa dos Caboclos/PI. Fundamentada em uma perspectiva conservadora, este estudo defendeu a hipótese de que a manutenção do sítio como espaço funerário poderia apontar a manutenção das próprias práticas funerárias dispensadas aos enterramentos nele evidenciados. Buscando validar esta hipótese, este trabalho se utilizou de uma metodologia ordenada e sistemática que permitiu reconstituir o Perfil Funerário do Sítio Toca da Baixa dos Caboclos, a partir da reconstituição dos seus respectivos Perfis das Unidades Funerárias. Segundo esta metodologia foi possível tecer considerações sobre as práticas funerárias dispensadas particularmente a cada enterramento e, ao mesmo tempo, entre todos os enterramentos estudados. Concomitantemente, o estudo da distribuição crono-espacial dos enterramentos possibilitou inferências acerca do aproveitamento do espaço interno do sítio, em distintos momentos cronológicos. Como resultado, foram identificadas recorrências relacionadas às práticas funerárias e também ao próprio agenciamento do espaço funerário. / This research aimed to study the funerary practices realized in nine burials evidenced in the archaeological site Toca da Baixa dos Caboclos/PI. Based on a conservative perspective, this study supported the hypothesis that maintaining the site as a burial space could point to maintenance of their own funerary practices. Seeking to validate this hypothesis, this study used a methodology systematic and ordered to reconstruct the Funerary Profile of site Toca da Baixa dos Caboclos, from the reconstitution of their respective Profiles of Funerary Units. According to this approach it was possible to comment on the funerary practices dispensed to every burial and at the same time, among all burials studied. At the same time, the study of chrono-spatial distribution of burials allowed inferences about the use of internal space of the site at different moments chronological. As a result, recurrences identified were related to funerarypractices and also in their own funerary use of internal space of the archeological site.

Héritage monumental, paysage funéraire et identités : approches archéologiques de la région Tyne-Forth (Vè-VIIIè siècle) / Monument reuse, mortuary landscape and identities : archaeological study of the Tyne-Forth area c. 400-750

Orsini, Celia 12 June 2017 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les choix d'implantation des espaces funéraires dans les paysages naturels, construits et anciens, par les populations du haut Moyen Age, entre le Ve et le début du VIIIe siècle, dans le Nord de l'Angleterre et l'Est de l'Écosse. Selon les contextes culturels, différentes communautés et leurs élites ont utilisé des caractéristiques naturelles et culturelles dans des mises en scène symboliques de paysages. Entre le Ve et le VIIIe siècle, la région Tyne-Forth devient un carrefour de royaumes bretons et anglo-saxons à partir duquel émerge un des royaumes les plus importants de Grande-Bretagne, la Northumbrie. Cette zone offre la possibilité de comparer l'affichage identitaire de sociétés anciennes de différents royaumes qui se croisent et s'influencent Les pratiques funéraires subissent deux mutations importantes sous l'effet de la christianisation et de la formation de royaume de plus en plus large. Elles sont étudiées afin d'établir si leurs dynamiques temporelles peuvent être interprétées comme les indices d'une évolution des identités culturelles, sociales ou religieuses. On s'interroge sur l'éventuel rôle de traditions relatives à la disposition des morts, dans la création d'identités locales ou régionales. L'analyse du paysage sert aussi à mettre en évidence l'utilisation du paysage naturel et construit pour approcher ces identités. Elle sert également à identifier les réoccupations funéraires de monuments anciens et de le comparer avec celles du reste de la Grande-Bretagne et l'Europe du Nord-Ouest. L'intérêt de cette étude est de mettre en avant les éventuelles pratiques, sociales et symboliques, dissimulées derrière ces réoccupations. / The present thesis focuses on the use of the landscape in early medieval North East England and South East Scotland in the 5th to the 8th centuries -a region recognised as an emerging component of the Northumbrian Kingdom. By the 7th century, Northumbria had become a major political and ecclesiastical power. The chronological frame of this research allows for consideration of the deep political and religious changes that began in the 4th/5th centuries with the departure of the Roman army. The emergence of large kingdoms followed along with the conversion to Christianity and the acceptance and unification of the Christian Faith in the 8th century AD. We here explore the experience of the people who dwelled within this region in the early medieval period from the 5th-8th centuries. li does so by focussing on their funerary rites and practices and how they used their surroundings within funerary ritual to emphasise and signal their collection to place and their identities. Early medieval communities had at their disposal a complex landscape within which they constructed and signalled affiliations by means of interaction with natural and human altered features. Such processes have been argued by many researchers as evidence of the use of the natural landscape and world in the processes of identity creation, with funerary ritual signalling the social and political transformations underway in the organisation of early medieval societies.

Andrea Riccio's Della Torre Tomb Monument: Humanism and Antiquarianism in Padua and Verona

Carson, Rebekah A. 15 April 2010 (has links)
An important masterpiece by the Paduan sculptor Andrea Riccio, the Della Torre tomb monument broke with contemporary funerary monuments in both its form and content. Understanding what enabled this break with tradition is the central issue in the study of this monument—one that has not been sufficiently addressed in previous scholarship. Despite the lack of overt references to the Christian faith on the Della Torre monument, the narrative programme is concerned with two very important Christian concerns—the necessity of a life of virtue and the health and afterlife of the soul. I argue that the narrative on the tomb, influenced by contemporary funerary oratory and poetry, presents a model of virtue for the viewer. Moreover, I argue that Riccio has illustrated the presence of this exemplar by the very structure of the monument itself. This dissertation focuses on the artistic and intellectual community surrounding the creation of this monument and, in particular, on the reconciliation of this strictly all’antica monument with Christian thought in this period. Upon a thorough contextual examination, this unprecedented monument becomes less of an anomaly. It reflects the ideas of an important circle of humanists from both Padua and Verona, thus illustrating the breadth of their interests and their involvement in contemporary debates over religion, the nature and potential immortality of the soul, and the necessity of virtue. Analysing this monument within the context of humanist ideas prevalent among the individuals within the Della Torre circle, those who had, or likely had, a great influence on the significance of the monument’s narrative, gives this monument what has been long denied to it—a proper understanding of its Christian programme and didactic function. The fulfillment of this task, which promises to shed additional light on the adaptation of pagan elements to Christian purposes, is the overall aim of this work.

La période napatéenne en Nubie : traditions nubiennes et influences égyptiennes dans le monde funéraire / The Napatan period in Nubia : Nubian traditions and Egyptian influences in the funerary world

Petacchi, Simone 05 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques funéraires royales et privées dans le royaume de Napata, entre les VIIIe et IIIe siècles av. J.-C. Elle constitue une synthèse de l'ensemble des connaissances ayant trait aux structures funéraires ainsi qu'aux rituels qui avaient lieu lors de l'enterrement du défunt ou après. Commençant par l'architecture funéraire, elle présente les traces des cultures locales et celles de la tradition égyptienne de manière à faire ressortir le fait que les éléments indigènes sont plus enracinés chez les communautés les plus isolées et probablement non sédentaires, alors que les tombes royales, d'inspiration pharaonique, témoignent d'une appropriation d'éléments décoratifs et de textes largement utilisés dans les nécropoles élitaires de Thèbes Ouest. Ensuite , cette thèse classifie les objets du mobilier funéraire afin de fournir la base d'un régionalisme culturel par le biais des emprunts des deux traditions. Dans la dernière partie, elle dresse une étude des coutumes funéraires napatéennes, en traçant un essai de hiérarchisation des sépultures selon leur contenu et le type de tombe, pour aborder finalement les rites funéraires et le phénomène de l' "acculturation" analysé dans ses différents aspects à travers les composantes funéraires étudiées précédemment. / This PhD thesis deals with the royal and non royal funerary practices in the Napatan Kingdom between VIIIe and IIIrd century BCE. It consists of an overview on the funerary architecture and of the rituals performed along or after the funeral. Starting from the funerary architecture, it presents the cultural traces coming from local cultures and those of the Egyptian tradition, suggesting that the indigenous elements are more rooted among the isolated groups perhaps non sedentary, while royal tombs, under the pharaonic inspiration, testify the adoption of decorative elements and texts widely used in the elitist necropolises in Western Thebes. Then, this research classifies the objects coming from the funerary equipment such to offer the outlines of a cultural regionalism by the loans of both the two cultures. In the final part, an investigation on the funerary customs of Napatan Period has been made, offering an attempt of a hierarchical organization of the burials on the basis of the contents and of the type of the tomb, to finally discuss the funerary rituals and the phenomenon of "acculturation" analyzed within different aspects by the funeray components discussed before.

Necrogeography matters : the powers of governing Indian and Chinese dead and their bodily remains in Great Britain, 1812-2012

Jassal, Lakhbir Kaur January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the historical and contemporary cultural politics of funeral and body disposal among Indian and Chinese residents of Great Britain. The sanitation episteme launched in Britain during the eighteenth-century resulted in new systems for governing things deemed to be polluting or a threat to human health. This included the corpse/dead body and its bodily remains governed by an all-embracing state technique that I call ‘necropower’. Inspired by a Foucauldian approach to biopower, I examine how the governing of the dead is implicated in the formation of state power over non-Abrahamic ethnic groups. More specifically, in this thesis I analyze how the funeral and disposal practices of two ethnic minorities in the UK have been and are governed by the contours of state necropower. I argue that these bodies became the quintessential matter out of place in a state-regulated episteme. Beginning with funerary practices they have historically been deemed polluted and subject to state-based sanitary order, and they have emerged today through a new environmental and sanitary episteme inside a necroregime of power that is mediated by industry professionals. Drawing upon documented historical and contemporary material from the nineteenth to twenty-first century, interviews with state officials, professionals from the Death Care Industry, and Indian and Chinese minorities in Great Britain, I elaborate the various ways that these minorities seek to respond to, negotiate, and avoid expectations and regulations with respect to body and remain disposal.

The Decorative Program of the Eighteenth-Dynasty Tomb of Pairy (TT 139)

O'Neill, Megan C. 09 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis will identify what is particularly unusual about the funerary scenes of the eighteenth-dynasty Theban tomb (TT 139) and their chosen location by providing a thorough examination of both the life of the tomb owner, Pairy, and his tomb architecture. Following a discussion of the significance of the tomb chapel's decorative program, I will argue that the abbreviated scenes on two walls adjacent to the passageway to the burial chamber relate to the tomb owner’s safe journey into the underworld. Due to the lack of recent published work on the chapel hall and the deterioration of its paintings, the tomb of Pairy is in dire need of proper, comprehensive study.

Andrea Riccio's Della Torre Tomb Monument: Humanism and Antiquarianism in Padua and Verona

Carson, Rebekah A. 15 April 2010 (has links)
An important masterpiece by the Paduan sculptor Andrea Riccio, the Della Torre tomb monument broke with contemporary funerary monuments in both its form and content. Understanding what enabled this break with tradition is the central issue in the study of this monument—one that has not been sufficiently addressed in previous scholarship. Despite the lack of overt references to the Christian faith on the Della Torre monument, the narrative programme is concerned with two very important Christian concerns—the necessity of a life of virtue and the health and afterlife of the soul. I argue that the narrative on the tomb, influenced by contemporary funerary oratory and poetry, presents a model of virtue for the viewer. Moreover, I argue that Riccio has illustrated the presence of this exemplar by the very structure of the monument itself. This dissertation focuses on the artistic and intellectual community surrounding the creation of this monument and, in particular, on the reconciliation of this strictly all’antica monument with Christian thought in this period. Upon a thorough contextual examination, this unprecedented monument becomes less of an anomaly. It reflects the ideas of an important circle of humanists from both Padua and Verona, thus illustrating the breadth of their interests and their involvement in contemporary debates over religion, the nature and potential immortality of the soul, and the necessity of virtue. Analysing this monument within the context of humanist ideas prevalent among the individuals within the Della Torre circle, those who had, or likely had, a great influence on the significance of the monument’s narrative, gives this monument what has been long denied to it—a proper understanding of its Christian programme and didactic function. The fulfillment of this task, which promises to shed additional light on the adaptation of pagan elements to Christian purposes, is the overall aim of this work.

Premissas arquitectónicas para o templo católico do terceiro milénio

Estima, Alberto Jorge dos Santos Nogueira January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

A arquitectura religiosa de Ponta Delgada nos séculos XVI a XVIII

Sousa, Nestor de January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

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