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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

História e arte funerária dos cemitérios São José I e II em Porto Alegre (1888-2014)

Carvalho, Luiza Fabiana Neitzke de January 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa intitulada História e Arte Funerária dos Cemitérios São José I e II em Porto Alegre (1888-2014) analisa as mudanças culturais no trato com a morte e com o sepultamento, bem como com o impacto dessas mudanças para a preservação da arte cemiterial. Apresentamos ao leitor um histórico dos principais cemitérios de Porto Alegre, com foco nos Cemitérios São José I e II, pertencentes à Comunidade de Alemães Católicos de São José. Desde 2000, os Cemitérios São José I e São José II sofrem a gradual subtração de seus monumentos funerários em virtude da construção de um estacionamento anexo a um crematório. O estudo aborda também a obra das marmorarias que construíram os túmulos dos Cemitérios São José I e II, em especial a Marmoraria Casa Aloys (1894-1961). Além do inventário tumular, realizamos um levantamento dos sepultados nos cemitérios de São José, encontrando ali diversos nomes importantes, ligados a atividades artísticas e culturais no Rio Grande do Sul, como os pintores Pedro Weingärtner e José Lutzenberger. Propomos, ainda, um roteiro para visita monitorada que apresente à sociedade estes e outros mortos ilustres sepultados nos Cemitérios São José I e II. / The research entitled History and Funerary Art of São José I and II Cemeteries in Porto Alegre (1888-2014) examines the cultural changes in dealing with death and burial, as well as the impact of these changes for the preservation of graveyard art. We present the reader with a history of the major cemeteries in Porto Alegre, focusing on Cemeteries São José I and II, owned by the Community of Catholic Germans of São José. Since 2000, Cemeteries São José I and II suffer the gradual subtraction of their funerary monuments due to construction of an annex parking at a crematorium. The study also addresses the work of marble yards which built the tombs of Cemeteries São José I and II, especially the marble yard Casa Aloys (1894-1961). Besides the tomb inventory, we conducted a survey of those buried in the Cemeteries São José, finding several important names linked to artistic and cultural activities in Rio Grande do Sul, such as painters Pedro Weingärtner and Jose Lutzenberger. We also propose an itinerary for a guided tour to present to the society these and other illustrious dead buried in Cemeteries São José I and II.

Espace funéraire et identité collective en Crète du MR III C à l'époque archaïque / Funerary space and collective identity in Crete to LM III C to archaic period

Aubignac, Aurélie 08 November 2014 (has links)
Très tôt dans l'histoire, l'homme se définit moins comme un individu que comme un membre appartenant à un groupe structuré et complexe, ce qui le différencie des autres groupes. La construction sociale du groupe repose ainsi sur deux fondements : le fait de se reconnaître comme groupe et celui d'être différents des autres groupes. L'idéologie funéraire participe entièrement à ce phénomène de construction identitaire. L'espace de la mort apparaît comme un espace chrono-culturel, social et identitaire où les communautés affirment, perpétuent ou réécrivent leurs anciennes et nouvelles normes collectives. Ces attitudes sont le reflet d'une parole sur la mort et témoignent de l'existence de stratégies identitaires de la part de communautés et de groupes qui ont fait la démarche consciente ou non de se prévaloir de ces discours et de ces images dans la mort. Mes travaux visent à identifier les phénomènes de continuité et de rupture et les multiples combinaisons adoptées par les communautés de l'île de Crète entre le MR III C et la période archaïque, en étudiant les marqueurs d'une attitude plus ou moins active des communautés dans la mort et de stratégies identitaires. Par ailleurs, je cherche à savoir si ces discours sur la mort n'auraient pas eu un effet sur les comportements identitaires de communautés en entraînant une attitude plus active des communautés dans leurs pratiques funéraires. Le phénomène identitaire étant un phénomène non figé dans le temps et dans l'espace, mes travaux tentent également de démontrer que plus l'identité collective est forte et stable, plus les différents phénomènes identitaires sont intrinsèquement liés et dénotent une société structurée. / Very early on in history, man regarded himself less as an individual than as a member of a structured and complex group with its own common past and shared social values that differentiated it from other groups. The social construction of the group was thus founded on two principles : the identification with a group and the differentiation from other groups The funerary ideology wholly embraces this phenomenon of ethnic crystallisation. The space of death manifests as a chrono-cultural, social, and identity space where communities affirm, perpetuate, or rewrite their old and new collective norms. These attitudes reflect a discourse on death and attest to the existence of identity strategies used by communities and groups who, whether consciously or not, referred to these discourses and images in death. This research aims to identify the phenomena of continuity and rupture, and the multiple combinations adopted by the communities of the Island of Crete between to LM III C to Archaic period, by studying the markers of the communities' more or less active approach to death and their identity strategies. Furthermore, I seek to confirm whether these discourses on death had an effect on the identity behaviours of the communities and led to a more active approach among the communities in their funeral practices. As the identity phenomenon varied in time and space, my research also attempts to demonstrate that the more powerful and stable the collective identity was, the more the different identity phenomena were intrinsically linked together, thus denoting a structured society.

Being a royal or a noble at death : Funerary expressions of social status in Macedonia / Att vara kunglig eller nobel i döden : Uttryck för social status i Makedonska begravningar

Bei, Georgia January 2022 (has links)
This thesis discusses the funerary expression of social status in Macedonia during the 4th century BCE. Specifically, this thesis aims to examine the royal and the noble status and the way this is expressed in death, by making a distinction between royals and nobles. The major questions of this research concern their differences and their similarities, as well as any potential indicators of each one. As part of the material, the thesis has employed four tombs to study that come from three cemeterial areas. The two first tombs are examined as royal tombs and are located in the ancient area of Aegae, located in the modern area of Vergina, while the other two tombs which are examined as noble tombs are located in the modern area of Hagios Athanasios and Derveni. By focusing on the wider cemeterial area, as well as on their architec-ture, their decoration, the grave goods and the human remains, the thesis is treating the archaeological assemblage as a holistic reflection of the social status of the de-ceased, assuming that wealthy tombs should be in accordance with the social ranking of the deceased. However, this thesis also takes into consideration other factors that might affect that funeral assemblage, such as the deceased’s or the family choices. But even despite this choice for planning to have a death as somebody wanted to, the thesis considers that having a wealthy tomb and burial mean that it was affordable and again in this case the funerary assemblage is an aspect by which the social status of the deceased can be illustrated. Finally, the thesis concludes by discussing that straight interpretations of what is considered to be of royal nature appear to be com-plicated and factors such as whoever wanted could have a prominent burial, blur the line between royals and nobles at death. / Denna uppsats diskuterar uttryck av social status i Makedonska begravningar under 300-talet f.v.t. Uppsatsen syftar specifikt till att undersöka kungafamiljens och elitens status och hur detta uttrycks i döden, genom att göra en uppdelning mellan kunglig och elit. De viktigaste frågorna i denna studie rör deras skillnader och likheter, liksom potentiella indikatorer för vardera grupp. Materialet som har studerats är fyra gravar som kommer från tre separata begravningsområden. De två första gravarna undersöks som kungliga gravar och ligger i det antika området Aegae, beläget nära det moderna området Vergina, medan de övriga två gravarna som undersöks som elitgravar ligger i det moderna områdena Hagios Athanasios och Derveni. Genom att fokusera på begravningsområdenas kontext, de enskilda gravarnas arkitektur, deras utsmyckning, gravgåvor och de mänskliga kvarlevorna, behandlar uppsatsen den arkeologiska samlingen som en holistisk återspegling av den avlidnes sociala status, med antagandet att rika gravar bör reflektera den avlidnes sociala status. Men den här avhandlingen tar också hänsyn till andra faktorer som kan påverka begravningssammansättningen, såsom den avlidnes eller familjens personliga val. De begravda kunde ha planerat begravningens utformning, uppsatsen utgår ifrån att en rik grav och begravning betyder att personen hade tillräckliga resurser för begravningen men man behöver se på hela begravningskontexten för att undersöka den begravdas sociala status. Uppsatsen drar slutsatsen att tolkningen av vad som kan vara kungliga och elitgravar är komplicerad och faktorer som att den som hade råd kunde få en påkostad begravning suddar ut gränsen mellan kungliga och elit vid döden.

Taken to the grave. An archaeozoological approach assessing the role of animals as crematory offerings in first millennium AD Britain.

Worley, Fay L. January 2008 (has links)
The crematory funerary rites practiced by those living in parts of mainland Britain during the first millennium AD included burning complete or parts of animals on the pyre. This thesis highlights the potential for archaeozoological analysis of faunal pyre goods using assemblages from the first millennium AD as a dataset. Experimental study and the integration of current research from a number of disciplines is used to suggest that although pyrolysis and cremation practices fragment and distort burnt bone assemblages, careful analysis can reveal a wealth of data leading to the interpretation of various forms of pyre good. The results of the author¿s analysis of material from the sites of Brougham, Cumbria, St. Stephen¿s, Hertfordshire, Castleford, West Yorkshire and Heath Wood, Derbyshire are combined with data from other published cemeteries to suggest a series of chronological and regional continuities in the use of animals but with a distinct change at the start of the Early Medieval period. The results from Brougham are particularly significant as they alter preconceived views on the utilisation of animals in Romano-British funerary practice. Cremation burials in first millennium AD Britain are shown to include the burnt remains of predominantly domestic taxa with occasional wild species. The pyre goods are interpreted as representing food offerings, companions, amulets, gaming items and sacrifices. This thesis demonstrates that cremated animal bone should not be disregarded but rather valued as source of archaeozoological data, and a significant functional tool for interpreting past funerary behaviour and animal utilisation.

Arquitectura ecléctico funeraria de la ciudad de Valencia. El cementerio general de Valencia

Girbés Pérez, Jorge 24 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo fundamental del presente trabajo es establecer una metodología de investigación sobre la clasificación, catalogación y levantamiento grafico de los elementos arquitectónicos funerarios de la ciudad de Valencia, es decir, una investigación de campo y laboratorio sobre modelos y tipologías de arquitecturas funerarias prototípicas de Valencia con empleo de técnicas graficas y fotográficas. Con esta tesis queda claro que es posible adaptar las nuevas tecnologías a la investigación patrimonial, con todo el rigor científico que la expresión gráfica y el estudio del patrimonio, nos puede exigir. El vaciado y localización de todos los datos existentes en el Archivo Municipal, ha sido una tarea lenta, así como la confirmación y verificación de los datos existentes y su contrastación con otras fuentes ha sido complicado, ya que la localización de fuentes escritas y bibliográficas realizada para su posterior estudio, crítica y análisis, es escasa, y en las pocas fuentes existentes, la documentación es mínima y, en algunos casos, con estimaciones o suposiciones opuestas a otras de distinto autor. Los métodos aplicados aportan una vía en la investigación arquitectónica en el ámbito de este patrimonio tan desconocido y tan poco estudiado. En cuanto al levantamiento gráfico queda establecido un sistema de levantamiento a la vieja usanza, o con métodos de rectificado del fotograma y el de homología, en aquellos proyectos en los que el estado de este era tal que incluso el manejarlos para su fotografiado suponía ya un deterioro del papel. Por su simplicidad y gran exactitud, se ha determinado utilizar éste último. Los posibles pasos a seguir para el levantamiento gráfico de este patrimonio, con la aplicación si cabe de nuevas tecnologías o con métodos tradicionales está claro. Se pensó en su momento el realizar tomas infrarrojas en los Panteones, con el objeto de analizar las patologías con el tratamiento digital de la imagen. Pero este método ha sido descartado por varios motivos como la poca información que nos da en este tipo de construcción, donde las patologías son continuas por cada frente; la dificultad y tiempo que se requiere, así como el programa de clasificación de imágenes y la imposibilidad de entrar en los mismos. El método elegido ha consistido en: determinación, crítica y análisis de fuentes escritas; determinación, crítica y análisis de datos del Archivo Municipal; determinación, crítica y análisis de bibliografía y toma de datos fotográfica y fotocopias; levantamiento gráfico por sistema tradicional o por homologías. / [EN] The main objective of this work is to establish a research methodology on the classification, cataloging and graphic survey of the funerary architectural elements of the city of Valencia, that is, a field and laboratory research on models and typologies of prototypical funerary architecture of Valencia with the use of graphic and photographic techniques. With this thesis it is clear that it is possible to adapt new technologies to heritage research, with all the scientific rigor that graphic expression and the study of heritage can demand. The emptying and location of all the existing data in the Municipal Archive has been a slow task, as well as the confirmation and verification of the existing data and its contrast with other sources has been complicated, since the location of written and bibliographic sources for its later study, criticism and analysis, is scarce, and in the few existing sources, the documentation is minimal and, in some cases, with estimates or assumptions opposed to others of different authors. The methods applied provide a way in architectural research in the field of this heritage so unknown and little studied. As for the graphic survey, a system of old-fashioned survey is established, or with methods of rectification of the photogram and homology, in those projects in which the state of this was such that even handling them for their photographing already supposed a deterioration of the paper. Because of its simplicity and great accuracy, it was decided to use the latter. The possible steps to follow for the graphic survey of this heritage, with the application, if possible, of new technologies or with traditional methods is clear. It was thought at the time to take infrared shots in the Pantheons, in order to analyze the pathologies with digital image processing. But this method has method has been discarded for several reasons such as the little information it gives us in this type of construction, where the pathologies are continuous for each front; the difficulty and time required, as well as the image classification program and the impossibility of entering the images. The chosen method has consisted of: determination, critique and analysis of written sources; determination, critique and analysis of data from the Municipal Archives; determination, critique and analysis of bibliography and photographic and photocopy data; graphic survey by traditional system or by homologies / Girbés Pérez, J. (2009). Arquitectura ecléctico funeraria de la ciudad de Valencia. El cementerio general de Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188618

Images of eternity in 3D

Lucarelli, Rita 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
By using the technique of photogrammetry for the 3D visualization of ancient Egyptian coffins decorated with magical texts and iconography, this project aims at building up a new digital platform for an in-depth study of the ancient Egyptian funerary culture and its media. It has started in August 2015 through the support of a Mellon Fellowship for the Digital Humanities at UC Berkeley and up until now it has focused on ancient Egyptian coffins kept at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology of UC Berkeley. The main outcome will be a digital platform that allows to display a coffin in 3D and where users will be able to pan, rotate, and zoom in on the coffin, clicking on areas of text to highlight them and view an annotated translation together with other metadata (transcription of the hieroglyphic text, bibliography, textual variants, museological data, provenance, etc.)

Mors immatura : portraits of children on Roman funerary monuments in the west

Mander, Jason January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines funerary iconography for evidence of Roman attitudes towards children, childhood and the family. Based on 690 portrait monuments drawn from select areas of the Western Empire, its central hypothesis is that the commemorations are best read as highly artificial constructs which reveal more about the social preoccupations of the commissioners than the lives of the children whom they represent. The first of the seven chapters defines the parameters of the accompanying catalogue and discusses the benefits of studying a diverse range of monuments (rather than isolated "show-pieces"). The methodological section which follows assesses the cultural limitations and identification problems inherent to funerary material and considers how the terms "child" and "portrait" are best defined in this medium. The four subsequent chapters analyse the following key areas: the ages, genders and attributes of children; the presentation and composition of the family; the iconography of surrogate and extended relationships; and the archaeological context of funerary display. In each case any emotional interpretations which surround the material are discussed and then countered with alternative, and better supported, social readings. It is argued that previous research has been based on samples which are too limited in terms of size, genre and geographical scope and influenced too heavily by a desire to prove parental benevolence and the existence of "love" and "affection" within the Roman household. By exposing demographic biases and iconographic problems, it is shown that commissioners were actually using the image of the child for overtly social purposes, with some of the results being subject to substantial, and hitherto unacknowledged, regional variation. The conclusion then reassesses a well-known example to show that while Roman parents did attach importance to their children, funerary evidence can only prove it to be of a social, rather than an emotional, nature.

Ethnoarchaeological perspectives on the mortuary practices of Jordanian Bedouin

Whiteway, Autumn 13 October 2016 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to enhance the archaeological visibility of mobile pastoralists in the southern Levant, accomplished through an ethnoarchaeological study of Bedouin mortuary practices in Jordan. Qualitative data, collected via 136 ethnographic interviews, and quantitative data, collected from 20 Bedouin cemeteries, are analyzed to distinguish the material residues of Bedouin funerary practices. Patterns in these data are investigated using a multi-scalar spatial model, to improve archaeological interpretations and produce a predictive model for locating the material signatures of mobile pastoralist mortuary practices in the southern Levant. This research yields results of high archaeological visibility, demonstrating that Bedouin mortuary practices leave behind a detectable material signature on the landscape. / February 2017

Les monuments funéraires thraces : catalogue raisonné et analyse architecturale

Marinov, Ivan January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

"When God Takes Away": Gendered Death Customs in Eighteenth-Century Virginia

Tremper, Kristin 05 May 2010 (has links)
Rituals surrounding death were social in addition to being religious. Virginians conveyed the status of the deceased through funerals, burials, gravestones, commemoration, and mourning. But these customs greatly differed according to gender, both in what they consisted of and who was responsible for carrying them out. This thesis examines wills, diaries, correspondence, grave markers, prints, and newspapers of eighteenth-century Virginians, which demonstrate the differences in the death customs of men and women. Because of men’s involvement in public activities like business and politics, they gave greater forethought into how acts of remembrance would reflect their positions. Women’s duties were centered on the home and family. This resulted in less elaborate death customs as well as greater responsibility for appropriately attending to the remembrance of others. Despite the overwhelmingly private nature of women’s funerals and burials, gravestones, death notices, and the responsibilities of widowhood briefly brought women into the public realm.

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