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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestes, espaces et temps funéraires au début du Néolithique (6ème millénaire et 1ère moitié du 5ème millénaire cal-BC) en Italie et en France méridionale : reconnaissance des témoins archéologiques de l'après-mort / Funerary gestures, spaces and times at the dawn of the neolithic (6th millenium and the first half of the 5th millenium CAL-BC) in Italy and southern France : recognition of after-death archaeological testimonies / Gesti, spazi i tempi funerarie al inizio del neolitico in Italia e un Francia meridionale (6e millenio e nella prima metà del 5e millenio CAL-BC) : riconoscimento delle testimonianze archeologiche del postmortem

Zemour, Aurélie 05 July 2013 (has links)
Cette étude renouvelle en profondeur notre perception des pratiques funéraires des premiers agro-pasteurs vivant en Italie et en France méridionale au début du Néolithique. L’hypothèse de leur uniformité, qui n’avait jusqu’ici jamais été véritablement questionnée, est désormais invalidée.Au contraire, l’essence même de l’idéologie funéraire portée et pérennisée durant plus d’un millénaire par ces groupes est la diversité des pratiques mortuaires. La variabilité des pratiques qui incluent différentes formes de dépôts du cadavre (primaire, secondaire, individuel, pluriel) a livré néanmoins des codes qui varient d’une culture à une autre, d’un groupe à un autre, d’un site à un autre et d’un individu à un autre, formant un système diversifié, mais cohérent. Cette étude a aussi dévoilé des pratiques symboliques exploitant des restes humains et en a révélé les modalités.En s’appuyant sur une vision raisonnée des processus de néolithisation et de la nature du complexe Impresso-cardial, ma réflexion aborde également le rôle de la sphère funéraire du début du Néolithique dans la complémentarité polymorphe existant entre les sites et le caractère innovant des gestes funéraires, dont l’ascendance mésolithique apparaît limitée. Adopter une approche archéothanotologique et mobiliser un large panel de témoins archéologiques de l’après morts ur un corpus étendu (45 sites, 87 unités funéraires, 128 individus) a donc permis non seulement, de cerner le système funéraire des groupes étudiés, mais plus largement d’étudier et de décrire le(s) comportement(s) qu’ils ont adopté(s) face à un cadavre et face à la Mort. / This study deeply renews our understanding of the funerary practices of the first farmers living in Italy and in southern France at the dawn of Neolithic. The hypothesis of their uniformity, which has been not truly questioned so far, is now invalidated. On the contrary, the very essence of the funerary ideology, that was spread and perpetuated by these societies during more than one millennium, is the diversity of the funerary practices. Indeed, this variability including variousforms of corpse deposits (primary, secondary, individual, plural) nevertheless displays codesvarying from a culture to another, a group to another, a site to another and from an individual toanother, creating a diverse but coherent system. This study has also highlighted symbolic practices exploiting human remains, and revealed their procedures. Relying on a reasoned visionof the neolithisation process and on the nature of the Impresso-cardial complex, this approach also reaches the role occupied by the funerary system within the multifaceted complementarity between sites as well as the innovation degree of burial gestures, whose Mesolithic origin appears limited. Following an archaeothanatological approach and mobilizing a broad panel of after-death archaeological testimonies on a wide corpus (45 sites, 87 funerary units, 128 individuals) has therefore not only allowed accessing the funerary system of the considered societies, but on the top of that, studying and describing the behaviours they adopted in regard of the corpse and towards Death.

Por onde vivem os mortos : o processo de fabricação da morte e da pessoa morta no segmento funerário de Porto Alegre

Neves, Marcos Freire de Andrade January 2014 (has links)
Conduzida na cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil, a pesquisa etnográfica aqui apresentada descreve as dinâmicas no interior de um conjunto de mediações do complexo funerário, que não somente perpassa diferentes instâncias institucionais e econômicas, mas também modelam o processo de fabricação da morte e da pessoa morta através de intervenções físicas no corpo e da criação de uma memória a ela relacionada. Morte é, portanto, mais do que a destituição de uma vida: é a instituição de um novo estado, significa tornar-se algo. Um novo conjunto de documentos é requerido e há uma transposição de estatutos jurídicos. Assim, os circuitos funerários atuam na construção desse novo estado enquanto, simultaneamente, reconhecem a presença da pessoa morta nessa dinâmica por meio da imposição de uma presença moral e corpórea. A pessoa morta, não sendo um locus de passividade, mostra a sua vida ao impor padrões de comportamento nas negociações concernentes ao seu funeral, assim como ao influenciar escolhas e decisões. / Conducted in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, the ethnographic research presented by this work describes the dynamics within a set of mediations, which not only pervades different institutional and economic instances, but also shapes the construction process of death and of the dead person through a physical intervention on the body as well as through the creation of a specific memory. Death is thus more than the mere destitution of a life: it is the institution of a new state, it means becoming something else. A new set of papers are in order as much as the transposition of the legal status. The funeral circuits are hence acting upon the construction of this new state while simultaneously acknowledging the dead person’s presence through the imposition of a moral and corporeal presence. The dead person, not being a locus of passivity, displays his/hers life by setting behavioral guidelines in dealings concerning his/hers funeral arrangements, as well as by influencing choices and decisions through his/hers presence within the aforementioned dynamics.

Aqui se jaz, aqui se paga : o mercado da morte e do morrer em tempos de imortalidade / The market of death and dying in "times of immortality

Lana Veras 28 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta tese busca compreender o que os rituais funerários contemporâneos revelam sobre as maneiras com as quais as pessoas têm lidado com a morte e o morrer na atualidade. Desse eixo central se ramificam reflexões sobre a relação dos homens com o tempo, com o envelhecimento e com a finitude. Evidenciando que os modos atuais de lidar com a morte e o morrer envolvem flagrantes processos de mercantilização, patologização, medicalização e espetacularização. O crescente uso de serviços funerários de tanatoestética apontam não somente técnicas de maquiagem dos mortos, mas também estratégias de maquiagem da morte. O investimento financeiro, antes direcionado às preocupações transcendentes com o futuro da alma do morto, se reverte em intervenções físicas no corpo morto, de maneira que ele não emita sinal algum da morte que o tomou e proteja os sobreviventes do contato com a finitude. Essa dissimulação é sinalizada pela redução progressiva do espaço que a sociedade contemporânea tem destinado ao luto e ao sofrimento, categorias com cada vez mais frequência equiparadas a condições patológicas. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa, com pesquisa de campo realizada tanto no Brasil como em Portugal, durante período de doutorado sanduíche no exterior, observou-se um acentuado estreitamento entre as realidades morte e consumo. Indicando uma transposição da lógica comercial de mercado às práticas funerárias tradicionais. Assim, funções simbólicas dos rituais fúnebres vem sendo modificadas e regidas pela lógica do consumo, apresentado na atualidade como alternativa unidimensional para a imperativa vivência initerrupta do prazer e da felicidade. Constatou-se que - apesar da crescente popularização de discussões sobre o tema morte no meio acadêmico, na área da saúde e na mídia - não há aceno de ruptura no seu enquadramento como tabu. Apenas é permitido socialmente que ela ocupe locais determinados: o lugar de espetáculo, de produto, da técnica, da banalização ou mesmo do humor publicitário. As observações e as reflexões realizadas em todo o processo de construção desta tese nos inclinam a considerar que continua vedado o aprofundamento de questões ligadas à expressão de sentimentos de dor e de pesar diante das perdas. Assim como se acentuam os processos de patologização do luto e de distanciamento das demandas existênciais promovidas pela consciência da própria finitude e da passagem do tempo; do tempo de vida de cada um / This thesis aims to understand what the contemporary funeral rituals reveal about the ways used by people to deal with death and dying nowadays. From that central concept, new reflections ramify about the relation-ship between men and time, related to growing old and being finite. Its made evident that the modern ways of dealing with death and dying involve flagrant marketing, pathological, medical and speculative processes. The fast growing presence of tanatoaesthetics in funerary services points out not only some make-up techniques of the dead, but also the existence of make-up strategies of death. The financial investment, directed in the past to transcendental worries such as the future of the deceaseds soul, is reverted into physical interventions in the deceaseds body, so it wont show any signal of the death that took it and, in that way, protect the living from the contact with the finite. That conceal is marked by the progressive reduction of the space that our modern society assign to the mourning and the suffering, categories that each day are more often compared to pathologies. Using a qualitative methodology ̶ sustained by a field study developed both in Brazil and Portugal during a doctorate exchange period ̶, we observed an emphasized narrowing between the realities of death and consumerism. It indicated a transposition of the market commercial logic to the traditional funerary practices. Therefore, the symbolic functions of funerary rituals have been modified and regulated by the consumerism logic, present nowadays as a one-dimensional alternative to the imperative experience of the never-ending placer and happiness. We have confirmed that ̶ although the growing popularization of arguments about death as a topic in the Academic, health and media environment ̶ there isnt a breaking point from its definition as a taboo. Society only allows it to occupy specific places such as: a show, a product, a technic, a triviality and even a humorous topic in publicity. The observations and reflections developed while writing this thesis incline us to consider the existence of a banned deepening in subjects connected to expressing feelings of pain and sadness when facing the loses. Also, the process of considering as pathologic the mourning as well as the distance from the existential demands promoted by the consciousness of the finite and the passing of time; each of us lifetime

Structures funéraires et pierres dressées : analyses architectorales et spaciales : mégalithes du département du Morbihan / Funerary structures and stones : architectural and spatial analysis : megaliths of the department of Morbihan

Gouézin, Philippe 30 June 2017 (has links)
Le mégalithisme est l'expression architecturale monumentale d'un ensemble de sociétés qui ont édifiées des structures funéraires et des pierres dressées. La genèse du mégalithisme, phénomène humain de la fin de la préhistoire, puise ses origines dans de multiples conjugaisons des différents courants de la néolithisation aux traditions variées, aux influences géographiques parfois lointaines, aux époques différentes. La combinaison de nombreux éléments sociaux de ces sociétés agro-pastorales a généré des générations d’architectes bâtisseurs et contribué à mettre en œuvre une diversité architecturale La volonté de mise œuvre des maisons des morts au même niveau que les maisons des vivants semble répondre à des critères sociaux et culturels. Une perception visuelle actualisée des mégalithismes, adaptée aux récentes thématiques développées amène un fil conducteur original d’étude de plusieurs mondes qui se sont combinés. L’état des connaissances depuis le milieu du XXème siècle a permis une appréhension différente des mégalithismes : - dans les années 1980, une connaissance plus complète des masses tumulaires et leurs liens étroits avec les chambres sépulcrales (Joussaume, 1997, 1999, 2003 ; Joussaume et al. 2006). - dans les années 2000 une prise en compte de l’histoire des monuments (Joussaume et al. 2006 ; Laporte, 2010 ; Laporte et al. 2004, 2011). - de nos jours, une appréhension différente des articulations entre les pierres dressées, les tumulus et les chambres sépulcrales (Laporte, 2015 ; Laporte et al. 2011). Le processus de cette monumentalisation architecturale a souvent fait l’objet d’études distinctes, les espaces sépulcraux et les pierres dressées servant de bases à deux axes de recherches séparées. Seule l’étude des stèles en remploi avait fait l’objet d’une attention particulière (L’Helgouac’h, 1983 ; Cassen, 2009b) et d’un rapprochement des deux dispositifs. Ce n’est que récemment que la complémentarité entre les espaces sépulcraux et les pierres dressées a réellement été proposée (Laporte, 2015b). Disposant d’un important corpus actualisé des mégalithes du département du Morbihan, il a donc été proposé de développer dans cette thèse cette notion de complémentarité entre les différents dispositifs qui constituent les mégalithismes. Les hypothèses formulées sont de démontrer que les processus de monumentalisation sont issus d’un croisement architectural entre les pierres dressées, les espaces sépulcraux et les masses tumulaires. Nous tenterons également de montrer les liens étroits qui semblent se dessiner entre trois mondes très différents mais intimement liés (le monde des vivants, le monde des morts et le monde naturel). / Megalithism is the monumental architectural expression of a group of societies that have built funerary structures and erected stones. The genesis of megalithism, the human phenomenon of the end of prehistory, draws its origins from multiple conjugations of the different currents of neolithization with varied traditions, geographical influences sometimes distant, at different times. The combination of many social elements of these agro-pastoral societies has generated generations of architects and contributed to the implementation of architectural diversity The desire to put the houses of the dead to the same level as the houses of the living seems to meet social and cultural criteria. An updated visual perception of megalithisms, adapted to the recent themes developed, brings an original thread of study of several worlds that have combined. The state of knowledge since the middle of the 20th century allowed a different apprehension of megalithisms: - in the 1980s, a more complete knowledge of the tumular masses and their close links with the sepulchral chambers (Joussaume, 1997, 1999, 2003, Joussaume et al., 2006). - in the 2000s, taking into account the history of monuments (Joussaume et al., 2006, Laporte, 2010, Laporte et al., 2004, 2011). - today, a different apprehension of the articulations between the erected stones, the tumuli and the sepulchral chambers (Laporte, 2015, Laporte et al., 2011). The process of this architectural monumentalization has often been the subject of separate studies, sepulchral spaces and erected stones serving as bases for two separate lines of research. Only the study of stelae in reuse had been the object of particular attention (L'Helgouac'h, 1983, Cassen, 2009b) and a comparison of the two devices. It is only recently that the complementarity between sepulchral spaces and erected stones has actually been proposed (Laporte, 2015b). It has therefore been proposed to develop in this thesis the notion of complementarity between the different mechanisms that constitute megalithisms. The hypotheses formulated are to demonstrate that the processes of monumentalisation are the result of an architectural crossing between the erected stones, the sepulchral spaces and the tumular masses. We will also try to show the close ties that seem to be taking shape between three very different but intimately linked worlds (the world of the living, the world of the dead and the natural world).

Hounds of Hel: an osteological investigation of dog skeletons in Vendel Period–Viking Age inhumations at Valsgärde cemetery, Sweden. / Hels hundar: en osteologisk undersökning av hundskelett i vendeltid–vikingtid begravningar på Valsgärde gravfält, Sverige.

Nichols, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
The cemetery of Valsgärde, Sweden contains 92 human graves dating from the 3rdc. BCE to the 11thc. CE, the majority and most elaborate of which date to the Vendel and Viking Ages (approximately 500-1100 CE). This total consists of 15 unburnt boat graves, 15 inhumation and chamber graves, and 62 cremations. In addition to the human remains and wealthy goods, the site is noted for its richness in zooarchaeological material, with a variety of primarily domestic animals appearing buried alongside humans. One of the most commonly represented animals in these graves is the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), a trend which has been noted in many other sites from Vendel and Viking Age Sweden. This project quantifies and analyses the morphology of the dogs in the unburnt Vendel and Viking graves at Valsgärde in order to a) assemble a general typology and demographic profile for the population, b) assess the level of morphological variability in the population, and c) speculate on the possible roles these dogs may have played in Scandinavian society in the Late Iron Age. Comparisons are made between the character of dog burials in the Vendel vs Viking periods, to identify any notable shifts in trend over time. The analysis shows that while the size of the dogs generally remains consistent throughout both periods, a number of different types are represented within this limited size range, and the Viking Age burials contain notably fewer dogs than the graves of the Vendel Period.

Por onde vivem os mortos : o processo de fabricação da morte e da pessoa morta no segmento funerário de Porto Alegre

Neves, Marcos Freire de Andrade January 2014 (has links)
Conduzida na cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil, a pesquisa etnográfica aqui apresentada descreve as dinâmicas no interior de um conjunto de mediações do complexo funerário, que não somente perpassa diferentes instâncias institucionais e econômicas, mas também modelam o processo de fabricação da morte e da pessoa morta através de intervenções físicas no corpo e da criação de uma memória a ela relacionada. Morte é, portanto, mais do que a destituição de uma vida: é a instituição de um novo estado, significa tornar-se algo. Um novo conjunto de documentos é requerido e há uma transposição de estatutos jurídicos. Assim, os circuitos funerários atuam na construção desse novo estado enquanto, simultaneamente, reconhecem a presença da pessoa morta nessa dinâmica por meio da imposição de uma presença moral e corpórea. A pessoa morta, não sendo um locus de passividade, mostra a sua vida ao impor padrões de comportamento nas negociações concernentes ao seu funeral, assim como ao influenciar escolhas e decisões. / Conducted in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, the ethnographic research presented by this work describes the dynamics within a set of mediations, which not only pervades different institutional and economic instances, but also shapes the construction process of death and of the dead person through a physical intervention on the body as well as through the creation of a specific memory. Death is thus more than the mere destitution of a life: it is the institution of a new state, it means becoming something else. A new set of papers are in order as much as the transposition of the legal status. The funeral circuits are hence acting upon the construction of this new state while simultaneously acknowledging the dead person’s presence through the imposition of a moral and corporeal presence. The dead person, not being a locus of passivity, displays his/hers life by setting behavioral guidelines in dealings concerning his/hers funeral arrangements, as well as by influencing choices and decisions through his/hers presence within the aforementioned dynamics.

Ocho tumbas especiales de Kuntur Wasi

Onuki, Yoshio 10 April 2018 (has links)
Eight Special Tombs from Kuntur Wasilt is an extraordinary circumstance having located eight intact tombs with beautiful gold artifacts and other elaborated objects in a site of slightly more than one hectare during excavations under the strict control of a group of professional archaeologists. This was done in Kuntur Wasi site, on the western flank of the Andes of Cajamarca, northern Peru. Given the preliminary state al the study and analysis of the tombs and their contents, including the human rests, we only present a short summary. / Es un hecho realmente extraordinario haber encontrado ocho tumbas intactas con bellas piezas de oro y otros objetos muy bien elaborados en un sitio comprendido en un área de sólo un poco más de una hectárea, durante excavaciones realizadas bajo el estricto control de arqueólogos profesionales. Se trata del sitio de Kuntur Wasi, ubicado en la falda occidental de la sierra de los Andes de Cajamarca, en el norte del Perú. Ya que el estudio y análisis de las tumbas y sus contenidos, inclusive los restos de los individuos, están en proceso aún, se presenta un breve resumen acerca de ellos para la conveniencia de los estudiosos interesados.

Tumbas de la época Wari en el Callejón de Huaylas, Áncash

Paredes, Juan, Quintana, Berenice, Linares, Moisés 10 April 2018 (has links)
Wari Tombs in the Callejón de Huaylas, Department of AncashExcavations of Wari period chullpas in the Callejon de Huaylas have produced important new evidence of mortuary patterns in that region, while also furnishing associated artifacts that can be compared with materials from the adjacent coast. Based on evaluations of former research results the authors propose the existence of a single socio-political unit that united the coast and highlands of Ancash during the time period under study. / Excavaciones arqueológicas en chullpas de la época wari en el Callejón de Huaylas ofrecen nuevas e importantes evidencias acerca del patrón funerario de la zona y permiten correlacionar los materiales asociados con la costa de Áncash. Con una evaluación de las investigaciones previas realizadas, los autores proponen la existencia de una unidad sociopolítica entre la costa y sierra de Ancash para la época estudiada.

Entre la memoria y el olvido. Observaciones sobre los ritos funerarios en las tierras bajas de América del Sur

Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre 10 April 2018 (has links)
Between Memory and Forgetting. Observations on Funeral Rites in the South American LowlandsA detailed analysis of the empirical data concerning Amazonian mourning reveals two types of contrasting funeral treatment. While various human groups make efforts to erase all memory of their dead, others seek to maintain continuing relationship with them. Pertinent research invalidates partially the commonly held thesis of an archetypical form of mourning in the Amazonian lowlands according to which there is a radical break with their dead. The existence of the two types of treatment also invites to reflections about the production of different forms of historical memory in these societies. / Si se realiza un examen detenido de los datos empíricos sobre las formas de duelo en la Amazonía, se revelan finalmente dos tipos contrastados de tratamiento funerario. Mientras que por un lado varios grupos humanos se esfuerzan por borrar toda traza y memoria de los muertos, por otro se busca mantener una relación de continuidad con ellos. Las investigaciones realizadas invalidan en parte la tesis común aceptada según la cual la forma arquetípica del duelo en las tierras bajas pasaría por una ruptura radical con los muertos. La existencia de estos dos tipos de tratamiento invita, por otra parte, a reflexionar sobre la producción de formas diferenciadas de memoria histórica en esas sociedades.

Le Service éternel : ethnographie d’un esclavage amérindien (Yuqui, Amazonie bolivienne) / The Eternal Service : ethnography of an Amerindian slavery (Yuqui, Bolivian Amazonia)

Jabin, David 15 December 2016 (has links)
Première ethnographie consacrée à un système d’esclavage amérindien, cette thèse est une contribution à l’anthropologie politique amazoniste et à l’anthropologie de l’esclavage. Elle se fonde sur un travail de terrain mené entre 2004 et 2011 chez les Yuqui de l’Amazonie bolivienne, des nomades de langue tupi-guarani, dernier groupe contacté dans la région dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle par des missionnaires évangélistes. Le service éternel est l’archéologie d’une institution, a priori révolue, par l’analyse des représentations et des pratiques de celle-ci dans la mémoire collective et la vie quotidienne. Cette étude s’appuie sur un travail d’observation participante mené au gré des pérégrinations yuqui dans différents espaces (forestier, missionnaire et urbain), un riche corpus d’archives et des documents récoltés sur le terrain. L’objectif central vise à démontrer que l’esclavage yuqui est un système de reproduction endogène de l’altérité nécessaire à la construction du Soi à la suite d’un long processus d’isolement. Composée de quatre parties qui nous emmènent des premiers temps de la conquête au second mandat du président Evo Morales, cette thèse éclaire sous un jour nouveau les relations de subordination amérindiennes, en décrivant un système de domination au sein duquel un chef autoritaire tire son prestige des esclaves. Pour comprendre cette institution servile, une attention particulière est d’abord portée aux processus de procréation et d’appropriation des individus, fondée sur la relation asymétrique de nourrissement. / First ethnography dedicated to a Amerindian slavery system, this doctoral thesis is a contribution to the Amazonist political anthropology and to the anthropology of slavery. It is based on a fieldwork conducted between 2004 and 2011 among the Yuqui people of Bolivian Amazon, who are Tupi-Guarani speaking nomads. They are the last group contacted in the region in the second half of the twentieth century by Evangelist missionaries. « The Eternal Service » is an archeology of an a priori passed institution through the analysis of its representations and practices in the collective memory and everyday life. This study is based on participant observation work carried out during the Yuqui’s peregrination in three different spaces (forest, mission and the city), and on a rich body of archives and documents collected in the field. The central objective is to demonstrate that Yuqui slavery is an endogenous reproductive system of alterity, that became necessary for the construction of the Self as a result of a long process of isolation. Composed of four parts which take the reader from the early stages of the Conquest to the second mandate of the President Evo Morales, this thesis sheds a new light on Amerindian subordination relations, describing a system of domination in which an authoritarian leader’s prestige derives from slaves possession. To understand this servile institution, attention is first paid to the reproductive process and the appropriation of individuals, which is based on an asymmetrical feeding relationship.

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