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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Large herbivore stocking rate effects on plant palatability, forage preference and soil properties in an Alluvium Fynbos-Renosterveld mosaic

Mubamu Makady, Elvis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An understanding of the interactions of herbivores, plant nutrients and soil properties is crucial for grazing management. Of particular interest are plant palatability and herbivore grazing preferences. These aspects, the focus of this thesis, were studied in a Swartland Shale Renosterveld and Swartland Alluvium Fynbos mosaic in the Western Cape of South Africa. This vegetation is classified as critically endangered due to the transformation of its landscape in favour of agricultural production and urban settlement. Pre-colonial herbivore vertebrates were hunted out by 1700, leading to a sparse knowledge of the early dynamics of the vegetation. However, currently game farmers and landowners are re-introducing selected species into the area. Thus, managers require knowledge on how to implement practical guidelines for best-practice grazing management. This study investigates, firstly, the relationship between plants and animals. This included seasonal assessment of seed germination from dung of bontebok and eland; the effect of stocking rates on plant palatability (crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat, moisture, tannin and mineral) of herbage was studied with the aim to understand how palatability influences herbivore forage decisions. Secondly, this study looked at how stocking rates influence soil nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus), and others soil properties such as pH and soil moisture. The distribution of alien grasses was facilitated by grazers. About 58 % of grasses germinated from the dung of eland and Bontebok were alien species. Additionally, there was significant variation in palatability related to grazing pressure and plant maturity between sites and over seasons. Grasses on the high grazing site had higher carbohydrate (3%-5% higher) and protein content (1%-5% higher) than at the least grazed site. Mature grasses contained less water (10%-20%), but no obvious variation in tannin concentration than immature grasses. However, species such as Ficinia sp. showed variations with grazing pressure and maturity. Ficinia sp. on the high grazing site had higher tannin concentration (5mg/ml-22mg/ml) and crude protein (4%-9%) than at the least grazed site. When the plant ages, tannin concentration increase (ranging from 15% to19% higher). Two types of plant were recoreded according to their chemical response following grazing pressure. These types are 1) plants that are grazing tolerant and which produce more carbohydrate when grazed and 2) plants that are grazing intolerant under high grazing pressure and which produce chemical defence compounds such as tannin to deter herbivores attacks. The results indicate that in fynbos and renosterveld, the relationship between preference and plant chemical compounds is not consistent since no IV patterns emerged to explain what compounds drive preference. A combination of chemical compounds may be the reason for the selection by the grazers; alternatively, other compounds not included in the study may influence the forage selection by an herbivore. The second part of the study showed that stocking rates appeared to have a significant effect on soil properties investigated. Soil moisture was significantly affected by the stocking rate in autumn. The high grazing intensity site had the lowest soil moisture especially in autumn (10% lower than the control site), likely due to heavy trampling and soil compaction. pH was the lowest at the high grazing intensity site in all seasons compared to the control site. Likely reasons were the high deposition of nitrogen through dung and urine deposition, high removal of basic cations and animal exportation through hunting activities. Lastly, grazing maintains inorganic nitrogen at stable levels regardless of seasonal changes and increases the concentration of phosphorus especially under high grazing pressure compare to less grazed sites. The grazing dynamics of Swartland Shale Renosterveld - Swartland Alluvium Fynbos mosaic system are complex and multifaceted. Farmers need to pay attention to the nutritional status of plant species grazed to know whether they meet the nutritional requirements of the game in the area. Overstocking should be avoided in this system as it triggers the production of tanniferous compounds that could decrease the survivorship of herbivores. Moderate grazing 0.09 LAU/ha pressure provides the best stocking rates for effective grazing management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir suksesvolle weidingsbestuur is dit noodsaaklik om die interaksie tussen herbivore, plantvoedingstowwe en grondeienskappe te verstaan. Van besondere belang is plantsmaaklikheid en herbivore se weidingsvoorkeure. Hierdie aspekte, wat die fokus van hierdie tesis is, is bestudeer in ‘n Swartland Shale Renosterveld en Swartland Alluvium Fynbos-mosaïek in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Hierdie plantegroei word as kritiek bedreigd geklassifiseer weens die transformering van sy landskap ten gunste van landbou-aktiwiteite en stedelike vestiging. Pre-koloniale herbivoor vertebrata is teen 1700 deur jagters uitgeroei, wat gelei het tot min kennis oor die vroeë dinamiek van die plantegroei. Wildsboere en grondeienaars is egter besig om geselekteerde spesies in die area te hervestig. Bestuurders moet dus weet hoe om praktiese riglyne vir beste-praktyk weidingsbestuur te implementeer. Hierdie studie ondersoek eerstens die verhouding tussen plante en diere. Dit sluit seisoenale evaluering van saadontkieming uit die mis van bontebokke en elande in; die effek van veegetalle op plantsmaaklikheid (ruproteïen, ruvesel, ru-vet, vogpeil, tannien en minerale) van die weiveld is bestudeer om vas te stel hoe plantsmaaklikheid herbivore se weidingsbesluite beïnvloed. Tweedens het die studie die invloed van veegetalle op grondvoedingstowwe (stikstof, fosfor) ondersoek, asook ander grondeienskappe soos pH en grondvogpeile. Die verspreiding van uitheemse grasse is deur weidende diere gefassiliteer. Ongeveer 58% van alle grasse wat uit die mis van elande en bontebokke ontkiem het, was uitheemse spesies. Verder was daar beduidende variasie in plantsmaaklikheid verwant aan beweidingsdruk en plantvolwassenheid tussen verskillende persele en oor seisoene. Grasse op die hoogs beweide persele het 3%-5% hoër koolhidraatinhoude en 1%-5% hoër proteïeninhoude gehad as die minder beweide persele. Volwasse grasse het 10%-20% minder water bevat as onvolwasse grasse, maar het nie in terme van tannienkonsentrasie van die onvolwasse grasse verskil nie. Spesies soos Ficinia sp. het variasies getoon met beweidingsdruk en volwassenheid. Ficinia sp. het op die hoog-beweide perseel ‘n hoër tannienkonsentrasie (5mg/ml-22mg/ml) en meer ruproteïen (4%-9%) gehad as op die minste beweide perseel. Wanneer die plant verouder, verhoog die toename in tannienkonsentrasie (met tussen 15% en 19%). Twee tipes plante is aangeteken volgens hul chemiese response ná beweidingsdruk. Hierdie tipes is 1) plante wat beweidingstolerant is en wat meer koolhidrate produseer wanneer hulle as weiding dien en 2) plante wat onder hoë beweidingsdruk beweidingsintolerant is en wat chemiese verbindings VI soos tannien produseer om herbivooraanvalle af te weer. Die resultate dui aan dat die verhouding tussen voorkeur en plante se chemiese verbindings nie konstant bly in fynbos en renosterveld nie, aangesien geen patrone na vore getree het wat kon verklaar watter verbindings bepalend is vir voorkeur nie. ‘n Kombinasie van chemiese verbindings mag die rede wees waarom die herbivore sekere plante verkies; alternatiewelik mag ‘n herbivoor se plantseleksie beïnvloed word deur chemiese verbindings anders as dié wat in hierdie studie ondersoek is. Die tweede deel van die studie het aangetoon dat veegetalle blyk ‘n beduidende invloed te hê op die grondeienskappe wat ondersoek is. Grondvogpeile is in die herfs beduidend beïnvloed deur die veegetalle. Die perseel met die hoë beweidingsintensiteit het die laagste grondvogpeil gehad, veral in die winter (10% laer as dié van die kontrole-perseel), waarskynlik weens erge getrappel en grondkompaktering. Vergeleke met die kontrole-perseel was pH die laagste op die perseel met die hoë beweidingsintensiteit, in alle seisoene. Waarskynlike redes hiervoor is die hoë neeerslag van stikstof deur mis- en uriene-neerslae, hoë verwydering van basiese katione en dierevervoer wat deur jagaktiwiteite teweeg gebring word. Laatstens behou weiding anorganiese stikstof teen stabiele vlakke ongeag van seisoenale veranderinge en toenames in die konsentrasie van fosfor, veral onder hoë beweidingsdruk vergeleke met minder beweide persele. Die weidingsdinamiek van die Swartland Shale Renosterveld - Swartland Alluvium Fynbosmosaïeksisteem is kompleks en veelvlakkig. Boere behoort aandag te skenk aan die voedingstofstatus van die plantspesies wat as weiding dien, sodat hulle kan weet of die voedingsbehoeftes van die wild in die omgewing bevredig word. Die aanhou van te veel vee in hierdie sisteem behoort vermy te word aangesien dit as sneller dien vir die produksie van tannienbevattende verbindings wat die oorlewingsvermoë van herbivore kan verlaag. Matige beweidingsdruk (0.09 LAU/ha) bied vir effektiewe weidingsbestuur die beste veegetalle.

Macro-faunal exploitation in the Cape Floral Region (Fynbos Biome) of the southern Cape, South Africa c. 75-60 ka: case studies from Blombos Cave and Klipdrift Shelter

Reynard, Jerome Peter January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 2016 / The analysis of faunal remains from archaeological sites can reveal much about past behaviour, palaeoenvironments and bone technology. This is especially pertinent for the Middle Stone Age (MSA): a period that corresponds to both the behavioural and anatomical development of Homo sapiens. In this thesis, I examine the faunal remains from Blombos Cave (BBC) and Klipdrift Shelter (KDS), two significant MSA sites about 45 km apart along the present-day southern Cape coast. The focus of the analyses is on the Still Bay (SB) layers (c. 75 – 68 thousand years ago [ka]) at BBC and the Howiesons Poort (HP) layers (c. 65 – 59 ka) at KDS. The aim of this thesis is to explore subsistence behaviour and environmental conditions during the SB and HP in the fynbos region of the southern Cape. I also investigate the effects of trampling on bone and whether trampling and other types of taphonomic modification can be used to infer occupational intensity in cave and rock shelter sites. Taphonomic data indicate that significant differences exist between the SB and HP faunal assemblages at BBC and KDS, respectively. Carnivores and scavengers had a greater effect on the SB than on the KDS assemblage. Furthermore, subsistence activities at KDS focused on marrow extraction while filleting was probably an important strategy at BBC. Taxonomic analyses indicate that the representative fauna from both sites is generally consistent with what is expected in the fynbos biome but with some noticeable differences. Grazers, for example, are significantly more prevalent at KDS than BBC while seal is more common at BBC. Other zooarchaeological data also show differences in prey selection strategies. Diet breadth is more extensive at KDS than at BBC, although bovid mortality profiles at BBC are more juvenile-dominated. I propose that many of these contrasting patterns imply that subsistence intensification is more evident in the HP layers at KDS than in the SB at BBC. Moreover, the taphonomic data suggest that the SB at BBC was a low-intensity, sporadically occupied period in contrast to the high-intensity occupations, particularly during the middle layers of the HP at KDS. The results of the KDS analysis also indicate a shift in environmental conditions during the HP and show links between prey selection, the environment and occupational intensity during this period. Trampling experiments indicate that trampling can generally be distinguished from butcherymarks, although bioturbation in shelly deposits can sometimes result in marks that mimic cutiii marks. More importantly, experiments show that pitting and abrasion are a more significant indicator of trampling than lines that resemble cut-marks. Based on these experiments, I argue that trampling modification can be used to infer occupational intensity at archaeological sites. Trampling marks in the KDS assemblage, for example, correspond well with the high occupational periods as indicated by other taphonomic data. Trampling and taphonomic data support the notion that BBC was a low-intensity, sporadically occupied site during the SB. By incorporating taxonomic, taphonomic and novel methods of skeletal-part analyses, this study contributes to our knowledge of human subsistence and palaeoenvironments during the SB and HP in the southern Cape. This thesis strengthens and adds to other research that has demonstrated variability in subsistence behaviour during the MSA. / LG2017

The role of science in issue advocacy : invasive alien plant species in the fynbos vegetation of South Africa

Naicker, Isayvani January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Vegetative propagation of honeybush (Cyclopia subternata) from stem cuttings.

Mabizela, Gugu Shila January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Horticulture / Honeybush tea is the herbal tea made from the leaves, stems and flowers of Cyclopia spp., indigenous to the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. Due to the health benefits of honeybush, the demand for this tea has increased worldwide. To meet the demand, it is required to cultivate honeybush as a commercial crop. The shortage of plant material and variation in the quality of honeybush has prompted the need to propagate plants vegetatively through rooted cuttings in order to improve the planting material by achieving homogeneity, and to meet the demand and thus relieve pressure on wild populations. A study was conducted to evaluate the vegetative propagation of honeybush (Cyclopia subternata) from stem cuttings to optimize the adventitious rooting protocols.

Risk assessment of the Acacia cyclops dieback pathogen, Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola, as a mycoherbicide in the South African strandveld and limestone fynbos

Kotze, Louis Jacobus Daniel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acacia cyclops, an invasive weed in South Africa, was initially imported to stabilize the sand dunes in the southern Cape. The spread of A. cyclops is a major threat to the fragile biodiversity of the strandveld and limestone fynbos vegetation. Acacia cyclops dieback has been observed for some time, although the causative agent, Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola, has only recently been described. This fungus is nominated for development as a mycoherbicide to control A. cyclops. Although current biological and mechanical control efforts are proving to be partially effective, A. cyclops is still causing major damage to natural ecosystems. The introduction of a mycoherbicide would increase the cost effectiveness of controlling this weed in the long term. The majority of the literature that was reviewed supports the use of mycoherbicides as biocontrol agents, especially when taking into account the decrease in acceptance and availability of chemical control agents. Considering that the Pseudolagarobasidium genus consists of saprobes, opportunistic facultative pathogens and endophytes, P. acaciicola is predicted to have similar biological characteristics. The species is also highly likely to be indigenous, although with a wider distribution range than previously envisaged. Strict precautions should still however be taken to ensure that non-target species will not be threatened. This study consists of a unique risk assessment comprising different sections. A field survey was performed to record disease incidence among indigenous woody plant species around 100 diseased A. cyclops trees. Subsequently, DNA extractions were made from the roots of the diseased indigenous plants and A. cyclops trees to verify the presence of P. acaciicola. Of the 2432 indigenous woody plants observed, 22 (0.9%) were dead or dying, while P. acaciicola was detected in 10 of these (0.4%), representing six species. Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola was detected in 47% of the A. cyclops trees. Although P. acaciicola could be a weak pathogen in a broad range of indigenous plant species, the extremely low disease incidence is an indication of a low level of risk associated with using P. acaciicola as a mycoherbicide. Additionally, pathogenicity trials on indigenous plant species were conducted to give an indication of host susceptibility. A total of 30 indigenous plant species were wound inoculated at two field sites, and potted plants representing 17 indigenous plant species were wound and soil inoculated in a nursery. The optimum growth temperature for P. acaciicola was determined in order to understand it’s seasonal and landscape preference. Mortality was recorded in five of nine indigenous Fabaceae species, while a single plant each of four other non-Fabaceae species died after inoculation. No plants outside the Fabaceae family died in the field. Only A. cyclops seedlings died following soil inoculation. Longitudinal sections of stem inoculated plants revealed no systemic infection in Fabaceae species that survived inoculation. Infection in susceptible Fabaceae species was generally more extensive than infection in susceptible non-Fabaceae species. The optimum growth rate for P. acaciicola was determined at 35°C, indicating an adaptation to summer conditions. Indigenous Fabaceae species do display greater susceptibility than species from other families, indicating some level of specificity, although susceptible species can not be phylogenetically circumscribed. Aside from being a facultative pathogen on A. cyclops, results from this study suggest that P. acaciicola is primarily a saprophyte and an occasional opportunistic pathogen on some indigenous Fabaceae, possibly only being a weak opportunistic pathogen on some non-Fabaceae species. However, the risk of not effectively managing A. cyclops populations in these threatened vegetation types outweighs the risk associated with using P. acaciicola as a mycoherbicide. Therefore the use of P. acaciicola as a mycoherbicide on A. cyclops would be recommended, provided that sufficient monitoring of treated sites is implemented that primarily focus on the indigenous Fabaceae species. The effective control of A. cyclops could be achieved when P. acaciicola is used to compliment current mechanical, biological and chemical control methods in an integrated management strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Acacia cyclops, ook bekend as rooikrans, is ‘n indringerplant in Suid-Afrika wat oorspronklik vanaf Australië ingevoer is om die sandduine in die Kaap te stabiliseer. Die verspreiding van rooikrans bedreig die sensitiewe biodiversiteit van die strandveld en kalksteen fynbos. Rooikrans terugsterwing is al vir ‘n geruime tyd opvallend in die grootste deel van die plant se verspreiding in Suid-Afrika, alhoewel die veroorsakende organisme, Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola, eers onlangs beskryf is. Hierdie swam is as ‘n geskikte kandidaat vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n biologiese onkruiddoder om rooikrans te beheer, genomineer. Alhoewel die huidige biologiese- en meganiese beheer metodes vir rooikrans gedeeltelik suksesvol is, hou dié indringer steeds ‘n ernstige bedreiging vir die natuurlike ekosisteme in. Die gebruik van ‘n swam-gebaseerde onkruiddoder sal die beheer van rooikrans oor die langtermyn meer koste-effektief maak. Die oorgrote meerderheid van die literatuur wat hersien is, ondersteun die gebruik van swam-gebaseerde onkruiddoders as biologiese beheermiddels, veral as die afname in aanvaarbaarheid en beskikbaarheid van chemiese beheermiddels in ag geneem word. Aangesien die Pseudolagarobasidium genus uit saprofiete, opportunistiese fakultatiewe patogene en endofiete bestaan, word daar voorspel dat P. acaciicola ‘n soortgelyke biologiese karakter sal hê. Dit is hoogs waarskynlik dat hierdie swamspesie inheems is, alhoewel die verspreiding wyer mag wees as wat oorspronklik voorspel is. Streng maatreëls moet egter steeds in plek wees om te verseker dat nie-teiken plantspesies nie bedreig word nie. Hierdie studie bestaan uit ‘n unieke risiko-analise met verkeie onderafdelings. ‘n Veld-opname is uitgevoer om die siekte-voorkoms van die inheemse houtagtige plantspesies rondom ‘n 100 siek rooikrans plante te bepaal. DNA ekstraksies is vervolgens vanuit die wortels van siek inheemse plantspesies en -rooikrans uitgevoer, om uiteindelik die teenwoordigheid van P. acaciicola binne die hout te kon bevestig. Uit ‘n totaal van 2432 inheemse houtagtige plante wat aangeteken is, was 22 (0.9%) siek of dood, terwyl die teenwoordigheid van P. acaciicola in 10 van hierdie plante (0.4%), wat ses spesies teenwoordig, bevestig is. Die teewoordigheid van P. acaciicola is ook in 47% van die rooikrans bevestig. Alhoewel P. acaciicola moontlik ‘n swak opportunistiese patogeen op ‘n verskeidenheid inheemse plantspesies is, dui die lae verhouding van dooie inheemse plante teenoor gesonde plante in die veld op ‘n lae risiko vir die gebruik van P. acaciicola as ‘n biologiese onkruiddoder. Patogenisiteitstoetse is op inheemse plantspesies uitgevoer om ‘n aanduiding van gasheervatbaarheid te verkry. Wond-inokulasies is op ‘n totaal van 30 inheemse plantspesies by twee veldstudie-areas uitgevoer, terwyl wond- en grond-inokulasies op 17 inheemse spesies potplante in die kweekhuis uitgevoer is. Die optimale temperatuur waarby P. acaciicola groei, is bepaal om die swam se seisoenale- en habitatsvoorkeure beter te verstaan. Plante van vyf uit die nege inheemse Fabaceae spesies het doodgegaan, terwyl ‘n enkele plant van vier nie-Fabaceae spesies doodgegaan het. Alle plante buite die Fabaceae familie het oorleef in die veld na inokulasie. Slegs rooikranssaailinge het na grond inokulasie doodgegaan. Lengtedeursnee van die stam en wortels van elke geïnokuleerde plant het bevestig dat daar geen sistemiese infeksie in Fabaceae spesies wat inokulasie oorleef het, plaasgevind het nie. Infeksies in vatbare Fabaceae spesies was oor die algemeen meer ernstig as infeksies in vatbare nie-Fabaceae spesies. Die optimale groei van P. acaciicola het by 35°C plaasgevind, wat aandui op ‘n voorkeur vir somerstoestande. Inheemse Fabaceae spesies het meer vatbaar as vatbare plantspesies van ander families voorgekom. Hierdie verskynsel dui op ‘n sekere vlak van spesifisiteit, alhoewel daar geen duidelike filogenetiese grense vir vatbare spesies bepaal kon word nie. Behalwe vir die feit dat P. acaciicola ‘n fakultatiewe patogeen op rooikrans is, stel resultate van hierdie studie voor dat hierdie swam hoofsaaklik ‘n saprofiet is wat soms ook ‘n opportunisties patogeen op sekere inheemse Fabaceae is en moontlik slegs ‘n swak opportunistiese patogeen op plantspesies buite die Fabaceae familie is. Die swak en oneffektiewe bestuur van rooikrans in hierdie bedreigde plantegroeitipes hou egter ‘n groter bedreiging in as die gebruik van P. acaciicola as ‘n biologiese onkruiddoder. Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola word daarom aanbeveel vir die beheer van rooikrans, mits voldoende monitering, wat fokus op inheemse Fabaceae spesies, gepaard gaan met die gebruik van hierdie biologiese onkruiddoder. Rooikrans kan effektief beheer word as P. acaciicola ingespan word om huidige meganiese-, biologiese- en chemiese beheermetodes in ‘n geïntegreerde bestuurstrategie te komplimenteer.

Scatter-hoarding in Acomys subspinosus : the roles of seed traits, seasonality and cache retrieval

Rusch, Ursina Denise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With growing concerns about current environmental issues, such as climate change, that affect ecosystems around the world, understanding ecosystem function is becoming increasingly important. In this study, I investigate the plant – seed disperser mutualism between an endemic scatter-hoarding mouse Acomys subspinosus and its Proteaceae plant counterpart Leucadendron sessile in the biodiversity hotspot of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the seed selection and caching behaviour of A. subspinosus. First, I determined the seed selection strategy for dispersal and burial by A. subspinosus. Acomys subspinosus may exert stabilizing selection pressure onto L. sessile seeds by dispersing and burying medium seeds with medium hull-thicknesses. Small seeds were eaten in situ and large seeds left at depots. I concluded that the buried L. sessile seeds may have a competitive advantage when it comes to seedling establishment in a post-fire environment, since seeds dispersed by rodents in the fynbos, such as L. sessile, are much larger in size and therefore have more stored nutrients and rapid growth capabilities than seeds dispersed by other vectors. Secondly, I documented rodent dispersal behaviour over a full years’ time. Acomys subspinosus dispersal behaviour changed significantly over the seasons, which I attributed to a change in food availability as the year progressed. Acomys subspinosus buried seeds in autumn after mass seed drop but began to recover caches and consume seeds during winter and spring. The rodent switched to an insectivorous diet in spring. I propose that the A. subspinosus – L. sessile relationship is mutualistic during the year, but the relationship does shift in the favour of the rodent during winter and spring. Lastly, I address the scatter-hoarding behaviour of A. subspinosus and cache recovery ability of its assumed closest food competitor Rhabdomys pumilio. I found that cache size has a profound influence on pilferage rates of L. sessile seeds. Acomys subspinosus scatter-hoarded the majority of seeds singly in the field and R. pumilio had difficulties finding those single-cached seeds in dry substrate under controlled experimental conditions, serving as evidence that scatter-hoarding is an effective method of pilferage mitigation by A. subspinosus during the dry summer months. Relatively little was known about this plant – disperser mutualism and how it functions before this thesis were conducted. I have provided insights into the influence of rodent disperser behaviour on seed morphology development, seed fate and seed persistence in the field and suspect that the plant –disperser relationship may have a larger influence on ecosystem dynamics than previously anticipated. Further research on this system is of importance, especially with today’s emerging environmental instability and human interference that threaten the robustness of highly interconnected ecosystems like the fynbos. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die huidige omgewingskwessies, soos die klimaatsverandering, wat ekosisteme wêreldwyd affekteer, word die begrip van ekosisteemfunksionering toenemend belangrik. In hierdie studie ondersoek ek die dier – saadverspreidingsmutualisme tussen die endemiese verstrooiings-storing muis Acomys subspinosus en sy Proteaceae plant eweknie Leucadendron sessile in die biodiversiteit 'hotspot’ van die Kaapse Floristiese Ryk, Suid-Afrika. Die hoof doelwit van die tesis is om die saadseleksie en storingsgedrag van A. subspinosus te ondersoek. Eerstens het ek die saadseleksie strategie vir die verspreiding en begrawing deur A. subspinosus bepaal. Acomys subspinosus het direksionele druk uitgeoefen op L. sessile sade deur mediumgrootte sade met medium saadhuiddiktes te versprei en te begrawe. Klein sade was in situ geëet en groot sade was gelaat by afgesette plekke. Ek het die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die L. sessile sade wat begrawe is ‘n kompeterende voordeel mag hê wanneer dit kom by die vestiging van saailinge in ‘n afgebrande omgewing, aangesien sade wat in die fynbos deur knaagdiere versprei word, soos L. sessile, baie groter is en dus meer gestoorde voedingstowwe en spoedige groeivermoëns het, as sade wat deur ander vektore versprei word. Tweedens het ek die knaagdier verspreidingsgedrag oor die tydperk van ‘n jaar gedokumenteer. Acomys subspinosus se verspreidingsgedrag het beduidend verander deur die verloop van die jaar, wat ek toegeskryf het aan die verandering in voedselbesbikbaarheid soos wat die jaar gevorder het. Acomys subspinosus het sade begrawe in die herfs na grootskaalse vrylating en val van die sade, maar het gestoorde sade begin terug kry en sade begin eet gedurende die winter en lente. Die knaagdier het na ‘n insekvretende dieët omgeskakel in die lente. Ek stel voor dat die A. Supspinosus – L. sessile verhouding nie die hele jaar mutualisties is nie, maar eerder antagonisties, in die knaagdier se guns, gedurende die winter en lente. In die laaste hoofstuk spreek ek die verstrooiings-storingsgedrag van A. subspinosus en storingsverkrygingvermoeë van sy naaste voedselmededinger en deponeringsdief Rhabdomys pumilio aan. Ek het gevind dat die storingsgrootte ‘n beduidende invloed het op die koers van diefstal van L. sessile sade. Acomys subspinosus het die meerderheid van die sade gestoor in die veld en R. pumilio het die enkel-gestoorde sade in droeë substraat onder gekontroleerde eksperimentele kondisies moeiliker gevind. Dit is ondersteunende bewyse dat verstrooings-storingsgedrag ‘n effektiewe metode is om diefstal te verminder in die droë somer in die fynbos. Relatief min was bekend oor hierdie dier – saad verspreidingsmutualisme en hoe dit funksioneer voordat die studie uitgevoer was. Ek het insig verskaf oor die invloed van knaagdier verspreidingsgedrag op saadmorfologie ontwikkeling, die lot van sade en die tydperk wat dit begrawe is in die veld. Ek vermoed dat die mutualisme ‘n hoeksteenproses is in die fynbos en die invloed daarvan op ekosisteemdinamieka mag dalk groter wees as wat voorheen verwag was. Verdere navorsing oor hierdie sisteem is belangrik, veral met vandag se opkomende omgewingsonstabiliteit en menslike inmenging wat die robuustheid van hoogs verbonde-netwerk ekosisteme soos die fynbos bedreig.

Plant response to habitat fragmentation : clues from species and functional diversity in three Cape lowland vegetation types of South Africa

Kongor, Raphael Yuniwo 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Stellenbosch University. / Thesis (PhD (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Cape lowlands have been severely transformed and reduced to fragments embedded in matrices of various activities. With the need to prioritise conservation efforts, information on the conservation worthiness and management of these fragments is required. This study aimed to better understand how fragmentation affects the Cape lowland vegetation patterns and dynamics and more specifically, to determine if, and if so to what extent these fragments contribute to regional plant diversity and more importantly their functionality. The novel approach adopted focused on plant functional traits, which are better predictors of ecosystem response to global change than individual species. Species were sampled at four scales in four sites of decreasing sizes, including: a mainland and three fragments of three Cape lowland vegetation types i.e. Atlantis Sand Fynbos (ASF), Swartland Shale Renosterveld (SSR) and Langebaan Dune Strandveld (LDS). Traits such as dispersal, pollination, breeding mode and longevity were selected based on relevance to species’ and plantfunctional types’ (PFTs) responses to fragmentation. The findings revealed different effects on species richness and PFTs. The effect of reduced patch size on species richness was more evident in ASF where fragments below 600 ha had significantly fewer species than the mainland. This effect was not unequivocal in SSR and LDS due to several confounding factors (notably the grazing history of the sites). The SSR fragment grazed by indigenous herbivores had significantly more species than the ungrazed sites. Also, the largest LDS fragment grazed by livestock had significantly more species than the ungrazed mainland, indicating that grazing rather than fragment size influences species richness, although the smallest fragments of these two vegetation types had significantly fewer species than the larger fragments. Species turnover and complementarity were high for all three vegetation types, reflecting the degree of habitat heterogeneity and high contribution of beta diversity to overall gama diversity. The effect of reduced patch size was higher on PFT diversity than on PFT richness, with Langebaan Dune Strandveld where habitat fragmentation was more recent being the least affected of the three vegetation types. This indicates a degree of functional redundancy in the Cape lowlands, which is important for ecosystem resistance and resilience. The ASF mainland and the largest fragment had higher PFT diversity than the medium-sized and the smallest fragments; the mainland had also higher PFT diversity than all the fragments combined. Similarly, the smallest SSR fragment had significantly lower PFT diversity and richness than the other sites. The grazed SSR fragment had higher PFT richness and diversity than the ungrazed mainland and smallest fragment, indicating the role of grazing in maintaining renosterveld vegetation. The PFTs absent from the different sites were mostly short-distance dispersed dioecious and non-dioecious species, and some with highly specialised pollination systems. This suggests that dispersal and pollination are vital functional attributes for the persistence of the studied fragmented ecosystems. Habitat fragmentation effects plant community composition and ecological functions in the Cape lowlands, a conclusion supported also by the revealed significant trait-convergence and divergence assembly patterns. These communities result from various fragmentation filters that operate at different spatial-temporal scales and selecting species with suitable responses. All three vegetation types are susceptible to fragmentation, albeit at varying degree. The fragmentation effect was confounded by the sampling and temporal scales, the nature of disturbance regime, and the traitmediated differences in species’ response. The role of the surrounding matrix on fragment connectivity and gene flow appears to be of crucial importance, hence mitigation measures focusing on improving connectivity between patches, monitoring threatened taxa, and promoting dispersal and pollination have been recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se Kaapse laagland het dramaties verander en weggekwyn tot fragmente wat in matrikse van verskeie bedrywighede veranker is. Gedagtig aan die voorkeuraandag wat bewaringspogings tans geniet, is inligting oor die bewaringswaardigheid en bestuur van hierdie fragmente nodig. Hierdie studie stel dit ten doel om beter begrip te vorm van hoe fragmentasie die plantegroeipatrone en -dinamiek in die Kaapse laagland raak, en meer bepaald om vas te stel óf, en indien wel, in watter mate, hierdie fragmente tot streeksplantdiversiteit en -funksionaliteit bydra. Die ongewone studiebenadering konsentreer op funksionele kenmerke van plante, wat beter aanwyser van ekosisteemreaksie op wêreldwye verandering is as individuele spesies. Spesiemonsters is op vier skale by vier terreine van wisselende grootte ingesamel, wat insluit moederstrook en drie fragmente van elk van drie plantegroeisoorte in die Kaapse laagland, naamlik Atlantis-sandfynbos (ASF), Swartland-skalierenosterveld (SSR) en Langebaan-duinestrandveld (LDS). Kenmerke soos verspreiding, bestuiwing, voortplantingsmetode en lewensduur is gekies op grond van die tersaaklikheid daarvan vir spesies en plantfunksionele tipes (PFT’s) se reaksie op fragmentasie. Die studie bring verskillende uitwerkings op spesie-oorvloed en PFT’s aan die lig. Wat spesie-oorvloed betref, was die uitwerking van kleiner strookgrootte (“patch size”)duideliker te sien by ASF, waar fragmente kleiner as 600 ha beduidend minder spesies as die moederstrook bevat het. Hierdie uitwerking kon nie so duidelik by SSR en LDS waargeneem word nie weens verskeie strengelingsfaktore, veral die weidingsgeskiedenis van die terreine. Die SSR-fragment waarop inheemse herbivore gewei het, het beduidend meer spesies as die onbeweide terreine bevat. Voorts het die grootste LDS-fragment waarop vee gewei het heelwat meer spesies as die onbeweide moederstrook gehad, wat daarop dui dat weiding eerder as fragmentgrootte spesie-oorvloed beïnvloed, hoewel die kleinste fragmente van hierdie twee plantsoorte steeds aansienlik minder spesies as die groter fragmente bevat het. Spesie-omset en -aanvullendheid was hoog vir ál drie plantsoorte, wat aanwyser is van die mate van habitat-heterogeniteit en die groot bydrae wat betadiversiteit tot algehele gammadiversiteit lewer. Die uitwerking van kleiner strookgrootte was duideliker te bespeur op PFT-diversiteit as PFT-oorvloed – in dié verband het LDS, waar habitatfragmentasie mees onlangs plaasgevind het, die ligste van die drie plantsoorte afgekom. Dít dui op mate van funksionele oorbodigheid in die Kaapse laagland wat belangrik is vir ekosisteemweerstandigheid en -gehardheid. Die ASF-moederstrook en die grootste ASF-fragment het hoër PFT-diversiteit getoon as die medium- en kleinste fragmente; die moederstrook het in werklikheid oor hoër PFT-diversiteit as ál die fragmente saam beskik. Insgelyks het die kleinste SSR-fragment beduidend minder PFT-diversiteit en -oorvloed as die ander terreine getoon. Die beweide SSR-fragment was hoër in PFT-oorvloed én -diversiteit as die onbeweide moederstrook en die kleinste fragment, wat die rol van weiding in die instandhouding van renosterveldplantegroei beklemtoon. Die PFT’s wat nié op die verskillende terreine voorgekom het nie, was meestal tweehuisige en nietweehuisige spesies wat oor kort afstande versprei, en sommige spesies met hoogs gespesialiseerde bestuiwingstelsels. Dít dui daarop dat verspreiding en bestuiwing noodsaaklike funksionele kenmerke vir die voortbestaan van die bestudeerde gefragmenteerde ekosisteme is. Habitatfragmentasie raak die samestelling en ekologiese funksies van plantgemeenskappe in die Kaapse laagland. Dié gevolgtrekking word ook gerugsteun deur die bewese patrone van beduidende kenmerkkonvergensie (“trait convergence”) en divergensiesamekoms (“divergence assembly”). Hierdie plantgemeenskappe spruit uit verskeie fragmentasiefilters wat op verskillende ruimte-tydskale funksioneer, en wat spesies met geskikte reaksies kies. Ál drie plantsoorte is ontvanklik vir fragmentasie, hoewel in wisselende mate. Die fragmentasie-uitwerking is beïnvloed deur monsterinsameling- en tydskale, die soort versteuringsbedeling, en die kenmerkbemiddelde (“traitmediated”) verskille in spesiereaksie. Die rol van die omringende matriks op fragmentverbondenheid en geenvloei blyk van die allergrootste belang te wees, en dus word temperingsmaatreëls aanbeveel wat daarop gemik is om verbondenheid tussen stroke te verbeter, bedreigde taksa te moniteer, en verspreiding en bestuiwing aan te help.

Vulnerability of selected native and invasive woody species to streamflow variability in Western Cape fynbos riparian ecotones

Crous, Casparus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Riparian ecosystems of the Mediterranean south-western Cape region are projected to experience significant decreases in streamflow due to climate change and increased demands for water associated with human demographic trends and increasing living standards. Aggravating this problem are woody invasive alien plants, such as Acacia mearnsii, whose impacts, including those on catchment water yields, have justified extensive eradication programmes such as Working for Water (WfW). WfW has been highly successful in managing invasive alien species in some areas, while at the same time enhancing the quality of life of poor South Africans. Unfortunately, the managers of these eradication initiatives often experience a lack of information on the species- and site-specific ecological properties that may aid in prioritising sites more prone to invasion, essentially inhibiting accurate management output. Knowledge, such as that associated with the possible future distribution of invasive species in a changing environment, may help to optimise eradication initiatives. I therefore determined whether woody plants portray different physiological (vulnerability to cavitation) and wood anatomical traits (wood density, vessel resistance to implosion, vessel lumen and wall diameters) across three prominent riparian zones in the south-western Cape that each differ in streamflow quantity – to gain a mechanistic understanding of how woody species, especially invasive species, adapt their hydraulic strategy across this proxy for water availability. Using factorial ANOVA’s, to distinguish any differences in plant physiological and wood anatomical responses to water availability within and between species, showed Acacia mearnsii having consistently higher drought-tolerance (lower P50 values and denser wood) compared to native species under reduced water availability. These results supported the significant variation in drought-tolerance strategies that exist within and between taxonomically different species across different environments. Water availability thus has a strong selective effect on functional traits of species; however, minimum water potentials were more useful in describing in situ hydrological conditions than streamflow. Additionally, a non-causal relationship between wood anatomical traits and drought-induced cavitation was observed. Therefore, using only wood anatomical measurements to assess drought-tolerance of species might not be accurate across all species. This mechanistic approach to assess the invasive potential of species under projected drier conditions has great practical value. It can be used to improve species selection for restoration initiatives, and is of great value for future use in prioritizing eradication programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rivieroewer ekosisteme in die Mediterreense Suidwes-Kaap streek kan groot afnames in stroomvloei verwag, wat meestal toegeskryf kan word aan klimaatsverandering en die verhoogde aanvraag na water geassosieerd met stygende populasiegrootte. Uitheemse indringerplante soos Acacia mearnsii vererger hierdie probleem. Laasgenoemde spesies plaas groot druk op opvanggebiede se water opbrengs, en vorm grootliks die rede waarom uitroeiing programme soos Werk vir Water (WfW) gestig is. WfW het al groot suksesse behaal in die bestuur van uitheemse indringerplante, en terselfdertyd die lewenskwaliteit van arm Suid-Afrikaners verhoog. Ongelukkig sukkel hierdie indringer uitroeiing inisiatiewe telkens met ongenoegsame bewyse wat kan help om leiding te verskaf by die prioritisering van areas meer geneig tot indringing. Die gevolg is dat onvoldoende bestuurs besluite gemaak kan word. Gevolglik sal kennis geassosieerd met die moontlike toekomstige verspreiding van hierdie indringerplant in ʼn veranderlike omgewing help om uitroeiing programme meer akkuraat te stel en gevolglik waardevol wees t.o.v. prioritisering van kwesbare areas. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die kwesbaarheid van sleutel inheemse houtagtige rivier spesies en veral die dreigende indringerplant Acacia mearnsii, te bestudeer in terme van verlaagde stroomvloei soos voorspel vir die Wes-Kaap fynbos ekosisteem. Deur te bepaal of houtagtige plante verskillende fisiologiese (kwesbaarheid teen xileem blokkasie) en anatomiese (hout digtheid, vat weerstandbiedendheid teen inmekaarkolking, vat holte en wand deursnee) hidrologiese eienskappe tentoonstel gemeet tussen drie prominente rivieroewer sones in die suidwes Kaap wat variëer in stroomvloei kwantiteit, verskaf ʼn meganistiese begrip van hoe spesies, veral die indringerplante, hul hidrologiese strategieë ten opsigte van droogtes kan aanpas. Faktoriële ANOVAS’s tussen spesies en liggings het getoon dat beide plant fisiologiese en hout anatomiese data beduidend variëer tussen taksonomies verskillende spesies. Veral Acacia mearnsii het deurgaans laer P50 waardes asook hoër houtdigtheid getoon, ‘n teken van hierdie spesies se verhoogde droogte toleransie in vergelyking met die inheemse spesies. Wat beduidend is is dat spesies-spesifieke lewensstrategieë ten opsigte van droogte toleransie in hierdie rivieroewer sones voorkom. Resultate het bevestig dat water beskikbaarheid ʼn groot rol speel in die seleksie van funksionele karaktereienskappe in plante, maar, dat minimum water potensiaal meer akkuraat was om in situ hidrologiese toestande te beskryf as wat stroomvloei kon. Die verhouding tussen plant fisiologiese en hout anatomiese karaktereienskappe was indirek as gevolg van spesies-spesifieke lewensstrategieë. Gevolglik sal die allenige gebruik van hout anatomiese eienskappe om droogte toleransie in plante te assesseer onakkuraat wees omdat daar ʼn swak verhouding tussen hout anatomie en droogte-geïnduseerde xileem blokkasie bestaan. ʼn Meganistiese benadering om die indringing potensiaal van spesies onder voorspelde droër kondisies te assesseer, asook om spesies seleksie vir restourasie doeleindes op te skerp, is prakties uitvoerbaar, en van groot waarde vir toekomstige gebruik in uitroeiing en restourasie inisiatiewe.

Spatial and temporal changes in Fynbos riparian vegetation on selected upland rivers in the Western Cape

Otto, Mia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Restoration practices commonly make use of a reference condition in order to restore a site to a better ecological state than it is currently in. The selection process and relevance of the reference condition has not yet been tested in upland Western Cape rivers especially with relation to spatial and temporal scales. This thesis sought to evaluate whether space (longitudinal) and time (temporal) influence riparian plant community composition (laterally), how it influences the community composition and whether these differences impacts the selection of a reference condition used in restoration practices. In order to investigate the role longitudinal position, sites were selected across three longitudinal zones: mountain stream, transitional and upper foothills. Historic sites used in a previous study on riparian vegetation of upland rivers were resampled and datasets used for temporal comparisons between undisturbed sites, sites recovering after clearing of invasive alien plants and sites affected by fire. Riparian vegetation communities showed differences between longitudinal zones, basins and rivers. The species responsible for marginal zone identity (plants in close proximity to the active channel), determined using relative cover abundance varied, with Isolepis prolifera responsible for the group identity in the mountain stream and transitional sites but in the foothills Calopsis paniculata, Drosera capensis and Metrosideros angustifolia saplings were responsible for lateral zone identity. The lower dynamic (transitional between wet and drybank) had no similarities between different longitudinal zones across rivers. In the lower zone Pteridium aqualinum was mostly responsible for the identity. The upper bank had no single species responsible for group identity. The species described to be typical for the reference condition on these particular rivers by other studies were mostly present in the comparable lateral zone but it was however not always responsible for the identity of the specific lateral zone. By comparing selected environmental variables such as horizontal distance from active channel, elevation and substrate calibre with different longitudinal zones’ riparian vegetation species distribution, different combinations were produced. The mountain streams showed the strongest relationship with horizontal distance and elevation in combination to one another and the upper foothills horizontal distance from the active channel was linked most strongly to vegetation positioning. These results confirm the importance of space when attempting to assess, study or restore riparian communities. Temporally, sites had stronger similarity to data collected during the same sampling period than with historic data. Also, the overall relative species abundance did not show significant change to be present at a site scale. The changes in community composition were found to be due to a lateral zone scale variation in species abundance. As expected the undisturbed rivers showed less variation in species responsible for temporal changes than the recovering and fire-exposed rivers. Species responsible for changes in relative abundance at a lateral zone scale were Metrosideros angustifolia, Morella serrata, Brabejum stellatifolium, Isolepis prolifera, Elegia capensis, Prionium serratum and Calopsis paniculata. Due to the species diversity not changing much temporally but the relative abundance of specific species showing much variation over time it can be concluded that the changes are not diversity based but instead driven by changes in relative abundances of species typical for a lateral zone. The spatial and temporal variation in riparian vegetation community composition was found to be significant enough to suggest that the use of a fixed reference condition for all Western Cape rivers would not be feasible due to clear differences between basins. Secondly when selecting a reference site the spatial location of this site should be within the same longitudinal zone since bank shape does influence riparian plant species distribution. Finally the temporal comparison between sites showed high diversity in species abundances but small differences in diversity overall. This would suggest that a general community description specific to 1) where the site is situated and 2) based on the present riparian vegetation community composition within a specific basin may be more realistic and achievable for restoration and environmental management purposes as opposed to using site descriptions from the past and reference sites too far upstream or downstream from the restoration site. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Herstel praktyke maak algemeen gebruik van 'n verwysing toestand om 'n terrein te herstel na 'n beter ekologiese toestand as wat dit tans is. Die keuringsproses en relevansie van die verwysing toestand is nog nie in die boonste gedeeltes van Wes-Kaap Riviere getoets nie, veral met betrekking tot ruimtelike en tydskale nie. Hierdie tesis het gesoek om te evalueer of ruimte (longitudinaal) en tyd (temporaal) rivieroewers plant gemeenskap samestelling (lateraal) beïnvloed en of hierdie verskille die keuse van 'n verwysing toestand in die herstel praktyke beïnvloed. Ondersoek terreine was oor drie longitudinale sones geselekteer: berg stroom, oorgangs en boonste hange terreine. Historiese terreine was weer ondersoek en die datastelle was gebruik vir die temporale vergelykings tussen onversteurde terreine, terreine wat herstel na die skoonmaak van indringer spesies en wat geraak was deur 'n brand. Oewerplantegroei gemeenskappe het verskille tussen longitudinale sones, rivier-kom en rivier takke gewys. Die spesies wat verantwoordelik was vir marginale zone (plante in nabye afstand met die aktiewe rivier kanaal) identiteit, bepaal met behulp van relatiewe dekking hoeveelheid, het gevarieer met Isolepis prolifera verantwoordelik vir die groep identiteit in die berg stroom en oorgangs trerreine, maar in die boonste hange was dit Calopsis paniculata, Drossera capensis en Metrosideros angustifolia boompies wat verantwoordelik was vir die laterale sone identiteit. Die laer dinamiese area het geen ooreenkomste tussen marginale gebiede van verskillende longitudinale sones gehad nie. In die onderste sone was Pteridium aqualinum meestal verantwoordelik vir die groepering se identiteit. Die boonste bank het nie 'n enkele spesie wat verantwoordelik was vir die groep identiteit gehad nie. Die spesies beskryf as tipies vir die laterale sone deur Reinecke et al. (2007) was meestal teenwoordig in die beskryfde laterale sone van hierdie studie, maar dit was egter nie altyd verantwoordelik vir die identiteit van die laterale sone gemeenskap nie. Verskillende lengte sones het gekorreleer met verskillende omgewingsveranderlikes wat sterkste gekoppel kon word aan die verspreiding van spesies. Die bergstrome het die sterkste verhouding met horisontale afstand en hoogte in kombinasie met mekaar gehad en in die boonste hange was horisontale afstand van die aktiewe kanaal die sterkste gekoppel aan plantegroei posisie. Die belangrikheid van ruimte is onmiskenbaar ten opsigte van evaluering, bestudering en die herstel van rivieroewers gemeenskappe. Terreine het sterker ooreenkoms met data gehad wat tydens dieselfde tydperk versamel was, as met historiese data. Die algehele relatiewe spesies hoeveelheid het egter nie beduidende verandering getoon op 'n terrein skaal nie. Soos verwag was het die onversteurde riviere minder temporale variasie in spesies getoon as die herstellende en brand blootgestelde riviere. Spesies wat verantwoordelik was vir die verandering in relatiewe hoeveelhede op 'n laterale sone skaal was M. angustifolia, Morella serrata, Brabejum stellatifolium, I. prolifera, Elegia capensis, Prionium serratum en C. paniculata. As gevolg van die diversiteit van spesies wat nie baie verander het tydelik nie, maar die relatiewe hoeveelheid van spesifieke spesies wat heelwat variasie oor tyd getoon het, kan dit afgelei word dat die veranderinge nie diversiteit gebaseerd was nie, maar eerder gedryf was deur veranderinge in relatiewe hoeveelhede van tipiese spesies in 'n laterale sone. Die ruimtelike en tydelike variasie in oewerplantegroei gemeenskap samestelling was beduidende genoeg om voor te stel dat die gebruik van 'n vaste verwysing toestand vir alle Wes-Kaapse riviere nie haalbaar sou wees nie as gevolg van duidelike verskille tussen riviere. Tweedens, by die kies van 'n verwysing terrein moet die ruimtelike plek van hierdie terrein in dieselfde lengte sone wees aangesien bank vorm 'n invloed op rivieroewer plant verspreiding het. Laaastens, het die tydelike vergelyking tussen terreine hoë diversiteit in spesies verspreidings maar klein verskille in algehele diversiteit gehad. Dit stel voor dat 'n algemene beskrywing van die gemeenskap wat spesifiek op 1) waar die terrein geleë is en 2) gebaseer op die huidige oewerplantegroei gemeenskap samestelling binne 'n spesifieke rivier netwerk dalk meer realisties en haalbaar vir hersteel en bestuurs doeleindes sou wees. Hierdie benadering word verkies bo die gebruik van n terrein beskrywings uit die verlede en verwysing terreine te ver stroomop of stroomaf van die herstel gebied.

The ecological effect of Acacia saligna in a sand plain fynbos ecosystem of the Western Cape, South Africa

Van den Berckt, Tom 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The invasive Australian acacia, A. sa ligna, is widespread in the Western Cape, South Africa, and is widely used by local communities. Not surprisingly, the introduction of the biological control agent, the fungus Uromycladium tepperianum in 1987 was received with mixed emotions. In an effort to determine the socio-economical and ecological impact of the fungus, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry has commissioned a study, of which this thesis forms part. For this thesis, a number of parameters, environmental as well as biological, were sampled, analyzed and compared with existing data from previous studies. The goal was to obtain a comprehensive estimation of the effect of A. saligna on a Sand Plain Fynbos community near Atlantis and to assess whether or not, the detrimental effect A. saligna has on plant biodiversity, has reached the stage where it has become irreversible. The floristic data confirmed results from earlier studies, that invasion of A. saligna in Fynbos communities induces a decline in plant diversity, especially in dense acacia thickets. This study mainly revealed structural changes rather than community shifts. The enrichment of the soil as noted by others authors was also confirmed for the study area. However, it was outside the scope of this study to determine the long-term effects of this enrichment on the Sand Plain Fynbos communities. Soil moisture content was sampled on three different occasions, in densely invaded and uninvaded study plots. The aim was to see if A. saligna had any influence on the availability of water in the upper soil. Contrary to expectations, moisture content under acacia stands was higher in spring and early summer in the top soil than in pristine fynbos. Pitfall traps were used to sample the arthropods that dwell the surface of the study area. For arthropods in general, the survey did not produce conclusive data, but spider species seem to be positively affected by the presence of A. saligna, probably due to the structural diversity they add to the fynbos. This study revealed that the full ecological impact of A. saligna on its environment is far from understood, mainly due to the richness and complexity of the fynbos communities and a lack of research about faunal aspect of the Fynbos ecosystem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Australiese akasia, A. saligna, is wydverspreid in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, en word dikwels gebruik deur die plaaslike gemeenskap. Dit is dan nie verbasend dat die invoering van die biologiese bestrydingsmiddel, die swam Uromycladium Tepperianum in 1987, met teenstrydige emosies ontvang is nie. In 'n poging om die sosio-ekonomiese en ekologiese impak van die swam te bepaal, het die Department van Waterwese en Bosboukunde 'n ondersoek aangevra waarvan die tesis deel vorm. Vir die tesis word 'n aantal parameters, omgewings sowel as biologies, geproef, geanaliseer en vergelyk met bestaande data van vroeër navorsing. Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal watter effek A. saligna op 'n sandpleinfynbos gemeenskap naby Atlantis het en om sodoende vas te stelof die nadelige effek van A. saligna op die biodiversiteit onomkeerbaar is. Plantaardige data bevestig resultate uit vroeër studies dat A. saligna 'n afuame in plant diversiteit, veral in digte akasiabosse, veroorsaak. In die studie word getoon dat die toename van A. saligna strukturele veranderings in plaas van gemeenskaplike verskuiwings tot gevolg het. Die verryking van die grond, deur ander navorsers genoteer, word ook in die studie bevestig. Dit is egter buite die veld van studie om die lang termyn gevolge van die verryking van die grond op die sandpleinfynbosgemeenskap te beslis. Op drie verskillende geleenthede word die watergehalte van die grond getoets onder die akasiabosse en die fynbos. Die doel van die toetse is om vas te stel hoe A. saligna die beskikbaarheid van water in die boonste grondlaag beïnvloed. In teenstelling is hoër vogtigheidsvlakke in die boonste grondlaag onder die akasiabosse as onder die fynbos gevind gedurende lente en vroeë somer. Lokvalle is gebruik om monsters te neem van die antropodieë woonagtig op die oppervlak van die studiearea. Oor die algemeen is die opname vir die antropodieë onvoldoende. Dit is egter insiggewend dat die spinnekopspesies voordeel trek uit die aanwesigheid van A. saligna. Dit is waarskynlik omdat die akasia strukturele diversiteit aan die fynbos verleen. Die studie onthul dat die volle ekologiese impak van A. saligna op sy omgewing moeilik verstaanbaar is as gevolg van die diversiteit en kompleksiteit van fynbos asook 'n gebrek aan navorsing.

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