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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neurosteroids : endogenous analgesics?

Humble, Stephen R. January 2013 (has links)
Peripheral sensitisation and central sensitisation are implicated in the development of neuropathic pain with neuroplasticity occurring at multiple levels of the pain pathway. Hypersensitivity of the spinothalamic tract has been described in neuropathic animal models of diabetes. Spinal dorsal horn neurones of diabetic rats exhibit abnormally high spontaneous firing, suggesting an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory signals converging within this structure. GABAergic neurones within the spinal cord and thalamus are crucial for the transmission of painful stimuli to higher centres of the brain that are involved in pain perception. GABAA receptors (GABAARs) are an important target for many clinical drugs, and certain endogenous neurosteroids act as potent allosteric modulators of these receptors. A developmental change in the rate of exponential decay of GABAergic synaptic events has been observed in other types of neurones and this may be related in part to fluctuations in endogenous neurosteroid tone. The objective of this study was to investigate changes to inhibitory neurotransmission with development in three levels of the pain pathway and to explore potential mechanisms underlying diabetic neuropathy. The whole-cell patch-clamp technique was used on slices of neural tissue. Electrophysiological recordings were obtained from wild type mice between the ages of 6 and 80 days in lamina II of the spinal cord, the nucleus reticularis (nRT) of the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. Recordings were also obtained from mice with diabetic neuropathy (ob/ob and db/db) between the ages of 60 and 80 days. Neurosteroids and their precursors were employed along with compounds that prevented their activity at the GABAAR such as ?-cyclodextrin, which is a barrel-shaped cyclic oligosaccharide with a lipophilic interior that sequesters neurosteroids. Behavioural experiments were also performed using von Frey filaments and the tail flick test to examine mechanical and thermal nociception. Recordings from the spinal cord, the thalamus and the cerebral cortex revealed that the decay time of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents are significantly reduced with development. The neurosteroids allopregnanolone and ganaxolone were significantly more effective in neurones from the older mice. In contrast, ?-cyclodextrin had significantly less effect in neurones from the older mice. In mature diabetic mice (ob/ob mice), the endogenous neurosteroid tone is reduced compared to control mice, but certain neurosteroid compounds have a greater effect on the GABAARs of these diabetic mice. In addition, the diabetic mice exhibit mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia, which is responsive to exogenously applied neurosteroids. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that a dramatic reduction in endogenous neurosteroid tone occurs as development progresses and that this impacts on the exponential decay time of GABAergic mIPSCs within neurones of the pain pathway. The higher neurosteroid tone in the youngest mice may confer a degree of neural protection over the nervous system as it develops. The reduction of endogenous neurosteroid tone in diabetic mice may be associated with their hypersensitivity. It is possible that pregnane-derived neurosteroids may exert analgesic effects in pathological pain states by attempting to restore the physiological GABAergic inhibitory tone that is observed in immature animals.

The study of C-low threshold mechanoreceptors : the case of bhlha9 in somatosensation / Spécialisation fonctionnelle des C-low threshold mechanoreceptors C-LTMRs

Bohic, Manon 31 January 2019 (has links)
Les C-low threshold mechanoreceptors ou C-LTMRs forment une sous-classe bien particulière de fibres C non-nociceptives innervant exclusivement la peau poilue. En temps normal, leur rôle est de transduire la caresse et détecter le refroidissement. Mais de nouvelles données montrent que les C-LTMRs jouent aussi un rôle important dans la modulation de la douleur, aussi bien inflammatoire que neuropathique. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires qui sous-tendent cette dualité sont encore méconnus.Notre équipe a récemment publié des données, issues d'une expérience de séquençage ARN à haut débit, qui précisent l'identité moléculaire des C-LTMRs. A ajouter au trois marqueurs moléculaires déjà connus Tafa4, Tyrosine Hydroxylase et Vglut3, nous avons découvert neuf autres gènes dont l'expression est fortement enrichie dans ces neurones. L'un d'eux est le facteur de transcription bhlha9. Le but de ma thèse étant d'améliorer notre connaissance des C-LTMRs, j'ai notamment étudié le rôle de ce gène dans la somatosensation et la physiologie des C-LTMRs en effectuant un grand nombre de tests comportementaux sur des souris chez qui bhlha9 a été inactivé. De façon intéressante, l'inactivation de bhlha9 entraine un large défaut d'adaptation aux variations de température. De plus, ces souris mutantes présentent une réponse exacerbée à la douleur inflammatoire induite par la formaline. Enfin, cette réponse exacerbée est insensible à l'effet normalement analgésique d'un modulateur positif du système GABAergique ionotropique.En conclusion, bhlha9 est un nouveau marqueur des C-LTMRs nécessaire pour une perception normale de la température et de la douleur inflammatoire. / C-Low Threshold MechanoReceptors (C-LTMRs) are a unique subset of non-nociceptive C-fibers that innervate exclusively hairy skin. At steady-state, these fibers convey low intensity mechanical stimuli (caress and gentle touch) and detect cooling temperatures.Recent data showed C-LTMRs have an important modulatory role in pain processing following tissue injury, both of inflammatory and neuropathic origin. Yet, their molecular and cellular modes of action are for the most part unknown.To provide a better understanding of these C-LTMRs, our team recently published RNA-seq based data that considerably broadens their molecular repertoire. Besides Tyrosine Hydroxylase, V-GluT3 and Tafa4, already known as restricted to C-LTMRs in DRG, we found nine other genes highly enriched in this subset. One of them encodes for the basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) family transcription factor bHLHa9.To understand the role of bHLHa9 in somatic sensory biology and in C-LTMRs in particular, I have performed a large panel of behavioural tests on mice lacking its expression, from mechanical to thermal stimulation under acute conditions. Interestingly, bHLHa9 knock-out (KO) mice exhibit a broad defect in temperature sensation. Furthermore, these mice present an enhanced inflammatory pain following hindpaw injection of formalin, along with an impaired analgesic response to GABAA receptor positive modulation.In conclusion, bHLHa9 is highly enriched in C-LTMRs and it is required for proper temperature and inflammatory pain perception.

Molecular Basis of the Multivalent Glycine and γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor Anchoring / Molekulare Basis der Multivalenten Verankerung der Glycin und γ-Aminobuttersäure Typ A Rezeptoren

Maric, Hans-Michael January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
γ-Aminobuttersäure-Rezeptoren vom Typ A (GABAARs) und Glyzin-Rezeptoren (GlyRs) sind die wichtigsten Vermittler der schnellen synaptischen Inhibition im zentralen Nervensystem. Von wesentlicher Bedeutung für ihre ordnungsgemäße Funktion in der inhibitorischen Signalübertragung ist ihre präzise Lokalisation und Konzentration innerhalb der neuronalen Oberflächenmembran. Diese Eigenschaften werden durch Gerüstproteine vermittelt, welche direkt an die großen intrazellulären Schleifen der Rezeptoren, sowie an Bausteine des neuronalen Zytoskeletts binden. In meiner Dissertation habe ich die molekularen Details mehrerer zugrunde liegenden Protein-Protein Wechselwirkungen untersucht. Im Speziellen habe ich die Interaktion ausgewählter GABAAR und GlyR Untereinheiten mit den Gerüstproteinen Gephyrin, Radixin und Collybistin analysiert. Ich habe kurze lineare Aminosäuren-Motive innerhalb der großen intrazellulären Schleifen der Rezeptoren identifiziert, welche die direkten und Untereinheit-spezifischen Interaktionen vermitteln. Die Quantifizierung der jeweiligen Bindungsstärke ergab, dass Gephyrins E-Domäne vor allem an die GABAAR α1 (Kd = 17 M) und α3 (Kd = 5 M) -Untereinheiten bindet, wohingegen die SH3-Domäne von Collybistin hauptsächlich mit der GABAAR α2-Untereinheit interagiert (Kd = 1 M). Demgegenüber bindet die FERM-Domäne von Radixin fest an die α5-Untereinheit des GABAAR (Kd = 8 µM). Weiterhin zeigt meine Arbeit, dass diese einfache Beziehung durch (i) fehlende oder (ii) überlappende Bindungsspezifitäten zwischen den Gerüstproteinen und den Rezeptor-Untereinheiten komplex reguliert wird. Ferner beschreibe ich hier, wie im Folgenden ausgeführt, die Möglichkeit einer (iii) negativen Modulation mittels posttranslationaler Modifikation, sowie einer Verstärkung der Bindung durch (iv) Aviditäts-Effekte. (i) Als erstes habe ich mit Hilfe biochemischer Methoden die Radixin-GABAAR α5 Interaktion im Detail untersucht. Meine Strukturanalyse und Kompetitionsstudien legen den Schluss nahe, dass Radixin die betreffende Rezeptor-Untereinheit mittels einer universellen Bindungstasche in der F3 Subdomäne innerhalb seiner FERM Domäne bindet. Diese Bindungsstelle wird durch zwei markante Strukturelemente gebildet: Einer α-Helix, die eine große hydrophobe Tasche bildet, welche eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher hydrophober Reste in verschiedenen Konformationen akzeptiert, sowie ein β-Strang, der Peptidrückgrat-Interaktionen eingehen kann. Es überrascht nicht, dass eine Vielzahl an Studien die Beteiligung dieser Bindungsseite mit unterschiedlichen Liganden beschrieben hat. Diese Promiskuität unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Aktivierungsmechanismus der zuvor für die Radixin FERM GABAAR α5-Untereinheit beschrieben wurde und impliziert weitere Regulationsmechanismen, die eine koordinierte Interaktion in vivo ermöglichen. (ii) Weiterhin habe ich mich ausführlich der Analyse der Gephyrin-vermittelten GABAAR Clusterbildung gewidmet. Meine röntgenkristallographischen Studien und Bindungsstudien zeigen, dass Gephyrin mit den GABAAR α1, α2 und α3 Untereinheiten über eine universelle Bindungsstelle interagiert, welche auch die Wechselwirkungen mit der β-Untereinheit des GlyR vermittelt. Mittels Struktur-basierter Mutagenesestudien konnte ich die Schlüsselreste innerhalb von Gephyrin und der Rezeptor-Untereinheiten identifizieren, die einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Gesamt-Bindungsstärke liefern. Insbesondere zwei konservierte aromatische Reste in der N-terminalen Hälfte der Rezeptorbindungsregion gehen entscheidende hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen mit Gephyrin ein. Dementsprechend konnte J. Mukherjee, ein Mitarbeiter in der Gruppe unseres Kooperationspartners Steven J. Moss, zeigen, dass der Austausch dieser Reste innerhalb der α2-Untereinheit des GABAAR ausreicht, um einen deutlichen Rückgang der Rezeptor Cluster-Anzahl und ihrer Größe in primären hippokampalen Neuronen zu verursachen. Die Ausweitung meiner Rezeptor-Interaktions-Studien auf Collybistin (CB) ergab, dass dieses Protein im Vergleich zu Gephyrin eine umgekehrte, aber dennoch überlappende Rezeptor-Untereinheiten-Präferenz aufweist. Die GABAAR α3-Untereinheit bindet ausschließlich an Gephyrin (Kd = 5 µM), während die GABAAR α1-Untereinheit zwar vor allem Gephyrin bindet (Kd = 17 µM), zusätzlich jedoch eine schwache Affinität (Kd ≈ 400 µM) für die SH3-Domäne von CB aufweist. Im Gegensatz dazu bindet die GABAAR α2-Untereinheit hochaffin an die SH3-Domäne von CB (Kd = 1 µM) und zeigt zusätzlich eine schwache Gephyrin Affinität (Kd ≈ 500 µM). Interessanterweise konnte ich Synergieeffekte zwischen der GABAAR α2-Untereinheit, Gephyrins E-Domäne und CBs SH3-Domäne ausschließen und statt dessen zeigen, dass diese Rezeptor-Untereinheit exklusiv entweder Gephyrin oder CB bindet. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Rolle von CB in der Rezeptor-Anhäufung allein durch die konkurrierenden Bindungs-Ereignisse seiner konstituierenden Domänen bestimmt wird. Die intramolekulare Assoziation zwischen der PH und der DH-Domäne mit der SH3-Domäne von CB konkurriert mit unterschiedlichen intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen von CB. Und zwar mit der GABAAR α2-Untereinheit-Bindung an die SH3-Domäne, mit der PIP2-Bindung an die PH-Domäne, sowie mit der Gephyrin-Bindung, welche vermutlich von der PH und DH-Domäne von CB vermittelt wird. (iii) Interessanterweise bestätigen frühere Studien, dass die Rezeptor-Motive, die ich hier identifiziert habe und welche direkt mit den Gerüst-Proteinen wechselwirken, in vivo posttranslational modifiziert vorliegen. Insbesondere wurde gezeigt, dass die Gephyrin-Bindemotive der GABAAR α1-Untereinheit und GlyR β-Untereinheiten Ziele des ERK/MAPK und PKC-Phosphorylierungs-Weges sind, während das Radixin-Bindungs-Motiv innerhalb der GABAAR α5-Untereinheit ubiquitiniert vorliegt. In dieser Dissertation habe ich im Besonderen die ERK-Phosphorylierung von Thr348 in der GABAAR α1-Untereinheit untersucht. Tatsächlich konnten meine Bindungs-Assays eine starke Reduktion der direkten Gephyrin Bindungsstärke beim Einbringen eines phosphomimetischen Restes bestätigen. Darüber hinaus konnte J. Mukherjee eine signifikante Reduktion der Cluster-Anzahl und Größe beim Einführen der gleichen Mutation in die α1-Untereinheit beinhaltenden GABAARs in hippokampalen Neuronen beobachten. Der ERK/MAPK-Regulation-Weg ist daher ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat für die Regulation der GABAergen-Signalübertragung. (iv) In vivo bildet Gephyrin vermutlich durch Selbstorganisation seiner G (GephG) und E-Domänen (GephE) ein multivalentes Gerüst. Angesichts der multimeren Natur Gephyrins und der pentameren Rezeptorarchitektur habe ich die Möglichkeit von Aviditäts-Effekten im Prozess der synaptischen Neurotransmitter-Rezeptor-Anhäufung untersucht. Die Kristallstrukturen von GephE im Komplex mit ausgewählten Peptiden zeigen zwei Rezeptor-Bindungsstellen in räumlicher Nähe (15 Å). Auf der Basis dieser Information habe ich bivalente Peptide entworfen, welche beide Rezeptor-Bindungsstellen in Gephyrin simultan besetzen können und, wie erwartet, konnte ich mit Hilfe verschiedener biophysikalischen Methoden eine unübertroffen hohe, durch Avidität potenzierte, Gephyrin-Affinität nachweisen. Mir gelang es diesen Aviditäts-Effekt für einen schwachen Gephyrin Liganden, ein GABAAR-abgeleitetes Peptid, welcher nicht mit herkömmlichen monomeren Liganden untersucht werden konnte, nutzbar zu machen. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass diese Verbindung gezielt die Rezeptor-Bindungsstelle in GephE besetzt und auf diese Weise hemmend auf Gephyrins Rezeptorbindungsaktivität wirkt. Eine weitere Entwicklung dieser Verbindung könnte die Möglichkeit eröffnen, spezifisch die Wirkung der Entkopplung der Gephyrin Rezeptor-Interaktion in der Zellkultur-Experimenten zu analysieren ohne dabei die Anzahl oder die Funktion der Proteine zu beeinträchtigen, was einen Nebeneffekt von konventionellen Methoden wie Gen „knock-out“, RNA-Interferenz oder den Einsatz von Antikörpern darstellt. / γ-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) and glycine receptors (GlyRs) are the major mediators of fast synaptic inhibition in the central nervous system. For proper synaptic function their precise localization and exact concentration within the neuronal surface membrane is essential. These properties are mediated by scaffolding proteins which directly contact the large intracellular loops of the receptors and tether them to cytoskeletal elements of the neuronal cells. In my thesis I deciphered the molecular details of several underlying protein-protein interactions, namely the interaction of a subset of GABAAR and GlyR subunits with the scaffolding proteins gephyrin, radixin and collybistin. I determined short linear motifs within the large intracellular loops of the receptors that directly engage in subunit specific scaffold protein interactions. My quantitative binding studies revealed that gephyrins E domain primarily recognizes the GABAAR α1 (Kd = 17 M) and α3 (Kd = 5 M) subunits, in contrast, the SH3 domain of collybistin mainly interacts with the GABAAR α2 subunit (Kd = 1 µM), while the FERM domain of radixin tightly binds to the GABAAR α5 subunit (Kd = 8 µM). My work additionally demonstrated that this simple relationship is complicated by (i) missing or (ii) overlapping binding specificities between the scaffold proteins and the receptor subunits. Moreover, this thesis addressed the possibility of (iii) posttranslational negative regulation as well as amplification generated by (iv) avidity effects as summarized below. (i) First, using biochemical methods I mapped the radixin-GABAAR α5 interaction in detail. My structural analysis and competition assays suggest that radixin mediates the receptor subunit binding via a universal binding site within the F3 subdomain of its FERM domain. This binding site is formed by an α-helix that offers a large hydrophobic pocket, which accepts a variety of different hydrophobic residues adopting different conformations, and a β-strand that readily engages in peptide backbone interactions. Not surprisingly, this binding site has been implicated in a wide variety of different scaffold interactions, thus emphasizing the importance of the essential FERM activation mechanism described earlier and suggesting additional pathways to allow tight regulation of this interaction. (ii) Next, I analyzed in detail the process of gephyrin-mediated GABAAR clustering. My X-ray crystallographic studies and binding assays revealed that gephyrin mediates binding of the GABAAR α1, α2 and α3 subunit via a universal binding site that also mediates the interactions with the GlyR β subunit. Using structure-guided mutagenesis I identified key residues within gephyrin and the receptor subunits that act as major contributors to the overall binding strength. Namely, two conserved aromatic residues within the N-terminal half of the receptor binding region engage in crucial hydrophobic interactions with gephyrin. Accordingly, J. Mukherjee from the group of our collaborator Steven J. Moss verified a substantial decrease in GABAAR cluster number and size in primary hippocampal neurons upon exchange of these residues within the GABAAR α2 subunit. Extension of my studies to collybistin (CB) revealed an overlapping but reciprocal subunit preference for this protein in comparison to gephyrin. The GABAAR α3 subunit exclusively binds gephyrin, in contrast the GABAAR α1 subunit mainly targets gephyrin (Kd = 17 µM) but additionally displays a moderate affinity (Kd ≈ 400 µM) towards the SH3 domain of CB. The GABAAR α2 subunit binds tightly to the SH3 domain of CB (Kd = 1 µM) and additionally displays a weak gephyrin affinity (Kd ≈ 500 µM). Notably, I could exclude the possibility of synergistic effects between gephyrins E domain, the SH3 domain of CB and the GABAAR α2 subunit. Instead, I found that the GABAAR α2 subunit binds gephyrin and CB in a mutually exclusive manner. These results suggest that CBs role in receptor clustering is solely determined by competing binding events of its constituting domains. Namely, the intra-molecular association between the PH/DH domain and the SH3 domain within CB competes with different inter-molecular interactions of CB: GABAAR α2 binding to the SH3 domain, PIP2 binding to the PH domain and gephyrin presumably binding to the PH and DH domain of CB. (iii) Interestingly, the receptor motifs, which have been mapped in my thesis to directly interact with the scaffold proteins, were shown in earlier studies to be posttranslationally modified in vivo. In particular, the GABAAR α1 and GlyR β subunits have been implicated as targets of the ERK/MAPK and PKC phosphorylation-pathways, respectively, while the GABAAR α5 subunit motif was shown to be ubiquitinated. In this dissertation, I analyzed Thr348, a possible ERK phosphorylation site within GABAAR α1. My binding assays verified a severe reduction of the direct gephyrin binding strength upon introduction of the respective phosphomimetic residue. The relevance of this in vitro result was highlighted by J. Mukherjee who confirmed a significant reduction in GABAAR cluster number and size upon introduction of the same mutation. The ERK/MAPK pathway is therefore a promising candidate for regulation of GABAergic transmission. (iv) In vivo, gephyrin presumably forms a multivalent scaffold, which is based on the self-association of its G (GephG) and E domains (GephE). Given the multimeric nature of gephyrin and the pentameric receptor architecture, I tested the possibility of avidity in the clustering of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors. Cocrystallization of selected minimum peptides with GephE and their crystal structure analyses enabled me to define a receptor-derived peptide that offers a maximized gephyrin affinity. The structure of the GephE-GlyR  receptor complex reveals two receptor-binding sites in close spatial vicinity (15 Å). I therefore designed bivalent peptides that enable to target both GephE sites at the same time and, as expected, a variety of biophysical methods verified an avidity-potentiated and unmatched high gephyrin affinity for these bidentate compounds. Notably, I could extend the dimerization approach to low affinity gephyrin ligands, namely short GABAAR-derived peptides that could not be studied using conventional monomeric ligands. Additionally, I verified that this compound specifically targets GephEs receptor binding site, and that it thereby inhibits its receptor binding activity. Further development of this molecule may offer the possibility to specifically analyze the effect of uncoupling the gephyrin-receptor interaction in cell culture-based assays, without altering protein function or expression level that accompanies conventional methods such as protein knock-out, RNA interference or the usage of antibodies.

Stress and GABAA receptor regulation

Skilbeck, Kelly Johanne January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / GABAA receptors are implicated in the pathology of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression. They are rapidly affected by stress in a sex-dependent fashion, suggesting that GABAA receptors may be relevant to understanding the association between stress and psychiatric disorders. Thus, this thesis examined how GABAA receptors are affected in both male and female mice exposed to stress in adulthood (Chapter 2), early-life (Chapter 3-5) and a combination of both early-life and adulthood stress (Chapter 6). 2. The effects of acute adulthood stress (3 minute warm swim stress) on GABAA receptor binding in the brains of male and female mice were examined using quantitative receptor autoradiography. The total number of GABAA receptor [3H]GABA binding sites was increased following swim stress in specific forebrain cortical regions of female mice swum individually or in a group, but decreased in male mice when swum in a group only. These findings confirm and extend previous studies, identifying the cortical regions involved in rapid stress-induced changes in GABAA receptors. 3. Post-natal handling models in rodents comparing control (brief handling sessions; EH) with no intervention stress conditions (NH), indicate that the NH condition results in an anxious adulthood phenotype and this was confirmed in the present thesis using the elevated plus-maze behavioural test. Using this model the effects of early-life stress on adulthood GABAA receptors were then examined. 4. Regional densities of GABAA receptor α1 and α2 subunit proteins were observed in the adult brain of male and female mice using immunoperoxidase histochemistry. NH males showed a loss of the α2 subunit from the thalamus and the lower layers (IV-VI) of the primary somatosensory cortex, whilst NH females showed a reduction of α2 but an increase in α1 protein in the lower layers of the primary somatosensory cortex only. These regionally specific alterations in the α1:α2 subunit ratio suggest that early-life stress disrupts the developmental α subunit switch, which occurs in a regionally-dependent fashion over the first two weeks of rodent life. 5. Double-labelling immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy were used to examine the effects of sex and early-life stress on GABAA receptor synaptic clustering. Regardless of sex, mice exposed to early-life stress (NH) showed reduced colocalisation of the GABAA receptor α2 subunit with the synaptic marker protein gephyrin relative to the control condition (EH). This suggests that early-life stress impairs adulthood inhibitory synaptic strength and is consistent with the increased anxiety of the stressed relative to control mice. 6. Finally, the effects of early-life stress on adulthood swim stress-induced changes in GABAA receptor binding were examined using quantitative receptor autoradiography in forebrain cortical regions. Findings showed that the effect of adulthood stress on the total number of GABAA receptor binding sites for [3H]GABA in forebrain cortical regions was altered by early-life stress in both male and female mice, suggesting that the rapid adulthood stress response of GABAA receptors is affected by early-life experience. 7. Together these results show that GABAA receptors are sensitive to subtle changes in the environment in both early-life and adulthood and that these neurochemical responses to stress in adulthood are sex-dependent. The short and long-term stress-sensitivity of the GABAergic system implicates GABAA receptors in the non-genetic aetiology of psychiatric illnesses in which sex and stress are important factors.

Stress and GABAA receptor regulation

Skilbeck, Kelly Johanne January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / GABAA receptors are implicated in the pathology of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression. They are rapidly affected by stress in a sex-dependent fashion, suggesting that GABAA receptors may be relevant to understanding the association between stress and psychiatric disorders. Thus, this thesis examined how GABAA receptors are affected in both male and female mice exposed to stress in adulthood (Chapter 2), early-life (Chapter 3-5) and a combination of both early-life and adulthood stress (Chapter 6). 2. The effects of acute adulthood stress (3 minute warm swim stress) on GABAA receptor binding in the brains of male and female mice were examined using quantitative receptor autoradiography. The total number of GABAA receptor [3H]GABA binding sites was increased following swim stress in specific forebrain cortical regions of female mice swum individually or in a group, but decreased in male mice when swum in a group only. These findings confirm and extend previous studies, identifying the cortical regions involved in rapid stress-induced changes in GABAA receptors. 3. Post-natal handling models in rodents comparing control (brief handling sessions; EH) with no intervention stress conditions (NH), indicate that the NH condition results in an anxious adulthood phenotype and this was confirmed in the present thesis using the elevated plus-maze behavioural test. Using this model the effects of early-life stress on adulthood GABAA receptors were then examined. 4. Regional densities of GABAA receptor α1 and α2 subunit proteins were observed in the adult brain of male and female mice using immunoperoxidase histochemistry. NH males showed a loss of the α2 subunit from the thalamus and the lower layers (IV-VI) of the primary somatosensory cortex, whilst NH females showed a reduction of α2 but an increase in α1 protein in the lower layers of the primary somatosensory cortex only. These regionally specific alterations in the α1:α2 subunit ratio suggest that early-life stress disrupts the developmental α subunit switch, which occurs in a regionally-dependent fashion over the first two weeks of rodent life. 5. Double-labelling immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy were used to examine the effects of sex and early-life stress on GABAA receptor synaptic clustering. Regardless of sex, mice exposed to early-life stress (NH) showed reduced colocalisation of the GABAA receptor α2 subunit with the synaptic marker protein gephyrin relative to the control condition (EH). This suggests that early-life stress impairs adulthood inhibitory synaptic strength and is consistent with the increased anxiety of the stressed relative to control mice. 6. Finally, the effects of early-life stress on adulthood swim stress-induced changes in GABAA receptor binding were examined using quantitative receptor autoradiography in forebrain cortical regions. Findings showed that the effect of adulthood stress on the total number of GABAA receptor binding sites for [3H]GABA in forebrain cortical regions was altered by early-life stress in both male and female mice, suggesting that the rapid adulthood stress response of GABAA receptors is affected by early-life experience. 7. Together these results show that GABAA receptors are sensitive to subtle changes in the environment in both early-life and adulthood and that these neurochemical responses to stress in adulthood are sex-dependent. The short and long-term stress-sensitivity of the GABAergic system implicates GABAA receptors in the non-genetic aetiology of psychiatric illnesses in which sex and stress are important factors.

Unique Response Properties and GABA<sub>A</sub> Receptor Function in Medial Geniculate Body Neurons of Young and Aged Fischer Brown Norway Rats

Richardson, Ben David 01 December 2012 (has links)
The auditory thalamus or medial geniculate body (MGB) is the final brain structure for acoustic information processing prior to, and functioning in reciprocity with, auditory cortex. MGB neurons process and gate aspects of acoustic stimuli, functions which depend partly on GABAergic inhibition. To characterize these properties, the inhibitory neurotransmitters involved and how they may be altered in the aged MGB, specific aims sought to: 1) determine the presence of functional high affinity GABAA receptors (GABAARs) in the MGB, 2) determine whether GABAAR function is altered with age and 3) determine to what degree MGB neurons of awake young and aged rats display stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA). Inhibitory neurotransmission is essential for accurate coding of acoustic information in the central auditory system, but appears disrupted in the aged. The present study required the development of a slice preparation that permitted whole cell recordings from juvenile, young adult and aged rat MGB neurons. The presence of high affinity GABAARs and the impact of aging on synaptic and high affinity GABAAR function were examined. Low concentrations of gaboxadol (GABAAR agonist) activated a gabazine-sensitive (GABAAR antagonist) tonic current, providing support for the expression of functional high affinity GABAARs in the MGB. Activation of high affinity GABAARs expressed by MGB neurons decreased input resistance, hyperpolarized resting membrane potential, reduced evoked firing rates and induced a transition from tonic to burst firing mode. In aged MGB neurons there was a significant 50.4% reduction in GABAAR-mediated tonic Cl- current. Synaptic GABAAR inhibition appeared differentially affected by age in lemniscal and non-lemniscal auditory thalamus although gramicidin perforated patch-clamp recordings indicated neuronal Cl- homeostasis was unaltered with age. Anesthetized rodent MGB single units show SSA, during which the firing rate in response to repetitive stimuli decreases/adapts over time but low probability stimuli (i.e. novel) continue to elicit robust responses. To examine the presence of SSA in the MGB of awake rats, a multichannel single unit recording preparation was implemented. This approach involved implanting young and aged rats with an array of four individually-advanceable tetrodes in order to evaluate SSA by recording responses to a frequency oddball paradigm and a random/non-random frequency range paradigm. Single units in the MGB of awake FBN rats were found to display SSA, which was stronger in the non-lemniscal than lemniscal regions of the MGB. SSA was most dramatic at lower intensities where 27 of 57 (47%) young adult single units and 28 of 54 (52%) aged single units displayed SSA. However, there were no significant age-related differences in average magnitude or time course of SSA of MGB single units studied. Data from aims 1 and 2 provide the initial description of functional high affinity GABAARs in the rodent MGB and the plasticity of these receptors with age. These data suggest that GABAAR subtype-selective agonists or modulators could be used to augment MGB inhibitory neurotransmission, possibly improving speech understanding for a subset of elderly individuals. Findings from aim 3 were the first to show that SSA by MGB neurons is not dependent on arousal level nor on the anesthetized state, but is a common response in the MGB of awake rats. SSA did not appear to be overtly altered in the aged auditory thalamus of awake rats.

Protein Kinase A Alterations Following Chronic Flurazepam Treatment: Implications for Inhibitory and Excitatory Synaptic Plasticity in Rat Hippocampal CA1

Lilly, Scott Matthew 17 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Criblage génétique et caractérisation fonctionnelle des mutations dans les différentes sous-unités du récepteur GABAA associées à l'épilepsie génétique généralisée

Lachance-Touchette, Pamela 10 1900 (has links)
Les épilepsies génétiques généralisées (ÉGGs) sont un groupe de syndromes épileptiques hétérogènes qui se manifestent habituellement durant les périodes de l’enfance et de l’adolescence. Les ÉGGs représentent 30% de toutes les épilepsies. Il n’existe présentement aucun remède à l’épilepsie génétique généralisée. Au sein de ce groupe d’épilepsies, les sujets sont le plus souvent dépourvus de lésions cérébrales, ce qui signifie que les facteurs génétiques jouent un rôle important dans l’étiologie de la maladie. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs gènes impliqués dans des formes familiales d’ÉGG ont été identifiés. La majorité d'entre elles codent pour des canaux ioniques incluant le récepteur-ligand GABAA (RGABAA). De ce groupe, des mutations ont été identifiées dans quatre sous-unités du récepteur GABAA. Dans un premier temps, l’objectif général de cette thèse vise l’évaluation de la composante génétique de notre cohorte d’ÉGG expliquée par les gènes codant pour les sous-unités du récepteur GABAA. Puis, dans un second souffle, le rôle des variants identifiés est défini et analysé afin de mieux cerner leurs impacts dans la pathogénèse de ce phénotype. La première partie du projet consiste en une analyse exhaustive des mutations existantes dans la partie codante des 19 gènes GABRA pour des patients atteints d’ÉGG. En criblant des familles québécoises avec ÉGG, nous avons identifié 22 variants rares incluant 19 faux-sens et 3 non-sens dans 14 sous-unités du RGABAA. En séquençant ces gènes dans une grande cohorte de cas et de contrôles, nous avons établi le profil des variations rares pour ceux-ci. Ces données suggèrent qu’une proportion significative (8%) des patients atteints d’ÉGG ont des variants rares sur les gènes du RGABAA. La deuxième partie porte directement sur certains gènes identifiés lors de la première partie. De ce groupe, cinq nouvelles mutations ont été découvertes dans des gènes déjà associés à l’épilepsie (GABRA1 et GABRG2). Nous avons constaté l’impact de ces mutations dans les mécanismes génétiques de l’épilepsie, en mesurant les effets des variants sur la structure et la fonction du récepteur GABAA. La troisième partie se concentre sur notre hypothèse, voulant que les RGABAA mutants altèrent l’effet du GABA durant le développement du système nerveux central (SNC). L’objectif principal vise à déterminer la contribution relative de chacune des sous-unités mutées dans le développement du SNC. Ainsi, nous avons démontré qu’une telle perte de fonction a un impact significatif sur le développement des synapses GABAergiques et glutamatergiques ainsi que sur la plasticité des circuits corticaux. Nos résultats nous ont permis de préciser comment les mutations dans les gènes GABRA peuvent mener à l’ÉGG. Éventuellement, la caractérisation moléculaire de ces mutations contribuera à l’élaboration de nouveaux outils diagnostiques et facilitera la mise au point de traitements mieux ciblés pour les gens atteints de cette condition neurologique chronique. / Genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) syndrome is a group of epilepsy disorders that occur early in childhood and adolescence. Genetics generalized epilepsies (GGE) account for approximately 30 % of all epilepsy syndromes. There is currently no cure for GGE. Although patients with GGE typically have no anatomical brain abnormalities, the root cause of these conditions is considered to be genetic in origin. An increasing number of genes predisposing to epilepsy have been identified over the past ten years. It has emerged in many cases that the causative genes for inherited epilepsies code for ion-channels such as the GABAA receptor (GABAAR). Among these genes, mutations in four subunits of the GABAA receptor appear to be an important cause of familial epilepsy. The main aim of the present thesis is to better characterize the genetic component of our GGE cohort explain by GABRA genes and evaluated the critical role of these variants in the pathogenesis of this phenotype. The first part of our project was to investigate the impact of rare variants of GABAAR in GGE, we screened the coding regions of 19 genes encoding for all the known subunits of the GABAAR in unrelated GGE patients, including familial cases. Overall, approximately 8% of our GGE individuals have novel GABRA mutations, including 19 missenses and 3 nonsenses including 1 frameshift mutation. By sequencing those genes in a large cohort of cases and controls, we were able to establish the profile of rare variants for these genes. Our data suggest that a significant proportion of GGE patients share rare variants in GABRA genes. The second part of the work builds on the genes bearing mutations identified in the sequencing analysis. Among this group, five novel mutations have been so far associated to this syndrome (GABRA1 and GABRG2). We characterized the gating properties of GABA-evoked currents and the subcellular localization of the mutated subunits by expressing recombinant GABAA receptors in vitro. The third part of the work aimed to characterize the impact of mutated GABAA receptors on synapse formation and development of neuronal networks. By knocking down these genes in cortical organotypic slices, we provided a better understanding of the specific and distinct neural circuit alterations caused by different GABRA1 mutations and help define the pathophysiology of genetic generalized epilepsy syndromes. We believe that these findings will allow a better understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying the disease and involve mutations in GABAA receptors in critical mechanisms leading to epilepsy. Eventually, our results could lead to a better diagnosis and counteract the devastating effects of some GGEs early on before this complex condition has had the opportunity to be established.

Envolvimento dos sítios de ligação benzodiazepínicos localizados na substância cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal de ratos nos efeitos ansiolítico e panicolítico causado pelo alprazolam / Involvement of the benzodiazepine binding sites in the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter of rats in the anxiolytic- and panicolytic-like effects promoted by alprazolam

Frias, Alana Tercino 06 February 2018 (has links)
O transtorno do pânico (TP) é um transtorno de ansiedade caracterizado por ataques de pânico recorrentes e inesperados, com um prognóstico crônico. Entre as drogas utilizadas no tratamento do TP, os benzodiazepínicos (BZs) de alta potência, como o alprazolam e o clonazepam, apresentam a vantagem de serem eficazes logo no início do tratamento. Assim como outras drogas BZs, tais como o diazepam e o flurazepam, estes compostos também são empregados como ansiolíticos no tratamento de pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade generalizada. O mecanismo da ação primária dessas drogas ocorre pela interação com os sítios de ligação BZs presentes nos receptores do ácido gama-aminobutírico do tipo A (GABAA), facilitando a neutotransmissão GABAérgica. Entretanto, ainda permanecem desconhecidos os substratos neurais envolvidos no efeito panicolítico causado pelos BZs. Dentre os substratos em potencial, a substância cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal (SCPD), uma estrutura mesencefálica criticamente relacionada à fisiopatogênica do TP, apresenta alta densidade de receptores GABAA e de sítios de ligação BZs. Neste trabalho avaliamos o envolvimento do complexo receptor GABAA/BZ presente na SCPD no efeito panicolítico promovido pela administração sistêmica de alprazolam em ratos Wistar. Para isso, empregamos o labirinto em T elevado (LTE), que além da resposta de fuga, que é associada ao pânico, também permite avaliar a resposta de esquiva inibitória, associada à ansiedade. Neste modelo, o alprazolam inibe a expressão da resposta de fuga, indicando efeito panicolítico e inibe a aquisição da esquiva inibitória, sugestivo de efeito ansiolítico. Além do LTE, também empregamos os modelos experimentais da hipóxia e o de Vogel, associados ao pânico e a ansiedade, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o efeito panicolítico promovido pela administração sistêmica de alprazolam, observado na resposta de fuga do LTE, foi bloqueado pela administração intra-SCPD de flumazenil, antagonista dos sítios de ligação BZs, ou de bicuculina, antagonista dos receptores 10 GABAA. No teste da hipóxia, o efeito panicolítico causado pela administração sistêmica de alprazolam foi inibido, porém não significativamente bloqueado, pela administração intra-SCPD de bicuculina. Já o efeito ansiolítico, observado na resposta de esquiva do LTE e no teste do beber punido de Vogel, não foi bloqueado pela administração intra-SCPD de flumazenil ou de bicuculina. No conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem que o complexo receptor GABAA/BZ da SCPD está envolvido no efeito panicolítico, mas não ansiolítico, promovido pela administração sistêmica de alprazolam. / Panic Disorder (PD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks with a chronic prognosis. Among the drugs used to treat PD, highpotency benzodiazepines (BZs), such as alprazolam and clonazepam, have the advantage of causing significant effects early in the treatment. Like others BZs, such as diazepam and flurazepam, these compounds are also used as anxiolytics in the treatment of patients with generalized anxiety disorder. The primary mechanism of action of these drugs is the interaction with BZs binding sites present at gammaaminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAA), facilitating GABAergic neurotransmission. However, it remains yet unknown the neural substrates involved in the panicolytic-like action caused by BZs. Among the potential substrates, the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (DPAG), a mesencephalic structure critically associated with the physiopathology of PD, presents a high density of GABAA receptors and of BZs binding sites. In this work, we evaluated the participation of the GABAA/BZ receptor complex present in the DPAG in the panicolytic-like effect caused by systemic administration of alprazolam in Wistar rats. For this, we use the elevated T-maze (ETM), that besides the escape response which is associated with panic, also allows the measurement of inhibitory avoidance acquisition, which has been related to anxiety. In this model, alprazolam inhibits the expression of escape, indicating a panicolytic-like effect and inhibits the acquisition of inhibitory avoidance, suggestive of an anxiolytic effect. In addition to the ETM, animals were also tested in the hypoxia and Vogel\'s conflict tests, which have been associated with panic and anxiety, respectively. The results showed that the panicolytic-like effect caused by alprazolam in ETM\'s escape response was blocked by intra-DPAG injection of flumazenil, a BZs binding site antagonist, or bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist. In the hypoxia test, the panicolytic-like effect caused by alprazolam was inhibited, but not significantly blocked, by intra-DPAG injection of bicuculline. The anxiolytic effect observed in the 12 ETM\'s avoidance task or in the Vogel\'s conflict test was not blocked by intra-DPAG injection of flumazenil or bicuculline. Taken together, our results suggest that the GABAA/BZ receptor complex located in the DPAG is involved in the panicolytic, but not anxiolytic, effect caused by systemic administration of alprazolam.

Consequências da privação materna para o comportamento tipo-ansioso: participação do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal e do sistema de neurotransmissão GABAaérgico / Effects of maternal deprivation for the anxious-like behavior: involvement of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and neurotransmission GABAaérgico

Faturi, Claudia de Brito [UNIFESP] 29 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:49:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-07-29. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:26:28Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 Publico-345.pdf: 1277830 bytes, checksum: 6d2949e2d33e045cfec88a295d473e41 (MD5) / Associação Fundo de Incentivo à Psicofarmacologia (AFIP) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Alguns estudos pré-clínicos têm demostrado que eventos adversos na infância e adolescência representam um fator de vulnerabilidade para o surgimento de transtornos psiquiátricos na idade adulta, e que a redução da resiliência à eventos estressantes deve desempenhar um papel importante neste fenômeno. As manipulações em animais de laboratório, como a privação materna (PM) por 24 h durante o período de hiporresposividade ao estresse (PHRE), podem ser um instrumento útil para a compreensão de como os eventos no período precoce do desenvolvimento resultam em alterações comportamentais e da atividade do eixo Hipotálamo-Pituitária-Adrenal (HPA) na idade adulta. Alguns autores têm observado que a PM, quando imposta no 3° dia de vida (antes do início) ou no 11° dia (no vale) do PHRE, resulta em padrões de atividade do eixo HPA distintos. A PM no 3° dia induz à hiperatividade do eixo, enquanto que no 11° dia, resulta na hipoatividade, alterações estas observadas em animais jovens. Assim, os principais objetivos do presente trabalho foram os de estudar como a PM afetaria a atividade do eixo HPA durante o PHRE, e verificar se essas alterações teriam conseqüências duradouras. Os resultados mostraram que os efeitos da PM na liberação de ACTH mantiveram o mesmo padrão de atividade relatado na adolescência, ou seja, hiperresponsividade no grupo submetido à PM no 3o dia de vida e hiporresponsividade no grupo submetido à mesma manipulação no 11o dia de vida. No entanto, essa alteração não se refletiu na liberação da corticosterona (CORT), pois não se observou diferença na secreção deste hormônio entre os grupos. Além disso, a PM não alterou a liberação de CORT em resposta ao Teste de supressão à Dexametasona, indicando que não houve alterações no sistema de retroalimentação negativa no nível hipofisário do eixo HPA. A PM afetou o comportamento do tipo ansioso nos animais de ambos os grupos PM, sendo que tal alteração parece não ter sido mediada por mudanças na densidade do sítio benzodiazepínico do receptor GABAA. Os resultados indicaram que, embora a PM não leve a alterações permanentes na secreção da corticosterona, este pode ser um modelo animal interessante para se estudar o substrato neurobiológico que faz com que um evento adverso durante o desenvolvimento aumente a vulnerabilidade aos transtornos relacionados à ansiedade. / Adverse events in childhood have been associated to the development of psychopathologies, such as depression and anxiety disorders. In rats, stressful events during neonatal period, like 24h Maternal Deprivation (MD), may be an interesting tool to understand how stress during early life leads to changes in behavior and stress response in adulthood. According to some studies, MD on the 3rd day (MD 3-4) or 11th day (MD 11- 12) of life results in opposite changes in the activity of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Adrenal (HPA) axis, i.e., hyper and hyporresponsiveness, respectively. Since in human beings psychopathologies has been related to impairment in resilience to stress the aim of this work was to investigate whether MD leads to long lasting changes in HPA axis functioning and differential behavioral features in animal models of anxiety. The results obtained indicate that only the ACTH release presented the pattern we hypothesized. Conversely the corticosterone (CORT) plasmatic levels do not reflect this pattern. Moreover, MD did not affect the CORT release in response to the Dexamethasone Suppression Test, indicating that there are MD did not alter the negative feedback system. Although MD did not lead to convincing alteration to CORT levels it did change anxiety-like behavior in the group MD 11-12. However this behavioral change did not seem to be mediated by expression of benzodiazepine site in GABAA receptors. The results indicate that even though the MD procedure does not lead to consistent changes in the peripheral component of the HPA axis it could still be an interesting animal model to study the neurobiological underpinnings of how adverse events in early life increase the vulnerability to psychopathologies. / FAPESP: 2006/06415-4 / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

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