Spelling suggestions: "subject:"game"" "subject:"gave""
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Statistical Consulting at Draper LaboratoryRichard, Noelle M. 27 August 2014 (has links)
"This Master’s capstone was conducted in conjunction with Draper Laboratory, a non-profit research and development organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts. During a three month period, the author worked for the Microfabrication Department, assisting with projects related to statistics and quality control. The author gained real-world experience in data collection and analysis, and learned a new statistical software. Statistical methods covered in this report include regression analysis, control charts and capability, Gage R & R studies, and basic exploratory data analysis."
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Le renouveau de l'action oblique / The revival of the derivative actionTa, Isabelle 10 December 2018 (has links)
L'action oblique, ou la faculté pour le créancier de préserver son droit de gage général en exerçant les droits et actions négligés par son débiteur, est de ces mécanismes simples que l'on n'interroge plus. Le simple toilettage du texte du Code civil opéré par l'ordonnance du 10 février 2016 conforte cette attitude. La stabilité de son analyse n'est cependant due qu'à d'insatisfaisants compromis. Irréductible à une qualification unique de mesure conservatoire ou de voie d'exécution, la protection du droit de gage général que poursuit le créancier est en réalité duale : le créancier de somme d'argent cherche tantôt à assurer l'efficacité ultérieure de son droit de saisie, tantôt à obtenir immédiatement paiement. Ces fonctions traditionnelles, pour lesquelles l'action oblique est inadaptée, coexistent aux côtés d'une fonction nouvelle : prémunir le créancier d'obligation en nature et le titulaire de droits assimilés de toute atteinte à leurs droits. Mécanisme d'exécution forcée par obligation tierce préexistante, elle peut alors être utilisée en lieu et place de la responsabilité délictuelle du débiteur défaillant à l'égard de certains tiers. Cette évolution de la fonction de l'action oblique était contenue en germe dans son mécanisme. Le renouveau des fonctions s'explique par un renouveau de l'analyse de sa nature. Autorisant l'exercice des droits d'autrui, l'action oblique ne repose pas sur la représentation mais sur un droit propre original de substitution. Sans qu'ils soient réellement modifiés, cette qualification confère une acception nouvelle au domaine et une justification inédite au régime de l'action oblique, et ce tant dans ses conditions que dans ses effets. / The derivative action or the right for a creditor to claim the rights and actions of their neglectful debtor to protect their ulterior payment seems so familiar one no longer pays attention to it. This lack of attention seems all the more justified in light of the reform of February 10th 2016, which rewrote the article of the Civil Code without any real modification. But in truth, this understanding of the derivative action rests on unfulfilling compromises. Its understanding is obvious only at first glance. The derivative action can neither be reduced to a conservatory or a binding measure only, as the holder of the derivative action seeks at times to guarantee an ulterior seizing of property, and at other times to recover a debt of money. But these traditional functions, for which the derivative action may not be entirely appropriate, coexist with a newer one : allowing performance for the creditor of a debt in kind and holders of similar rights. Here the derivative action could be an answer to a debtor's liability towards specific third parties. This evolution could already be foreseen in the very mechanism of the derivative action. Actually, the renewed functions of the mechanism can be explained by the renewed attention paid to the analysis of its nature. By allowing one to exert a third party’s rights, the derivative action relies not on representation but on an original right of substitution. This new analysis brings along a new definition of the extent to which one is allowed to exert a third party’s rights, as well as a new explanation about both the circumstances and effects of the derivative action.
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Estudo de gradientes térmicos e deformações em "whitetopping" ultradelgado. / Thermal gradients and deformations in ultra-thin witetopping.Pereira, Deividi da Silva 10 March 2001 (has links)
Propiciado pela construção de uma pista experimental inteiramente instrumentada com medidores de deformação e de temperatura na Cidade Universitária, este trabalho buscou o entendimento de inúmeros fatores intervenientes no desempenho do whitetopping ultradelgado, recente técnica de manutenção de pavimentos asfálticos com a utilização de delgadas placas de concreto, sob tráfego característico urbano, em condições tipicamente tropicais de uso, sobre uma pequena espessura de concreto asfáltico remanescente de fresagem. Com o intuito de nortear o problema em questão, além da revisão bibliográfica, foram realizados levantamentos periódicos das condições estruturais e funcionais deste pavimento; leituras contínuas de temperaturas e deformações obtidas por meio de um sistema automatizado de captação de dados junto aos instrumentos colocados no interior das placas; caracterização dos gradientes térmicos presentes nas placas durante as diferentes estações climáticas do ano. Foram realizadas provas de carga, estáticas e dinâmicas, com intuito de verificar os reais níveis de deformação aos quais as placas estariam sujeitas quando da interação com o tráfego; posteriormente, realizou-se modelagem numérica por meio de um programa de elementos finitos objetivando uma comparação com os dados obtidos nas provas de carga, analisando inclusive o posicionamento da linha neutra neste pavimento composto. Por fim, em uma sucinta abordagem sobre as deflexões antes e depois da execução do whitetopping ultradelgado, observou-se o tipo de comportamento estrutural do pavimento nas condições em que o experimento foi realizado. Ao término da pesquisa, inferiu-se que os gradientes térmicos dependem de vários fatores climáticos que não somente a temperatura ambiente, importando também a irradiação solar, o número de horas de sol, a velocidade de crescimento e decréscimo da temperatura ambiente; os gradientes térmicos encontrados não são importantes para o acréscimo nos níveis de tensões nas placas, não alterando assim a vida à fadiga do whitetopping ultradelgado, considerada a magnitude destes gradientes, as diminutas dimensões das placas e ainda a presença de aderência na interface concreto e concreto asfáltico. Em provas de carga, concluiu-se que os valores de tensões obtidos em campo mantêm grandezas semelhantes com os provenientes de modelos numéricos e ainda observou-se o vasto potencial de utilização das provas dinâmicas. Dado o excelente desempenho observado nas condições do experimento, mesmo com as placas aderidas a uma delgada camada asfáltica, fator que diferentemente do relatado no exterior não comprometeu o desempenho, não foi possível fazer uma avaliação em termos funcionais do desempenho deste tipo de pavimento. Verificou-se a significativa redução nas deflexões após a execução das placas, visualizando inclusive a transferência de cargas entre sucessivas placas, quando mantida a integridade estrutural das demais camadas do pavimento. / In this work, several factors affecting behavior and performance of ultra-thin whitetopping were evaluated taking advantage of a full scale experimental pavement, restored by applying such technique. Temperatures and thermal gradients in concrete thin slabs were evaluated by almost one year, comprising al the seasons. Load tests were carried out to allow strains measurements on concrete as well to define the deflection basins on whitetopped pavements. The experimental research has permitted to verify the dependence of thermal gradients on air temperature and solar radiation among other factors. It was observed that the thermal gradients practically do not affect behavior of the thin slabs. Stresses received from load tests compared to finite element generated stresses shown to maintain a good and closed relation. Due to good performance observed along the experiment it became not possible to establish patterns of functional performance. Expressive decrease of deflection level was observed over concrete overlays allowing to infer some load transfer on joints when the slabs are to be laid over non distressed old asphalt pavements.
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Impacto do balanço hídrico em diferentes tipos de solos : comparação entre dados de radar-pluviômetro e análise de tendência da chuva em área agrícola /Emídio, Zildene Pedrosa de Oliveira. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: A presente pesquisa foi realizada com a finalidade de comparar e avaliar o desempenho de um balanço hídrico, denominado balanço hídrico distribuído - BHD devido a sua alta resolução espacial. Com base nos mapas pedológicos das áreas das quadrículas de Assis e Piracicaba, o BHD foi executado em 19 períodos decendiais, entre 21/outubro/2004 a 29/abril/2005, objetivando determinar o percentual de água disponível no solo (AD%) a cada 1 km². Como dado de entrada na equação do BHD, a chuva média nas áreas citadas foi quantificada de duas formas: pelos pluviômetros, através do método dos polígonos de Thiessen e pelo radar meteorológico, obtida através da relação Z-R específica, sendo Z fator de refletividade do radar e R a taxa de precipitação. Os dados de radar foram obtidos por meio de imagens do produto CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan-Position Indicator) num raio de 240 km, com altura de 3,5 km, a cada 7,5 ou 15 minutos, amostradas pelo radar meteorológico Doppler, banda S, localizado em Bauru/SP e operado no IPMet/UNESP e foram processados permitindo que as chuvas fossem integradas em períodos decendiais sobre pixels do radar, com resolução de 1 km x 1 km. Para a avaliação do comportamento espacial da chuva medida com o radar, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de superfície de tendência (Trend Surface Analysis) com regressão polinomial de primeiro grau em um modelo de grade de 51 X 51, elaborado pelo programa SURFER®, v. 7, objetivando o mapeamento e a identificação dos resíduos positivos (excesso de chuva) e negativos (falta de chuva) nas áreas de Piracicaba e Assis. Os resultados do BHD executados com os dados do pluviômetro e radar, mostraram diferença do campo de distribuição de água disponível nas áreas de Assis e Piracicaba. / Abstract: The present research was carried out with the aim of assessing and comparing the performance of an specific water balance process, denominated Distributed Water Balance (acronym in Portuguese: BHD) due to its high spatial resolution. Based on pedological maps of unitary cell areas from Assis/SP and Piracicaba/SP regions, the BHD was computed for 19 dekadal periods between 21 October 2004 and 29 April 2005, to determine the percentage of soil water availability (designated AD%) for each 1 km² cell. The mean areal rainfall for both Assis and Piracicaba, used as input to the BHD equation, was quantified in this different ways, e.g., based on rain gage through Thiessen polygon method and weather radar through an appropriate Z (radar reflectivity) to R (rainfall intensity) conversion relationship. Radar data were from the CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) product covering an area of 240 km range, at a 3,5 km (agl) height, generated each 7,5 or 15 minutes from the observations of the Doppler S band weather radar operated by IPMet/ UNESP in Bauru-SP. Date were processed to provide rainfall accumulations over dekadal periods for radar pixels at 1 x 1 km² resolution. To evaluate the spatial behavior of the radar derived rainfall, the Trend Surface Analysis technique was employed with a first degree polynomial regression in a grid model of 51 x 51 dimension, elaborated with the version v.7 of the SURFER® program aiming to map and identify the positive (excess rainfall) and negative (rainfall deficit) residuals in the Assis and Piracicaba regions. BHD effected with rain gage data, and with radar data provided different results for the maps of available water distribution for both regions. In the BHD based in rain gage a more homogenous pattern is perceived in the AD distribution as compared to the BHD computed with radar observations where results show a more heterogeneous rainfall distribution. / Orientador: Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim / Coorientador: Roberto Vicente Calheiros / Banca: Orivaldo Brunini / Banca: Klaus Reichardt / Banca: José Silvio Govone / Banca: Chang Hung Kiang / Doutor
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Desenvolvimento de um sensor capacitivo para o monitoramento de umidade do solo / Development of a capacitive sensor for the monitoring of humidity of the soilIlda de Oliveira Silva 23 March 2006 (has links)
nÃo hà / O objetivo do trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um sensor capacitivo de umidade e a calibraÃÃo do mesmo utilizando o mÃtodo gravimÃtrico e a cÃlula de carga. Para simular um
capacitor com caracterÃsticas prÃximas Ãs dos comercialmente vendidos, isolaram-se as placas com verniz bi-componente, do tipo utilizado para isolamento de motores de carro. A isolaÃÃo alcanÃada, medida pelo multÃmetro, foi da ordem de 106 W. O sensor fez parte de um oscilador RC implementado utilizando-se o circuito integrado (CI) 74LS122 como âmultivibradorâ. A saÃda do circuito RC foi inserida em um divisor de freqÃÃncia. Foi feito uso do contador de
pulsos TC4040 e de um similar HEF4040, a fim de verificar as respectivas formas de onda de saÃda. O segundo apresentou uma resposta mais uniforme e a forma de onda quadrada, jà o
primeiro apresentou uma forma de onda de saÃda um pouco discrepante, tendendo para uma onda triangular, mas nÃo uniformemente. O circuito foi instalado na placa do sensor com o intuito de minimizar a influÃncia da capacitÃncia inerente aos cabos. O monitoramento dos dados e a calibraÃÃo do sensor foram efetuados durante sessenta e trÃs dias, sendo verificados quatro vezes ao dia e com trÃs leituras. A temperatura foi tambÃm monitorada dessa forma.
Para tal, foram empregados dois sistemas. O primeiro foi instalado em um tubo de PVC de 2", contendo solo seco ao ar posteriormente saturado, e monitorou-se a drenagem de Ãgua por meio da pesagem em uma balanÃa de precisÃo. No segundo sistema, foram instalados trÃs sensores em uma caixa contendo solo Ãmido e a calibraÃÃo do sensor foi obtida por intermÃdio da cÃlula de carga. O tempo de resposta foi conseguido usando o sistema de PVC, cuja Ãgua foi drenada; efetuou-se novamente a saturaÃÃo do sistema com Ãgua, e verificou-se com um sistema de aquisiÃÃo de dados a resposta do sensor, que foi da ordem de segundos.
Os fatores que influenciaram a resposta do sensor foram avaliados, concluindo-se que a temperatura influencia, porÃm nÃo de maneira tÃo significativa quanto a umidade do solo. Os
nÃveis de significÃncia para a umidade foram de atà 0,01 % contrastando com os da temperatura de somente 7 %. VÃlido para todos os sensores, inclusive a cÃlula de carga. O
modelo estatÃstico que mais se adequou à resposta dos sensores foi a regressÃo mÃltipla polinomial. / The development of a capacitive sensor based on dielectric characteristics of soil was carried through this work. The sensor was designed as a probe. A fiberglass circuit board was chosen to simulate a parallel plate capacitor. To simulate a capacitor with characteristics similar to
the ones commercially sold, within electrical isolation, the plates were isolated by varnish of the type used for isolation of car engines. A value of 106 W of the insulation was measured by a multimeter. The sensor was part of an oscillator RC provided by an integrated circuit to perform the oscillator, the 74LS122 a multivibrating oscillator which gave better responses. The RC circuit output was the input of a frequency divider. The IC TC4040 and HEF4040 both similar counters were used in order to verify the output wave forms. The second one provided a uniform and square waveform, although the first one provided an output waveform tending to triangular. The circuit was printed on the plate of the sensor in order to minimize the influence inherent wire capacitance. The data acquisition, monitoring and the probe calibration had been acquired daily, four times a day and with three readings for sixty three days. The temperature also was monitored this way for both systems. The first one installed in
a 2" PVC pipe filled with air dry soil, the water drainage was monitored by weighting. In another system had been installed three sensors in a box full filled by humid soil. The calibration of the sensor was supplied by the strain gage. The time response was obtained using the PVC system, whose water was drained, the soil submitted to saturation again and data were acquired by a microprocessor-based system of data acquisition supplying an output of seconds. The factors that had influenced the sensor output had been evaluated, concluding that the temperature influences however not in so significant way as moistures. The moisture significance levels had been of up to 0,01 % contrasting with the ones of the temperature 7 %. This was valid for all the sensors and also strain gage. The statistical models that more fitted
the sensors output were the multiple regression followed by the polynomial regression.
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Dviraračio šakės stiprumo ir standumo tyrimas / Analysis of bacycle fork‘s strength and solidityRūkas, Alvydas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Dviračių šakių stiprumo ir standumo bandymai atliekami vadovaujantis reikalavimais, aprašytais standarte LST EN 14764. Norėdami nustatyti dviračio šakėje bandymo metu atsirandančius įtempimus ir deformacijas galime naudoti matavimo sistemą ,,Spider 8“ valdomą programine įranga ,,Catman“. Taip pat įtempimus ir deformacijas galima nustatyti naudojant virtualaus modeliavimo programas, tokias kaip SolidWorks. Darbe išnagrinėti matavimo sistemos ,,Spider 8“ veikimo principai. Gauti bandymų rezultatai pateikti lentelėse, grafikuose ir paveikslėliuose. Dviračio šakės bandymo rezultatai gauti naudojant folinius tenzodaviklius. Aprašytas daviklių klijavimas ant bandomos šakės, bei jų žymėjimas. Darbe išnagrinėta mechaninių dydžių matavimo metodai. Palyginti SolidWorks ir Catman programomis gauti bandymo rezultatai. / Bicycle fork’s strength and solidity tests are carried out under the conditions described in the standard LST EN 14764. To identify stresses and strains values in the bicycle fork’s test we can use a measuring system ,,Spider 8" controlled by software Catman. Also, the stresses and strains can be determined by using virtual simulation software such as SolidWorks. Operating principles of measurement system ,,Spider 8 " is described in this project. Test results are presented in tables, graphs and pictures. Bicycle fork test results obtained by using strain gages. In this project is described how to bond strain gages and it’s marking. In this project described measurement values of mechanical methods. Compared test results received by using SolidWorks and Catman programs.
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SHEAR STRENGTH OF WEB-TAPERED I-SHAPED MEMBERSStuder, Ryan Paul 01 January 2012 (has links)
Plate girders are fabricated in situations where standard structural shapes do not possess the required strength necessary to carry applied loads. In many instances, plate girders are tapered so that the resistance to bending is proportional to the bending moment, creating cost effective, aesthetically pleasing structures. The AISC 2010 Specifications accurately predict the flexural capacity of tapered plate girders but recent research has suggested that the required shear strength is overly conservative. The researchers postulate that the required shear strength is overly conservative due to an effect known as modified shear that has been neglected from the AISC 2010 Specifications but has been suggested by several authors.
This research investigates both analytically and experimentally, tapered member ultimate shear strength considering a “modified” and “unmodified” applied shear approach. A new design formula introduced by Lee et al. (2008) will be used in conjunction with the AISC 2010 Specification in making ultimate shear strength comparisons. A total of 12 specimens are tested to failure, ten tapered and two prismatic built-up plate girders.
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Development of a Wind Turbine Test Rig and Rotor for Trailing Edge Flap InvestigationAbdelrahman, Ahmed 13 September 2014 (has links)
Alleviating loads on a wind turbine blades would allow a reduction in weight, and potentially increase the size and lifespan of rotors. Trailing edge flaps are one technology proposed for changing the aerodynamic characteristics of a blade in order to limit the transformation of freestream wind fluctuations into load fluctuations within the blade structure. An instrumented wind turbine test rig and rotor were developed to enable a wide-range of experimental set-ups for such investigations. The capability of the developed system was demonstrated through a study of the effect of stationary trailing edge flaps on blade load and performance. The investigation focused on measuring the changes in flapwise bending moment and power production for various trailing edge flap parameters. The blade was designed to allow accurate instrumentation and customizable settings, with a design point within the range of wind velocities in a large open jet test facility. The wind facility was an open circuit wind tunnel with a maximum velocity of 11m/s in the test area. The load changes within the blade structure for different wind speeds were measured using strain gauges as a function of flap length, location and deflection angle. The blade was based on the S833 airfoil and is 1.7 meters long, had a constant 178mm chord and a 6o pitch. The aerodynamic parts were 3D printed using plastic PC-ABS material. The total loading on the blade showed higher reduction when the flap was placed further away from the hub and when the flap angle (pitching towards suction side) was higher. The relationship between the load reduction and deflection angle was roughly linear as expected from theory. The effect on moment was greater than power production with a reduction in moment up to 30% for the maximum deflection angle compared to 6.5% reduction in power for the same angle. Overall, the experimental setup proved to be effective in measuring small changes in flapwise bending moment within the wind turbine blade.
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Impacto do balanço hídrico em diferentes tipos de solos: comparação entre dados de radar-pluviômetro e análise de tendência da chuva em área agrícolaEmídio, Zildene Pedrosa de Oliveira [UNESP] 08 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2008-02-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:42:49Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
emidio_zpo_dr_rcla.pdf: 3443145 bytes, checksum: b7affe64ef9b7a6abfeb7b7b0eeac356 (MD5) / A presente pesquisa foi realizada com a finalidade de comparar e avaliar o desempenho de um balanço hídrico, denominado balanço hídrico distribuído – BHD devido a sua alta resolução espacial. Com base nos mapas pedológicos das áreas das quadrículas de Assis e Piracicaba, o BHD foi executado em 19 períodos decendiais, entre 21/outubro/2004 a 29/abril/2005, objetivando determinar o percentual de água disponível no solo (AD%) a cada 1 km². Como dado de entrada na equação do BHD, a chuva média nas áreas citadas foi quantificada de duas formas: pelos pluviômetros, através do método dos polígonos de Thiessen e pelo radar meteorológico, obtida através da relação Z-R específica, sendo Z fator de refletividade do radar e R a taxa de precipitação. Os dados de radar foram obtidos por meio de imagens do produto CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan-Position Indicator) num raio de 240 km, com altura de 3,5 km, a cada 7,5 ou 15 minutos, amostradas pelo radar meteorológico Doppler, banda S, localizado em Bauru/SP e operado no IPMet/UNESP e foram processados permitindo que as chuvas fossem integradas em períodos decendiais sobre pixels do radar, com resolução de 1 km x 1 km. Para a avaliação do comportamento espacial da chuva medida com o radar, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de superfície de tendência (Trend Surface Analysis) com regressão polinomial de primeiro grau em um modelo de grade de 51 X 51, elaborado pelo programa SURFER®, v. 7, objetivando o mapeamento e a identificação dos resíduos positivos (excesso de chuva) e negativos (falta de chuva) nas áreas de Piracicaba e Assis. Os resultados do BHD executados com os dados do pluviômetro e radar, mostraram diferença do campo de distribuição de água disponível nas áreas de Assis e Piracicaba. / The present research was carried out with the aim of assessing and comparing the performance of an specific water balance process, denominated Distributed Water Balance (acronym in Portuguese: BHD) due to its high spatial resolution. Based on pedological maps of unitary cell areas from Assis/SP and Piracicaba/SP regions, the BHD was computed for 19 dekadal periods between 21 October 2004 and 29 April 2005, to determine the percentage of soil water availability (designated AD%) for each 1 km² cell. The mean areal rainfall for both Assis and Piracicaba, used as input to the BHD equation, was quantified in this different ways, e.g., based on rain gage through Thiessen polygon method and weather radar through an appropriate Z (radar reflectivity) to R (rainfall intensity) conversion relationship. Radar data were from the CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) product covering an area of 240 km range, at a 3,5 km (agl) height, generated each 7,5 or 15 minutes from the observations of the Doppler S band weather radar operated by IPMet/ UNESP in Bauru-SP. Date were processed to provide rainfall accumulations over dekadal periods for radar pixels at 1 x 1 km² resolution. To evaluate the spatial behavior of the radar derived rainfall, the Trend Surface Analysis technique was employed with a first degree polynomial regression in a grid model of 51 x 51 dimension, elaborated with the version v.7 of the SURFER® program aiming to map and identify the positive (excess rainfall) and negative (rainfall deficit) residuals in the Assis and Piracicaba regions. BHD effected with rain gage data, and with radar data provided different results for the maps of available water distribution for both regions. In the BHD based in rain gage a more homogenous pattern is perceived in the AD distribution as compared to the BHD computed with radar observations where results show a more heterogeneous rainfall distribution.
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Sistema microcontrolado para medição de forças na região plantar e nos membros superiores de pacientesSanches, Marcelo Augusto Assunção [UNESP] 27 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2007-04-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:08:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
sanches_maa_me_ilha.pdf: 1862589 bytes, checksum: e3625c1d280204f136503179cec091dd (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Este trabalho descreve um sistema eletrônico implementado com o objetivo de monitorar os esforços exercidos pelos membros superiores e inferiores de pacientes. O sistema é constituído por transdutores, circuitos de condicionamento de sinais, circuito de comunicação e um software para a aquisição de dados, além da visualização em um microcomputador. São descritos dois tipos de transdutores, construídos com extensômetros metálicos, um para conexão em muletas e o outro projetado para ser inserido em palmilhas. Os fundamentos teóricos necessários para o projeto destes transdutores são apresentados, bem como os esquemas dos circuitos implementados. É descrita a metodologia utilizada para a determinação das características estáticas e dinâmicas dos transdutores. Estes apresentaram respostas lineares, excelente repetibilidade, e faixa dinâmica que atende às finalidades do projeto. Foi desenvolvido um software com interface gráfica contendo várias telas que possibilitam diferentes análises e armazenamento de informações. Utilizando o sistema, foram realizadas, com êxito, medições de forças exercidas pelos membros inferiores e superiores de pacientes normais e hemiplégicos. / This work describes the development of a computer-based system able for monitoring forces acting on patients’ upper and lower limbs. The system consists of insoles and crutches instrumented with load cells, signal conditioning circuits, data acquisition system, and a computer. The results of the static and dynamic measurements can be presented in the screen of a computer through graphs and tables, and stored in a data base, to follow-up the development of a patient treatment. The program was developed in Visual Basic, and the communication uses the USB port. All transducers presented linear response, small hysteresis, excellent repeatability and resolution. Static and dynamic measurements performed with the transducers are presented as well as the visualization of the forces exerted on the plantar area and upper limbs of healthy and hemiplegic patients.
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