Spelling suggestions: "subject:"galaxie""
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Mapeamento "tridimensional" do entorno dos buracos negros supermassivos em galáxias SeyfertRiffel, Rogemar André January 2008 (has links)
Apresentamos mapas bidimensionais (2D) para os fluxos e razões de linhas de emissão, cinemática do gás e das estrelas na região central (≈ 100 − 300 pc de raio em torno do núcleo) das galáxias Seyfert ESO428-G14, NGC7582, NGC4051 e NGC4258 a partir de dados espectroscópicos obtidos com a Unidade de Campo Integral (IFU) do instrumento GNIRS (Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph) e com o instrumento NIFS (Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph) instaladas nos telescópios Gemini. Obtivemos medidas da cinemática estelar a partir de ajustes das bandas de absorção do CO em λ ≈ 2, 3 μm por templates estelares e mapas para as distribuições e cinemática do gás a partir de ajustes de curvas gaussianas aos perfis das linhas de emissão. A alta resolução espectral dos dados ainda nos permitiu obter a “tomografia” do gás a partir de cortes ao longo dos perfis das linhas, fornecendo um mapeamento “tridimensional”. Os campos de velocidades das estrelas são dominados por rotação no disco da galáxia. Modelamos estes campos através de rotação num potencial de Plummer. O campo de velocidades de NGC4051 é bem representado pelo modelo e apresenta um potencial gravitacional bastante concentrado, atribu´ıdo ao bojo. NGC7582 apresenta algumas distorções no campo de velocidades que não são bem representadas pelo modelo, as quais podem ser atribuídas a uma barra nuclear presente nesta galáxia. Para NGC4258 tivemos que incluir, além do potencial do bojo, uma componente para o potencial gravitacional do buraco negro supermassivo, uma vez que seu raio de influência está resolvido, o que é confirmado pelo aumento do valor da dispersão de velocidades estelar (σ*) dentro de 11 pc do núcleo. Os mapas de σ* em NGC4051 e NGC7582 apresentam regiões de baixos valores imersas num bojo de maiores valores. Estes baixos valores de σ* foram atribuídos a estrelas jovens, formadas a partir de um gás frio recentemente acretado à região nuclear, as quais ainda preservam a cinemática do gás que as formou. Os campos de velocidades do gás apresentam componentes que diferem de rotação pura. Em ESO428-G14 e NGC7582 estas componentes são observadas como outflows do núcleo. Para ESO428-G14 os outflows são devido á interação entre o jato rádio e o meio interestelar (ISM) circundante. Já em NGC7582 os outflows são atribuídos a ventos do disco de acreção. Em NGC4051 observamos inflows em direção ao núcleo ao longo de braços espirais nucleares. Em geral, observamos também que o gás emissor de H2 apresenta cinemática diferente da observada para o gás ionizado – enquanto que o H2 está mais restrito ao plano das galáxias, onde componentes de rotação são importantes, o gás de maior ionização estende-se a altas latitudes galáticas, onde são mais importantes os movimentos de outflows. A partir das distribuições de fluxos e razões de linhas concluímos que a emissão de H2 observada em NGC4051 é principalmente devida a excitação por raios X oriundos do núcleo, enquanto que em ESO428-G14 o mecanismo de excitação dominante é a interação do jato rádio com o ISM. A emissão do [Fe ii] em ESO428-G14 também é produzida por choques devido ao jato rádio. Determinamos massas de H2 quente que variam de 72 a 2700 M e de Hii entre 1,4×105 e 3,9×106M, as quais são comparáveis a valores publicados na literatura. Estimamos também as taxas de outflow e de inflow para NGC7582 e NGC4051, respectivamente. Obtivemos uma taxa de outflow de MHII ≈ 6, 3 × 10−2M ano−1 para o hidrogênio ionizado e de MH2 ≈ 8, 3 × 10−5M ano−1 para o H2 quente. Para NGC4051 obtivemos uma taxa de inflow de ˙MH2 ≈ 8 × 10−5M ano−1 para o H2 quente, a qual é aproximadamente 100 vezes menor do que o valor necessário para produzir a emissão observada. Concluímos que a taxa de inflow total de gás molecular deve ser muito maior, considerando que estamos amostrando apenas uma pequena parcela do gás molecular presente na região nuclear das galáxias ativas – o gás molecular quente. A principal inovação do presente trabalho é a riqueza de detalhes com que foi mapeada a distribuição e cinemática do gás, bem como a cinemática das estrelas na região central de galáxias Seyfert, com resoluções espaciais sem precedentes na literatura. Tal resolução espacial, combinada com a alta resolução espectral, permitiram uma comparação detalhada entre os mapas de emissão em rádio com os mapas de fluxo, razão de fluxos e principalmente da cinemática “tridimensional”. Através deste trabalho foi possível, pela primeira vez em comprimentos de onda infravermelho, mapear um inflow de gás molecular em uma galáxia ativa dentro dos 300 pc. Contribuímos também para o primeiro mapeamento de inflows no ótico nestas mesmas escalas. / We present two-dimensional (2D) maps for emission line fluxes and ratios, gaseous kinematics and stellar kinematics for the central regions of the Seyfert galaxies ESO428-G14, NGC7582, NGC4051 and NGC4258 using spectroscopic data obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) Integral Field Unit (IFU) and with the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) at the Gemini telescopes. We have obtained measurements for the stellar kinematics by fitting the CO absorption bandheads around ≈ 2, 3 μm by stellar templates and have obtained maps for the gaseous distribution and kinematics from the fit of gaussian curves to the emission-line profiles. The high spectral resolution of the data allowed us to obtain a gaseous “tomography” by performing cuts in velocity bins along the emission line profiles, which provide a “tri-dimensional” map of the gas emission. The stellar velocity fields are dominated by rotation in the galactic disk. We have modelled these velocities by circular orbits in a Plummer potential. The velocity field of NGC4051 is well reproduced by the model and presents a highly concentrated gravitational potential, atributed to a compact stellar bulge. NGC7582 presents some distortions in its velocity field, which are not reproduced by the model and are atributed to a nuclear bar observed in this galaxy. For NGC4258 we needed to include, besides the bulge potential, the supermassive black hole potential, since its sphere of influence is resolved in our observations, what is confirmed by the increase in the stellar velocity dispersions (σ*) within 11 pc from the nucleus. The σ* maps for NGC4051 and NGC7582 present regions of low values immersed in a background of higher values. These low ∗ values were atributed to young stars, formed from cold gas recently accreted to the nuclear region, which still preserve the kinematics of the gas from which they have formed. The gaseous velocity fields present components that differ from pure rotation. For ESO428-G14 and NGC7582 these components are outflows from the nucleus. The outflows for ESO428-G14 are due to the interaction of the radio jet with the circumnuclear interstellar medium (ISM) and for NGC7582 the outflows are atributed to winds from the accretion disk. For NGC4051 we observe inflows towards the nucleus along nuclear spiral arms. We also observe that in general, the H2 emitting gas presents a distinct kinematics from that of the ionized gas – while the H2 is restricted to the galactic plane, where rotation is important, the higher ionization gas extends to high galactic latitudes, where the outflows are more important. From the flux distributions and line ratios we conclude that the H2 emission in NGC4051 is dominated by X rays heating, while for ESO428-G14 the main excitation mechanism is shocks due to the radio jet. The [Fe ii] emission observed in ESO428- G14 is also dominated by excitation by the radio jet. We have obtained masses for the hot H2 gas varying from 72 to 2700 M⊙ and for the ionized gas (Hii) varying from 1.4×105 to 3.9×106M⊙, which are in agreement with previously published values for active galaxies. We also derive thegas outflow and inflow rates for NGC7582 and NGC4051, respectively. For NGC7582 we obtained an outflow rate of MHII ≈ 6, 3 × 10−2M yr−1 for the ionized hydrogen and of MH2 ≈ 8, 3×10−5M yr−1 for the hot H2. For NGC4051 the hot H2 inflow rate is MH2 ≈ 8 × 10−5M yr−1, which is approximately 100 times smaller than the value necessary to produce the observed emission. We conclude that the total inflow rate of molecular gas must be much higher, as we are sampling only a small part of the molecular gas present in the nuclear region of the active galaxies – the hot emitting gas.
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Caracterização das estruturas espirais em galáxias discoidais grand designNóbrega, Antonio José Farias January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho analisamos imagens nas cores g (ou r) e i de 18 gal axias grand design, obtidas com telescópios no Monte Palomar, USA e nas ilhas Canárias, Espanha. As bandas espectrais das imagens das galáxias foram escolhidas porque na banda i se destaca o padrão espiral ou perturbação original do disco, enquanto que a banda g está dominada pela emissão dos aglomerados ionizantes e as estrelas jovens, formados pela ação do padrão perturbador. Caracterizamos as estruturas espirais através de m etodos objetivos com fundamentação matemática. O primeiro é o de transformada de Fourier bi-dimensional com uma base de espirais logarítmicas, o segundo o método de simetrização de Elmegreen, Elmegreen e Montenegro (1992) (doravante EEM92) e finalmente a transformada de Fourier unidimensional de perfis azimutais dos braços espirais. A posição da ressonância de corrotação e determinada, entre outras propriedades. Optamos preferencialmente por galáxias vistas de frente (face-on) ou com pequeno ângulo de inclinação em relação ao plano do céu para minimizar o efeito da deprojeção e porque a metodologia não contempla o uso de dados cinemáticos. Além da posição da ressonância de corrotação, as transformadas de Fourier bi-dimensionais e o método de simetrização EEM92 fornecem outras informações, tais como a presençaa de diversos padrões, a extensão e importância relativa dos mesmos, etc. Por serem as galáxias da amostra vistas de frente, praticamente não existem curvas de rotação para as mesmas. Esta e uma tarefa de extrema dificuldade, que deveria ser atacada para aquelas galáxias que apresentam alguma possibilidade de serem estudadas cinematicamente. Devido ao grande número de guras necessárias a análise de cada galáxia, apresentamos as figuras impressas somente para cinco casos que consideramos paradigmáticos. As outras treze galáxias são apresentadas como apêndice no CD em anexo. / In this work we analyze g and i images of 18 grand design galaxies, obtained with telescopes in Monte Palomar, at the USA and at the Canary islands, Spain. These photometric bands were chosed because the i band dettachs the spiral pattern density wave or original disk perturbation, while the g band is dominated by the emission of the ionizing clusters and young stars, formed by the action of this perturbation on the molecular clouds. We characterized the spiral structures through objective mathematical methods. The rst one is that of bi-dimensional Fourier transform with a base of logarithmic spirals, the second one is the method of simetrization of Elmegreen, Elmegreen and Montenegro (1992, from now on EEM92) and nally, the third one is that of one-dimensional Fourier transform of the spiral arms azimuthal pro les. We preferentially treated face-on galaxies or galaxies with small inclination angle in relation to the plan of the sky to minimize the e ect of deprojection and because the methodology does not use kinematic data. Besides the position of the corrotation resonance, we can discriminate the presence of several spiral patterns, when present, the intensity, extension and relative importance of these patterns. There are no rotation curves for the galaxies of the sample. It would be be an important contribution to determine rotation curves for the galaxies that present some inclination. Due to the large number of illustrations for each galaxy, we illustrate ve paradigmatic cases, and the other thirteen galaxies are shown as appendices in an attached CD.
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A matéria escura no centro dos aglomerados de galáxias : MOND e neutrinosPeres, Clóvis Belbute January 2009 (has links)
Os aglomerados de galáxias são as maiores estruturas gravitacionais em situação de quase-equilíbrio, mas apesar dos esforços de pesquisa das últimas décadas, pouco conhecemos de suas estruturas e composição. Os recentes avanços teóricos e observacionais associados aos aglomerados de galáxias motivam essa proposta de pesquisa. Nosso foco é no entendimento da componente não-observada em aglomerados de galáxias. Especificamente, investigamos uma teoria de gravitação alternativa denominada Gravitação Newtonina Modificada (MOND) que pretende substituir o paradigma da matéria escura, mas que apresenta problemas quando aplicada aos centros dos aglomerados. Revisamos e sintetizamos o estado da arte na modelagem da Matéria Escura no centro desses objetos e testamos, em especial, uma proposta de solução dos problemas da MOND: a inclusão de neutrinos massivos. Ao mesmo tempo que testamos a teoria MOND + v,fazemos uma análise critica de como os limites às massas de neutrino são obtidos a partir de aglomerados. / Clusters of galaxies are the largest structures in the universe in a quasi-equilibrium state, but, despite research efforts in the past decades, their structure and composition are still poorly understood. Recent theoretical and abservational advances in the understanding of these structures motivate the present research work. Our focus lies on the understanding of the non-luminous component af galaxy clusters. Specifically, we investigate an alternative gravitational theory named MOND, or Madified Newtonian Dynamics, which aims at replacing the dark matter (DM) paradigm, but presents problems when applied to the centers of galaxy clusters. We have reviewed and summarized the state of the art on the modeling of the dark matter in the centers of clusters of galaxies and tested a proposal of solution: the inclusion of massive neutrinos in the MOND scenario. Besides testing MOND + v, we have analised how limits are imposed on the neutrino mass via the study of clusters of galaxies.
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Studyng the role of galactic rotation on star formation: numerical experimentsUtreras Contreras, José January 2016 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias, Mención Astronomía / Estudiamos la formación estelar y el rol de la rotación a escalas galácticas mediante simulaciones numéricas, utilizando el código de grillas adaptativas Enzo. Parte de este trabajo se centra en estudiar tres leyes de formación estelar encontradas en la literatura: las leyes de Kennicutt-Schmidt y Silk-Elmegreen, y la ecuación dimensionalmente homogénea propuesta por Escala (2015), las que relacionan la formación estelar proyectada con propiedades galácticas. Durante la última década, estudios con un mayor número de observaciones y mayor resolución espacial han puesto en duda que tan fidedignas son las leyes de Kennicutt-Schmidt y Silk-Elmegreen. Para la primera, estudios sugieren la existencia de dos regímenes formación estelar con diferente amplitud y otros proponen un único régimen modificando la forma funcional de la ley de Kennicutt-Schmidt original. Para la ley de Silk-Elmegreen grandes modificaciones no han sido requeridas, sin embargo estudios recientes del momento angular en galaxias han mostrado comportamientos contrarios a esta ley. Estos problemas han motivado el estudio del origen físico de estas relaciones y sus formulaciones matemáticas. Entre estos, Escala (2015) encuentra una función que es capaz de explicar varios observables (de observaciones y simulaciones), dependiendo de los procesos físicos que dominan la dinámica galáctica. En este trabajo estudiamos como las galaxias evolucionan comparándolas con estas leyes, mediante cambios en parámetros físicos, específicamente la rotación galáctica.\\
Realizamos simulaciones de galaxias espirales y discos nucleares de galaxias de formación violenta, constituidas por gas, estrellas y materia oscura. Durante la evolución de estas galaxias el gas puede enfriarse, fragmentarse y formar estrellas que interactúan con el medio interestelar mediante explosiones de supernova. Como condiciones iniciales, mantenemos fija la masa en gas y su distribución radial para cada tipo de galaxia mientras el perfil de rotación es variado. Esto nos permite aislar medianamente el efecto producido por la rotación en la evolución de las galaxias. Los parámetros deformación estelar son elegidos para obtener la bimodalidad observada en la ley de Kennicutt-Schmidt. La naturaleza bi-dimensional de esta ley nos motiva a estudiar las leyes mencionadas desde distintas líneas de visión, permitiéndonos probar como estas capturan la naturaleza tridimensional de la formación estelar. Nuestras simulaciones muestran ser bien representadas por las leyes de Kennicutt-Schmidt y Silk-Elmegreen globalmente. Sin embargo, encontramos una anti-correlación entre la eficiencia de formación estelar y la velocidad angular Ω, que no es considerada en estas leyes. Incluyendo los efectos de la inclinación respecto al observador, las simulaciones muestran menores tiempos de consumo de gas en la relación de Kennicutt-Schmidt y tiempos similares en la ley de Silk-Elmegreen, atribuido a efectos geométricos. La ecuación propuesta por Escala (2015) describe la evolución de las simulaciones con menor dispersión que las relaciones anteriores. Bajo esta formulación, diferentes inclinaciones muestran eficiencias similares, debido a que considera la concentración de gas en la línea de visión. Sin embargo, esta relación aún muestra la anti-correlación ya mencionada. Estudiamos esta anti-correlación y encontramos que la eficiencia de formación estelar decrece exponencialmente con la velocidad angular en ambos tipos de galaxia. Requiriendo que la eficiencia sea función de cantidades adimensionales, introducimos el parámetro de tiempo de caída libre inicial τ, encontrando que la eficiencia puede ser descrita por una función exponencial decreciente de Ωτ. Este resultado nos entrega una formación estelar que toma en cuenta la concentración de gas en la línea de visión y variaciones en la velocidad angular.
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Super massive black holes and the Central Region in active galactic nucleiMejía Restrepo, Julián Esteban January 2017 (has links)
Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Astronomía / Here I present an in-depth study of the central region of active galactic nuclei oriented to improve current mass estimation methods of
distant super massive black holes and to infer the physical properties of the gas in their vicinity. In the first chapter I briefly introduce the basic concepts and present the most relevant discoveries and problematics associated to the central topic of this thesis.
Then, in the second chapter, I present new calibrations of the so called single epoch black hole mass estimation method. This method uses emission lines from the broad line region such as the Halpha, Hbeta and MgII low ionization lines, and the CIV high ionization line. The novelty of this work is the usage of simultaneous observations of these emission lines that prevents from possible variability effects. The latter was possible thanks to the observations of 39 quasars a $z\sim1.55$ using the X-Shooter spectrograph of the VLT telescope whose wide spectral coverage allows simultaneous mapping of the aforementioned emission lines. In addition to presenting new calibrations, the results of this study indicate that low ionization lines provide more accurate mass estimations than CIV as it was suggested by previous studies.
In the third chapter, I examine the possibility of improving current \CIV -based mass estimates of super-massive black holes by testing the performance of some methods proposed in the literature, including a method proposed in this thesis. All these methods are based on correlations found using small samples of less than 100 objects. In order to quantify the statistical robustness of these methods, in this work I use the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey quasar database out of which I extracted a sample of nearly 30000 objects. The results suggest that the methods studied here have a very limited effect on the improvement of \CIV-based mass estimations.
Finally, in the fourth chapter, I study the effect of gas distribution of the broad line region on mass estimations. This is possible thanks to the comparison between masses obtained from the single epoch method and those obtained from the fitting the accretion disc spectral energy distribution to standard accretion disk models. The results indicate a strong dependence of the ratio between both mass estimates with the observed width of the broad emission lines.
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Evolución de galaxias en cúmulos revelada a través de la relación color magnitudJiménez, Noelia 27 March 2014 (has links)
En este Trabajo de Tesis se investigan los procesos involucrados en el desarrollo de la Relación Color Magnitud (RCM) de galaxias en cúmulos. Esta relación comprende galaxias de tipo temprano y corresponde a la secuencia roja (SR) observada en el plano color magnitud. La distribución de galaxias en este plano es bimodal en los colores y parte de las galaxias se distribuyen en una zona difusa llamada “nube azul”. La SR está formada mayormente por galaxias pobres en gas con baja formación estelar, prototípicamente galaxias de tipo temprano. Estas galaxias constituyen el objeto de estudio de la presente investigación y la relación color magnitud que las caracteriza será referida como RCM.
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Análisis de las anisotropías de la Radiación Cósmica del Fondo de Microondas mediante el uso de Filtros AdaptadosHerranz Muñoz, Diego 25 February 2002 (has links)
El estudio de las anisotropías de la Radiación Cósmica del Fondo de Microondas es una de las piedras de toque de la Cosmología actual. Una fase importante de dicho estudio consiste en el análisis previo de los datos mediante técnicas deprocesado estadístico que permiten identificar, separar y estudiar de forma independiente las diferentes componentes físicas que contribuyen a la emisión del cielo. En esta Tesis se propone una nueva técnica de filtrado, los Filtros Adaptados a la Escala, que permite detectar la emisión de fuentes compactas(galaxias y cúmulos de galaxias) de forma robusta atendiendo alas particularidades de su estructura espacial a pequeña escala.Los Filtros Adaptados a la Escala se introducen de forma teórica y posteriormente son aplicados a simulaciones realistas que reproducen las condiciones de la futura misión de la AgenciaEspacial Europea "Planck", tanto en el régimen unidimensional como en imágenes bidimensionales en una o varias frecuencias (según se trate de detección de galaxias o de cúmulos de galaxias). Se concluye que los Filtros Adaptados a la Escalaconstituyen una herramienta potente y robusta para la detección de fuentes compactas en imágenes astronómicas. / The study of the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is one of the milestones of modern Cosmology. Before the analysis of the CMB itself, it is importantto apply statistical tools to the data in order to identify and separate the different physical components that contribute to the sky emission at microwave wavelengths. In this Thesis a newlinear filter is proposed, the so-called Scale Adaptive Filter (SAF), that takes into account the characteristic spatial signature of compact sources (namely galaxies and galaxy clusters) inorder to optimise the detection of such sources in CMB data.The SAF is firstly theoretically introduced and then it is applied to realistic simulated CMB data as they will be observed by the upcoming ESA's Planck Mission. The considered cases includeboth unidimensional and bidimensional data sets at one single frequency (for the case of the detection of radio and infrared galaxies) or considering several frequency channels (for thecase of the detection of galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect). The SAF is found to be a robust and powerful tool for the detection of compact sources in astronomical images.
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Riverscape-mediated effects of introduced trout on non-diadromous galaxiid fishes in New ZealandWoodford, Darragh J. January 2009 (has links)
The impact of invasive predators on native prey may depend on the availability and distribution of invader-free refugia across landscapes, if predators create demographic ‘sink’ populations in invaded patches, giving rise to source-sink dynamics in prey populations. Propagule pressure of immigrants dispersing from refugia (or sources) may consequently drive persistence in sink habitat, affecting predator-prey co-existence across the landscape. I studied whether introduced brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) create source-sink structuring in two native galaxiid fish species (Galaxias vulgaris and G. paucispondylus) in the rivers of the central South Island, New Zealand, and whether such dynamics affected the distributions of either species across river networks or “riverscapes”. Young-of-the-year (YOY) G. vulgaris recruitment was rare in trout-invaded streams and consistently high in trout-free streams. Thus, trout-free reaches appeared to act as sources in a river network, while the majority of the trout-invaded riverscape was a demographic sink (i.e., no local recruitment occurred). Surveys of YOY G. paucispondylus did not reveal trout-induced source-sink dynamics, although mesocosm predation experiments suggested both species were highly vulnerable to predation by large trout. Galaxias paucispondylus recruitment was highest in intermittently flowing streams that were marginal habitats for trout, suggesting indirect interactions between trout and habitat affect G. paucispondylus distribution. Network configuration of trout-free source populations affected the distribution of G. vulgaris, as galaxiids were excluded from small streams with high bed stability that were far from sources. The interaction between propagule pressure and habitat gradients in mediating effects of trout on G. vulgaris distributions indicates habitat characteristics affect predator-prey interactions in a spatially explicit manner. Furthermore, the outcome of predator-prey interactions should be able to be modelled using habitat data alone if habitat consistently mediates predator impacts. I developed a GIS-based spatial model to predict where trout would exclude G. vulgaris in river networks, based on stream size and distance to galaxiid source populations. The model was tested in three different riverscapes using fish occurrence patterns obtained from electrofishing surveys, and successfully predicted G. vulgaris exclusion by trout. This further demonstrates the importance of habitat configuration in driving interspecific interactions at the landscape scale. These findings suggest removing trout from small, stable tributaries to create new demographic sources could improve overall persistence of G. vulgaris across trout-invaded riverscapes. The galaxiid exclusion model should also be used to detect undiscovered trout-free source populations, and to aid in selecting streams for restoration of galaxiid populations through trout eradication.
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Riverscape-mediated effects of introduced trout on non-diadromous galaxiid fishes in New ZealandWoodford, Darragh J. January 2009 (has links)
The impact of invasive predators on native prey may depend on the availability and distribution of invader-free refugia across landscapes, if predators create demographic ‘sink’ populations in invaded patches, giving rise to source-sink dynamics in prey populations. Propagule pressure of immigrants dispersing from refugia (or sources) may consequently drive persistence in sink habitat, affecting predator-prey co-existence across the landscape. I studied whether introduced brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) create source-sink structuring in two native galaxiid fish species (Galaxias vulgaris and G. paucispondylus) in the rivers of the central South Island, New Zealand, and whether such dynamics affected the distributions of either species across river networks or “riverscapes”. Young-of-the-year (YOY) G. vulgaris recruitment was rare in trout-invaded streams and consistently high in trout-free streams. Thus, trout-free reaches appeared to act as sources in a river network, while the majority of the trout-invaded riverscape was a demographic sink (i.e., no local recruitment occurred). Surveys of YOY G. paucispondylus did not reveal trout-induced source-sink dynamics, although mesocosm predation experiments suggested both species were highly vulnerable to predation by large trout. Galaxias paucispondylus recruitment was highest in intermittently flowing streams that were marginal habitats for trout, suggesting indirect interactions between trout and habitat affect G. paucispondylus distribution. Network configuration of trout-free source populations affected the distribution of G. vulgaris, as galaxiids were excluded from small streams with high bed stability that were far from sources. The interaction between propagule pressure and habitat gradients in mediating effects of trout on G. vulgaris distributions indicates habitat characteristics affect predator-prey interactions in a spatially explicit manner. Furthermore, the outcome of predator-prey interactions should be able to be modelled using habitat data alone if habitat consistently mediates predator impacts. I developed a GIS-based spatial model to predict where trout would exclude G. vulgaris in river networks, based on stream size and distance to galaxiid source populations. The model was tested in three different riverscapes using fish occurrence patterns obtained from electrofishing surveys, and successfully predicted G. vulgaris exclusion by trout. This further demonstrates the importance of habitat configuration in driving interspecific interactions at the landscape scale. These findings suggest removing trout from small, stable tributaries to create new demographic sources could improve overall persistence of G. vulgaris across trout-invaded riverscapes. The galaxiid exclusion model should also be used to detect undiscovered trout-free source populations, and to aid in selecting streams for restoration of galaxiid populations through trout eradication.
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Spatial distribution of galactic globular clusters : distance uncertainties and dynamical effectsSouza, Juliana Crestani Ribeiro de January 2017 (has links)
Fornecemos uma amostra de 170 Aglomerados Globulares Galácticos (GCs) e analisamos as propriedades de sua distribuição espacial. Utilizando um vasto catálogo de nuvens escuras identificadas, listamos os GCs que estão atrás de uma ou mais delas e que podem estar submetidos a uma extinção mais complexa do que a considerada por mapas de extinção. Valores de incerteza em distância são obtidos da literatura recente e comparados com valores derivados de uma fórmula de propagação de erro. GCs são agrupados de acordo com características inusitadas, tais como idades relativamente jovens ou possível conexão com núcleos de galáxias anãs, de forma que o efeito desses grupos pode ser isolado na distribuição espacial geral. Adicionalmente, computamos o centróide da distribuição de GCs e estudamos como esse se relaciona com a distância ao centro da Galáxia. Considerando que uma formação galáctica via colapso monolítico é supostamente simétrica, investigamos assimetrias e como os valores de incerteza das distâncias as modificam. Velocidades espaciais e um potencial Galáctico são empregados para verificar se quaisquer assimetrias na distribuição espacial são devidas a objetos em movimento coerente, ou se são somente efeitos transientes. / We provide a sample of 170 Galactic Globular Clusters (GCs) and analyse its spatial distribution properties. Using a comprehensive dust cloud catalogue, we list the GCs that are behind one or more identified dust clouds and could be subjected to a more complex extinction curve than extinction catalogues consider. Distance uncertainty values are gathered from recent literature and compared to values derived from an error propagation formula. GCs are grouped according to unusual characteristics, such as relatively young age or possible connection to dwarf galaxy nuclei, so that their effect on the general distribution can be isolated. Additionally, we compute the centroid of the GC distribution and study how it relates to the distance to the centre of the Galaxy. Considering that galactic formation via monolithic collapse is expected to be symmetrical, we probe asymmetries and how distance uncertainty values modify them. Spatial velocities and a Galactic potential are used to verify if any asymmetries in the spatial distribution are due to co-moving objects, or if they are merely transient effects.
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