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Calculations of resonance fluoresence excitation of Fe II in Seyfert 1 galaxies /Foltz, Craig Billig January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Probing the cool interstellar and circumgalactic gas of three massive lensing galaxies at z = 0.4–0.7Zahedy, Fakhri S., Chen, Hsiao-Wen, Rauch, Michael, Wilson, Michelle L., Zabludoff, Ann 21 May 2016 (has links)
We present multisightline absorption spectroscopy of cool gas around three lensing galaxies at z = 0.4-0.7. These lenses have half-light radii r(e) = 2.6-8 kpc and stellar masses of log M-*/M-circle dot = 10.9-11.4, and therefore resemble nearby passive elliptical galaxies. The lensed QSO sightlines presented here occur at projected distances of d = 3-15 kpc (or d approximate to 1-2 r(e)) from the lensing galaxies, providing for the first time an opportunity to probe both interstellar gas at r similar to r(e) and circumgalactic gas at larger radii r >> r(e) of these distant quiescent galaxies. We observe distinct gas absorption properties among different lenses and among sightlines of individual lenses. Specifically, while the quadruple lens for HE 0435-1223 shows no absorption features to very sensitive limits along all four sightlines, strong MgII, Fe II, Mg I, and Ca II absorption transitions are detected along both sightlines near the double lens for HE 0047-1756, and in one of the two sightlines near the double lens for HE 1104-1805. The absorbers are resolved into 8-15 individual components with a line-of-sight velocity spread of Delta v approximate to 300-600 km s(-1). The large ionic column densities, log N greater than or similar to 14, observed in two components suggest that these may be Lyman limit or damped Ly a absorbers with a significant neutral hydrogen fraction. The majority of the absorbing components exhibit a uniform supersolar Fe/Mg ratio with a scatter of < 0.1 dex across the full Delta v range. Given a predominantly old stellar population in these lensing galaxies, we argue that the observed large velocity width and Fe-rich abundance pattern can be explained by SNe Ia enriched gas at radius r similar to r(e). We show that additional spatial constraints in line-of-sight velocity and relative abundance ratios afforded by a multisightline approach provide a powerful tool to resolve the origin of chemically enriched cool gas in massive haloes.
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It has become clear in recent years that the study of interacting/merging galaxies plays an important role in understanding important astrophysical phenomena. This thesis presents an observational study of interacting/merging galaxies at radio frequencies. The observations have been carried out at extremely high resolution using very long baseline interferometry. The observations described here include: (1) A study of the high velocity Hi absorption associated with the peculiar galaxy NGC 1275; (2) A study of the radio continuum and Hi absorption of the ULIRG IRAS 172080014; (3) A study of the radio continuum and Hi absorption of the LIRG NGC 7674. Some of the most prominent results of these observations include: Detection of several narrow Hi absorption features in the high velocity system associated with NGC 1275. These Hi absorption lines were observed toward the strong radio nucleus 3C 84. The results indicate the existence of several Hi clouds with velocity differences and widths similar to those seen in Galactic neutral hydrogen absorption and similar to some of the Hi absorption seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The discovery of an extreme nuclear starburst region in the advanced merger system IRAS 172080014. Our results suggest a star formation rate of 84 M yr-1, and a supernova rate of 4 yr-1. Hi absorption is detected in multiple components with optical depths ranging between 0.3 and 2.5, and velocity widths between 58 and 232 km s-1. The detection of complex jet structures in the inner 1 kpc region of the galaxy NGC 7674. At full resolution, several compact sources are observed with brightness temperatures on the order of 107 K. While it is possible that one of these compact structures could host an AGN, they could also be shock-like features formed by the interaction of the jet with compact interstellar clouds in the nuclear region of this galaxy. At least eight Hi absorption lines are detected toward some of the continuum emission regions in NGC 7674. If the widest Hi feature in our observations is rotationally broadened by a central supermassive black hole, the implied dynamical mass is about 107 M.
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Comparing Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations with Observations of High-Redshift Galaxy FormationFinlator, Kristian Markwart January 2009 (has links)
We use cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study the impact of out-flows and radiative feedback on high-redshift galaxies. For outflows, we consider simulations that assume (i) no winds, (ii) a .constant-wind. model in which the mass-loading factor and outflow speed are constant, and (iii) "momentum driven" winds in which both parameters vary smoothly with mass. In order to treat radiative feedback, we develop a moment-based radiative transfer technique that operates in both post-processing and coupled radiative hydrodynamic modes. We first ask how outflows impact the broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of six observed reionization-epoch galaxies. Simulations reproduce five regardless of the outflow prescription, while the sixth suggests an unusually bursty star formation history. We conclude that (i) simulations broadly account for available constraints on reionization-epoch galaxies, (ii) individual SEDs do not constrain outflows, and (iii) SED comparisons efficiently isolate objects that challenge simulations. We next study how outflows impact the galaxy mass metallicity relation (MZR). Momentum-driven outflows uniquely reproduce observations at z = 2. In this scenario, galaxies obey two equilibria: (i) The rate at which a galaxy processes gas into stars and outflows tracks its inflow rate; and (ii) The gas enrichment rate owing to star formation balances the dilution rate owing to inflows. Combining these conditions indicates that the MZR is dominated by the (instantaneous) variation of outflows with mass, with more-massive galaxies driving less gas into outflows per unit stellar mass formed. Turning to radiative feedback, we use post-processing simulations to study the topology of reionization. Reionization begins in overdensities and then .leaks. directly into voids, with filaments reionizing last owing to their high density and low emissivity. This result conflicts with previous findings that voids ionize last. We argue that it owes to the uniqely-biased emissivity field produced by our star formation prescriptions, which have previously been shown to reproduce numerous post-reionization constraints. Finally, preliminary results from coupled radiative hydrodynamic simulations indicate that reionization suppresses the star formation rate density by at most 10.20% by z = 5. This is much less than previous estimates, which we attribute to our unique reionization topology although confirmation will have to await more detailed modeling.
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From giants to dwarfs : probing the edges of galaxiesPortas, Antonio Miguel Pereira January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we address fundamental questions about what constitutes and limits an HI disc, probing the distribution of neutral gas in the outer parts of galaxies. We use a subsample of galaxies observed as part of the THINGS survey to investigate the HI extent of spiral galaxy discs. We revisit previous work on the extent of HI discs, showing the limitations set by insufficient linear resolution. We then exploit the high spatial and velocity resolution combined with good sensitivity of THINGS to investigate where the atomic gas discs end and what might shape their edges. We find that the atomic gas surface density across most of the disc is constant at 5 – 10 x 10^20 atoms/cm^2 and drops sharply at large radius. The general shape of the HI distribution is well described by a Sérsic-type function with a slope index, n = 0.14 - 0.22 and characteristic radius ri. We propose a new column density threshold of 5 x 10^19 atoms/cm^2 to define the extent of the gas disc. This limit is well within reach of modern instruments and is at the level where disc gas becomes susceptible to ionisation by an extragalactic radiation field. We argue that at this level the HI column density has decreased to one tenth of that across the inner disc and that by going to yet lower column density the disc is unlikely to grow by more than 10% in radius. The HI column density at which the radial profiles turn over is too high for it to be caused by ionisation by an extragalactic UV field and we postulate that the HI extent is set by how galaxy discs form. Ionisation by extragalactic radiation will only play a rôle at column densities below 5 x 10^19 atoms/cm^2, if any. To study the crucial relation between observed edges and how closely these reproduce the intrinsic distribution of gas through our interferometric measurements, we created an ensemble of models based on four radial density distributions. We conclude that the observed edges in spiral galaxies faithfully reflect their intrinsic shape. Only in very specific cases of highly inclined (>75º) and/or large vertical scaleheight discs do we see strong deviations from the intrinsic surface density of the observed shape of the edges in spiral galaxies. In the case of NGC 3198 we concluded that there is no significant difference in the radial profiles obtained with either constant or exponentially increasing vertical gas distributions, when scaleheights are not higher than 1 kpc at the outskirts of the disc. We infer an upper limit to the scaleheight of NGC 3198 of 2 kpc. To address the distribution of neutral gas at larger scales, we study an HI rich, giant LSB galaxy, NGC 765. We present HI spectral line and radio-continuum VLA data, complemented by optical and Chandra X-ray maps. NGC 765 has the largest HI-to-optical ratio known to date of any spiral galaxy and one of the largest known HI discs in absolute size with a diameter of ~ 240 kpc measured at a surface density of 2 x 10^19 atoms/cm^2. We derive a total HI mass of M_HI = 4.7 x 10^10 M_sun, a dynamical mass of M_dyn = 5.1 x 10^11 M_sun and an HI mass to luminosity ratio of M_HI/L_B = 1.6, making it the nearest and largest “crouching giant”. Optical images reveal evidence of a central bar with tightly wound low-surface brightness spiral arms extending from it. Radio-continuum (L_1.4 GHz = 1.3 x 10^21 W/Hz) and X-ray (L_x ~ 1.7 x 10^40 erg/s) emission is found to coincide with the optical core of the galaxy, compatible with nuclear activity powered by a low-luminosity AGN. We may be dealing with a galaxy that has retained in its current morphology traces of its formation history. In fact, it may still be undergoing some accretion, as evidenced by the presence of HI clumps the size (< 10 kpc) and mass (10^8 -10^9 M_sun) of small (dIrr) galaxies in the outskirts of its HI disc and by the presence of two similarly sized companions. In an exploration of future work, we engaged in a study of the edges in the HI discs of dwarf irregular galaxies, their parameterisation and simulation. A collection of simulations were created based on the dwarf galaxy NGC 2366, similar to what was done for the larger spiral galaxies, showing that line-of-sight column densities are affected for discs with inclinations higher than 60º. Five out of eleven of the dwarfs from THINGS which are less inclined than 60º were analysed and parameterised with our Sérsic-type function. Their discs have average central column densities spread evenly from log_10 NHI = 20.7 atoms/cm^2 to log_10 NHI =21.3 atoms/cm^2. Their radial decline is shallower (slope index peaks around n ~ 0.3) than for spirals. The up-coming Local Irregular That Trace Local Extremes (LITTLE) THINGS project, will likely enlarge the number of local dwarf irregular (dIm) galaxies to which this type of analysis can be applied and for which these preliminary results verified.
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PROBING THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM AND STAR FORMATION OF THE MOST LUMINOUS QUASAR AT z = 6.3Wang, Ran, Wu, Xue-Bing, Neri, Roberto, Fan, Xiaohui, Walter, Fabian, Carilli, Chris L., Momjian, Emmanuel, Bertoldi, Frank, Strauss, Michael A., Li, Qiong, Wang, Feige, Riechers, Dominik A., Jiang, Linhua, Omont, Alain, Wagg, Jeff, Cox, Pierre 10 October 2016 (has links)
We report new IRAM/PdBI, JCMT/SCUBA-2, and VLA observations of the ultraluminous quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 (hereafter, J0100+2802) at z =. 6.3, which hosts the most massive supermassive black hole (SMBH), 1.24 x 10(10) M circle dot, that is known at z > 6. We detect the [C II] 158 mu m fine structure line and molecular CO(6-5) line and continuum emission at 353, 260, and 3 GHz from this quasar. The CO(2-1) line and the underlying continuum at 32 GHz are also marginally detected. The [C II] and CO detections suggest active star formation and highly excited molecular gas in the quasar host galaxy. The redshift determined with the [C II] and CO lines shows a velocity offset of similar to 1000 km s(-1) from that measured with the quasar Mg II line. The CO (2-1) line luminosity provides a direct constraint on the molecular gas mass, which is about (1.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(10) M circle dot We estimate the FIR luminosity to be (3.5 +/- 0.7) x 10(12) L circle dot, and the UV-to-FIR spectral energy distribution of J0100 +2802 is consistent with the templates of the local optically luminous quasars. The derived [C II]-to-FIR luminosity ratio of J0100+2802 is 0.0010 +/- 0.0002, which is slightly higher than the values of the most FIR luminous quasars at z similar to 6. We investigate the constraint on the host galaxy dynamical mass of J0100 vertical bar 2802 based on the [C II] line spectrum. It is likely that this ultraluminous quasar lies above the local SMBH-galaxy mass relationship, unless we are viewing the system at a small inclination angle.
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Crater 2: An Extremely Cold Dark Matter HaloCaldwell, Nelson, Walker, Matthew G., Mateo, Mario, Olszewski, Edward W., Koposov, Sergey, Belokurov, Vasily, Torrealba, Gabriel, Geringer-Sameth, Alex, Johnson, Christian I. 10 April 2017 (has links)
We present results from MMT/Hectochelle spectroscopy of 390 red giant candidate stars along the line of sight to the recently discovered Galactic satellite Crater 2. Modeling the joint distribution of stellar positions, velocities, and metallicities as a mixture of Crater 2 and Galactic foreground populations, we identify similar to 62 members of Crater 2, for which we resolve a line-of-sight velocity dispersion of sigma(nu los) = 2.7(-0.3)(+0.3) km s(-1) and a. mean velocity of <nu(los)> = 87.5(-0.4)(+0.4) km s(-1) (solar rest frame). We also resolve a metallicity dispersion of sigma([Fe/H]) = 0.22(-0.03)(+0.04) dex and a mean of <[Fe/H]> = 1.98(-0.1)(+0.1) dex that is 0.28 +/- 0.14 dex poorer than estimated from photometry. Despite Crater 2's relatively large size (projected halflight radius R-h similar to 1 kpc) and intermediate luminosity (M-V similar to -8), its velocity dispersion is the coldest that has been resolved for any dwarf galaxy. These properties make Crater 2 the most extreme low-density outlier in dynamical as well as structural scaling relations among the Milky Way's dwarf spheroidals. Even so, under assumptions of dynamical equilibrium and negligible contamination by unresolved binary stars, the observed velocity distribution implies a gravitationally dominant dark matter halo, with a dynamical mass of. 4.4(-0.9)(+1.2) x 10(6) M-circle dot and a mass-to-light ratio of 53(-11)(+15) M-circle dot/L-V,L-circle dot enclosed within a radius of similar to 1 kpc, where the equivalent circular velocity is 4.3(-0.5)(+0.5) km s(-1).
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MAPPING THE POLARIZATION OF THE RADIO-LOUD Ly α NEBULA B3 J2330+3927You, Chang, Zabludoff, Ann, Smith, Paul, Yang, Yujin, Kim, Eunchong, Jannuzi, Buell, Prescott, Moire K. M., Matsuda, Yuichi, Lee, Myung Gyoon 12 January 2017 (has links)
Ly alpha nebulae, or "Ly alpha blobs," are extended (up to similar to 100 kpc), bright (L-Ly alpha greater than or similar to 10(43) erg s(-1)) clouds of Lya emitting gas that tend to lie in overdense regions at z similar to 2-5. The origin of the Lya emission remains unknown, but recent theoretical work suggests that measuring the polarization might discriminate among powering mechanisms. Here we present the first narrowband imaging polarimetry of a radio-loud Lya nebula, B3 J2330+3927, at z - 3.09, with an embedded active galactic nucleus (AGN). The AGN lies near the blob's Lya emission peak, and its radio lobes align roughly with the blob's major axis. With the SPOL polarimeter on the 6.5 m MMT telescope, we map the total (Ly alpha + continuum) polarization in a grid of circular apertures of a radius of 0.'' 6 (4.4 kpc), detecting a significant (>2 sigma) polarization fraction P-% in nine apertures and achieving strong upper limits (as low as 2%) elsewhere. P-% increases from <2% at similar to 5 kpc from the blob center to 17% at similar to 15-25 kpc. The detections are distributed asymmetrically, roughly along the nebula's major axis. The polarization angles theta are mostly perpendicular to this axis. Comparing the Ly alpha flux to that of the continuum and conservatively assuming that the continuum is highly polarized (20%-100%) and aligned with the total polarization, we place lower limits on the polarization of the Lya emission P-%,P-Ly alpha ranging from no significant polarization at similar to 5 kpc from the blob center to 3%-17% at 10-25 kpc. Like the total polarization, the Ly alpha polarization detections occur more often along the blob's major axis.
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The fraction of ionizing photons escaping from high-redshift star-forming galaxies is a key obstacle in evaluating whether galaxies were the primary agents of cosmic reionization. We previously proposed using the covering fraction of low-ionization gas, measured via deep absorption-line spectroscopy, as a proxy. We now present a significant update, sampling seven gravitationally lensed sources at 4 < z < 5. We show that the absorbing gas in our sources is spatially inhomogeneous, with a median covering fraction of 66%. Correcting for reddening according to a dust-in-cloud model, this implies an estimated absolute escape fraction of similar or equal to 19% +/- 6%. With possible biases and uncertainties, collectively we find that the average escape fraction could be reduced to no less than 11%, excluding the effect of spatial variations. For one of our lensed sources, we have sufficient signal-tonoise ratio to demonstrate the presence of such spatial variations and scatter in its dependence on the Ly alpha equivalent width, consistent with recent simulations. If this source is typical, our lower limit to the escape fraction could be reduced by a further factor similar or equal to 2. Across our sample, we find a modest anticorrelation between the inferred escape fraction and the local star formation rate, consistent with a time delay between a burst and leaking Lyman continuum photons. Our analysis demonstrates considerable variations in the escape fraction, consistent with being governed by the small-scale behavior of star-forming regions, whose activities fluctuate over short timescales. This supports the suggestion that the escape fraction may increase toward the reionization era when star formation becomes more energetic and burst-like.
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SDSS J163459.82+204936.0: A RINGED INFRARED-LUMINOUS QUASAR WITH OUTFLOWS IN BOTH ABSORPTION AND EMISSION LINESLiu, Wen-Juan, Zhou, Hong-Yan, Jiang, Ning, Wu, Xufen, Lyu, Jianwei, Shi, Xiheng, Shu, Xinwen, Jiang, Peng, Ji, Tuo, Wang, Jian-Guo, Wang, Shu-Fen, Sun, Luming 05 May 2016 (has links)
SDSS J163459.82+204936.0 is a local (z = 0.1293) infrared-luminous quasar with L-IR = 10(11.91) L-circle dot. We present a detailed multiwavelength study of both the host galaxy and the nucleus. The host galaxy, appearing as an early-type galaxy in the optical images and spectra, demonstrates violent, obscured star formation activities with SFR approximate to 140 M-circle dot yr(-1), estimated from either the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission or IR luminosity. The optical to NIR spectra exhibit a blueshifted narrow cuspy component in H beta, He I lambda lambda 5876, 10830, and other emission lines consistently with an offset velocity of approximate to 900 km s(-1), as well as additional blueshifting phenomena in high-ionization lines (e.g., a blueshifted broad component of He I lambda 10830 and the bulk blueshifting of [O III].5007), while there exist blueshifted broad absorption lines (BALs) in Na I. D and He I lambda lambda 3889, 10830, indicative of the active galactic nucleus outflows producing BALs and emission lines. Constrained mutually by the several BALs in the photoionization simulations with Cloudy, the physical properties of the absorption line outflow are derived as follows: density 10(4) < n(H) less than or similar to 10(5) cm(-3), ionization parameter 10(-1.3) less than or similar to U 10(-0.7), and column density 10(22.5) less than or similar to N-H less than or similar to 10(22.9) cm(-2), which are similar to those derived for the emission line outflows. This similarity suggests a common origin. Taking advantages of both the absorption lines and outflowing emission lines, we find that the outflow gas is located at a distance of similar to 48-65 pc from the nucleus and that the kinetic luminosity of the outflow is 10(44)-10(46) erg s(-1). J1634+2049 has a off-centered galactic ring on the scale of similar to 30. kpc that is proved to be formed by a recent head-on collision by a nearby galaxy for which we spectroscopically measure the redshift. Thus, this quasar is a valuable object in the transitional phase emerging out of dust enshrouding as depicted by the coevolution scenario invoking galaxy merger (or violent interaction) and quasar feedback. Its proximity enables our further observational investigations in detail (or tests) of the co-evolution paradigm.
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