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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The chemical abundances of stars in the Halo (CASH) project

Hollek, Julie Ann 23 October 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is a compilation of four separate studies under the umbrella of the Chemical Abundance of Stars in the Halo (CASH) Project. The overall goal of the CASH project is to gain a better understanding of the events and processes that occurred during the early universe that shaped the composition of the stars that we observe today. In order to do so, we have conducted a comprehensive study of the abundances of the oldest observable stars. These stars have preserved the chemical signature of the material from which they formed in their atmospheres. The old, metal-poor stars that make up the stellar halo thus provide a means to study the history of the universe. We will discuss the motivation for the project in Chapter 1, introducing the field of metal-poor halo stars and providing background about the processes that have contributed to the chemical make up of the stars. The first generation of stars that created much of the material from which these stars formed are discussed, along with the low-mass evolved stars that synthesized additional elements in their interiors that are also observed in metal-poor stars today. Utilizing so-called ``snapshot'' spectra obtained with the High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory, we provide abundances for 262 stars over the sample. In Chapter 2, we present Robospect, a new code to automatically measure and deblend line equivalent widths for both absorption and emission spectra. We used this code to calculate equivalent width measurements, which provide the foundation of the analysis, from our spectra. We test the accuracy of these measurements against simulated spectra as well as manual equivalent width measurements of five stellar spectra over a range of signal-to-noise values and a set of long slit emission spectra. We find that Robospect accurately matches both the synthetic and manual measurements, with scatter consistent with the expectations based on the data quality and the results of Cayrel (1988). In Chapter 3, we present a comprehensive abundance analysis of 20 elements for 16 new low-metallicity stars from the CASH project. The abundances have been derived from both Hobby-Eberly Telescope High Resolution Spectrograph snapshot spectra (R ~15,000) and corresponding high-resolution (R~35,000) Magellan MIKE spectra. The stars span a metallicity range from [Fe/H] from -2.9 to -3.9, including four new stars with [Fe/H]<-3.7. These pilot sample stars are the most metal-poor ([Fe/H]≲-3.0) of the brightest stars included in CASH and are used to calibrate a newly-developed, automated stellar parameter and abundance determination pipeline. This code is used for the entire CASH snapshot sample. We find that the pipeline results are statistically identical for snapshot spectra when compared to a traditional, manual analysis from a high-resolution spectrum. We find four stars to be carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, confirming the trend of increasing [C/Fe] abundance ratios with decreasing metallicity. Two of these objects can be classified as CEMP-no stars, adding to the growing number of these objects at [Fe/H]<-3. We also find four neutron-capture enhanced stars in the sample, one of which has [Eu/Fe] of 0.8 with clear r-process signatures. In Chapter 4, we present stellar parameters and abundances for the full CASH sample of 263 metal-poor halo star candidates derived from snapshot spectra obtained with the High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory. We determine abundance statistics and trends for 16 elements over the full sample. We identify astrophysically-interesting stars that merit further investigation, including carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars, neutron-capture element enhanced stars, and extremely metal-poor stars. We note one Li giant with a unique abundance pattern. In Chapter~5 we present a detailed abundance analysis of 23 elements for a newly discovered carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) star, HE 0414-0343, from the CASH sample. Its spectroscopic stellar parameters are T_eff=4863 ,K, log g=1.25, ξ=20 km/s, and [Fe/H]=-2.24. Radial velocity measurements covering seven years indicate HE 0414-0343 to be a binary. HE 0414-0343 has [C/Fe]=1.44 and is strongly enhanced in neutron-capture elements but its abundances cannot be reproduced by a solar-type s-process pattern alone. It could be classified as ``CEMP-r/s'' star but we find that no r-process component is required as explanation of this and other similar stars classified as ``CEMP-s'' and ``CEMP-r/s'' stars. Rather, based on comparisons with AGB star nucleosynthesis models, we suggest a new physically-motivated classification scheme, especially for the still poorly-understood ``CEMP-r/s'' stars. Importantly, it reflects the continuous transition between these so-far distinctly treated subgroups: CEMP-sA, CEMP-sB, and CEMP-sC. The [Y/Ba] ratio parameterizes the classification and can thus be used to classify any future such stars. Possible causes for the transition include the number of thermal pulses the AGB companion underwent and the effect of different AGB star masses on their nucleosynthetic yields. We then speculate that higher AGB masses may explain ``CEMP-r/s'' or now CEMP-sB and CEMP-sC stars, whereas less massive AGB stars would account for ``CEMP-s'' or CEMP-sA stars. Based on a limited set of AGB models, we suggest the abundance signature of HE~0414$-$0343 to have come from a >1.3 M_⊙ mass AGB star and a late-time mass transfer, thereby making it a CEMP-sC star. Finally, in Chapter 6, we summarize our results and provide future directions for the project. / text


Zaritsky, Dennis, Crnojević, Denija, Sand, David J. 15 July 2016 (has links)
The confirmation of a globular cluster (GC) in the recently discovered ultrafaint galaxy Eridanus II (Eri II) motivated us to examine the question posed in the title. After estimating the halo mass of Eri II using a published stellar mass-halo mass relation, the one GC in this galaxy supports extending the relationship between the number of GCs hosted by a galaxy and the galaxy's total mass about two orders of magnitude in stellar mass below the previous limit. For this empirically determined specific frequency of between 0.06 and 0.39 GCs per 10(9)M(circle dot) of total mass, the surviving Milky Way (MW) subhalos with masses smaller than 10(10)M(circle dot) could host as many as 5-31 GCs, broadly consistent with the actual population of outer halo MW GCs, although matching the radial distribution in detail remains a challenge. Using a subhalo mass function from published high-resolution numerical simulations and a Poissonian model for populating those halos with the aforementioned empirically constrained frequency, we find that about 90% of these GCs lie in lower-mass subhalos than that of Eri II. From what we know about the stellar mass-halo mass function, the subhalo mass function, and the mass-normalized GC specific frequency, we conclude that some of the MW's outer halo GCs are likely to be hosted by undetected subhalos with extremely modest stellar populations.


Weisz, Daniel R., Koposov, Sergey E., Dolphin, Andrew E., Belokurov, Vasily, Gieles, Mark, Mateo, Mario L., Olszewski, Edward W., Sills, Alison, Walker, Matthew G. 02 May 2016 (has links)
We analyze the resolved stellar populations of the faint stellar system, Crater, based on deep optical imaging taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. Crater's color-magnitude diagram (CMD) extends similar to 4 mag below the oldest main-sequence (MS) turnoff. Structurally, we find that Crater has a half-light radius of similar to 20 pc and no evidence for tidal distortions. We model. Crater's CMD as a simple stellar population (SSP) and alternatively by solving for its full star formation history. In both cases, Crater is well. described by an SSP with an age of similar to 7.5 Gyr, a metallicity of [ M / H] similar to 1.65, a total stellar mass of M-star similar to 1e4 M-circle dot, and. a luminosity of M-V similar to - 5.3, located at a distance of d similar to 145 kpc, with modest uncertainties due to differences in the underlying stellar evolution models. We argue that the sparse sampling of stars above the turnoff and subgiant branch are likely to be 1.0-1.4 M-circle dot blue stragglers and their evolved descendants, as opposed to intermediate- age MS stars. We find that. Crater is an unusually young cluster given its location in the Galaxy's outer halo. We discuss scenarios for Crater's origin, including the possibility of being stripped from the SMC or the accretion from lower- mass dwarfs such as Leo I or Carina. Despite uncertainty over its progenitor system, Crater appears to have been incorporated into the Galaxy more recently than z similar to 1 (8 Gyr ago), providing an important new constraint on the accretion history of the Galaxy.


Sohn, Sangmo Tony, van der Marel, Roeland P., Kallivayalil, Nitya, Majewski, Steven R., Besla, Gurtina, Carlin, Jeffrey L., Law, David R., Siegel, Michael H., Anderson, Jay 20 December 2016 (has links)
We present a multi-epoch Hubble Space Telescope (HST) study of stellar proper motions (PMs) for four fields along the Orphan Stream. We determine absolute PMs of several individual stars per target field using established techniques that utilize distant background galaxies to define a stationary reference frame. Five Orphan Stream stars are identified in one of the four fields based on combined color-magnitude and PM information. The average PM is consistent with the existing model of the Orphan Stream by Newberg et al. In addition to the Orphan Stream stars, we detect stars that likely belong to other stellar streams. To identify which stellar streams these stars belong to, we examine the 2d bulk motion of each group of stars on the sky by subtracting the PM contribution of the solar motion (which is a function of position on the sky and distance) from the observed PMs, and comparing the vector of net motion with the spatial extent of known stellar streams. By doing this, we identify candidate stars in the Sagittarius and Lethe streams, and a newly found stellar stream at a distance of similar to 17 kpc, which we tentatively name the "Parallel Stream." Together with our Sagittarius stream study, this work demonstrates that even in the Gaia era, HST will continue to be advantageous in measuring PMs of old stellar populations on a star-by-star basis, especially for distances beyond similar to 10 kpc.

Post asymptotic giant branch and central stars of planetary nebulae in the Galactic halo

Weston, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Post asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) stars, central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPNe) and planetary nebulae (PNe) are important phases of stellar evolution as the material they feedback is the seed of subsequent star formation in a galaxy. The majority of low and intermediate mass stars are expected to evolve through these channels, however, it is uncertain how many actually do, and at what rate. The Galactic halo, with its older population, provides a direct test of evolutionary models for low mass stars. Birthrate estimates of PNe are uncertain and worse still, are in contradiction with accepted white dwarf (WD) birthrate estimates. Much of the uncertainty stems from the lack of complete samples and poorly determined distance estimates. New surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), Galaxy Evolutionary Ex- plorer (GALEX) and the INT Photometric H® Survey (IPHAS) have discovered many new PNe and have observed the far edges of the Galaxy. Improved methods of determining distances to CSPNe are presented here, using model atmospheres, evolutionary tracks and high resolution reddening maps utilising these revolution- ary surveys. Locating the CSPN is non-trivial particularly for evolved PNe, as they are ex- tended with their central star often displaced from the centre of the nebula. There- fore, photometric criteria are required to locate the CSPN in the nebula’s field. Synthetic photometry of the CSPNe is derived from spectral energy distributions (SEDs) computed from a grid of model atmospheres covering the parameter range of CSPNe. The SEDs are convolved with filter transmission curves to compute synthetic magnitudes for a given photometric system which are then calibrated with standard stars and WDs. A further project borne out of a search for luminous central stars of faint PNe, resulted in a systematic search for post-AGB stars in the Galactic halo. In this work, new candidate halo post-AGB stars are discovered from a search through the SDSS spectroscopic database. Combined with previously identified halo post- AGB stars, including the results of a sub-sample from the Palomar-Green (PG) survey, the number of observed and predicted populations are compared. The number of observed post-AGB candidates shows a remarkable deficit to expecta- tions. A survey within a subset of the photometric database of SDSS supports the findings of the PG and SDSS spectroscopic surveys. These findings provide strong evidence for a lack of post-AGB stars in the Galac- tic halo and thick disc. A plausible explanation is that a large fraction of stars in these old, metal-poor populations are evolving via alternative channels. The implications of such a result are far reaching with knock on effects for stellar evolutionary theory, galactic evolution and extragalactic redshift estimates.

The Milky Way's dwarf satellite galaxies in [L]CDM: orbital ellipticities and internal structure

Barber, Christopher 01 May 2014 (has links)
Current models of cosmology and galaxy formation are possibly at odds with observations of small-scale galaxies. Such is the case for the dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies of the Milky Way (MW), where tension exists in explaining their observed abundance, mass, and internal structure. Here we present an analysis of the substructure surrounding MW-sized haloes in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) simulation suite. Combined with a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution, we identify substructures that are expected to host dSph galaxies similar to the satellites of the MW. We subsequently use these simulations to investigate the orbital properties of dSph satellite galaxies to make contact with those orbiting the MW. After accretion into the main halo, the higher mass ``luminous'' substructure remains on highly radial orbits while the orbits of lower mass substructure, which are not expected to host stars, tend to scatter off of the luminous substructure, and thus circularize over time. The orbital ellipticity distribution of the luminous substructure shows little dependence on the mass or formation history of the main halo, making this distribution a robust prediction of LCDM. Through comparison with the ellipticity distribution computed from the positions and velocities of the nine MW dSph galaxies that currently have proper motion estimates as a function of the assumed MW mass, we present a novel means of estimating the virial mass of the Milky Way. The best match is obtained assuming a mass of 1.1 x 10^12 M_sun with 95 per cent confidence limits of (0.6 - 3.1) x 10^12 M_sun. The uncertainty in this estimate is dominated by the large uncertainties in the proper motions and small number of MW satellites used, and will improve significantly with better proper motion measurements from Gaia. We also measure the shape of the gravitational potential of subhaloes likely to host dSphs, down to radii comparable to the half-light radii of MW dSphs. Field haloes are triaxial in general, while satellite haloes become more spherical over time due to tidal interactions with the host. Thus through the determination of the shape of a MW dSph's gravitational potential via line of sight velocity measurements, one could in principle deduce the impact of past tidal interactions with the MW, and thus determine its dynamical history. Additionally, luminous subhaloes experience a radial alignment of their major axes with the direction to the host halo over time, caused by tidal torquing with the host's gravitational potential during close pericentric passages. This effect is seen at all radii, even down to the half-light radii of the satellites. Radial alignment must be taken into account when calibrating weak-lensing surveys which often assume isotropic orientations of satellite galaxies surrounding host galaxies and clusters. / Graduate / 0606

The Milky Way's dwarf satellite galaxies in [L]CDM: orbital ellipticities and internal structure

Barber, Christopher 01 May 2014 (has links)
Current models of cosmology and galaxy formation are possibly at odds with observations of small-scale galaxies. Such is the case for the dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies of the Milky Way (MW), where tension exists in explaining their observed abundance, mass, and internal structure. Here we present an analysis of the substructure surrounding MW-sized haloes in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) simulation suite. Combined with a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution, we identify substructures that are expected to host dSph galaxies similar to the satellites of the MW. We subsequently use these simulations to investigate the orbital properties of dSph satellite galaxies to make contact with those orbiting the MW. After accretion into the main halo, the higher mass ``luminous'' substructure remains on highly radial orbits while the orbits of lower mass substructure, which are not expected to host stars, tend to scatter off of the luminous substructure, and thus circularize over time. The orbital ellipticity distribution of the luminous substructure shows little dependence on the mass or formation history of the main halo, making this distribution a robust prediction of LCDM. Through comparison with the ellipticity distribution computed from the positions and velocities of the nine MW dSph galaxies that currently have proper motion estimates as a function of the assumed MW mass, we present a novel means of estimating the virial mass of the Milky Way. The best match is obtained assuming a mass of 1.1 x 10^12 M_sun with 95 per cent confidence limits of (0.6 - 3.1) x 10^12 M_sun. The uncertainty in this estimate is dominated by the large uncertainties in the proper motions and small number of MW satellites used, and will improve significantly with better proper motion measurements from Gaia. We also measure the shape of the gravitational potential of subhaloes likely to host dSphs, down to radii comparable to the half-light radii of MW dSphs. Field haloes are triaxial in general, while satellite haloes become more spherical over time due to tidal interactions with the host. Thus through the determination of the shape of a MW dSph's gravitational potential via line of sight velocity measurements, one could in principle deduce the impact of past tidal interactions with the MW, and thus determine its dynamical history. Additionally, luminous subhaloes experience a radial alignment of their major axes with the direction to the host halo over time, caused by tidal torquing with the host's gravitational potential during close pericentric passages. This effect is seen at all radii, even down to the half-light radii of the satellites. Radial alignment must be taken into account when calibrating weak-lensing surveys which often assume isotropic orientations of satellite galaxies surrounding host galaxies and clusters. / Graduate / 0606

Disentangling the Galactic Halo with APOGEE. I. Chemical and Kinematical Investigation of Distinct Metal-poor Populations

Hayes, Christian R., Majewski, Steven R., Shetrone, Matthew, Fernández-Alvar, Emma, Prieto, Carlos Allende, Schuster, William J., Carigi, Leticia, Cunha, Katia, Smith, Verne V., Sobeck, Jennifer, Almeida, Andres, Beers, Timothy C., Carrera, Ricardo, Fernández-Trincado, J. G., García-Hernández, D. A., Geisler, Doug, Lane, Richard R., Lucatello, Sara, Matthews, Allison M., Minniti, Dante, Nitschelm, Christian, Tang, Baitian, Tissera, Patricia B., Zamora, Olga 05 January 2018 (has links)
We find two chemically distinct populations separated relatively cleanly in the [Fe/H]-[Mg/Fe] plane, but also distinguished in other chemical planes, among metal-poor stars (primarily with metallicities [Fe/H] < -0.9) observed by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) and analyzed for Data Release 13 (DR13) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These two stellar populations show the most significant differences in their [X/Fe] ratios for the alpha-elements, C+N, Al, and Ni. In addition to these populations having differing chemistry, the low metallicity high-Mg population (which we denote "the HMg population") exhibits a significant net Galactic rotation, whereas the low-Mg population (or "the LMg population") has halo-like kinematics with little to no net rotation. Based on its properties, the origin of the LMg population is likely an accreted population of stars. The HMg population shows chemistry (and to an extent kinematics) similar to the thick disk, and is likely associated with in situ formation. The distinction between the LMg and HMg populations mimics the differences between the populations of low-and high-a halo stars found in previous studies, suggesting that these are samples of the same two populations.

Space Motions of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Draco and Sculptor Based on HST Proper Motions with a ∼10 yr Time Baseline

Sohn, Sangmo Tony, Patel, Ekta, Besla, Gurtina, van der Marel, Roeland P., Bullock, James S., Strigari, Louis E., van de Ven, Glenn, Walker, Matt G., Bellini, Andrea 06 November 2017 (has links)
We present new proper motion (PM) measurements of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) Draco and Sculptor using multiepoch images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC. Our PM results have uncertainties far lower than previous measurements, even those made with the same instrument. The PM results for Draco and Sculptor are (mu(W),mu(N))(Dra) = (-0.0562 +/- 0.0099, -0.1765 +/- 0.0100 mas yr(-1) and (mu(W), mu(N) )(Scl) = (-0.0296 +/- 0.0209, 0.1358 +/- 0.0214 mas yr(-1)) -1. The implied Galactocentric velocity vectors for Draco and Sculptor have radial and tangential components: (V-rad, V-tan)(Dra) =(-88.6, 161.4) +/- (4.4, 5.6) km s(-1) and (V-rad, V-tan )(Scl) = (72.6, 200.2)+/-(1.3, 10.8) km s(-1). We study the detailed orbital histories of both Draco and Sculptor via numerical orbit integrations. Orbital periods of Draco and Sculptor are found to be 1-2 Gyr and 2-5 Gyr, respectively, accounting for uncertainties in the Milky Way (MW) mass. We also study the influence of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) on the orbits of Draco and Sculptor. Overall, the inclusion of the LMC increases the scatter in the orbital results. Based on our calculations, Draco shows a rather wide range of orbital parameters depending on the MW mass and inclusion/exclusion of the LMC, but Sculptor's orbit is very well constrained, with its most recent pericentric approach to the MW being 0.3-0.4 Gyr ago. Our new PMs imply that the orbital trajectories of both Draco and Sculptor are confined within the " Disk of Satellites," better so than implied by earlier PM measurements, and likely rule out the possibility that these two galaxies were accreted together as part of a tightly bound group.

High-Velocity Cloud Complex C: Galactic Fuel or Galactic Waste?

Gibson, Brad K., Giroux, Mark L., Penton, Steven V., Stocke, John T., Shull, J. Michael, Tumlinson, Jason 01 December 2001 (has links)
We present HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph observations of five quasi stellar objects that probe the prominent high-velocity cloud (HVC) Complex C, covering ∼10% of the northern sky. Based upon a single sight-line measurement (Mrk 290), a metallicity [S/H] = -1.05 ± 0.12 has been associated with Complex C by Wakker et al. When coupled with its inferred distance (5 ≲ d ≲ 30 kpc) and line-of-sight velocity (v ∼ -100 to -200 km s-1), Complex C appeared to represent the first direct evidence for infalling low-metallicity gas onto the Milky Way, which could provide the bulk of the fuel for star formation in the Galaxy. We have extended the abundance analysis of Complex C to encompass five sight lines. We detect S n absorption in three targets (Mrk 290, 817, and 279); the resulting [S II/H I] values range from -0.36 (Mrk 279) to -0.48 (Mrk 817) to -1.10 (Mrk 290). Our preliminary O I FUSE analysis of the Mrk 817 sight line also supports the conclusion that metallicities as high as 0.3 times solar are encountered within Complex C. These results complicate an interpretation of Complex C as infalling low-metallicity Galactic fuel. Ionization corrections for H II and S III cannot easily reconcile the higher apparent metallicities along the Mrk 817 and Mrk 279 sight lines with that seen toward Mrk 290, since Hα emission measures preclude the existence of sufficient H II. If gas along the other lines of sight has a similar pressure and temperature to that sampled toward Mrk 290, the predicted Hα emission measures would be ∼900 mR. It may be necessary to reclassify Complex C as mildly enriched Galactic waste from the Milky Way or processed gas torn from a disrupted neighboring dwarf, as opposed to low-metallicity Galactic fuel.

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