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Digital Game Based Learning am Beispiel der Programmierung in der Unity Engine: Entwicklung eines Simulationsspiels für das Erlernen der Unity-spezifischen ProgrammierparadigmenSchiller, Vincent 21 April 2020 (has links)
In einer Zeit der Digitalisierung nimmt die Relevanz des Programmierens in Entwicklungsumgebungen wie Unity immer mehr zu. Zeitgleich werden Game Based Learning Anwendungen immer häufiger zum Erlernen neuer Inhalte eingesetzt. Solche Anwendungen sind für viele Programmiersprachen zu finden, allerdings gibt es kein einziges, frei zugängliches Produkt, das als Unity-Programmierspiel bezeichnet werden kann, welches anhand einer zusammenhängenden Story und eines klar definierten, roten Fadens Unity-spezifische Lerninhalte vermittelt.
Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, ein Simulationsspiel für das Erlernen der Unity-spezifischen Programmierparadigmen zu entwickeln. Dazu wird die folgende Forschungsfrage gestellt: „Wie kann eine Digital Game Based Learning Anwendung zum Erlernen der Programmierung in der Unity-Engine gestaltet werden, sodass sie benutzerfreundlich, motivierend und erweiterbar ist?“
Um diese zu beantworten, wurden zehn User Experience Tests zur Evaluierung des jeweiligen Entwicklungsstadiums durchgeführt, wobei die Probanden bei ihrem Umgang mit der Anwendung beobachtet und nach ihrer User Experience befragt wurden. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde die Anwendung iterativ verbessert und weiterentwickelt.
Das dabei entstandene Ergebnis zeichnet sich in seiner Benutzerfreundlichkeit vor allem durch die Nutzung bereits zielgruppenbasiert bekannter Funktionalitäten, Reiz-Reduzierung, der Vorbeugung von Missverständnissen, ausführliche Feedbacks auf Fehler, genauen Erklärungen der Features und barrierefreie Lösungen aus. Die Motivationsgestaltung der entwickelten Anwendung basiert zum einen auf einer emotionalen Bindung zwischen dem Spieler und der Story/Spielfigur, sowie dem Ehrgeiz, sich ständig zu verbessern und zu überbieten. Entscheidend für die Erweiterbarkeit war es, die Anwendung, welche von Unity-spezifischer Programmierung handelt, auch in der Unity-Engine zu entwickeln. Automatisierungen und die Vereinheitlichung von Spielzielen, sowie die Eindämmung von Fehlerquellen hatten bei der Entwicklung der Anwendung eine hohe Relevanz.
Dies zeigt einen möglichen Weg, wie eine solche, in diesem Kontext bisher einzigartige Digital Game Based Learning Anwendung gestaltet sein kann und ist Grundlage für weitere Forschungen, die insbesondere den möglichen Lernerfolg untersuchen sollten.:0. Einleitung
0.0 Motivation
0.1 Zielsetzung, Methodik und Aufbau
1. Grundlagen
1.0 Begriffserklärungen
1.0.0 Spiel (engl. ‚Game‘)
1.0.1 (Digital) Lernen
1.0.2 (Digital) Game Based Learning
1.0.3 Gamification
1.0.4 Serious Game
1.0.5 (Game) Flow
1.0.6 (Game) User Experience
1.1 Unity und C#
1.1.0 Unity
1.1.1 C#
1.2 Neurologische Grundlagen nach Celia Hodent
1.2.0 Wahrnehmung
1.2.1 Erinnerung
1.2.2 Aufmerksamkeit
1.2.3 Motivation
1.2.4 Emotion
2. Programmieren lernen am Beispiel von Unity
2.0 Motivation
2.1 Methoden
2.1.0 Suchmaschinen und Foren
2.1.1 Videos
2.1.2 Bücher
2.1.3 Unterricht
2.1.4 Digitale Spiele
3. Analyse vorhandener GBL-Konzepte
3.0 Pony Island
3.1 SQL Island
3.2 SoloLearn
3.3 Swift Playgrounds
3.4 CodinGame
3.5 Zusammenfassung
4. Zwischenfazit
5. Eigenes Spielkonzept ‚ENC#YPTED‘
5.0 Zielgruppe
5.1 Lernziele
5.2 Story
5.3 Design
5.4 Features
5.5 Technische Umsetzung
5.6 Genutzte Ressourcen und Programme
6. Umsetzung des eigenen Spiels
6.0 Prototyp V1 – Grundfunktionalitäten
6.1 Prototyp V2 - Erweiterungen
6.2 Prototyp V3 - UX-Tests
6.2.0 UX-Test #1 vom 13.11.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #2)
6.2.1 UX-Test #2 vom 27.11.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #3)
6.2.2 UX-Test #3 vom 06.12.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #4)
6.2.3 UX-Test #4 vom 11.12.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #5)
6.2.4 UX-Test #5 vom 12.12.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #6)
6.2.5 UX-Test #6 vom 25.12.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #7)
6.2.6 UX-Test #7 vom 31.12.2019 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #8)
6.2.7 UX-Test #8 vom 06.01.2020
6.2.8 UX-Test #9 vom 09.01.2020 (Entwicklung bis UX-Test #10)
6.2.9 UX-Test #10 vom 06.02.2020 (Entwicklung bis 10.02.2020)
7. Fazit
7.0 Entwicklungsausblick
7.1 Reflexion
8. Anhang
8.0 UX-Tests
8.1 Unity Foren Beiträge
8.2 Source Code Auszug
8.3 Selbstständigkeitserklärung
I. Literaturverzeichnis
II. Abbildungsverzeichnis
III. Tabellenverzeichnis
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Upplevelserikt och interaktivt lärande om odling : VR-spel med förmågan att undervisa praktisk skötsel av grödor och blommorKesten, Erik, Chaipetch, Sen January 2023 (has links)
I detta kandidatarbete kommer vi att utforska och diskutera Virtual Reality (VR) som ett verktyg för lärande. Undersökningen prövar sig mot kontinuerliga speltester såväl som enkäter vars frågor om spelar- och läroupplevelse tar inspiration från Player Experience Inventory (PXI). Således kan vi mäta och skapa förståelse för de positiva- respektive negativa aspekterna kring spelutvecklingen. Den frågeställning som vi utgått ifrån är följande: “Hur kan man lära ut odling i en VR miljö?”. I samband med inflationen och att många vänder sig till odling för att göra det billigare i mån om matutgifter, har vi valt att gestalta ett VR odlings spel för nybörjare med fokus på att lära ut samt få erfarenhet till ämnet. Tillsammans med strategier från termerna Serious Games, Game-based learning och Gamification vill vi undersöka att balansera dessa för att utforma ett lärorikt såväl som roligt medium att utnyttja. Utifrån den här undersökningen vill vi uppmärksamma om VR och dess potential som läromedel, då genom att återskapa olika fält går det att utbilda samt generera erfarenhet hos användarna. / In this bachelor project, we are going to explore and discuss Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool for learning. The study is tested against continuous play tests as well as questionnaires with questions about player- and learning experience take inspiration from the Player Experience Inventory (PXI). Hence, we can measure and create an understanding of the positive and negative aspects of game development. The question we examined was the following: "How can you teach cultivation in a VR environment?". In connection to the inflation and the fact that many people are turning to cultivation to slow down their food expenses, we have chosen to create a VR cultivation game for beginners with a focus on teaching and gaining experience regarding the subject. Along with strategies from the terms Serious Games, Game-based learning and Gamification, we want to explore the balancing of these concepts to design an educational as well as fun medium to be utilized. Based on this survey, we want to draw attention to VR and its potential as a tool for learning, as by recreating different fields it is possible to educate and generate experience to the users. / Virtuell lantbruksodling med fokus på interaktivitet och immersivitet
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Security awareness of computer users : a game based learning approachGamagedara Arachchilage, Nalin Asanka January 2012 (has links)
The research reported in this thesis focuses on developing a framework for game design to protect computer users against phishing attacks. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to understand the research domain, support the proposed research work and identify the research gap to fulfil the contribution to knowledge. Two studies and one theoretical design were carried out to achieve the aim of this research reported in this thesis. A quantitative approach was used in the first study while engaging both quantitative and qualitative approaches in the second study. The first study reported in this thesis was focused to investigate the key elements that should be addressed in the game design framework to avoid phishing attacks. The proposed game design framework was aimed to enhance the user avoidance behaviour through motivation to thwart phishing attack. The results of this study revealed that perceived threat, safeguard effectiveness, safeguard cost, self-efficacy, perceived severity and perceived susceptibility elements should be incorporated into the game design framework for computer users to avoid phishing attacks through their motivation. The theoretical design approach was focused on designing a mobile game to educate computer users against phishing attacks. The elements of the framework were addressed in the mobile game design context. The main objective of the proposed mobile game design was to teach users how to identify phishing website addresses (URLs), which is one of many ways of identifying a phishing attack. The mobile game prototype was developed using MIT App inventor emulator. In the second study, the formulated game design framework was evaluated through the deployed mobile game prototype on a HTC One X touch screen smart phone. Then a discussion is reported in this thesis investigating the effectiveness of the developed mobile game prototype compared to traditional online learning to thwart phishing threats. Finally, the research reported in this thesis found that the mobile game is somewhat effective in enhancing the user’s phishing awareness. It also revealed that the participants who played the mobile game were better able to identify fraudulent websites compared to the participants who read the website without any training. Therefore, the research reported in this thesis determined that perceived threat, safeguard effectiveness, safeguard cost, self-efficacy, perceived threat and perceived susceptibility elements have a significant impact on avoidance behaviour through motivation to thwart phishing attacks as addressed in the game design framework.
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Samtal i Sweet City : Två andraspråkselevers interaktion i samband med tv-spelsspelande i svenskundervisningen / Conversation in Sweet City : – two L2 pupils’ interaction in connection with video games in Swedish teachingAmbjörnsson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to examine two pupils’ interaction when playing the language learning game Sweet City together on tablet. The game is used for teaching Swedish as a second language and it is designed as an adventure game. Special interest is focused on how the pupils use the opportunities for translating labels into other languages, a function built into the game. Translanguaging, that is, how the pupils’ assembled linguistic resources benefit them in the game, is another focus of the study. The method used was observation, with filming of the pupils´ playing. The material was then analysed with the aid of the Exchange Structure Model. The result showed that playing video games leads to a context-linked conversation with many short exchanges. The pupils are engaged in the game and the cooperation that is required to make progress in it. The pupils take advantage of the potential to translate the game dialogue, but the concrete consequences of that are not clearly detectable.
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The purpose of this study was to explore the variables that might affect the learning outcomes of a serious game for disaster preparedness. Literature review in the field has revealed a number of variables that might have effects on the learning outcome with serious games, including: prior knowledge, in game guidance, gaming frequency, and playing skills. However, there has been no study on the relationships and effects between the types of knowledge (i.e., declarative, or procedural) used in serious games and the intended learning outcomes. Using disaster preparedness as a learning context, this study examines the two types of knowledge: (1) declarative (i.e., learners’ ability to retain facts and information), and (2) procedural knowledge (learners’ ability to perform actions and procedures), and their relationships with the learning outcomes of a serious game. The research question was: “To what extent do: prior knowledge, in-game guidance, and gaming frequency, predict the learning outcomes, in the forms of declarative and procedural knowledge of a disaster preparedness serious game?”
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Impact of Gamification on Student Engagement in Graduate Medical StudiesAndriamiarisoa, Ralai 01 January 2018 (has links)
Rapid technological advances have created major societal changes, transformed business sectors, and revolutionized enterprises. In contrast, the curricular structure of medical education has remained unchanged for the last 100 years, and, for the most part, medical education has been reluctant to embrace the use of technology. The prevalent pedagogical model is reliant on rote memorization. The conceptual framework that informed this study was the user-centered framework for meaningful gamification. This framework's components are organismic integration theory, situational relevance, situated motivational affordance, and the universal design for learning. This quantitative study focused on key research questions related to identifying whether significant increases occurred over time in cooperative learning, cognitive level, and personal skills 'the dependent variables' when using a gamified learning method-the independent variable. The validated Student Engagement Survey was used to collect data from second-year medical students in a Southern California medical school, with N = 64. A repeated measures MANOVA with follow-up univariate ANOVAs was used, and statistical results indicated that there were significant differences over time in cooperative learning, cognitive level, and personal skills when using gamified learning methods. This research was conducted over a period of 3 months, divided into 3 Time Periods (TP). For all three variables, significant increases were noticed between TP 1 and TP 2, followed by significant decreases between TP 2 and TP 3. These findings pointed to the fact that more studies are needed to better understand whether certain types of gamification implementations are detrimental to student engagement in medical education, or whether more sound design principles ought to be explored to produce effective gamified learning components that could positively impact student engagement in medical education.
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Martian Boneyards: Sustained Scientific Inquiry in a Social Digital GameAsbell-Clarke, Jordis Jodi 05 January 2012 (has links)
Social digital gaming is an explosive phenomenon where youth and adults are engaged in inquiry for the sake of fun. The complexity of learning evidenced in social digital games is attracting the attention of educators. Martian Boneyards is a proof-of-concept game designed to study how a community of voluntary gamers can be enticed to engage in sustained, high-quality scientific inquiry. Science educators and game designers worked together to create an educational game with the polish and intrigue of a professional-level game, striving to attract a new audience to scientific inquiry. Martian Boneyards took place in the high-definition, massively multiplayer online environment, Blue Mars, where players spent an average of 30 hours in the game over the 4-month implementation period, with some exceeding 200 hours. Most of the players’ time was spent in scientific inquiry activities and about 30% of the players’ in-game interactions were in the analysis and theory-building phases of inquiry. Female players conducted most of the inquiry, in particular analysis and theory building. The quality of scientific inquiry processes, which included extensive information gathering by players, and the resulting content were judged to be very good by a team of independent scientists. This research suggests that a compelling storyline, a highly aesthetic environment, and the emergent social bonds among players and between players and the characters played by designers were all responsible for sustaining high quality inquiry among gamers in this free-choice experience. The gaming environment developed for Martian Boneyards is seen as an evolving ecosystem with interactions among design, players’ activity, and players’ progress.
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Martian Boneyards: Sustained Scientific Inquiry in a Social Digital GameAsbell-Clarke, Jordis Jodi 05 January 2012 (has links)
Social digital gaming is an explosive phenomenon where youth and adults are engaged in inquiry for the sake of fun. The complexity of learning evidenced in social digital games is attracting the attention of educators. Martian Boneyards is a proof-of-concept game designed to study how a community of voluntary gamers can be enticed to engage in sustained, high-quality scientific inquiry. Science educators and game designers worked together to create an educational game with the polish and intrigue of a professional-level game, striving to attract a new audience to scientific inquiry. Martian Boneyards took place in the high-definition, massively multiplayer online environment, Blue Mars, where players spent an average of 30 hours in the game over the 4-month implementation period, with some exceeding 200 hours. Most of the players’ time was spent in scientific inquiry activities and about 30% of the players’ in-game interactions were in the analysis and theory-building phases of inquiry. Female players conducted most of the inquiry, in particular analysis and theory building. The quality of scientific inquiry processes, which included extensive information gathering by players, and the resulting content were judged to be very good by a team of independent scientists. This research suggests that a compelling storyline, a highly aesthetic environment, and the emergent social bonds among players and between players and the characters played by designers were all responsible for sustaining high quality inquiry among gamers in this free-choice experience. The gaming environment developed for Martian Boneyards is seen as an evolving ecosystem with interactions among design, players’ activity, and players’ progress.
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The Effect of Game-feedback and Peer-interaction on Learning Outcome and Intention of UseChen, Li-Ling 12 August 2012 (has links)
With the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), researchers have been engaging in exploring the potential of ICTs on educational settings. Game-based learning is an application of ICTs for improving learning performance. Simulation-based learning games are usually developed to create virtual worlds where learners can learn by solving the problems in relation to the real world. However, there are still many subjects which are difficult to be developed as simulation-based learning games; in order to provide the entertainment element for those kind of subjects, this study attempted to design non-simulation learning games instead. Two learning support mechanisms were proposed and examined in this study. One is game-feedback which provides useful information for learners to engage in further learning after the game stage. The other is peer-interaction which constructs an environment to facilitate learners interacting among each other. An experiment was conducted with a total of 80 students enrolled in Computer Networks course. The results show that the mechanism of peer-interaction has a significantly positive effect on learning performance, and the mechanism of game-feedback has a significantly positive effect on the intention toward using the developed system for their further learning. Based on the findings, implications on theoretical and practical aspects were discussed for further research directions and practical applications.
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El Mundo de Comida : the relative effectiveness of digital game feedback and classroom feedback in helping students learn Spanish food vocabularyWendorf, Arthur Herman II 16 January 2015 (has links)
Feedback has been defined as “helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product, etc.” (Merriam-Webster, 2014) Within the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) researchers have shown that language learners acquire languages best when they are provided with feedback (Gass & Selinker, 2008; Loewen, 2012). Because of the importance of feedback to the language learning process, there is an ongoing line of investigation that seeks to determine whether differences in how and when feedback is provided lead to different results in acquisition (Loewen, 2012). To date this research has primarily been focused on comparing the effectiveness of the different types of feedback that naturally occur within language classrooms, as identified by such classic studies as Lyster and Ranta (1997; Bargiela, 2003). However, there are other possible approaches to feedback than those that naturally occur within the language classroom. One of these alternatives is the approach to feedback used in digital games. Similar to what is found in the field of SLA, within the field of digital game research it has been established that feedback is important for successful learning (Schell, 2008). Nevertheless, to date no research has been conducted which compares the SLA approach to feedback and the digital game approach to feedback in order to determine which would lead to better language acquisition within a digital game. Answering this question is the goal of the present dissertation. In order to answer this question I created two versions of a digital game, called “Mundo de Comida” (MuCo) ‘World of Food’, which is designed to help novice Spanish learners acquire food vocabulary. One version of the game employs feedback strategies based on the most commonly employed feedback used in Spanish language classes, while the other uses feedback designed according to the most commonly used feedback mechanisms in commercial digital games. A comparison of the vocabulary gains according to feedback type allows us to see which type of feedback seems to help learners of Spanish acquire vocabulary within the context of MuCo. The findings indicate that MuCo does indeed help participants acquire food vocabulary. However, there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of the two different feedback types, which is likely due to the fact that both feedback types have been refined within their respective environments. Nevertheless, there is evidence to suggest that participants found the game that contained the digital game-style feedback to be more game-like than the other version. It was also found that, for several participants, MuCo did motivate them in the sense that they played more of the game than was required. Finally, there was no significant effect found for the participants’ self-reported gaming habits, personalities, or motivation. These findings suggest that well-designed digital games can help learners acquire Spanish vocabulary, and that the impact of differences among participants is negligible when the game is well designed. / text
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