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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faunística, ecologia i gestió dels heteròpters del Parc Natural del Garraf

Gessé Solé, Francesc 04 March 2005 (has links)
S'ha fet un estudi faunístic i ecològic dels heteròpters de quatre comunitats vegetals (prat sec, brolla, garriga i alzinar) del Parc Natural del Garraf.Per a cada comunitat vegetal s'han triat tres parcel·les. La presa de mostres s'ha fet mensualment durant els anys 1999, 2000 i 2001, de forma sistematitzada i estratificada sobre la vegetació, en relació al recobriment de cada espècie vegetal. De les 77 espècies trobades, 38 són noves citacions de l'àrea d'estudi, entre les quals destaquen una espècie nova per la ciència, el mírid Orthotylus (Pinocapsus) gemmae Gessé & Goula 2003, el microfísid Loricula ruficeps (Reuter, 1884) que constitueix la segona citació ibèrica, i el pentatòmid Sciocoris maculatus Fieber1851, que és la segona citació de Catalunya. De cada espècie s'indica la seva fenologia i les plantes hoste on s'han trobat. També s'analitzen biogeogràficament les biocenosi d'heteròpters.Es descriu l'estructura i dinàmica de les comunitats d'heteròpters en base a una sèrie d'índexs (densitat, riquesa específica, diversitat, abundància relativa, freqüència, índex de similitud). Excepte a la garriga, les comunitats vegetals presenten una espècie d'heteròpter que domina molt sobre les altres, es tracta de Tingis trichonota (Puton, 1874) al prat sec, Compsidolon crotchi (Scott, 1870) a la brolla i Closterotomus trivialis (Costa, 1852) a l'alzinar. S'estudien també diferents aspectes sobre la relació dels heteròpters amb les seves plantes hoste i sobre el seu règim alimentari. Es constata que cada comunitat d'heteròpters és específica de cada comunitat vegetal de procedència i presenta unes espècies característiques pròpies.Finalment es proposa un protocol de gestió ambiental basat en la prospecció de les plantes i en els mesos on s'han recol·lectat les espècies d'heteròpters característiques de cada comunitat vegetal, que podrien comportar-se com a possibles indicadores de les alteracions del medi.

Structure of an Anuran community in a Mediterranean area

Richter Boix, Alexander 20 January 2006 (has links)
The thesis research concerned evolutionary ecology and community ecology of amphibians in two different areas of a Mediterranean region. The goal of the research was to test how anuran species coexist along a lentic freshwater gradient from ephemeral to permanent ponds. The community structure across the gradient has been explained by different ecological models, based on different trade-offs and inherent properties of the species. To test the different models he used four-year field surveys of communities to characterise pond-breeding habitats (with respect to temporariness, predator abundance and competitor abundance) and to evaluate the dynamics and spatial structures of the metacommunity. He also designed lab experiments to quantify species traits and phenotypic plasticity (life-history, morphological and behavioural traits) in response to different circumstances found in nature: pond drying, presence of invertebrate predators and intra- and interspecific competition. Comparative analysis of phenotypic plasticity traits was made in relation to species ecological breadths (quantified from field surveys) and phylogenetic relationships. In general, species that use a wide variety of habitats or unpredictable environments showed a greater plasticity of responses than those occurring in predictable habitats. At the two extremes of the hydroperiod (ephemeral and permanent ponds) there were specialists with limited plasticity, whereas species from intermediate temporary ponds showed higher levels of plasticity. Results therefore supported the hypothesis that interspecific differences in plasticity are adaptive and are related to ecological breadth and unpredictability of habitat. The correlations among traits of the different species reflected trade-offs suggested by the models (colonisation-competition; predator-permanence gradient; and competition ability-permanence gradient), but correlation coefficients did not favour any single trade-off model over the others. These results suggest that the community studied can be interpreted as a metacommunity in which local interactions and regional processes (colonisation-extinction rates) are related, and they emphasise the importance of habitat heterogeneity for both: local and regional diversity maintenance.

Qualidade da ?gua mineral em garraf?es de 20l no com?rcio varejista de Natal, Brasil / Quality of mineral water in 20l bottles at trade retailer in Natal, Brazil

Medeiros, Fernando Antonio Carneiro de 28 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-13T19:33:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoAntonioCarneiroDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 2991950 bytes, checksum: eee8c3de4a1f772d2055165e33721ba0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-14T19:23:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoAntonioCarneiroDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 2991950 bytes, checksum: eee8c3de4a1f772d2055165e33721ba0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-14T19:23:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoAntonioCarneiroDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 2991950 bytes, checksum: eee8c3de4a1f772d2055165e33721ba0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-28 / O crescimento desordenado dos espa?os urbanos, os consequentes problemas decorrentes da contamina??o dos mananciais de abastecimento p?blico, a preocupa??o das pessoas com uma vida mais saud?vel por meio do consumo de produtos menos cal?ricos e mais naturais levaram a mudan?as de h?bitos que resultaram em um expressivo e crescente consumo de ?gua mineral em todo o mundo. Entretanto, nas ?ltimas d?cadas, v?rios estudos constataram casos de contamina??o das ?guas minerais envasadas por coliformes e outras bact?rias, e altera??es nas propriedades f?sico-qu?micas, resultando na desconformidade com os padr?es de potabilidade e recomenda??es dos ?rg?os de controle, colocando em risco a saude dos consumidores. Dentro desta problem?tica, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade das ?guas minerais naturais envasadas em recipientes de 20 litros, oferecida pelo com?rcio varejista ? popula??o do Munic?pio de Natal, RN, Brasil. Foram colhidas aleatoriamente 64 amostras de recipientes de 20 litros, mediante estratifica??o, nas quatro regi?es administrativas do munic?pio, considerando a listagem oficial de pontos de venda e os n?veis de contamina??o por coliformes totais encontrados em amostra piloto. Os resultados de mais destaque constataram a presen?a Coliformes Totais acima de 1,1 NMP/100mL em 32,81% (?11,8%) dos garraf?es. Aplicados os testes estat?sticos de coeficiente de Pearson e de associa??o qui-quadrado, n?o foram encontradas rela??es entre a contamina??o por Coliformes Totais e: dist?ncia do ponto comercial ? ind?stria; tempo de envase; idade do garraf?o; regi?o administrativa municipal e modo de estocagem. O confronto das informa??es com outro trabalho realizado em 2015 permitiu inferir que existe uma importante via de contamina??o de coliformes fecais entre o ponto de venda no varejo e o copo dos consumidores. / The uncontrolled growth of urban areas, the consequent problems arising from contamination of public drinking water supply sources, people?s concernof a healthier lifestyle, triggering the consumption of consuming less caloric and more natural products led to changes in habits that resulted in a significant and increasing consumption of bottled water around the world. However, in recent decades, many studies began to find cases off bottled mineral water contamination by coliform and other bacteria, as well as changes in physical-chemical properties, resulting in noncompliance with the standards of potability and recommendations fromregulatory bodies, endangering the health of consumers. With that in mind, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of natural mineral water bottled in 20-liter containers, offered by retailers to the population of Natal, RN, Brazil. 64 random samples were taken by stratification in the four administrative regions of the city, considering the official points of salelist and contamination levels for total coliforms found in the pilot sample. The results of more prominent found contamination by total coliforms in 32.81% (? 11.8%) of bottles. Statistical tests of Pearson's coefficient and chi-square association applied found no correlation between total coliforms presence and: distance between points of sale and manufacturers; time of bottling; bottle age; municipal administrative region or storage mode. The comparison of information with another work done in 2015 allowed us to infer that there is an important route of contamination of fecal coliforms between the point of sale in retail and the glass of consumers.

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