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Aproveitamento de resíduos da indústria alimentícia e nutracêutica no desenvolvimento de ingredientes ativos para aplicação em filmes biodegradáveisCrizel, Tainara de Moraes January 2017 (has links)
Diariamente são descartados no mundo toneladas de resíduos do processamento de frutas que poderiam ser aproveitados pelo seu elevado poder nutricional e funcional, que acabam sendo desperdiçados e podem gerar sérios problemas ao meio ambiente. Outro descarte inadequado que agrava esse problema ambiental é o de embalagens plásticas, que quando não submetidas ao processo de reciclagem trazem enormes danos. Por esses fatores, esse estudo teve como objetivo o aproveitamento de subprodutos da indústria de alimentos para o desenvolvimento de farinhas funcionais e aproveitamento dos resíduos da indústria de capsulas nutracêuticas de gelatina e óleo de chia como matriz para as embalagens biodegradáveis ativas. A quitosana também foi utilizada como matriz no desenvolvimento de filmes aplicados como embalagens. Primeiramente foram avaliados quatro resíduos obtidos de diferentes frutas: resíduo do processamento de suco de mirtilo (bagaço), resíduo do processamento de azeite de oliva (bagaço), cascas de mamão e abacaxi. As propriedades físico químicas, funcionais e antioxidantes desses resíduos foram analisadas, sendo que no geral todos demonstraram alto teor de fibras dietéticas. Em relação às propriedades funcionais a farinha de mamão se destacou pelos elevados valores de capacidade de retenção de água e óleo, pela alta solubilidade e maiores teores de carotenoides (15,56 ± 0,35 mg/100g). A farinha de mirtilo foi a que apresentou o maior poder antioxidante pelo método DPPH (4,62 ± 0,18 IC50 em mg de farinha) e maior teor de compostos fenólicos (23,59 ± 0.85 mg/g GAE), além disso exibiu alto teor de antocianinas. Devido a estas propriedades, a farinha e o extrato do resíduo de mirtilo foram incorporados à gelatina do resíduo do processamento de cápsulas nutracêuticas de óleo de chia para o desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis ativos. Os filmes foram avaliados em relação as suas propriedades mecânicas, de barreira ao vapor da água e luz UV, capacidade antioxidante e aplicação como embalagem em produtos alimentícios. Os resultados sugeriram que a adição de fibras promoveu uma diminuição da resistência à tração e aumento na permeabilidade ao vapor da água. No entanto, a adição de fibra também proporcionou um aumento significativo na barreira de luz UV a 500 nm, sendo eficaz na redução da oxidação lipídica de óleo de girassol. Os filmes com adição de extrato não exibiram alteração nas propriedades mecânicas ou de barreira em comparação com a formulação controle. Além disso, estes filmes exibiram capacidade antioxidante estável por 28 dias. Filmes desenvolvidos com a farinha de mamão e resíduos de gelatina apresentaram comportamento similar aos filmes com resíduos de mirtilo, já que a farinha de mamão também alterou algumas propriedades originais do filme como as propriedades mecânicas e de barreira, e agregaram poder antioxidante. Com o objetivo de melhorar essas propriedades foram então desenvolvidas micropartículas de farinha de casca de mamão em spray drying utilizando o resíduo de gelatina como material de parede. Os resultados indicaram que as micropartículas de casca de mamão ao serem adicionadas na gelatina originaram uma matriz de filme mais contínua e homogênea com aumento da resistência à tração e do módulo de Young. Os filmes com micropartículas (7,5%), quando aplicados como material de embalagem para banha de porco, foram os mais eficientes como barreiras ativas (maior atividade antioxidante), pois um menor teor de peróxidos, dienos e trienos conjugados foram quantificados na amostra após 22 dias. A farinha de resíduos da produção de azeite de oliva também foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis, porém o biopolimero utilizado foi a quitosana. A incorporação de farinha de resíduo de oliva na matriz de quitosana também causou alterações na morfologia, tornando o filme mais heterogêneo e áspero. Por esse motivo foram testadas a adição de micropartículas de farinha de oliva nos filmes. A adição de 10% de micropartículas de oliva melhorou significativamente a resistência à tração dos filmes sem alterar as suas propriedades originais. A farinha e as micropartículas de oliva aumentaram a capacidade antioxidante dos filmes, esse aumento foi proporcional à concentração de farinha ou micropartículas adicionadas ao filme. Os filmes com 30% de farinha ou micropartículas foram eficazes como embalagem protetora contra a oxidação de nozes durante 31 dias. A partir dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho fica evidenciado a viabilidade do uso de resíduos da indústria de alimentos e resíduos da indústria de cápsulas nutracêuticas para o desenvolvimento de filmes e uso como embalagens biodegradáveis em diferentes produtos. / Every day tons of fruit processing residues are discarded worldwide that could be harnessed for their high nutritional and functional power and that end up being wasted and generating problems for the environment. Another inadequate disposal that aggravates this environmental problem is the plastic packaging, which when not subjected to the recycling process bring huge damages. Due to these factors, this study aims at the utilization of by-products of the food industry for the development of active biodegradable packaging. Firstly, four residues obtained from different fruits, processing residue of blueberry juice (bagasse), processing residue of olive oil (bagasse), peels of papaya and pineapple were evaluated. The physicochemical, functional and antioxidant properties of these residues were analyzed, and in general, all showed high total dietary fiber content. In relation to the functional properties, papaya flour was distinguished by high water and oil retention capacity, high solubility and higher carotenoid content (15.56 ± 0.35 mg / 100g). The blueberry flour had the highest antioxidant power by the DPPH method (4.62 ± 0.18 IC50 in mg of flour) and a higher content of phenolic compounds (23.59 ± 0.85 mg / g GAE), in addition, it exhibited a high content of anthocyanins. Due to these properties, the flour and extract of the blueberry residue were incorporated into the gelatin from the processing residue of chia oleuroceutical capsules for the development of active biodegradable films for packaging. The films were evaluated in relation to their mechanical properties, water vapor barrier, and UV light, antioxidant capacity and application as packaging in food products. The results suggested that fiber addition promoted a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in water vapor permeability. However, the addition of fiber also provided a significant increase in the UV light barrier at 500 nm being effective in reducing the lipid oxidation of sunflower oil. Films with added extract showed no change in mechanical or barrier properties compared to the control formulation. In addition, these films exhibited a stable antioxidant capacity for 28 days. Films developed with papaya flour and gelatin residues showed similar behavior to films with blueberry residues since papaya flour also altered some of the original properties of the film as mechanical and barrier properties, and added antioxidant power. In order to improve these properties microparticles of papaya peel flour were then developed in spray drying using the gelatin residue as the wall material. The results indicated that the microparticles of papaya peel, when added to gelatin, gave a more continuous and homogeneous film matrix increasing tensile strength and Young's modulus. Microparticles films (7.5%), when applied as packaging material for lard, were the most efficient as active barriers (higher antioxidant activity) because a lower peroxide content was quantified in the sample after 22 days. The residue flour from olive oil production was also used for the development of biodegradable films, but the biopolymer used was chitosan. The incorporation of olive residue flour in the chitosan matrix also caused changes in the morphology, making the film more heterogeneous and rough. For this reason, the addition of olive flour microparticles in the films was tested. The addition of 10% of olive microparticles significantly improved the tensile strength of films without altering their original properties. The flour and the microparticles of olive increased the antioxidant capacity of the films; this increase was proportional to the concentration of flour or micro added to the film. Films with 30% flour or microparticles were effective as protective packaging against Walnut oxidation for 31 days. From the results obtained in this work, it is evident the viability of the use of residues from the food and waste industry of the nutraceutical capsule industry for the development of films and use as biodegradable packaging in different products. Read more
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Physical crosslinking of gelatin : a supramolecular approach to biomaterialsZaupa, Alessandro January 2010 (has links)
This work describes the realization of physically crosslinked networks based on gelatin by the introduction of functional groups enabling specific supramolecular interactions. Molecular models were developed in order to predict the material properties and permit to establish a knowledge-based approach to material design. The effect of additional supramolecular interactions with hydroxyapaptite was then studied in composite materials.
The calculated properties are compared to experimental results to validate the models. The models are then further used for the study of physically crosslinked networks. Gelatin was functionalized with desaminotyrosine (DAT) and desaminotyrosyl-tyrosine (DATT) side groups, derived from the natural amino acid tyrosine. These group can potentially undergo to π-π and hydrogen bonding interactions also under physiological conditions. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed on models with 0.8 wt.-% or 25 wt.-% water content, using the second generation forcefield CFF91. The validation of the models was obtained by the comparison with specific experimental data such as, density, peptide conformational angles and X-ray scattering spectra. The models were then used to predict the supramolecular organization of the polymer chain, analyze the formation of physical netpoints and calculate the mechanical properties. An important finding of simulation was that with the increase of aromatic groups also the number of observed physical netpoints increased. The number of relatively stable physical netpoints, on average zero 0 for natural gelatin, increased to 1 and 6 for DAT and DATT functionalized gelatins respectively. A comparison with the Flory-Rehner model suggested reduced equilibrium swelling by factor 6 of the DATT-functionalized materials in water.
The functionalized gelatins could be synthesized by chemoselective coupling of the free carboxylic acid groups of DAT and DATT to the free amino groups of gelatin. At 25 wt.-% water content, the simulated and experimentally determined elastic mechanical properties (e.g. Young Modulus) were both in the order of GPa and were not influenced by the degree of aromatic modification. The experimental equilibrium degree of swelling in water decreased with increasing the number of inserted aromatic functions (from 2800 vol.-% for pure gelatin to 300 vol.-% for the DATT modified gelatin), at the same time, Young’s modulus, elongation at break, and maximum tensile strength increased.
It could be show that the functionalization with DAT and DATT influences the chain organization of gelatin based materials together with a controlled drying condition. Functionalization with DAT and DATT lead to a drastic reduction of helical renaturation, that could be more finely controlled by the applied drying conditions. The properties of the materials could then be influenced by application of two independent methods.
Composite materials of DAT and DATT functionalized gelatins with hydroxyapatite (HAp) show a drastic reduction of swelling degree. In tensile tests and rheological measurements, the composites equilibrated in water had increased Young’s moduli (from 200 kPa up to 2 MPa) and tensile strength (from 57 kPa up to 1.1 MPa) compared to the natural polymer matrix without affecting the elongation at break.
Furthermore, an increased thermal stability from 40 °C to 85 °C of the networks could be demonstrated. The differences of the behaviour of the functionalized gelatins to pure gelatin as matrix suggested an additional stabilizing bond between the incorporated aromatic groups to the hydroxyapatite. / Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung von durch spezifische physikalische Wechselwirkungen quervernetzten Gelatine-basierten Materialien. Dazu wurden zunächst Computermodelle entwickelt, mit denen Eigenschaften der Materialien vorhergesagt werden sollten, um so eine wissensbasierte Entwicklung zu ermöglichen, um dann die Ergebnisse mit experimentellen Daten zu vergleichen und die Materialien und Modelle als Grundlage für weitere Entwicklungen zu nutzen. Gelatine wurde mit Desaminotyrosin (DAT) und Desaminotyrosyltyrosin (DATT) funktionalisiert, die sich von der natürlichen Aminosäure Tyrosin ableiten. Diese Gruppen können potentiell π-π Wechselwirkungen und Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen auch unter physiologischen Bedingungen eingehen.
Es wurden Computersimulationen der Materialien mittels Moleküldynamik durchgeführt, wobei Modelle mit 0.8 Gew.-% und 25 Gew.-% Wassergehalt betrachtet wurden. Die Validierung der Modelle erfolgte durch Vergleich der errechneten mit experimentellen Daten wie z.B. der Dichte, Bindungswinkeln sowie Röntgenstreuungsspektren. Die Modelle wurden dann zur Vorhersage der molekularen Organisation der Polymerketten, Formierung physikalischer Netzpunkte und Berechnung der mechanischen Eigenschaften eingesetzt. Die Funktionalisierung der Gelatine mit DAT bzw. DATT führten wie gewünscht zur Ausbildung physikalischer Netzpunkte durch π-π Wechselwirkungen und Wasserstoffbrücken¬bindungen. Ein Schlüsselergebnis der Simulationen war, dass mit zunehmender Zahl an aromatischen Gruppen auch eine Zunahme der physikalischen Netzpunkte beobachtet werden konnte. Die funktionalisierten Gelatinen konnten durch chemoselektive Reaktion der Aminogruppen der Gelatine mit den freien Carboxylgruppen von DAT und DATT hergestellt werden. Materialien mit 25 Gew.-% Wassergehalt hatten in der Simulation und im Experiment mechanische Eigenschaften derselben Größenordnung (z.B. E-Moduln im unteren GPa-Bereich). Der Quellungsgrad der Materialien im Experiment nahm mit zunehmender Zahl an aromatische Gruppen ab (von 2800 Vol.-% auf 300 Vol.-%), wobei der Elastizitätsmodul, die Bruchdehnung sowie die Zugfestigkeit zunahmen.
Die Funktionalisierung der Gelatine ist eine chemische Methode, um die Kettenanordnung auf molekularer Ebene zu beeinflussen, während die genaue Kontrolle der Trocknungs¬bedinguungen von Gelatine-basierten Materialien eine physikalische Methode mit demselben Ziel ist. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Funktionalisierung von Gelatine mit DAT oder DATT zu einer stark verminderten Helixausbildungstendenz, die jedoch durch Variation der Trocknunsgbedingungen noch fein abgestimmt werden konnte. Somit konnten die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Filmen aus funktionlisierter Gelatine mit zwei unabhängigen Methoden eingestellt werden.
Komposite der mit DAT oder DATT funktionalisierten Gelatine und Hydroxyapatit (HAp) zeigten deutlich verringerter Quellung. In Zugdehnungsexperimenten und rheologischen Untersuchungen zeigten die Komposite im Gleichgewichtsquellungszustand erhöhte Elastizitätsmoduln (von 200 kPa auf bis zu 2 MPa) und Zugfestigkeit (von 57 kPa auf bis zu 1.1 MPa). Darüber hinaus konnte die Übergangstemperatur Tc deutlich gesteigert werden (von ca. 40 °C auf > 85 °C). Dieses Verhalten ließ sich auf stabilisierende Bindungen zwischen den aromatische Gruppen und dem HAp zurückführen. Read more
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Aproveitamento de resíduos da indústria alimentícia e nutracêutica no desenvolvimento de ingredientes ativos para aplicação em filmes biodegradáveisCrizel, Tainara de Moraes January 2017 (has links)
Diariamente são descartados no mundo toneladas de resíduos do processamento de frutas que poderiam ser aproveitados pelo seu elevado poder nutricional e funcional, que acabam sendo desperdiçados e podem gerar sérios problemas ao meio ambiente. Outro descarte inadequado que agrava esse problema ambiental é o de embalagens plásticas, que quando não submetidas ao processo de reciclagem trazem enormes danos. Por esses fatores, esse estudo teve como objetivo o aproveitamento de subprodutos da indústria de alimentos para o desenvolvimento de farinhas funcionais e aproveitamento dos resíduos da indústria de capsulas nutracêuticas de gelatina e óleo de chia como matriz para as embalagens biodegradáveis ativas. A quitosana também foi utilizada como matriz no desenvolvimento de filmes aplicados como embalagens. Primeiramente foram avaliados quatro resíduos obtidos de diferentes frutas: resíduo do processamento de suco de mirtilo (bagaço), resíduo do processamento de azeite de oliva (bagaço), cascas de mamão e abacaxi. As propriedades físico químicas, funcionais e antioxidantes desses resíduos foram analisadas, sendo que no geral todos demonstraram alto teor de fibras dietéticas. Em relação às propriedades funcionais a farinha de mamão se destacou pelos elevados valores de capacidade de retenção de água e óleo, pela alta solubilidade e maiores teores de carotenoides (15,56 ± 0,35 mg/100g). A farinha de mirtilo foi a que apresentou o maior poder antioxidante pelo método DPPH (4,62 ± 0,18 IC50 em mg de farinha) e maior teor de compostos fenólicos (23,59 ± 0.85 mg/g GAE), além disso exibiu alto teor de antocianinas. Devido a estas propriedades, a farinha e o extrato do resíduo de mirtilo foram incorporados à gelatina do resíduo do processamento de cápsulas nutracêuticas de óleo de chia para o desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis ativos. Os filmes foram avaliados em relação as suas propriedades mecânicas, de barreira ao vapor da água e luz UV, capacidade antioxidante e aplicação como embalagem em produtos alimentícios. Os resultados sugeriram que a adição de fibras promoveu uma diminuição da resistência à tração e aumento na permeabilidade ao vapor da água. No entanto, a adição de fibra também proporcionou um aumento significativo na barreira de luz UV a 500 nm, sendo eficaz na redução da oxidação lipídica de óleo de girassol. Os filmes com adição de extrato não exibiram alteração nas propriedades mecânicas ou de barreira em comparação com a formulação controle. Além disso, estes filmes exibiram capacidade antioxidante estável por 28 dias. Filmes desenvolvidos com a farinha de mamão e resíduos de gelatina apresentaram comportamento similar aos filmes com resíduos de mirtilo, já que a farinha de mamão também alterou algumas propriedades originais do filme como as propriedades mecânicas e de barreira, e agregaram poder antioxidante. Com o objetivo de melhorar essas propriedades foram então desenvolvidas micropartículas de farinha de casca de mamão em spray drying utilizando o resíduo de gelatina como material de parede. Os resultados indicaram que as micropartículas de casca de mamão ao serem adicionadas na gelatina originaram uma matriz de filme mais contínua e homogênea com aumento da resistência à tração e do módulo de Young. Os filmes com micropartículas (7,5%), quando aplicados como material de embalagem para banha de porco, foram os mais eficientes como barreiras ativas (maior atividade antioxidante), pois um menor teor de peróxidos, dienos e trienos conjugados foram quantificados na amostra após 22 dias. A farinha de resíduos da produção de azeite de oliva também foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis, porém o biopolimero utilizado foi a quitosana. A incorporação de farinha de resíduo de oliva na matriz de quitosana também causou alterações na morfologia, tornando o filme mais heterogêneo e áspero. Por esse motivo foram testadas a adição de micropartículas de farinha de oliva nos filmes. A adição de 10% de micropartículas de oliva melhorou significativamente a resistência à tração dos filmes sem alterar as suas propriedades originais. A farinha e as micropartículas de oliva aumentaram a capacidade antioxidante dos filmes, esse aumento foi proporcional à concentração de farinha ou micropartículas adicionadas ao filme. Os filmes com 30% de farinha ou micropartículas foram eficazes como embalagem protetora contra a oxidação de nozes durante 31 dias. A partir dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho fica evidenciado a viabilidade do uso de resíduos da indústria de alimentos e resíduos da indústria de cápsulas nutracêuticas para o desenvolvimento de filmes e uso como embalagens biodegradáveis em diferentes produtos. / Every day tons of fruit processing residues are discarded worldwide that could be harnessed for their high nutritional and functional power and that end up being wasted and generating problems for the environment. Another inadequate disposal that aggravates this environmental problem is the plastic packaging, which when not subjected to the recycling process bring huge damages. Due to these factors, this study aims at the utilization of by-products of the food industry for the development of active biodegradable packaging. Firstly, four residues obtained from different fruits, processing residue of blueberry juice (bagasse), processing residue of olive oil (bagasse), peels of papaya and pineapple were evaluated. The physicochemical, functional and antioxidant properties of these residues were analyzed, and in general, all showed high total dietary fiber content. In relation to the functional properties, papaya flour was distinguished by high water and oil retention capacity, high solubility and higher carotenoid content (15.56 ± 0.35 mg / 100g). The blueberry flour had the highest antioxidant power by the DPPH method (4.62 ± 0.18 IC50 in mg of flour) and a higher content of phenolic compounds (23.59 ± 0.85 mg / g GAE), in addition, it exhibited a high content of anthocyanins. Due to these properties, the flour and extract of the blueberry residue were incorporated into the gelatin from the processing residue of chia oleuroceutical capsules for the development of active biodegradable films for packaging. The films were evaluated in relation to their mechanical properties, water vapor barrier, and UV light, antioxidant capacity and application as packaging in food products. The results suggested that fiber addition promoted a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in water vapor permeability. However, the addition of fiber also provided a significant increase in the UV light barrier at 500 nm being effective in reducing the lipid oxidation of sunflower oil. Films with added extract showed no change in mechanical or barrier properties compared to the control formulation. In addition, these films exhibited a stable antioxidant capacity for 28 days. Films developed with papaya flour and gelatin residues showed similar behavior to films with blueberry residues since papaya flour also altered some of the original properties of the film as mechanical and barrier properties, and added antioxidant power. In order to improve these properties microparticles of papaya peel flour were then developed in spray drying using the gelatin residue as the wall material. The results indicated that the microparticles of papaya peel, when added to gelatin, gave a more continuous and homogeneous film matrix increasing tensile strength and Young's modulus. Microparticles films (7.5%), when applied as packaging material for lard, were the most efficient as active barriers (higher antioxidant activity) because a lower peroxide content was quantified in the sample after 22 days. The residue flour from olive oil production was also used for the development of biodegradable films, but the biopolymer used was chitosan. The incorporation of olive residue flour in the chitosan matrix also caused changes in the morphology, making the film more heterogeneous and rough. For this reason, the addition of olive flour microparticles in the films was tested. The addition of 10% of olive microparticles significantly improved the tensile strength of films without altering their original properties. The flour and the microparticles of olive increased the antioxidant capacity of the films; this increase was proportional to the concentration of flour or micro added to the film. Films with 30% flour or microparticles were effective as protective packaging against Walnut oxidation for 31 days. From the results obtained in this work, it is evident the viability of the use of residues from the food and waste industry of the nutraceutical capsule industry for the development of films and use as biodegradable packaging in different products. Read more
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Aproveitamento de resíduos da indústria alimentícia e nutracêutica no desenvolvimento de ingredientes ativos para aplicação em filmes biodegradáveisCrizel, Tainara de Moraes January 2017 (has links)
Diariamente são descartados no mundo toneladas de resíduos do processamento de frutas que poderiam ser aproveitados pelo seu elevado poder nutricional e funcional, que acabam sendo desperdiçados e podem gerar sérios problemas ao meio ambiente. Outro descarte inadequado que agrava esse problema ambiental é o de embalagens plásticas, que quando não submetidas ao processo de reciclagem trazem enormes danos. Por esses fatores, esse estudo teve como objetivo o aproveitamento de subprodutos da indústria de alimentos para o desenvolvimento de farinhas funcionais e aproveitamento dos resíduos da indústria de capsulas nutracêuticas de gelatina e óleo de chia como matriz para as embalagens biodegradáveis ativas. A quitosana também foi utilizada como matriz no desenvolvimento de filmes aplicados como embalagens. Primeiramente foram avaliados quatro resíduos obtidos de diferentes frutas: resíduo do processamento de suco de mirtilo (bagaço), resíduo do processamento de azeite de oliva (bagaço), cascas de mamão e abacaxi. As propriedades físico químicas, funcionais e antioxidantes desses resíduos foram analisadas, sendo que no geral todos demonstraram alto teor de fibras dietéticas. Em relação às propriedades funcionais a farinha de mamão se destacou pelos elevados valores de capacidade de retenção de água e óleo, pela alta solubilidade e maiores teores de carotenoides (15,56 ± 0,35 mg/100g). A farinha de mirtilo foi a que apresentou o maior poder antioxidante pelo método DPPH (4,62 ± 0,18 IC50 em mg de farinha) e maior teor de compostos fenólicos (23,59 ± 0.85 mg/g GAE), além disso exibiu alto teor de antocianinas. Devido a estas propriedades, a farinha e o extrato do resíduo de mirtilo foram incorporados à gelatina do resíduo do processamento de cápsulas nutracêuticas de óleo de chia para o desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis ativos. Os filmes foram avaliados em relação as suas propriedades mecânicas, de barreira ao vapor da água e luz UV, capacidade antioxidante e aplicação como embalagem em produtos alimentícios. Os resultados sugeriram que a adição de fibras promoveu uma diminuição da resistência à tração e aumento na permeabilidade ao vapor da água. No entanto, a adição de fibra também proporcionou um aumento significativo na barreira de luz UV a 500 nm, sendo eficaz na redução da oxidação lipídica de óleo de girassol. Os filmes com adição de extrato não exibiram alteração nas propriedades mecânicas ou de barreira em comparação com a formulação controle. Além disso, estes filmes exibiram capacidade antioxidante estável por 28 dias. Filmes desenvolvidos com a farinha de mamão e resíduos de gelatina apresentaram comportamento similar aos filmes com resíduos de mirtilo, já que a farinha de mamão também alterou algumas propriedades originais do filme como as propriedades mecânicas e de barreira, e agregaram poder antioxidante. Com o objetivo de melhorar essas propriedades foram então desenvolvidas micropartículas de farinha de casca de mamão em spray drying utilizando o resíduo de gelatina como material de parede. Os resultados indicaram que as micropartículas de casca de mamão ao serem adicionadas na gelatina originaram uma matriz de filme mais contínua e homogênea com aumento da resistência à tração e do módulo de Young. Os filmes com micropartículas (7,5%), quando aplicados como material de embalagem para banha de porco, foram os mais eficientes como barreiras ativas (maior atividade antioxidante), pois um menor teor de peróxidos, dienos e trienos conjugados foram quantificados na amostra após 22 dias. A farinha de resíduos da produção de azeite de oliva também foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento de filmes biodegradáveis, porém o biopolimero utilizado foi a quitosana. A incorporação de farinha de resíduo de oliva na matriz de quitosana também causou alterações na morfologia, tornando o filme mais heterogêneo e áspero. Por esse motivo foram testadas a adição de micropartículas de farinha de oliva nos filmes. A adição de 10% de micropartículas de oliva melhorou significativamente a resistência à tração dos filmes sem alterar as suas propriedades originais. A farinha e as micropartículas de oliva aumentaram a capacidade antioxidante dos filmes, esse aumento foi proporcional à concentração de farinha ou micropartículas adicionadas ao filme. Os filmes com 30% de farinha ou micropartículas foram eficazes como embalagem protetora contra a oxidação de nozes durante 31 dias. A partir dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho fica evidenciado a viabilidade do uso de resíduos da indústria de alimentos e resíduos da indústria de cápsulas nutracêuticas para o desenvolvimento de filmes e uso como embalagens biodegradáveis em diferentes produtos. / Every day tons of fruit processing residues are discarded worldwide that could be harnessed for their high nutritional and functional power and that end up being wasted and generating problems for the environment. Another inadequate disposal that aggravates this environmental problem is the plastic packaging, which when not subjected to the recycling process bring huge damages. Due to these factors, this study aims at the utilization of by-products of the food industry for the development of active biodegradable packaging. Firstly, four residues obtained from different fruits, processing residue of blueberry juice (bagasse), processing residue of olive oil (bagasse), peels of papaya and pineapple were evaluated. The physicochemical, functional and antioxidant properties of these residues were analyzed, and in general, all showed high total dietary fiber content. In relation to the functional properties, papaya flour was distinguished by high water and oil retention capacity, high solubility and higher carotenoid content (15.56 ± 0.35 mg / 100g). The blueberry flour had the highest antioxidant power by the DPPH method (4.62 ± 0.18 IC50 in mg of flour) and a higher content of phenolic compounds (23.59 ± 0.85 mg / g GAE), in addition, it exhibited a high content of anthocyanins. Due to these properties, the flour and extract of the blueberry residue were incorporated into the gelatin from the processing residue of chia oleuroceutical capsules for the development of active biodegradable films for packaging. The films were evaluated in relation to their mechanical properties, water vapor barrier, and UV light, antioxidant capacity and application as packaging in food products. The results suggested that fiber addition promoted a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in water vapor permeability. However, the addition of fiber also provided a significant increase in the UV light barrier at 500 nm being effective in reducing the lipid oxidation of sunflower oil. Films with added extract showed no change in mechanical or barrier properties compared to the control formulation. In addition, these films exhibited a stable antioxidant capacity for 28 days. Films developed with papaya flour and gelatin residues showed similar behavior to films with blueberry residues since papaya flour also altered some of the original properties of the film as mechanical and barrier properties, and added antioxidant power. In order to improve these properties microparticles of papaya peel flour were then developed in spray drying using the gelatin residue as the wall material. The results indicated that the microparticles of papaya peel, when added to gelatin, gave a more continuous and homogeneous film matrix increasing tensile strength and Young's modulus. Microparticles films (7.5%), when applied as packaging material for lard, were the most efficient as active barriers (higher antioxidant activity) because a lower peroxide content was quantified in the sample after 22 days. The residue flour from olive oil production was also used for the development of biodegradable films, but the biopolymer used was chitosan. The incorporation of olive residue flour in the chitosan matrix also caused changes in the morphology, making the film more heterogeneous and rough. For this reason, the addition of olive flour microparticles in the films was tested. The addition of 10% of olive microparticles significantly improved the tensile strength of films without altering their original properties. The flour and the microparticles of olive increased the antioxidant capacity of the films; this increase was proportional to the concentration of flour or micro added to the film. Films with 30% flour or microparticles were effective as protective packaging against Walnut oxidation for 31 days. From the results obtained in this work, it is evident the viability of the use of residues from the food and waste industry of the nutraceutical capsule industry for the development of films and use as biodegradable packaging in different products. Read more
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The Significance of Giant Flank Collapses on Magma Ascent in the NE Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands: A Structural Modelling and Diffusion Approach / Betydelsen av gigantiska flankkollapser för magmauppstigningen utmed nordöstra sprickzonen på Kanarieön Teneriffa: analog modellering och diffusionsanalysÅnäs, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
On the volcanic ocean island Tenerife in the Canary archipelago, several giant flank collapses haveoccurred over the last one million years. The link between the lateral collapses and the resultingvolcanism in the rift zones is not fully understood and was investigated within the framework of thisproject. A field survey along the north eastern rift zone on Tenerife was performed, where dyke intrusionstructural data was collected to analyse the exact distribution of dykes in the area. To determine themagma ascent rate, diffusion analysis of major elements in olivine crystals was conducted incollaboration with ETH Zürich. Additionally, analogue gelatine model experiments were performed toimprove the understanding of the processes that reconfigure linear rift zones to triaxial or multiaxial riftzones. Injections of fluid into the gelatine ridges produced fractures which mainly were linear andfollowed the along strike direction. Position A’ in the centre of the unstable section, produced the mostdiverse injection patterns and had a roughly 30 % higher acceleration compared to position A, positionedat the border of the unstable section. From the results of the diffusion modelling of Mg in olivinephenocrysts an ascent rate of the magma was calculated to an average ascent velocity of 10.4–14.0 km/h.This is extremely fast and suggests that the Orotava collapse is strongly connected to the formation ofankaramite dykes in the area as a result of sudden decrease in the lithostatic pressure. / På vulkanön Teneriffa i den kanariska övärlden har flera jättelika skred skett. Kopplingen mellan dessaskred och vulkanismen i sprickzonerna på ön har undersökts inom ramen för detta arbete. Enfältundersökning genomfördes längs den nordöstra sprickzonen på Teneriffa, där data ommagmagångarnas orientering och läge insamlades. För att bestämma hur snabbt magman steg till ytan,genomfördes diffusionsanalys av Mg i olivinkristaller från ankaramitgångar i samarbete med ETH iZürich. Utöver det utfördes även experiment med analoga gelatinmodeller för att förbättra förståelsenför de processer som förändrar linjära riftzoner till treaxliga eller fleraxliga riftzoner. Injiceringen avvätskan i gelatinmodellerna producerade sprickor som i huvudsak var linjära och följde strykriktningenpå riftzonen. Position A’, i mitten av den instabila sektorn i modellen gav högst variation avinjiceringarna och hade omkring 30 % högre acceleration jämfört med position A placerad i kanten avden instabila sektorn. Baserat på resultatet av diffusionsmodelleringen kunde en uppstigningshastighetför magman beräknas till en medelhastighet på 10,4–14,0 km/h. Detta är extremt snabbt och visar attkollapsen av Orotava är starkt kopplad till bildningen av ankaramitgångar i området som ett resultat aven plötslig minskning av det litostatiska trycket. Read more
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Core–shell bioprinting of vascularized in vitro liver sinusoid modelsTaymour, Rania, Chicaiza-Cabezas, Nathaly Alejandra, Gelinsky, Michael, Lode, Anja 18 April 2024 (has links)
In vitro liver models allow the investigation of the cell behavior in disease conditions or in response to changes in the microenvironment. A major challenge in liver tissue engineering is to mimic the tissue-level complexity: besides the selection of suitable biomaterial(s) replacing the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell sources, the three-dimensional (3D) microarchitecture defined by the fabrication method is a critical factor to achieve functional constructs. In this study, coaxial extrusion-based 3D bioprinting has been applied to develop a liver sinusoid-like model that consists of a core compartment containing pre-vascular structures and a shell compartment containing hepatocytes. The shell ink was composed of alginate and methylcellulose (algMC), dissolved in human fresh frozen plasma. The algMC blend conferred high printing fidelity and stability to the core–shell constructs and the plasma as biologically active component enhanced viability and supported cluster formation and biomarker expression of HepG2 embedded in the shell. For the core, a natural ECM-like ink based on angiogenesis-supporting collagen-fibrin (CF) matrices was developed; the addition of gelatin (G) enabled 3D printing in combination with the plasma-algMC shell ink. Human endothelial cells, laden in the CFG core ink together with human fibroblasts as supportive cells, formed a pre-vascular network in the core in the absence and presence of HepG2 in the shell. The cellular interactions occurring in the triple culture model enhanced the albumin secretion. In conclusion, core–shell bioprinting was shown to be a valuable tool to study cell–cell-interactions and to develop complex tissue-like models. Read more
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Protein-Engineered Soft Functional Materials for Bioelectronics / Proteintekniska mjuka funktionella material med tillämpningar inom bioelektronikHörberg, Moa January 2024 (has links)
The field of soft electronics is rapidly growing as there is an increased demand for health monitoring using wearable electronics that conforms to biological tissue. To promote sustainability and reduce electronic waste, it is of interest to find ways to reuse low-value-added commodities, such as protein-rich byproducts, for materials in high-value-added technologies that are degradable at end of use. One recognised byproduct from meat production is the abundant protein collagen, or the hydrolysed derivative gelatine. To overcome the limited mechanical properties of gelatine, it can be functionalised with a polymer with previous use in tissue-engineering and battery encapsulation, namely Poly(Glycerol Sebacate)(PGS), to generate the copolymer PGS-G. The work described in this thesis focuses on PGS and PGS-G polymer characterisation by utilising ATR-FTIR and DSC, but also on material characterisation of mechanical and hydration properties, ionic conductivity, and degradation. The results indicate that the successfully synthesised PGS and PGS-G polymers should not be crosslinked completely to achieve the most flexible mechanical properties, but also that crosslinking density should be tuned to suit the application. Moreover, incorporation of gelatine in PGS resulted in increased hydrophilicity for PGS-G. Finally, it was concluded that PGS is suitable for encapsulation whereas PGS-G could be used as an active component. Future work should include degradation studies in vivo and under environmental aerobic conditions to ensure that the polymers are fully biodegradable. / Mjuk elektronik är ett nytt forskningsområde som utvecklas starkt i takt med den ökade efterfrågan på hälsoövervakning med innovativ elektronik som är mjuk och töjbar vilket möjliggör smidig integrering i biologisk vävnad. För att främja hållbarhet och minska elektroniskt avfall så är det av intresse att återanvända lågt värderade handelsvaror, såsom proteinrika restprodukter från industrin, till att skapa funktionella material för värdeskapande teknologier vilka är nedbrytbara efter användning. En välkänd restprodukt från köttproduktion är proteinet kollagen och dess hydrolyserade derivat gelatin. För att förbättra de mekaniska egenskaperna hos gelatin så kan det funktionaliseras med en polymer, vid namn Poly(Glycerol Sebacate)(PGS), som tidigare har använts för att skapa substitut till biologisk vävnad och batteriinkapsling. Denna reaktion genererar den nya polymeren PGS-G. I det här examensarbetet beskrivs karaktärisering av polymererna PGS och PGS-G, som utfördes med ATR-FTIR och DSC, samt karaktärisering av materialets mekaniska och hydrerande egenskaper men även dess ledningsförmåga och nedbrytbarhet. Resultaten indikerar att polymererna PGS och PGS-G ej bör tvärbindas fullständigt för att uppnå optimala mekaniska egenskaper med avseende på flexibilitet men också att tvärbindningen ska justeras beroende på tillämpningen. Vidare bidrar inkorporeringen av gelatin i PGS till en ökad hydrofilicitet i PGS-G. Slutligen visades det att PGS är lämpligt för inkapsling medan PGS-G kan användas som en aktiv komponent. Innan tillämpning behöver ytterligare studier genomföras med avseende på nedbrytbarhet, dels in vivo, dels i aerobiska förhållanden, för att säkerhetsställa att polymererna är fullständigt nedbrytbara. Read more
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High-Energy Electron-Treatment of Collagen and Gelatin Hydrogels: Biomimetic Materials, Stimuli-Responsive Systems and Functional SurfacesRiedel, Stefanie 23 September 2019 (has links)
Biological hydrogels such as collagen and gelatin are highly attractive materials for tissue engineering and biomedicine. Due to their excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability, they represent promising candidates in regenerative medicine, cell culture, tissue replacement and wound dressing applications. Thereby, precisely tuned material properties are indispensable for customization. High-energy electron-treatment is a highly favourable crosslinking technique to tailor the material properties. In five sub-projects, this thesis investigates the potential of high-energy electron-treatment to precisely modify collagen hydrogels, to develop thermo- as well as hydration-sensitive systems and functional surfaces from gelatin for biomedical applications. The first sub-project focusses on the modification of collagen hydrogels by electron-induced crosslinking with potential application as biomimetic extracellular matrix material. Thereby, it is shown that the material properties can be precisely tailored by adapting electron-induced crosslinking while high cytocompatibility is maintained. Within the second sub-project, an electron-crosslinking-induced shape-memory effect in gelatin is described in order to develop a thermo-responsive system. The effect is described experimentally as well as theoretically to demonstrate the fundamental physical processes. The third sub-project develops an electroncrosslinked hydration-sensitive gelatin system. The work discusses how swelling of electroncrosslinked gelatin is influenced by the pH-value and salt concentration of the swelling liquid. Thereby, response of the hydration-sensitive gelatin system can be further modified towards biological actuatoric systems. The fourth sub-project develops a two-step process to mechanically pattern gelatin surfaces. Within the first step, thin gelatin surfaces are mechanically patterned by a highly focussed electron beam. In a second step, they are stabilized by homogeneous electron-crosslinking for applications at physiological conditions. Another method to develop functional gelatin surfaces is described in the last sub-project. Here, gelatin is topographically patterned via a moulding technique. The resulting micro-structures are then stabilized via electron-crosslinking. In addition, the presented work investigates pattern transfer, long time stability at physiological conditions as well as cytocompatibility.:1 Introduction and Objective
1.1 Biomimetic ECM Models
1.2 Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels
1.3 Functional Hydrogel Surfaces
2 General Background
2.1 Hydrogels
2.1.1 Collagen
2.1.2 Gelatin
2.2 Polymer Crosslinking
2.2.1 High-Energy Electron-Treatment of Polymers
2.2.2 Electron-Irradiation-Induced Crosslinking of Gelatin
2.3 High-Energy Electron Accelerator
3 Cumulative Part
3.1 High-Energy Electron-Induced Modification of Collagen
3.2 Thermo-Responsive Gelatin System
3.3 Hydration-Responsive Gelatin System
3.4 Mechanically Patterned Gelatin Surfaces
3.5 Topographically Patterned Gelatin Surfaces
4 Summary and Conclusion
5 Outlook
Author Contributions
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
Scientific Curriculum Vitae
Publication List
Selbstständigkeitserklärung / Biologische Hydrogele wie Kollagen und Gelatine sind wichtige Materialien vor allem in biomedizinischen Anwendungsbereichen. Durch deren exzellente Biokompatibilität und biologische Abbaubarkeit werden sie vor allem bei der Züchtung von biomimetischem Gewebe, in der Zellkultur, als Gewebeersatz in der regenerativen Medizin oder auch als Wundverband eingesetzt. In der Verwendung solcher Materialien besteht eine wesentliche Herausforderung darin, deren Eigenschaften so präzise wie möglich einzustellen, um speziell angepasste Substrate und Gewebe entwickeln zu können. Eine äußerst vorteilhafte Methode zu Adaptierung der Materialeigenschaften ist die elektronenstrahlbasierte Vernetzung, die auf die Verwendung zusätzlicher chemischer Vernetzer verzichtet. Die vorgelegte Arbeit untersucht in fünf Teilprojekten das Potential von Elektronenstrahlvernetzung zur Modifizierung von Kollagen- sowie Gelatinehydrogelen für biomedizinische Anwendungen.
Das erste Teilprojekt fokussiert sich auf die Auswirkungen hochenergetischer Elektronen auf Kollagenhydrogele und deren Eigenschaften für potentielle Anwendungen als biomimetisches Modell der extrazellulären Matrix. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass sich die Materialeigenschaften in Abhängigkeit der Elektronenbestrahlung präzise einstellen lassen und dass diese Gele eine hohe Zellkompatibilität aufweisen. Das zweite Teilprojekt beschreibt den Effekt des thermischen Formgedächtnisses in Gelatine nach Elektronenstrahlvernetzung und dessen Potential für die Entwicklung biologischer Aktuatoren. Die Effizienz des Formgedächtniseffekts wird in diesem Teilprojekt ausführlich theoretisch beschrieben und mit experimentellen Untersuchungen an Gelatine verglichen. Im dritten Teilprojekt wird ein elektronenstrahlvernetztes, hydrations-responsives Gelatinesystem beschrieben. Zusätzlich wird der Einfluss von pH-Wert und Salzkonzentration der Quelllösung auf das Quellen von elektronenstrahlvernetzter Gelatine untersucht um das Reaktionsverhalten noch präziser einstellen zu können. Das vierte Teilprojekt beschreibt einen Zwei-Schritt-Prozess, bei dem dünne Gelatineschichten mittels hochenergetischer Elektronen mechanisch funktionalisiert werden können. Dabei wird in einem ersten Schritt die Oberfläche durch hoch fokussierte Elektronen mechanisch strukturiert, um im zweiten Schritt mittels homogener Elektronenstrahlvernetzung für die Anwendung unter physiologischen Bedingungen stabilisiert zu werden. Eine weitere Methode zur Funktionalisierung der Oberfläche von Gelatinehydrogelen wird im letzten Teilprojekt dieser Arbeit dokumentiert. Dabei werden topographische Mikrostrukturen auf Gelatineoberflächen aufgebracht und mittels Elektronenstrahlvernetzung stabilisiert. Dieses Teilprojekt untersucht zusätzlich den Strukturtransfer, die Langzeitstabilität unter physiologischen Bedingungen sowie die Zellkompatibilität.:1 Introduction and Objective
1.1 Biomimetic ECM Models
1.2 Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels
1.3 Functional Hydrogel Surfaces
2 General Background
2.1 Hydrogels
2.1.1 Collagen
2.1.2 Gelatin
2.2 Polymer Crosslinking
2.2.1 High-Energy Electron-Treatment of Polymers
2.2.2 Electron-Irradiation-Induced Crosslinking of Gelatin
2.3 High-Energy Electron Accelerator
3 Cumulative Part
3.1 High-Energy Electron-Induced Modification of Collagen
3.2 Thermo-Responsive Gelatin System
3.3 Hydration-Responsive Gelatin System
3.4 Mechanically Patterned Gelatin Surfaces
3.5 Topographically Patterned Gelatin Surfaces
4 Summary and Conclusion
5 Outlook
Author Contributions
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
Scientific Curriculum Vitae
Publication List
Selbstständigkeitserklärung Read more
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Evaluation of different crosslinking methods in altering the properties of extrusion-printed chitosan-basedmulti-material hydrogel compositesLiu, Suihong, Zhang, Haiguang, Ahlfeld, Tilman, Kilian, David, Liu, Yakui, Gelinsky, Michael, Hu, Qingxi 30 May 2024 (has links)
Three-dimensional printing technologies exhibit tremendous potential in the advancing fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine due to the precise spatial control over depositing the biomaterial. Despite their widespread utilization and numerous advantages, the development of suitable novel biomaterials for extrusion-based 3D printing of scaffolds that support cell attachment, proliferation, and vascularization remains a challenge. Multi-material composite hydrogels present incredible potential in this field. Thus, in this work, a multi-material composite hydrogel with a promising formulation of chitosan/gelatin functionalized with egg white was developed, which provides good printability and shape fidelity. In addition, a series of comparative analyses of different crosslinking agents and processes based on tripolyphosphate (TPP), genipin (GP), and glutaraldehyde (GTA) were investigated and compared to select the ideal crosslinking strategy to enhance the physicochemical and biological properties of the fabricated scaffolds. All of the results indicate that the composite hydrogel and the resulting scaffolds utilizing TPP crosslinking have great potential in tissue engineering, especially for supporting neo-vessel growth into the scaffold and promoting angiogenesis within engineered tissues. Read more
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Modélisation et caractérisation de réseaux holographiques ; étude de composants optiques holographiques en gélatine bichromatéeChateau, Nicolas 21 July 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les systèmes optiques modernes, l'importance des composants holographiques ne cesse d'augmenter. Parmi les matériaux holographiques disponibles, la gélatine bichromatée se distingue par la très bonne qualité des hologrammes obtenus. Cette thèse décrit la mise au point de techniques de fabrication et de caractérisation de composants holographiques en gélatine bichromatée. L'interprétation des mesures de caractérisation s'appuie sur une modélisation approfondie de la diffraction par des structures périodiques: une nouvelle méthode de résolution de la théorie d'ondes couplées, plus stable numériquement que les précédentes, est proposée. De plus, la théorie de la diffraction par des réseaux est étendue a des cas importants de restitution en lumière quasi-monochromatique. Les dispositifs expérimentaux développés ont permis l'étude et la réalisation de quatre nouveaux types d'hologrammes: réseaux pour la compression temporelle d'impulsions ultra brèves, hologramme synthétique séparateur et uniformiseur de faisceau laser, lentille holographique pour diode laser infrarouge et hologramme en ligne pour la réplication globale de disques compacts.
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