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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procedurellt genererade grottnivåer : En jämförelse mellan cellulära automater och diffusionsbegränsad aggregation / Procedurally generated cave levels : A comparison between cellular automata and diffusion limited aggregation

Wahlman, Kim January 2016 (has links)
<p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>

AI:s kommande involvering i konceptkonst : Hur ser 3D-studenter på AI-genererade bilder som konceptbilder i en3D-modelleringsprocess? / AI:s coming involvement in concept art

Möller, Gustav, Berglind Kvarnryd, Linus January 2024 (has links)
Our research study focuses on exploring how 3D-students view AI image generation tools usefullness as concept images in 3D production. We conducted interviews with five 3D students to gain insight into how useful they find AI-generated images in 3D production. By collecting information through interview method, participants' responses were analyzed using thematic analysis. Their responses were combined with existing theories in concept art, disruptive technologies, and sparing technologies. Our main findings show that students found images made by using AI can be used as inspiration images and moodboards but have difficulty being used for anything else in a 3D production, as AI was poor at reproducing the same object multiple times. The same object couldn't be obtained from multiple angles which limits usability. However the 3D-students think there is potential in using the images as a foundation that is then further developed by a human. / Vår forskningsstudie fokuserar på att utforska hur 3D-studenter ser på användbarheten av AI-bildgenereringsverktyg som konceptbilder i 3D-produktion. Vi genomförde intervjuer med fem 3D-studenter för att få insikt i hur användbara de tycker att AI-genererade bilder är i 3D-produktion. Genom att samla in information genom intervjuer analyserades deltagarnas svar med tematisk analys. Deras svar kombinerades med befintliga teorier inom konstkoncept, störande teknologier och sparsamma teknologier. Våra huvudsakliga resultat visar att studenterna fann att bilder skapade med AI kan användas som inspirationsbilder och moodboards men har svårigheter att användas för något annat i 3D-produktion, eftersom AI hade svårt att reproducera samma objekt flera gånger. Samma objekt kunde inte erhållas från olika vinklar vilket begränsar användbarheten. Dock tror 3D-studenterna att det finns potential att använda bilderna som en grund som sedan utvecklas ytterligare av en människa.

Textual Analysis and Detection of AIGenerated Academic Texts : A Study of ChatGPT Output, User Instructions, and Machine-Learning Classifiers

Al Medawer, Adnan January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien utforskar den textmässiga likheten mellan AI-genererade texter av ChatGPT och ursprungliga akademiska texter, jämför prestandan hos AI-detekteringsverktyg och maskininlärningsklassificerare, inklusive SVM, Logistic Regression och Random Forest, vid detektering av AI-genererat innehåll, och undersöker hur användarinstruktioner påverkar textkvaliteten. En rad mätvärden som stilometri, sentiment, textlikhet, läsbarhet och relevans användes för att analysera textegenskaper. Resultaten visar att även om AI-genererade texter uppvisar textegenskaper som originaltexter i viss utsträckning, finns det tydliga skillnader. Maskinlärande klassificerare, tränade på DistilBERT-inbäddningar, uppnådde ett F1 Score på 99 % för SVM och Logistic Regression och 96 % för Random Forest, vilket överträffade prestandan för AI-detektionsverktyget, som fick mellan 64– 83 % i F1 Score. Detaljerade instruktioner till ChatGPT visade sig förbättra likheten med originaltexter och minska effektiviteten hos detektionsverktyg. Denna studie bidrar till förståelsen av AI-genererat innehåll och hjälper till att utveckla mer effektiva identifieringsmetoder. / This study explores the textual resemblance between AI-generated texts by ChatGPT and original academic texts, compares the performance of AI-detection tools and machine-learning classifiers, including SVM, Logistic Regression, and Random Forest, in detecting AI-generated content, and investigates the influence of user instructions on text quality. A range of metrics such as stylometry, sentiment, text similarity, readability, and relevance were utilized to analyze text characteristics. Findings reveal that while AI-generated texts do exhibit textual characteristics like original texts to some extent, there are clear differences. Machine-learning classifiers, trained on DistilBERT embeddings, achieved an F1 score of 99% for SVM and Logistic Regression, and 96% for Random Forest, surpassing the performance of the AI detection tool, which scored between 64-83% in F1 measure. Detailed instructions to ChatGPT were found to improve the resemblance to original texts and reduce the effectiveness of detection tools. This study contributes to the understanding of AI-generated content and aids the development of more efficient identification methods.

Delaktighet som pedagogik : Föreställd ras och publikpositioner i den svenska folktypsutställningen. / Participation as Pedagogy : Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types.

Eriksson, Britas Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
Participation as Pedagogy – Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types. This essay will analyse and give a deeper picture of the ”The Exhibit of Swedish People-Types” by focusing on the pedagogical ideals that formed the exhibit as an participatory media. The exhibit was led by the famous race-biologist Herman Lundborg and toured Sweden in 1919 displaying the racial constitution of the Swedish population using material gathered by the public itself. The exhibit has been described as an important tool in popularising eugenics in Swedish society during the early 20th century with the ambition of gaining funds to create the first race-biological institute and to influence policy-making. Nevertheless there has not been a single study which has focused solely on the exhibit and how the pedagogical ideals that permeated it affected the relation between the public and the media itself nor the political implications of this relation. I will show that the interactive participation enacted through the exhibit both defined a hierarchical relation between public and race-biological expertise, as well as it articulated a new “imagined community”, i.e., an “imagined race”. This participatory relation was not only key in creating the exhibit but also had implications on how the public should position itself and act in relation to society at large regarding eugenic matters. This gives me an opportunity to deepen our historical knowledge of the eugenics-movement and main-line racebiological networks in early 20 h century Swedish society. This essay also contribute to the history of participatory media and the popularisation of science.

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