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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Geographic Data Capture: A Review / Obemannade Flygfarkoster för Insamling av Geografisk Data: En Översiktsstudie

Gustafsson, Hanna, Zuna, Lea January 2017 (has links)
In GIS-projects the data capture is one of the most time consuming processes. Both how to collect the data and the quality of the collected data is of high importance. Common methods for data capture are GPS, LiDAR, Total Station and Aerial Photogrammetry. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs, have become more common in recent years and the number of applications continues to increase. As the technique develops there are more ways that UAV technique can be used for collection of geographic data. One of these techniques is the UAV photogrammetry that entails using an UAV equipped with a camera combined with photogrammetric software in order to create three dimensional models and orthophotos of the ground surface. This thesis contains a comparison between different geographic data capture methods such as terrestrial and aerial methods as well as UAV photogrammetry. The aim is to investigate how UAVs are used to collect geographic data today as well how the techniques involving UAVs can replace or be used as a complement to traditional methods. This study is based on a literature study and interviews. The literature study aims to give a deeper insight in where and how UAVs are used today for geographic data capturing with focus on three main areas: environmental monitoring, urban environment and infrastructure, and natural resources. Regarding the interviews companies and other participants using UAVs for geographic data collection in Sweden have been interviewed to get an accurate overview of the current status regarding the use of UAVs in Sweden. Advantages, disadvantages, limitations, economical aspects, accuracy and possible future use or development are considered as well as different areas of applications. The study is done in collaboration with the geographic IT company Digpro Solutions AB. The goal is to be able to present suggestions of how UAV data can be applied in Digpros applications. Information from the literature study and the interviews show that using a UAV makes it possible to cover a large range between terrestrial and aerial methods, and that it can replace or complement other methods for surveying and data collection. The use gives the possibility to get close to the object without being settle to the ground, as well as work environment profits since dangerous, difficult areas can be accessed from distance. The data can be collected faster, quicker, cheaper and more frequent. Time savings occurs in the measurement stage but compared to terrestrial methods more time is required for the post-processing of the data. The use in Sweden is limited due to difficulties linked to Swedish legislation regarding camera surveillance, as well as long waiting times for the permissions that is required to fly. However, a change in the camera surveillance law is expected which means that UAVs will be excluded from the law. That may result in great benefits for everyone within the industry as well as a continued development of the technique and the use of UAVs. / Inom GIS ar datainsamling en av de mest tidskrävande processerna. Både hur data samlas in samt kvaliteten ar av hög vikt. Några av de vanligaste metoderna för datainsamling idag är GPS, LiDAR, totalstation och fotogrammetri. Obemannade flygfarkoster, UAVs, har de senaste åren blivit allt vanligare och användningsområdena fortsätter att öka. I takt med att tekniken hela tiden utvecklas finns idag flertalet satt att med hjälp av UAVs samla in geografisk data. Med kamerautrustade obemannade flygfarkoster och fotogrammetriska programvaror ar det bland annat möjligt att skapa tredimensionella modeller samt ortofoton av markytan. Detta kandidatexamensarbete innehaller en jämförelse mellan terrestra- samt flygburna metoder för datainsamling och obemannade flygburna metoder. Syftet är att undersöka hur UAVs kan anvandas för att samla in geografisk data samt möjligheten att ersätta eller komplettera existerande metoder, samt att presentera en overgripande bild av UAVs anvandningsomåden. Denna studie bygger pa en litteraturstudie samt intervjuer. Litteraturstudien syftar till en djupare inblick i anvandningsområden för UAV tekniken med fokus på tre huvudområden: miljöövervakning, urbana miljöer och infrastruktur samt naturliga resurser. Under intervjuerna intervjuades företag och andra aktörer inom branschen med syftet att göra en nulägesanalys av hur UAVs används för insamling av geografisk data i Sverige. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med avseende pa användningsområden, för- och nackdelar, hinder, kostnader, noggrannhet samt möjlig framtida användning och utveckling av tekniken. Studien är gjord i samarbete med företaget Digpro Solutions AB som är verksamma inom geografisk IT. Målet är att efter studien kunna ge förslag på hur data insamlad med UAV kan appliceras på Digpros applikationer. Information fran intervjuerna och litteraturen har visat att UAV täcker ett stort spann mellan terrestra- och flygburna metoder, och att den kan ersätta eller utgöra ett komplement till många mät- och datainsamlingsmetoder. Användningen av UAVs innebär möjlighet till att samla in data på ett nära avstånd till objekt utan att vara bunden till marken. Den medför även arbetsmiljövinster då farliga, svårtillgängliga områden kan nås från avstånd. Data kan samlas in snabbare, enklare, billigare och mer frekvent. Tisdbesparingar sker i inmätningsskedet men jämfört med terrestra mätmetoder krävs dock mer tid för efterbearbetning av mätdatat. Användningen i Sverige begränsas av svårigheter kopplade till Svensk lagstiftning gällande kameraövervakning, samt långa väntetider på de tillstånd som kravs för att få flyga. Dock väntas en ändring i kameraövervakningslagen som innebär att drönare inte innefattas i lagen. Detta kan komma att medföra stora fördelar för samtliga inom branschen samt en fortsatt utveckling av tekniken samt användningen av UAVs.

Recommending Hashtags for Tweets Using Textual Similarity and Geographic Data / Föreslå hashtags till tweets med textbaserad likhet och geografisk data

Berglind, Jonathan, Forsmark, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
Twitter is one of today’s largest and most popular social networks. The users of the service generate huge amounts of data each day and rely heavily on the service helping them find interesting tweets in short time. The concept of hashtags aids in this practice but relies on the users choosing to include the correct and commonly used hashtags for the topic of their tweet. Hashtag recommendation has been a target of research before with varying results. This thesis proposes a method taking the location of the users into account when making recommen- dations. The method generated improved results over just using similar tweets as a basis for recommendation. Various factors like the handling of different variations of vocabulary in the tweets, how many tweets the suggestions can be picked from and how the combination of similarity and geographic ranking should function could affect the result. This leads to the conclusion that geographic data can be used to improve hashtag suggestions, but a different approach in handling similarity and alternative combinations of similarity and geographic ranking could cause another result. / Twitter är ett av nutidens största och populäraste sociala nätverk. Tjänstens användare producerar stora mängder data varje dag och förväntar sig att tjänsten ska kunna hjälpa dem att hitta intressanta tweets snabbt. Därmed finns konceptet med hashtags, men detta förutsätter att användare väljer att inkludera vanligt förekommande hashtags som på ett korrekt sätt avspeglar innehållet i tweeten. Automatisk rekommendation av hashtags har därmed varit ett populärt forskningsämne de senaste åren, med varierande resultat. Denna studie undersöker en rekommendationsmetod som väger in användarens geografiska position för att rekommendera så passande hashtags som möjligt. Resultaten visar att denna metod generellt rekommenderar mer passande hashtags än metoder som enbart rekommenderar hashtags genom att analysera likhet mellan tweets. Olika faktorer så som hanterandet av olika varianter av vokabulär, hur många tweets som metoden kan föreslå hashtags från samt hur kombinationen av rekommendation baserat på likhet och geografiskt position ska fungera, kan samtidigt påverka resultaten. Detta leder till slutsatsen att geografisk data kan användas för att förbättra hashtagrekommendation, men att ett annorlunda tillvägagångsätt i att hantera likhet och alternativa kombinationer av likhetsrangordning och geografisk rangordning kan leda till ett annorlunda resultat.

Mineração de regras de associação em dados georreferenciados / Mining of association rules in geographic data

Pivato, Marina Abichabki 21 March 2006 (has links)
Sistemas de informações geográficas permitem armazenar, manipular e armazenar, manipular e analisar dados espaciais e aspectos descritivos desses dados. A análise de dados espaciais pode ser realizada por meio de técnicas de extração de regras de associação, ou seja, regras que descrevem relacionamentos entre os dados. Porém, a mineração de regras de associação não considera as relações topológicas existentes entre dados georreferenciados. Para solucionar esse problema, Koperski and Han (1995) e Malerba et al. (2001) propuseram um processo de extração de regras integrado ao algoritmo de mineração e utilizavam predicados lógicos para representar as regras. Como alternativa a essa solução, este trabalho propõe pré-processar os dados referenciados para encontrar relações topológicas em separado e aplicar um algoritmo de mineração de regras de associação disponí?vel pela comunidade acadêmica. As regras geradas devem apresentar características descritivas dos dados e relações topológicas. Para atingir esse objetivo foi especificado um processo de extração de regras em dados georreferenciados e implementado um módulo de pré-processamento que extrai relações topológicas. O módulo foi avaliado por meio de um estudo de caso utilizando o sistema de informação geográfica da cidade de Jaboticabal, no contexto de planejamento urbano. As regras encontradas foram analisadas por um especialista utilizando as medidas de suporte e confiança. Além disso, uma análise sobre o tempo de processamento e consumo de memória para encontrar as relações topológicas foi realizada, mostrando que é possível extrair padrões utilizando o processo e o módulo proposto neste trabalho. / Geographic information systems are used to store, manipulate, and analyze spatial data and its descriptive aspects. Spatial data analysis can be done by searching association rules that describe relationships between the data. However, georeferenced data present topological relations unknown to traditional mining association rule algorithms. To solve this problem, Koperski and Han (1995) and Malerba et al. (2001) proposed a topological relation extraction process integrated to a mining association rule algorithm. This process requires all data to be translated as logical predicates. As an alternative to this solution, this work proposes to break down this process by pre-processing the georeferenced data to find topological relations, then executing traditional mining association rule algorithms. The resulting rules must present descriptive characteristics of the data and topological relations. To reach this objective, a process of rule extraction in georeferenced data was specified, in addition to a pre-processing module implementation. This module was evaluated by using a case study that uses a geographic information system of the city of Jaboticabal, in the context of urban planning. The generated rules were analyzed by a specialist using the measures of support and confidence. In addition, an analysis regarding the processing time and memory consumption was provided to find the topological relations, which shows that it is possible to extract the patterns with the proposed process and module.

Disseminação de dados estatísticos georeferenciados através de WEB services e software livre. / Dissemination of statistical data GIS through WEB services and free software.

Paulo Cesar Rangel da Rocha 02 October 2009 (has links)
Diferentes organizações públicas e privadas coletam e disponibilizam uma massa de dados sobre a realidade sócio-econômica das diferentes nações. Há hoje, da parte do governo brasileiro, um interesse manifesto de divulgar uma gama diferenciada de informações para os mais diversos perfis de usuários. Persiste, contudo, uma série de limitações para uma divulgação mais massiva e democrática, entre elas, a heterogeneidade das fontes de dados, sua dispersão e formato de apresentação pouco amigável. Devido à complexidade inerente à informação geográfica envolvida, que produz incompatibilidade em vários níveis, o intercâmbio de dados em sistemas de informação geográfica não é problema trivial. Para aplicações desenvolvidas para a Web, uma solução são os Web Services que permitem que novas aplicações possam interagir com aquelas que já existem e que sistemas desenvolvidos em plataformas diferentes sejam compatíveis. Neste sentido, o objetivo do trabalho é mostrar as possibilidades de construção de portais usando software livre, a tecnologia dos Web Services e os padrões do Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) para a disseminação de dados espaciais. Visando avaliar e testar as tecnologias selecionadas e comprovar sua efetividade foi desenvolvido um exemplo de portal de dados sócio-econômicos, compreendendo informações de um servidor local e de servidores remotos. As contribuições do trabalho são a disponibilização de mapas dinâmicos, a geração de mapas através da composição de mapas disponibilizados em servidores remotos e local e o uso do padrão OGC WMC. Analisando o protótipo de portal construído, verifica-se, contudo, que a localização e requisição de Web Services não são tarefas fáceis para um usuário típico da Internet. Nesta direção, os trabalhos futuros no domínio dos portais de informação geográfica poderiam adotar a tecnologia Representational State Transfer (REST). / Several public and private organizations collect and provide a large amount of data on the socio-economic realities of different countries. Governmental Brazilian agencies are showing today clear interest to disseminate a range of different information to several user profiles. However, many limitations to a more massive and democratic dissemination persist, including heterogeneity of data sources, data dispersion and not friendly format of presentation. Due to the inherent complexity involved in the spatial information, which produces conflict on many levels, the exchange of data in geographic information systems is not a trivial problem. For Web-based applications, Web services can be a useful solution, since they enable new applications to interact with those that already exist and also enable compatibility among systems developed in different platforms. This study aims to show the possibilities of developing thematic portals using free software, Web services technology and the Open Geospatial Consortium standards for the dissemination of spatial data. To evaluate and test the proposal, a portal that integrates data from statistical information servers was built. As example, a thematic portal of socio-economic data was developed, integrating data from a local server and data from remote servers. The main contributions of work is the availability of dynamic maps, the generation of maps by the composition of maps available at local and remote servers and use the standard OGC WMC. The portal shows however that the location and application of Web services are not an easy task for typical Internet users. In this direction, future work could adopt the technology REST (Representational State Transfer).


Adu-Prah, Samuel 01 May 2013 (has links)
Within the theoretical framework of this study it is recognized that a very large amount of real-world facts and geospatial data are collected and stored. Decision makers cannot consider all the available disparate raw facts and data. Problem-specific variables, including complex geographic identifiers have to be selected from this data and be validated. The problems associated with environmental- and public-health data are that (1) geospatial components of the data are not considered in analysis and decision making process, (2) meaningful geospatial patterns and clusters are often overlooked, and (3) public health practitioners find it difficult to comprehend geospatial data. Inspired by the advent of geographic data mining and geovisualization in public and environmental health, the goal of this study is to unveil the spatiotemporal dynamics in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in United States youths at regional and local levels over a twelve-year study period. Specific objectives of this dissertation are to (1) apply regionalization algorithms effective for the identification of meaningful clusters that are in spatial uniformity to youth overweight and obesity, and (2) use Geographic Information System (GIS), spatial analysis techniques, and statistical methods to explore the data sets for health outcomes, and (3) explore geovisualization techniques to transform discovered patterns in the data sets for recognition, flexible interaction and improve interpretation. To achieve the goal and the specific objectives of this dissertation, we used data sets from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY'97) early release (1997-2004), NLSY'97 current release (2005 - 2008), census 2000 data and yearly population estimates from 2001 to 2008, and synthetic data sets. The NLSY97 Cohort database range varied from 6,923 to 8,565 individuals during the period. At the beginning of the cohort study the age of individuals participating in this study was between 12 and 17 years, and in 2008, they were between 24 and 28 years. For the data mining tool, we applied the Regionalization with Dynamically Constrained Agglomerative clustering and Partitioning (REDCAP) algorithms to identify hierarchical regions based on measures of weight metrics of the U.S. youths. The applied algorithms are the single linkage clustering (SLK), average linkage clustering (ALK), complete linkage clustering (CLK), and the Ward's method. Moreover, we used GIS, spatial analysis techniques, and statistical methods to analyze the spatial varying association of overweight and obesity prevalence in the youth and to geographically visualize the results. The methods used included the ordinary least square (OLS) model, the spatial generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), Kulldorff's Scan space-time analysis, and the spatial interpolation techniques (inverse distance weighting). The three main findings for this study are: first, among the four algorithms ALK, Ward and CLK identified regions effectively than SLK which performed very poorly. The ALK provided more promising regions than the rest of the algorithms by producing spatial uniformity effectively related to the weight variable (body mass index). The regionalization algorithm-ALK provided new insights about overweight and obesity, by detecting new spatial clusters with over 30% prevalence. New meaningful clusters were detected in 15 counties, including Yazoo, Holmes, Lincoln, and Attala, in Mississippi; Wise, Delta, Hunt, Liberty, and Hardin in Texas; St Charles, St James, and Calcasieu in Louisiana; Choctaw, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa in Alabama. Demographically, these counties have race/ethnic composition of about 75% White, 11.6% Black and 13.4% others. Second, results from this study indicated that there is an upward trend in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in United States youths both in males and in females. Male youth obesity increased from 10.3% (95% CI=9.0, 11.0) in 1999 to 27.0% (95% CI=26.0, 28.0) in 2008. Likewise, female obesity increased from 9.6% (95% CI=8.0, 11.0) in 1999 to 28.9% (95% CI=27.0, 30.0) during the same period. Youth obesity prevalence was higher among females than among males. Aging is a substantial factor that has statistically highly significant association (p < 0.001) with prevalence of overweight and obesity. Third, significant cluster years for high rates were detected in 2003-2008 (relative risk 1.92, 3.4 annual prevalence cases per 100000, p < 0.0001) and that of low rates in 1997-2002 (relative risk 0.39, annual prevalence cases per 100000, p < 0.0001). Three meaningful spatiotemporal clusters of obesity (p < 0.0001) were detected in counties located within the South, Lower North Eastern, and North Central regions. Counties identified as consistently experiencing high prevalence of obesity and with the potential of becoming an obesogenic environment in the future are Copiah, Holmes, and Hinds in Mississippi; Harris and Chamber, Texas; Oklahoma and McCain, Oklahoma; Jefferson, Louisiana; and Chicot and Jefferson, Arkansas. Surprisingly, there were mixed trends in youth obesity prevalence patterns in rural and urban areas. Finally, from a public health perspective, this research have shown that in-depth knowledge of whether and in what respect certain areas have worse health outcomes can be helpful in designing effective community interventions to promote healthy living. Furthermore, specific information obtained from this dissertation can help guide geographically-targeted programs, policies, and preventive initiatives for overweight and obesity prevalence in the United States.

Disseminação de dados estatísticos georeferenciados através de WEB services e software livre. / Dissemination of statistical data GIS through WEB services and free software.

Paulo Cesar Rangel da Rocha 02 October 2009 (has links)
Diferentes organizações públicas e privadas coletam e disponibilizam uma massa de dados sobre a realidade sócio-econômica das diferentes nações. Há hoje, da parte do governo brasileiro, um interesse manifesto de divulgar uma gama diferenciada de informações para os mais diversos perfis de usuários. Persiste, contudo, uma série de limitações para uma divulgação mais massiva e democrática, entre elas, a heterogeneidade das fontes de dados, sua dispersão e formato de apresentação pouco amigável. Devido à complexidade inerente à informação geográfica envolvida, que produz incompatibilidade em vários níveis, o intercâmbio de dados em sistemas de informação geográfica não é problema trivial. Para aplicações desenvolvidas para a Web, uma solução são os Web Services que permitem que novas aplicações possam interagir com aquelas que já existem e que sistemas desenvolvidos em plataformas diferentes sejam compatíveis. Neste sentido, o objetivo do trabalho é mostrar as possibilidades de construção de portais usando software livre, a tecnologia dos Web Services e os padrões do Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) para a disseminação de dados espaciais. Visando avaliar e testar as tecnologias selecionadas e comprovar sua efetividade foi desenvolvido um exemplo de portal de dados sócio-econômicos, compreendendo informações de um servidor local e de servidores remotos. As contribuições do trabalho são a disponibilização de mapas dinâmicos, a geração de mapas através da composição de mapas disponibilizados em servidores remotos e local e o uso do padrão OGC WMC. Analisando o protótipo de portal construído, verifica-se, contudo, que a localização e requisição de Web Services não são tarefas fáceis para um usuário típico da Internet. Nesta direção, os trabalhos futuros no domínio dos portais de informação geográfica poderiam adotar a tecnologia Representational State Transfer (REST). / Several public and private organizations collect and provide a large amount of data on the socio-economic realities of different countries. Governmental Brazilian agencies are showing today clear interest to disseminate a range of different information to several user profiles. However, many limitations to a more massive and democratic dissemination persist, including heterogeneity of data sources, data dispersion and not friendly format of presentation. Due to the inherent complexity involved in the spatial information, which produces conflict on many levels, the exchange of data in geographic information systems is not a trivial problem. For Web-based applications, Web services can be a useful solution, since they enable new applications to interact with those that already exist and also enable compatibility among systems developed in different platforms. This study aims to show the possibilities of developing thematic portals using free software, Web services technology and the Open Geospatial Consortium standards for the dissemination of spatial data. To evaluate and test the proposal, a portal that integrates data from statistical information servers was built. As example, a thematic portal of socio-economic data was developed, integrating data from a local server and data from remote servers. The main contributions of work is the availability of dynamic maps, the generation of maps by the composition of maps available at local and remote servers and use the standard OGC WMC. The portal shows however that the location and application of Web services are not an easy task for typical Internet users. In this direction, future work could adopt the technology REST (Representational State Transfer).

Mineração de regras de associação em dados georreferenciados / Mining of association rules in geographic data

Marina Abichabki Pivato 21 March 2006 (has links)
Sistemas de informações geográficas permitem armazenar, manipular e armazenar, manipular e analisar dados espaciais e aspectos descritivos desses dados. A análise de dados espaciais pode ser realizada por meio de técnicas de extração de regras de associação, ou seja, regras que descrevem relacionamentos entre os dados. Porém, a mineração de regras de associação não considera as relações topológicas existentes entre dados georreferenciados. Para solucionar esse problema, Koperski and Han (1995) e Malerba et al. (2001) propuseram um processo de extração de regras integrado ao algoritmo de mineração e utilizavam predicados lógicos para representar as regras. Como alternativa a essa solução, este trabalho propõe pré-processar os dados referenciados para encontrar relações topológicas em separado e aplicar um algoritmo de mineração de regras de associação disponí?vel pela comunidade acadêmica. As regras geradas devem apresentar características descritivas dos dados e relações topológicas. Para atingir esse objetivo foi especificado um processo de extração de regras em dados georreferenciados e implementado um módulo de pré-processamento que extrai relações topológicas. O módulo foi avaliado por meio de um estudo de caso utilizando o sistema de informação geográfica da cidade de Jaboticabal, no contexto de planejamento urbano. As regras encontradas foram analisadas por um especialista utilizando as medidas de suporte e confiança. Além disso, uma análise sobre o tempo de processamento e consumo de memória para encontrar as relações topológicas foi realizada, mostrando que é possível extrair padrões utilizando o processo e o módulo proposto neste trabalho. / Geographic information systems are used to store, manipulate, and analyze spatial data and its descriptive aspects. Spatial data analysis can be done by searching association rules that describe relationships between the data. However, georeferenced data present topological relations unknown to traditional mining association rule algorithms. To solve this problem, Koperski and Han (1995) and Malerba et al. (2001) proposed a topological relation extraction process integrated to a mining association rule algorithm. This process requires all data to be translated as logical predicates. As an alternative to this solution, this work proposes to break down this process by pre-processing the georeferenced data to find topological relations, then executing traditional mining association rule algorithms. The resulting rules must present descriptive characteristics of the data and topological relations. To reach this objective, a process of rule extraction in georeferenced data was specified, in addition to a pre-processing module implementation. This module was evaluated by using a case study that uses a geographic information system of the city of Jaboticabal, in the context of urban planning. The generated rules were analyzed by a specialist using the measures of support and confidence. In addition, an analysis regarding the processing time and memory consumption was provided to find the topological relations, which shows that it is possible to extract the patterns with the proposed process and module.

Improving usability of land warfare simulator: pathfinding and adaptive speed based on geographic data

Engström, Olof, Lördal Tigerström, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
SANDIS II is a land warfare simulation and analysis tool developed by the Finnish Defence Research Agency. The Swedish Defence Research Agency has evaluated SANDIS II to have potential as a war gaming aid within education, at the Swedish Defence University. However, operating the tool is considered too difficult to avail that potential. In this report we propose a way of using geographical data for path-finding in terrain and automatically adjusting units’ speeds. We construct a cost raster from various types of geographic data, with each grid in the cost raster storing a value, representing a degree of mobility. Models using cost rasters are then created for adjusting unit speed and finding least-cost paths. We implement the models in Python as a stand-alone module, and describe the module’s internal methods, interface and how it can be used by SANDIS II. / SANDIS II är ett simuleringsoch analysverktyg utvecklat av Finska Försvarsmaktens Forskningsanstalt. Svenska Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut har utvärderat SANDIS II och funnit ett potentiellt användningsområde för verktyget som stöd vid krigsspel, inom utbildning vid Försvarshögskolan. Verktyget anses dock vara för svårhanterligt för att uppfylla detta syfte. I denna rapport föreslås metoder för att beräkna de snabbaste förflyttningsvägarna i terräng och att automatiskt justera enheters hastighet i simulatorn, baserat på geografisk data. Vi konstruerar ett kostnadsraster av olika typer av terrängdata, där varje ruta i rastret tilldelas ett värde som representerar framkomlighet. Med kostnadsraster som grund skapar vi sedan modeller för att kunna justera enheters hastigheter och beräkna framryckningsrutter med så låg kostnad som möjligt. Vi implementerar modellerna i en separat Python-modul och beskriver modulens interna metoder, gränssnitt och hur det kan användas av SANDIS II.

Processamento de consultas SOLAP drill-across e com junção espacial em data warehouses geográficos / Processing of drill-across and spatial join SOLAP queries over geographic data warehouses

Brito, Jaqueline Joice 28 November 2012 (has links)
Um data warehouse geográco (DWG) é um banco de dados multidimensional, orientado a assunto, integrado, histórico, não-volátil e geralmente organizado em níveis de agregação. Além disso, também armazena dados espaciais em uma ou mais dimensões ou em pelo menos uma medida numérica. Visando oferecer suporte à tomada de decisão, é possível realizar em DWGs consultas SOLAP (spatial online analytical processing ), isto é, consultas analíticas multidimensionais (e.g., drill-down, roll-up, drill-across ) com predicados espaciais (e.g., intersecta, contém, está contido) denidos para range queries e junções espaciais. Um desafio no processamento dessas consultas é recuperar, de forma eficiente, dados espaciais e convencionais em DWGs muito volumosos. Na literatura, existem poucos índices voltados à indexação de DWGs, e ainda assim nenhum desses índices dedica-se a indexar consultas SOLAP drill-across e com junção espacial. Esta dissertação visa suprir essa limitação, por meio da proposta de estratégias para o processamento dessas consultas complexas. Para o processamento de consultas SOLAP drill-across foram propostas duas estratégias, Divide e Única, além da especicação de um conjunto de diretrizes que deve ser seguido para o projeto de um esquema de DWG que possibilite a execução dessas consultas e da especicação de classes de consultas. Para o processamento de consultas SOLAP com junção espacial foi proposta a estratégia SJB, além da identicação de quais características o esquema de DWG deve possuir para possibilitar a execução dessas consultas e da especicação do formato dessas consultas. A validação das estratégias propostas foi realizada por meio de testes de desempenho considerando diferentes congurações, sendo que os resultados obtidos foram contrastados com a execução de consultas do tipo junção estrela e o uso de visões materializadas. Os resultados mostraram que as estratégias propostas são muito eficientes. No processamento de consultas SOLAP drill-across, as estratégias Divide e Única mostraram uma redução no tempo de 82,7% a 98,6% com relação à junção estrela e ao uso de visões materializadas. No processamento de consultas SOLAP com junção espacial, a estratégia SJB garantiu uma melhora de desempenho na grande maioria das consultas executadas. Para essas consultas, o ganho de desempenho variou de 0,3% até 99,2% / A geographic data warehouse (GDW) is a special kind of multidimensional database. It is subject-oriented, integrated, historical, non-volatile and usually organized in levels of aggregation. Furthermore, a GDW also stores spatial data in one or more dimensions or at least in one numerical measure. Aiming at decision support, GDWs allow SOLAP (spatial online analytical processing) queries, i.e., multidimensional analytical queries (e.g., drill-down, roll-up, drill-across) extended with spatial predicates (e.g., intersects, contains, is contained) dened for range and spatial join queries. A challenging issue related to the processing of these complex queries is how to recover spatial and conventional data stored in huge GDWs eciently. In the literature, there are few access methods dedicated to index GDWs, and none of these methods focus on drill-across and spatial join SOLAP queries. In this master\'s thesis, we propose novel strategies for processing these complex queries. We introduce two strategies for processing SOLAP drill-across queries (namely, Divide and Unique), dene a set of guidelines for the design of a GDW schema that enables the execution of these queries, and determine a set of classes of these queries to be issued over a GDW schema that follows the proposed guidelines. As for the processing of spatial join SOLAP queries, we propose the SJB strategy, and also identify the characteristics of a DWG schema that enables the execution of these queries as well as dene the format of these queries. We validated the proposed strategies through performance tests that compared them with the star join computation and the use of materialized views. The obtained results showed that our strategies are very ecient. Regarding the SOLAP drill-across queries, the Divide and Unique strategies showed a time reduction that ranged from 82,7% to 98,6% with respect to star join computation and the use of materialized views. Regarding the SOLAP spatial join queries, the SJB strategy guaranteed best results for most of the analyzed queries. For these queries, the performance gain of the SJB strategy ranged from 0,3% to 99,2% over the star join computation and the use of materialized view

Proposta de um modelo genérico de um SBDE que permita a interoperabilidade entre sistemas / Proposal for a generic model of a SBDE aiming interoperability between systems

Moraes, Francisco Roza de 21 August 2017 (has links)
Os constantes avanços técnico-científicos, nas diversas áreas da engenharia, ocasionaram grandes mudanças nos inúmeros métodos de abordagem do cotidiano e também, realizaram papel fundamental, na aproximação de novos usuários, com ou sem conhecimentos específicos, à utilização das novas técnicas. Na Cartografia, por exemplo, esses avanços e a aproximação de novos usuários, com diferentes necessidades de uso, possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de modernos modos de abordagem para problemas do dia a dia. A criação da estruturação de dados digitais geográficos permitiu o desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas computacionais que, como os Sistemas de Informação Geográficas, agilizaram as etapas referentes aos processos de pesquisas relacionados a utilização de dados geográficos. Contudo, para uma correta utilização das novas ferramentas, os conjuntos de dados geográficos, devem apresentar-se de modo estruturado, seguindo normas e técnicas bem elaboradas sobre esse assunto. Um esforço que, por muitas vezes, não ocorre por parte dos usuários finais que acabada por comprometer toda a eficiência do sistema eletrônico. Este trabalho aborda assim, os benefícios envolvidos na utilização de padrões e técnicas de desenvolvimento de softwares bem definidas e eficientes; as instituições internacionais responsáveis por estabelecerem as regras base e os esforços necessários para o desenvolvimento com qualidade de uma aplicação que utilize banco de dados espaciais. / The constant technical and scientific advances, in various areas of engineering, have led to changes in the many methods of everyday approach and played a fundamental role in attracting new users, with or without specific knowledge, to the use of these new techniques. In cartography, in special, these advances and the approximation of new users, with different skill levels, enabled the development of modern methods for resolution of problems. The creation of data structure for geographic applications allowed the development of new computational tools that, as the Geographic Information Systems, helped the development related to the research processes with geographic data. However, for a correct use of these new tools, spatial databases must be developed in a structured way, following well-developed standards and techniques. An effort that, for many times, does not occur on the part of the end users that end up compromising all the efficiency of the computational system. This work present: The benefits involved in the use of standards and techniques for developing efficient software; showing the international institutions responsible for establishing the base rules and the necessary efforts for the development with quality of an application that uses spatial databases.

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