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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geoinformatika ve středoškolském kurikulu / Geoinformatics in secondary school's curriculum

Král, Luboš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the use of geospatial tools in secondary schools in Czech republic. Subject of study are mainly Geographic information systems (GIS) and Remote sensing and their implementation into secondary school curricula. Aplication a research in this area is in the centre of interest of IGU. Previous works showed, that GIS has great potential to contribute to effective learning of geographic concepts, knowledge and GIS can be a tool for display, inquiry and analysis in problem based learning. The main goal is to explore the current state of geoinformatics involvement in teaching in secondary schools and to identify how to develop this condition at all levels of the curriculum (intended, implemented and attained). In order to achieve this general objective in thesis are chosen for each level of curriculum following goals: 1) At the level of intended curriculum we are dealing with two questions: At first, how is geoinformatic's topic presented in national's curriculum of a selected countries. At second, which geoinformatic skills should be acquired by secondary school's students. The main method is content analysis of documents. 2) At the level of implemented curriculum we try to provide findings regarding the current state of proliferation of the GIS software at Czech grammar schools...

Práce s mapou v závislosti na matematických dovednostech žáků / Map use according to the students' level of mathematical skills

Švubová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis belongs to studies that deals with map skills. This thesis focuses on thematic maps - namely the choropleth map and proportional symbol map - and research correlation between map skills and mathematical skills. The main aim is to research correlation between these two variables using didactic test. This thesis also researches the effect of success in a given mathematical skill in the mathematical part of the test on success rate in questions that examine that skill in the map part of the test. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the mathematical skills that are needed while working with maps were defined and analysed. Given that various mathematical skills are needed while working with various cartographic expression methods, detailed list of these skill has been developed for the four most widely used cartographic methods - flow map, area class map, choropleth map and proportional symbol map. The main part of the thesis is devoted to general testing of map and mathematical skills among pupils in the ninth grade of elementary schools and corresponding class of grammar schools. In the first part the test verified reading, analysing and interpretation of choropleth map and proportional symbol map, in the second part the mathematical skills used while working with these...

Компаративна анализа погодности употребе традиционалних и савремених наставних средстава у настави географије / Komparativna analiza pogodnosti upotrebe tradicionalnih i savremenih nastavnih sredstava u nastavi geografije / Коmparativ analisis of use tradicional and modern teaching aids in geography education

Ostojić Đokić Biljana 23 December 2011 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Промјене у образовном систему Републике Српске последњих десетак година&nbsp;довеле су до увођења већег броја иновација у образовни процес. Све веће инсистирање&nbsp;на интеракцијама у учионици приликом реализације наставних садржаја захтијевају од&nbsp;наставника да буде креативнији и што боље осмисли настави час, што се данас постиже&nbsp;и употребом савремених наставних средстава. Када у настави говоримо о савременим&nbsp;наставним средствима првенствено мислимо на увођење рачунара у наставу и бројне&nbsp;могућности које нуди. Увођењем савремених наставних средстава у наставу географије&nbsp;не треба заборавити и избацити из примјене традиционална наставна средства.&nbsp;У школама у Републици Српској нажалост, данас постоје потешкоће у увођењу&nbsp;савремених наставних средстава. Једна од њих је материјалне природе и односи се на&nbsp;набавку оваквих средстава, која захтијевају издвајање доста новчаних средстава. Друга&nbsp;потешкоћа огледа се у обучености наставног особља за коришћење савремених&nbsp;наставних средстава. Данас је мали проценат школа у Републици Српској опремљен&nbsp;довољним бројем савремених наставних средстава, првенствено рачунарима.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify; ">Promjene u obrazovnom sistemu Republike Srpske poslednjih desetak godina&nbsp;dovele su do uvođenja većeg broja inovacija u obrazovni proces. Sve veće insistiranje&nbsp;na interakcijama u učionici prilikom realizacije nastavnih sadržaja zahtijevaju od&nbsp;nastavnika da bude kreativniji i što bolje osmisli nastavi čas, što se danas postiže&nbsp;i upotrebom savremenih nastavnih sredstava. Kada u nastavi govorimo o savremenim&nbsp;nastavnim sredstvima prvenstveno mislimo na uvođenje računara u nastavu i brojne&nbsp;mogućnosti koje nudi. Uvođenjem savremenih nastavnih sredstava u nastavu geografije&nbsp;ne treba zaboraviti i izbaciti iz primjene tradicionalna nastavna sredstva.&nbsp;U školama u Republici Srpskoj nažalost, danas postoje poteškoće u uvođenju&nbsp;savremenih nastavnih sredstava. Jedna od njih je materijalne prirode i odnosi se na&nbsp;nabavku ovakvih sredstava, koja zahtijevaju izdvajanje dosta novčanih sredstava. Druga&nbsp;poteškoća ogleda se u obučenosti nastavnog osoblja za korišćenje savremenih&nbsp;nastavnih sredstava. Danas je mali procenat škola u Republici Srpskoj opremljen&nbsp;dovoljnim brojem savremenih nastavnih sredstava, prvenstveno računarima.</p> / <p> Changes in the education system of the Srpska past ten years have led to the introduction of a<br /> number of innovations in education. The increasing emphasis on interaction in the clasroom<br /> during the implemetation of the teaching content requre teaching to be creativ and come up<br /> with better teaching moment, wich is now acheived by use of modern teaching aids. Once in<br /> class we talk about modern teaching aids we mean the introduction of computers in teaching<br /> and numerous opportunities it offers. Introduction of modern teaching aids in the teaching of<br /> geography should not be forgotten and out of the application of traditional teaching tools.<br /> In schools in the Republic of Srpska unfortunately, today there are difficulties in introducing<br /> modern teaching aids. One of them is of a material nature relating to the procurement of such<br /> funds, which require separation of a lot of money. Another difficulty lies in training teachers<br /> to use modern teaching aids. Today a small percentage of schools in the Republic of Srpska<br /> equipped with the teaching materials, primarily computers.</p>

The Utility of Standardized Achievement Test Scores as a Predictor of Geographic Knowledge and Abilities in Undergraduates at an Urban Ohio University

Craig, Thomas R. 12 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Map Interactivity: Exploring the Benefits in the Utah Studies Classroom

Taylor, Whitney Fae 17 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis introduces map interactivity as a new learning resource for historical geography subjects. The purpose of the research is to examine the ability of interactive maps to improve the learning process in social studies classrooms in Utah's public schools. An interactive map and paper maps focused on Utah settlement and hypothetical geographical attractors were created for this research. A two-group experiment was conducted in six classes of Utah Studies; the experimental group used an interactive map, and the control group used a series of paper maps and corresponding tables. Students' conceptual knowledge was tested before and after they used the maps via a pre- and posttest. In addition, at the conclusion of the unit, students rated their feelings about the unit and their assigned maps on a bipolar adjective (semantic differential) scale. Students using the interactive map showed significantly better improvement on two sections of the test: matching and multiple choice. The cognitive processes and the types of knowledge the questions tested likely contributed to this result. Although a significant difference was not found for the attitude assessment, the slow speed of the computers may have increased students' frustration with the interactive map and, consequently, negatively impacted their attitudes about the unit. Integrating interactive maps in social studies classrooms can enhance learning, as these maps can promote an environment in which students learn more effectively and are more interested in the subject matter. As schools update their technology with faster computers, educators should implement more technological mapping resources that may enhance students' learning and attitudes about social studies.

Příprava hodin zeměpisu: možnosti učitelského webu / Preparation of Geography Lessons: Potential Use of Teacher-Oriented Website

Weiss, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Lesson preparation is an important part of teachers' profession, yet there has been little research focused on this topic recently. This work studied the preparation of geography lessons in Czechia with an emphasis on the use of internet sources. Based on the findings, criteria for an ideal geographic website for teachers were suggested. The data were collected in two ways: (1) on-line survey of ran- domly selected secondary school teachers (n=72), and (2) semi-structured interviews (n=6). The work indicated that lesson preparation greatly varies from teacher to teacher. In general, teachers do not change their lesson plans significantly, and thus the beginning of teachers' career is crucial for future teaching. Participating teachers spend on average about a quarter of their working time on lesson preparation and there is no apparent correlation between the time spend on lesson preparation and the teachers' age or the length of teachers' career. Furthermore, it was found that all participating teachers use internet resources during lesson preparation, particularly for search of updated infor- mation. The most visited websites are those offering maps and encyclopaedias (predominantly Wik- ipedia). The ideal geographical website should primarily offer ideas for teaching activities, as fully- prepared lessons...

O ensino de Geografia Física no Ensino Médio: qual seu lugar? / Physical Geography teaching in High School: what is its place?

Furim, Adenezile de Fátima Reis 17 September 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste numa análise de livros didáticos para se verificar de que forma vem se dando a organização ou disposição dos conteúdos de geografia física ou natureza, como denominado pelos PCN, nesses materiais. Para se iniciar tal análise, foi necessário levantar os conceitos de Geografia elaborados ou usados como referência por alguns daqueles que produzem ou produziram o conhecimento geográfico e como esses conceitos podem ter contribuído para o entendimento que se tem do seu objeto de estudo, levando ou não a ser definida como uma ciência dicotômica. O entendimento do que é natureza também se fez pertinente para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, isso porque tem havido uma incorporação da temática ambiental junto aos conteúdos de geografia. Com a análise de tais materiais foi possível constatar os conteúdos citados já foram alocados em diferentes lugares nos livros didáticos de geografia, seguindo das mudanças sofridas por essa ciência no Brasil, bem como das mudanças políticas ocorridas no País. / This paper is an analysis of textbooks to verify how the organization has been taking or disposition of the contents or nature of physical geography, as named by the NCP, in these materials. To start this analysis, it was necessary to raise the concepts of geography designed or used as a reference for some of those who produce or have produced geographic knowledge and how these concepts may have contributed to the understanding that has its object of study, or not taking to be defined as a science dichotomy. Understanding the nature of which is also made relevant to the development of research, that because there has been an incorporation of environmental issues with the content of geography. With the analysis of such materials was possible to verify the contents mentioned have already been allocated in different places in geography textbooks, following the changes undergone by this science in Brazil, as well as the political changes in country.

Os cursos de geografia nas instituições públicas de ensino superior do Paraná: uma ênfase na aplicação da semiologia gráfica nos currículos das disciplinas cartográficas / Geography courses in higher education public institutions from Paraná State: an emphasis on Semiology of graphics application in Cartographic disciplines curricula

Rosolem, Nathalia Prado 19 September 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou analisar a atual situação das disciplinas cartográficas, especificamente a de Cartografia Temática, ministradas nos cursos de Geografia em instituições públicas de ensino superior do Estado do Paraná e o uso da Semiologia Gráfica entre elas, partindo-se da premissa de que o estudo da linguagem da representação gráfica, tendo esta como base metodológica, é aplicado aos conteúdos ministrados nas disciplinas cartográficas que compõem a grade curricular dos cursos paranaenses, fato que foi investigado através de entrevistas realizadas com os professores responsáveis e por meio da análise de seus planos de ensino. Ademais, buscou-se expor como esta é trabalhada nas disciplinas, investigando algumas questões como: em quais delas esta é empregada?; qual a formação dos docentes quanto a esta metodologia?; quais as bibliografias utilizadas por eles para embasar os conteúdos da Semiologia Gráfica?; como se encontram a estrutura da instituição, seus laboratórios e os softwares utilizados na disciplina?; as dificuldades dos alunos no processo de aprendizagem da Semiologia Gráfica; a importância desta, segunda a opinião dos docentes e; se há outras orientações metodológicas as quais os docentes utilizam além desta. A partir desta investigação, conclui-se que a Semiologia Gráfica continua sendo a corrente metodológica que orienta o entendimento da estruturação de uma linguagem, a da representação gráfica, essencial para a formação do licenciado e bacharel dessa ciência, como parte dos conteúdos cartográficos trabalhados dentro do curso superior de Geografia, sobretudo das instituições públicas de Ensino superior do Paraná. / This research sought to analyze the current situation of cartographic disciplines, specifically the Thematic Cartographic, being taught in geography courses in public higher education institutions of the Parana State and the use of Semiology of Graphics among them, starting from the premise that the language study of graphic representation, which was taken as a methodological basis, it is applied to the contents taught in cartographical disciplines which compose the curriculum grade of Parana courses, a fact that was investigated by interviewing responsible teachers and analyzing their teaching plans. In addition, it sought to expose how this is worked in the disciplines, investigating some questions such as: Which of them are being used? What is the knowledge of teachers about this methodology? Which are the bibliographies used by them to support the Semiology of Graphics Content? How the institution structure is found and how its laboratories and software are used during the discipline? Which are the main difficulties of the students in the learning process of Semiology of Graphics its relevance from teachers opinion and if there are other methodological guidelines which teachers use beyond it? From this work, it is concluded that the Semiology of Graphics remains the current methodological that guides the understanding of language structure, the graphical representation, being essential for licensee and bachelor formation of geography science, as part of cartographic contents worked out in Geography Degree, mainly in public higher education institutions of the Parana State.

Mapas: entre narrativas pela dominação e dissertativas pela contestação / Maps: Between narratives for domination and essay towards contestation

Fernandes, Wellington de Oliveira 18 November 2016 (has links)
A emergência de práticas engajadas a utilizar os mapas como instrumento de contestação, como é o caso da metodologia de mapeamento participativo, aliada a efervescência teórica em torno de fazer a crítica aos mapas, sobretudo a partir de Brian Harley, constitui a cartografia crítica. Os mapas participativos surgem como proposta para fortalecer a defesa de comunidades tradicionais em contexto de conflito territorial. Assim, uma infinidade de experiências e técnicas é desenvolvida com a proposta de contrapor representações cartográficas hegemônicas. Enquanto isso, no plano teórico, os mapas tem o caráter de documento científico neutro questionado e são situados em meio a relações de poder. Historicamente, os mapas foram e ainda são utilizados em estratégias de dominação e existem diversas situações que justificam tal afirmação. Além disso, os mapas também são instrumentos de contestação e aparecem como contraponto às distintas estratégias hegemônicas de poder. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo discutir o caráter político desta relação e fortalecer a produção de mapas que possam ser um contraponto ao status quo. Foi realizada revisão bibliográfica para fundamentar a crítica em torno dos mapas e referendar a organização e análise do momento empírico da pesquisa que consistiu em uma experiência formativa em cartografia crítica e mapeamento participativo, realizada junto a jovens estudantes de escola pública da periferia de São Paulo. Como resultado, 09 oficinas foram desenvolvidas, sistematizadas e avaliadas, sendo passíveis de replicação em outros espaços. Fomentar novos atores para a cena cartográfica é fazer oposição a discursos cartográficos dominantes e a escola é um espaço estratégico para tal promoção. / The emergence of practices engaged to use maps as instruments of contestation, such as the participatory mapping methodology, combined with theoretical effervescence on criticizing maps, especially from Brian Harley, is critical cartography. Participatory maps come up as a proposal to strengthen the defense of traditional communities, in the context of territorial conflict. Thus, a multitude of experiences and techniques is developed with the purpose of counter hegemonic cartographic representations. Meanwhile, in the theoretical scenario, maps have its character of neutral scientific document questioned and situated in the midst of power relations. Historically, maps were and still are used in strategies of domination and there are several situations that justify such a claim. In addition, the maps are also contesting instruments and appear as a counterpoint to the different hegemonic strategies of power. This research aimed to discuss the political nature of this relationship, and to strengthen the production of maps that can be a counterpoint to the status quo. The scientific literature was reviewed to support the criticism around maps and to endorse the empirical research organization and analysis which consisted of a formative experience in critical and participatory mapping, carried out with young public school students from the outskirts of São Paulo. As a result, nine workshops were developed, systematized and evaluated, being capable of replication in other areas. To promote new players into the mapping scene is to confront and make opposition to the dominant cartographic discourse and the school is a strategic space for such actions.

O solo no ensino de Geografia e sua importância para a formação cidadã na educação básica / The soil in Geography education and its importance for civic education in basic education

Mendes, Samuel de Oliveira 27 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-28T13:16:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Samuel de Oliveira Mendes - 2017.pdf: 6277902 bytes, checksum: 768e0a647dcfe7d624eb39b470dbd81c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-28T13:23:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Samuel de Oliveira Mendes - 2017.pdf: 6277902 bytes, checksum: 768e0a647dcfe7d624eb39b470dbd81c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-28T13:23:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Samuel de Oliveira Mendes - 2017.pdf: 6277902 bytes, checksum: 768e0a647dcfe7d624eb39b470dbd81c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The soil, one of the main physical-natural components of geographical space, is associated with the physical, chemical and biological factors involved in its formation and degeneration processes, just as much with the ones of use and occupation developed by society. Therefore, this component, having physical-natural, economic, social, political and cultural relevance, has influenced and still influences in the present day the configuration of environments, landscapes, as well the production of geographical space. As the school is not dissociated from society, these discussions, in some way, are also present in the daily life of this institution, especially as one of the contents addressed by Geography teaching. Thus, with the critical perspective of teaching as a reference, we aim, in the present research, to analyze how the soil is taught in Geography Education and, in particular, to highlight the importance of this physical-natural component for the critical formation of students, and also to discuss how has been proposed to work with this subject in the pedagogical-didactic materials of Geography and in scientific events of Geography. Considering the assumptions of the qualitative research, specifically in the case study modality, we established as the spatial template of the research ten schools of the Municipal Education Network of Goiânia - GO, located close to areas vulnerable to flooding and erosion; and, as research subjects, the Geography teachers who work in these educational institutions. With this, it was intended to understand, through semi-structured interviews and observation of classes, what knowledge and, in particular, what concepts these teachers mobilized in order to teach soil in Geography Education. We carried out an analysis of didactic-pedagogical materials of Geography that subsidize the knowledge of the content and a survey on the teaching of soil in significant academic events in the field of Physical Geography and Geography Education, in order to understand the way it has been discussed and proposed the apprehension of this theme, especially in Basic Education. The analysis of the data indicated that the soil is not one of the central themes in Geography Education. There is a tendency in the approaches in conceiving the soil as a resource, considering only its physical-natural characteristics. We also perceive that social issues related to soil are sometimes placed in the background, and, when mentioned, reinforce a common sense and mediatic notion that blames society for the environmental problems that characterize the current degradation set, without associating to this picture the physical-natural factors conditioning these processes. We conclude, also, in regard to the scientific productions, that some works, emphasizing the presence of Physical Geography in the school, reinforce the dichotomy between Physical Geography and Human Geography. We understand that in Basic Education there is only Geography, in a broader sense, as an established curricular component. Evidently, the knowledge from this area resides in Geography Education, however, just as didactical subjects and contents. We have also verified, in some texts, the absence of reflections that value the role of the teacher as mediator of the teaching and learning process. When we reflect on the relevance of the soil as an essential physical-natural component to life, as a theme that is part of the daily life of the subjects involved in the teaching and learning process and as content approached from the perspective of the geographical space, we believe that it is possible to develop a schooling that is significant and based on the relevance of geographical knowledge for the analysis of reality. We also believe that work with soil-related topics should be addressed in Basic Education in the perspective of Didactic Knowledge of Content, one of the specificities that distinguishes the Geography teacher from other professionals. / O solo, um dos principais componentes físico-naturais do espaço geográfico, está associado tanto aos fatores físicos, químicos e biológicos envolvidos em seu processo de formação e desgaste quanto aos processos de uso e ocupação desenvolvidos pela sociedade. Portanto, esse componente, ao ter relevância físico-natural, econômica, social, política e cultural, influenciou e influencia ainda nos dias atuais a configuração dos ambientes, das paisagens, bem como o processo de produção do espaço geográfico. Como a escola não está desassociada da sociedade, essas discussões, de algum modo, também estão presentes no cotidiano dessa instituição, em especial, como um dos conteúdos indicados para serem abordados no ensino de Geografia. Assim, tendo a perspectiva crítica de ensino como referência, objetivamos, na presente pesquisa, analisar como o ensino de solos é realizado na Geografia Escolar e, em particular, destacar a importância desse componente físico-natural para a formação crítica dos alunos, além de discutir como tem sido proposto o trabalho com essa temática nos materiais pedagógico-didáticos de Geografia e em eventos científicos da Geografia. Considerando os pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, no que se circunscreve à modalidade de estudo de caso, estabelecemos como recorte espacial de investigação 10 escolas da Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia - GO, situadas próximas à áreas vulneráveis a inundação e a erosão; e, como sujeitos da pesquisa, os professores de Geografia que trabalham nessas instituições de ensino. Com isso, a intenção foi compreender, mediante a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação de aulas, quais conhecimentos e, em especial, quais conceitos esses docentes mobilizam para ensinar solos na Geografia Escolar. Realizamos análise em materiais didático-pedagógicos de Geografia que subsidiam o trabalho com o conhecimento do conteúdo e um levantamento sobre o ensino de solos em eventos significativos no campo da Geografia Física e do Ensino de Geografia, com o intuito de compreender a maneira como tem sido discutido e proposto o trabalho com esse tema, em especial à Educação Básica. As análises dos dados indicaram que o solo não se configura como um dos temas centrais no Ensino de Geografia. Há uma tendência nas abordagens em conceber o solo como um recurso, considerando apenas as suas características físico-naturais. Percebemos ainda que as questões de ordem social relacionadas ao solo, por vezes, são postas em segundo plano, e, quando mencionadas, reforçam um ideário midiático e de senso comum que culpabiliza a sociedade pelos problemas ambientais que caracterizam o quadro de degradação instaurado na atualidade, sem associar a esse quadro os fatores físico-naturais condicionantes desses processos. Concluímos, ainda, principalmente com relação às produções científicas, que alguns trabalhos, ao ressaltarem a existência da Geografia Física na escola, reforçam a dicotomia entre Geografia Física e Geografia Humana. Entendemos que na Educação Básica existe apenas Geografia como componente curricular instituída. Evidentemente, os conhecimentos advindos dessa área estão na Geografia Escolar, entretanto, como temas e conteúdos. Verificamos também, em alguns textos, a ausência de reflexões que valorizem o papel do docente como mediador do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Ao refletirmos sobre a relevância do solo como um componente físico-natural essencial à vida, como temática que faz parte do cotidiano dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem e como conteúdo abordado na perspectiva do espaço geográfico, acreditamos que é possível desenvolver uma aprendizagem que seja significativa e que esteja assentada na relevância do conhecimento geográfico para a análise da realidade. Acreditamos, ainda, que o trabalho com os temas relacionados ao solo deve ser encaminhado na Educação Básica a partir da perspectiva do Conhecimento Didático do Conteúdo, uma das especificidades que diferencia o professor de Geografia dos demais profissionais.

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