Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geologia"" "subject:"geologic""
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Syn-Magmatic Deformation Structures in the Slaufrudalur Pluton, East Iceland / Syn-magmatiska deformationsstrukturer i Slaufrudalur-plutonen, östra IslandHo, Chun Hei January 2023 (has links)
Structures and deformation mechanisms of magmatic rocks are controlled by rheology. An increase in melt fraction can weaken a rock body and localises significant amount of strain. This interplay between rheology, melting and deformation in a magma reservoir, however, is not always clearly documented in literature. Therefore, this thesis illustrates the Syn-Magmatic Deformation Features (SMDFs) discovered in the Slaufrudalur pluton in Iceland. The goal of this thesis is to test whether these features formed during the emplacement of the Slaufrudalur pluton. Field mapping, microscopy, geochemistry analysis, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and Raman spectroscopy were employed to document and investigate the formation of these features and their relationships with the pluton. The SMDFs bear sharp contacts with the host granite and are divided into two types according to their morphology: 1) Type I SMDFs resemble shear zone with internal deformation fabric. 2) Type II SMDFs resemble magmatic dykes. The Type I SMDFs are interpreted as melt-assisted shearing structures while Type II SMDFs are interpreted as magmatic dykelets. Previous studies postulated that amalgamation of magma batches was responsible for the emplacement of the large plutons. Frequent injection of magma batches built up internal pressure and increased internal temperature of the emplacing pluton, which allowed the pluton to stay partially molten and mechanically weak. This allowed the mixing and mingling of different magma batches, resulting in the occurrence of various structures within the pluton. Solidified magma batches could also be re-mobilised to form mush or magma. The difference in formation mechanisms hints different rheology heterogeneity within the Slaufrudalur pluton. Hence, the occurrence of SMDFs is directly linked to the Slaufrudalur pluton during its emplacement. / Linking Magma Batch Intrusion to the Construction of Geothermal Systems and Mineral Deposits
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Magma Mixing and ReplenishmentBeneath Laurens Peninsula, Heard Island / Magmablandning och påfyllning underLaurens Peninsula, Heard IslandTelson, Ransom January 2022 (has links)
Heard Island is a remote Australian territory which lies in the South-middle sector of the Indian Ocean.The island lies in the central province of the Kerguelen Plateau. On the north-western face of the islandlies the Laurens Peninsula, where modern volcanism has been periodic since approximately 10 ka, butno eruption has been recorded. The main volcanic feature of the peninsula is Mt Dixon of which noactivity has been observed but it is thought to have erupted within the past few hundred years. This thesis applied the crystal size distribution method to three thin sections from the LaurensPeninsula. The samples were collected from a phonolite from Jacka valley, a teprhiphonolite from thebase of the Red Island cone, and a tephrite east of Cape Cartwright. Crystal dimensions were calculatedusing ImageJ Fiji, these dimensions were corrected for 3D dimensions using CSDslice, and the datawas plotted using CSDcorrections. Microcrysts were traced using backscattered electron (BSE) images,and high resolutions scans of the thin section were used to trace phenocrysts. The results of the crystalsize distributions show concave-up shapes in all plots with steep slopes for smaller crystals, followedby shallow slopes for larger crystals. This suggests binary magma mixing by replenishment occurred inthe magmas associated with all three samples. The different slopes suggest two separate crystallisationconditions: Phenocrysts crystalized slowly in the chamber and microcrysts crystallized relativelyquickly during or after eruption. Textural differences in the three samples suggest that the tephrite hadthe longest residence time and underwent the most replenishment events, followed by thetephriphonolite and lastly the phonolite. Finally, since replenishment is the mechanism of mixingbeneath the Laurens Peninsula, then volcanism might still be active, and the chambers could currentlybe replenishing, which could trigger an eruption. / Heard Island är ett avlägset australiensiskt territorium som ligger i den södra delen av den Indiskaoceanen. Ön ligger i den centrala provinsen på Kerguelenplatån. På den nordvästra sidan av ön liggerLaurens-halvön, där modern vulkanism daterar sig till cirka 10 ka. Den främsta vulkaniska strukturenpå halvön är Mt Dixon där ingen aktivitet har registrerats, men som tros ha haft ett utbrott under desenaste hundra åren. Denna avhandling tillämpade metoden för kristallstorleksfördelning på tre tunnslipar frånLaurenshalvön. Proverna samlades in från en fonolit från Jacka valley, en tefrifonolit från basen av RedIsland cone och en tefrit öster om Cape Cartwright. Kristalldimensioner beräknades med ImageJ Fiji,dessa dimensioner korrigerades för 3D-dimensioner med CSDslice, och datat plottades medCSDcorrections. Mikrokristaller spårades med hjälp av backscattered electron images (BSE) ochhögupplösta skanningar av tunnslipen användes för att spåra fenokryster. Resultaten avkristallstorleksfördelningarna föreslog binär magmablandning via påfyllning i alla tre proverna. Dessavisade konkava former i alla plotter med branta sluttningar för mindre kristaller, följt av plattaresluttningar för större kristaller. De olika lutningarna på kurvorna föreslog två separatakristallisationsförhållanden: fenokryster kristalliserade långsamt i kammaren, och mikrokristallerkristalliserade relativt snabbt under eller efter utbrottet. Texturella skillnader i de tre proverna antyddeatt tefriten hade den längsta residenstiden och genomgick flest påfyllningshändelser, följt avtefrifonoliten och slutligen fonoliten. Slutligen, om påfyllning var mekanismen för att blandas underLaurenshalvön, så kan vulkanismen fortfarande vara aktiv, men för närvarande i ettpåfyllningsuppehåll.
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EBSD Investigation of High-Temperature Magnetite from Apatite-Iron-Oxide Deposits: Implications for the Formation of Giant Kiruna-Type Deposits / EBSD-undersökning av högtemperatur magnetit från apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter: Implikationer för bildningen av gigantiska fyndigheter av Kiruna-typHenriksson, Jens January 2022 (has links)
European iron production is to a large extent dependant on massive Kiruna type apatite-iron ore deposits. In this contribution, high-temperature magnetite samples from apatite-iron-oxide deposits are investigated by means of Electron Backscattered Diffraction. However, the origin of Kiruna-type deposits is still unresolved. Although magmatic processes are likely, it is not clear how small-scale processes can form giant Kiruna-type deposits. The sample suite consists of magnetite samples from six global apatite-iron-oxide deposits: the famous Kiirunavaara deposit and the Malmberget deposit, both located in northern Sweden, the Grängesberg deposit in south-central Sweden, the iconic El Laco deposit in north-eastern Chile, the Bafq deposit in central Iran, and the Varena deposit in south Lithuania. Fe-O systematics has been conducted to complement existing δ18O and δ56Fe isotope data and ensure magmatic origin of the samples from the Malmberget deposit (n=6) and the Varena deposit (n=2). This is the first effort to characterise magnetite samples from apatite-iron-oxide deposits utilising EBSD. In total, twelve EBSD maps have been produced. Evaluation of the EBSD data have been performed to quantify the preferred orientation of the magnetite crystals. Four deposits, with Kiirunvaara being the prime example, shows no preferred alignment of the magnetite crystals. Whereas the El Laco samples exhibits a strong preferred alignment of {111}. The EBSD data from magnetite samples in equilibrium with a magmatic source indicate that apatite-iron-oxide deposits are formed in both intrusive and extrusive environment and that magmatic crystal accumulation is a key process in aggregating magnetite to form large and even giant Kiruna-type deposits. / Europeisk järnmalmsproduktion är i stor utsträckning beroende av massiva apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ. I det här arbetet, undersöks magnetitprover av hög-temperaturs ursprung från olika apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter med Elektron Bakåtspridande Diffraktion. Bildningsmekanismen av apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ är än idag oklar. Bevisen indikerar magmatiska bildningsprocesser, det är dock fortfarande oklart hur småskaliga magmatiska processer bildar gigantiska apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ. Provserien består av magnetitprover från sex globala apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter: den världsberömda Kiirunavaara fyndigheten och Malmberget fyndigheten, båda lokaliserade i Norrbotten, Sverige, Grängesberg fyndigheten i Bergslagen, Sverige, den ikoniska El Laco fyndigheten i nordöstra Chile, Bafq fyndigheten i centrala Iran, och Varena fyndigheten i södra Litauen. För att fastställa ett magmatiskt ursprung och komplettera befintlig δ18O och δ56Fe isotopdata har Fe-O-systematik utförts på magnetitproverna från Malmberget (n=6) och Varena (n=2). Det här är den första dokumenterade EBSD-undersökningen av magnetitprover från apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter. Totalt tolv EBSD-kartor har producerats. Utvärdering av EBSD-data har utförts för att kvantifiera den föredragna riktningen på magnetitkristallerna. I fyra fyndigheter, med Kiirunvaara som typexempel, uppvisar magnetitkristallerna ingen föredragen riktning, medan magnetitproverna från El Laco uppvisar en tydlig föredragen riktning längs {111}. EBSD-data från magnetitprover i jämnvikt med en magmatiskkälla påvisar att apatit-järnmalmer bildas i både intrusiva miljöer och extrusiva miljöer och att magmatisk ackumulation är en nyckelprocess för att aggregera magnetitkristaller och bilda stora till gigantiska apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ.
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Sulfidförande berggrund i Stockholmsområdet : Riskbergarter och trender / Sulfide-Bearing Rock in the Stockholm Bedrock Area : Identifying risk rocks and trendsÅhrberg, Immanuel January 2016 (has links)
Kunskap om svavelhalter i den svenska berggrunden är viktig när bergmassa ska losshållas och bearbetas, oavsett om det gäller gruvbrytning, infrastruktur eller andra byggnationer. Svavel förekommer ofta bundet i sulfider som oxiderar i kontakt med syre och vatten, vilket kan ha en försurande effekt på yt- och grundvatten. Sulfidförande berg har tidigare kartlagts mestadels i samband med malmprospektering och gruvbrytning. Det finns ganska omfattande svaveldata från norra Sverige, men det saknas tillräckligt med svavelmätningar i Stockholmsområdet för att dra några tydliga slutsatser om vart de förhöjda och potentiellt skadliga halterna av sulfider kan påträffas. Kandidatarbetet har utförts i samarbete med avdelningen för geologi och bergteknik på WSP i Stockholm, i syfte att få en bättre förståelse av vilka bergarter i Stockholmsområdet som kan förväntas inneha förhöjda halter av svavel och vart dessa bergarter kan förväntas påträffas. Under projektet har 329 prover av olika litologier samlats in och undersökts. Litologierna har kategoriserats till 7 förenklade bergartsgrupper. Proverna har skickats på geokemisk analys där olika metoder använts för att bland annat bestämma den totala svavelhalten hos bergarten. Vid halter över 1000 ppm har ytterligare analyser utförts med acid base accounting [ABA] samt net acid generation [NAG]. Dessa tester beskrivs i rapporten och används för att ta reda på om bergarten har försurande egenskaper. Bergartprovlokalerna har digitaliserats som punkter i geopackages i kartprogrammet QGIS. Punkterna för proverna har sammanförts med en digitaliserad version av Stålhös (1968) detaljerade geologiska karta över Stockholms berggrund. Svavelhalten i varje enskild stuff har kopplats till en yta från den sedimentära gnejsen, uppdelad enligt Stålhös (1968). Den producerade kartan har analyserats i QGIS för att ta fram geologiska och bergartskopplade trender av svavelhalten i Stockholms berggrund. 7 olika symmetriska histogram, så kallade fioldiagram, som visar svavelhalten och den relativa provdensiteten i respektive bergartskategori har tagits fram i rapporten. Slutligen har amfibolit och sedimentär gnejs, med underkategorin granatådergnejs identifierats som bergarterna med högst risk att innehålla förhöjda svavelvärden i Stockholmsområdets berggrund. / Knowledge of sulfur levels in the Swedish bedrock is important when rock mass is to be detached and processed in any way, whether it concerns mining, infrastructure, or other constructions. Sulfur is often found bound in sulfides that oxidize in contact with oxygen and water, which can have an acidifying effect on surface- and groundwater. Sulfide-bearing rock has previously been mapped mostly in connection with ore exploration and mining. There is quite extensive sulfur data from northern Sweden, but there are not enough Sulphur measurements in the Stockholm area to draw any clear conclusions about where the elevated and potentially harmful levels of sulfides can be found. The bachelor's thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the Division of Geology and Rock Engineering at WSP in Stockholm, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of which rocks in the Stockholm area can be expected to possess elevated levels of sulfur and where these rocks can be expected to be found. During the project, 329 samples of different lithologies have been collected and examined. The lithologies have been categorized into 7 simplified rock categories. The samples have been sent for geochemical analysis where different methods have been used to determine, among other things, the total sulfur content of the rock. At concentrations above 1000 ppm, further analyses have been performed using acid base accounting [ABA] and net acid generation [NAG]. These tests are described in the report and are used to find out if the rock has acidifying properties. The rock test premises have been digitized as points in geopackages in the QGIS mapping program. The points for the samples have been combined with a digitized version of Stålhös (1968) detailed geological map of Stockholm's bedrock. The sulfur content of each individual sample has been linked to an area from the sedimentary gneiss, divided according to Stålhös (1968). The produced map has been analyzed in QGIS to produce geological and rock-linked trends of the sulfur content in Stockholm's bedrock. 7 different violin graphs showing the sulfur content and relative sample density in each rock category have been produced in the report. Finally, amphibolite and sedimentary gneiss, with the subcategory of garnet vein gneiss, have been identified as the rocks with the highest risk of containing elevated sulfur values in the Stockholm bedrock area.
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Comparison of Magnetic-Susceptibility Models From UAV-borne and Ground Measurements in Enåsen Area, Sweden / Modeller för magnetisk susceptibilitet: en jämförelsestudie med utgångspunkt i mark- och drönarmätningar från EnåsenområdetSjödin, Clara January 2022 (has links)
Mapping anomalies in the Earth’s magnetic field is one method used in applied geophysics, for exploring buried structures and objects. Magnetic surveys can be ground-based or made airborne, onboard airplanes, helicopters, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones. The measurements in this project were made as part of a mapping project by the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) in the Enåsen area in Hälsingland, central Sweden. The magnetic data were collected by SGU in the field summer of 2021. The aim of this project is to model the data from UAV-borne surveys and validate them by checking the response with the measure ground-based data collected by SGU and compare several different profiles to investigate the different results from ground-based vs. UAV-borne surveys. Two models from two different UAV flight lines were made using the software Potent, to show anomalies in the magnetic field intensity. The modelling results show a relatively good correlation between the response from the model and ground-based data. However, there are detailed variations in the ground-based data that are not resolved by the UAV data. This is partly because of the height difference and partly different sampling. The magnetic anomalies in the project area were interpreted, with the help of the modelled profiles, as being caused mainly by geological units consisting of metasedimentary rock/migmatite. These units generally dip with 30-50°, some of them containing Cuand Au-mineralizations. The dip, rock type, and magnetic susceptbilities of these units match the field data from SGU relatively well and are also backed up by SGU models of electrical resistivity from the same area. / Kartläggning av avvikelser i jordens magnetfält är en metod som används inom tillämpad geofysik för att upptäcka underjordiska strukturer och objekt. Magnetiska undersökningar kan utföras på marken eller från luften, med hjälp av flygplan, helikopter eller drönare. De geofysiska mätningarna i detta projekt gjordes som en del av ett karteringsprojekt av Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) i Enåsen, Hälsingland. Dessa magnetiska data insamlades av SGU under sommaren 2021. Syftet med projektet är att modellera magnetiska data insamlade med hjälp av drönare, för att sedan kontrollera modellerna med magnetiska markdata insamlade av SGU i samma område. Dessa profiler jämfördes för att undersöka hur insamlad data från drönare respektive markmätningar skiljer sig. Modellerna gjordes i programvaran Potent, där anomalierna i magnetfältets intensitet. Resultaten från modelleringen visar en relativt tydlig korrelation mellan hur modellen (från insamlade drönardata) svarar mot markdata. Det förekommer dock små variationer i profilerna från markdata, som inte syns i modellerna från drönardata. Detta beror delvis på att mätningarna gjordes på olika höjd, och delvis på att proverna skiljer sig åt i viss mån. De magnetiska anomalierna i projektområdet tolkades med hjälp av de modellerade profilerna, och förmodas vara orsakade av enheter av metasedimentär bergart/migmatit. Dessa enheter stupar mestadels med 30-50°, och på vissa platser förekommer Cu- och Au-mineraliseringar. Stupningen, bergarter och den magnetiska susceptibiliteten stämmer relativt väl överens med SGU:s information från fältundersökningar, och tolkningen styrks ytterligare av SGU:s modeller av den elektriska resistiviteten i samma område.
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Ore Characterization of theZn-Pb-Ag-Au Carbonate-ReplacementDeposit at Piavitsa, Greece: : LA-ICP-MSSulphide Analysis, Whole-Rock Chemistryand XRF-XCT Scanning Technology / Zn-Pb-Ag-Au-mineraliseringen i Piavitsa, norra Grekland: : Malmkarakterisering genom LA-ICP-MS, bulkgeokemioch XCT-XRF analyserSandoval, Daniel Gustavo January 2022 (has links)
The polymetallic carbonate-replacement prospect at Piavitsa is part of the ore-forming system of the Stratoni Fault Zone within the Kassandra mining district in northeast Greece. This district constitutes the southern segment of the Serbo-Macedonian belt, a promising region for the exploration of precious and critical metals in Greece. This master thesis is framed within the X-MINE project under the Horizon 2020 program. Three main objectives are defined: (1) to characterize the mineralization at Piavitsa utilizing reflected light microscopy, microprobe, and laser-ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), and (2) to evaluate the contributions of the scanning GeoCore X10 (XRF-XCT) technology to the understanding of the ore, and (3) to assess potential environmental impacts. At Piavitsa, an early base-metal assemblage, composed of brecciated sphalerite and As-rich pyrite, is infilled and overprinted by an assemblage of As-poor to moderately-rich pyrite, alabandite, and Mnrich sphalerite. The latter two are corroded and replaced by Mn-rich carbonate. Fractures and interstices are infilled by a late assemblage of Ca-Mn-Mg carbonate, galena, As-poor pyrite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, and in the periphery of the orebody, seligmannite-bournonite and kesterite. Based on absolute elemental concentrations obtained by in situ LA-ICP-MS, the mineral hosts (primary; secondary) are defined as: pyrite (Fe, Co, Ni, and Au; As), sphalerite (Zn, Ga, Ge, Cd, Sn; Mn), galena and bournonite (Pb, Se, Te, Tl, and Bi; Ag, Sb), alabandite (Mn; Cd and Sb), and tetrahedrite (Cu, As, Ag, and Sb). In cocrystallized assemblages, some differences are observed. In pyritetetrahedrite asemblages, tetrahedrite mainly hosts As and Au, instead of pyrite, whereas in sphaleritealabandite assemblages, alabandite is the host of Mn, As, Ag and Sb and sphalerite, of Cd and Sn. Three concentrates are produced from the current mining operations of Hellas Gold in the Stratoni area, e.g, Mavres Petres Zn-Pb mine. From LA-ICP-MS, it is inferred that a sphalerite concentrate from the Piavitsa ore would contain Ga (peripheral ore: 150 ppm; main ore: 10-40 ppm), Sn (peripheral ore: 800-1500 ppm; main ore: 25-230 ppm), and Cd (1600-4000 ppm). The galena concentrate would contain concentrations of Ag (1300-1700 ppm), Se (50 ppm), Sb (1200-1600 ppm), and Te (85-210 ppm). The pyrite concentrate would contain Au (0.5-24.5 ppm) but would be devoid of other economical trace elements. The values given here consider 100% purity, instead of 80-90% reported in previous studies. The GeoCore X10 technology provides a good indication of measurable elements. (>0.01 wt.%), including Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb; As, Sb and Sn. Moreover, it helps to quickly identify the main ore and gangue minerals and their distribution in the deposit. The distinction between the ore and gangue minerals can be easily achieved based on the difference in their X-ray attenuation. It is worth highlighting that mineralogical info obtained by other analytical methods is still essential to validate the outputs of the instrument and to improve the interpretations drawn from them. Regarding the environmental impacts of mining the ore, the potential for acid generation and pollutant mobilization are low due to the carbonate-rich matrix. The mining poses low radioactivity risks due to the low concentration of radionuclides. Establishing a pollutants baseline and monitoring the surrounding water bodies and soils is highly recommended to reduce overlooked environmental impacts.
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Investigating the effect of grinding method on ore beneficiation behaviourMundida, Mellisa Tanaka January 2023 (has links)
Commodity projection studies anticipate an exponential increase in copper demand and decreasein mill grade of deposits currently exploited globally. Most of this demand is driven by theindispensable use of copper in electrification and currently, the growing demand in the contextof the green transition. To meet this challenge while supplying society with copper, producerssuch as Boliden AB have plans for exploration and expansion projects to increase their reservesand in turn increase production through efficient measures. As grinding is a bottleneck to mineralprocessing and the most energy intensive, more efficient comminution systems are beingconsidered for environmental sustainability. These are required to have lower energyconsumption while achieving the required liberation or better for subsequent processing byflotation. Consequently, the literature review shows there is a research query on whether more can beexpected from comminution to optimise for downstream processing. With most publishedresearch being on particles with a P80 less than 100 μm, there exists a gap in investigating theeffect of grinding on flotation for coarser size fractions which this degree project focuses on.Importantly, it includes evaluating chalcopyrite liberation and flotation performance when usinga Novel Comminution Device. Three grinding mills were considered, a vertical roller mill (VRM),a Novel Comminution Device (NCD), with a rod mill as the reference mill. The scope of this studywas an analysis of the mill products’ particle size distribution, chalcopyrite liberation andinvestigation of the flotation performance of the products from the three mills. This was done ona Cu-Au-Ag ore from the Boliden Aitik mine in northern Sweden. Particle size distribution (PSD) analysis revealed that at comparable P80 values, the VRMproduced particles had broader PSD curves than the rod mill, while the NCD provided a steeperproduct size distribution than its reference rod mill products. The chalcopyrite liberation analysisusing QEMSCAN automated mineralogy showed that for samples split into three size fractions, -45 μm, +45/-90 μm and +90 μm, the VRM and rod mill products had their highest proportion offree to liberated particles within the intermediate size fraction while for the NCD sample this waswithin the fine fraction. Overall, the NCD product had the highest free to liberated particles acrossall fractions. From shape analysis based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, it wasobserved that the NCD produced particles with the higher elongation than the VRM and rod mill. The flotation performance was assessed with respect to the mass pull, kinetics, grade andrecovery in the concentrate and separation efficiency. The rougher batch flotation tests indicatedthat flotation of the VRM ground samples had higher mass pull, Cu recovery, faster kinetics andlower Cu grade than the samples from the reference rod mill. This was also a similar outcome forthe NCD with the exception of higher mass pull at an increased collector dosage in the rod millcase. For all the mills, the general trend showed that an increase in P80 was associated withreduced mass pull. Overall, at similar flotation conditions, despite having one of the coarsest P80s,the NCD product showed the fastest Cu recovery kinetics, highest total recovery and selectivityindex. The rod mill reference test samples gave the highest grade but the lowest recovery. The findings illustrate that there is a significant difference in PSD broadness between productsfrom different mills at comparable P80. The differences in flotation performance between thethree mill products were mainly attributed to differences in liberation, potential differences insurface activation between wet and dry grinding methods and to some extent, steepness of thePSD curve. Based on the high recovery yet low grade of the NCD ground product, this is best suitedfor the rougher flotation stage. Future studies should therefore include cleaner stage flotation andoptimisation tests for the NCD with respect to reagent dosages and hydrodynamic conditions.
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Spatial Distribution of Arsenic Contamination in the Bedrock of Arlanda-Rosersberg Area / Rumslig distribution av arsenik i berggrunden vid Arlanda-Rosersbergs områdetNilsson, Cornelia January 2024 (has links)
Arsenic, which is a naturally occurring element in the severe health issues during exposure. Both the World Health Organisation and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) state that >10 ppm arsenic in bedrock is already concerning. During a construction of a new highway junction in the Arlanda-Rosersberg area soil samples revealed elevated levels of arsenic. Since it poses a risk to public health and further spreading without knowledge about the origin and extent of the contamination, the Swedish Geological Survey undertook an investigation to address this issue which included geological mapping as well as geochemical analysis of the whole rock samples. This thesis has used the collected geochemical data to visualise the spatial distribution of arsenic over the project area to examine if there is a correlation between elevated concentrations and specific lithologies, or if other processes such as pegmatite formation could be responsible enrichment. Kernel interpolation with ArcGIS Pro was used to create three maps with unique parameters: without geological barriers, with geological barriers including samples taken from nearby pegmatites, and with geological barriers excluding samples taken from nearby pegmatites. The resulting maps indicate that a majority of the project area far exceeds the recommended limit, regardless of the parameters. Based on the data it is currently impossible to distinctly determine the origin of the arsenic contamination, since the results suggest a role of both lithological correlation and process-related source, and a combination of both cannot be ruled out. Therefore, to improve the resolution and knowledge about the area, more extensive examination and gathering of data would be beneficial, as well as implementing improvements of the method to better simulate the mobilisation of arsenic. / Arsenik är ett naturligt förekommande grundämne i berggrunden som är känt för att orsaka allvarliga problem för människors hälsa vid exponering. Både World Health Organisation och Naturvårdsverket uppger att >10 ppm arsenik i berggrunden är oroväckande. Vid byggandet av en motorvägsavfart i Arlanda-Rosersbergs området visade jordprover höga koncentrationer av arsenik. Eftersom det utgör en risk för människors hälsa, samt fortsatt spridning utan kunskap om ursprung och utsträckning av kontaminationen, utförde Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) ett projekt vilket inkluderade geologisk kartläggning samt geokemiska analyser. Det här självständiga arbetet har använt det geokemiska data för att visualisera den rumsliga spridningen av arsenik över projektområdet för att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan höga koncentrationer och geologiska enheter, eller om magmatiska processer som bildandet av pegmatit kan vara källan till arsenik. Kernel interpolation med ArcGIS Pro användes för att skapa tre kartor med unika parametrar: utan geologiska barriärer, med geologiska barriärer inklusive prover tagna i närheten av pegmatiter, med geologiska barriärer exklusive prover tagna i närheten av pegmatiter. De resulterande kartorna indikerar att en majoritet av projektområdet överskrider den rekommenderade gränsen, oavsett parametrar. Baserat på data är det vid nuläget omöjligt att avgöra ursprunget av arsenik, eftersom resultatet indikerar både geologiskt samband och process relaterad källa, därför kan en kombination av dem inte uteslutas. För att förbättra kunskapen om området krävs mer omfattande undersökning och data, samt förbättringar av metoden för att bättre simulera mobiliseringen av arsenik.
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Analys av borrdata för 3D-modellering av berggrundsgeologin i Bergby-HamrångeBörjesson, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
Under en berggrundsgeologisk fältkurs år 2007 påträffandes spodumenförande granitpegmatitblock i området kring Bergby-Hamrånge, denna händelse markerade starten på det prospekteringsarbete efter Litium-Cesium-Tantal-pegmatiter som sedan skedde i området. Allteftersom prospekteringsarbetet fortlöpt i området har det framkommit allt fler indikationer på att den rådande berggrundskartans (SGU:s karta Ai 28) geologiska gränsdragningar kan uppdateras och justeras. Den borrdata som samlats in i samband med prospekteringsarbetet har sammanställts och sedan använts i Seequents programvara Leapfrog Geo för att skapa 3D-modeller över områdets LCT- och granitpegmatiter samt berggrund.Modelleringen av berggrunden med tillhörande geologiska enheters gränser och påverkan av lokala deformationszoner har varit begränsad till de områden där prospektering genomförts och har lett fram till slutsatsen att den nuvarande kartan till viss del kan uppdateras. LCT-pegmatiternas geografiska utbredning har tillfogats till den geologiska modellen och kan adderas till berggrundskartans omtolkningar då denna tidigare saknade granitpegmatiter. Avslutningsvis har uppsatsen bidragit med att ge en ökad förståelse av den lokala geologin inom Bergby-Hamrånge. / During a bedrock geology field course in 2007, spodumene-bearing granite pegmatite blocks were encountered in the area around Bergby-Hamrånge, this event marked the start of the exploration work for Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum pegmatites that then took place in the area. As exploration work has continued in the area, more and more indications have emerged that the geological boundaries of the current bedrock map (SGU's map Ai 28) can be updated and adjusted. The drill data collected in connection with the exploration work has been compiled and then used in Seequent's Leapfrog Geo software to create 3D models of the area's LCT and granite pegmatites and bedrock. The modeling of the bedrock with associated geological unit boundaries and the influence of local deformation zones has been limited to the areas where exploration has been carried out and has led to the conclusion that the current map can be updated to some extent. The geographical distribution of the LCT pegmatites has been added to the geological model and can be added to the reinterpretations of the bedrock map as it previously lacked granite pegmatites. In conclusion, the essay has contributed to an increased understanding of the local geology within Bergby-Hamrånge.
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Sandbox modelling of forekink and wedge development in a fold and thrust belt / Sandbox-modellering av veck och kilutveckling i en bergskedjaDougherty, Eira Kaya January 2024 (has links)
In nature, rock masses are not static, but constantly changing with erosion, metamorphosis, tectonics and more. Rocks that bend and buckle can be seen almost as nature's origami, being folded into new shapes and structures. During shortening of a sequence of sedimentary layers, they fold and/or thrust to accommodate the convergence. Folds initiate as kinks which may evolve into thrusts. These folds and thrusts form a wedge which grows in height and length with continued convergence. This study examines the sequence of formation of kinking in fold and thrust belts, specifically the development of forekinks from thrusting and the evolution of the wedge. This was done through geometric analysis of images taken of an analogue sandbox model, run in 2011, which consisted of horizontal layers shortened from one end to 25% bulk convergence above a rigid basement. In nature, such wedges are found as accretionary prisms in convergence zones and as fold and thrust belts on either side of an orogen. By simulating the creation of these wedges and kinks with controlled parameters, it is possible to gain an understanding of the mechanical processes involved in their creation, which allows for a better understanding of these processes in nature. This study is mainly based on measurements of separation created by kinking, dip of the kinks at different levels, and the dimensions of the wedge, in addition to other geometric features. The results showed clear trends for the evolution of these geometric features with progressive model shortening. Results show that, forekinks become inactive when a new kink develops in its foreland. The amount of separation within a kink is dependent on how soon a new kink is developed in front of it and the throw (vertical component) is generally larger than the heave (horizontal component). Dip of a forekink steepens as the forekink cumulatively rotates backwards by the creation of new forekinks in front of it. Evolution of the forekinks has a direct impact on wedge development. Wedge length is larger than height and as the shortened layers are compacted, the dimensions of the wedge increase at different rates. Generally the results of this study are in agreement with previous research conducted within the subject. If rock folding is nature’s origami, then the study of these processes can allow us to understand how fold and thrust belts develop, just as studying how a piece of paper folds, can show us how a napkin can transform into a swan. / I naturen är bergmassor inte statiska utan förändras ständigt av erosion, metamorfos, tektonik med mera. Berg som böjs och bänds kan nästan ses som naturens origami; veckandes till nya former och strukturer. Under förkortning av en sekvens sedimentära lager viker de sig och/eller förkastas för att tillgodose konvergensen. Ett veck i ett lager kan så småningom utvecklas till en förkastning. Dessa veck och förkastningar bildar en kil som växer både på höjden och längden med fortsatt konvergens. Denna studie undersöker veckbildning i bergskedjor, specifikt utvecklingen av framåtvända veck och kilens utveckling. Detta gjordes genom geometrisk analys av bilder tagna av ett försök utfört i en analog Sandbox-modell (gjort 2011) som bestod av horisontella lager förkortade från ena änden till 25% bulk-förkortning ovanför en fast bas. Kilar såsom de som ses i modellen hittas i naturen som accretionära prismor i konvergenszoner och på vardera sida om bergskedjor. Genom att simulera skapandet av dessa kilar och veck i en kontrollerad miljö är det möjligt att skapa sig en förståelse för de mekaniska processer som är involverade i dess skapande, vilket möjliggör en bättre förståelse av dessa processer i naturen. Denna studie är huvudsakligen baserad på mätning av separation skapad av veckning, veckens stupning vid olika djup och kilens dimensioner, tillsammans med andra geometriska egenskaper. Resultaten visade tydliga trender för utvecklingen av dessa geometriska egenskaper i samband med att modellen förkortades. Resultaten visar att framåtvända veck blir inaktiva när ett nytt veck utvecklas framför den. Mängden separation inom ett veck beror på hur snart det nya vecket utvecklas framför den och kast (vertikal komponent) är i allmänhet större än hiv (horisontell komponent). Stupning av ett veck blir brantare när vecket kumulativt roterar bakåt genom att det skapas nya veck framför den. Utvecklingen av vecken har en direkt inverkan på kilens utveckling. Kilen är längre än den är hög och då de förkortade lagren komprimeras växer kilens dimensioner i olika takt. Överlag överensstämmer resultaten av denna studie med tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Om veckandet av bergmassor är naturens origami, kan studerandet av dessa processer möjliggöra för oss att förstå hur bergskedjor utvecklas, precis som att studerandet av hur ett papper viker sig, kan visa oss hur en servett kan förvandlas till en svan.
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