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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Metamorphic History of the Helags Mountain Area, Scandinavian Caledonides / Den metamorfa historien i Helagsfjälletsområde, skandinaviska Kaledoniderna

Johansson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
The Scandinavian Caledonides formed as a result of collision between the continents Baltica and Laurentia, in Silurian and Early Devonian time. The evolution of the orogen has been a topic of research since before the turn of the last century. However, there are still uncertainties regarding the character and timing of the orogenic processes involved in the formation of the Caledonian orogen. Identification and study of high-pressure terranes are a key to understanding the processes involved, and such terrains are found in Jämtland, central Sweden. The most well-known location is Mt. Åreskutan. This study focuses on the Helags Mountain, a locality potentially equivalent to Mt. Åreskutan. It has combined structural and mineralogical studies, pressure and temperature esti-mates, and monazite geochronology, in an attempt to obtain an overview of the metamorphic his-tory.The Helags Mt. geology, as on Åreskutan, is dominated by a klippe of high grade gneisses, overlying lower grade schists and amphibolites, both typical of the middle and lower part of the Seve Nappe Complex in the Swedish Caledonides. The gneisses are dominantly felsic and contain garnet. Two episodes of garnet growth, likely separated in time, are observed in the gneisses. The first episode probably took place in the presence of melt, as is evident from the presence of inclusion of so called nanogranites. This is further supported, but not fully confirmed, by observed homo-genization of the garnet core chemistry. Such processes take place at high temperature, above 700°C. Pressure estimates are less well defined and indicate about 1 GPa during this first garnet growth event. This event may be related to the observed migmatisation. The second garnet growth episode took place at lower pressure and temperature conditions, and similarities with garnet observed in studies elsewhere indicate a connection with shearing and emplacement of the Middle Seve unit. However, no garnets were observed in the studied shear zone, and it is with the available data not possible to confirm a relation to a specific event. Monazite geochronology has contributed Caledonian ages (400-480 Ma) but has not yielded any precise results with regard to the timing of the migmatisation and thrusting. / Den svenska fjällkedjan har en lång historia. Dess nuvarande utformning är ett resultat av att Iapetus-havet, en föregångare till dagens Atlanten, slöts och de tidigare kontinenterna Baltica och Laurentia kolliderade. Trots att fjällkedjan studerats flitigt sedan före sekelskiftet är det mycket som är okänt om de geologiska processerna som varit en del av bergens utveckling. För att bättre förstå fjällkedjans ut-veckling studeras bergarter från områden som varit särskilt kraftigt påverkade. Flera sådana områden påträffas i Jämtlandsfjällen. Denna studie har fokuserat på Helagsfjällets område, beläget i södra delen av Jämtlands län. Studier av det särskilt motståndskraftiga mineralet granat från områdets bergarter har tillsammans med dateringar av mineralet monazit givit ny information om områdets geologiska historia.Helagsfjällets geologi, liksom den välstuderade Åreskutan, utgörs av en enhet av granatförande gneisser, vilken överlagrar en undre enhet av lägre omvandlingsgrad. Detta är typiskt för den mellersta och lägre delen av det så kallade Sevekomplexet. Två generationer granater tyder på att minst två geologiska processer, skilda åt i tid, påverkat områdets bergarter. Den första av dessa granatgenerationer uppvisar bland annat inneslutningar vilka tolkas som bevarade delar av en tidigare smälta. Det är möjligt att denna granatgeneration är relaterad till den tidiga händelse som orsakat uppsmältning, av vilken spår kan studeras på flera platser i området. Tryck- och temperaturberäkningar visar att detta hände under tryck omkring 1 GPa, och temperaturer på över minst 600°C, kanske över 700°C. Den andra granat-generationen är mer svårtolkad. Tryck och temperatur var lägre, och likheter med granater observerade på andra platser tyder på att denna andra granattillväxt skedde i samband med skjuvning av den övre enheten, över den underliggande enheten. Försök att datera dessa två perioder av granattillväxt gav åldrar mellan 400 och 480 miljoner år. Liksom på Åreskutan tyder detta på en tektonisk historia som sträcker sig från Ordovicium till tidig Devon.

Mineralisering, omvandling och ursprungliga bergarter av borrkärnor från Renströmområdet, Skelleftefältet / Mineralization, alteration and protolith of drill cores from the Renström area, Skellefte district

Dahl, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Brytning av ekonomiskt värdefulla resurser sker över hela världen och effektiviseras kontinuerligt. Ökad brytning av mineral innebär att lättåtkomliga malmkroppar förbrukas. När de lättåtkomliga kropparna av dessa mineraler använts upp krävs det prospekteringsmetoder för att leta djupare in i jordskorpan. En sådan metod är borrkärnekartering.Syftet var att detaljerat beskriva borrkärnans petrofysiska egenskaper samt lokalisera potentiell ekonomiskt område med hjälp av borrkärnekartering. Två borrkärnor karterades och undersöktes med hjälp av en handhållen XRF. Borrkärnekarterings potential som prospekteringsmetod utvärderades.Malmkropp innehållandes stor del Zn samt Pb, Cu och Fe identifierades i båda borrkärnorna. pXRF och kartering lokaliserade malmkropp i liknande omfång och gradering. Ursprungsbergarter och dess sammansättning identifierades.Prospekteringsmetoder som borrkärnekartering fungerar mycket bra i de fall övergripande information om borrkärnan behövs omgående. Borrkärnekartering är således en effektiv metod som kan användes vid borrplatsen för att kontinuerligt ge information om borrkärnan och således avgöra om borrning ska fortsätta eller avslutas. Prospekteringsmetoden fungerar bäst i kombination med andra metoder, geokemiska eller geofysiska. / Mining of economically important resources is a process happening all over the world and have been increasing in effectiveness during the last century. Increased mining of the resources means that the easily accessed bodies of these minerals is exhausted. Prospecting methods to find new bodies in the ground is then needed. One of these methods is core logging.The goal of the project was to locate potential valuable mineralization. Two different cores were logged and evaluated with a hand held XRF during the project. The effectiveness of core logging as an exploration method was evaluated.Ore body containing large amounts of Zn as well as Pb, Cu and Fe were identified in both drill cores. pXRF and logging gave the same size and grades of the ore body. Protoliths and its composition were identified.Exploration methods like core logging is useful when summary information of the drill core is necessary and the information needs to be given fast. The method is therefore effective in the field at the drill stations to give continuously information about the drill cores being drilled. The method is most effective when combined with other methods like geochemical or geophysical methods.

The Origins and Ecology of Early Paleozoic Spreiten Ichnofossils: Comparisons of Daedalus and Syringomorpha with Alectorurus / Ursprung och ekologi för tidiga paleozoiska Spreiten Ichnofossiler: Jämförelser av Daedalus och Syringomorpha med Alectorurus

Goodell, Zane January 2023 (has links)
The Cambrian explosion not only shaped the ecosystems of the Phanerozoic, but fundamentally changed how biota interacts with the environment, including the substrate. Cambrian trace fossils Alectorurus and Syringomorpha as well as Ordovician-Silurian Daedalus represent novel modes of faunal interaction with the newly innovated shallow marine mixed-ground and have surprisingly limited stratigraphic ranges. This study investigates vertically oriented spreiten trace fossils from the Armorican Quartzite Formation near Castañar de Ibor, Spain and the File Haidar Formation near Hällekis, Sweden. Site and trace fossil description was conducted to compare and contrast their morphology, ecological relationships, and potential affinities. While all these fossils feature J-shaped vertically oriented spreiten structures, Alectorurus is the most closely comparable Cambrian ichnofossil to the largely Ordovician Daedalus due to their similarity in overall size, morphology, and sedimentary environment. Alectorurus represents the earliest known occurrence of animal behavior comparable to Daedalus within similar facies. This short-lived ichnofossils may have gone extinct due to complexifying trophic chains in the shallow marine realm as brought forth from heightened predation and land-plant derived organics. Interpretations of the affinity of Daedalus, regarding the construction, and ecological niche can be extended to Alectorurus and may be used to help piece together the construction, ecology and affinities of these enigmatic Cambrian and Ordovician trace fossils.

Möjliga VA-lösningar förRunnö, Oskarshamnskommun

Dyberg, Johanna, Forsberg, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete analyserar möjliga lösningar för vatten och avlopp för en isoleradskärgårdsö, Runnö, i Oskarshamns kommun. Öns tillgång på vatten undersöks, där hänsyntas till de boendes behov av vattenförbrukning och VA-standard, vad de boende vill, samtöns geologiska och hydrologiska förutsättningar. Genom att kartlägga och jämföra olikatekniska lösningar för vatten och avlopp, och även ta hänsyn till Oskarshamns kommunsplaner samt nationella och globala miljömål, är målet med examensarbetet att ge förslag pålösningar för vatten och avlopp som kan nyttjas på ön inom en snar framtid. En genomgående litteraturstudie genomfördes om de tekniska möjligheter som finnstillgängliga i dagsläget, öns geologiska och hydrologiska förutsättningar samt om vilka lagar,regler och mål som behöver följas eller strävas mot. Litteraturstudien kompletterades meden serie intervjuer med de boende på ön, samtal med relevanta personer som arbetar förOskarshamns kommun samt telefon- och mejlkontakt med personer från yrken inom vattenoch avlopp som kunde komplettera studien med aktuell kunskap och erfarenhet. Därefterföljde ett studiebesök på Runnö där insamlad information kunde bekräftas eller dementeras.Studiebesöket erbjöd även en chans att undersöka de geologiska förhållanden som råder påön samt att tala med boende kring deras nuvarande lösningar och framtidsvisioner. Som ettsista steg beräknades avrinningsområdets grundvattenbalans för att uppskatta devattenresurser som finns, och hur de är fördelade över året. Resultat från studien visar bland annat att de vattenmängder som finns tillgängliga på ön idet specifika avrinningsområde studien behandlar är tillräckliga för de boendes behov. Storaoch geografiskt koncentrerade grundvattenuttag kan dock orsaka uttorkning av, ochsaltvatteninträngning i, brunnar inom avrinningsområdet oavsett magasinets storlek. Önsöversta marklager är hårt packad och fylld av sten, och undertill finns sandsten färgad röd avjärnoxid. Medan Oskarshamns kommun i sin VA-plan år 2015 föreslog en mer permanent lösning medvatten- och avloppsrör mellan fastlandet och ön, är de nu även öppna för lokala alternativ. De boende på Runnö är överens om att det viktigaste för dem är att ta vara på detraditionella sätten, däribland att fortsätta leva med en enkel sanitär standard. Från resultaten har slutsatsen dragits att dricksvatten framförallt bör baseras på lokaltbrunnsvatten, vid behov renat med filter. För övrig hushållsanvändning kan brunnsvattenkompletteras med insamlat regnvatten. För toalettavfall föreslås torra lösningar, exempelviskomposttoalett, frystoalett eller förbränningstoalett. Rening av BDT-vatten kan lösas medolika metoder; sluten tank, två-/tre-/fyrkammarbrunn och infiltrationsbädd,minireningsverk tillsammans med för- eller efterrening eller BDT-filteranläggning medtillhörande markbädd. / This bachelor thesis analyses how to best acquire water for drinking and for household use,and which water and wastewater solutions are the most beneficial for the island of Runnö onthe southeast coast of Sweden, belonging to the municipality of Oskarshamn. The purpose of this report is to analyse the island’s capacity and needs for water- and toiletsolutions from a geoscientific perspective with regard to geological and hydrologicalconditions, as well as the needs and visions of the people currently living there. Furthermore,the ambition is to analyse and compare various solutions with existing technologies,municipal plans and national and global environmental goals. Finally, the goal of this thesisis to present various examples of solutions that can be used on the island in the near future. A thorough literary examination of the technical possibilities of the field today, geologicaland hydrological conditions of the island and the laws, rules and goals related to the subjectwas conducted. This was complemented by a short series of interviews with people currentlyliving at Runnö, and conversations with professionals working for the municipality ofOskarshamn and companies relevant for the study. Information from the literaryexamination, as well as information from said interviews, were confirmed or disproven witha field study of the island. The field study offered a chance to see the conditions of the islandon site and talk with residents of the island about the water and toilet solutions currently inuse. Finally, a ground water balance calculation was made to receive an estimation of theislands ground water resources throughout the year. Results from the study show, amongst other things, that water resources on the island andmore specifically on the part of the island where the summer houses are located, aresufficient for the needs of the residents. Large and concentrated water extraction canhowever cause drying wells or saltwater intrusion regardless of the volume of the basin. Theground on the island is packed hard with rocks on top and sandstone, coloured with ironoxide, on the bottom. While the municipality of Oskarshamn in the year of 2015 suggested a more permanentsolution with water pipes between the mainland and Runnö, they are now also open to localoptions. The residents wish to keep the traditional ways of the island intact with a simple lifeas their core value. From those results the conclusions of this project are to mainly use local wells, possiblyfiltered, for drinking water, and wells for household water. Rainwater harvesting is an optionfor water use aside from drinking water. Compost or combustion toilets are recommended,combined with either a septic tank and soil infiltration or a closed container which needs tobe emptied regularly. There are several options for treatment of greywater; sand infiltrationcombined with a previous step to separate sludge, a closed tank for container-basedsanitation, wastewater treatment plants adapted for individual managed treatment in aseparate household, or bio modules/compact filters combined with sand infiltration.

Geophysical Data from Norrbotten, Sweden - Evidence for the Presence of a Crustal Scale Fault?

Markström, Jimmy January 2022 (has links)
The method of combining multiple geophysical, geological, or geochemical datasets can reveal patterns of otherwise hidden features in the Earth’s crust. This may aid in geological mapping, locating economic mineral deposits and for general anomaly/feature detection. In this study a multidimensional geophysical approach implementing five geophysical datasets is applied using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), where the main objective is to locate and understand a previously unknown hypothesized fault in Norrbotten, Sweden. The fault is estimated to extend from the Finnish border in the north, across northern Sweden in the N-S direction at a hypothesized length of > 250 km. Self-Organizing Maps is an unsupervised neural network - originally developed by Finnish physicist Teuvo Kohonen - capable of combining any number of datasets and thereby visualize them on a simple two-dimensional map. The datasets used in the analysis were three magnetic derivatives for the x, y and z components, as well as gamma-ray intensity measurements of the 238U, 40K and 232Th radioisotopes. All these variables have been shown to be effective tools for bedrock mapping and geological feature detection and were hence chosen based on these properties. The results revealed the efficiency of the SOM analysis to represent multivariate data on a 2D plane and proved to be a generally good visualization tool for multiple geophysical datasets. There seems to be a relatively sharp difference in geophysical properties between the eastern and western blocks divided by the hypothesized fault, which may indicate the presence of this crustal scale structure. Despite the evidence found in this study, more investigations are needed to verify the existence and nature of the fault, and the results shown here may motivate further projects by providing indications and suggestive evidence for its presence.

Separation of anode from cathode material from End of Life Li-ion batteries (LIBs)

Meireles, Natalia January 2020 (has links)
With the increasing usage of electronics powered by lithium ion batteries, it is more and more importantto improve the recycling process. The current study is focused on reducing graphite content of disposedlithium batteries to aid the further treatment of the batteries. In larger picture, an increase of efficiencyleads to a less cost and less loss of material in recycling process. The approach used is to reduce graphitecontent by the agglomerated flotation, using the natural hydrophobicity of graphite. This approach candecrease the percentage of this mineral in the further recycling process of LIBs where the actual focus arethe valuable metals as lithium, cobalt, nickel and manganese. The results and conditions of flotation arecompared in cases where flotation feed material is the bulk material or thermally treated one.

Character and Evolution of Ore Mineralisation in the Te-Rich Enåsen Au-Cu Deposit, Central Sweden

Pieslinger, Simon January 2023 (has links)
The Enåsen gold deposit is located in Gävleborg county in central Sweden. Mining operations at Enåsen took place from 1984 to 1991 with Au as the main target for exploitation. The deposit has been interpreted as a metamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic analogue to near-recent epithermal Au mineralisations of a high sulphidation type. Its present mineralogy, textural-structural features, and morphology have been suggested to be the result of a combination of later deformation and regional Svecokarelian metamorphism at upper amphibolite to granulite facies conditions of the original epithermal deposit and it’s hydrothermally altered host rock. The main ore body now consists of a mineralised sillimanite quartzite gneiss. The aim of the project was to characterise the ore mineralogy, petrography and its paragenesis, evaluate the potential of Enåsen in terms of critical metals, and to test a hypothesis of partial ore melting.Among the most frequent ore minerals in the deposit are pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, bornite and tetrahedrite-tennantite, with variable but less abundant sulphides including covellite, digenite, mawsonite, stannite, arsenopyrite, cobaltite, galena, marcasite, sphalerite and pentlandite. Additionally, native gold, Se-bearing tellurobismuthite, hessite, tsumoite, pilsenite, rickardite, vulcanite, altaite, molybdenite, frohbergite, montbrayite, tellurantimony, löllingite and tellurbismuthantimony. While not an ore mineral here, rutile occurs abundantly. The ore mineral assemblages have seemingly at least partially melted. This is evidenced by failed quenching textures in the form of abundant multi-scale symplectites, potential sharp dihedral angles, localised concentrations of low melting point chalcophile elements (LMCE) + Au and Ag and arrays of multiphase sulphide/sulphosalt ± gold inclusions, as well as available mineral stability data considering that the ore assemblages have been subjected to upper amphibolite/granulite facies conditions followed by ductile and brittle deformation stages. Some ore mineral relationships have been described. Further studies would be required for a full paragenesis. The potential of Enåsen type deposits in terms of critical or near critical metals and semi-metals is likely to be as biproduct extraction in a mining operation aimed at gold. The most relevant element is likely to be bismuth, followed by tellurium and antimony.

A Photogrammetric Workflow to Produce 3D-Models of Geological Samples / Ett fotogrammetriskt arbetssätt för att producera 3D-modeller av geologiska stuffer

Bjugger, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Photogrammetry and Structure-from-Motion (S-f-M) is a low-cost method of producing digital 3D models of rock samples that can be used for many different research and educational purposes. A 3D model of a delicate rock sample would enable the preservation of the sample and reduce the need of physical manipulation. This thesis presents a systematic workflow to document and study rock samples by using photogrammetry and S-f-M. The manual in this work describes how to use the set up SOOSI (Spinning Object Optical Scanning Instrument) found at the Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University to produce digital 3D models of geological samples. The thesis gives a background to photogrammetry in Earth sciences, and it presents the fundamentals of photogrammetry and the camera. It explains the processing chain of photogrammetry and how computers assist in the photogrammetric process for the reader to understand the importance of the steps in the manual. 3D models produced from following the workflow are presented as well as implications of choices that can be made when following the workflow. The addition of a fixed lens to the camera setup would improve the method’s robustness. The models are currently limited due to a lack of absolute scale. A suggestion for developing a method to capture Ground Control Points (GCPs) to solve the scale problem is presented. / Fotogrammetri och Structure-from-Motion (S-f-M) är en billig metod för att producera digitala 3D-modeller av stuffer som kan användas i olika forsknings- och undervisningssyften. Modeller av stenstuffer minskar behovet av att fysiskt ta i dem och används därför i syfte att bevara ömtåliga stuffer. Denna uppsats presenterar ett systematiskt arbetsflöde för att dokumentera stuffer genom att använda fotogrammetri och S-f-M. Manualen beskriver hur den fotogrammetriska fotostudion SOOSI (Spinning Object Optical Scanning Instrument), som finns på institutionen för geovetenskaper vid Uppsala universitet, används för att producera digitala 3D-modeller. Uppsatsen ger en bakgrund till fotogrammetri inom geovetenskapen och den beskriver kamerans och fotogrammetrins grunder. Vidare förklaras fotogrammetrins bearbetningskedja och hur datorer bidrar i den fotogrammetriska processen för att läsaren ska förstå de olika stegen i manualen. 3D-modeller producerade genom att följa arbetsättet presenteras och de olika val som kan tas när en följer manualen och dess implikationer på resultaten diskuteras. Arbetsättet skulle förbättras om ett objektiv med fast brännvidd införskaffades till fotostudion. 3D-modellernas användningsområde begränsas av att de saknar absolut skala därför presenteras ett förslag till att utveckla arbetsmetoden med hjälp av Ground Control Points (GCP:er).

A Geometallurgical Approach Towards the Correlation Between Rock Type Mineralogy and Grindability: A case study in Aitik mine, Sweden

Schmitt, Raoul January 2021 (has links)
Aitik is a large copper porphyry type deposit located in northern Sweden, currently exploited at an annual rate of approximately 45Mt. The ore's exceptionally low head grade of 0.22 % Cu and varying degrees of hardness across the entire deposit pose challenges to the two fully autogenous grinding lines, each of which comprises a 22.5 MW primary autogenous mill in series with a pebble mill. The variability in ore grindability frequently leads to fluctuations in mill throughput.  Within the framework of a geometallurgical approach, the present study investigated the relationships between ore grindability and modal mineralogy. For this purpose, drill core samples from different lithologies were subjected to Boliden AB's in-house grindability tests. This laboratory-scale autogenous grinding test generates a grindability index Ks mainly related to abrasion breakage, which is a significant breakage mechanism within autogenous mills. The test results suggested divergent degrees of grindability within and across the selected rock types. Furthermore, subsequent sieve analyses identified a relationship between the grindability index, PSD, and the proportions of fines generated by abrasive grinding. A combination of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and X-ray fluorescence analyses was performed for the grinding products and bulk mineral samples. The resulting mineralogical and elemental properties were correlated to the parameters from the grindability tests. It was shown that the main mineral phases, such as plagioclase, quartz, and micas, correlate well with the grindability indices. Similar correlations were found regarding the sample's chemical composition, attributable to the main mineral phases. Derived from the previous findings, two exemplary linear empirical models for the calculation of grindability based on either mineral contents or chemical composition were presented. Careful examination of the mineralogical data revealed that the prevalent abrasion breakage mechanism leads to constant and continuous removal of mineral particles from the sample's surface. No indications for a preferential abrasion of any mineral phases were found.  A further inverse correlation between the sample's calculated average weighted Mohs hardness based on modal mineralogy and the grindability index Ks was established. Hence, it was proposed that a higher Mohs hardness results in a finer grinding product, oppositional to the Ks-values. Since Ks can be interpreted as a measure of abrasiveness, it can be stated that abrasiveness decreases with an increasing average sample hardness and vice versa.  Moreover, mineral liberation information provided by scanning electron microscopy was associated with the parameters mentioned earlier. It was determined that different degrees of mineral liberation were reached within specific particle size classes. The identified relationships between grindability, modal mineralogy, and element grades may help Boliden develop a predictive throughput model for Aitik to be integrated into the mine's block model. Based on this information, a strategy for smart blending could be developed, where run of mine material from ore blocks of varying grindabilities could be blended to attain the target plant throughput.

Geological 3D Modelling ofthe File Hajdar Quarry, Slite / Geologisk 3D modellering avFile hajdar brottet, Slite

Nils, Friberg January 2023 (has links)
Located on the island of Gotland, Sweden, the File Hajdar limestone quarry is an important locality for domestic cement production. With depositional settings generally related to shallow sea carbonate ramps, the lithologies encountered on File Hajdar range from reef-associated limestone units to more basinal deposition of marls. As the depositional setting is related to the CaCO3-content (carbonate), which is an important property to consider during cement production, geological investigation of the area through conceptual 3D modelling could be a very powerful tool to enhance the general knowledge of the area or for planning future prospecting campaigns. Since the quality of the 3D model is related to the amount and quality of data utilized, data acquisition and management are very important steps in the construction of a 3D model. Two main campaigns with drill core extractions were done in 1993 and 1999, respectively. Along with resistivity data collected from skyTEM-measurements and ground surveys, subsurface geological information is quite extensive in the area. Using overall data and a reclassification of the lithologies, three main areas associated with reef complex deposition have been identified on File Hajdar. Corresponding to elevated resistivity measurements as well as classification in drill cores, two reef complexes centered around the quarry, have been described as the central- and southeastern reef complexes. Based on high resistivity anomalies in skyTEM-data along with field interpretations, the emplacement of a third reef complex is also interpreted in the northwestern parts of the study area (northwestern reef complex). However, as overall data is lacking at the location of the northwestern reef complex, further investigation is necessary before the relationship between the central- and northwestern reef complex can be fully investigated. Due to the generally indistinct transition between clay-rich limestone and marl, the subsurface boundary to the marl is rather insinuated. However, corresponding to low resistivity anomalies, outcroppings of the surfacing marl unit are outlined at the base of the File Hajdar rise. Future utilization of the produced 3D model could include the implementation of additional data or as a foundation during the planning of further prospecting campaigns in the area. Corresponding to the locations of the central- and northwestern reef complexes, these two areas are suggested to be most suitable for further investigation. / Som en viktig komponent i cementproduktion har Gotland sedimentära berggrund haft en historisk anknytning till kalstensutvinning. File hajdar brottet är beläget ca 5 km väst om tätorten Slite, på nordöstra Gotland, och står i dagsläget helt för den lokala kalkstensutvinningen av Cementa AB. Kalkstensenheterna på File hajdar kan generellt kopplas till revbildning under den geologiska silurperioden. Men baserat på den interna relationen till de innersta revkropparna kan även underklassificeringar av kalkstensenheterna konstrueras. Eftersom relationen till reven även är kopplat till kalkstenens karbonathalt (CaCO3), vilket är en väsentlig beståndsdel att beakta under cementproduktion, är det viktigt att urskilja mellan de olika kalkstensenheter som påträffas på File hajdar. En sådan urskillning kan visuellt uppnås om en konceptuell 3D-modell över geologin på File hajdar brottet och dess omnejd konstrueras. Med data från borrkärnor, framtagna under två prospekteringsprojekt, samt från mätningar av berggrundens elektriska egenskaper kan man indirekt tolka geologin i området. Då det mer massiva revkropparna förväntas ha sämre ledningsförmåga relativt de mer lerberikade märgel- och kalkstenarna, kan man anknyta områden med hög resistivitet (oförmåga att leda ström) till revstrukturer. Från mätningar tolkas området norr- och söder om täkten inkludera större revstrukturer. Även nordväst om täkten kan man antyda att en större revstruktur är lokaliserad. Men eftersom den nordvästliga strukturen sakna större utsträckning av data behöver denna studeras närmare. Då övergången mellan den underliggande märgelstenen och File hajdars ytliga kalkstenen sker gradvis blir gränsen mellan dessa två enheter svår att placera ut med någon större säkerhet. Detta medför att den underliggande märgelgränsen bör betraktas som en generaliserad övergång i den slutgiltiga 3D-modellen. Den resulterade 3D-modellen ger en bra överblick över den generella geologin som påträffas i File hajdar området. Praktisk tillämpning av 3D-modellen kan exempelvis innefattar vidare tänktplanering eller fortsatt utvärdering av området genom implementering av mer data. Baserat på 3D-modellen framställs två förslag på lokaler lämpliga för vidare undersökningar. Motsvarande placeringarna av de norra- och nordvästra rekvkropparna tolkas dessa utgöra potentiella områden för kalkbrytning och i behov av ytterligare undersökning.

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