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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Current Status and Future Outlook of Geothermal Reinjection: A Review of the Ongoing Debate

Skog, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source which has not yet had the same breakthrough as other renewables, e.g. solar PV and wind. There may still be some technical issues to be solved before geothermal can reach its full potential.One of these technical challenges concerns reinjection, i.e. the return of geothermal fluids back into the ground after surface energy extraction. In traditional geothermal energy utilization, hot geothermal fluid is brought up from underground reservoirs to the surface. Depending on the design of the power plant, the fluid can either be kept one-phased or get separated into two phases, i.e. hot steam and water. Hot steam, or vapor of another working fluid, is used to drive electricity generating turbines. Whether the condensate is returned back into to the ground after energy extraction, i.e. reinjected, is nowadays usually a matter of how rather than if. However, the magnitude and strategy varies in countries as well as for specific power plant operators.From a sustainable management perspective, the majority of operators as well as scientist agree that reinjection is the best way practice in order to take care of a resource and leave the smallest possible environmental footprint. However, it is a quite complicated and not always problem free operation. There are numerous examples where reinjection has led to complications such as scaling, induced seismicity and cooling of the reservoir. The purpose of this study was to describe the current status of geothermal reinjection from a neutral third-party perspective, e.g. by describing current obstacles and negative as well as positive outcomes. The aim is to conclude whether current technology is enough to successfully reinject, or if there are still some gaps of knowledge to fill. The method consists partly of a literature study of previously written technical reports but also of interviews with experts in the area. In addition, the study summarizes the legal framework regarding reinjection in some geothermal active countries, e.g. if it is required by law or not. Although currently technology is enough to do a fairly good job at reinjecting geothermal fluids, the result of the study also shows that there are still some technical barriers to overcome in order to fully optimize it. However, it remains the best currently known way to keep geothermal energy sustainable. Better technologies will be needed in order for geothermal to reach its fully green potential.

Characterization of Fe-rich skarns and fluorapatite-bearing magnetite occurrences at the Zinkgruvan Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden

Ivarsson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Zinkgruvan is a stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu sulphide deposit hosted by Paleoproterozoic strata in southern Bergslagen, Sweden. The deposit underwent medium-high grade regional metamorphism during the Svecokarelian orogeny, including partial melting of the host succession. Subordinate zones of semi-massive to massive magnetite and Fe-rich skarns occur in marble stratigraphically below the stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag ore but have so far not been described in detail in the scientific literature. This thesis presents results from detailed geological drill core logging, light optical microscopy (LOM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which have been integrated with results from electron microprobe analysis (FE-EMPA) and whole-rock lithogeochemical analysis to provide a comprehensive description of the magnetite mineralization. Samples from the formerly mined magnetite deposits Västerby, Garpa and Åmme - distal to Zinkgruvan - have also been studied to allow for a comparison. The combined dataset has been used to 1) discuss the genesis of the magnetite mineralizations, including their relationship to base metal sulphide mineralization, and 2) evaluate potential vectors to Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu mineralization based on variations in the magnetite deposits. The semi-massive to massive magnetite, adjacent and associated Fe-rich skarn at Zinkgruvan are located in the stratigraphic upper part of the marble host. Three different varieties of magnetite mineralization can be defined: 1) semi-massive to massive magnetite mineralization in marble, 2) magnetite-bearing veins and 3) retrograde magnetite after olivine. Detailed optical microscopy has revealed a positive spatial correlation between aluminium spinel, apatite, magnetite and graphite. Semi-massive to massive magnetite mineralization at Zinkgruvan is enriched in P2O5, ΣREELa-Lu and Mn relative to a carbonate precursor. A positive correlation exists between P2O5 and ∑REELa-Lu, suggesting apatite and monazite are the primary REE-bearing minerals. The fact that the samples with highest P2O5 and ∑REELa-Lu are all Fe-rich rocks suggest the enrichment of the latter is related to the event which formed the Fe mineralization. Magnetite mineralization from the historic iron mines NW of Zinkgruvan share several key attributes with magnetite mineralization at Zinkgruvan. These include: 1) magnetite is the only iron oxide, 2) lithological and mineralogical similarities, including spatial association with marble, 3) equally high whole-rock Fe content, 4) equally high Mn (1-4 wt.% MnO), 5) equally high Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.1- 2.8, avg. 1.75), and 6) local presence of sphalerite mineralization. Bending of the tectonic foliation from c. E-W to NW in the western part of Zinkgruvan suggest these magnetite mineralizations may be located along the same trend as those at Zinkgruvan. The normal calc-silicate mineralogy in Zinkgruvan marble (e.g. diopside, forsterite, phlogopite) can be explained by prograde regional metamorphic reactions between silicates and dolomite or calcite in impure carbonate rocks with a variable content of detrital siliciclastic and volcaniclastic material. However, the stratabound magnetite mineralization and associated Fe-rich skarns cannot be fully accounted for by this model. It is plausible that the Fe-rich skarns can be explained by similar reactions but involving more Fe-rich carbonates (ferrodolomite, ankerite, siderite). In the absence of quartz, siderite is known to thermally decompose into magnetite and graphite at temperatures above 465° C, whereby siderite-rich rocks may have been precursor to the semi-massive to massive magnetite mineralization. A recent genetic model suggests that the ore-forming fluids which formed Zinkgruvan where similar to those which formed McArthur-type SEDEX deposits. The presented results are consistent with this model, since e.g. siderite is a common alteration mineral in alteration envelopes to such deposits. Hence, magnetite mineralization, Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu-ore may all be related to the same pre-metamorphic hydrothermal system. The current genetic model places the magnetite mineralization at Zinkgruvan proximal to a fossil hydrothermal vent zone (the Burkland discontinuity). It is plausible that the magnetite mineralization mined at surface lay along the northern continuation of the Burkland discontinuity. Based on the assumption that the Burkland Cu-mineralization is most proximal and the old iron mines at Åmme are most distal along this structure, variations in whole-rock lithogeochemistry, mineral chemistry and mineralogy have been used to define nine vectors to economic Zn-Pb-Ag and Cu ore as is mined at Zinkgruvan.

The morphology and evolutionary significance of the anomalocaridids

Daley, Allison C. January 2010 (has links)
Approximately 600 to 500 million years ago, a major evolutionary radiation called the “Cambrian Explosion” gave rise to nearly all of the major animal phyla known today. This radiation is recorded by various fossil lagerstätten, such as the Burgess Shale in Canada, where soft-bodied animals are preserved in exquisite detail. Many Cambrian fossils are enigmatic forms that are morphologically dissimilar to their modern descendants, but which still provide valuable information when interpreted as stem-group taxa because they record the actual progression of evolution and give insight into the order of character acquisitions and homologies between living taxa. One such group of fossils is the anomalocaridids, large presumed predators that have had a complicated history of description. Their body has a trunk with a series of lateral lobes and associated gills, and a cephalic region with a pair of large frontal appendages, a circular mouth apparatus, stalked eyes and a cephalic carapace. Originally, two taxa were described from the Burgess Shale, Anomalocaris and Laggania, however data presented herein suggests that the diversity of the anomalocaridids was much higher. Newly collected fossil material revealed that a third Burgess Shale anomalocaridid, Hurdia, is known from whole-body specimens and study of its morphology has helped to clarify the morphology and systematics of the whole group. Hurdia is distinguished by having mouthparts with extra rows of teeth, a unique frontal appendage, and a large frontal carapace. Two species, Hurdia victoria and Hurdia triangulata were distinguished based on morphometric shape analysis of the frontal carapace. A phylogenetic analysis placed the anomalocaridids in the stem lineage to the euarthropods, and examination of Hurdia’s well-preserved gills confirm the homology of this structure with the outer branches of limbs in upper stem-group arthropods. This homology supports the theory that the Cambrian biramous limb formed by the fusion of a uniramous walking limb with a lateral lobe structure bearing gill blades. In this context, new evidence is present on the closely allied taxon Opabinia, suggesting that it had lobopod walking limbs and a lateral lobe structure with attached Hurdia-like gills. The diversity of the anomalocaridids at the Burgess Shale is further increased by two additional taxa known from isolated frontal appendages. Amplectobelua stephenensis is the first occurrence of this genus outside of the Chengjiang fauna in China, but Caryosyntrips serratus is an appendage unique to the Burgess Shale. To gain a better understanding of global distribution, a possible anomalocaridid is also described from the Sirius Passet biota in North Greenland. Tamisiocaris borealis is known from a single appendage, which is similar to Anomalocaris but unsegmented, suggesting this taxon belongs to the arthropod stem-lineage, perhaps in the anomalocaridid clade. Thus, the anomalocaridids are a widely distributed and highly diverse group of large Cambrian presumed predators, which provide important information relevant to the evolution of the arthropods.

Evolution and taxonomy of Cambrian arthropods from Greenland and Sweden

Stein, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Arthropods have a rich fossil record spanning the Phanerozoic. Biomineralized forms such as the extinct trilobites are particularly common and are proven index fossils for biostratigraphy. Forms with an unmineralized cuticle are more rare, preserved only in so called konservat lagerstätten. Cambrian strata of Greenland have yielded rich trilobite faunas with potential for intercontinental correlation of Cambrian strata, but also an exceptionally preserved fauna, the Sirius Passet Lagerstätte. The first part of this thesis is concerned with trilobite biotratigraphy of the provisional Cambrian Series 2 in Greenland. The second part is concerned with exceptionally preserved arthropods from the Sirius Passet Lagerstätte, but also from 'Orsten' deposits from the Cambrian of Sweden. Perissopyge phenax occurs in the Henson Gletscher and Paralleldal formations spanning the Series 2 and 3 boundary interval in North Greenland. It also occurs in the Sekwi Formation of Yukon Territory, demonstrating that the species may hold potential for correlation within Laurentia. An indeterminate species of Perissopyge is shown to occur in the Ella Island Formation of North-East Greenland together with Olenellus cf. hanseni, which is similar to Olenellus cf. truemani described from the Henson Gletscher Formation. If this correlation is further corroborated it would offer a first tie-point for the An t'Sron Formation of North-West Scotland which yields Fritzolenellus lapworthi, herein reported for the first time from the Bastion Formation which underlies the Ella Island Formation. Oelandocaris oelandica from ‘Orsten’ deposits in the Cambrian series 3 and 4 boundary interval in Sweden is an early representative of the Crustacean stem lineage. Kiisortoqia avannaarsuensis is a new arthropod from the Sirius Passet Lagerstätte with robust antennulae strikingly similar to the 'raptorial' limb of the problematic anomalocaridids. The ventral morphology of the 'bivalved' Isoxys volucris is described for the first time and compared with other species assigned to Isoxys from Cambrian lagerstätten around the world. Finally, Siriocaris trolla, is a new arthropod that similarities with trilobites and certain ‘trilobitomorphs’ but seems to lack important synapomorphies of these taxa, though this may be due to preservational limitations in the material at hand.

Undersökning av metamorfa förhållanden för skarn-, metapelit- och sulfidbergarter på nordöstra Utö, Stockholms skärgård, Sverige

Antevik, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete i geologi undersöker berggrunden på Utös nordöstra udde i Stockholms skärgård, med målet att fastställa metamorfa tryck-, temperatur- och fluid-XCO2-förhållanden. Utös berggrund metamorfoserades ca 1,87-1,78 Ga när en öbåge kolliderade med den arkeiska kratonen. Tidigare deponerade karbonater, vulkaniter och gråvackor blev metamorfoserade i samband med kollision och senare exstensionell kollaps. I studieområdet hittas karbonater omvandlade till marmor och skarnbergarter, som i vissa fall, troligtvis är hydrotermalt omvandlade till sulfidbergarter i samband med intrusioner i orogenesens senare skede. Gråvackor hittas omvandlade till metapeliter bärandes indexmineral. Kalcit-dolomit-termometri på tremolit-, talk- och flogopitbärande skarnbergarter gav temperaturer på 379°C respektive 412°C som kunde härledas till fluid-XCO2-koncentrationer på 0,0039 och 0,012. Geotermobarometri för metapeliter i området resulterade i osäkra tryck- och temperaturvärden p.g.a. en begränsad och retrograd mineralsammansättning, men antyder att metamorf grad tidigare varit högre. Skarn och relaterade sulfidbergarter kunde med vissa undantag klassificeras som Zn-Pb-skarn utifrån mineralogisk sammansättning av zinkblände, blyglans och pyrit. Retrograda förhållanden inom greenschist facies uppskattades utifrån framräknade temperaturer samt förekomst av reaktionstexturer.

The holocene history of the great Alvar of Öland

Königsson, Lars-König January 1968 (has links)
No description available.

A Phylogenetic Appraisal of Pachycormus bollensis: Implications for Pachycormiform Evolution

Lindkvist, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The Pachycormiformes were a successful group of stem-teleosts. Although they persisted for more than 100 million years in the Mesozoic seas and occupied a significant space of the ecosystem, little is known about this most diverse group. One of the earliest pachycormiformes is the lower Jurassic Pachycormus bollensis. A reconstruction of the phylogeny with the early P. bollensis together with more derived and earlier studied species has yielded important information about the relationships within the group. Both a parsimony analysis and a Bayesian analysis were performed. Three exceptionally complete specimens of P. bollensis from the Holzmaden-locality were used for the study. The resulting trees strongly supported pachycormiform monophyly. Three major ecomorphological clades were returned from the analyses: the filter-feeders, hyper carnivores and a more generalist predator radiation that included P. bollensis. Despite, node support within the pachycormiformes are generally weak. The tooth-structure and the phylogenetic position of P. bollensis might indicate an intermediate grade between the filter-feeders and the hyper carnivores. / Pachycormiformer var en mycket framgångsrik ordning utav stam-teleoster. Trots att de överlevde i mer än 100 miljoner år i de Mesosoiska haven och erövrat ett flertal olika platser i ekosystemet, är denna mågfacetterade grupp som helhet tämligen okänd. Pachycormus bollensis från yngre jura är en av de tidigste arterna i denna grupp. En fylogenetiskt rekonstruktion av den tidiga P. bollensis tillsammans med yngre, mer utvecklade arter kan ge viktig information om släktskapen inom gruppen. En parsimonisk analys och en Bayesian analys utfördes. Tre exceptionellt bevarade exemplar av Pachycormus bollensis från Holzmaden användes i studien. Resultatet visar på ett stark monofyletiskt sammanband inom pachycormiformerna. Båda analyserna visade robusta resultat för tre övergripande grupper; filtrerare, karnivorer och en mer generell predator linje som inkluderar P.  bollensis. Dock hade de interna släktskapen inom varje större grupp svagt stöd. Tand-stukturen tillsammans med den fylogenetiska placeringen av P. bollensis kan tyda på en intermediär grupp mellan filterarna och karnivorerna.

Toppturer norr om Torneträsk

Nilsson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
The demand of nature tourism is increasing and new ways to satisfy tourists are necessary. The goal with this report was to answer that demand by exploring the possibilities for back country skiing north of Torneträsk. This area was chosen because it is unexplored. This has been succeeded by an extensive fieldwork. Aspects like topography, routes, slope angles and geological places of interests where recorded. The results has shown that back country skiing is well suited for this area and poses no negative impact on the natural habitat. A total of 12 mountain tops have been documented including routes and geology.

Metoder för åtgärd och identifiering av svällskiffer i Östersund / Methods for Action and Identification of Swelling Shale in Östersund

Hallin Sjölander, Ida, Ånäs, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
Arbetets syfte är att undersöka svällande alunskiffer i Östersund, vad de senaste framstegen är för vad som orsakar svällning och hur den kan identifieras och hanteras. Enklare laborationsmoment utförs med provmaterial från jord-bergsondering i Östersund, men arbetet är främst en litteraturstudie. Alunskiffer har en varierande sammansättning av organiskt material, kalkrika mineraler och järnsulfider. Svällningen orsakas av oxidationen av järnsulfider vilket leder till bildning av gipskristaller. Omfattande krafter kan utvecklas i samband med svällningen vilket gör det till ett stort problem som kan orsaka deformationer av ovanliggande byggnader. Vårt förslag till hur svällskiffer kan identifieras är att utföra en övergripande kartläggning av alunskiffern i Östersund. Dess beskaffenhet bör undersökas kemiskt för att ta reda på halten svavelkis, magnetskis och andra mineral. Skifferns mekaniska egenskaper bör undersökas ytterligare. För att motverka svällningen föreslår vi att de metoder som tidigare prövats i Östersund och visat sig vara framgångsrika bör undersökas och utvecklas ytterligare. Inspiration kan också tas från gruvindustrin och hur de arbetar för att motverka surt avfall. De laborativa momenten visar att svällförloppet inte var tillräckligt snabbt för att ge ett resultat under testperioden på drygt två veckor. Smektittestet visar att det inte förekommer svällande lera, smektit, i borrkaxprovet från jord-bergsonderingen. / The purpose of the essay is to examine swelling alum shale in Östersund, what the state of the art concerning the cause of the swelling and how it may be identified and dealt with. Minor laboratory experiment is performed with test materials from soil-rock probing in Östersund, although the essay is mainly focused on studying literature. Alum shale has a varied composition of organic matter, calcareous minerals and iron sulphides. The swelling is caused by oxidation of the iron sulphides which forms gypsum. The extensive forces associated with the swelling can inflict deformations in the overlying buildings and is a major issue in Östersund. Our suggestions for how to identify the swelling shale is to make an extensive survey of the Östersund area. The survey would locate the alum shale and take samples to determine the chemical composition of the shale. We also suggest further analysis of the mechanical properties of the shale. Our suggestions for how to deal with the swelling would be to further examine the methods that proved to be successful at earlier attempts in Östersund. Inspiration can also be found in the mining industry and how they deal with acid mine drainage. The smectite test show that there is no swelling clay, also known as smectite, present in the drill cutting sample from the soil-rock probing. The swelling test show no signs of swelling caused by pyrite oxidation and the development of gypsum, during the test period of around two weeks.

Methods and Approaches for Biogenicity Determination in Geological Samples - Implications for Extraterrestrial Search for Life / Metoder och tillämpningar för bestämning av biogenecitet i geologiska prover - implikationer för sökning efter utomjordisk liv

Zetterlind, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
For a better understanding of how to search for an extraterrestrial life, scientists study hidden biospheres on Earth. The subseafloor crust is recognized as a vast microbial habitat and it is hypothesized that extremophilic microorganisms, occurring there, can be the first living organisms on Earth. Those extremophiles does not require oxygen due their ability to derive bioavailable energy from fluid-rock interactions, resembling conditions on Mars. Hence, in this study, geological samples from such environments are analysed. Overall, this report examines a concept of biogenicity and evaluates a set of methods used for the determination of biologic origin. Fossilized microbial remains were discovered in unconsolidated sediments from the volcaniclastic apron of Gran Canaria and in aragonite veins in ultramafic rocks from the North Pond at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mentioned sediments and rocks were collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 157 and 209. The fossil record from Gran Canaria is consistent with Foraminifera. The microbial remains from North Pond are consistent with Frutexites microstromatolites. Both fossilized communities have characteristic compositions associated with carbonaceous matter (CM) and different configurations of trace elements such as Si, Al, Mg, Mn, Ni, Fe, and Co. This study confirms the biologic origin of the fossilized remains and shows that the applied methods are suitable for astrobiological application. / För en bättre förståelse på hur man söker efter utomjordiskt liv, studerar forskare dem dolda biosfärer på jorden. Djuphavsbotten är uppskattad att vara ett stort mikrobiellt habitat och det antas att extremofila mikroorganismer, som förekommer där, kan vara de första levande organismerna på jorden. Dessa extremofiler kräver inte syre på grund av deras förmåga att härleda biologiskt tillgänglig energi från vätske-bergartsinteraktioner, vilket liknar förhållandena på Mars. I denna studie analyseras därför geologiska prover från sådana miljöer. Övergripande, granskar denna rapport begreppet biogenecitet och utvärderar en uppsättning av metoder, som används för bestämning av biologiskt ursprung. Fossiliserade mikrobiella lämningar återfanns i okonsoliderat sediment från Gran Canarias vulkaniklastiska förkläde och i aragonitåror i ultramafiska bergarter från North Pond vid Mittatlantiska ryggen. Nämnda sediment och bergarter samlades in under Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 157 och 209. Det fossila arkivet från Gran Canaria överensstämmer med Foraminifera. Dem mikrobiella resterna från North Pond är förenliga med Frutexites mikrostromatoliter. Båda dem fossiliserade samhällena har karakteristiska kompositioner associerade med kolhaltiga ämnen (CM) och olika konfigurationer av spårämnen, såsom Si, Al, Mg, Mn, Ni, Fe och Co. Denna studie bekräftar biologiska ursprungen hos dem fossila lämningarna och visar att applicerade metoder är lämpliga för astrobiologisk tillämpning.

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