Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geologia"" "subject:"geologic""
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Deep subduction of the Seve Nappe Complex in the Scandinavian CaledonidesKlonowska, Iwona January 2017 (has links)
This thesis seeks to improve our understanding of the processes involved in continental collision zones, with a particular focus on subduction-exhumation. The main objective of this work has been to define the tectonometamorphic evolution of the deeply subducted Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in the Scandinavian Caledonides. I utilize mineralogy, petrology and geochronology to constrain the P-T-t paths of the SNC rocks in Sweden. The research has focused on the high grade rocks of the SNC and resulted in the discovery of metamorphic diamonds within the gneisses in west-central Jämtland and southern Västerbotten. Microdiamonds provided evidence for the ultra-high pressure metamorphism (UHPM) and subduction of continental rocks to mantle depths. The UHPM in these rocks was confirmed by calculations of the P-T conditions. The UHPM is further recorded by eclogites and garnet pyroxenites from northern Jämtland and eclogites from Norrbotten. All these findings provide compelling evidence for regional UHPM of vast parts of the SNC (at least 400 km along the strike of this allochthonous unit). The SNC rocks followed nearly isothermal decompression paths and paragneisses have locally experienced partial melting during exhumation. Formation of the peculiar Ba- and Ti-enriched dark mica in the Tväråklumparna metasediments is related to the latter stage. In-situ monazite dating of the diamond-bearing gneisses from west-central Jämtland supports previous geochronological data inferring that the peak of metamorphism is probably Middle Ordovician and was followed by Early Silurian partial melting. The exact timing of the UHPM here still remains to be resolved. The Lu-Hf garnet and U-Pb zircon dating of eclogite and gneiss from northern Jämtland confirms the Middle Ordovician age of the UHP-HP metamorphism of the SNC rocks. The chemical dating of monazite from the Marsfjället gneiss suggests an earlier UHP history of the Seve rocks in southern Västerbotten as a post-UHP uplift is dated to ca. 470 Ma. Based on the P-T-t data obtained in this thesis, particularly on the evidence for Middle Ordovician UHPM and subsequent Silurian exhumation, a new tectonic model for the Scandinavian Caledonides has been proposed. The outcomes of this thesis therefore improve our understanding of the tectonometamorphic history of the Caledonides.
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Ore mineralogy and silver distribution at the Rävliden N volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Skellefte district, SwedenJohansson, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The Rävliden North deposit (Rävliden N) is a volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit in the western part of the Skellefte district, northern Sweden. The district is one of Sweden’s major metallogenic provinces with a significant amount of VMS deposits. The Rävliden N deposit, discovered in 2011, contains copper, zinc, lead, silver and subordinate gold and occurs close to the largest VMS deposit in the district, the Kristineberg deposit, which has been mined for more than 70 years. The purpose of this master thesis is to study the composition, mineralogy and paragenetic relationships in different types of sulphide mineralization from the Rävliden N deposit. Emphasis is placed on characterizing the distribution and paragenetic relationships of silver-bearing minerals. The methods include core logging, sampling and mineralogical studies through light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and quantitative evaluation of mineralogy by scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN). Lastly, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) was used to determine the chemical composition of silver-bearing minerals and sulphides. Mineralization types studied include 1: the main massive to semi-massive sulphide mineralization, 2: stratigraphically underlying stringer mineralization and 3: local, vein- and/or fault-hosted silver-rich mineralization in the stratigraphic hanging wall. The massive to semi-massive sulphide mineralization is dominated by sphalerite with lesser galena and pyrrhotite. In contrast, the stringer mineralization is dominated by chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. The major minerals show evidence of a coeval formation and textural as well as structural evidence suggest that ductile deformation has affected the mineralization types. Notable evidence includes ball-ore textures, accumulation of minerals in pressure shadows and brittle fracturing of competent arsenopyrite and pyrite porphyroblasts and infilling by more incompetent sulphide minerals. The silver-bearing minerals identified are commonly spatially associated with galena and the major species is freibergite ((Ag,Cu,Fe)12(Sb,As)4S13), which also occur as inclusions in chalcopyrite mainly in the stringer mineralization. The stringer mineralization also contains notable amounts of hessite (Ag2Te). Notably, galena, pyrrhotite, freibergite and other sulphosalt minerals are commonly accumulated in pressure shadows near host rock fragments in the massive to semi-massive sulphide mineralization. The only gold-bearing mineral identified in this study is electrum (Au, Ag) in the stringer mineralization. The hanging wall mineralization locally comprises faulted and/or sheared massive sulphide mineralization which is compositionally similar to the main massive to semi-massive sulphide mineralization, besides a significantly higher content of freibergite. However, parts of the hanging wall mineralization are entirely dominated by sulphides and sulphosalts of silver, such as pyrargyrite (Ag3SbS3), pyrostilpnite (Ag3SbS3), argentopyrite (AgFe2S4), sternbergite (AgFe2S3) and stephanite (Ag5SbS4). These occur in structurally late settings, which along with consideration of their temperature stabilities suggest a late origin. Since the silver-bearing minerals in the massive to semi-massive sulphide mineralization and the two varieties of hanging wall mineralization contains the same metals, the mineralization in the hanging wall may have formed by late-stage remobilization of ore components from the underlying Rävliden N deposit. This negates the need for multiple mineralization events to explain the local silver-enriched zones in the hanging wall. The paragenetically late mineralization types contains high content of Ag-bearing minerals in relation to base metal sulphides. This suggests that remobilisation processes were important for locally upgrading the Ag-content.
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Palaeoenvironments of the Earliest (Middle Devonian) Tetrapod Trackways from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland; Locomotion in a Terrestrial Setting? / De tidigaste tetrapod-spåren från mellersta devon − liv i en död efemär sjö?Qvarnström, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The palaeoenvironment from which early tetrapods emerged is crucial to comprehend in order to understand the mechanisms that drove and allowed the terrestrialization of vertebrates; one of the most important evolutionary ‘events’ in the history of animals. Nevertheless, much of the terrestrialization is shrouded in obscurity, inter alia, due to scarcity of early tetrapods in the fossil record. Each new discovery of anything linked to vertebrate terrestrialization is therefore of great importance. Here, I present new detailed analyses of the palaeoenvironmental conditions at the time of formation of the earliest (early Middle Devonian) tetrapod trackways found in the Zachełmie Quarry in the Holy Cross Mountains of southern Poland. The trackways are found in three horizons in a clay-rich dolomitic succession represented by the Lower Complex of the Wojciechowice Formation. This Lower Complex is composed of short shallowing upward sequences that often terminate with desiccation cracks and/or paleosols. Vertically fluctuating δ18O values in the complex suggest multiple episodes of closed hydrological systems. A model of ephemeral to perennial lakes in a terrestrial setting is therefore proposed. Such environment is in concordance with evidence of scarce bioturbation and a flourish of microbial communities that, in contrast to a normal marine setting, most likely represent an ecologically stressed ecosystem. Furthermore: non-marine rare earth element (REE) signals, desiccation events, fossils of green algae (charophytes), paleosol development, low energy cyclic deposits and general lack of marine taxa in the body and trace fossil records in this complex firmly establishes the interpretation of palustrine carbonates formed in a lacustrine-like setting. However, in the lower part of the complex, some highly fractioned marine fossils occur. These are suggested to have been transported during wash-up events which temporally places the setting in marine proximity. Seasons of monsoonal rainfall resulted in erosion and influx of detrital grains which is evidenced by fine planar lamination (of seasonal cyclicity) in most of the sediments and occasional occurrence of blackened clasts (and rain-drop imprints). Thus, none of the pre-existing palaeoenvironmental hypotheses of tetrapod emergence are in full concordance with the data from the Zachełmie Quarry. Instead, a new palaeoenvironment is proposed for the earliest tetrapods: schizohaline ephermal to perennial lakes with periodic desiccation. This infers that already in the early Middle Devonian, tetrapods had conquered the terrestrial realm and were perhaps already capable of terrestrial locomotion over quite substantial distances. / Däggdjur, reptiler, fåglar och amfibier utgör tillsammans en besläktad djurgrupp som kallas för tetrapoder (fyrfotingar). Deras gemensamma förfader härstammade från de lobfenade fiskarna men skiljde sig från dem genom att inneha utvecklade ben med tår istället för de ”köttiga” fenor som de lobfeniga fiskarna karaktäriseras av. Denna evolutionära nyhet tillät, tillsammans med en rad andra egenskaper (lungor, skydd för uttorkning av dermis etc.), att vertebrater helt och hållet kunde koloni-sera land. I och med att vår egen existens är en direkt följd av denna evolutionära händelse är detta ett hett forskningsämne inom evolutionsbiologin. Ändå är mycket fortfarande höljt i dunkel beträffande hur koloniseringen av land gick till och vad det var som drev denna utveckling eftersom övergången skedde under en, i geologisk mått, snabb tidsrymd. Dock har de sista årtiondena resulterat i flertalet nya fossilfynd av primitiva tetrapoder. Ett fynd som är speciellt spektakulärt eftersom det är den hittills äldsta efterlämningen av tetrapoder, är fotspår som uppenbart är gjorda av ett djur som hade ben och tår istället för fenor. Detta förvånade hela det vetenskapliga samfundet eftersom det innebar att vi (tetrapoderna) utvecklades tidigare än vad som var dittills trott och att vertebrat-koloniseringen av land förmodligen skedde flertalet miljoner år tidigare. Vad som också skiljer ett spårfossil från andra fossil är att de är spår av djuren från när och där de levde till skillnad från bara deras skelettdelar som oftast transporterats från där de dog och bara preserveras i speciella miljöer. Detta har jag utnyttjat i detta arbete för att försöka avgöra i vilken miljö de är avsatta i. Jag har analyserat de sedimentära bergarterna i stenbrottet i södra Polen med skärningen som innehåller de lagren i vilka fotspåren finns. Analyser av sällsynta jordartsmetaller från de tre lager där fotspår är tydliga, antyder en speciell avsättningsmiljö som inte liknar en typisk havsmiljö. I den undre delen av lagerföljden där de spårbärande lagren påträffats finns återkristalliserade saltkristaller, torkningssprickor och fossila jordar som indikerar korta respektive långvariga perioder av uttorkning. Andra fossil som i en normal marin miljö borde bevaras i en dolomitisk kalksten lyser med sin frånvaro och istället påfinns massiv koloni-sering av cyanobakterier. Detta brukar ske i speciella miljöer som avviker från vanlig marin komposi-tion, så som äldre sötvattensmiljöer eller laguner med hög salthalt, som därmed är ”svårbebodd” för djur som annars livnär sig på de fotosyntiserande bakterierna. Implikationen av mitt arbete är att tetrapoderna redan i tidig mellan Devon (ca 390 miljoner år sedan) inte bara hade utvecklat ben utan också att de kunde använda dem över landsträckor för att ta sig till, och mellan, kontinentala vatten. Detta är ännu en viktig pusselbit i pusslet som ämnar rekonstruera tetrapodernas (och vår egen) uppkomst.
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Svaghetszoner i Citybanans tunnelsystem med koppling till lineament på byggnadsgeologiska kartan över Stockholm / Weakness Zones in the Stockholm City Line Tunnel System Connections to Lineaments on the Construction Geological Map of StockholmBjörling, Linn, Schmidt, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Citybanan är ett omfattande projekt som inkluderar många entreprenader och myndigheter med syfte att möjliggöra en tätare och punktligare tågtrafik genom Stockholm. Att bygga en tunnel genom berg är avancerat och riskabelt. För att minimera riskerna görs ett omfattande arbete för att beskriva bergets kvalitet. Under tunneldrivningen karteras berget frekvent med hjälp av olika klassificeringssystem för att ha kontroll över byggnationen. Den byggnadsgeologiska kartan visar på sprickzoner och krosszoner som är baserad på lineament, vilket innebär höjdskillnader i berggrunden. Beroende på hur stor höjdskillnaden är har lineamenten tolkats som mindre eller större strukturer. I och med att svaghetszonerna inte är observerade i berggrunden finns en viss osäkerhet i hur de framträder. Utifrån ritade profilerna har zonerna klassificerats för att sedan se om de stämmer överens med lineamenten på den byggnadsgeologiska kartan. Samtliga zoner återfinns i tunneln dock finns en viss variation i utbredningen. Vid karteringen av den sprängda tunneln tillhandahålls ett facit över svaghetszonerna som tunneln korsar. Då zonerna är klassade beroende på sin utbredning undersöks hur de skiljer sig åt när/om de framträder i tunneln. Genom att undersöka hur väl zonerna på byggnadsgeologiska kartan överensstämmer med verkligheten kan kostnaderna i ett initialt skede hållas nere i liknande projekt.
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Submarine Alteration of Seamount Rocks in the Canary Islands: Insights from Mineralogy, Trace Elements, and Stable Isotopes / Undervattensomvandling av basaltiska bergarterfrån Kanarieöarna: insikter från mineralogi,spårämnen och stabila isotoperSofade, Aduragbemi Oluwatobi January 2018 (has links)
Seamounts play an important role in facilitating the exchange of elements between the oceanic lithosphere and the overlying seawater. This water-rock interaction is caused by circulating seawater and controls the chemical exchange in submarine and sub-seafloor rocks. The exchange mechanism plays a major role in determining the final composition of these submarine rocks. This investigation is designed to evaluate the (i) degree of alteration and element mobility, (ii) to identify relations between alteration types and (iii) to characterise the chemical processes that takes place during seafloor and sub-seafloor alteration in the Central Atlantic region. The investigated submarine rocks are typically altered. They are composed mostly of calcite and clay minerals in addition to original magmatic feldspar, olivine, pyroxene, quartz, biotite, and amphibole. Elemental analyses show that submarine rocks with high water-rock ratio have experienced near complete loss of Silica and alkali elements to seawater but are enriched in calcium and phosphorous. In addition, there is a strong enrichment of trace elements such as Sr, Ti, Rb and trivalent REEs in altered submarine samples that are likely residual in character. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic values indicate a low temperature alteration process at less than 50℃. Nannofossils were present in one sample and investigation suggests that the seamount south of El Hierro evolved from a young Canary activity rather than the early Cretaceous magmatic events as has been argued previously. / Djuphavsberg spelar en viktig roll för att underlätta utbytet av element mellan den oceaniska litosfären och det överliggande havsvattnet. Interaktionen mellan vattnet och bergarterna orsakas av cirkulerande havsvatten och kontrollerar det kemiska utbytet i undervattensbergarterna och som även spelar en viktig roll för att bestämma de slutliga produkterna i dessa bergarter. Undersökningen syftar till att (i) utvärdera graden av kemisk omvandling och rörlighet av elementen, (ii) identifiera samband mellan olika omvandlingstyper och (iii) att karakterisera de kemiska processer som äger rum vid kemisk omvandling av bergarter vid och under havsbottnen i Centralatlanten. De undersökta undervattensbergarterna är generellt kemiskt omvandlade och består av kalcit och lermineral utöver ursprungligt magmatiskt fältspat, olivin, pyroxen, kvarts, biotit och amfibol. Elementanalyser visar att de undervattensbergarter med en hög vatten-berg kvot har förlorat i stort sett all Si och nästan alla alkaliska element till havsvattnet medan en anrikning har skett av kalcium och fosfor. Dessutom har det i de omvandlade undervattensproverna skett en tydlig anrikning av spårämnena Sr, Ti, Rb och av trivalenta sällsynta jordartsmetaller. Syre- och väteisotopvärden indikerar en omvandlingsprocess vid låga temperaturer mindre än 50 °C. I ett prov fanns nannofossiler och en undersökning av dessa tyder på att djuphavsberget söder om El Hierro bildades under en yngre vulkanisk aktivitet än den magmatiska aktivitet som tidigare föreslagits som ägde rum under perioden Krita.
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Central-Eastern European Loess Sources : Central- och östeuropeiska lössursprungGaita, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Climate change is today one of our highest priority challenges. But to understand the change in climate and to be able to make predictions about the future, knowledge about past climate is of substantial importance. The key archive of past climate change can be studied through loess deposits. This paper examines loess sources in Europe and how deposits can tell us about different origins through different geochemical techniques and methods. Secondary data of loess deposits and sources over Central-Eastern Europe have been collected and examined in order to test some of the possible major dust source areas for European loess deposits that have been suggested by other scientists. Different techniques and methods are used to examine loess sediments when trying to identify their origin. Generally, techniques and methods can be divided into geochemical and analytical parameters, which are XRD (X-ray diffraction) and XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectrometry), elemental ratios, SrNd isotopic analyses, zircon U-Pb geochronology, combined bulk and single grain analyses, as well as more statistical approaches. The results are based on the three mainly studied articles show that it is more likely that loess sources are coming from High Alps and mountain areas, such as the Carpathians, rather than from glaciers, as was previously the main idea. This paper therefore draws the conclusion that loess material, in most cases, seems to be originating from relatively nearby and local mountain areas and only a small portion appear to have been transported longer distances.
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Analogue Modelling of Ductile Deformation at Competent Lenses in Grängesberg, Bergslagen, SwedenEklöf, Sara January 2014 (has links)
The Grängesberg Mining District (GMD) is located in the western part of the Bergslagen province in south central Sweden, and is the only known apatite-iron oxide mineralization south of Norrbotten. The Grängesberg deposit is the largest of the mineralizations along GMD and consists of a line of steeply to moderately dipping 20-100 m wide lenses extending to a depth of 1.7 km. It is hosted by felsic volcanic rocks that are phyllosilicate altered in the vicinity of the ore. Field relationships indicate that a competent granitoid was structurally emplaced on top of the ore during D2, and that the less competent phyllosilicate-rich host rocks accommodated large parts of the strain. These D2 structures described from the area around the ore bodies in Grängesberg include stretching lineation at the tapering edges of the lenses, asymmetric folds with opposite vergence along strike, sheath folds and possibly fold interference patterns. These structures are proposed to have formed in response to the competence contrast and the reverse movements on a large scale. The hypothesis is that the competence contrast between the competent ore and granitoid and the less competent host rocks could explain the formation and location of the key D2-structures in Grängesberg. To test the hypothesis, four analogue tectonic models were run in the centrifuge at the Hans Ramberg Tectonic Laboratory (HRTL), Uppsala University. The competent bodies were represented by an acrylic glass wedge with two lenses corresponding to the ore lenses, with an inclination of either 60° or 45° mimicking the approximate dip of the ore. Plasticine was used as the less competent host rocks. On the top surface, circles and squares were printed and used as strain markers. The models were run at c. 300-400 G until penetrative deformation and shortening ranging from 32.5 to 39.2% was reached. During centrifuging, the wedge indented the plasticine, resembling the possible deformation during thrusting of the deep granitoid. The models were then cut to reveal the structures formed, and one model was digitalized using the software Move. After shortening, the strain markers had deformed to show a change in direction of strain around the lenses. Vertical sections perpendicular to the shortening direction showed that stretching lineation developed between the lenses. Horizontal sections revealed asymmetric non-cylindrical folds with opposite vergence along strike and fold interference patterns. These results show that the observed field relationships were reproducible with the model setup, and that the competence contrast between the ore bodies, the granitoid and the host rocks could be the controlling factor for localization of shear and sites of stretching in the area.
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Ore characterization studies are of great importance to the mining industry, especially when dealing with precious metals by-products. It is a way towards increasing mining efficiency. The Swedish Boliden’s Zn–Pb–Ag–(Cu–Au) Lappberget Deposit is the main ore body at the Garpenberg Mine producing concentrates of zinc, lead, copper, and a gravity concentrate of silver and gold, which accounts for a significant revenue for the mine. Garpenberg Mine is an ancient and traditional mining site in Sweden, nonetheless the Lappberget deposit is a relatively recent discovery and there are still on-going studies on this ore body. More recently detailed ore investigations have been carried out on the sulfides and silver mineralization in different geological domains within the Lappberget deposit. In this context, the present work is focused on investigating the gold mineralization of the deposit, aiming to study the occurrence and distribution of gold minerals, characterize the gold in the ore and how its characteristics affect gold recoveries during its processing. To achieve these goals, different investigative methods were applied on drill core samples of the footwall disseminated to semi-massive mineralization (FWD), and on samples from the gravity concentrator at Boliden’s processing plant. The techniques applied were optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis, laser ablation inductively couple plasma mass spectrometry, and bulk chemical analysis. The main findings pointed electrum as the main gold mineral, occurring with a strong sulfide association, in a variety of textures and grain sizes. The study also identified the occurrence of Au-Bi alloy, not previously described in literature of the Garpenberg region. The potential of invisible gold in the sulfide carriers was also a subject of investigation, as well as the evaluation of the characteristics of the samples from the gravity concentrator.
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Optimering av ommalning i en flotationskrets i anrikningsverket i BolidenMaultasch, Ewa Anna January 2013 (has links)
The final degree project for a Bachelor of Science in Mining and Mineral Engineering has been carried out at Boliden Mineral AB between April and June 2013.The report describes the history and geology of the mines of Boliden, origin and the development of one of the largest metal-mining companies in Europe - Boliden Mineral AB.In the Boliden area there are many important ore fields which contain gold, zinc, copper, silver and lead.The objective of this project was to investigate and provide the guidelines for the improvement of the regrinding in the ball mill in the Concentrator flotation circuit having influence on metal recovery.The report follows the ore flow from the mine, through the Concentrator and finally to the end product, concentrates. The evaluation leads to conclusions which parameters may affect the concentration process negative.It was discovered that there are problems with the ore stockpiles at the mine and the segregation of the fractions in the silos. It is proposed to install a cone on the top of the silos to reduce segregation of ore fractions. To reduce this problem Boliden should install a mobile conveyor on the way to the silos and to the ore stockpiles in the mine. This method has been successfully installed at the Aitik ore stockpiles near the new Concentrator.The main task of the thesis was to analyze metal distribution in the flotation circuit, especially technical analysis of regrinding effects on the results of flotation. The analysis of the sampled pulp from the flotation process was done in the Mineral Processing Laboratory and in the Process Laboratory in Boliden. The analytical equipment such as X-rays and ICP were used for metal analysis and QEMSCAN was used for mineralogical determinations analyses.Theoretical calculations and results of conducted laboratory experiments suggests that regrinding in the ball mill has a positive effect on the flotation process, but some improvement is required, especially the regrinding of the gangue particles. This process helps to liberate all metal particles and improves results of metal recovery. For improvement of regrinding process, it is proposed to replace the regrinding ball mill with a newer, more efficient mill of SMD type (Stirred Media Detritor). / <p>Validerat; 20131218 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>
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Quantifying strain in analogue models simulating fold-and-thrust belts using magnetic fabric analysisSchöfisch, Thorben January 2021 (has links)
Applying the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility to analogue models provides detailed insights into the strain distribution and quantification of deformation within contractional tectonic settings like fold-and-thrust belts (FTBs). Shortening in FTBs is accommodated by layer-parallel shortening, folding, and thrusting. The models in this research reflect the different deformation processes and the resulting magnetic fabric can be attributed to thrusting, folding and layer-parallel shortening. Thrusting develops a magnetic foliation parallel to the thrust surface, whereas folding and penetrative strain develop a magnetic lineation perpendicular to the shorting direction but parallel to the bedding. These fabric types can be observed in the first model of this study, which simulated a FTB shortened above two adjacent décollements with different frictional properties. The different friction coefficients along the décollements have not only an effect on the geometric and kinematic evolution of a FTB, but also on the strain distribution and magnitude of strain within the belt. The second series of models performed in this study show the development of a thrust imbricate and the strain distribution across a single imbricate in more detail. Three models, with similar setup but different magnitudes of bulk shortening, show strain gradients by gradual changes in principal axes orientations and decrease in degree of anisotropy with decreasing distance to thrusts and kinkzones. These models show that at the beginning of shortening, strain is accommodated mainly by penetrative strain. With further shortening, formation of thrusts and kinkzones overprint the magnetic fabric locally and the degree of anisotropy is decreasing within the deformation zones. At thrusts, an overprint of the magnetic fabric prior deformation towards a magnetic foliation parallel to the thrust surfaces can be observed. A rather complex interplay between thrusting and folding can be analysed in the kinkzones. In general, this thesis outlines the characteristics of magnetic fabric observed in FTBs, relates different types of magnetic fabric to different processes of deformation and provides insights into the strain distribution of FTBs.
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