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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation de la variabilité spatiale des paramètres géotechnique du sol à partir de mesures géophysiques : application à la plaine alluviale de Nahr-Beyrouth (Liban) / Evaluation of the spatial variability of geotechnical parameters of soil from geophysical measurements : application to the alluvial plain of Nahr Beirut (Lebanon)

Salloum, Nancy 30 April 2015 (has links)
La variabilité spatiale des formations géologiques rend difficile la détermination des paramètres géotechniques nécessaires pour l'évaluation des aléas naturels (sismiques et gravitaires). Les méthodes d'imagerie géophysique, non-destructives et rapides, sont de plus en plus utilisées pour la reconnaissance de telles structures hétérogènes. Une campagne d'essais géophysiques et géotechniques a été réalisée dans la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth (Liban), ville soumise à un fort risque sismique, en vue de caractériser la variabilité des couches alluviales. Les résultats combinés ont permis de caractériser la structure 3D du site et de détecter la présence d'une couche d'argile molle, peu profonde et d'épaisseur variable. Cette couche de faible compacité, qui a rendu complexe l'interprétation des courbes de dispersion des ondes de surface, a une influence importante sur la réponse sismique du site. Les incertitudes reliées à la variabilité spatiale des propriétés géotechnique (N60) et géophysiques (Vs, ρ) ont pu être quantifiées au sein des couches rencontrées et les fonctions de distribution de ces paramètres ont été déterminées dans chaque couche à partir de ces essais, à la fois verticalement et horizontalement. Les valeurs de distance d'autocorrélation verticale (Vs, N60) et horizontale (ρ) obtenues ainsi que les valeurs de coefficient de variation se situent dans la gamme de valeurs trouvées dans la littérature. La réponse dynamique (amplification spectrale) de la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth a été simulée avec des modèles probabilistes unidimensionnels, et l'effet des trois paramètres statistiques (loi d'autocorrélation, distance d'autocorrélation et coefficient de variation) décrivant les variabilités des propriétés élastiques du sol (Vs) a été quantifié. Pour obtenir des réponses sismiques réalistes, un critère de sélection des profils Vs générés de façon probabiliste a été introduit afin de ne retenir que les profils compatibles (dans une gamme d'incertitude) avec la courbe de dispersion établie. Les modélisations probabilistes ont montré des différences significatives par rapport aux modélisations déterministes. Le principal paramètre probabiliste contrôlant l'amplification spectrale est le coefficient de variation, suivi de la distance d'autocorrélation, alors que le type de loi a peu d'influence. Enfin, nous avons vu que l'activité humaine peut avoir une influence significative sur l'application des méthodes géophysiques en site urbain. La compréhension d'un milieu complexe dans ce contexte nécessite de combiner toutes les méthodes géotechniques et géophysiques d'investigation afin d'obtenir un modèle robuste 2D/3D de la structure du sol / The spatial variability of geological formations makes it difficult to determine the geotechnical parameters necessary for the evaluation of natural hazards (seismic and gravity). The geophysical imaging methods, non-destructive and fast, are now increasingly used for heterogeneous structures of sub-surface recognition. Geophysical and geotechnical tests were carried out in the alluvial plain of Beirut (Lebanon), city with high seismic risk, to characterize the variability in the alluvial layers. Analyses of these tests were used to characterize the 3D structure of the site and to detect the presence of a shallow soft clay layer of variable thickness. This layer of low compactness, which made the interpretation of dispersion curves of surface waves complex, could be of prime importance for seismic response of the site. Using all the collected data, the uncertainties related to the spatial variability of geotechnical (N60) and geophysical (Vs, ρ) properties of soil were quantified in the layers encountered and the distribution functions of these parameters were determined in each layer, in both directions (vertical and horizontal). The autocorrelation distance in the vertical (Vs, N60) and horizontal (ρ) directions and the coefficient of variation are within the range of values founded in the literature. The dynamic response (spectral amplification) of the alluvial plain of Beirut was modeled by one dimensional probabilistic model and we quantified the effect of the three statistical parameters (autocorrelation function, autocorrelation distance and coefficient of variation) describing the elastic variability properties of soil (Vs). To obtain realistic seismic responses, we proposed a probabilistic (Vs) profile selection criteria in order to retain only compatible profiles (in a range of uncertainty) with the obtained dispersion curve. Probabilistic modeling showed significant differences from the deterministic modeling. It appeared that the main factor controlling probabilistic spectral amplification is the coefficient of variation (COVVs) followed by the autocorrelation distance, while the type of autocorrelation function has little influence. Finally, Human activity was also found to have a significant influence on the application of geophysical prospecting at this urban site. This case illustrates the need of combining investigation methods in order to understand the geophysical measurements in a complex medium and to reach a robust 2D/3D model.

Aplicación de agua salina en la modificación de los parámetros geotécnicos de suelos no cohesivos en Villa El Salvador, Chilca y Asia – Lima / Application of saline water in geotechnical parameters of non-cohesive soils modifications in villa el salvador, chilca y asia – lima

Cuya Calderón, José Antonio, Paco Ayuque, Raúl Eduardo 07 July 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se expone el uso del agua salina y/o agua de mar como sustancia en la mejora de los parámetros geotécnicos del suelo no cohesivo, procedente de los distritos de Villa El Salvador, Chilca y el balneario de Asia al sur de Lima, indicando los efectos del agua salina sobre estos. Además, se presentan los resultados de este suelo sin adición de agua salina, que en adelante se considerará como condiciones iniciales; y el método de aplicación del agua salina, que en adelante se denominará condiciones finales, con el fin de observar cuál es su comportamiento y el efecto que dicha sustancia causa en este suelo. También se analizan algunos aspectos de este proceso, a través de los resultados obtenidos dentro del laboratorio, para, de esta manera, tener no solo una apreciación visual sino también evidencia y registro de lo realizado mediante equipos especializados. / This work presents the use of saline water or seawater as a substance in the geotechnical parameters improvement of the non-cohesive soil from the districts of Villa El Salvador, Chilca and The Asia bay in southern Lima, indicating the effects of saline water on these. In addition, the results of this soil are presented without the addition of saline water, which here in after are considered as final conditions, in order to observe what it’s behavior is and the effect that causes this substance on this soil. Also, some aspects of this process are analyzed, through the results obtained in the laboratory, to obtain, in this way, not only a visual appreciation but also the evidence and record of that has been done through specialized equipment. / Tesis

Estudio experimental de la aplicación del cemento con el propósito de mejorar el comportamiento geotécnico de suelos volcánicos del distrito de Omate-Moquegua

Viso Chachayma, Jordy Frank, Torres Alvarez, Jhian Franco 22 June 2021 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es mejorar los parámetros geotécnicos del suelo volcánico granular con la adición de cemento Portland tipo I. Primero, se realiza el ensayo de Granulometría y se clasifico mediante SUCS como una arena con grava pobremente gradada y según AASHTO como A-1-b. Por otro lado, se realizó el ensayo de Proctor y se obtuvo una Densidad Seca Máxima de 1.21 kg/cm2 con un Contenido de Humedad Optimo de 17.8%. Además, los resultados del ensayo de Corte Directo indico un ángulo de fricción 33.5°, una cohesión de 0.0 kg/cm2. El segundo paso fue realizar el ensayo de Proctor a muestras con adiciones de 3%, 5%, 7% y 9% de cemento, los resultados óptimos fueron al 5% de adición. El tercer paso, se realizó el ensayo de Corte Directo las mezclas de 3%, 5% y 7% a 7 y 14 días de curado, los resultados indicaron un incremento de 14.6% a 79.1% en el ángulo de fricción en comparación del suelo natural y un incremento de 25.8% a 161.5 % en la resistencia al corte. También, se muestra el comportamiento de la deformación volumétrica, presentando una mayor contracción cuando se aplica un esfuerzo normal de 1 kg/cm2 y una mayor expansión cuando se aplica un esfuerzo normal de 4 kg/cm2. Finalmente, los parámetros del ensayo de Proctor indican a la mezcla con 5% la más óptima y los parámetros del ensayo de Corte Directo indican mejores resultados a mayor contenido de cemento y mayores días de curado. / The purpose of this research is to improve the geotechnical parameters of the granular volcanic soil with the addition of Portland cement type I. First, the Granulometry test is carried out and classified by SUCS as a poorly graded sand with gravel and according to AASHTO as A-1-b. On the other hand, the Proctor test was carried out and a Maximum Dry Density of 1.21 kg/cm2 was obtained with an Optimal Moisture Content of 17.8%. In addition, the results of the Direct Shear test indicated a 33.5° friction angle, a cohesion of 0.0 kg/cm2. The second step was the Proctor test on samples with additions of 3%, 5%, 7% and 9% of cement, the optimal results were at a 5% addition. The third step, the Direct Shear test was carried out, the mixtures of 3%, 5% and 7% at 7 and 14 days of curing, the results indicated an increase of 14.6% to 79.1% in the friction angle compared to the soil natural and an increase from 25.8% to 161.5% in cut resistance. Also, the behavior of the volumetric deformation is shown, presenting a greater contraction when a normal stress of 1 kg/cm2 is applied and a greater expansion when a normal stress of 4 kg/cm2 is applied. Finally, the parameters of the Proctor test indicate the most optimal mixture with 5% and the parameters of the Direct Shear test indicate better results at higher cement content and longer curing days. / Tesis

Capacidade de carga de sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos em função do SPT: um estudo em solos residuais de Gnaisses para a região Sul de Minas / Bearing capacity and shaft resistance for shallow foundations, small diameters piles and short drilled piers, as function of SPT: a study for the residuals soils from gneis of the southern region of the Minas Gerais State at Brasil

Teixeira, Cornélio Zampier 01 August 1997 (has links)
Esta Tese aborda, de modo original e pioneiro, importantes aspectos da Engenharia de Fundações do Sul de Minas: a) sistematização de conhecimentos sobre a Geologia regional; b) identificação e caracterização da prática de fundações; c) definição (com a formação de um banco de dados) dos perfis mais representativos do subsolo de suas principais cidades; d) estudo dos parâmetros físicos, químicos e geomecânicos de um solo típico; e) implantação de campo experimental de fundações da Universidade Federal de Lavras, com a realização de provas de carga. Grande ênfase foi dada aos itens (a), (c) e (e). Priorizou-se o estudo das fundações de baixa capacidade de carga, no estudo do comportamento carga-recalque de ensaios de placa, de provas de carga a compressão em estacas-broca isoladas e de tubulões curtos instrumentados. Destacam-se as análises sobre os efeitos de forma, profundidade, melhoramento do terreno de fundação e de inundação nas fundações rasas e da variação L/d na resistência lateral unitária das estacas, sendo valorizadas as fórmulas empíricas com base no SPT. São apresentadas fórmulas de previsão de carga, em função do SPT, para sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos e um estudo de custos, onde se mostra que a opção indiscriminada por tubulões é inadequada para certas faixas de carga de trabalho. Adicionalmente, são feitas recomendações para intensificar o uso de sondagens tendo em vista a grande variabilidade das propriedades dos solos regionais e para aumentar os fatores de segurança nestas fórmulas onde houver possibilidade de ocorrência de colapso no solo. / This work presents, at time, important aspects of Foundation Engineering at Southern Region of Minas Gerais State: a) systematization of the knowledge about regional geology; b) identification and characterization of practice in foundations; c) definition (though establishment of a data base) of most representative sub-soil profiles at main cities at the region; d) study of physical, chemical and geomechanical parameters of a typical soil; e) implementation of a experimental field for foundation studies at Federal University of Lavras, by execution of load tests. A large emphasis was given to items a, c and e. The study of foundations of low load capacity was prioritized when testing plates, isolated piles under compression and short drilled piers with sensors. Analysis such as form effects, depth, soil improvement and flooding on shallow foundations and variation of L/d on the lateral unity resistance by emphasizing the empiral equations based on SPT were all pointed out. Mathematical equations are presented for load estimation as function of SPT for small diameter piles and short drilled piers as well as a cost study where it can bem shown that the undistinguished alternative for piers is inadequate for some load values. In addition, due to soil spatial variability and safety factor increment on soils subject for colapse, recommendations on intensive use of SPT test are given.

Capacidade de carga de sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos em função do SPT: um estudo em solos residuais de Gnaisses para a região Sul de Minas / Bearing capacity and shaft resistance for shallow foundations, small diameters piles and short drilled piers, as function of SPT: a study for the residuals soils from gneis of the southern region of the Minas Gerais State at Brasil

Cornélio Zampier Teixeira 01 August 1997 (has links)
Esta Tese aborda, de modo original e pioneiro, importantes aspectos da Engenharia de Fundações do Sul de Minas: a) sistematização de conhecimentos sobre a Geologia regional; b) identificação e caracterização da prática de fundações; c) definição (com a formação de um banco de dados) dos perfis mais representativos do subsolo de suas principais cidades; d) estudo dos parâmetros físicos, químicos e geomecânicos de um solo típico; e) implantação de campo experimental de fundações da Universidade Federal de Lavras, com a realização de provas de carga. Grande ênfase foi dada aos itens (a), (c) e (e). Priorizou-se o estudo das fundações de baixa capacidade de carga, no estudo do comportamento carga-recalque de ensaios de placa, de provas de carga a compressão em estacas-broca isoladas e de tubulões curtos instrumentados. Destacam-se as análises sobre os efeitos de forma, profundidade, melhoramento do terreno de fundação e de inundação nas fundações rasas e da variação L/d na resistência lateral unitária das estacas, sendo valorizadas as fórmulas empíricas com base no SPT. São apresentadas fórmulas de previsão de carga, em função do SPT, para sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos e um estudo de custos, onde se mostra que a opção indiscriminada por tubulões é inadequada para certas faixas de carga de trabalho. Adicionalmente, são feitas recomendações para intensificar o uso de sondagens tendo em vista a grande variabilidade das propriedades dos solos regionais e para aumentar os fatores de segurança nestas fórmulas onde houver possibilidade de ocorrência de colapso no solo. / This work presents, at time, important aspects of Foundation Engineering at Southern Region of Minas Gerais State: a) systematization of the knowledge about regional geology; b) identification and characterization of practice in foundations; c) definition (though establishment of a data base) of most representative sub-soil profiles at main cities at the region; d) study of physical, chemical and geomechanical parameters of a typical soil; e) implementation of a experimental field for foundation studies at Federal University of Lavras, by execution of load tests. A large emphasis was given to items a, c and e. The study of foundations of low load capacity was prioritized when testing plates, isolated piles under compression and short drilled piers with sensors. Analysis such as form effects, depth, soil improvement and flooding on shallow foundations and variation of L/d on the lateral unity resistance by emphasizing the empiral equations based on SPT were all pointed out. Mathematical equations are presented for load estimation as function of SPT for small diameter piles and short drilled piers as well as a cost study where it can bem shown that the undistinguished alternative for piers is inadequate for some load values. In addition, due to soil spatial variability and safety factor increment on soils subject for colapse, recommendations on intensive use of SPT test are given.

Definición de criterios de influencia entre parámetros geotécnicos y profundidad en excavaciones, mediante la aplicación de un software de elementos finitos para la grava del conglomerado de Lima Metropolitana / Definition of Criteria of influence from Geotechnical Parameters and Depth in Excavations, through the application of a finite element’s software for the Metropolitan Lima conglomerate gravel.

Luque Aldana, Luis Alejandro, Rodríguez Manyari, Adrián Franz 31 October 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como finalidad establecer criterios de influencia entre parámetros geotécnicos y profundidad de excavaciones en suelos gravosos, mediante la aplicación de un software de elementos finitos. Para ello, se tomó como referencia a 5 estudios geotécnicos desarrollados en Lima Metropolitana (Santa Anita, San Isidro, Miraflores y San Luis), en donde se emplearon diversos ensayos con el fin de obtener parámetros necesarios para su modelación. Por ejemplo, gracias a estos estudios, se determinaron rangos a los parámetros geotécnicos (Ángulo de fricción, Cohesión y Peso Específico) que serán considerados en la modelación de los casos de estudio. De acuerdo con estos estudios, el Ángulo de Fricción oscila entre 25° y 46°; la Cohesión entre 10 kPa y 84 kPa; mientras que el Peso Específico tiene un rango de 18 kN/m3 a 24 kN/m3. Las excavaciones que serán evaluadas durante la presente investigación serán de 8m, 12m y 16m de profundidad y contarán también con rangos para el Módulo de Elasticidad (E50) y el Coeficiente de carga y descarga (Eur) necesarios para analizar el comportamiento físico del suelo. Los resultados obtenidos luego de emplear el Modelo Constitutivo Hardening Soil, fue que conforme van incrementado los Ángulos de fricción del suelo y el Módulo de Elasticidad (E50), los desplazamientos van disminuyendo poco a poco (estamos hablando de una relación inversamente proporcional). Asimismo, existe una relación directamente proporcional entre la profundidad de excavación, el módulo de elasticidad y los desplazamientos del suelo considerando un sistema de reforzamiento anclado. / The purpose of this thesis is to establish criteria of influence between geotechnical parameters and depth of excavations in burdensome soils, through the application of finite element software. For this, 5 geotechnical studies developed in Metropolitan Lima (Santa Anita, San Isidro, Miraflores and San Luis) were taken as a reference, where various tests were used in order to obtain parameters necessary for their modeling. For example, thanks to these studies, ranges were determined for the geotechnical parameters (Angle of friction, Cohesion and Specific Weight) that will be considered in the modeling of the case studies. According to these studies, the Angle of Friction ranges from 25 ° to 46 °; Cohesion between 10 kPa and 84 kPa; while the Specific Weight has a range from 18 kN / m3 to 24 kN / m3. The excavations that will be evaluated during this investigation will be 8m, 12m and 16m deep and will also have ranges for the Modulus of Elasticity (E50) and the Coefficient of loading and unloading (Eur) necessary to analyze the physical behavior of the soil. The results obtained after using the Hardening Soil Constitutive Model were that as the friction Angles of the soil and the Modulus of Elasticity (E50) increase, the displacements gradually decrease (we are talking about an inversely proportional relationship). Likewise, there is a directly proportional relationship between excavation depth, modulus of elasticity and soil displacements considering an anchored reinforcement system. / Tesis

Τεχνικογεωλογικές-γεωτεχνικές παράμετροι και μηχανική συμπεριφορά σκληρών εδαφών και μαλακών βράχων στο σχεδιασμό υπόγειων τεχνικών έργων / Engineering geological-geotechnical parameters and mechanical behavior of hard soils and soft rocks in the design of underground works

Κούκη, Αθανασία 23 July 2008 (has links)
Εξετάστηκαν κατ'αρχήν οι σχηματισμοί " σκληρά εδάφη-μαλακοί βράχοι" με βάση τη διεθνή και Ελληνική εμπειρία. Διερευνήθηκαν η γεωλογική σύσταση και δομή, σεισμικότητα, τεχνικογεωλογικοί χαρακτήρες και υδρογεωλογικό καθεστώς αυτών στο πλαίσιο του έργου της Ευρείας Παράκαμψης Πατρών (ΕΠΠ). Συντάχθηκε ο τεχνικογεωλογικός-γεωτεχνικός χάρτης της επριοχής έρευνας, σε κλίμακα 1:5000, αξιολογήθηκαν 170 γεωτρήσεις και διαχωρίστηκαν δύο γεωτεχνικές ενότητες των λεπτομερών αυτών ιζημάτων, Ανώτερη και Κατώτερη, οι οποίες αξιολογήθηκαν σε σχέση με τα υπόγεια τεχνικά έργα (σήραγγες). Οι ενότητες αυτές αποτυπώθηκαν σε μηκοτομές των δύο κλάδων του έργου της ΕΠΠ σε κλίμακα 1:5000/1:1000. Έγινε περαιτέρω τεκμηρίωση των ενοτήτων αυτών με βάση λεπτομερή μικροσκοπική μελέτη-ορυκτολογική ανάλυση, αξιολόγηση των εργαστηριακών και επιτόπου δοκιμών, καταγραφή παραμορφώσεων διατομής του έργου (συγκλίσεις), καθώς και ανάδρομες αναλύσεις. Η έρευνα αυτή αποτελεί χρήσιμο οδηγό διερεύνησης ανάλογων σχηματισμών για τον ασφαλή σχεδιασμό υπόγειων τεχνικών έργων. / The formations " hard soils-soft rocks" were firstly examined, based on the international and Greek territory experience. The geological composition and structure of the formations were investigated, as well as seismicity, engineering geological characteristics and hydrogeological regime of the wider area of Patras Ring Road. The engineering geological-geotechnical map of the examined area was drawn up, on a scale of 1:5000, 170 borehole logs were evaluated and two main geotechnical units in these fine sediments were distinguished, Upper and Lower, in relation to the underground works (tunnels). These Units were shown on sections along the two branches of the project, on a scale of 1:5000/1:1000. This discrimination was furthermore documented through detailed microscopic-mineralogical analysis, evaluation of the in situ and laboratory tests, as well as of the recorded deformations of the tunnels cross sections (convergenes) and finally the performance of back analysis. The investigation comprises a useful guide for the examination of such formations, concerning the safe design of underground works.

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