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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darování a jeho modality / Donation and its modalities

Čerešňáková, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
1 Summary This thesis deals with the issue of donation and its modalities. Due to the fact that the contract of donation is a very often concluded nominate contract, which is like a contract of purchase or exchange, a legal title of ownership transfer, the topic is contemporary and useful for practice. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current legal regulation of donation, while using relevant judicial decisions. This thesis consists of eight chapters, which are for the purpose of better clarity logically divided into subchapters. The introductory chapter revolves around the issue of donation in general, especially with respect to the conceptual elements of donation, that is gratuitousness, voluntariness and the object of donation. Separate subchapters are then focused on distinguishing donation from similar legal conduct as well as from the pledge to donate. The second chapter deals with the legal regulation of the contract of donation itself, whereas outlined are firstly the differences between a real and a consensual contract of donation. In this part of the thesis the transfer of ownership of the gift is also briefly tackled. Special subchapter is then dedicated to the issue of parties and subjects of the contract of donation. Also discussed in this chapter is the form of contract of donation as...


Chang, Chun 20 July 2009 (has links)

我國遺產及贈與稅制改革之研究 / A Study on the Reform of the Estate and Gift tax in Taiwan

洪嘉苓 Unknown Date (has links)
遺產及贈與稅的課徵具有實現社會公平的正面意義,但開徵至今,不僅稅收不豐,更因租稅規避行為普遍而失去效率,我國遂於2009年針對遺產及贈與稅制進行大幅改革。   本研究以美國、香港及新加坡的稅制實施與改革經驗為借鏡,輔以財政部國稅局的實際課徵數據,探討此次遺贈稅制改革的內容與影響。研究發現,此次遺贈稅改的影響,於短期會造成遺贈稅的稅收損失,但就長期而言,因稽徵效率提升及降低民眾跨期與跨區配置資源的條件限制,可增進整體社會資源的配置效率。此外,調降後的遺贈稅稅率約與租稅規劃成本相當,可望減緩我國資金外流的情形;惟仍須配合國內政治、經濟及社會環境之發展,方有足夠誘因吸引資金回流。   是故,本研究建議政府機關應有明確之政策發展方向,如欲以租稅政策促進經濟發展,應先正視我國目前面臨的競爭環境及資金流向問題,塑造優良投資環境,方能吸引資金回流,活絡我國經濟並培養適當稅源。再者,亦應確立遺贈稅制之定位,於未來改革方向,不論再降稅或廢除,均應規劃妥善之配套措施,使我國整體賦稅制度更臻完善。 / The estate and gift taxes are most often justified by the need to ensure a particular sense of fairness in the overall tax system. However, the two contribute to a rather insignificant share to total tax collection, and also encourage widespread tax avoidance. Thus, many economists argue that the estate and gift taxes are hard to justify on either efficiency or equity grounds. For these reasons, the Estate and Gift Tax Act in Taiwan was substantially revised in January, 2009. The main purpose of this study is to explore the major revisions and the impact of the tax reform, supported by the financial statistics offered by the Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. The results of this study indicate that the significant revision will lead to a reduction in tax revenue in the short term. Neverthetheless, it will make the allocation of resources in the economy more efficient in the long term, since the collection efficiency of the two taxes improves and the restriction on allocation of resources for the public is reduced. Besides, the new tax rate is nearly equal to the cost of tax planning, so the capital outflow may be eased off. If the government and regulatory bodies also improve the investment environment, it will attract more foreign capital back to Taiwan. Based on the above, this study provides some suggestions for the tax administration. First, it is necessary to set a clear policy direction. If policy makers intend to use tax policies as a tool for promoting economic development, it is important to address the issues which our country currently encounters with, including the competitive economic environment and where the capital flows to. Only with the better investment environment, can our country attract more international capital to invest in. Second, tax administration must establish the role played by estate and gift taxation in our tax system. Any reforms of the estate and gift taxes must entail a set of complementary measures, so that our tax system could be fairer and more efficient.


謝志榮, HSIEH ,CHIH-JUNG Unknown Date (has links)
「信託」乃是一種代他人管理財產之制度,在十九世紀開始盛行於英美國家,該制度在運作上深具彈性,除供個人理財,並可用以從事公益活動,具有社會及經濟功能,發展至今,已逐漸從單純的財產代管制度演變成將資本交由專家創造利潤的新投資理財方式。由於信託行為於適用原有稅法時,將因法律關係之形式與實質不符的情況,而引發諸多無法對實質受益者課稅之問題,故相關稅法皆修正部分之條文,並於民國九十年五月二十九日三讀通過,至此,我國信託之法治環境終告確立。 依遺產與贈與稅法第二十四條之一規定,不問信託內容為何,只要是他益信託即按訂約日或變更契約之日,為課徵贈與稅之時點;此規定易造成徵納雙方之紛爭,甚者更造成租稅漏洞。故本文主要目的在於檢討贈與稅課徵時點,綜合參考美、日制度,將他益信託分成四種情形分別討論之,並得出下列結果: 1、 委託人喪失控制權且受益人已確實獲得受益權 原則上應以信託成立日為課稅時點,但為兼顧稽徵之便利性,故以信託契約訂約日為課徵贈與稅之時點。 2、 委託人喪失控制權但受益人未確實獲得受益權 於信託成立時為課稅時點,但為兼顧稽徵之便利性,同樣以信託契約訂約日為贈與稅之課稅時點。 3、 委託人未喪失控制權且受益人未確實獲得受益權 贈與稅遞延至受益人確實獲得信託利益時,或委託人喪失控制權時課徵。 4、 委託人未喪失控制權但受益人已確實獲得受益權 於信託成立時為贈與稅之課稅時點,同樣為兼顧稽徵之便利性,故以信託契約之訂約日為課徵贈與稅之時點。 合理之稅制不但能防堵規避租稅之不法行為,更能促進信託制度之發展,故釐清課稅時點應該只是第一步,財政部下一步應該開始思考修正現行信託課稅中不合理之處,最後一步當然是建構一部更合理之信託稅制,讓信託制度能在一個理想的稅制下發展、茁壯。 關鍵字:信託、他益信託、贈與稅 / According to Estate and Gift Tax Act Article 24-1, the date the trust deed is established or changed is the time to impose on the settler in gift tax. Under this regulation, it probably makes argument between taxpayer and tax authority, even lets taxpayer has chance to evade taxes. So the purpose of this study is to find the best time to impose on the settler in gift tax. In this study, we classify the other interest oriented trust into four situations, and then discuss the most appropriate date of gift event. Eventually we obtain four conclusions: First, at the date the trust is established. Grantor has so parted with dominion and control as to leave in him no power to change its disposition and beneficiary certainly obtains the beneficial right. The date the trust is established is the best time of gift event. Second, at the date the trust is established. Grantor has no power, and beneficiary does not obtains the beneficial right yet. The date the trust is established is the best time of gift event. Third, at the date the trust is established. Grantor has power, but beneficiary does not obtains the beneficial right yet. The date of gift event is the date beneficiary certainly obtains the beneficial right or grantor loses his power. Finally, at the date the trust is established. Grantor has power and beneficiary certainly obtains the beneficial right. The date the trust is established is the best time of gift event. Keyword: trust、other interest oriented trust、gift tax

Death and Taxes : Analysis and Comparison of Bilateral International Succession TaxTreaty Structures Between the United States and Selected OECDStates

Galle-From, Alex January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Právní úprava zdaňování příjmů sportovců / Legal regulation of taxation of sportsmen

Navracký, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
Legal Regulation of Taxation of Sportsmen Abstract / Summary: This thesis deals with sportsmen taxation in the Czech Republic and in foreign countries, especially in Germany. The first chapter, following the introduction, is made of fundamental concepts related to this topic (tax, charge, subject to taxation, income-tax, value-added tax, gift tax). Chapter Two of this paper discusses the status of sportsmen in the Czech Legal system and determination is made in terms of professional sportsmen, semiprofessional, amateurs and and in terms of the way powering the sport, either personally or collectively. The third chapter deals with the legal status of professional sportsmen and their classification of particular taxes, emphasis is placed on tax on personal income. However, a brief excursion is made into value-added tax also. Chapter Four is dedicated to the issues of international taxation on sportsmen, because it's apparent the sport is overall activity which cannot be limited by boundaries. Chapter Five coming before the Conclusions is discussing briefly the German legislation in force influencing the taxation of sportsmen issues. Key Words: Sport, sportsman, income tax, value-added tax, gift tax, international taxation, the Czech Republic, Germany.

我國遺產及贈與稅修法後之稅收變動情形 / The changes in tax revenue after amendment of Estate and Gift Tax Law: evidence from R.O.C.

林洋毅 Unknown Date (has links)
面對經濟景氣停滯、財政赤字急遽惡化及相關社會福利支出等種種不利因素,我國政府在衡酌國際金融危機及稅制改革潮流下,於2009年將遺贈稅之最高邊際稅率由50%大幅調降為單一稅率10%,同時提高免稅額。就修法目的而言,主要希望藉由稅率的降低來吸引海外資金,並預期此項租稅改革能振興國內投資,進而穩健國內財政。 本研究利用財政部國稅局的實際課徵資料,並輔以美國、南韓、日本等國之稅制改革經驗為借鏡,分別就遺產及贈與稅之稅收變動、稽徵成本、違章漏稅等多個面向,分析遺贈稅修正後是否收得其效及其對稅賦之影響。研究結果發現,除稽徵效率有待改善外,我國遺贈稅稅賦收入於修法後並未有重大改變,主要係因海外資金實有回流,使得稅率在大幅降低的情形下,稅基並未受到侵蝕,顯見該次修法係有符合最初的預期及社會之期待。 / Facing with several unfavorable factors such as economic downturn, budget deficits, and enormous social welfare expenditures, Taiwanese government decided to lead a reform of current tax system by dropping the highest marginal tax rate of estate and gift tax from 50% to single tax rate of 10% and raising the exemption. The main purpose of this amendment is to attract foreign capitals, stimulate domestic consumptions and investments, and ultimately revitalize the economy and stabilize domestic finance. This study examines the effect of dropping estate and gift tax rate. Based on actual imposition data collected from Ministry of Finance, and experiences of United States, South Korea, Japan and other countries. I find that except for the process of tax collection is not efficient as expected, there is no significant change of tax revenue after amendment of estate and gift tax law, the reason is that the inflow of overseas funds increases the tax base. Overall, the reform of estate and gift tax does meet the initial expectation.

Analýza zdanění neziskové organizace / Tax Analysis of a Non-profit Organization

Tláskalová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the taxation of organizations in the non-profit sector. The theoretical part presents the various kinds of non-profit organizations and the Tax system in the Czech Republic. The practical part includes the analysis of taxation of a concrete profit organization – Nadační fond manželů Livie a Václava Klausových.

Komparace majetkových daní v České republice a Irsku / The Comparison of Property Taxes in the Czech Republic and Ireland

Roláková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on property taxes in the Czech Republic and Ireland. The first part is aimed at tax theory and history of the property taxes. The next part describes current tax legislation for property taxes in both states. The main aim of this work is to compare the property taxes in the Czech Republic and Ireland and formulate the conclusion with particular property taxes applied in the Czech Republic. This problem is treated in the last chapter.

Majetkové daně v rozpočtech územních samospráv / Property taxes in municipal authority's budgets

MEJDRECHOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is about the property tax in the municipal authorities. A lot of states in OECD has revenues divided into tax revenues, financial transfers and borrowing. The property tax is the one of the tax revenues. The realty tax, death duty, gift tax, real estate-transfer tax and vehicle excise duty are the property taxes in Czech Republic. The realty tax is the most important tax of all property taxes. This tax creates the biggest part of property taxes in all states of OECD. In some states, for example in Czech Republic, Ireland or Netherlands, the realty{\crq}s tax share in property taxes is 100%. But the part of property taxes in whole tax revenue is very small. The property tax is very important incomes for territorial budget in the Czech Republic. It is once tax revenue, which floats to the territorial budget.

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