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An Analytical Study of the Physical Education Program for Junior and Senior High School Girls in Fort Worth, Texas with Recommendations for Future Cooperative Program Development in Physical Education in the Two School LevelsWhite, Mary Nell 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the girls' physical education programs in the junior and senior high schools in the Fort Worth Public Schools and to determine to what extent these programs insure the complete development of the girl, physically, mentally and socially in the two school levels.
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A Study of the Effect of Group Guidance Classes on the Attitudes and Personal Adjustments of Sophomore High School GirlsHatcher, Eva Hortence 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is (1) to develop criteria by statistical methods which will show the extent of gain in personality development through a specific guidance program, and (2) to show by comparison the differences in the scores of instructed groups and those of uninstructed groups.
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An Evaluation of the Programs of Health and Physical Education for Girls in the Junior High Schools of Class AA Type of District One of the University of Texas Interscholastic LeagueGeorge, Gladys Lynch 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the programs of health and physical education for girls in the junior high schools of the Class AA type of District One of the University of Texas Interscholastic League.
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An Analysis of Grooming Problems of the High School GirlBurks, Jasmine Rudd 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the grooming problems of high school girls in Oakwood High School, and to compare the grooming problems of girls who have had a clothing course in Home Economics to those who have not.
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Stress experienced by the female participants in the primary and secondary educational milieusKlos, Maureen Lilian 30 June 2003 (has links)
Stress, a feeling of pressure, tension, strain or threat, is a problem for contemporary female participants in the primary and secondary educational milieus who automatically respond to stressors (causes of stress), in the same way as women and girls in the past, since human beings have not changed psychologically and biologically over the millennia. Like their ancestors many female educators, learners and caregivers today do not return to a calm mental and physical state after an initial stress reaction. They often remain under stress, which results in emotional, behavioural, physical and cognitive manifestations of stress. Moreover, females may be predisposed to stress because of psychological, biological and social factors that have underpinned their response to time-related stressors that have faced them throughout history. Yet, history has also shown that women and girls taught and learnt successful stress coping mechanisms. Insight into these universal truths may provide educational solutions to a universal problem / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)
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Stress experienced by the female participants in the primary and secondary educational milieusKlos, Maureen Lilian 30 June 2003 (has links)
Stress, a feeling of pressure, tension, strain or threat, is a problem for contemporary female participants in the primary and secondary educational milieus who automatically respond to stressors (causes of stress), in the same way as women and girls in the past, since human beings have not changed psychologically and biologically over the millennia. Like their ancestors many female educators, learners and caregivers today do not return to a calm mental and physical state after an initial stress reaction. They often remain under stress, which results in emotional, behavioural, physical and cognitive manifestations of stress. Moreover, females may be predisposed to stress because of psychological, biological and social factors that have underpinned their response to time-related stressors that have faced them throughout history. Yet, history has also shown that women and girls taught and learnt successful stress coping mechanisms. Insight into these universal truths may provide educational solutions to a universal problem / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (History of Education)
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Experiences of graduation or termination from a girls youth community projectAlkana, Lidia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The study attempted to gain insight into the behavioural response to termination/ graduation of a group of ten female graduates from a community intervention programme. The participants, aged between eleven and fourteen years and predominantly from low socio-economic backgrounds, attended the Usiko Girls Youth Community Programme. The eighteen month programme aimed to facilitate their transition from girlhood to womanhood. To this end, the program was conceptualized as having various components including, but not limited to, Initiation, Life skills training, Cultural activities, Camps, and graduation. After the graduation ceremony, which culminated in the termination of the programme for these participants, they returned to the programme, stating different reasons for doing so. A single group, post-test design, utilizing a structured interview was employed with the main focus being the graduation and termination component, to help understand this phenomenon. Thematic analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results suggest that the participant’s identification with the programme made it difficult for some to terminate.
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Adolescent girls living in Rustenburg : gender roles, gender relations and future expectations as womenPaxton, Rae-Julie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Arguing from a social constructionist perspective and using a qualitative methodology the
aim of the present study was to explore different dimensions of gender amongst a group of
adolescent girls between the ages of 14 and 18 years living in Rustenburg, South Africa.
More specifically it explores and describes the following aspects of gender amongst these
girls: (a) how young adolescent girls living in Rustenburg perceive gender roles in general
and how they perceive their own roles in particular (b) their gender relations with other
adolescents and (c) their views on and expectations of the future as women. The rationale
for selecting Rustenburg as the geographical area of research is due to its semi-rural
location. While rural communities are generally perceived to be more conservative than
urban areas they do not escape modernizing influences such as the mass media. An
underlying theme of the present study is thus to ascertain whether or not the girls in
Rustenburg still have relatively conservative perceptions regarding gender.
The fmdings of the present study reveal that the participants have broken away from
conforming to traditional roles assigned to women and would like to combine new modem
roles with existing traditional roles. It is also clear that the mass media has a considerable
influence in this regard. According to the respondents society values .a woman that can
succeed in being a good mother, wife and home-keeper as well as being a career woman.
Most of the participants want to fulfil these multiple roles. The advantages of being career
women, according to these participants, are that such women are independent and
fmancially self-reliant.
Regarding gender relations, friendships with girls and boys are of equal importance to the
respondents. On the one hand sufficient common ground exists to interact comfortably with
boys, while on the other hand interacting with boys is seen as useful in obtaining insight
into the life world of boys. However, a general opinion held by the girls is that they feel
more comfortable to discuss more personal and intimate topics with their girl friends.
Relationships with younger girls and factors influencing popularity among girls were also
explored as themes.
Future expectations that are shared by participants are that they would like to complete their
school education and attend a technikon or university to further their education. Their future career expectations cover a wide range of occupational choices. Most of the participants
want to get married in future - the ages varying between 25 and 30. They would also like to
have children but only once they have established a good career. Their main concerns for
the future are whether or not there will be job opportunities for them in the careers that they
want to pursue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die volgende aspekte van 'n
veelrassige groep adolessente meisies in Rustenburg se opvattings m.b.t. gender: (a) hul
opvattings oor genderrolle in die algemeen en hul eie rolle in besonder; (b) hul
genderverhoudings met ander adolessente; en (c) hul sienings oor en verwagtings van die
toekoms. Die studie is gegrond in 'n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese perspektief en het gebruik
gemaak van 'n kwalitatiewe metodologie. Indiwiduele onderhoude sowel as
fokusgroepsessies is onderneem met 10 meisies tussen die ouderdomme van 14 en 18 jaar.
Rustenburg is as geografiese area gekies weens die semi-landelike aard van die
gemeenskap. Alhoewel landelike gemeenskappe dikwels as meer konservatief beskou word
as stedelike areas spring hul nie moderniserende invloede soos die massamedia vry nie. 'n
Onderliggende tema van die studie was dus on te bepaal of die meisies in Rustenburg not
steeds relatief konserwatiewe genderopvattings het.
Die studie het bevind dat respondente nie meer volledig konformeeraan tradisionele rolle
wat aan vroue toegeskryf word nie en graag nuwe moderne rolle wil kombineer met
bestaande tradisionele rolle. Dit is ook duidelik dat die massamedia 'n groot invloed het in
hierdie verband. Volgens die respondente word 'n vrou wat suksesvol is as goeie moeder,
eggenoot en tuisteskepper sowel in 'n loopbaan hoog gewaardeer. Die meerderheid van die
respondente wil hierdie meervoudige rolle vervul. Volgens die respondente is die voordeel
van 'n loopbaan vir vroue daarin geleë dat hulle onafhanklik en fmansieël
selfonderhoudend kan wees.
Met betrekking tot genderverhoudings is bevind dat vriendskappe met meisies en seuns ewe
belangrik is vir die respondent. Aan die een kant bestaan daar voldoende gemeenskaplike
belangstellings om gemaklik met seuns te kommunikeer, terwyl interaksie met seuns aan
die ander kant ook nuttige insigte bide in die leefwêreld van seuns. Die algemene mening
van die meisies is egter dat hul meer op hul gemak voel om persoonlike en intieme sake
met hul meisievriende te bespreek. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die verhoudings met
jonger meisises sowel as faktore wat die gewildheid van meisies bepaal.
'n Gemeenskaplike toekomsverwagting van die respondente is dat hulle hul skoolopleiding
wil voltooi en daarna tersiêre opleiding aan 'n universiteit of technikon wilondergaan. Hulle het egter uiteenlopende loopbaanverwagtings. Die meerderheid wil in die toekoms in
die huwelik tree - met ouderdomme wat wissel tussen 25 en 30. Hulle wilook kinders hê,
maar slegs nadat hul gevestig is in 'n goeie loopbaan. 'n Belangrike besorgdheid oor die
toekoms is egter of daar voldoende werksgeleenthede sal wees in die loopbane wat hul wil
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A cross-sectional study of skeletal, dental, physical growth and sexual maturity of 12-year-old southern Chinese girls in Hong KongSo, Lai-ying, Lisa., 蘇麗英. January 1988 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Dentistry / Master / Master of Dental Surgery
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Adolescent Female Identity Development and Its Portrayal in Select Contemporary Young Adult FictionE. Reavis 2004 November 1900 (has links)
This study describes a content analysis of six contemporary young adult fiction novels. Adolescence is a time of great change, particularly for girls. It is during this time that female adolescents develop their voice and identity. As literature reflects the reader’s world, it also affects in part how female adolescents perceive their identity. Latent content analysis was used to code eight variables to determine if select contemporary young adult fiction novels appropriately describe the development of identity among adolescent females. All of the novels included in the study provided sufficient evidence of accurate portrayal of female adolescent identity development, by having examples of at least four out of eight variables, with most having examples of seven out of eight variables.
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