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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The assessment of the relationships between body image, dietary intake, iron status, percent body fat and menstrual status of female competitive iceskaters, ages 11-16

Hensley, Starla Sue January 1990 (has links)
Competitive ice skating is a sport in which thinness is stressed and is expected of these athletes. This obsession with thinness leads to decreases in body weight, psychological effects, and eating disorders. This study sought to investigate whether there was a relationship between body image, dietary intake, iron status, percent body fat, and menstrual dysfunction in 11 to 16 year old female ice skating competitors in the United States. Little research has been conducted with ice skaters in the area of body image. However, ice skaters, ballet dancers, and many other athletic groups are involved in an area of our culture in which a lean body image is encouraged.The experimentally accessible population for this study included those U.S. competitive ice skaters attending the Sports Medicine and Science Testing Program at the Indiana World Skating Academy. The target population included females ages 11 to 16.Statistical analysis of the data revealed:(1) A significant relationship between thiamin, calcium, and riboflavin intake and eating attitude test score (body image) in female ice skaters, ages 11-16.(2) A significant relationship between menstrual dysfunction and the weights of female ice skaters, ages 11 to 16.When dietary records were evaluated, the mean caloric intake of the skaters was low at 1781 calories. Caloric intakes were 445 calories less than estimated necessary to support normal growth (Benson et al, 1985). None of the vitamin levels fell below 96% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), however, minerals which were less than 75% of the RDA included calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium. There were more than 14 participants who consumed greater than 100% of the RDA for vitamin C, vitamin E, folacin, vitamin B-12, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin.Of the 19 participants who participated in hematological assessment, four were found to have an impaired iron status. The contributor to this low iron state may have been poor dietary iron consumption, as 10 of the 20 skaters consumed less than 67% of the RDA for iron.The participants' body image, measured by the Eating Attitude Test (EAT), revealed that two participants had scores greater than 30, indicative of eating disorders.The participant's age may have played a role in the tendency towards an eating disorder, for when age was correlated with EAT scores, a positive relationship existed, indicating that as age increased, the tendency towards an eating disorder increased.Training has posed enormous changes on the body composition of these female ice skaters. Ranges of 21.5% to 25.4% body fat are expected for the age group of 11 to 16. However, 71% of the ice skaters had a body fat less than 22%, and 38% of the skaters had a body fat less than 17%.This study identified numerous menstrual dysfunctions in among the participants as 9 of the 21 participants had irregular menses, and 4 have never menstruated and their ages were 15, 14, 13 and 11. The weights of these ice skaters may have a role in the menstrual dysfunctions, as a significant relationship was found between menstrual dysfunctions and the weights of these skaters. Those participants who had never menstruated, had four of the five lowest weights at 72 lbs, 90 lbs, 95 lbs, and 103 lbs. Those participants who had irregular menses, had weights below 117 lbs.The data indicated the main concerns about the diets of subjects in this study were the low caloric, calcium, and iron intakes. Ice skaters need to be aware of the benefits of a "normal caloric" intake, which can provide adequate amounts of calcium and iron in the diet. In addition, an adequate caloric intake could increase body weights of the ice skaters, and help alleviate amenorrhea and associated health complications. / Department of Home Economics

Secondary school girls' experiences of pair-programming in information technology / Janet Adri Liebenberg

Liebenberg, Janet Adri January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.


Giraldo Montoya, Viviana 10 April 2014 (has links)
The exclusion of girls is an issue of great concern when studying the impact of war on individuals in any country affected by armed conflicts. Colombia, for instance, is currently facing an armed conflict and dealing with the issue of child soldiers’ recruitment. This country was the research site of the present study whose main focus was the experiences that girls lived before, during and after their lives as soldiers. Drawing on the Human Security and Gender and Development theoretical frameworks, the main goal of this research was to explore how girl soldiers’ experiences shaped their agency. As it will be demonstrated, girls are not passive individuals, but agents of their own development. They want to participate in the healing of their past, as well as in the transformation of their present and their future; therefore their voices should be heard.

Secondary school girls' experiences of pair-programming in information technology / Janet Adri Liebenberg

Liebenberg, Janet Adri January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

A cup of freedom? : A study of the menstrual cup's impact on girls' capabilities

Sundqvist, Joanna January 2015 (has links)
Managing menstrual hygiene is a problem for many women around the world, especially in developing countries. The lack of access to sanitary products, clean water, knowledge and other necessary resources leads to taboos and health implications, as well as have negative impacts on girls’ education. This thesis investigates if this problem may be improved by the distribution of menstrual cups, by seeking to answer the two following questions; can the usage of the menstrual cup strengthen girls’ participation in education? And; can the usage of the menstrual cup have a positive impact on girls’ possibilities of engaging in social interactions during menstruations? In order to answer these questions, 15 recipients of menstrual cups in Tanzania have been interviewed. The thesis’ point of departure is within the capability approach, to understand if the girls’ capabilities within the spheres of health, education and social interactions have been strengthened or not. With this approach, the thesis can fully explore the girls’ well-being and opportunities, as the theory defines this as the opportunities they have, not only the ones they choose to pursue. The findings show that all interviewed recipients chose to continue to use their menstrual cups as they felt that it improved either their economy, health or gave them increased confidence in school as it lowered the risks of visible leakage. Nearly all girls felt less restricted in school and more able to participate in class, talk and play with classmates regardless of menstruating or not. Furthermore, the thesis concludes that the living conditions of the recipients may have affected the positive result, and that it cannot be ruled out that a similar result would have shown with any other sanitary product used correctly.

A Narrative Exploration of Girls' Experiences in Elective Physical Education: Why do they Continue?

Gruno, Jennifer B. 20 December 2013 (has links)
Physical inactivity is a serious public health concern in Canada, especially among the country’s youth. Adolescent girls, in particular, suffer many life-long consequences due to inactivity. Physical Education (PE) can offer a solution. However, the vast majority of girls discontinue enrollment in PE as soon as the mandatory credits are met. Tailored PE courses designed to meet the needs and interests of girls may motivate girls to continue participating in PE. This narrative inquiry explored three girls’ stories of their past experiences in elementary, middle, and high school PE, as well as their current experiences in a tailored elective PE course entitled Girls Actively Living (GAL). The goals of this study were to explore how the girls’ experiences with the course content, learning environment, and assessment in GAL affected their perceptions of physical education. Additionally, it was of interest how their experiences outside of PE influenced their desire to continue in elective PE and how their experiences in GAL affected their perceptions of physical activity. Findings emphasized the importance of (a) variety and cooperation within PE course content, (b) a fun and welcoming PE learning environment, (c) fair and private assessment, and (d) feelings of confidence, social safety, and competence for girls in PE. / Graduate / 0523 / jgruno@uvic.ca

The influence of perceptual training on volleyball performance among adolescent females

Tyry, Tuula-Maija A. 07 June 1993 (has links)
This study investigated the influence of perceptual training on volleyball serve-reception performance. The subjects were ten female high-school volleyball players. Subjects were randomly assigned in equal numbers to a control or an experimental group. Both groups were tested on two occasions, prior to and following a three-week perceptual training intervention. The pre- and post-training testing sessions consisted of a volleyball serve-reception test and a perceptual-motor test that simulated the serve-reception. At the end of the post-training session, a transfer serve-reception test was conducted. The results showed a significant positive relationship between years of experience playing competitive volleyball and performance score obtained in the pre-training serve-reception test. No relationship existed between performance score and starting age. Also, no significant relationships were found between the performance score obtained for the pre-training perceptual-motor test and the amount of competitive playing experience or, starting age. The results of a 2 x 2 (Time x Group) repeated measures MANOVA, incorporating the dependent variables of mean performance score for the serve-reception test and the standard deviation of the movement time elapsed prior to intercepting the ball, indicated that perceptual training was not significantly related to performance on a serve-reception test. Two separate 2 x 2 (Time x Group) repeated measures ANOVAs, analyzing the performance scores obtained for the pre- and post-training perceptual-motor test under two different viewing conditions (long vs. short) did not reveal any differences between the groups for either viewing condition. The transfer serve-reception test also did not reveal any statistically significant differences between the groups. In conclusion, the results indicated that the three-week perceptual training-program used in this study did not lead to significant improvements in volleyball serve-reception performance among adolescent female players. In future research, a motor component should be incorporated in the perceptual training-program to allow for the coupling of perception and action. Alternatively, a perceptual-motor adjustment period could be provided to facilitate the recoupling of perception and action following a perceptual training period. / Graduation date: 1994

"Alla ska få se ut som de vill och bli älskade ändå" : en kvantitativ studie om tjejer, deras upplevelse av påverkan samt kroppsideal

Sohlberg, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to investigate what affected the body ideals of teenage girls attending the Swedish upper secondary school and thus, the questions for the investigation were: Who/what “gives” teenage girls their body ideals today and what is considered as an influence of these young teenage girls today with regard to their perception of their own body? The theoretical perspective on the thesis were symbolic interactionism, Gidden's theory on "late"-modernity as well as Ziehe's theory on reflexivity. A quantitative survey were conducted where questionnaires were the starting point. For convenience and simplicity , the author chose to perform the survey on a number of high schools in her vicinity. The headmasters in these schools were contacted and she got the contact infomation for the concerned teachers or the school social pedagogue. After gathering the material, the material compiled and analyzed in SPSS. The participants were 58 teenage girls between 16-18 years old. What gives teenage girls their body ideals today were first and foremost the Internet but this were often combined with body ideals that comes from friends and media. Regarding to what influence how teenage girls look at their body, teenage girls mainly listen to comments of their partner, family and friends. About a quarter of the teenage girls claimed that sporting activities influenced their opinion of her body shape, as well as media and the Internet. Regarding to the experience of being influenced by comments or in comparison to pictures of other women, it were mainly the media and friends that seemed to influence. / Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att undersöka tonårsflickor upplevelse av vad som påverkade deras kroppsideal och frågeställningarna har således varit: Vilka faktorer är det som ”ger” tonårsflickor sina kroppsideal idag samt vad är det som upplevs påverka tonårsflickor idag, när det gäller hur de ser på sin kropp? Kandidatuppsatsens teroretiska perspektiv var symbolisk interaktionism, Giddens teori om senmodernitet samt Ziehes teori om reflexivitet. En kvantitativ undersökning gjordes där enkäter var utgångspunkten. Av bekvämlighet och för enkelhetens skull valde författaren att genomföra enkäten på ett antal gymnasieskolor i dennes närmiljö. Rektorerna i dessa skolor kontaktades och hon fick av dem kontaktuppgifter till berörda lärare alternativt till skolans socialpedagog. Efter insamling av material sammanställdes och analyserades detta i SPSS. Deltagarna var 58 tonårsflickor i åldern 16-18 år. Vid analys ledde dessa till slutsatsen för just denna grupp med tonårsflickor, att det som gett dessa deras kroppsideal idag var främst Internet men detta ofta kombinerat med kroppsideal som kommer från vänner och media. Tonårsflickorna i denna undersökning var mer benägna att ta till sig partners, familjens och vännernas kommentarer. Ungefär en fjärdedel av tonårsflickorna i studien uppgav att sportaktivitet kunde ha inverkan på tanken om hennes kroppsform, detta berörde även media och Internet. När det gällde upplevelsen av hur de påverkas av kommentarer eller jämförelse av bilder var det framförallt media och vänner som tonårsflickorna upplevde påverka. Nyckelord: Tonårsflickor, upplevelse av påverkan, kroppsideal, media, utseende, kvantitativ

Gender and computer games / video games : girls’ perspective orientation

Yan, Jingjing January 2010 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is “Gender Differences in Computer games/ Video games Industry”. Due to rapid development in technology and popularization of computers all around the world, computer games have already become a kind of common entertainment. Because computer games were designed especially for boys at the very beginning, there are still some remaining barriers when training female game designers and expanding game markets among female players.This thesis is mainly based on two studies which have enormous contributions to gender issue in computer games area. A simple model is established by summarizing factors mentioned and discussed in those two books. The main purpose consists of two comparisons under Gender Differences: one comparison is between the current data with the previous one, in order to check whether there are any changes during the past 10 years. The other one compares the young people in two regions, Sweden and China, in computer games perspective.Model designing, test, questionnaire and interview methods are used in this paper aiming to collect and categorize the data, which facilitates to analyze the results of the comparisons. The results reflect that although computer becomes a familiar “friend” in modern daily life, there are not obvious changes of girls‟ perspectives in computer game industry. Certainly, there are some differences between the young people coming from two regions which will be expounded in the thesis.

"Two maths or not two maths : that is the question" :

Moule, Carolyn E. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of South Australia, 1996

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