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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude théorique et expérimentale de la réflectance de la neige sur le spectre solaire : application à la télédétection

Leroux, Catherine 27 September 1996 (has links) (PDF)
La réflectance de la neige est un paramètre climatique important qui suscite l'intérêt de plusieurs disciplines telles que la glaciologie, la climatologie, la météorologie, la prévision des risques d'avalanches. Le but de cette thèse est l'étude théorique et expérimentale de la réflectance de la neige sur la partie visible et proche infrarouge du spectre solaire. Une grande partie de ce travail de recherche a été consacrée à la modélisation des propriétés optiques de la neige en fonction de ses caractéristiques physiques (taille et forme des cristaux) et de sa pollution par le carbone suie. Le modèle développé fait appel a la théorie du transfert radiatif à l'aide de la méthode adding-doubling et fournit la polarisation du rayonnement réfléchi. Les limites de la théorie (forme des cristaux de neige dans le proche infrarouge) ont été mises en évidence lors de confrontations avec des mesures effectuées en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Cette étude s'inscrit aussi dans le cadre de la télédétection satellitaire et a pour but l'analyse des futures données du polarimètre-imageur P.O.L.D.E.R. (polarization and directionality of earth's reflectance) au dessus de l'Antarctique. Pour cela, un modèle prenant en compte la B.R.D.F. (bidirectional reflectance diffusion function) et les rugosités de surface (sastrugi) a été mis au point. Des mesures terrain de B.R.D.F. au pôle Sud nous ont été fournies et les résultats de comparaison avec le modèle sont prometteurs

Modélisation de l'écoulement de la glace dans les calottes polaires : prise en compte d'une loi de comportement anisotrope

Mangeney, Anne 26 June 1996 (has links) (PDF)
La glace s'écoule par déformation plastique sous l'effet de la gravité, ainsi que par glissement sur le lit rocheux lorsque la température locale est proche du point de fusion. Les essais mécaniques en laboratoire et les mesures de déformation in-situ ont mis en évidence la forte anisotropie viscoplastique des glaces polaires profondes. Pour étudier l'influence de cette anisotropie sur l'écoulement, nous avons développé un modèle numérique original et robuste résolvant le système complet des équations mécaniques. Les résultats montrent que le comportement anisotrope de la glace modifie significativement l'écoulement dans les calottes polaires et la datation des carottes glaciaires. Pour des "calottes polaires" isothermes, la surface obtenue dans le cas anisotrope est plus plate que dans le cas isotrope et les vitesses de déformation en cisaillement sont plus fortes et plus concentrées à la base du glacier. L'autre résultat important est que l'écoulement de la glace anisotrope est moins sensible aux variations de la topographie du socle. La glace est accélérée sur les bosses et se trouve être plus stagnante dans les creux du relief . Dans les trous, l'âge de la glace profonde peut être sous-estimé d'un facteur 2 lorsque l'anisotropie n'est pas prise en compte. Parallèlement au modèle complet, nous avons développé un modèle basé sur l'approximation de la couche mince que nous avons formulé, pour la première fois, dans le cas anisotrope. En comparant les résultats de ce modèle avec ceux obtenues à partir du modèle complet, nous montrons que cette approximation représente bien l'écoulement de la glace sur un socle plat dans les cas isotrope et anisotrope, mais n'est pas capable de décrire correctement l'écoulement anisotrope sur un socle perturbé.

Les inclusions gazeuses dans la glace de glacier: leur utilisation comme indicateur du site de formation de la glace polaire : applications climatiques et rhéologiques

Raynaud, Dominique 02 February 1976 (has links) (PDF)
Le but de notre étude est de proposer comme information complémentaire un autre indicateur glaciologique, la teneur en gaz de la glace , qui dépend en particulier de la température et de la pression atmosphérique, donc de l'altitude du site de formation de la glace polaire. Cependant, la teneur en gaz dépend aussi d'autres paramètres dont la discussion nécessite une connaissance des processus de formation, de métamorphisme et de migration des inclusion s gazeuses (Chapitre I). La composition de ces inclusions fournit des indications précieuses sur ces processus (Chapitre II). Les mesures ont été effectuées sur une centaine d' échantillons provenant des sites de Camp Century (Groenland) et Devon Island (Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Canada) pour l'hémisphère Nord et de Byrd ainsi que de la station D 10 (Terre Adélie) pour l' Antarctique. Elles permettent de discuter la représentativité de la teneur en gaz de la glace polaire pour caractériser le site de formation (Chapitre Ill) et d'analyser la complémentarité des teneurs gazeuses et isotopiques pour distinguer les effets climatiques des effets rhéologiques (Chapitre IV). Une synthèse des résultats obtenus et des perspectives offertes par cette méthode est proposée en conclusion. .

Quantification of Changes for the Milne Ice Shelf, Nunavut, Canada, 1950 - 2009

Mortimer, Colleen Adel 10 February 2011 (has links)
This study presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of the Milne Ice Shelf and how it has changed over the last 59 years. The 205 ±1 km2 ice shelf experienced a 28% (82 ±0.8 km2) reduction in area between 1950 – 2009, and a 20% (2.5 ±0.9km3 water equivalent (w.e.)) reduction in volume between 1981 – 2008/2009, suggesting a long-term state of negative mass balance. Comparison of mean annual specific mass balances (up to -0.34 m w.e. yr-1) with surface mass balance measurements for the nearby Ward Hunt Ice Shelf suggest that basal melt is a key contributor to total ice shelf thinning. The development and expansion of new and existing surface cracks, as well as ice-marginal and epishelf lake development, indicate significant ice shelf weakening. Over the next few decades it is likely that the Milne Ice Shelf will continue to deteriorate.

Geodätische Arbeiten im Gebiet des subglazialen Lake Vostok

Richter, Andreas 10 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Beitrag zu geodätischen Arbeiten im Gebiet des subglazialen Lake Vostok anläßlich einer Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Reinhard Dietrich.

Evolving subglacial water systems in East Antarctica from airborne radar sounding

Carter, Sasha Peter, 1977- 06 September 2012 (has links)
The cold, lightless, and high pressure aquatic environment at the base of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is of interest to a wide range of disciplines. Stable subglacial lakes and their connecting channels remain perennially liquid three kilometers below some of the coldest places on Earth. The presence of subglacial water impacts flow of the overlying ice and provides clues to the geologic properties of the bedrock below, and may harbor unique life forms which have evolved out of contact with the atmosphere for millions of years. Periodic release of water from this system may impact ocean circulation at the margins of the ice sheet. This research uses airborne radar sounding, with its unique ability to infer properties within and at the base of the ice sheet over large spatial scales, to locate and characterize this unique environment. Subglacial lakes, the primary storage mechanism for subglacial water, have been located and classified into four categories on the basis of the radar reflection properties from the sub-ice interface: Definite lakes are brighter than their surroundings by at least two decibels (relatively bright), and are both consistently reflective (specular) and have a reflection coefficient greater than --10 decibels (absolutely bright). Dim lakes are relatively bright and specular but not absolutely bright, possibly indicating non-steady dynamics in the overlying ice. Fuzzy lakes are both relatively and absolutely bright, but not specular, and may indicate saturated sediments or high frequency spatially heterogeneous distributions of sediment and liquid water (i.e. a braided steam). Indistinct lakes are absolutely bright and specular but no brighter than their surroundings. Lakes themselves and the different classes of lakes are not arranged randomly throughout Antarctica but are clustered around ice divides, ice stream onsets and prominent bedrock troughs, with each cluster demonstrating a different characteristic lake classification distribution. In the bedrock trough of Adventure Subglacial Trench, analysis of satellite altimetry is combined with radar sounding data to calculate a mass budget and infer a flow mechanism for a two cubic kilometer discharge reported to have traveled between two lakes in the region from 1996 -1998. The volume released from the source lake exceeded the volume received by the destination lakes by one and a tenth cubic kilometers, indicating that some water must have escaped downstream from the lowest destination lake over the course of the event. Release of water from the source lake preceded arrival of the water at the destination lakes, 260 kilometers away, by about three months. Water continued draining from the destination lakes for several years after surface subsidence at the source lake had ceased. By 2003, a total of one and a half cubic km or nearly 75% of the water released by the source lake had traveled downstream from the destination lakes. Hydraulic modeling work indicates that the initial release of water from the source lake could have been accommodated by a self-enlarging semicircular channel. Subsequent evolution of the discharge and the three-month delay between release of water from the source lake and arrival of that water at the destination lakes indicates that a shallower and broader distributed water system is responsible for the transport of subglacial water in this region. Such a system would be more stable for the given icebedrock geometry and may explain the observations of intermittent flat bright bedrock reflections in radar data acquired upstream from the destination lake in 2000. For the purpose of better understanding the long-term water budget of the Dome C region, an area upstream of Adventure Trench, eleven dated isochronal internal layers within the ice penetrating radar data were tracked. An age-depth relationship, derived from the European ice core through Dome C is used to calculate strain, estimate melt, model ice temperature, and determine absolute basal reflectivity for the entire region which covers over 28,000 square kilometers. The two largest subglacial lakes within the survey, Concordia and Vincennes, are both associated with enhanced basal melting on their upstream shores at rates locally greater than two millimeters per year. Widely distributed melt rates in the major topographic valleys upstream of these lakes are generally less than one millimeter per year throughout the region with slightly higher melts in the basin draining into Vincennes Subglacial Lake. Although published estimates for geothermal flux are capable of explaining the behavior of ice and water in most of the area, an additional source of basal heat is required to explain melt anomalies and subglacial lakes along the Concordia Ridge. Lake Concordia is expected to discharge water on a similar scale and duration as that observed in Adventure Trench, with a repeat cycle of a few hundred years. / text

Elevation and volume change of the ice sheets from GLAS : a comparison of methods

Felikson, Denis 22 April 2014 (has links)
This report compares surface elevation change and volume change esti- mates from three methods: repeat track (RT), crossover (CX), and overlapping footprints (OFP). These three methods use different approaches to group- ing elevation point measurements taken at different measurement epochs and estimating elevation change. Volume changes are calculated from elevation changes in the same manner for all three methods but differences in sampling resolution between the methods affect volume change estimates in different ways. The recently reprocessed Release 633 version of elevation measurements from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), flown on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), are used in this analysis. Both elevation changes and volume changes are compared for both the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS). Additionally, uncertainties in the estimates for each method are quantified and compared. Results are separated by drainage systems and by above/below 2000 m surface elevation for the GrIS. For the AIS, results are aggregated to the East, West, and Penin- vi sula regions. Volume change estimates agree well for the three methods for the GrIS, with estimates of -227.75 ± 2.12 km³/yr, -249.30 ± 3.42 km³/yr, and -218.24 ± 7.39 km³/yr for the RT, CX, and OFP methods, respectively. These estimates are similar to those published from previous studies. For the AIS, however, larger discrepancies are found in the estimates. This stems primarily from a large discrepancy in the volume change estimate of the East AIS, where the RT, CX, and OFP methods estimate volume changes of 33.39 ± 1.42 km³/yr, 46.42 ± 5.46 km³/yr, and -2.72 ± 2.12 km³/yr, respectively. It's not entirely clear why this large discrepancy exists in this particular region, and elevation change estimates for a few particular drainage systems in this region are examined. Previously published volume changes for the AIS also show a large scatter and more work must be done to reconcile the various estimates. Finally, the volume change uncertainties reported do not completely account for the discrepancies in most regions. Additional analysis must be done to completely quantify all error sources. / text

Recent geomorphic changes in the snout and proglacial zone of the White and Thompson glaciers, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories

Moisan, Yves January 1991 (has links)
Current geomorphic processes and recent morphological changes were investigated in the lower ablation and proglacial zones of the White and Thompson glacier complex, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories. Study of glacier front evolution and frontal moraine development over the last three decades (1959-1989) is based on photographic, cartographic and geodetic information acquired by researchers since the late 1950's updated by surveys of glacier-distal moraine perimeter position in the summer of 1989. Even though both glaciers are juxtaposed in the lowermost ablation zone, it was found that the White Glacier has receded circa 100 m while the Thompson Glacier front has progressed downvalley by approximately 500 m. Other findings include: (1) the uneven retreat of the White Glacier ice front; (2) the shrinking widthwise of the White Glacier and lengthwise of its frontal moraine due to the pushing action of the advancing Thompson Glacier and (3) the asymmetric development of the Thompson Glacier frontal moraine. / A series of measured transects and comparative photography for 1989 and 1990 provided information on short-term morphologic changes occurring within and beyond the moraine complex.

Quantification of Changes for the Milne Ice Shelf, Nunavut, Canada, 1950 - 2009

Mortimer, Colleen Adel 10 February 2011 (has links)
This study presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of the Milne Ice Shelf and how it has changed over the last 59 years. The 205 ±1 km2 ice shelf experienced a 28% (82 ±0.8 km2) reduction in area between 1950 – 2009, and a 20% (2.5 ±0.9km3 water equivalent (w.e.)) reduction in volume between 1981 – 2008/2009, suggesting a long-term state of negative mass balance. Comparison of mean annual specific mass balances (up to -0.34 m w.e. yr-1) with surface mass balance measurements for the nearby Ward Hunt Ice Shelf suggest that basal melt is a key contributor to total ice shelf thinning. The development and expansion of new and existing surface cracks, as well as ice-marginal and epishelf lake development, indicate significant ice shelf weakening. Over the next few decades it is likely that the Milne Ice Shelf will continue to deteriorate.

Dendroclimatological and dendroglaciological investigations at Confederation and Franklin glaciers, central Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada

Coulthard, Bethany L. 15 November 2010 (has links)
It has become increasingly clear that climate fluctuations during the Holocene interval were unusually frequent and rapid, and that our current understanding of the temporal and spatial distribution of these oscillations is incomplete. Little paleoenvironmental research has been undertaken on the windward side of the central Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Very high annual orographic precipitation totals, moderate annual temperatures regulated by the Pacific Ocean, and extreme topographic features result in a complex suite of microclimate conditions in this largely unstudied area. Dendroclimatological investigations conducted on a steep south-facing slope near Confederation and Franklin glaciers suggest that both mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) trees at the site are limited by previous year mean and maximum summer temperatures. A regional subalpine fir chronology for the central and southern Coast Mountains indicates that subalpine fir trees at the study site experience physiological stress with warm summer temperatures, despite the high annual precipitation totals experienced there. This response is likely a result of the extreme gradient and the aspect of the slope at the sampling location, underscoring the importance of site characteristics on annual radial tree growth. Local (AD 1820-2008) and regional (AD 1700-2008) tree ring width chronologies were used to reconstruct previous July mean and maximum temperatures, explaining between 13% and 36% of the variance in climate. The proxy record features cool intervals that are comparable to other paleoenvironmental research from the region, and cyclical oscillations in temperature commonly associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Century-scale fluctuations may be connected to changes in solar irradiance. Dendroglaciological investigations were undertaken at the confluence of the Confederation and Franklin glaciers with the intention of exploring the Holocene behaviour of low-elevation maritime glaciers in this region. These glaciers are suspected to be sensitive to variations in the mean position of winter freezing level heights and warm winter temperatures, and may respond differently to changes in climate than more continental glaciers. Buried wood samples were radiocarbon-dated and cross-dated to construct three floating chronologies. Float A (r = 0.467) suggests an early Little Ice Age advance of the two glaciers, and Float B (r = 0.466) suggests an early Tiedemann advance of Confederation Glacier. Float C (r = 0.519) is dated to the Garibaldi Phase of glacier expansion, but may not have been killed by glacial activity. The temporal synchronicity of these findings with glacial events documented throughout the region suggests a spatially coherent response of maritime and continental glaciers to the dominant climate–forcing mechanisms operating in Pacific North America throughout the late Holocene. The dendroclimatological and dendroglaciological findings of this study help to fill a spatial research gap in the current understanding of Holocene climate variations in British Columbia. Because of the complex and at times topographically-controlled response of conifers to climate in the study area, this region may provide a particular challenge in terms of reconstructing Holocene climate variability.

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