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Modélisation et évaluation des livraisons urbaines à base de petits véhicules / Modeling and evaluation of urban delivery based on small vehiclesGuedria, Mohamed 06 December 2018 (has links)
Le VRP permet de modéliser la problématique du TMV. Pour autant dans sa version la plus simpliste il ne peut convenir aux nouvelles contraintes qui renforcent la complexité de l’environnement urbain tel que la congestion. Raison pour laquelle ce travail se positionne en premier sur un TDVRP (Time-Dependent-Vehicle-Routing-Problem) dans le but de représenter au mieux le contexte urbain actuel. La résolution de ces deux problèmes est efficace, entraînant une réduction du nombre de véhicules supplémentaires nécessaires en raison des retards de congestion peuvent être éliminés. Mais cette solution n’est pas sans conséquence pour les clients finaux puisque son but est d’éviter le passage aux heures de pointes et cela peut engendrer des retards de livraison. Pour cette raison nous voulons proposer une nouvelle solution qui permet de résoudre le problème du chemin le plus court et en intégrant la dépendance au temps (TDVRP). Cette solution se repose sur une meilleure exploitation des véhicules, en premier lieu, pour réduire le nombre de véhicule sur la route. Ce problème s’appelle MT-VRP (Multi-Trip VRP) qui a été évoqué en 2007 par (Azi, et al. 2007). Dans un deuxième temps nous voulons proposer un MT VRP qui utilise différents types de véhicule en termes de capacité de chargement. Dans cette optique vient notre travail qui propose une nouvelle solution de MTTDVRP (TW avec fenêtres de temps) en testant une nouvelle solution en utilisant un véhicule léger de faible capacité de chargement (type tricycle) dans un but de réduire les nuisances liés au TMV. / The VRP makes it possible to model the problem of TMV. However, in its most simplistic version it cannot be adapted to the new constraints which reinforce the complexity of the urban environment such as congestion. This is why this work is placed first on a TDVRP (Time-dependent-Vehicle-Routing-Problem) in order to best represent the current urban context. The resolution of these two problems is effective; resulting in a reduction in the number of additional vehicles needed due to congestion delays can be eliminated. But this solution is not without consequences for end customers since its goal is to avoid the switch to peak hours and this can lead to delivery delays. For this reason we want to propose a new solution that solves the problem of the shortest path and integrating time dependency (TDVRP). This solution relies on better operation of vehicles, in the first place, to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. This problem is called MT-VRP (Multi-Trip VRP) which was raised in 2007 by (Azi, et al. 2007). In a second step we want to propose a MT VRP that uses different types of vehicle in terms of loading capacity. In this perspective comes our work that proposes a new solution of MTTDVRP (TW with time windows) by testing a new solution using a light vehicle of low load capacity (tricycle type) in order to reduce the nuisance associated with TMV.
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Komparace dopravních módů z hlediska produkce emisí škodlivin / Comparison of Transport Modes Regarding the Creation of Pollutant EmissionsHuňková, Žaneta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with modes of transport and their impact on the environment. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with fossil fuels and their impact on the environment, emission that are produced and alternative fuels. The theoretical part also describes how emissions at different transport mode are regulated. The practical part consists of comparison of specific transport modes, regarding of emissions produced.
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Internalisierungsmaßnahmen für externe Kosten im Güterverkehr: Welche Chancen und Risiken könnten sich aus welchen Marktreaktionen ergeben?Flamm, Leander 05 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The internalization of external costs is a prioritized task of the European Union, aiming for an implementation until 2020. This study wants to provide an estimate of the expected reactions of the freight traffic market in Germany. For this purpose, the earnings from and expenses for the traffic system in Germany including external costs are analyzed to obtain a valid financial balance for each means of transport. In case of missing cost coverage, adequate internalization measures are defined to counteract the different causes of external costs.
With this data, a computational model is created to assess the resulting effects on modal shift, traffic avoidance and efficiency gains in the transport market. Using prices of transport services, average transport distances and attributes of the means of transport and the transported goods, a detailed estimation of the expected market reactions is given.
The results are then evaluated considering both risks and chances for the transport market as well as the national economy. Consequently, advice for politics and research is presented to facilitate the execution of the chosen internalization measures. Eventually, a SWOT analysis is conducted to judge the validity of the found results.
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Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Mobilfunk-, Ortungs- und Navigationsdiensten in Güterverkehr und Logistik: Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Mobilfunk-, Ortungs- und Navigationsdiensten in Güterverkehr und LogistikStopka, Ulrike 18 February 2010 (has links)
Im Beitrag werden die grundlegenden
funkbasierten Kommunikationstechnologien
sowie deren
Eignung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten
in der telematikgestützten
Transportlogistik diskutiert und um
die erforderlichen Ortungs- und
Navigationsdienste ergänzt. Diese
können sowohl auf Basis zellularer
Netzwerke als auch mithilfe von
Satelliten realisiert werden. Es
wird insbesondere auf Satellitennetzwerke
unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung des im Aufbau
befindlichen zivilen europäischen
Galileo-Systems eingegangen.
Dessen Potenziale für vielfältige
Telematikanwendungen im
Transport sowie zur Vernetzung
Prozesse werden ebenso vorgestellt
wie ihr notwendiges
Zusammenwirken mit terrestrischen
Funknetzwerken oder funkbasierten
(RFID). Zwei
Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem
Bereich des Trackings von Güterwagons
im Bahnverkehr und der
Container-Überwachung im
Schiffsverkehr runden die Ausführungen
ab. / The freight transportation industry
is characterised by time-sensitive
processes susceptible to disruptions,
delays, breakdowns, etc.
The paper thus discusses the
capabilities of the most important
wireless communication, positioning
and navigation technologies
for improving transport and logistics
processes. They can be
implemented on the basis of either
terrestrial cellular wireless networks
or satellites. Satellite networks,
in particular, are addressed
in the context of the Europeancontrolled
independent civil satellite
system Galileo, which is being
currently established. The challenge
is its integration with
terrestrial wireless networks and
corresponding identification
technologies (RFID). The objective
of advanced wireless communication,
positioning and navigation
services is to deliver more information
during the supply chain,
including shipments in connection
with mobile business. Examples of
freight wagon tracking and
container monitoring in shipping
complete the explanations.
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CO2-emissions from domestic goods transport in countries with high income and high equality : A study of changes in BNP/capita, trade intensity and GINI-index relating to CO2-emissionsPlanfeldt, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Transportation is one of the largest sectors contributing to CO2-emissions, and has doubled its emissions in 30 years. Despite this, studies of the environmental Kuznets curve (”EKC”) often focus on stationary industry emissions. Studies of the EKC have detected an N-shape, rather than an inverted U-curve, indicating that rich nation’s emissions, in fact, increase again after the downturn. Possibly, this could be explained by a trend for inhabitants of wealthy countries with high equality to purchase local products and potentially reverse a trend of dirty-industry emigration. Local production and movement of intermediate goods demand domestic goods transportation. To my knowledge, no previous research has studied how changes in GDP/capita, trade intensity and GINI-index are related to CO2-emissions from domestic goods transportation in wealthy countries with high equality. To study the relationship, mathematical tests using Panel data with Fixed Effects Regression were used. Five countries qualified for the tests, having both high equality (lowest GINI-index) and high GDP/capita, and were included in the study for the year interval 2000-2020. Test results showed a significant correlation between the following: (1) wealth coincides positively with CO2-emissions, (2) trade intensity coincides negatively with CO2-emissions and (3) GINI-index coincides positively with CO2-emissions. Methodologically, this study contributes with the estimator GDP/GINI-index, rather than GDP solely, which could be a better estimator for the richness of a country’s population. The mathematical test results indicate that domestic goods transportation could be a reason for the increased CO2-emissions from developed wealthy countries. This could be a development of the environmental Kuznets curve.
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Internalisierungsmaßnahmen für externe Kosten im Güterverkehr:Welche Chancen und Risiken könnten sich aus welchenMarktreaktionen ergeben?: Internalisierungsmaßnahmen für externe Kosten im Güterverkehr: Welche Chancen und Risiken könnten sich aus welchen Marktreaktionen ergeben?Flamm, Leander 05 January 2017 (has links)
The internalization of external costs is a prioritized task of the European Union, aiming for an implementation until 2020. This study wants to provide an estimate of the expected reactions of the freight traffic market in Germany. For this purpose, the earnings from and expenses for the traffic system in Germany including external costs are analyzed to obtain a valid financial balance for each means of transport. In case of missing cost coverage, adequate internalization measures are defined to counteract the different causes of external costs.
With this data, a computational model is created to assess the resulting effects on modal shift, traffic avoidance and efficiency gains in the transport market. Using prices of transport services, average transport distances and attributes of the means of transport and the transported goods, a detailed estimation of the expected market reactions is given.
The results are then evaluated considering both risks and chances for the transport market as well as the national economy. Consequently, advice for politics and research is presented to facilitate the execution of the chosen internalization measures. Eventually, a SWOT analysis is conducted to judge the validity of the found results.
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Hodnocení environmentálních rizik v souvislosti s přepravou nebezpečných věcí / Environmental Risks Assessment Regarding the Dangerous Goods TransportMartincová, Jana Victoria January 2009 (has links)
The method for environmental risks assessment in case of accidents with presence of dangerous chemical substances and the concept of the problem solutions in connection with the dangerous goods transport on routes in order to protect environment and inhabitants was proposed in the dissertation thesis. The method was applied in the location of Brno city to estimate possible impact on the environment and inhabitants. ADR accidents and technical conditions of ADR vehicles were statistically evaluated. The new unique code list for accident causations was proposed and will be used in practise. The dissertation thesis includes overview of the valid legislature and the legislature before 1989, overview of harmful substances dispersion in the environment and their decontamination and system of accidents treatment.
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Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Recommendations for its ImprovementJangl, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
The thesis concetrates on the customer satisfaction research with provided service. The customer satisfaction is one of the key success factors on the market. The result and the goal of this thesis is output in the form of suggestions and recommendations, which should lead to an increase in the current level of customer satisfaction in future.
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Problematika vlivu úkapů ropných látek na hutněné asfaltové vrstvy / Resistance to fuel of asphalt mixturesKoželuhová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Aim of the Master’s thesis is analysis of problems of the dangerous goods road transportation, especially transport of flammable liquids. It analyses the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and its special requirements. Thesis also covers road tanker accidents and the removal of leaked petroleum products. In practical portion the work on resistance testing of asphalt mixtures against several types of fuel is presented.
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Optimisation multicritère des itinéraires pour transport des marchandises dangereuses en employant une évaluation en logique floue du risque et la simulation du trafic à base d'agents / Multi-criteria route optimization for dangerous goods transport using fuzzy risk assessment and agent-based traffic simulationLaarabi, Mohamed Haitam 15 December 2014 (has links)
Chaque jour des milliers de camions transportant des centaines de milliers de tonnes de marchandises dangereuses par diverses modalités. Toutefois, le terme “dangereux” indique une adversité intrinsèque qui caractérise ces produits transportés, et qui peuvent se manifester lors d'un accident entraînant la fuite d'une substance dangereuse. Dans une telle situation, les conséquences peuvent nuire à l'environnement et létal pour l'humain.L'importance des marchandises dangereuses revient aux bénéfices économiques considérables générés. En fait, on ne peut nier la contribution du transport des produits dérivés de combustibles fossiles, ce qui représente plus de 60% des marchandises dangereuses transportées en Europe. Eni, la société italienne leader de pétrochimie, gère chaque jour une flotte d'environ 1.500 camions, qui effectuent de nombreuses expéditions. Pourtant la distribution de produits pétroliers est une activité à grande risques, et tout accident lors du transport peut entraîner de graves conséquences.Consciente des enjeux, la division Eni R&M - Logistique Secondaire, historiquement actif au siège de Gênes, collabore depuis 2002 avec le DIBRIS à l'Université de Gênes, et le CRC à Mines ParisTech, dans le but d'étudier les améliorations possibles en matière de sûreté dans le transport de marchandises dangereuses. Au fil des ans, cette collaboration a permis le développement d'un système d'information et décisionnel. Le composant principal de ce système est une plate-forme de surveillance de la flotte Eni appelé TIP (Transport Integrated Platform), pour livrer les produits vers les points de distributions. Ces véhicules sont équipés d'un dispositif capable de transmettre des flux de données en temps réel en utilisant un modem GPRS. Les données transmises peuvent être de nature différente et contenir des informations sur l'état du véhicule, le produit et les événements détectés durant l'expédition. Ces données sont destinées à être reçues par des serveurs centralisés puis traitées et stockées, afin de soutenir diverses applications du TIP.Dans ce contexte, les études menées tout au long de la thèse sont dirigés vers le développement d'une proposition visant à réduire davantage les risques liés au transport de marchandises dangereuses. En d'autres termes, un modèle basé sur le compromis entre les facteurs économiques et sûretés pour le choix de l'itinéraire. L'objectif est motivé par la nécessité de soutenir les règlements et les normes de sécurité existantes, car ils ne garantissent pas totalement contre les accidents entrainant des marchandises dangereuses.L'objectif est effectué en prenant en compte le système existant comme base pour l'élaboration d'un système de transport intelligent (STI) regroupant plusieurs plates-formes logicielles. Ces plates-formes doivent permettre aux planificateurs et aux décideurs de suivre en temps réel leur flotte, à évaluer les risques et tous les itinéraires possibles, de simuler et de créer différents scénarios, et d'aider à trouver des solutions à des problèmes particuliers.Tout au long de cette thèse, je souligne la motivation pour ce travail de recherche, les problématiques, et les défis de transport de marchandises dangereuses. Je présente le TIP comme le noyau de l'architecture proposée du STI. Pour les besoins de la simulation, les véhicules virtuels sont injectés dans le système. La gestion de la collecte des données a été l'objet d'une amélioration technique pour plus de fiabilité, d'efficacité et d'évolutivité dans le cadre de la surveillance en temps réel. Enfin, je présente une explication systématique de la méthode d'optimisation des itinéraires considérant les critères économiques et de risques. Le risque est évalué en fonction de divers facteurs notamment la fréquence d'accidents entrainant des marchandises dangereuses, et ses conséquences. La quantification de l'incertitude dans l'évaluation des risques est modélisée en utilisant la théorie des ensembles flous. / Everyday thousands of trucks transporting hundreds of thousands of tons of dangerous goods by various modalities and both within and across nations. However, the term “dangerous” indicates an intrinsic adversity that characterize these products, which can manifest in an accident leading to release of a hazardous substance (e.g. radioactive, flammable, explosive etc.). In this situation, the consequences can be lethal to human beings, other living organisms and damage the environment and public/private properties.The importance of dangerous goods boils down to the significant economic benefits that generates. In fact, one cannot deny the contribution of the transport of all fossil fuel derived product, which represents more than 60% of dangerous goods transported in Europe. Eni, the Italian leading petrochemical company, every day operates a fleet of about 1,500 trucks, which performs numerous trips from loading terminals to filling stations. Distribution of petroleum products is a risky activity, and an accident during the transportation may lead to serious consequences.Aware of what is at stake, the division Eni R&M - Logistics Secondary, historically active in Genoa headquarters, is collaborating since 2002 with the DIBRIS department at University of Genoa, and the CRC at Mines ParisTech, with the purpose of studying possible improvements regarding safety in transport of dangerous goods, particularly petroleum products. Over years, this collaboration has led to the development of different technologies and mainly to an information and decision support system. The major component of this system is a platform for monitoring Eni fleet, at the national level, to deliver the products to the distribution points, called the Transport Integrated Platform (TIP). These vehicles are equipped with a device capable of transmitting data stream in real-time using a GPRS modem. The data transmitted can be of different nature and contain information about the state of the vehicle and occurred events during the trip. These data are intended to be received by centralized servers then get processed and stored, in order to support various applications within the TIP.With this in mind, the studies undertaken throughout the thesis are directed towards the development of a proposal to further minimize the risk related to the transportation of dangerous goods. In other words, a trade-off based model for route selection taking into consideration economic and safety factors. The objective is prompted by the need to support existent regulations and safety standards, which does not assure a full warranty against accidents involving dangerous goods.The goal is carried out by considering the existent system as basis for developing an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) aggregating multiple software platforms. These platforms should allow planners and decision makers to monitor in real-time their fleet, to assess risk and evaluate all possible routes, to simulate and create different scenarios, and to assist at finding solutions to particular problems.Throughout this dissertation, I highlight the motivation for such research work, the related problem statements, and the challenges in dangerous goods transport. I introduce the TIP as the core for the proposed ITS architecture. For simulation purposes, virtual vehicles are injected into the system. The management of the data collection was the subject of technical improvement for more reliability, efficiency and scalability in real-time monitoring of dangerous goods shipment. Finally, I present a systematic explanation of the methodology for route optimization considering both economic and risk criteria. The risk is assessed based on various factors mainly the frequency of accident leading to hazardous substance release and its consequences. Uncertainty quantification in risk assessment is modelled using fuzzy sets theory.
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