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Arte retórica em Ordinatio, de Consecratione e de Administratione de Suger de Saint-Denis / Rhetorical art in Ordinato, De Consecratione and Administratione of Suger de Saint-DenisSantos, Selene Candian dos 23 September 2014 (has links)
No segundo quartel do século XII, Suger de Saint-Denis, monge cluniacense, escreveu três textos nos quais mencionou e descreveu a reforma que conduziu na abadia de Saint-Denis durante seu abaciado. Essa reforma foi posteriormente identificada pela História da Arte como a origem da arquitetura gótica. Tais textos, conhecidos como Ordinatio, De Consecratione e De Administratione, publicados e traduzidos em diversas edições, foram analisados, assim, por alguns historiadores da arte, como Erwin Panofsky, Peter Kidson, Jean-Claude Bonne e Conrad Rudolph, a partir de marcos teóricos relacionados às artes, à arquitetura, à estética e à psicologia. Contudo, apesar de muitos estudiosos, como Rita Copeland e Suzanne Reynolds, advogarem a importância da retórica no século XII, as características retóricas desses textos não foram, ainda, examinadas de forma minuciosa por estudiosos. A investigação sobre os gêneros discursivos nos quais os textos foram compostos, sobre as partes do discurso e sobre as técnicas retóricas aplicadas aos textos pode revelar que algumas passagens que tradicionalmente foram tomadas à letra ou como a experiência empírica e a opinião de Suger podem ser pensadas como posicionamentos não literais e discursivos. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir para a erudição sobre os escritos de Suger por meio do reconhecimento e da análise de suas características retóricas / In the second quarter of the twelfth century, Suger of Saint-Denis, a Cluniac monk, wrote three texts in which he mentioned and described the renovation he carried out in the abbey church of Saint-Denis in his prelacy. That renovation was later identified by History of Art as the origin of Gothic architecture. Such texts, known as Ordinatio, De Consecratione, and De Administratione, published and translated in several editions, have thus been analyzed by some art historians, namely Erwin Panofsky, Peter Kidson, Jean-Claude Bonne, and Conrad Rudolph, based on theoretical frameworks related to the arts, architecture, aesthetics, and psychology. Nevertheless, although many scholars, such as Rita Copeland and Suzanne Reynolds, have been asserting the importance of rhetoric in the twelfth century, the rhetorical character of these texts has not yet been thoroughly examined by scholars. Investigation into the genres in which the texts were written, into the parts of discourse, and into the rhetorical techniques applied to the texts may reveal that some passages that have traditionally been taken at face value or as Suger\'s empirical experience and opinion may be thought of as non-literal-minded and discursive stances. Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to contribute to the scholarship on Suger\'s writings by recognizing and scrutinizing their rhetorical features
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Saint-Denis. L'espace et la mémoire du XIIème au début du XVIème siècle / Saint-Denis. Space and Memory from the 12th to the early 16th centuryBerné, Damien 20 February 2016 (has links)
L'activité liturgique et commémorative dont l'abbatiale de Saint-Denis est le cadre a des effets sur sa configuration spatiale bien après l'achèvement de sa construction en 1281. L'adjonction de chapelles latérales au flanc nord de la nef, en 1320-1324, ou les créations et transferts d'autels recensés à la fin du Moyen Âge mettent en évidence le phénomène de pression liturgique qui s'exerce sur l'édifice en marge de ses fonctions principales, c'est-à-dire le culte de saint Denis et l'entretien de la mémoire royale. L’étude des chapellenies et services anniversaires fondés à ses autels entre 1108 et le début du XVIe siècle éclaire le réseau mémoriel qui se forme autour de l'abbaye au cours de cette période, mais aussi l'évolution de la politique des moines vis-à-vis des laïcs. À partir du deuxième quart du XIVe siècle, l'abbé et le chapitre cherchent à canaliser le flux dévotionnel des fondations, y compris royales, tandis que les prêtres de la collégiale Saint-Paul voisine et des paroisses de l'exemption dionysienne sont progressivement associés à leur desserte, formant avec les moines une même communauté. La lecture de la répartition des tâches au sein de l’abbatiale et de ses dépendances, qui vise à reconstituer une géographie de la mémoire à Saint-Denis, révèle l'existence d'espaces réservés et un contrôle strict de la destination des autels, notamment de ceux du chevet. Ainsi, la plupart des officiers claustraux de l'abbaye sont associés spécifiquement à l'un des autels à reliques des chapelles rayonnantes depuis, semble-t-il, l'abbatiat de Suger. Cette exclusivité d'usage ne semble pas repérable dans d'autres établissements comparables, apportant un nouvel exemple de l'unicité dionysienne. / The commemorative and liturgical functions of Saint-Denis influenced the abbey’s spatial configuration for centuries after construction of the core of the church ended in 1281. The addition of lateral chapels on the north side of the nave in 1320-1324, like the creation and movement of altars during the next two hundred years, resulted from the expansion of the abbey’s liturgical engagement beyond its primary responsibilities for the cult of Saint Denis and the commemoration of the kings of France. This study of the chaplaincies and anniversary services established between 1108 and the early sixteenth century casts light on the memory network that develops around the abbey during this period, but also the evolution of the abbey’s policies toward the laymen. From the second quarter of the 14th century onwards, the abbots and chapter try to control the foundations flow (including royal ones). Furthermore, the priests of the collegiate church of Saint-Paul located near the abbey as well as parishes enjoying Dyonisian immunity were gradually associated with services at the abbey’s chapels and thereby incorporated into the Dyonisian community. Focused on the services performed within the abbey church and the establishments immediately dependent on it, this study aims to reconstitute a geography of memory at Saint-Denis. It reveals that the services performed at the different altars were strictly controlled, particularly in the restricted area of the chevet. Therefore, apparently from the time of Abbot Suger, each claustral official of the abbey was generally associated with a specific altar in the radiating chapels. This exclusivity thus distinguished Saint-Denis from other similar establishments, providing yet another example of the uniqueness of the royal abbey.
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Parléřovská architektura na západním Slovensku / The Parlerian ArchitectureOkruhlicová, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav pro dějiny umění Dějiny výtvarného umění - Obecná teorie a dějiny umění a kultury Erika O k r u h l i c o v á Parlerovská architektúra na západnom Slovensku The Parlerian Architecture in the Western Slovakia Disertační práce vedoucí práce - Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kuthan, DrSc., Dr. h. c. 2015 ABSTRAKT Dizertačná práca sa venuje parlerovskej architektúre na západnom Slovensku. Parlerovská architektúra, súvisiaca s priamou činnosťou rodu Parler, trvala približne od poslednej tretiny 14. storočia do polovice 15. storočia. Stavitelia, ktorí pokračovali v odkaze rodu Parler, stavali približne do záveru 15. storočia. Uvedená architektúra zahŕňa cirkevné stavby (kostoly, kaplnky), hrady (v rámci ktorých boli stavané aj kaplnky) a radničnú kaplnku. Stavby priamo, resp. sprostredkovane súvisia so staviteľskou činnosťou rodu Parler, ktorého člen Peter Parler, pôsobiaci predovšetkým v Prahe, uviedol do architektúry nové riešenia, uplatňované počas viacerých generácií staviteľov, aj členmi iných staviteľských rodov. Priama činnosť členov rodu Parler s menami Henrich ml., Václav a Janco je v práci preskúmaná z hľadiska pravdepodobnosti a hypotéz ich pôsobenia na západnom Slovensku. V stredoveku bola aj svetská architektúra úzko spojená s božským poslaním s odkazmi na...
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Arte retórica em Ordinatio, de Consecratione e de Administratione de Suger de Saint-Denis / Rhetorical art in Ordinato, De Consecratione and Administratione of Suger de Saint-DenisSelene Candian dos Santos 23 September 2014 (has links)
No segundo quartel do século XII, Suger de Saint-Denis, monge cluniacense, escreveu três textos nos quais mencionou e descreveu a reforma que conduziu na abadia de Saint-Denis durante seu abaciado. Essa reforma foi posteriormente identificada pela História da Arte como a origem da arquitetura gótica. Tais textos, conhecidos como Ordinatio, De Consecratione e De Administratione, publicados e traduzidos em diversas edições, foram analisados, assim, por alguns historiadores da arte, como Erwin Panofsky, Peter Kidson, Jean-Claude Bonne e Conrad Rudolph, a partir de marcos teóricos relacionados às artes, à arquitetura, à estética e à psicologia. Contudo, apesar de muitos estudiosos, como Rita Copeland e Suzanne Reynolds, advogarem a importância da retórica no século XII, as características retóricas desses textos não foram, ainda, examinadas de forma minuciosa por estudiosos. A investigação sobre os gêneros discursivos nos quais os textos foram compostos, sobre as partes do discurso e sobre as técnicas retóricas aplicadas aos textos pode revelar que algumas passagens que tradicionalmente foram tomadas à letra ou como a experiência empírica e a opinião de Suger podem ser pensadas como posicionamentos não literais e discursivos. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir para a erudição sobre os escritos de Suger por meio do reconhecimento e da análise de suas características retóricas / In the second quarter of the twelfth century, Suger of Saint-Denis, a Cluniac monk, wrote three texts in which he mentioned and described the renovation he carried out in the abbey church of Saint-Denis in his prelacy. That renovation was later identified by History of Art as the origin of Gothic architecture. Such texts, known as Ordinatio, De Consecratione, and De Administratione, published and translated in several editions, have thus been analyzed by some art historians, namely Erwin Panofsky, Peter Kidson, Jean-Claude Bonne, and Conrad Rudolph, based on theoretical frameworks related to the arts, architecture, aesthetics, and psychology. Nevertheless, although many scholars, such as Rita Copeland and Suzanne Reynolds, have been asserting the importance of rhetoric in the twelfth century, the rhetorical character of these texts has not yet been thoroughly examined by scholars. Investigation into the genres in which the texts were written, into the parts of discourse, and into the rhetorical techniques applied to the texts may reveal that some passages that have traditionally been taken at face value or as Suger\'s empirical experience and opinion may be thought of as non-literal-minded and discursive stances. Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to contribute to the scholarship on Suger\'s writings by recognizing and scrutinizing their rhetorical features
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Katedrála v současnosti / Cathedral todayRampáčková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with famous Notre-Dame de Paris, which was destroyed by fire in 2019. The work focuses specifically on the design of completion of the construction. The cathedral is situated in the historical centre of Paris on the Île de la Cité. A lot of damage was caused to the building after the devastating fire on 15 April 2019. The aim of the thesis was to create a spiritual place that would maintain its past, but at the same time manage to follow ecological solutions in the present. The new design of the attic creates a sacred place, in which we realize the importance of faith and the peace of God. The cathedral is open to the general public ? religious people from all over the world come here to experience the love, joy and happiness that the cathedral invokes. The whole attic can be described as an open space, which symbolizes infinity or immortality from the religious point of view. It represents the connection of the past, present and future. The space is designed to hold priestly celebrations and to be open for the public. It can also be used for various events, such as exhibitions of sculptures that survived the fire.
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Zlatá Koruna jako tvaroslovný kaleidoskop. Aktualizovaný pohled na středověkou stavební historii cisterciáckého kláštera. / Zlatá Koruna monastery as a morphological kaleidoscope. An updated view on a medieval architectural history of a Cistercian monastery.Facincani, Filip January 2021 (has links)
There is almost nothing left for the oldest architecture of the Cistercian monastery in Zlatá Koruna - except for the shape. Apart from the modestly written sources on the architectural history we are fully depend on the results of the formal analysis, on the evaluation of a form which has left. This Master's thesis is going to deal with the medieval parts of inner monastery and their architectural history as well as the rigours which such view includes. The thesis is going to focus on the Chapel of Guardian Angels and spaces of the convent with the monastery church of an Assumption of Virgin Mary in their own context and in the context of wider local production. The mentioned updating is deputized by an investigation of the monastery lapidarium and (primarily) a precise study of Building records (1938-1942). Although their reports were known to older research, there is no sufficient investigation in this case yet. As a result, there are numerous hidden fragments which rediscovery could help to show something more about the architectural history and morphological richness of Zlatá Koruna monastery. Key words: Zlatá Koruna, Goldenkron, Cistercian order, early gothic architecture, Building records, morphology
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The Vault with Curvilinear Ribs in the "Hall of Arms" in the Albrechtsburg Meissen: Studies on the Concept, Design and Construction of a Complex Late Gothic Rib VaultWendland, David, Aranda Alonso, María, Kobe, Alexander 05 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The current state of research on the design and construction of late Gothic vaults is principally based on the interpretation of sources, but rarely on surveys of existing vaults. In particular the idea for the criteria upon which the radii of the single ribs and arches were determined (so-called "principal arch"), is found to derive from sources dating from later periods when Gothic vaulting was no longer generally practised. In fact, this interpretation cannot be supported by geometric surveys on existing vaults: the plain contradiction to the actual geometric properties of some of the vaults studied so far have called for a critical revision of this interpretation.
For investigating the design criteria and procedures starting from the built object, and also debating the methodological aspects of using the "building as source", a rewarding subject is the vault with curvilinear ribs in the "Hall of Arms" in the Albrechtsburg at Meissen (Germany), which was built by Jacob Heilmann in 1521. This is due to its ambitious design, high quality of execution and good state of preservation.
A detailed survey of this structure is presented, discussing different aspects of the design, construction, and detailing, e.g.: Investigations on the geometrical concept of the vault by means of "reverse geometric engineering", on the background of the problem mentioned above. Further, the stone-cutting of the single members of the vault, which offers interesting aspects of standardization and its limits in nerves with double curvature: standardization in medieval constructions has been object of discussion, but not yet studied in the ambit of late Gothic vault construction. The question whether and how the vault surface was determined in the design, being the principle structural feature working as a shell structure; this is of particular interest as the relation between the rib system and the shell is complex and has consequences on the stone-cutting of the arches. The question how the design specifications for the single rib members could be derived from the general concept of the curves (clarified in the survey); the context to the graphic sources and technical prose related to late Gothic vault design and structural design. The aim is to understand the entire design process, the criteria of the decisions taken, their relation to the contemporary theory, and the communication process which took place for the creation of this extremely demanding structure.
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A arquitetura religiosa neogótica em Curitiba entre os anos de 1880 e 1930 / The neo-gothic religious architecture in curitiba between 1880 and 1930Maiolino, Claudio Forte January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho busca identificar os edifícios religiosos desenvolvidos entre os anos de 1880 e 1930 na cidade de Curitiba. O estudo parte do aparecimento do gótico e neogótico na Europa e, consequentemente, considera a influência do imigrante europeu na arquitetura religiosa neogótica desenvolvida em Curitiba da virada do século XIX para o XX. Para exemplificar a pesquisa foram selecionadas cinco igrejas que são, a nossos olhos, relevantes para a demonstração da adoção do estilo arquitetônico neogótico. Sendo assim, os cinco exemplares demonstram características particulares, porém inserem-se em um mesmo contexto histórico de caráter neogótico, marcando a influência do imigrante europeu em terras curitibanas. / This study aims at identifying the religious buildings developed between 1880 and 1930 in Curitiba. The study begins with the appearing of the gothic and neo-gothic in Europe and, consequently, it considers the influence of the European immigrant in the neo-gothic religious architecture developed in Curitiba in the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century. To exemplify the research, five churches were selected, which are, in our opinion, relevant to demonstrate the adoption of the neo-gothic architectural style. So, the five examples show peculiar characteristics, but are part of the same historical context of neo-gothic character, pointing out the influence of the European immigrant in the lands of the city of Curitiba.
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Architektura klášterů františkánů observantů v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku v druhé polovině 15. století / Architecture of Franciscan Observant Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in Second Half of the 15th CenturyKřenková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
So far the history of medieval Franciscan Observance has been considered as the history of individual monasteries, or more generally as the history of disputes concerning education, culture and nationality. The aim of the present dissertation is to describe the history in terms of cultural history, to analyze wider issues of architecture regarding monastic buildings of the last big monastic community of The Middle Ages, to describe them and evaluate. The basic structure of the dissertation consists of monographic chapters monitoring the history and building development of fifteen preserved and thirteen extinct monasteries in territory of the Czech monastic province (Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia). The catalogue part is introduced by chapters summarizing the historical context of Franciscan Observants' activities within a short period between the second half of the 15th century and the first half of the 16th century, during which the Observants of the Czech province experienced both the stage of raise and decay. The history of the order is then followed by an essay on the rules of the process of foundation constructions of the convents, the order rules limiting artwork and mainly the character of the order architecture. Key words Franciscan Observants, Late Gothic Architecture,...
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A arquitetura religiosa neogótica em Curitiba entre os anos de 1880 e 1930 / The neo-gothic religious architecture in curitiba between 1880 and 1930Maiolino, Claudio Forte January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho busca identificar os edifícios religiosos desenvolvidos entre os anos de 1880 e 1930 na cidade de Curitiba. O estudo parte do aparecimento do gótico e neogótico na Europa e, consequentemente, considera a influência do imigrante europeu na arquitetura religiosa neogótica desenvolvida em Curitiba da virada do século XIX para o XX. Para exemplificar a pesquisa foram selecionadas cinco igrejas que são, a nossos olhos, relevantes para a demonstração da adoção do estilo arquitetônico neogótico. Sendo assim, os cinco exemplares demonstram características particulares, porém inserem-se em um mesmo contexto histórico de caráter neogótico, marcando a influência do imigrante europeu em terras curitibanas. / This study aims at identifying the religious buildings developed between 1880 and 1930 in Curitiba. The study begins with the appearing of the gothic and neo-gothic in Europe and, consequently, it considers the influence of the European immigrant in the neo-gothic religious architecture developed in Curitiba in the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century. To exemplify the research, five churches were selected, which are, in our opinion, relevant to demonstrate the adoption of the neo-gothic architectural style. So, the five examples show peculiar characteristics, but are part of the same historical context of neo-gothic character, pointing out the influence of the European immigrant in the lands of the city of Curitiba.
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