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Die Bundessubventionien als Problem des Föderalismus in den USA : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Grants-in-Aid für das Berufsbildungswesen, den Gewässerschutz, die Regionalentwicklung und die Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Ordnung /Defuns, Marcus. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Freiburg, Schweiz.
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Řešení rizikovosti rostlinné výroby komerčním pojištěním / Dealing with the risks in crop production by commercial insuranceNovotný, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is dealing with the risks in crop production by commercial insurance. The paper provides description of the occurrence and form of the risks in crop production and agricultural insurance as one of the ways of the protection against them. It analyzes the development of crop insurance from 1986 to present, discusses how statutory insurance was provided by the state insurance company until 1990 and also presents the current form of commercial insurance, including a detailed comparison of offers according to the relevant insurance conditions. The next part of the thesis is focused on the government subsidies on agricultural insurance operated in the Czech Republic. The last part of this thesis describes possible trends of future strategies of risk management in the agricultural business including uninsurable risks. These possible trends are presented and discussed in several models.
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Energieffektiviseringsstödet till kommuner : Utfall & framtidsutsikter / The energy efficency subsidy to municipalities : Outcome & outlookBerntsson, Amanda, Lager, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: Environmental and climate issues are constantly on the agenda. At the climatechange conference in Paris, it was decided that the global average temperature shouldnot increase more than 2°C. This means that the energy consumption must be reduced.With the EU's 2020 targets as a basis, national goals have been set, which means thatSweden will achieve a 20 %increase of the energy efficiency by 2020. The public sectorshould act as a role model, therefore the Swedish Energy Agency was handing out asubsidy between 2010 and 2014 as a contribution to local governments for improvingenergy efficiency in its own organization. The goal of this study is to analyze how theenergy efficiency subsidy has helped municipalities in their work to reduce the energyuse in its real estate, and what remains to do to reach the 2020 target.Method: To reach the goal both a qualitative and quantitative study has been made.The data collection methods was interviews, a document analysis and a literaturereview. A case study has been made together with Herrljunga municipality.Findings: The energy efficiency subsidy has several positive effects. The energy usehas been reduced by 8% between 2009 and 2014 for the whole country and the casestudy object has been reduced by 12%. This can be refer to that the municipality hasprioritized the issue of energy higher. Other positive effects include improved indoorclimate and user behavior and that they have better control over energy consumption.The energy work is proceeding in many municipalities after the subsidy, the work willbe financed with own funds. To achieve the goal they should continue the work thatthey began but also complete it with other actions. This may be, for example: replaceheating- and ventilation systems, train the user group and renovate energy smart.Implications: The study shows that the subsidy has provided a push to energy issuesin the municipalities, the subsidy has resulted in a decreased energy use. After thesubsidy stopped many municipalities continued to work when they have seen thebenefits. The study also shows that it is possible for Sweden's municipalities to achievea reduction of energy use by 20% by 2020 in their real estates. To reach this Swedishmunicipalities needs to continue to work actively with energy issues and make newenergy efficiency measures.Limitations: This study has been limited to the municipality's own real estates. Theresult of the study is not valid for all the municipalities that received the subsidy asindependent but it provides an overview of the outcome of the municipalities together. Every municipality can learn from this report. / Syfte: Miljö- och klimatfrågor är ständigt på agendan, vid klimatmötet i Parisbeslutades att höjningen av jordens medeltemperatur inte får överstiga 2°C. Dettainnebär att energianvändning måste minska. Med EU:s 2020-mål som grund har ettnationellt mål satts upp som innebär att Sverige ska öka energieffektiviteten med 20 %till 2020. Den offentliga sektorn ska agera förebild därför delade Energimyndighetenmellan 2010 och 2014 ut ett bidrag till kommuner och landsting förenergieffektivisering i den egna organisationen. Studiens mål är att undersöka hurEnergieffektiviseringsstödet har hjälpt kommunerna i arbete med att minskaenergianvändningen i sitt fastighetsbestånd samt vad som finns kvar att göra för att nå2020-målet.Metod: För att nå målet har både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie utförts.Empiriinsamlingen består av intervjuer, en dokumentanalys och en litteraturstudie. Enfallstudie är gjord tillsammans med Herrljunga kommun.Resultat: Energieffektiviseringsstödet har gett positiva effekter i de kommunalalokalerna. Minskningen av energianvändandet har sjunkit med 8 % mellan 2009-2014för hela landet och fallstudieobjektet har minskat med 12 %. Detta kan hänföras till attden kommunala verksamheten har prioriterat energifrågan högre än innan. Andrapositiva effekter är bättre inomhusklimat och brukarbeteende samt att de fått störrekontroll på energianvändningen. I de flesta kommuner fortlöper energiarbetet efterbidragets slut men med egen finansierade medel. För att nå målet bör man fortsättaarbete som påbörjats men även komplettera det med andra åtgärder. Detta kanexempelvis vara: byta värme- och ventilationssystem, utbilda brukargruppen, renoveraenergismart.Konsekvenser: Studien visar att bidraget har gett ökat fokus till energifrågorna ikommunerna har bidraget lett till en att energiförbrukningen minskat. Efter att bidragetslutade delas ut fortsätter många kommuner med arbetet då man sett vilka vinster detger. Studien visar också att det är möjligt för Sveriges kommuner att nå en minskningav energiförbrukningen med 20 % till 2020 i sitt fastighetsbestånd. För att nå hela vägendit behöver Sveriges kommuner fortsätta arbeta aktivt med energifrågorna och göra nyaenergieffektiviseringsåtgärder.Begränsningar: Denna studie är begränsad till kommunens egna fastigheter. Resultatetav studie är inte giltigt för varje kommun som mottagit bidraget men ger en översiktligbild över utfallet för kommunerna gemensamt. Alla kommuner kan lära något av denna studie.
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Financiamento para empreendedores tecnológicos : estudo de casos múltiplos no Estado de SergipeMassoni, Bruno dos Santos Lochetta 26 April 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Technological entrepreneurs have played an important role in economic development,
assisting in growth sectors and boosting the gross domestic product. The emergence and
perpetuation of technology-based companies may be favored by capture of adequate financial
resources, whether in the traditional financial market, either through development institutions
to strengthen research and development or through new forms of these funds. Technology
companies are facing difficulties in accessing a number of prerequisites in lending in
traditional financial institutions, such as transaction assurance, the organization's lifetime,
terms and interest rates on loans. These companies usually do not have a very long history, or
a grand past, but have prospects for a future that can be very promising. Given the importance
of technology-based companies for economic development, as well as on the difficulties these
companies finance their activities, the aim of this study is to investigate which sources of
financing used by technology entrepreneurs in the state of Sergipe to capture the resources to
develop their activities. To this end, have been held six interviews with managers of
technology-based companies in the state of Sergipe in order to analyze the financing
mechanisms used by them. This study is characterized as qualitative, in which the exploratory
research strategy used for data collection a script for semi-structured interviews. From the
analysis of the data it was possible to verify that the Sergipe TBC making little use of
traditional sources of credit, and between alternative is the subsidy the most used to develop
innovation projects. Angel investors are desired, but not used, may not be interested or for
disagreement with the proposals received. Crowdfunding and venture capital are not part of
the prospects of the companies surveyed, either through unfamiliarity as their ability to use or
using the projection in the distant future, respectively. It was observed that the approval of a
grant announcement allows approval in other lines of credit as working capital, financing and
credit cards. It was also noted that in projects financed with subsidy there is little concern
about its commercial and financial success, while also having the desire to succeed, but the
product coming from this project can not receive adequate attention, and be replaced by
another project of that same TBC, perhaps funded by a new of a subsidy funding. The subsidy
offers the opportunity for a rapid formation of a professional team but that does not turn into a
hold that team. It was noticed that one of the main difficulties of entrepreneurs is the lack of
skills in commercial and administrative aspects, which are aggravated by insufficient support
of incubators and technology parks. One of the most important and common difficulties for
the surveyed entrepreneurs is the delay in the release of funds approved which entails the loss
of the ideal time for the development and subsequent launch of innovative product. / Os empreendedores tecnológicos exercem um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento
econômico, auxiliando no crescimento de setores e impulsionando o produto interno bruto do
país. O surgimento e a perpetuação das empresas de base tecnológica pode ser favorecido pela
captação de recursos financeiros adequados, seja no mercado financeiro tradicional, seja
através de instituições de fomento para o fortalecimento da pesquisa e desenvolvimento, ou
ainda através de novas formas de captação destes recursos. Empresas de base tecnológica se
deparam com dificuldades de acesso a uma série de pré-requisitos na concessão de crédito em
instituições tradicionais, como por exemplo, garantias de operação, tempo de vida da
organização, prazos e taxas de juros nos financiamentos. Essas empresas geralmente não têm
um histórico muito longo, ou um passado grandioso, mas têm perspectivas de um futuro que
pode ser muito promissor. Diante da importância das empresas de base tecnológica para o
desenvolvimento econômico, assim como diante das dificuldades destas empresas
financiarem suas atividades, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar quais as fontes de
financiamento usadas pelos empreendedores tecnológicos do Estado de Sergipe para captarem
os recursos necessários para desenvolverem suas atividades. Para tal, foram realizadas seis
entrevistas com os gestores de empresas sergipanas de base tecnológica com o objetivo de
analisar os mecanismos de financiamento utilizados por eles. Este estudo se caracteriza como
de natureza qualitativa, no qual a estratégia de pesquisa exploratória utilizou para a coleta dos
dados um roteiro de entrevistas semiestruturado. A partir da análise dos dados foi possível
verificar que as EBT de Sergipe pouco utilizam as fontes tradicionais de crédito, e entre as
fontes alternativas, a de subvenção é a mais utilizada para desenvolver projetos de inovação.
Investidores anjos são desejados, mas não utilizados, seja por não haver interessados ou pela
discordância com as propostas recebidas. Crowdfunding e capital de risco não fazem parte das
perspectivas das empresas pesquisadas, seja por desconhecimento quanto a sua possibilidade
de uso ou pela projeção de utilizar em um futuro distante, respectivamente. Foi possível
observar que a aprovação em um edital de subvenção possibilita a aprovação em outras linhas
de crédito como capital de giro, financiamentos e cartões de crédito. Também foi observado
que em projetos financiados com subvenção há pouca preocupação quanto ao seu sucesso
comercial e financeiro, apesar de também haver o desejo de sucesso, mas o produto oriundo
desse projeto pode não receber a devida atenção e ser substituído por outro projeto daquela
mesma EBT, financiado talvez por uma nova verba de subvenção. A subvenção oferece a
oportunidade de uma formação rápida de uma equipe de profissionais mas que não se
transforma em uma retenção dessa equipe. Foi percebido que uma das principais dificuldades
dos empreendedores é a falta de habilidades em aspectos comerciais e administrativos, que
são agravados pelo insuficiente apoio de incubadoras e parques tecnológicos. Uma das
dificuldades mais relevantes e comuns para os empreendedores pesquisados é a demora na
liberação de recursos aprovados que acarreta a perda do momento ideal para o
desenvolvimento e o consequente lançamento de produto inovador. / São Cristóvão, SE
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Welfare Reform: How States Are Faring in Getting People Off Welfare And To Work Under Federal Policy of the Temporary Assistance to Needy (TANF) Families ProgramHymes, Jacqueline D. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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