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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Adsorbed Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles

Ethier, Jeffrey 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Wang, Xiaoteng January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Phase Separation of Polymer-grafted Nanoparticle blend Thin Films

Zhang, Yue, Zhang January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Nanoscale Structure and Dynamics of Entangled Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies and Simple Linear Ethers using Molecular Simulations

Liesen, Nicholas Thomas 27 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Lignocellulosic fractions from rice and coffee husks to improve functionality of biodegradable films based on starch and poly-lactic acid

Collazo Bigliardi, Sofía 03 June 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en el aislamiento y caracterización de materiales celulósicos y extractos activos, procedentes de las cascarillas de arroz y café, y su incorporación a películas de almidón y mezclas compatibilizadas de almidón-PLA, para mejorar sus propiedades funcionales como materiales para el envasado de alimentos. Las fibras de celulosa (CF) se obtuvieron mediante tratamiento alcalino y de blanqueo, con un rendimiento de 41 y 53 g fibras/100 g cascarilla, respectivamente para cascarilla de arroz y café. Los nanocristales de celulosa (CNC) se aislaron de las fibras mediante hidrólisis ácida, con un rendimiento del 5% respecto a las fibras y con alta cristalinidad (90-92%), resistencia térmica y relación de aspecto (L/d: 20-40). Los compuestos activos se obtuvieron mediante extracción hidrotérmica (180 ºC; 9,5 bares), con un rendimiento de 17-18 g/ 100 g de cascarilla. Dichos extractos exhibieron capacidad antioxidante (EC50: 5,37-5,29 mg sólidos extraídos/ mg DPPH) y antimicrobiana (cuantificada en términos de concentración mínima inhibitoria: MIC) frente a L. innocua (MIC: 48-52 mg polvo/mL) y E. coli (MIC: 50-66 mg polvo/mL). Los materiales celulósicos procedentes de cascarilla de arroz y café se incorporaron a películas de almidón termoplástico (TPS), obtenidas mediante mezclado en fundido y moldeo por compresión. El módulo elástico aumentó un 186 y 121% cuando se incorporó a la matriz un 1% (p/p) de CNC de cascarilla de arroz y café, respectivamente. Del mismo modo, las CF se añadieron a las películas de TPS al 1, 5 y 10 pt%. Ambas CF aumentaron la rigidez y redujeron la extensibilidad de los films, aunque las CF de cascarilla de café mantuvieron mejor la ductilidad al 1 y 5% (p/p). La permeabilidad al vapor de agua de las películas de TPS no se redujo en los materiales compuestos, aunque la permeabilidad al oxígeno se redujo en aproximadamente un 17%. Al incorporar extractos activos a los films de almidón, mejoraron sus propiedades de tracción; el módulo elástico aumentó un 350%, a la vez que se hicieron menos extensibles. Las fibras de celulosa de ambos residuos fueron más efectivas como agentes de refuerzo en los films con extractos sólidos que en los de almidón solo. Se estudiaron también mezclas de almidón-PLA utilizando como compatibilizador policaprolactona funcionalizada con anhídrido maléico y/o glicidil metacrilato (PCLMG o PCLG). Se analizó el efecto de la proporción de PLA en la mezcla (20 y 40% respecto al almidón), y la de ambos compatibilizadores (2,5 y 5%), en las propiedades de los films. Los análisis de la microestructura, el comportamiento térmico y las propiedades funcionales (mecánicas, ópticas y de barrera) de los films, demostraron que sustituir el 20% del almidón por PLA e incorporar el 5% de PCLG podría ser una buena estrategia para obtener materiales adecuados para envasado de alimentos. Además, se estudió el efecto de la adición de rellenos celulósicos (CF y CNC) y del extracto antioxidante de cascarilla de café en la mezcla de almidón-PLA compatibilizada seleccionada. Las propiedades antioxidantes de los films se probaron a través de su eficacia para preservar al aceite de girasol de la oxidación. Se observaron diferencias significativas en las propiedades funcionales de los films cuando los CNC se incorporaron mediante dos métodos diferentes. El efecto de refuerzo de los materiales celulósicos en mezclas de S-PLA fue menos notable que en las películas de almidón, probablemente debido a la superposición del efecto de refuerzo de PLA. El extracto antioxidante no mejoró el comportamiento mecánico en la mezcla, pero le confirió capacidad antioxidante, adecuada para aplicaciones en el envasado de alimentos. / [CA] La present Tesi Doctoral s'ha centrat en l'aïllament i caracteritzaciò de materials cel.lulòsics i extractes actius, procedents de pellorfa d'arròs i café, i la seua incorporació a pel·lícules de midó i mescles compatibilitzades de midò-PLA, per a millorar les seues propietats funcionals com materials per al envasat d'aliments. Les fibres de cel.lulosa (CF) s'obtingueren mitjançant tractament alcalí i de blanqueig, amb un rendiment de 41 i 53 g fibres/100g pellorfa, respectivament per a pellorfa d'arròs i cafè. Els nanocristalls de cel·lulosa (CNC) es van aïllar de les fibres de cel·lulosa per mig d'hidròlosi àcida, amb un rendiment del 5% respecte a les fibres; en tots dos casos, amb alta cristal·línitat (90-92%), resistència tèrmica i relaciò d'aspecte (L/d: 20-40). Els composts actius s'obtingueren mitjançant l'extracció hidrotèrmica (180 ºC; 9,5 bars), amb un rendiment del 17-18 g/100 g de pellorfa. Aquests composts exhibiren capacitat antioxidant (EC50: 5,37-5,29 mg extracte solit/ mg DPPH) i antimicrobiana, (quantificada en termes de concentració mínima inhibitòria: CMC) enfront a L. innocua (MIC: 48-52 mg pols/mL) i E. coli (MIC: 50-66 mg pols/ mL). Els materials cel·lulòsics procedents de pellorfa d'arròs i cafè es van incorporar a pel·lícules de midó termoplàstic (TPS), obtingudes mitjançant mesclat en fos i modelatge per compressió. El mòdul elàstic va augmentar un 186 i 121% quan es va incorporar a la matriu un 1 pt% CNC de pellorfa d'arròs i café, respectivament. De la mateixa manera, les CF es van afegir a les pel·lícules de TPS al 1, 5 i 10 pt%. Ambdues CF va augmentar la rigidesa de les pel·lícules i es va reduir la seua capacitat d'estirament. No obstant, les CF de pellorfa de cafè mantingueren millor la ductilitat al 1 i 5%. La permeabilitat al vapor d'aigua de les pel·lícules de TPS no es va reduir en els materials compostos, encara que la permeabilitat a l'oxigen es va reduir en aproximadament un 17%. A l'incorporar extractes actius a les pel·lícules de midó, milloraren les propietats de tracció de les pel·lícules ; el mòdul elàstic va augmentar un 350%, mentre que les pel·lícules es feren menys extensibles. Les CF dels dos residus foren més efectives com agents de reforç en pel·lícules que contenien extractes actius, que en pel·lícules de midó pur. També es van estudiar mescles de midò-PLA utilitzant com a compatibilitzador policaprolactona funcionalitzada amb anhídrid maleic i/o glicidil metacrilat (PCLMG o PCLG). Es va analitzar l'efecte de la proporció de PLA en la mescla (20 i 40% respecte al midó), i de la tots dues compatibilitzadors (2,5 i 5%), en les propietats de les pel·lícules. Els anàlisis de la microestructura, el comportament tèrmic i les propietats funcionals (mecàniques, óptiques i de barrera) de les pel·lícules, demostraren que substituir el 20% del midó per PLA i incorporar el 5% de PCLG podria ser una bona estratègia per a obtindré pel·lícules adequades per a l'envasat d'aliments. A demés, es va estudiar l'efecte de l'addició de reforçaments cel·lulòsics (CF i CNC) i extracte antioxidant de pellorfa de cafè, en mescles de midó-PLA compatibilitzades. Les propietats antioxidants de les pel·lícules s'analitzaren a través de la seua eficàcia per a preservar de l'oxidació l'oli de gira-sol. S'observaren diferències significatives en les propietats funcionals de les pel·lícules quan els CNC s'incorporaren mitjançant dos mètodes diferents. L'efecte de reforç dels materials cel·lulòsics en mescles de S-PLA va ser menys notable que en les pel·lícules de midó, provablement degut a la superposició de l'efecte de reforç del PLA. L'extracte antioxidant no va millorar el comportament mecànic en les mescles, però li va conferir la capacitat antioxidant adequada per a aplicacions a l'envasat d'aliments. / [EN] This Doctoral Thesis has focused on the isolation and characterisation of cellulosic materials and active extracts from coffee and rice husks, and their incorporation into starch films and starch-PLA compatibilised blend films in order to improve their functional properties as food packaging materials. Cellulose fibres were obtained through alkali and bleaching treatment with a final yield of 41 and 53 g fibres/100 g husk, respectively for rice and coffee husks. Cellulose nanocrystals were isolated from the bleached fibres by acid hydrolysis, with a yield of 5% with respect to bleached fibres, in both cases, with high crystallinity (90-92%), thermal resistance and aspect ratio (L/d: 20-40). The active compounds were obtained by hydrothermal extraction (180 ºC, 9.5 bar) with yields of 17 -18 g/100 g husks. They exhibited antioxidant properties (EC50: 5.37-5.29 mg extract solids/mg DPPH) and antibacterial activity against L. innocua (MIC: 48-52 mg powder/mL) and E. coli (MIC: 50-66 mg powder/mL), which were quantified in terms of the minimal inhibitory concentration. Cellulosic material from rice and coffee husks were incorporated into thermoplastic starch films (TPS) by melt blending and compression moulding. The elastic modulus increased by 186 and 121% when 1 wt% of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) from rice and coffee husks, respectively, was incorporated into the matrix. Likewise, cellulose fibres (CF) were incorporated into TPS films at 1, 5 and 10 wt%. Both CF increased the film stiffness while reducing its stretchability. However, CF from coffee husk better maintained the film ductility at 1 and 5 wt%. The water vapour permeability of TPS films was not reduced in composites, although oxygen permeability was lowered by about 17%. When active extracts were incorporated into starch films, they improved the tensile properties; the elastic modulus increased by about 350%, while films became less stretchable. The cellulosic fibres from both residues were more effective as reinforcing agents in films containing extract solids than in net starch films. Starch-PLA blend films were also studied using grafted polycaprolactone with maleic anhydride and/or glycidyl methacrylate (PCLMG or PCLG) as compatibilisers. The effect of both the PLA ratio in the blend (20 and 40% with respect to starch) and the amount of both compatibilisers (2.5 and 5%) on the film properties was analysed. The analyses of microstructure, thermal behaviour and functional properties (mechanical, optical and barrier) of the films led to the conclusion that substituting 20% of the starch by PLA, and incorporating 5% of PCLG would be a good strategy to obtain films suitable for food packaging. The effect of the addition of cellulosic fillers (CF and CNC) and antioxidant aqueous extract from coffee husk to compatibilised starch-PLA blends was also studied. The antioxidant properties of the films were tested through their efficacy at preserving sunflower oil from oxidation. Significant differences were observed in the functional properties of the films when CNC was incorporated by two different methods. The reinforcing effect of cellulosic materials in S-PLA blends was less noticeable than in starch films, probably due to the overlapping of the PLA reinforcing effect. The antioxidant extract did not improve the mechanical performance in the blends, but conferred antioxidant capacity suitable for food packaging applications. / Collazo Bigliardi, S. (2019). Lignocellulosic fractions from rice and coffee husks to improve functionality of biodegradable films based on starch and poly-lactic acid [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/123055 / Compendio

Synthesis And Environmental Applications Of Polyaniline And Its Nanocomposites

Mahanta, Debajyoti 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis is focused on the synthesis and environmental applications of polyaniline and its nanocomposites. It is organized in six chapters and brief discussions of the contents of the individual chapters are given below. Chapter 1 reviews two important water purification methods: adsorption and photocatalysis, which are widely discussed in literature. A general introduction to conducting polymers has been given and their photocatalytic activity has been described. Chapter 2 reports the application of polyaniline emeraldine salt for the removal of anionic dyes from aqueous solutions by adsorption. A possible mechanism for the anionic dye adsorption by PANI emeraldine salt has been proposed. The electrostatic interaction between the positively charged PANI backbone and dye anions is responsible for significant dye adsorption. The kinetic parameters for the adsorption of anionic dyes on PANI have also been determined. In Chapter 3, we investigate the adsorption and desorption of anionic dyes from aqueous solution by PANI doped with different protonic acids. PANI with three dopants, namely p-toluene sulfonic acid (PTSA), camphor sulfonic acid (CSA) and dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid (DBSA) were used to adsorb various dyes. The adsorbed dyes were desorbed from the polymer by using a basic aqueous solution. It was found that the adsorption of dye is dependent on the size and nature of the dopant acids. The influence of different dopants on the adsorption and desorption kinetic parameters was also examined. In chapter 4, the inherent property of PANI to adsorb dyes has been explored for the detection of dyes by electrochemical method. The changes in the CV of PANI film coated on Pt electrodes on addition of dye have been employed for detection of dye in aqueous solution. Furthermore, PANI coated stainless steel (SS) electrodes show a change in current intensity of Fe2+/Fe3+ redox peaks due to addition of dye in the electrolyte solution. Chapter 5 describes the synthesis and characterization of polyaniline-grafted-chitosan (CPANI) with different grafting ratios. The mechanical properties and the crystallinity of CPANI were investigated by means of nanoindentation and X-ray diffraction experiments, respectively. CPANI has been further self-assembled into multilayer thin film via versatile and simple layer-by-layer (LbL) approach. Negatively charged hyaluronic acid (HUA) was used as complementary polyelectrolyte for the self-assembly. LbL growth of the multilayer thin films has been monitored with UV-vis spectral analysis as well as by AFM. The formation of thin film has been further characterized by SEM. The pH responsive behavior of CPANI/HUA multilayer thin film has been investigated. Reusability of this thin film has been investigated by repeating the pH responsive experiments for 10 cycles. Chapter 6 is focused on the preparation of nanocomposite thin films of CPANI/PSS/TiO2 via LbL approach. LbL growth of this self-assembly was monitored by UV-vis spectral analysis and porous nature was observed from SEM images. Poly (styrene sulfonate) (PSS) was used as bridging layer between TiO2 nanoparticles and CPANI for the multilayer self-assembly. Incorporation of CPANI within this LbL self-assembly enhanced the dye degradation ability of the thin film by increasing the availability of dye molecules around the TiO2 nanoparticles. Furthermore, CPANI may act as a sensitizer to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. The effects of surface area of the multilayer thin film and amount of catalysts (TiO2 nanoparticles) incorporated in the self-assembly were described based on the kinetics of the dye degradation reactions. The same multilayer thin film can be efficiently used for dye degradation several times. The work presented in this thesis utilizes unique dye adsorption properties of PANI and its copolymers. The change in conductivity of PANI after dye adsorption and the electrochemical dye detection in aqueous medium promise the potential of PANI as a dye sensing material in waste water at very low concentration. The nanocomposites of CPANI/PSS/TiO2 present a novel material for photocatalysis.

Bone grafts and dental implants in the reconstruction of the severely atrophied, edentulous maxilla

Johansson, Björn January 2001 (has links)
<p>In two prospective, clinical studies the stability of implants and prosthetic constructions were evaluated after three years of loading. In the first study, the implant and the bridge stability of 39 patients with 1-stage bone grafts, were compared to a reference-group of 37 patients who did not need bone grafts. In the second study, 40 patients were randomised to have either 1-stage sinus inlay bloc grafts or 2-stage sinus inlay particulated grafts. </p><p>Implant success in Paper 1, was 75.3% in the study group and 93.1% in the reference group. In Paper 2 implant survival in the 1-stage group was 77.7% and 86.5% in the 2-stage group. Bruxism and post-operative complications, such as unexpected pain, dehiscence and infection were found to be associated with the later loss of implants. </p><p>The volumes of onlay block and inlay particulated bone grafts, after 6 months as evaluated by computed tomography showed the decrease of 49.5% and 47% respectively, although there was a wide range in both groups. </p><p>Using of cutting torque measurements during the placement of implants in grafted and non-grafted jaw bone, showed a significant inverse correlation to the commonly used clinical estimation of jaw bone quality, acc. to Lekholm & Zarb. Significantly lower torque values were recorded in grafted regions when compared to non-grafted. </p><p>It was shown that autogenous bone grafts and implants to the edentulous maxilla, after early high failure rates, showed stable and predictable results after three years. Bruxism was found to be significantly associated with implant failures and initially reduced biomechanical properties was seen in the grafted bone. </p>

Bone grafts and dental implants in the reconstruction of the severely atrophied, edentulous maxilla

Johansson, Björn January 2001 (has links)
In two prospective, clinical studies the stability of implants and prosthetic constructions were evaluated after three years of loading. In the first study, the implant and the bridge stability of 39 patients with 1-stage bone grafts, were compared to a reference-group of 37 patients who did not need bone grafts. In the second study, 40 patients were randomised to have either 1-stage sinus inlay bloc grafts or 2-stage sinus inlay particulated grafts. Implant success in Paper 1, was 75.3% in the study group and 93.1% in the reference group. In Paper 2 implant survival in the 1-stage group was 77.7% and 86.5% in the 2-stage group. Bruxism and post-operative complications, such as unexpected pain, dehiscence and infection were found to be associated with the later loss of implants. The volumes of onlay block and inlay particulated bone grafts, after 6 months as evaluated by computed tomography showed the decrease of 49.5% and 47% respectively, although there was a wide range in both groups. Using of cutting torque measurements during the placement of implants in grafted and non-grafted jaw bone, showed a significant inverse correlation to the commonly used clinical estimation of jaw bone quality, acc. to Lekholm &amp; Zarb. Significantly lower torque values were recorded in grafted regions when compared to non-grafted. It was shown that autogenous bone grafts and implants to the edentulous maxilla, after early high failure rates, showed stable and predictable results after three years. Bruxism was found to be significantly associated with implant failures and initially reduced biomechanical properties was seen in the grafted bone.

Copolymères à base de polycaprolactones greffées par des chitooligosaccharides : vers des nanogels bioactifs et biostimulables / Chitooligosaccharide grafted polycaprolactone copolymers : toward bioactive and biocompatible nanogels : toward bioactive and biocompatible nanogels

Guerry, Alexandre 30 November 2012 (has links)
Actuellement, la mise au point de systèmes de vectorisation d'agents chimio-thérapeutiques performants fait l'objet d'une intense recherche. Les nanoparticules en particulier sont étudiées, car elles permettent de solubiliser des molécules hydrophobes en milieux aqueux tout en diminuant leur toxicité et leur dégradation. Toutefois, le devenir à long terme des nanoparticules est un paramètre important qu'il faut considérer dans la conception de ces nanovecteurs. Pour cette raison, le développement de nanoparticules auto-assemblées constituées de copolymères à bloc entièrement biocompatibles, biodégradables et aux propriétés de libération contrôlée est recommandé. Dans cette perspective, nous avons étudié les propriétés d'auto-organisation de copolymères greffés amphiphiles de type chitooligosaccharide-grafted-polycaprolactone. Le premier chapitre révèle l'utilisation de l'aniline et de son dérivé alcyne comme un outil efficace pour l'amination réductrice de chitooligosaccharides. Dans le second chapitre, différentes familles de polycaprolactone avec des fonctions azide latérales sont décrites. Le troisième chapitre traite du couplage par chimie « click » de chaque bloc ainsi que de la caractérisation physico-chimique des nanoparticules en solution aqueuse. La réticulation de ses particules a permis d'obtenir les nanogels finaux. Pour conclure, des tests d'encapsulation et de libération contrôlée de la Doxorubicine (avec ou sans ajout de glutathion) ont été effectués / Currently, the development of efficient drug delivery systems has a great attention. Nanoparticles are particularly studied for their capacity to solubilise hydrophobic drugs in aqueous media and to decrease their toxicity and degradability. However, long term compatibility has to be considered in the conception of this nanocarrier. For this reasons, the development of self-assembled particles constituted of biocompatible, biodegradable block copolymers is highly recommended. In this perspective, we have studied the self-assembled properties of chitooligosaccharide-grafted-polycaprolactone copolymers. The first chapter reveals aniline catalysis and its alkyne derivative as an efficient way for reductive amination of chitooligosaccharides. The second chapter describes the synthesis of different polycaprolactones with pendant azide groups. The third chapter is dedicated to the grafting of each bloc performed by “click” chemistry as well as the formation and characterisation of nanoparticle conducted in aqueous media. These nanoparticles were cross-linked to form reduction-sensitive final nanogels. At last, entrapment and controlled Doxorubicine release (with or without glutathione) were explored.

Surface Modification of PLGA Electrospun Scaffolds for Wound Healing and Drug Delivery Applications

Iselin, Jacob A. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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