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Age of Information in Multi-Hop Status Update Systems: Fundamental Bounds and Scheduling Policy DesignFarazi, Shahab 03 June 2020 (has links)
Freshness of information has become of high importance with the emergence of many real- time applications like monitoring systems and communication networks. The main idea behind all of these scenarios is the same, there exists at least a monitor of some process to which the monitor does not have direct access. Rather, the monitor indirectly receives updates over time from a source that can observe the process directly. The common main goal in these scenarios is to guarantee that the updates at the monitor side are as fresh as possible. However, due to the contention among the nodes in the network over limited channel resources, it takes some random time for the updates before they are received by the monitor. These applications have motivated a line of research studying the Age of Information (AoI) as a new performance metric that captures timeliness of information. The first part of this dissertation focuses on the AoI problem in general multi-source multi-hop status update networks with slotted transmissions. Fundamental lower bounds on the instantaneous peak and average AoI are derived under general interference constraints. Explicit algorithms are developed that generate scheduling policies for status update dissem- ination throughout the network for the class of minimum-length periodic schedules under global interference constraints. Next, we study AoI in multi-access channels, where a number of sources share the same server with exponentially distributed service times to communicate to a monitor. Two cases depending on the status update arrival rates at the sources are considered: (i) random arrivals based on the Poisson point process, and (ii) active arrivals where each source can generate an update at any point in time. For each case, closed-form expressions are derived for the average AoI as a function of the system parameters. Next, the effect of energy harvesting on the age is considered in a single-source single- monitor status update system that has a server with a finite battery capacity. Depending on the server’s ability to harvest energy while a packet is in service, and allowing or blocking the newly-arriving packets to preempt a packet in service, average AoI expressions are derived. The results show that preemption of the packets in service is sub-optimal when the energy arrival rate is lower than the status update arrival rate. Finally, the age of channel state information (CSI) is studied in fully-connected wire- less networks with time-slotted transmissions and time-varying channels. A framework is developed that accounts for the amount of data and overhead in each packet and the CSI disseminated in the packet. Lower bounds on the peak and average AoI are derived and a greedy protocol that schedules the status updates based on minimizing the instantaneous average AoI is developed. Achievable average AoI is derived for the class of randomized CSI dissemination schedules.
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Minor-closed classes of graphs: Isometric embeddings, cut dominants and ball packingsMuller, Carole 09 September 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Une classe de graphes est close par mineurs si, pour tout graphe dans la classe et tout mineur de ce graphe, le mineur est ́egalement dans la classe. Par un fameux th ́eor`eme de Robertson et Seymour, nous savons que car- act ́eriser une telle classe peut ˆetre fait `a l’aide d’un nombre fini de mineurs exclus minimaux. Ceux-ci sont des graphes qui n’appartiennent pas `a la classe et qui sont minimaux dans le sens des mineurs pour cette propri ́et ́e.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions trois problèmes à propos de classes de graphes closes par mineurs. Les deux premiers sont reliés à la caractérisation de certaines classes de graphes, alors que le troisième étudie une relation de “packing-covering” dans des graphes excluant un mineur.Pour le premier problème, nous étudions des plongements isométriques de graphes dont les arêtes sont pondérées dans des espaces métriques. Principalement, nous nous intêressons aux espaces ell_2 et ell_∞. E ́tant donné un graphe pondéré, un plongement isométrique associe à chaque sommet du graphe un vecteur dans l’autre espace de sorte que pour chaque arête du graphe le poids de celle-ci est égal à la distance entre les vecteurs correspondant à ses sommets. Nous disons qu’une fonction de poids sur les arêtes est une fonction de distances réalisable s’il existe un tel plongement. Le paramètre f_p(G) détermine la dimension k minimale d’un espace ell_p telle que toute fonction de distances réalisable de G peut être plongée dans ell_p^k. Ce paramètre est monotone dans le sens des mineurs. Nous caractérisons les graphes tels que f_p(G) a une grande valeur en termes de mineurs inévitables pour p = 2 et p = ∞. Une famille de graphes donne des mineurs inévitables pour un invariant monotone pour les mineurs, si ces graphes “expliquent” pourquoi l’invariant est grand.Le deuxième problème étudie les mineurs exclus minimaux pour la classe de graphes avec φ(G) borné par une constante k, où φ(G) est un paramètre lié au dominant des coupes d’un graphe G. Ce polyèdre contient tous les points qui, composante par composante, sont plus grands ou égaux à une combination convexe des vecteurs d’incidence de coupes dans G. Le paramètre φ(G) est égal au membre de droite maximum d’une description linéaire du dominant des coupes de G en forme entière minimale. Nous étudions les mineurs exclus minimaux pour la propriété φ(G) <= 4 et montrons une nouvelle borne sur φ(G) en termes du “vertex cover number”.Le dernier problème est d’un autre type. Nous étudions une relation de “packing-covering” dans les classes de graphes excluant un mineur. Étant donné un graphe G, une boule de centre v et de rayon r est l’ensemble de tous les sommets de G qui sont à distance au plus r de v. Pour un graphe G et une collection de boules donnés nous pouvons définir un hypergraphe H dont les sommets sont ceux de G et les arêtes correspondent aux boules de la collection. Il est bien connu que dans l’hypergraphe H, le “transversal number” τ(H) vaut au moins le “packing number” ν(H). Nous montrons une borne supérieure sur ν(H) qui est linéaire en τ(H), résolvant ainsi un problème ouvert de Chepoi, Estellon et Vaxès. / A class of graphs is closed under taking minors if for each graph in the class and each minor of this graph, the minor is also in the class. By a famous result of Robertson and Seymour, we know that characterizing such a class can be done by identifying a finite set of minimal excluded minors, that is, graphs which do not belong to the class and are minor-minimal for this property.In this thesis, we study three problems in minor-closed classes of graphs. The first two are related to the characterization of some graph classes, while the third one studies a packing-covering relation for graphs excluding a minor.In the first problem, we study isometric embeddings of edge-weighted graphs into metric spaces. In particular, we consider ell_2- and ell_∞-spaces. Given a weighted graph, an isometric embedding maps the vertices of this graph to vectors such that for each edge of the graph the weight of the edge equals the distance between the vectors representing its ends. We say that a weight function on the edges of the graph is a realizable distance function if such an embedding exists. The minor-monotone parameter f_p(G) determines the minimum dimension k of an ell_p-space such that any realizable distance function of G is realizable in ell_p^k. We characterize graphs with large f_p(G) value in terms of unavoidable minors for p = 2 and p = ∞. Roughly speaking, a family of graphs gives unavoidable minors for a minor-monotone parameter if these graphs “explain” why the parameter is high.The second problem studies the minimal excluded minors of the class of graphs such that φ(G) is bounded by some constant k, where φ(G) is a parameter related to the cut dominant of a graph G. This unbounded polyhedron contains all points that are componentwise larger than or equal to a convex combination of incidence vectors of cuts in G. The parameter φ(G) is equal to the maximum right-hand side of a facet-defining inequality of the cut dominant of G in minimum integer form. We study minimal excluded graphs for the property φ(G) <= 4 and provide also a new bound of φ(G) in terms of the vertex cover number.The last problem has a different flavor as it studies a packing-covering relation in classes of graphs excluding a minor. Given a graph G, a ball of center v and radius r is the set of all vertices in G that are at distance at most r from v. Given a graph and a collection of balls, we can define a hypergraph H such that its vertices are the vertices of G and its edges correspond to the balls in the collection. It is well-known that, in the hypergraph H, the transversal number τ(H) is at least the packing number ν(H). We show that we can bound τ(H) from above by a linear function of ν(H) for every graphs G and ball collections H if the graph G excludes a minor, solving an open problem by Chepoi, Estellon et Vaxès. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Decompositions of the Complete Mixed Graph by Mixed StarsCulver, Chance 01 August 2020 (has links)
In the study of mixed graphs, a common question is: What are the necessary and suffcient conditions for the existence of a decomposition of the complete mixed graph into isomorphic copies of a given mixed graph? Since the complete mixed graph has twice as many arcs as edges, then an obvious necessary condition is that the isomorphic copies have twice as many arcs as edges. We will prove necessary and suffcient conditions for the existence of a decomposition of the complete mixed graphs into mixed stars with two edges and four arcs. We also consider some special cases of decompositions of the complete mixed graph into partially oriented stars with twice as many arcs as edges. We employ difference methods in most of our constructions when showing suffciency. 2
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Probabilistic Analysis of Optimal Solutions to Routing Problems in a WarehouseChaiken, Benjamin F. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Obstructive Wiring Patterns to Circular Planarity in Electrical NetworksLebo, Hannah 02 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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An Exploration on the Hamiltonicity of Cayley DigraphsBajo Calderon, Erica 06 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Properties of the Zero Forcing NumberOwens, Kayla Denise 06 July 2009 (has links)
The zero forcing number is a graph parameter first introduced as a tool for solving the minimum rank problem, which is: Given a simple, undirected graph G, and a field F, let S(F,G) denote the set of all symmetric matrices A=[a_{ij}] with entries in F such that a_{ij} doess not equal 0 if and only if ij is an edge in G. Find the minimum possible rank of a matrix in S(F,G). It is known that the zero forcing number Z(G) provides an upper bound for the maximum nullity of a graph. I investigate properties of the zero forcing number, including its behavior under various graph operations.
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Studie distribuční logistiky Pivovarů Lobkowicz a. s. / The Study of Distribution Logistics of Lobkowicz Brewery a. s.Kotula, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis designs a solution to streamlines the transport of goods from distribution centers to customers. The first part focuses on theoretical background, which will be used in the second part. It focuses on the analysis and evaluation of current distribution method of Lobkowicz Brewery a.s. The output is designing changes to ensure more effective and cheaper method of distribution.
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Aplikace Voronoiových diagramů v plánování dráhy robotu / Application of Voronoi Diagrams in Robot Motion PlanningPich, Václav January 2008 (has links)
This diploma project is focused on possible applications of computational geometry methods for robot motion planning among static and dynamic obstacles, particularly based on global robot motion planning by means of generalised Voronoi diagrams. The main effort was to convert this complex geometric and analytic problem to graph theory environment where the tasks of planning and searching paths between pairs of the graph vertices are effeciently solvable. The Voronoi diagram is created considering the whole searching space, while edges of this diagram satisfy that the distance from the surrounding obstacles is maximised and the path found along the Voronoi diagram edges is optimised from the point of view of its security (and it is collision-free).
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Modely stochastického programování pro inženýrský návrh / Stochastic Programming for Engineering DesignHrabec, Dušan January 2011 (has links)
Stochastické programování a optimalizace jsou velmi užitečné nástroje pro řešení široké škály inženýrských úloh zahrnujících neurčitost. Diplomová práce se zabývá stochastickým programováním a jeho aplikací při řešení logistických úloh. Teoretická část práce je věnována jak základním pojmům z teorie grafů, tak pojmům souvisejících s matematickým, lineárním, celočíselným a stochastickým programováním. Pozornost je věnována také návaznosti zmíněných pojmů na logistiku. Druhá část se zabývá tvorbou vlastních úloh prezentujících stochastické logistické modely, jejich implementací a výsledky.
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