Spelling suggestions: "subject:"graphical used interface"" "subject:"graphical use interface""
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The influence of interfaces on the understanding of Mathematics in secondary schools in AfghanistanMojadadi, Abdul Rahman January 2010 (has links)
Masters of Science / The focus of this research is to establish whether there is a difference in the way the genders perceive the visualization of mathematics, with specific reference to set theory. The influence of the computing experience of students on their perceptions was also investigated. Interfaces were created for the teaching of set theory for learners in the first class of secondary school. Since the mother tongue of most the pupils is Dari the interface was made available in both Dari and English. The interfaces were used to gather the data for the research / South Africa
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User Interface Design for Quality Control : Development of a user interface for quality control of industrial manufactured partsAbrahamsson, Petter January 2020 (has links)
The expected quality on manufactured components in the automotive industry is high, often with an accuracy of tenths of a millimeter. The conventional methods used to ensure the manufactured components are very accurate, but they are both time consuming and insufficient and only a small part of the produced series are analyzed today. The measurement is performed manually in so-called measurement fixtures. Where each component is fixed and predetermined points of investigation are controlled with a dial indicator. These fixtures are very expensive to manufacture and they are only compatible with one specific kind of component. Nowadays, great volumes of material are scrapped from these procedures in the automotive industry. Hence, there is a great need to increase the amount of controlled components without affecting the production rate negatively. This project was carried out for the relatively new company Viospatia, which is a spin-off company based on research from Luleå University of Technology. They have developed a system that automatically measures each component directly at the production line with the use of photogrammetry technology. This makes it possible to discover erroneous components almost immediately and the manufacturer gets a more distinct view of their production and its capability. The aim of this thesis has been to investigate how a user interface should be developed to be as user-friendly as possible without limiting the system’s functions. The objective has been to design a proposal of a user interface adapted for the intended user, creating value and is easy to use. The progression has been structured around a human-centered approach expedient for interaction design, where the developing phase, containing analyze, design and validate, is performed through iterations with continuous feedback from users and the project’s employer. The context, where the intended solution is supposed to be used, was investigated through interviews and observations at the involved companies. In the project there were three factories involved, Gestamp Hardtech and Scania Ferruform in Luleå and Volvo Cars in Olofström. These factories are using similar production methods, sheet metal stamping, so their prerequisites and needs are similar for this type of quality control system. Creative methods have been applied throughout the project to generate as much ideas as possible while trying to satisfy all the important aspects. Initially analog prototypes were created but they were soon developed to digital interactive prototypes. A larger usability-test was conducted with seven participants by using a weblink to the digital prototype. With support from the feedback these tests generated some adjustments were made and the final user interface was designed, separated in two levels - Supervisor and Operator. Through extensive literature study and user-testing it became clear that the operator needs to get an unmistakable message from the user interface. There should not be any doubts whatsoever and the operator should react immediately. This message is delivered with the use of colors that have an established meaning. By identifying what needs the different actors have, the system’s functions can be separated and made accessible only for the intended user. The functions can then be more specifically developed for the intended user instead of modifying them trying to make a compromise that fits everybody. This separation of functions is not anything the user has to actively do but it is performed automatically by the user interface when the user is signing in. / Den förväntade kvalitén på tillverkade delar inom bilindustrin är väldigt hög, med toleranser på så lite som tiondels millimeter många gånger. De konventionella metoderna som används för att kontrollmäta de tillverkade delarna idag är mycket noggranna, men de är både tidskrävande och otillräckliga och endast en väldigt liten del av en producerad serie blir kontrollmätt idag. Mätningen utförs manuellt i så kallade mätfixturer. Där varje komponent fixeras och förutbestämda undersökningspunkter kontrolleras med en så kallad mätklocka. Dessa fixturer är även väldigt dyra att tillverka och de är bara kompatibla med en specifik komponent. I dagens läge så kasseras otroligt stora mängder material från dessa komponenter inom bilindustrin. Här finns det alltså ett stort behov för att öka mängden komponenter som kontrolleras utan att påverka tillverkningstakten. Det här projektet utfördes åt det relativt nystartade företaget Viospatia, vilket är ett spin-off företag från forskning utförd vid Luleå tekniska universitet. De har utvecklat ett system som med hjälp av fotogrammetri automatiskt mäter av varje komponent direkt i produktionslinan. Detta gör att eventuella fel upptäcks nästan omedelbart samtidigt som tillverkaren får en tydligare bild av sin produktion och dess kapacitet. Syftet med denna masteruppsats har varit att undersöka hur ett gränssnitt bör utvecklas för att det ska bli så användarvänligt som möjligt utan att begränsa systemets viktiga funktioner. Målet har varit att ta fram ett förslag på ett gränssnitt som är anpassat för den tänkta användaren, som skapar ett mervärde och är enkelt att använda. Processen har följt en användarcentrerad struktur fördelaktig för interaktionsdesign, där utvecklingsfasen bestående av analys, design och validering sker i flera iterationer med kontinuerlig återkoppling med användare och uppdragsgivare. Kontexten, där den tänkta lösningen ska användas, undersöktes initialt hos de involverade företagen. I projektet var tre fabriker involverade, Gestamp Hardtech och Scania Ferruform i Luleå och Volvo Cars i Olofström. Dessa fabriker använder mestadels liknande tillverkningsmetoder, metallpressning, vilket gör att de rimligtvis har en del gemensamma förutsättningar och behov. Under arbetets gång har diverse kreativa metoder använts för att generera så mycket idéer som möjligt utan att förbise viktiga aspekter. Till en början utvecklades prototyper analogt för att sedan utvecklas till digitala interaktiva prototyper. Ett större användbarhetstest genomfördes på distans med sju testpersoner via en länk till den digitala prototypen. Med hjälp av responsen från dessa tester gjordes en del ändringar och den slutliga designen på gränssnittet blev uppdelat i två nivåer, Supervisor och Operator. Genom teoristudie och användartester framgick det att operatören behöver få en omisskännlig uppmaning från gränssnittet. Det bör inte uppstå några som helst tveksamheter och operatören skall kunna agera direkt. Denna uppmaning sker genom en tydlig färgkodning som utnyttjar vedertagna uppfattningar om färgers innebörd. Genom att identifiera vilka behov de olika aktörerna har kan man på så sätt också hålla isär de olika funktionerna och göra de tillgängliga endast för den typen av aktör som behöver de. De kan på så sätt också utvecklas mer specifikt för den tänkta aktören istället för att modifieras för att passa alla. Denna separering av funktioner är inget som användaren behöver ställa in själv utan görs automatiskt då den loggar in med sitt användarkonto.
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Pokročilá analýza signálů z laboratoře chůze. / Advanced analysis of signals from gait laboratory.Húsková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is a realization of advanced analysis of signals from gait laboratory. The introductory part deals with the gait cycle and its relation to the joints kinematic is discussed. Additionally, the work is focused on the description of the gait laboratory and the definition of the indexes in order to quantify patient´s overall gait in kinematic analysis. In the practical part, kinematic data analysis was implemented in the MATLAB environment and the results of healthy individuals and patients with cerebral palsy were compared. Kinematic analysis included peak detection in specific kinematic variables. In the last part a graphical user interface for visualization was implemented.
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Návrh mobilního robotu s uživatelským rozhraním využívajícím rozšířenou realitu / Design of a mobile robot with an augmented reality user interfaceAdámek, Roman January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and construction of a four-wheeled mobile robot designed for an interactive exhibit and educational purposes. This robot is capable of wireless image transmission and manipulation with objects. In addition, this thesis deals with the construction of a charging station and user interface for controlling the robot which contains elements of augmented reality and minigames.
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Systém pro automatickou kalibraci robotického nástroje / System for Automatic Calibration of a Robotic ToolŠála, David January 2020 (has links)
This Master's thesis describes the design and implementation of an experimental sample for automatic calibration of a robotic tool using machine vision methods under the auspices of the company SANEZOO EUROPE s.r.o. It deals with the analysis of all used methods of performing TCP calibration, on the basis of which it is implemented. The application is based on the Point-counterpoint method, where the robot is guided against the calibration point from three different directions, all perpendicular to each other. The calibration point is set using the ArUco marker. In order to detect the endpoint are used images from two cameras that are at the right angles to each other. Using conventional computer vision methods and an HSV filter, the endpoint of the instrument is found in the images and is guided to the calibration point. From the obtained coordinates, the searched endpoint of the robotic tool in the robot coordinates is found using the optimization method Particle Swarm Optimization. This application, therefore, performs TCP calibration in a fast time, thus reducing production downtime almost without human intervention.
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Software pro převzetí kontroly nad počítačem / Software for assuming control over the computerKostelník, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The introduction of this Master’s thesis describes a historical and technological evolution of the terminal application, including its advantages and disadvantages. In the following part, a general description of the services and their understanding are mentioned. The benefits and general advantages of the terminal services are described. For the each type of the terminal service, all the functions, options, exact advantages and disadvantages are described. Consequently, the study of the suitability of the compression is presented. On the demo application, the impact of an excessive (voluntary) loss of information is demonstrated. In the next part, the thesis deals with the most frequently used remote-control applications. The tests and comparisons are made as well. The fifth chapter is the fundamental part of this work. The design approach of the workbench is presented there. Consequently, the design approach and system implementation intended for the supervision and control is described. This system makes the user possible to observe other user’s activities and also to control their workstations. The supervising user can also access their drives and other memory devices, which are located in the monitored workstation. The communication is compressed and encrypted. The symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms are used there. In the following part, there are two supplementary applications mentioned – application for the key generating and network file manager. In the end of my work, the results of the performance test and also the design of other improvements are presented.
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Analýza EEG během anestezie / EEG Analysis During AnaesthesiaHodulíková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the method of functional examination of brain electric activity. In the first part is description of central nervous system, method of electroencephalography and possible connections. Furthermor the project involves characteristic of EEG signal and its artifacts. It also includes signal processing and list of symptoms, which will be used for an analysis of the EEG during anesthesia. The second part of thesis involves development of application, which allow viewing and proccesing of EEG signal. In conclusion of thesis is carried out unequal segmentation and statistical processing.
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Modelování, identifikace a řízení robotického manipulátoru / Modelling, identification and control of robotic manipulatorŠuranský, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Main aim of this master’s thesis is to identify, model and control robotic manipulator with three degrees of freedom. The thesis is a part of major project [17], the aim of which is to create an educational platform. In the thesis the simple PID control and the PID with feedforward compensation control is tested on the model of simple pendulum. In the next part models of DC motors, which are used for construction of the manipulator, are developed and the inverse dynamics model of manipulator is developed. This model is used for feedforward control of the manipulator. In the final part the application was developed, which allows the manipulator to be taught some movements, which can be later on, executed. For the simple control of the application the graphical user interface was programmed.
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Online LaTeX editor / Online LaTeX EditorSokol, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis has its purpose in creating such an editor of LATEX language, which would succeed in the competition of existing solutions. To offer users a basis typical for this type of editors and add functions that will make him a unique project. The progress went in a direction of transparent environment and completely trivial operating. Most of the functions are available through 1 click only. Predefined templates are displayed immediately including previews and it is possible to download them with all source codes. Some kinds of actions redraw the whole content of the page. In other cases, we used update panels for partially redraw the content or client javascript. Due to available archivation of .zip files we can even process more files at the same time. Program is designed in a way to be able to further continue developing it and even broaden his features.
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Jednoduchý diktovací systém / Simple Dictation SystemHromádko, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design and developement of simple dictation system. It explains methods used for speech recognition and describes existing systems. Design of the system is focused primarily to create graphic user interface with large emphasis on user friendliness.
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