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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Web-Based Library System

Ahmed, Shadab January 2021 (has links)
Libraries are important centres for knowledge, research, history, and much more. In libraries, students can invest in their own future and connect with other peers. However, a void of an online platform where students in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) can reserve books, track their loans and utilise different service offerings, has been identified. To fill this void, a proposal called EECS Library System (EECSLS) was expressed. The system would include a database that stored books, student details, and other data, whilst it also handled transactions for reservations. Following the study of different approaches to implement an applicable Graphical User Interface, EECS Library Website was established. It was accomplished by evaluating theory of usability, design principles and key concepts of developing user-centered websites. Similarly, data collection through interviews, and participant observation during user testing, were approaches to gain insight and understand the target audiences. EECSLS was then designed and developed in an iterative process consisting of three prototypes, each of which gradually improved. The findings of the literature review indicate that usability is essential for the prosperity of a library website. In addition, to facilitate navigation and access to content on library websites, it was concluded that user-centred designs are crucial. In summary, understanding the target audiences and their needs before applying suitable design principles ultimately led to enhancing the user experience on the EECS Library Website. More importantly, the thesis reveals promising opportunities available to the library in EECS. / Bibliotek har länge varit - och är än idag - en viktig grundsten för kunskap, forskning, historia, och mycket mer. Där kan studenter investera i deras egna framtid, men även knyta värdefulla kontakter. Det har dock identifierats en saknad plattform online där studenter i Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS) kan reserverera böcker, spåra sina lån och ta del av olika tjänsteerbjudanden. Ett förslag kallad EECS Library System (EECSLS) har uttryckts för att fylla detta gap. Systemet inkluderar en databas som lagrar böcker, information om studenter, medan den även hanterar transaktioner för reservationer. Efter att ha följt olika metoder för implementering av en medföljande grafiskt användargränssnitt, kunde EECS Library Website etableras. Det kunde åstadkommas genom att utvärdera teori av användbarhet, designprinciper och nödvändiga koncept för att utveckla användarcentererade hemsidor. Datainsamling med hjälp av intervjuer, och deltagandeobservation under användartestning, var på liknande vis metoder för att få insikt och förståelse på målgrupperna. EECSLS designades och utvecklades i en iterativ process bestående av tre prototyper som var och en förbättrades gradvis. Resultaten av litteraturgranskningen indikerar på att användbarhet är väsentlig för en framgångsrik bibliotekshemsida. Därtill kunde det dras en slutsats om hur användarcentrerade designer är avgörande för att underlätta navigering och åtkomst till innehåll på biblioteketshemsidor. Att förstå målgrupperna och deras behov innan man tillämpar lämpliga designprinciper bevisade i slutändan en förbättrad användarupplevelse på EECS Library Website. Avhandlingen avslöjar lovande möjligheter som är tillgängliga för biblioteket i EECS.

Design and development of a graphical user interface for the monitoring process of an automated guided vehicle fleet

Paul, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Many different autonomously driving mobile robots are used for industrial transports of materials or  oods in the context of internal logistic processes because of different use cases. The problem for the users that need to monitor the robots is that each manufacturer provides its own graphical user interface (GUI) wi th different operating modes and visual designs, which requires different trainings and constant swi tching between software. Therefore, this paper shows the design and development process of a graphical user interface in the form of a web application for the monitoring process of a fleet of automated guided vehicles from different manufacturers and answers the following question: "What are the main criteria when designing a graphical user interface with high usability for the monitoring process of manufacturer-independent automa ted guided vehicle f leets?” To answer the question, existing graphical user interfaces from different manufacturers were analyzed and interviews with developers and end-users of the GUIs were conducted. Requirements were then derived, on whose basis sketching, wireframing and high-fidelity prototyping have been performed. Usability testing and a heuristic evaluation were chosen to improve the application and its usability continually. As a result, the following six main criteria could be derived that summarize the most essential points to consider when designing such a GUI: administrabi lity, adaptiveness, observability, analyzability, robot and job awareness, and intervention. / Många olika autonomt körande mobila robotar används för industriell transport av material eller varor i samband med interna logistiska processer till följd av olika användningsfall. Problemet för de användare som behöver övervaka robotarna är att varje tillverkare tillhandahåller sitt eget grafiska användargränssnitt (GUI) med olika driftsätt och visuella utformningar, vilket kräver olika  utbildningar och ständig växling mellan mjukvara. Denna uppsats visar därför design- och utvecklingsprocessen för ett grafiskt användargränssnitt i form av en webbapplikation för övervakningsprocessen för en samling av automatiserade guidade fordon från olika tillverkare, och svarar på följande fråga: "Vilka är de viktigaste kriterierna vid utformningen av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt med hög användbarhet för övervakningsprocessen av automatiserade guidade  fordonsamlingar, oboeroande av tillverkare?” För att svara på frågan analyserades befintliga grafiska användargränssnitt från olika tillverkare, samt intervjuer med utvecklare och slutanvändare av GUI:erna utfördes. Krav härleddes sedan, baserat på vilka skisser, wireframing och hifi -prototyper som har utförts. Användbarhetstest och en heuristisk utvärdering valdes för att kontinuerligt förbättra applikationen och dess användbarhet. Som ett resultat kan följande sex huvudkriterier härledas, de sammanfattar de viktigaste punkterna att tänka på när man utformar ett sådant GUI: förmåga att administrera, anpassningsförmåga, observerbarhet, analyserbarhet, robot- och jobbmedvetenhet och intervention.

A Real-Time Computational Decision Support System for Compounded Sterile Preparations using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks

Regmi, Hem Kanta January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

A Graphical User Interface for IR-image-based Process Analysis : A tool for assessing root causes in paperboard variability

Westergren Ahlin, Sabina, Höglund, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
Paperboard is produced in a large and complex process where many parameters can affect its quality. The common methods of analysing paperboard quality are through traversing point-like sensors that only measure a very small fraction of the produced paperboard. Holmen Iggesund Paperboard has installed an IR-camera that measures the entire paperboard web and is looking for a tool to assess paperboard quality variation based on these measurements. The purpose of this thesis work is to develop such a tool. This was done through developing a user-friendly computer application (app) IR-measurement Analysis (IRMA). The app is designed to help the process engineers of Iggesunds mill assess the paperboard variability, which strongly correlates with its quality. The quality improvements of paperboard mainly concern eliminating irregularities in thickness, grammage, and moisture. In IRMA, theuser can prepare data, perform statistical analyses, execute a frequency analysis through Fast Fourier Transform and then compare the frequency peaks with the frequencies of possible sources for periodic process variation, for example rolls. Correlating frequency peaks and roll frequencies can indicate issues with rolls and make process engineers at the mill aware of maintenance needs. IRMA have been tested at the mill and these tests have indicated that IRMA can be beneficial in the process engineer’s daily quality control measures. Furthermore, a manual has been written and the process engineers will be thoroughly educated in the use of IRMA.


JOAO CARLOS LEAO PEIXOTO 13 May 2024 (has links)
[pt] A Análise Isogeométrica (IGA) é um método de análise numérica de estruturas que surge com a proposta de unificação entre projeto e simulação, permitindo a criação de modelos computacionais que preservam a geometria exata do problema. Essa abordagem é possível por meio de uma classe de funções matemáticas denominadas NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines), amplamente utilizadas em sistemas CAD (Computer-Aided Design) para modelagem de curvas e superfícies. Na análise isogeométrica, as mesmas funções que representam a geometria aproximam as variáveis de campo. Neste contexto, foi desenvolvido este trabalho que tem como objetivo fornecer uma ferramenta no âmbito da mecânica computacional para análise isogeométrica bidimensional de problemas de elasticidade linear, incluindo as etapas de modelagem, análise e visualização de resultados. O sistema é composto por dois softwares: FEMEP (Finite Element Method Educational Computer Program), desenvolvido em Python e responsável pela etapa de modelagem geométrica, e FEMOOLab (Finite Element Method Object-Oriented Laboratory), software MATLAB para análise e exibição de resultados. A ferramenta proposta apresenta uma interface gráfica de usuário (GUI) que permite a visualização e manipulação intuitiva de curvas NURBS com recursos avançados de modelagem, como interseção de curvas e recursos de reconhecimento de região que agilizam e simplificam o processo. Uma contribuição significativa deste trabalho reside na capacidade de gerar malhas isogeométricas não estruturadas, utilizando T-Splines baseadas em um algoritmo de decomposição de domínio. O sistema de código aberto permite a colaboração e o desenvolvimento contínuo pela comunidade de usuários e desenvolvedores. / [en] Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is a numerical analysis method for structures that arises with the proposal of unification between design and simulation, allowing the creation of computational models that preserve the exact geometry of the problem. This approach is possible by a class of mathematical functions called NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines), widely used in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) systems for modeling curves and surfaces. In isogeometric analysis, the same functions representing the geometry approximate the field variables. In this context, this work was developed to provide a tool within the scope of computational mechanics for two-dimensional isogeometric analysis of linear elasticity problems, including the steps of modeling, analysis, and visualization of results. The system consists of two software programs: FEMEP (Finite Element Method Educational Computer Program), developed in Python and responsible for the geometric modeling stage, and FEMOOLab (Finite Element Method Object-Oriented Laboratory), a MATLAB software for analysis and display of results. The proposed tool features a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows intuitive visualization and manipulation of NURBS curves with advanced modeling features such as curve intersection and region recognition features that streamline and simplify the process. A significant contribution of this work lies in the ability to generate non-structured isogeometric meshes, using T-Splines based on a domain decomposition algorithm. The open-source system allows collaboration and continuous development by the community of users and developers.

A Content-Aware Design Approach to Multiscale Navigation / Une Approche de Conception Sensible au Contenu pour la Navigation Multi-échelle.

Pindat, Cyprien 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les écrans d'ordinateurs sont de très petite taille comparés à celles des jeux de donnés dans de nombreux domaines. Pour pallier au problème de visualisation de grandes quantités de données, les interfaces de navigation multi-échelles rendent possible l'exploration interactive des données, en facilitant la transition entre vues zoomées et dé-zoomées afin de permettre à l'utilisateur d'examiner les informations en détail ou de pouvoir les interpréter dans un contexte plus global. L'étude de ces interfaces est un domaine important de la recherche en Interaction Homme-Machine, et de nombreuses techniques de navigation ont été proposées lors des vingt dernières années. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche de conception pour les interfaces de navigation multi-échelles dîtes content-aware. Cette approche est basée sur l'adaptation dynamique d'éléments de l'interface au contenu de la scène que l'utilisateur est en train de visualiser, permettant ainsi de proposer des représentations plus pertinentes. Nous présentons trois nouvelles techniques de navigation basées sur cette approche de conception, qui montrent comment appliquer celle-ci pour traiter différents problèmes de navigation, aussi bien en 2D qu'en 3D. Nous présentons dans un premier temps Arealens et Pathlens, deux lentilles de grossissement 2D dont la forme va s'adapter à la géométrie des objets d'intérêts afin de proposer une meilleur intégration de la vue zoomée dans son contexte environnant. Une expérience de laboratoire contrôlée de Arealens met en évidence un gain de performance de ce type de lentille par rapport aux lentilles de grossissement classiques pour une tâche de recherche visuelle. Nous introduisons ensuite Gimlens, une lentille de grossissement 3D permettant l'exploration de modèles complexes. Gimlens permet d'identifier rapidement les objets d'intérêt de la scène, d'afficher des vues détaillées de ces objets, de parcourir des orbites autour de ceux-ci et de les mettre en perspective dans leur contexte environnant. L'utilisateur peut également combiner les lentilles pour afficher simultanément différentes vues complémentaires de la scène / Computer screens are very small compared to the size of large information spaces that arise in many domains. The visualization of such datasets requires multiscale navigation capabilities, enabling users to switch between zoomed-in detailed views and zoomed-out contextual views of the data. Designing interfaces that allow users to quickly identify objects of interest, get detailed views of those objects, relate them and put them in a broader spatial context, raise challenging issues. Multi-scale interfaces have been the focus of much research effort over the last twenty years.There are several design approaches to address multiscale navigation issues. In this thesis, we review and categorize these approaches according to their level of content awareness. We identify two main approaches: content-driven, which optimizes interfaces for navigation in specific content; and content-agnostic, that applies to any type of data. We introduce the content-aware design approach, which dynamically adapts the interface to the content. The latter design approach can be used to design multiscale navigation techniques both in 2D or 3D spaces. We introduce Arealens and Pathlens, two content-aware fisheye lenses that dynamically adapt their shape to the underlying content to better preserve the visual aspect of objects of interest. We describe the techniques and their implementation, and report on a controlled experiment that evaluates the usability of Arealens compared to regular fisheye lenses, showing clear performance improvements with the new technique for a multiscale visual search task. We introduce a new distortion-oriented presentation library enabling the design of fisheye lenses featuring several foci of arbitrary shapes. Then, we introduce Gimlens, a multi-view detail-in-context visualization technique that enables users to navigate complex 3D models by drilling holes into their outer layers to reveal objects that are buried into the scene. Gimlens adapts to the geometry of objects of interest so as to better manage visual occlusion problems, selection mechanism and coordination of lenses.

Joker: um realizador de desenhos animados para linguagens formais

Souza, Diego Henrique Oliveira de 31 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoHOS_DISSERT.pdf: 2899752 bytes, checksum: d3160b774efd6749eced9bb34d4a74cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Using formal methods, the developer can increase software s trustiness and correctness. Furthermore, the developer can concentrate in the functional requirements of the software. However, there are many resistance in adopting this software development approach. The main reason is the scarcity of adequate, easy to use, and useful tools. Developers typically write code and test it. These tests usually consist of executing the program and checking its output against its requirements. This, however, is not always an exhaustive discipline. On the other side, using formal methods one might be able to investigate the system s properties further. Unfortunately, specification languages do not always have tools like animators or simulators, and sometimes there are no friendly Graphical User Interfaces. On the other hand, specification languages usually have a compiler which normally generates a Labeled Transition System (LTS). This work proposes an application that provides graphical animation for formal specifications using the LTS as input. The application initially supports the languages B, CSP, and Z. However, using a LTS in a specified XML format, it is possible to animate further languages. Additionally, the tool provides traces visualization, the choices the user did, in a graphical tree. The intention is to improve the comprehension of a specification by providing information about errors and animating it, as the developers do for programming languages, such as Java and C++. / Usando m?todos formais, o desenvolvedor pode aumentar a confiabilidade e corretude do software. Al?m disso, o desenvolvedor pode concentrar-se mais nos requisitos funcionais. Por?m h? muita resist?ncia em se adotar essa abordagem de desenvolvimento de software. A raz?o principal e a escassez de suporte ferramental adequado, ?til e de f?cil utiliza??o. Os desenvolvedores normalmente escrevem o c?digo e o testam. Estes testes geralmente consistem em checar se as sa?das est?o de acordo com os requisitos. Isto, contudo, nem sempre e poss?vel de maneira exaustiva. Por outro lado, usando M?todos Formais um desenvolvedor e capaz de investigar profundamente as propriedades do sistema. Infelizmente, linguagens de especifica??o formal nem sempre possuem ferramentas como animador ou simulador e ?s vezes n?o h? interfaces gr?ficas amig?veis. Por?m, algumas dessas ferramentas possuem um compilador, que gera um Sistema de Transi??es Rotuladas (LTS). A proposta deste trabalho ? desenvolver um aplicativo que fornece anima??o gr?fica para especifica??es formais usando o LTS como entrada. O aplicativo inicialmente suporta as as linguagens B, CSP e Z. Usando o LTS em um formato XML especificado ? poss?vel animar outras linguagens formais. Adicionalmente a ferramenta disponibiliza visualiza??o de traces, escolhas feitas pelo usu?rio, em um formato de ?rvore gr?fica. A inten??o ? melhorar a compreens?o de uma especifica??o, fornecendo informa??es sobre erros e animando-a, como os desenvolvedores fazem com linguagens de programa??o como Java e C++.

Vad har du på menyn? : Designriktlinjer för naturliga interaktioner och mobilitet i en stationär miljö

Ax, Jens, Obrelius, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
Många företag har idag intranät som misslyckas med att möta användarnas behov och det mest förekommande klagomålet är att användarna inte hittar vad de letar efter. Detta leder till att företagen tappar både tid och pengar på att ha personal som inte kan nyttja systemet på ett effektivt sätt, vilket ofta leder till dyra utbildningskostnader och produktivitetsförluster. Den främsta anledningen till att information inte hittas är att det saknas en konsekvent navigation som ger tydliga indikationer på vart användaren ska ta sig för att finna det den letar efter. Design och struktur i gränssnitt spelar även en stor roll för hur användarna förstår och tolkar gränssnitt och ett klassiskt tillvägagångsätt för designers är att utveckla utifrån datorparadigmets grafiska gränssnitt, vars bekymmer oftast är att de tenderar att bli visuellt giriga och minneskrävande. Idag sker även en stark utveckling av mobila enheter och hur dess gränssnitt kan optimeras för att underlätta för användaren till den mobila kontexten och de begränsningar det medför. För att göra detta bör designers utveckla naturliga interaktioner vilket ska främja den kognitiva belastningen. I denna studie undersöks därför hur designriktlinjer för naturliga interaktioner och mobilitet påverkar användbarheten och användarvänligheten för arbete i en stationär datormiljö. Studien har genomförts på uppdrag av CLX Networks som skapar lösningar för bland annat sms, röst och data. Uppdraget har inneburit att förbättra företagets intranäts meny som ansetts bristfällig av CLX. I denna studie genomfördes först ett användartest på CLXs befintliga intranäts meny samt fem stycken intervjuer med de som arbetar med support som använder systemet, inom huvudområdena hittbarhet, handlingsbarhet, användbarhet och mobil användarvänlighet. Vidare gjordes en struktureringsmetod för att låta informanterna själva visualisera en tänkt meny. Resultaten från den empiriska studien användes för att skapa en interaktiv prototyp. Designprinciper för hittbarhet, handlingsbarhet, användbarhet och naturliga interaktioner har nyttjats i skapandet av den nya menyn. Utifrån de undersökningar som har genomförts i denna studie har det framkommit att designprinciper för naturlig interaktion och mobilitet har en positiv inverkan på användarvänligheten gällande menyn i grafiska gränssnitt i en stationär datormiljö. Studien visar även att en kombination av de två synsätten, naturliga interaktioner och datorparadigmet underlättar användandet och den kognitiva belastning som tidigare var ett bekymmer för de anställda. / Today many companies have intranet failing to meet the users need and the most frequent complaint is that users do not find what they are looking for. This leads companies to lose both time and money on having employees that are unable to utilize the system in a sufficient manner, which often leads to expensive educational costs and loss of productivity. The primary reason that information is not found is that there is a lack of a consistent navigation tool that clearly indicates where the user should go to find what he/she is looking for. Design and structure in an interface plays a large role when it comes to how users understand and interpret an interface. However, the difficulty is that it tends to be visually disruptive and provide a cognitive load. Currently are a strong development of mobile devices taking place and questions are raised regarding how these interfaces can be optimized to make it easier for the user. Especially, when it comes to the mobile context and the limitations it causes. To make it easier are designers advised to develop natural interactions which are supposed to ease the cognitive load. This study therefore explores how design principles stemming from natural interactions, together with the mobility, affect the usability and ease of use for work in a desktop environment. The study has been conducted upon request of CLX Networks, a company that provide solutions for, among others, sms, voice and data. The assignment has entailed suggestions of improvements of the company’s intranet menu, which has been considered as inadequate by CLX. In this study, a user test of CLX’s current intranet menu was performed as well as five interviews with employees that work and use the system. The interviews concerned the topics of findability, actability, usability and mobile usability. Continuously was a card sorting performed to let the informants themselves visualize a proposed menu. The results from the empirical investigation were used to create an interactive prototype. Design principles from findability, actability, usability and natural interactions have been utilized in the creation of the new menu. Based on the investigations performed in this study is it possible to conclude that design principles from natural interactions and the mobility have a positive influence on ease of use concerning the menu in the graphical interface in a desktop environment. The study also confirms that a combination of the two viewpoints, natural interactions and desktop paradigm that facilitate the usage and cognitive load, which previously was troublesome for the employees.

Voice Assisted Visual Search

Wåhlén, Herje January 2010 (has links)
The amount and variety of visual information presented on electronic displays is ever-increasing. Finding and acquiring relevant information in the most effective manner possible is of course desirable. While there are advantages to presenting a large number of information objects on a screen at the same time, it can also hinder fast detection of objects of interest. One way of addressing that problem is Voice Assisted Visual Search (VAVS). A user supported by VAVS calls out an object of interest and is immediately guided to the object by a highlighting cue. This thesis is an initial study of the VAVS user interface technique. The findings suggest that VAVS is a promising approach, supported by theory and practice. A working prototype shows that locating objects of interest can be sped up significantly, requiring only half the amount of time taken without the use of VAVS, on average. / Voice-Assisted Visual Search

Communicating Game Feedback through Pictorial Means : A Case Study of the Game Among Ripples

Greip, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis studies how one can convey meaning in games by utilising pictorial feedback alone. With the help of Peircean visual semiotics the signs for the case study Among Ripples are assembled and later analysed in detail. As a subtopic the thesis also explores if it is possible to embed pictorial feedback into the game world instead of having it superimposed. The results showed that it is possible to convey some feedback with pictorial means alone, and that the entry points for understanding are not the same between different people. They look at different cues from the pictorial feedback constructed.

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