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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Registro paleoambiental em cabeceira de drenagem inscrita no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII (A.R.I.E. do Buriti - SW PR) / Paleoenvironmental records in head of drainage entered in the remaining at planed surface VIII (A.R.I.E. DO BURITI - SW PR)

Bertoldo, Edson 15 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:31:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Bertoldo.pdf: 5608945 bytes, checksum: fd55c97dda4b7d20b2fa9438b702daf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-15 / This study identifies paleoenvironmental records in the remaining at planed surface VIII, in Pato Branco (SW PR), more precisely in conservation area (A.R.I.E. do Buriti) by analysis of palynomorphs in a bog, characterization of the surface formations and the 14C dating method. Throughout the testimony of 130 cm, 37 different taxa were identified, which were separated into five ecological categories (trees, shrubs, ground herbs, algae and fern spores). The dating estimated suggests that the base of the bog was formed approximately 13,700 years BP, a period related to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At that time the head of drainage would not have a connection to the piped drainage waterway of Independence river, local base level. According to the data obtained, we can affirm that in the region of the study area during the transition from the Pleistocene / Holocene to the present, there are no records of savannah, only grassland areas in the Pleistocene, inferred by the presence of ground herbs, especially Borreria and Asteraceae found in 12,700 years BP 14C (estimated) and total absence of algae and pollen grains of tree species, suggesting drier hydrological regime. Occasionally, high precipitation phenomeno occurred on the slopes and promoted the degradation of soil horizons in the upper slope (nose), promoting the deposition of colluvial layers until the new water regime, wetter, allowing the establishment of a herbaceous vegetation accompanied by ferns, mainly in the lower areas. In about 10,600 years BP 14C (est.), maintenance of high humidity is established and high precipitation caused the water table surface in the hollow constantly accelerating the hidromorfization paleohorizonte A humic, and developing in the rainy seasons, a small pond in the central axis of the headboard. Fact evidenced by the presence of algae and a significant expansion of Araucaria angustifolia, which requires an annual rainfall exceeding 1,400 mm.yr-1, without a dry season. The predominant vegetation is replaced by the Araucaria Forest and Atlantic Rain Forest composed of genres trees, ground herbs and ferns. The maximum expansion of the Araucaria Forest is logged about 6,880 years BP 14C (est.), face the increase of all taxa recorded, mainly from Araucaria. The presence of algae was more pronounced, again suggesting the occurrence of a blade of water conserved by an abundant and regular rainfall. In the years that followed, probably to 1,060 years BP 14C (est.), a reduction of vegetation as a general rule, changing only in the present with the planting of araucaria after the creation of A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Sometime in this period, the hollow head of the drainage began to develop perennial drainage channels, allowing efficient drainage at the head of drainage, reducing moisture levels in the bog / O presente estudo identifica registros paleoambientais no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII, no município de Pato Branco (SW PR), mais precisamente na Unidade de Conservação - A.R.I.E. do Buriti, através da análise de palinomorfos de uma turfeira, caracterização das formações superficiais e datação pelo método do 14C. Ao longo de um testemunho de 130 cm, foram identificados 37 táxons diferentes, os quais foram separados em cinco categorias ecológicas (árvores, arbustos, ervas terrestres, algas e esporos de pteridófitas). A datação estimada sugere que a base da turfeira formou-se à aproximadamente 13.700 anos A.P, período relacionado ao Último Máximo Glacial (UMG). Nessa época a cabeceira de drenagem não teria uma ligação canalizada com a rede de drenagem do rio Independência, nível de base local. De acordo com os dados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que na região da área de estudo, durante a passagem do Pleistoceno/Holoceno até o presente, não há registros de cerrado, apenas de áreas campestres no Pleistoceno, inferido pela presença de ervas terrestres, principalmente Asteraceae e Borreria encontrados em 12.700 anos A.P. (est.) e total ausência de algas e grãos de pólen de espécies arbóreas, sugerindo regime hidrológico mais seco. Eventualmente, fenômenos de alta precipitação ocorreram nas encostas e promoveram a degradação dos horizontes de solo na alta encosta (nose), promovendo a deposição de camadas coluviais até o novo regime hídrico, mais úmido, propiciando a instalação de uma vegetação herbácea acompanhada de pteridófitas, principalmente nas áreas mais baixas. Há cerca de 10.600 anos A.P. 14C (est.), a manutenção da elevação de umidade se estabelece e altos índices de precipitação fizeram com que o lençol freático aflorasse no hollow constantemente, acelerando a hidromorfização do paleohorizonte A húmico e desenvolvendo, nas estações chuvosas, uma pequena lagoa no eixo central da cabeceira. Fato evidenciado pela presença de algas e por uma expansão significativa de Araucaria angustifolia, a qual necessita de um regime pluviométrico superior a 1.400 mm.ano-1, sem estação seca definida. A vegetação predominante passa a ser de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Pluvial Atlântica composta por gêneros arbóreos, ervas terrestres e pteridófitas. A máxima expansão da Floresta Ombrófila Mista é registrada a cerca de 6.880 anos A.P. (est.), face o aumento de todos os táxons registrados, principalmente Araucaria. A presença de algas ficou mais acentuada, sugerindo novamente a ocorrência de uma lâmina de água, conservada por um regime pluviométrico abundante e regular. Nos anos que se seguiram, provavelmente à 1.060 anos A.P. (est.), ocorreu uma redução da vegetação de modo generalizado, modificando-se apenas no presente com o plantio de araucárias após a criação da A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Em algum momento desse período o hollow da cabeceira de drenagem passou a desenvolver canais de drenagem perenes, que permitiram a drenagem eficiente na cabeceira, diminuindo os níveis de umidade da turfeira

Coleção de referência de silicofitólitos da flora do Sudoeste do Paraná: subsídios para estudos paleoambientais / Collection of reference of silicophytoliths the flora of the Southwest Paraná: subsidies for studies paleoenvironmental

Raitz, Edenilson 28 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:31:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edenilson_Raitz_parte1.pdf: 6176309 bytes, checksum: 0b9b9558d2a9e917ab11d7d142d99d3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Phytoliths bodies are of amorphous silica (SiO2.nH20) produced during the vegetative cycle and plant death after the production can be incorporated into the soil/sediment, and may remain there for extended periods of time. For an analysis consistent fitolítica is necessary to compare the sets of phytoliths found in soil and the collections of references phytoliths extracted from existing plants. The problem is there is no reference collection available for the Southwest region of Paraná and in Brazil, so there is no possibility of comparisons difficult paleoenvironmental reconstructions through this proxy. In order to minimize the lack of information on the production of phytoliths by vegetation of Brazil was made a reference collection of phytoliths from phytophysionomies Mixed Ombrophylous Forest and grassland, both located in the Southwest of Paraná State. This collection consists of 30 families, 57 genera and 75 species. In the floristic survey of FOM Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae Pteridaceae families have greater representation of species. The vegetation of the grassland had a high representation of Poaceae, Asterceae, Cyperaceae, and Lauraceae. It was found that the production of Late Gray (fraction that contains the phytoliths) decrease of herbaceous to woody phytophysionomies in both. Only two (Araucaria angustifolia and Rapanea gardneriana) of 71 species analyzed did not produce identifiable phytoliths in the leaves. The production of phytoliths in different strata varied in similar proportions in the FOM and the field, especially in stratum A, because the presence of grass species that contributed to high amount of morphotypes short-cells (bilobate, cross and saddle, rondel and conical) in two forest types. While the layers B, C, D and redundancy Epiphytes presented to each other for producing morphotypes blocky, tabular, globular, cylindric and irregular cells by species. The production of phytoliths in the FOM morphological differ in quantity significantly from conjuto produced by species of the grassland, since grasses produce more biomineralizations than eudicotyledonous. The analysis fitolítica the first 40 cm of soil under the FOM revealed a change in vegetation type, evolving from a opened vegetation to more closed forest (current). It was possible to deduce that this change has occurred as a result of past human action. Similar trend was found in the soil analysis of the grassland, that is, moved from grassland to grassland clean of this dirty again to grassland clean, change occurred due to the abandonment of the field and return of site anthropogenic activities. The degradation of two morphotypes differed in physiognomy. The morphotypes found in soil under the FOM showed the lowest degradation compared to the grassland. The set of two soils revealed significant patterns that differentiate the two forest types, showing that different vegetation units can be discriminated by the signatures phytolitic produced by them. These results reinforce the utility of using phytoliths as significant indicators to distinguish vegetation units dominated by field and/or forest, even in a short period of time, thus demonstrating the potential of phytoliths analysis for paleoecological reconstruction in southern Brazil. / Fitólitos são corpos de sílica amorfa (SiO2.nH20), produzidos ao longo do ciclo vegetativo das plantas e após a morte das produtoras podem ser incorporados ao solo/sedimentos, podendo permanecer ali por longos períodos de tempo. Para uma análise fitolítica consistente é necessária a comparação entre os conjuntos de fitólitos encontrados no solo e as coleções de referências de fitólitos extraídos de plantas atuais. O problema consiste em não haver coleção de referência disponível para a região Sudoeste do Paraná e do Brasil, logo, não existem possibilidades de comparações, dificultando a reconstrução paleoambiental por meio deste proxy. Visando minimizar a carência de informações sobre a produção de fitólitos pela vegetação do Brasil foi elaborada uma coleção de referência de fitólitos da fitofisionomias Floresta Ombrófila Mista e do Campo, ambas localizadas no Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná. Esta coleção é composta por 30 famílias, 57 gêneros e 75 espécies. No levantamento florístico da FOM as famílias Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Pteridaceae e Fabaceae apresentam maior representatividade de espécies. A vegetação do Campo apresentou elevada representatividade de espécies de Poaceae, Asterceae, Cyperaceae e Lauraceae. Constatou-se que a produção de Cinza Final (fração que contém os fitólitos) diminuem do estratos herbáceo para o arbóreo nas duas fitofisionomias. Somente duas (Araucaria angustifolia e Rapanea gardneriana) das 71 espécies analisadas não produziram fitólitos identificáveis nas folhas. A produção de fitólitos nos diferentes estratos variou em proporções similares na FOM e no Campo, principalmente no estrato A, devido presença de espécies de gramíneas que contribuiram com elevada quantidade de morfotipos short-cells (bilobate, cross e saddle, rondel e conical) nas duas fitofisionomias. Enquanto que os estratos B, C, D e Epífitas apresentaram redundância entre si pela produção de morfotipos blocky, tabular, globular, cylindric, irregular cells pelas espécies. A produção morfológica de fitólitos na FOM diferiu em quantidade, significativamente em relação ao conjuto produzido pelas espécies do Campo, pois as gramíneas produzem mais biomineralizações do que as eudicotiledôneas. A análise fitolítica dos primeiros 40 cm de solo sob a FOM revelou mudança no tipo de vegetação, evoluindo de uma vegetação mais aberta para floresta mais fechada (atual). Foi possível elocubrar que esta mudança tenha ocorrido em decorrência da ação antrópica passada. Tendência similar foi encontrada na análise do solo do Campo, isto é, passou de Campo limpo para Campo sujo e deste, novamente para Campo limpo, mudança ocorrida devido ao abandono da área e retorno das atividades antrópicas locais. A degradação dos morfotipos diferenciou nas duas fitofisionomia. Os morfotipos encontrados no solo sob a FOM apresentaram menor índice de degradação se comparado ao do Campo. O conjunto dos dois solos revelaram padrões significativos que diferenciam as duas fitofisionomias, mostrando que diferentes unidades de vegetação podem ser discriminadas pelas assinaturas fitolíticas por elas produzidas. Estes resultados reforçam a utilidade de usar fitólitos como indicadores significativos para diferenciar unidades de vegetação dominada por Campo e/ou Floresta, mesmo em curto período de tempo, demonstrando assim, o potencial da análise de fitólitos para a reconstrução paleoecológica na região Sul do Brasil.

Registro paleoambiental em cabeceira de drenagem inscrita no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII (A.R.I.E. do Buriti - SW PR). / Paleoenvironmental records in head of drainage entered in the remaining at planed surface VIII (A.R.I.E. DO BURITI - SW PR)

Bertoldo, Edson 15 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:42:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Bertoldo.pdf: 5608945 bytes, checksum: fd55c97dda4b7d20b2fa9438b702daf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-15 / This study identifies paleoenvironmental records in the remaining at planed surface VIII, in Pato Branco (SW PR), more precisely in conservation area (A.R.I.E. do Buriti) by analysis of palynomorphs in a bog, characterization of the surface formations and the 14C dating method. Throughout the testimony of 130 cm, 37 different taxa were identified, which were separated into five ecological categories (trees, shrubs, ground herbs, algae and fern spores). The dating estimated suggests that the base of the bog was formed approximately 13,700 years BP, a period related to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At that time the head of drainage would not have a connection to the piped drainage waterway of Independence river, local base level. According to the data obtained, we can affirm that in the region of the study area during the transition from the Pleistocene / Holocene to the present, there are no records of savannah, only grassland areas in the Pleistocene, inferred by the presence of ground herbs, especially Borreria and Asteraceae found in 12,700 years BP 14C (estimated) and total absence of algae and pollen grains of tree species, suggesting drier hydrological regime. Occasionally, high precipitation phenomeno occurred on the slopes and promoted the degradation of soil horizons in the upper slope (nose), promoting the deposition of colluvial layers until the new water regime, wetter, allowing the establishment of a herbaceous vegetation accompanied by ferns, mainly in the lower areas. In about 10,600 years BP 14C (est.), maintenance of high humidity is established and high precipitation caused the water table surface in the hollow constantly accelerating the hidromorfization paleohorizonte A humic, and developing in the rainy seasons, a small pond in the central axis of the headboard. Fact evidenced by the presence of algae and a significant expansion of Araucaria angustifolia, which requires an annual rainfall exceeding 1,400 mm.yr-1, without a dry season. The predominant vegetation is replaced by the Araucaria Forest and Atlantic Rain Forest composed of genres trees, ground herbs and ferns. The maximum expansion of the Araucaria Forest is logged about 6,880 years BP 14C (est.), face the increase of all taxa recorded, mainly from Araucaria. The presence of algae was more pronounced, again suggesting the occurrence of a blade of water conserved by an abundant and regular rainfall. In the years that followed, probably to 1,060 years BP 14C (est.), a reduction of vegetation as a general rule, changing only in the present with the planting of araucaria after the creation of A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Sometime in this period, the hollow head of the drainage began to develop perennial drainage channels, allowing efficient drainage at the head of drainage, reducing moisture levels in the bog / O presente estudo identifica registros paleoambientais no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII, no município de Pato Branco (SW PR), mais precisamente na Unidade de Conservação - A.R.I.E. do Buriti, através da análise de palinomorfos de uma turfeira, caracterização das formações superficiais e datação pelo método do 14C. Ao longo de um testemunho de 130 cm, foram identificados 37 táxons diferentes, os quais foram separados em cinco categorias ecológicas (árvores, arbustos, ervas terrestres, algas e esporos de pteridófitas). A datação estimada sugere que a base da turfeira formou-se à aproximadamente 13.700 anos A.P, período relacionado ao Último Máximo Glacial (UMG). Nessa época a cabeceira de drenagem não teria uma ligação canalizada com a rede de drenagem do rio Independência, nível de base local. De acordo com os dados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que na região da área de estudo, durante a passagem do Pleistoceno/Holoceno até o presente, não há registros de cerrado, apenas de áreas campestres no Pleistoceno, inferido pela presença de ervas terrestres, principalmente Asteraceae e Borreria encontrados em 12.700 anos A.P. (est.) e total ausência de algas e grãos de pólen de espécies arbóreas, sugerindo regime hidrológico mais seco. Eventualmente, fenômenos de alta precipitação ocorreram nas encostas e promoveram a degradação dos horizontes de solo na alta encosta (nose), promovendo a deposição de camadas coluviais até o novo regime hídrico, mais úmido, propiciando a instalação de uma vegetação herbácea acompanhada de pteridófitas, principalmente nas áreas mais baixas. Há cerca de 10.600 anos A.P. 14C (est.), a manutenção da elevação de umidade se estabelece e altos índices de precipitação fizeram com que o lençol freático aflorasse no hollow constantemente, acelerando a hidromorfização do paleohorizonte A húmico e desenvolvendo, nas estações chuvosas, uma pequena lagoa no eixo central da cabeceira. Fato evidenciado pela presença de algas e por uma expansão significativa de Araucaria angustifolia, a qual necessita de um regime pluviométrico superior a 1.400 mm.ano-1, sem estação seca definida. A vegetação predominante passa a ser de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Pluvial Atlântica composta por gêneros arbóreos, ervas terrestres e pteridófitas. A máxima expansão da Floresta Ombrófila Mista é registrada a cerca de 6.880 anos A.P. (est.), face o aumento de todos os táxons registrados, principalmente Araucaria. A presença de algas ficou mais acentuada, sugerindo novamente a ocorrência de uma lâmina de água, conservada por um regime pluviométrico abundante e regular. Nos anos que se seguiram, provavelmente à 1.060 anos A.P. (est.), ocorreu uma redução da vegetação de modo generalizado, modificando-se apenas no presente com o plantio de araucárias após a criação da A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Em algum momento desse período o hollow da cabeceira de drenagem passou a desenvolver canais de drenagem perenes, que permitiram a drenagem eficiente na cabeceira, diminuindo os níveis de umidade da turfeira

Coleção de referência de silicofitólitos da flora do Sudoeste do Paraná: subsídios para estudos paleoambientais / Collection of reference of silicophytoliths the flora of the Southwest Paraná: subsidies for studies paleoenvironmental

Raitz, Edenilson 28 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:42:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edenilson_Raitz_parte1.pdf: 6176309 bytes, checksum: 0b9b9558d2a9e917ab11d7d142d99d3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Phytoliths bodies are of amorphous silica (SiO2.nH20) produced during the vegetative cycle and plant death after the production can be incorporated into the soil/sediment, and may remain there for extended periods of time. For an analysis consistent fitolítica is necessary to compare the sets of phytoliths found in soil and the collections of references phytoliths extracted from existing plants. The problem is there is no reference collection available for the Southwest region of Paraná and in Brazil, so there is no possibility of comparisons difficult paleoenvironmental reconstructions through this proxy. In order to minimize the lack of information on the production of phytoliths by vegetation of Brazil was made a reference collection of phytoliths from phytophysionomies Mixed Ombrophylous Forest and grassland, both located in the Southwest of Paraná State. This collection consists of 30 families, 57 genera and 75 species. In the floristic survey of FOM Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae Pteridaceae families have greater representation of species. The vegetation of the grassland had a high representation of Poaceae, Asterceae, Cyperaceae, and Lauraceae. It was found that the production of Late Gray (fraction that contains the phytoliths) decrease of herbaceous to woody phytophysionomies in both. Only two (Araucaria angustifolia and Rapanea gardneriana) of 71 species analyzed did not produce identifiable phytoliths in the leaves. The production of phytoliths in different strata varied in similar proportions in the FOM and the field, especially in stratum A, because the presence of grass species that contributed to high amount of morphotypes short-cells (bilobate, cross and saddle, rondel and conical) in two forest types. While the layers B, C, D and redundancy Epiphytes presented to each other for producing morphotypes blocky, tabular, globular, cylindric and irregular cells by species. The production of phytoliths in the FOM morphological differ in quantity significantly from conjuto produced by species of the grassland, since grasses produce more biomineralizations than eudicotyledonous. The analysis fitolítica the first 40 cm of soil under the FOM revealed a change in vegetation type, evolving from a opened vegetation to more closed forest (current). It was possible to deduce that this change has occurred as a result of past human action. Similar trend was found in the soil analysis of the grassland, that is, moved from grassland to grassland clean of this dirty again to grassland clean, change occurred due to the abandonment of the field and return of site anthropogenic activities. The degradation of two morphotypes differed in physiognomy. The morphotypes found in soil under the FOM showed the lowest degradation compared to the grassland. The set of two soils revealed significant patterns that differentiate the two forest types, showing that different vegetation units can be discriminated by the signatures phytolitic produced by them. These results reinforce the utility of using phytoliths as significant indicators to distinguish vegetation units dominated by field and/or forest, even in a short period of time, thus demonstrating the potential of phytoliths analysis for paleoecological reconstruction in southern Brazil. / Fitólitos são corpos de sílica amorfa (SiO2.nH20), produzidos ao longo do ciclo vegetativo das plantas e após a morte das produtoras podem ser incorporados ao solo/sedimentos, podendo permanecer ali por longos períodos de tempo. Para uma análise fitolítica consistente é necessária a comparação entre os conjuntos de fitólitos encontrados no solo e as coleções de referências de fitólitos extraídos de plantas atuais. O problema consiste em não haver coleção de referência disponível para a região Sudoeste do Paraná e do Brasil, logo, não existem possibilidades de comparações, dificultando a reconstrução paleoambiental por meio deste proxy. Visando minimizar a carência de informações sobre a produção de fitólitos pela vegetação do Brasil foi elaborada uma coleção de referência de fitólitos da fitofisionomias Floresta Ombrófila Mista e do Campo, ambas localizadas no Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná. Esta coleção é composta por 30 famílias, 57 gêneros e 75 espécies. No levantamento florístico da FOM as famílias Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Pteridaceae e Fabaceae apresentam maior representatividade de espécies. A vegetação do Campo apresentou elevada representatividade de espécies de Poaceae, Asterceae, Cyperaceae e Lauraceae. Constatou-se que a produção de Cinza Final (fração que contém os fitólitos) diminuem do estratos herbáceo para o arbóreo nas duas fitofisionomias. Somente duas (Araucaria angustifolia e Rapanea gardneriana) das 71 espécies analisadas não produziram fitólitos identificáveis nas folhas. A produção de fitólitos nos diferentes estratos variou em proporções similares na FOM e no Campo, principalmente no estrato A, devido presença de espécies de gramíneas que contribuiram com elevada quantidade de morfotipos short-cells (bilobate, cross e saddle, rondel e conical) nas duas fitofisionomias. Enquanto que os estratos B, C, D e Epífitas apresentaram redundância entre si pela produção de morfotipos blocky, tabular, globular, cylindric, irregular cells pelas espécies. A produção morfológica de fitólitos na FOM diferiu em quantidade, significativamente em relação ao conjuto produzido pelas espécies do Campo, pois as gramíneas produzem mais biomineralizações do que as eudicotiledôneas. A análise fitolítica dos primeiros 40 cm de solo sob a FOM revelou mudança no tipo de vegetação, evoluindo de uma vegetação mais aberta para floresta mais fechada (atual). Foi possível elocubrar que esta mudança tenha ocorrido em decorrência da ação antrópica passada. Tendência similar foi encontrada na análise do solo do Campo, isto é, passou de Campo limpo para Campo sujo e deste, novamente para Campo limpo, mudança ocorrida devido ao abandono da área e retorno das atividades antrópicas locais. A degradação dos morfotipos diferenciou nas duas fitofisionomia. Os morfotipos encontrados no solo sob a FOM apresentaram menor índice de degradação se comparado ao do Campo. O conjunto dos dois solos revelaram padrões significativos que diferenciam as duas fitofisionomias, mostrando que diferentes unidades de vegetação podem ser discriminadas pelas assinaturas fitolíticas por elas produzidas. Estes resultados reforçam a utilidade de usar fitólitos como indicadores significativos para diferenciar unidades de vegetação dominada por Campo e/ou Floresta, mesmo em curto período de tempo, demonstrando assim, o potencial da análise de fitólitos para a reconstrução paleoecológica na região Sul do Brasil.


Bagherzadeh, Mahtaab 01 January 2018 (has links)
The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is important in maintaining agroecosystem sustainability. Plant-microbe symbioses, such as exists between the grass tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceum) and the asexual fungal endophyte Epichloë coenophiala, can be utilized to enhance agroecosystem functions, such as herbivore resistance. “Novel” E. coenophiala strains that vary in the production of mammal- and insect-toxic compounds have been identified, inserted into tall fescue cultivars, and are planted in pastures globally. Novel fungal endophyte-tall fescue associations may have divergent ecosystem function effects. This study assessed effects of different fescue-endophyte symbiotic combinations on pasture ecosystem function, including aboveground (fescue biomass, plant species richness, alkaloid synthesis, arthropod abundance) and belowground (soil microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity, trace gas fluxes) parameters. Results showed no significant effects of increasing symbiotic diversity within a fescue stand on aboveground measurements, bar arthropod abundance and alkaloid synthesis. Most soil parameters quantified had significant symbiotic diversity effects. For example, soil microbial biomass decreased whereas soil enzyme activity increased with increasing symbiotic diversity. Overall, our results suggested that increasing symbiotic diversity had weak to moderate effects on aboveground processes and stronger effects on certain belowground processes, indicating that symbiotic diversity can impact ecosystem functions and warrants further research.

Hétérogénéité spatiale des composantes spécifiques et fonctionnelles des communautés prairiales subalpines dans un contexte de déprise pastorale / Spatial heterogeneity of species and traits in subalpine grassland communities in the context of pastoral use decline

Deleglise, Claire 30 May 2011 (has links)
L'hétérogénéité spatiale est aujourd'hui reconnue comme un facteur primordial pour la diversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes prairiaux, mais reste souvent négligée dans l'analyse de l'impact de différents modes d'utilisation pastorale. Les communautés prairiales subalpines sont des milieux hautement diversifiés, au cœur d'enjeux écologiques, socio-économiques et culturels. Depuis plusieurs décennies, des changements d'usage, notamment l'extensification conduisant parfois à l'abandon du pâturage, affectent ces prairies dans de vastes régions des Alpes. Connaitre la réponse spatiale de ces communautés à ces changements d'usage peut constituer un enjeu important pour mieux prédire les conséquences en termes de valeurs écologiques et agronomiques. L'objectif général de ce travail est d'identifier l'organisation spatiale de composantes spécifiques et fonctionnelles de communautés prairiales subalpines dans des situations contrastées d'usage : pâturage traditionnel et abandon sur le moyen terme (~20 ans), de comprendre les mécanismes liés au pâturage influençant cette organisation spatiale et d'explorer les conséquences potentielles de l'organisation spatiale des composantes spécifiques et fonctionnelles sur les valeurs d'usage de ces milieux. Ce travail révèle que l'arrêt du pâturage conduit à des modifications importantes de l'organisation spatiale à la fois des espèces et de traits fonctionnels aériens. La variabilité spatiale de ces composantes est systématiquement augmentée à différentes échelles spatiales en situation d'abandon révélant un grain plus grossier d'hétérogénéité spatiale, lié à une plus faible coexistence locale des espèces et des traits et à une convergence fonctionnelle plus forte que sous l'effet diversificateur à échelle fine du pâturage traditionnel. D'autres part, même si une réponse en termes de patrons spatiaux est également observée, celle-ci n'est pas systématique, indiquant l'absence d'une action structurante forte du pâturage qui agit donc surtout sur la variabilité. Une expérimentation in situ montre en effet que la formation de patrons spatiaux marqués en réponse à une action de défoliation sélective semble limitée dans ces prairies relativement peu productives. De plus, une faible structuration spatiale du couvert en termes de valeurs d'usage fourragère a été observée, pilotée dès des échelles très fines par la variabilité spatiale à un grain fin des assemblages d'espèces et de traits dans les zones pâturées. Ces résultats suggèrent ainsi l'expression d'un pâturage peu sélectif exprimé par les troupeaux ovins dans ces milieux peu productifs, et la prépondérance du filtre abiotique dans la détermination des assemblages spatiaux des espèces et des traits. La formation de patchs très contrastés et très structurés spatialement en réponse au pâturage est plus probable dans des milieux très productifs où la compétition est plus intense et la repousse de la végétation favorisée. La prise en compte de la variabilité autour de la réponse moyenne des communautés se révèle donc un élément essentiel pour analyser l'évolution des prairies subalpines en réponse au changement d'usages pastoraux. Une des perspectives fortes suite à ce travail est l'analyse de la synergie entre la réponse de l'hétérogénéité spatiale du couvert et celle du compartiment souterrain (traits racinaires, mycorhization, diversité microbienne…). / Spatial heterogeneity is now widely recognized as a key component for diversity and functioning of grazed plant communities but is still often neglected for the analysis of the impact of different pastoral uses. Subalpine grassland communities are species-rich habitats of high conservative, economic and cultural values. In large regions of the Alps, these grasslands have experienced a decrease in pastoral use and even abandonment, in the last decades. The investigation of the spatial response of these communities to these changes in pastoral use can be a key issue to better predict ecological and agronomical consequences of such changes. The main objective of this study is to identify the spatial organization of species and traits of subalpine grassland communities in contrasted situations of pastoral use: traditional grazing and abandonment (~20 years), to understand grazing-induced mechanisms influencing this spatial organisation and to explore the potential consequences of the spatial organization of species and traits on the pastoral value of these grasslands. This work reveals that grazing cessation leads to strong modifications of the spatial organization of both species and aerial functional traits. The spatial variability of these components are systematically increased at different spatial scales following grazing abandonment which revealed a coarser grain of spatial heterogeneity in relation to a lower species and trait local coexistence and to a stronger functional convergence than under the fine-scale diversifying action of traditional grazing. Besides, despite we also observed a response in terms of spatial patterns, this one is not systematic which indicates the absence of strongly structuring action of grazing that especially acts on variability. An in situ experiment indeed showed that spatial pattern creation in response to selective defoliation is limited in these relatively low productive grassland communities. In addition, we also evidenced that pastoral values (forage quality) exhibited poor spatial heterogeneity in these grasslands in relation to the fine grained spatial variability of species and plant traits in grazed areas. These results suggest the expression of a low selective grazing promoted by sheep herds grazing and low productivity of subalpine communities and the predominance of the abiotic filter in the determination of spatial assemblages of species and traits. Pronounced spatial patterns in response to grazing may be expected in more productive environments where competitive interactions between species are more intense and species regrowth promoted. Therefore, the consideration of the spatial variability in addition to the mean response of community components appeared to be essential in the analysis of subalpine grassland community dynamics in response to land use changes. One of the strong perspective following this work is to analyse the association between spatial responses of vegetation components and those of belowground components (root traits, microbial diversity…).

Photodegradation of grass litter in semi-arid grasslands : a global perspective

Köchy, Martin January 2006 (has links)
In a recent contribution in Nature (vol. 442, pp. 555-558) Austin & Vivanco showed that sunlight is the dominant factor for decomposition of grass litter in a semi-arid grassland in Argentine. The quantification of this effect was portrayed as a novel finding. I put this result in the context of three other publications from as early as 1980 that quantified photodegradation. My synopsis shows that photodegradation is an important process in semi-arid grasslands in South America, North America and eastern Europe.

Spatial and temporal effects of burning on plant community characteristics and composition in a fescue prairie

Gross, Dale 06 June 2005
Conserving structural and compositional diversity in Fescue Prairie requires reintroducing natural disturbances according to their historic regime. Fire is an important natural process that may be a source of spatial heterogeneity in Fescue Prairies. The effects of burning in all months of the year except January and February were evaluated in a Fescue Prairie in central Saskatchewan for 6 years following burning on 2 sites that had not been previously burned and 2 sites that had been burned 5 years earlier. Except for burning in March, burning reduced cover of litter (P<0.01) and <i>Festuca hallii </i> (Vasey) Piper (P=0.01) while increasing bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 5 years. Cover of <i>Elymus lanceolatus </i>(Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould (P<0.01), graminoids (P=0.02), and species evenness (P=0.01) increased with burning frequency. Burning in late-summer reduced cover of graminoids (P=0.03), plants other than the dominant grasses (P=0.03), and total plant cover (P=0.02). Burning increased the spatial variance (s2) in litter cover (P<0.01) and bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 3 years. Aside from burning in early spring, burning reduced s2 in total standing crop (P=0.02) and <i>F. hallii</i> (P=0.01). Variability in the cover of <i>E. lanceolatus </i>(P<0.01) and graminoids (P=0.04) increased with burning frequency. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that pre-burn history had a dominant effect on plant community composition, explaining 13% of the variation (P<0.01). The cumulative effects of repeated burning, annual variability in weather, and exposure to temperature extremes may have caused a shift in the composition of the plant community. The first 4 ordination axes explained 22% of the variation in plant community composition after burning, indicating that many other environmental or site variables controlled community composition. A range of burning dates and frequencies should be reintroduced or maintained in Fescue Prairie to create a mosaic of plant communities in various stages of recovery after burning. A mosaic will increase the structural and compositional diversity in remnant Fescue Prairies.

A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Landscape Change within the Eastern Terai, India : Linking Grassland and Forest Loss to Change in River Course and Land Use

Biswas, Tanushree 01 May 2010 (has links)
Land degradation is one of the most important drivers of landscape change around the globe. This dissertation examines land use-land cover change within a mosaic landscape in Eastern Terai, India, and shows evidence of anthropogenic factors contributing to landscape change. Land use and land cover change were examined within the Alipurduar Subdivision, a representative of the Eastern Terai landscape and the Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, a protected area nested within Alipurduar through the use of multi-temporal satellite data over the past 28 years (1978 - 2006). This study establishes the potential of remote sensing technology to identify the drivers of landscape change; it provides an assessment of how regional drivers of landscape change influence the change within smaller local study extents and provides a methodology to map different types of grassland and monitor their loss within the region. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and a Normalized Difference Dry Index (NDDI) were found instrumental in change detection and the classification of different grasslands found inside the park based on their location, structure, and composition. Successful spectral segregation of different types of grasslands and their direct association with different grassland specialist species (e.g., hispid hare, hog deer, Bengal florican) clearly showed the potential of remote sensing technology to efficiently monitor these grasslands and assist in species conservation. Temporal analysis provided evidence of the loss of dense forest and grasslands within both study areas with a considerably higher rate of loss outside the protected area than inside. Results show a decline of forest from 40% in 1978 to 25% in 2006 across Alipurduar. Future trends project forest cover and grassland within Alipurduar to reduce to 15% and 5%, respectively. Within the Alipurduar, deforestation due to growth of tea industry was the primary driver of change. Flooding changed the landscape, but more intensely inside the wildlife preserve. Change of the river course inside Jaldapara during the flood of 1968 significantly altered the distribution of grassland inside the park. Unless, the direction of landscape change is altered, future trends predict growth of the tea industry within the region, increased forest loss, and homogenization of the landscape.

Spatial and temporal effects of burning on plant community characteristics and composition in a fescue prairie

Gross, Dale 06 June 2005 (has links)
Conserving structural and compositional diversity in Fescue Prairie requires reintroducing natural disturbances according to their historic regime. Fire is an important natural process that may be a source of spatial heterogeneity in Fescue Prairies. The effects of burning in all months of the year except January and February were evaluated in a Fescue Prairie in central Saskatchewan for 6 years following burning on 2 sites that had not been previously burned and 2 sites that had been burned 5 years earlier. Except for burning in March, burning reduced cover of litter (P<0.01) and <i>Festuca hallii </i> (Vasey) Piper (P=0.01) while increasing bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 5 years. Cover of <i>Elymus lanceolatus </i>(Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould (P<0.01), graminoids (P=0.02), and species evenness (P=0.01) increased with burning frequency. Burning in late-summer reduced cover of graminoids (P=0.03), plants other than the dominant grasses (P=0.03), and total plant cover (P=0.02). Burning increased the spatial variance (s2) in litter cover (P<0.01) and bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 3 years. Aside from burning in early spring, burning reduced s2 in total standing crop (P=0.02) and <i>F. hallii</i> (P=0.01). Variability in the cover of <i>E. lanceolatus </i>(P<0.01) and graminoids (P=0.04) increased with burning frequency. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that pre-burn history had a dominant effect on plant community composition, explaining 13% of the variation (P<0.01). The cumulative effects of repeated burning, annual variability in weather, and exposure to temperature extremes may have caused a shift in the composition of the plant community. The first 4 ordination axes explained 22% of the variation in plant community composition after burning, indicating that many other environmental or site variables controlled community composition. A range of burning dates and frequencies should be reintroduced or maintained in Fescue Prairie to create a mosaic of plant communities in various stages of recovery after burning. A mosaic will increase the structural and compositional diversity in remnant Fescue Prairies.

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