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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of ground-coupled heat pumps on hydrogeologic systems : Ball State University / Effects of ground coupled heat pumps on hydrogeologic systems

Dunn, Marsha E. 20 July 2013 (has links)
In 2009 Ball State University began construction on the nation’s largest ground-source geothermal system in attempt to reduce its environmental impacts and heating/cooling expenses. Since late November 2011, half of the geothermal system has been operational. Due to only partial geothermal use and a warm winter in 2011, thermal increases can be seen throughout the Phase 1 fields. After system initiation in 2011, an average temperature increase of 4.33°C has been observed in the bottom 80-120+ meters in the middle of the South Field, while no increase was found in the southern-edge well of the North Field. To evaluate thermal increases, hydraulic characteristics were gathered including groundwater flow direction, hydraulic gradients and hydraulic conductivities. Varying temperatures throughout the area may affect the groundwater geochemistry. Geochemical results indicate a calcium-bicarbonate facies. / Geothermal well field construction -- Study site -- Methods -- Results -- Discussion. / Department of Geological Sciences

Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso požeminio vandens išteklių formavimasis ir vertinimo modeliavimo metodais ypatumai / Formation and modelling assessment perculiarities of the Quaternary aquifer system groundwater resources in the Southeastern part of Lithuania

Štuopis, Anicetas 17 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektu buvo Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės požeminio vandens ištekliai (balansas, pasiskirstymas ir formavimas). Disertacinio darbo metu pagrįsti ir suformuluoti kvartero daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės schematizavimo principai – patikslinta hidrogeodinaminės sistemos sandara remiantis litologiniais duomenimis ir vandeningų sluoksnių tarpusavio ryšio sąlygomis, naudojant hidrogeocheminius, izotopinius ir hidraulinius tyrimus. Išskirti vandeningieji ir pusiau laidūs sluoksniai bei sudarytas kvartero vandeningojo komplekso matematinis modelis. Atlikta ekspertinė modeliavimui naudotų hidrogeologinių parametrų analizė – jų patikimumas tikslintas kalibruojant modelį hidrogeologiniais, infiltracinės mitybos, požeminio nuotėkio balansiniais paskaičiavimais bei požeminio vandens cheminės sudėties ir izotopiniais tyrimais. Parinktame eksperimentiniame hidrogeologiniame pjūvyje – vandens filtracijos kelyje įvertinta požeminio vandens cheminės-izotopinės sudėties transformacija. Remiantis tričio tyrimo ir matematinio modelio duomenimis regioniniame pjūvyje atlikta filtracijos schemos bei filtracijos greičių korekcija. Pirmą kartą, naudojant matematinio modeliavimo metodus, įvertintos Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero vandeningojo komplekso gamtinių ir eksploatacinių prognozinių gėlo požeminio vandens išteklių formavimosi sąlygos, nustatytas galimas požeminio vandens gavybos poveikis aplinkai. / The aim of the research was accomplish an assessment of the groundwater resources (budget, distribution and formation) and reveal their formation peculiarities in the Quaternary aquifer system of the southeaster part of Lithuania. Substantiation and formulation of schematization principles of the Quaternary multi-aquifer system for conceptualization of groundwater flow model based on the complex of lithologic, hydrogeochemistry, isotopic and hydraulic data have been developed by this dissertation. Performing data analysis of hydraulically tested aquifers, the hydrogeological parameters which have been used in simulation and their reliability have been adjusted during model calibration based on hydrogeological–hydrological water balance methods with coupled groundwater isotopic-chemistry investigations. Transformation of groundwater isotope-hydrogeochemical composition in the direction from the recharge area toward the discharge places have been estimated on a selected experimental hydrogeological cross–section. According to tritium and simulation modelling data, groundwater flow scheme and average velocity comparison have been made from the highland to lowland. The pre–development groundwater flow and prognostic assessment of groundwater exploitation resources of Quaternary aquifer system with extraction impact on the geoenvironment have been evaluated.

Formation and modelling assessment perculiarities of the Quaternary aquifer system groundwater resources in the Southeastern part of Lithuania / Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso požeminio vandens išteklių formavimasis ir vertinimo modeliavimo metodais ypatumai

Štuopis, Anicetas 17 December 2014 (has links)
The aim of the research was accomplish an assessment of the groundwater resources (budget, distribution and formation) and reveal their formation peculiarities in the Quaternary aquifer system of the southeaster part of Lithuania. Substantiation and formulation of schematization principles of the Quaternary multi-aquifer system for conceptualization of groundwater flow model based on the complex of lithologic, hydrogeochemistry, isotopic and hydraulic data have been developed by this dissertation. Performing data analysis of hydraulically tested aquifers, the hydrogeological parameters which have been used in simulation and their reliability have been adjusted during model calibration based on hydrogeological–hydrological water balance methods with coupled groundwater isotopic-chemistry investigations. Transformation of groundwater isotope-hydrogeochemical composition in the direction from the recharge area toward the discharge places have been estimated on a selected experimental hydrogeological cross–section. According to tritium and simulation modelling data, groundwater flow scheme and average velocity comparison have been made from the highland to lowland. The pre–development groundwater flow and prognostic assessment of groundwater exploitation resources of Quaternary aquifer system with extraction impact on the geoenvironment have been evaluated. / Disertacijos tyrimo objektu buvo Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės požeminio vandens ištekliai (balansas, pasiskirstymas ir formavimas). Disertacinio darbo metu pagrįsti ir suformuluoti kvartero daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės schematizavimo principai – patikslinta hidrogeodinaminės sistemos sandara remiantis litologiniais duomenimis ir vandeningų sluoksnių tarpusavio ryšio sąlygomis, naudojant hidrogeocheminius, izotopinius ir hidraulinius tyrimus. Išskirti vandeningieji ir pusiau laidūs sluoksniai bei sudarytas kvartero vandeningojo komplekso matematinis modelis. Atlikta ekspertinė modeliavimui naudotų hidrogeologinių parametrų analizė – jų patikimumas tikslintas kalibruojant modelį hidrogeologiniais, infiltracinės mitybos, požeminio nuotėkio balansiniais paskaičiavimais bei požeminio vandens cheminės sudėties ir izotopiniais tyrimais. Parinktame eksperimentiniame hidrogeologiniame pjūvyje – vandens filtracijos kelyje įvertinta požeminio vandens cheminės-izotopinės sudėties transformacija. Remiantis tričio tyrimo ir matematinio modelio duomenimis regioniniame pjūvyje atlikta filtracijos schemos bei filtracijos greičių korekcija. Pirmą kartą, naudojant matematinio modeliavimo metodus, įvertintos Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero vandeningojo komplekso gamtinių ir eksploatacinių prognozinių gėlo požeminio vandens išteklių formavimosi sąlygos, nustatytas galimas požeminio vandens gavybos poveikis aplinkai.

Solution Of One-dimensional Transient Flow In Fractured Aquifers By Numerical Laplace Transform Inversion

Dundar, Serdar 01 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Laplace transform step-response functions are presented for one dimensional transient flow in fractured semi-infinite &amp / finite aquifers. Unsteady flow in the aquifer resulting from a constant discharge pumped from the stream is considered. Flow is one-dimensional, perpendicular to the stream in the confined aquifers. The stream is assumed to penetrate the full thickness of the aquifer. The aquifers may be semi-infinite or finite in width. The Laplace domain solutions are numerically inverted to the real-time domain with the Stehfest (1970) algorithm. During the course of the thesis a simple computer code is written to handle the algorithm and the code is verified by applying it to the one-dimensional transient flow in a semi-infinite homogeneous aquifer problem which can be solved analytically to crosscheck with the numerical results.

A water balance approach to groundwater recharge estimation in Montagu area of the Western Klein Karoo.

Sun, Xianfeng January 2005 (has links)
This aim of this study was to improve the understanding and functioning of the Table Mountain Group aquifer system and contribute to the sustainable development of this potential source for water supply in the Montagu area.

Integrated Approach to Characterisation of Coastal Plain Aquifers and Groundwater Flow Processes: Bells Creek Catchment, Southeast Queensland

Ezzy, Timothy Robert January 2005 (has links)
Low-lying coastal plains comprised of unconsolidated infill are internally complex hydrogeological settings, due to the high level of heterogeneity in the infill material. In order to resolve the hydrogeological processes active in these complex settings, an integrated multi-disciplinary, geoscientific approach is required. This research determines quantitatively, the effects of sedimentary aquifer heterogeneity on groundwater flowpaths and groundwater processes within a heavily laterised, coastal plain setting. The study site is the Bells Creek catchment in southeast Queensland, Australia. The methodology developed in this study provides a new approach to enable the determination of groundwater flowpaths and groundwater processes at macroscale resolution within other shallow alluvial and coastal plain aquifers. The multi-disciplinary approach utilises sedimentological, geophysical, chronological and hydrogeological techniques (including hydrochemistry and groundwater flow modelling) to develop a high-resolution aquifer framework, and to determine accurately, both groundwater flowpaths and relative flow rates. Sedimentary framework is confirmed to be the principal factor controlling the distribution of aquifer permeability pathways in any given setting, and is therefore, the dominant control over groundwater flow and processes. For the Bells Creek catchment, interpretation of stratigraphic and sedimentary data allowed the compilation of a detailed sedimentary framework. This interpretation demonstrated that weathering of the low-lying arkose sandstone bedrock has developed thick lateritic profiles. Within the weathering profiles, cemented, iron-rich horizons have resisted erosion and developed raised and elongated ridges in the modern landscape, while other clay-rich weathered layers have submitted to erosion and downgraded around those iron-rich ridges. Consequently, alluvial deposition throughout the Late Quaternary has been restricted to narrow, and relatively deep valleys containing sandrich channels, and thin floodplains at shallow depth. From a hydrogeological perspective, there is significant macroscopic aquifer heterogeneity between fine-grained lateritic mixed clay layers, floodplain clays, ironcemented ferricrete horizons, and permeable sand-rich alluvial aquifers. This variability of aquifer material has created a complex subsurface arrangement of permeability pathways. Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in this setting enabled accurate definition of alluvial channel boundaries and the high degree of connectedness within the channels themselves. Interpretation of a comprehensive GPR dataset (that covered the entire catchment) allowed refinement of the sedimentary framework previously established to develop a detailed threedimensional aquifer framework. Finite-difference groundwater modelling and particle tracking analysis (using MODFLOW and MODPATH) has clearly demonstrated that the macroscopic heterogeneity within the various aquifer materials of the plain has marked impacts on groundwater pathways, and especially groundwater travel times. The variability between a maximum residence time of 18 months for groundwater within the alluvium, compared to hundreds of years for groundwater within the mixed clay layers of the laterite, clearly demonstrates the importance of accurately defining the spatial distribution of the various aquifer materials in a groundwater flow investigation. In this setting, the interconnection of the narrow alluvial channels feeding into a deeper alluvial delta has provided an effective conduit for shallow groundwater flow. The role of the alluvial delta in discharging the bulk of fresh groundwater from the central plain into the coastal and estuarine aquifers to the east, is certainly critical in preventing saline intrusion from encroaching further west. Hydrochemical and isotopic indicators have identified the dominant recharge processes and groundwater flowpaths within the plain, and indicated that the processes are strongly related to sub-surface permeability distributions determined in the aquifer framework (and groundwater modelling), as well as seasonal fluctuations in rainfall. In the northwest of the plain, sandstone hills provide a delayed and slightly mineralized component of groundwater recharge into adjacent highly permeable, unconfined alluvial aquifers; these aquifers also recharge directly via precipitation. Aluminosilicate weathering in the bedrock hills and eastern peripheries of the laterised bedrock are a source of excess Na, SiO2, and HCO3 to the alluvial groundwater. As this groundwater flows down-gradient to the east, however, its chemical composition evolves by sulfate reduction, silica equilibrium and ion exchange processes into a more mature Na-Cl type. Within the shallow coastal aquifers proximal to the eastern shoreline, sulfate enrichment is occurring (associated with increases in Ca, HCO3, Fe and Al) resulting in major deterioration in groundwater quality. The deterioration is produced by saline intrusion from the adjacent estuary coupled with oxidation of sulfide materials in shallow marine and estuarine clays. Reverses in salinity in those coastal aquifers have been correlated with surges in fresh recharge waters from unconfined coastal dunes and semi-confined landward alluvium, following significant rainfall events. The multi-disciplinary methodology developed, provides an effective approach for accurately defining the three-dimensional distribution of shallow aquifer material of varying permeability via detailed stratigraphic interpretation and GPR analysis. Utilising this aquifer framework, finite-difference groundwater modelling aided by hydrogeological data and hydrochemical analysis, allows accurate determination of groundwater flowpaths and groundwater processes. This research provides a new hydrogeological analogue for alluvial channel aquifers within a laterised coastal plain setting. Key Words: groundwater flow, aquifer heterogeneity, numerical modelling, hydrochemistry, recharge, ground penetrating radar, coastal plain aquifers, weathering, alluvial channels.

Scenario modeling for prediction of contaminant transport in Perth unconfined aquifer

Shukla, Chirayu S. January 2008 (has links)
Rapid development and growth of industrialization has brought immense enrichments in living standards of humans, however, improper planned development also brings along several environmental problems such as pollution of environment and excessive consumption of natural resources. Among all the others, uncontrolled utilization of water poses a severe threat to the coming generations. Past decades have witnessed water shortage in various countries of the world. Although about 80% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, around 97.2% of water is salty making it inappropriate for general usage. Among the rest of the 2.8%, which is present as fresh water on surface, a large proportion of it has been found to be severely polluted. The increasing demand of fresh water both for industrial and domestic usage adds great demand on the available groundwater. Moreover, the severe pollution of fresh water on the surface adds more stress on the available groundwater. In Australia, approximately 20% of water supply is from groundwater and in the case of Western Australia groundwater provides two thirds of its water supply needs. Thus, it is important to manage groundwater sources in Western Australia to achieve the optimum water utilization and maintain the water table and it is also essential to decide on an appropriate water budget. Groundwater flow modelling is an effective tool to get appropriate water distribution and, to examine effects from pumping on water levels and direction of groundwater flow paths, thereby helping in its proper management and utilization. Apart from monitoring the flow and utilization, groundwater flow modeling is also vital to keep the track of pollutant in the groundwater. Increasing surface pollution and landfill sites tend to pollute the groundwater due to leaching. / The above mentioned aspects formed the basis of the present research. A groundwater flow model was developed in Visual MODFLOW Premium to study the effect of three different types of soil in and around Perth region. This study also shows the hypothetical contaminated site model for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) transport in Perth Superficial unconfined aquifer which includes three major aquifer sediments namely Bassendean Sand, Safety Bay Sand and Tamala Limestone. Among the four different contaminants it was observed that benzene is able to migrate quickly as compared to the other contaminants due to its smaller distribution coefficient. / This study also explored the major soil parameters such as effect of sorption, effective porosity and hydraulic conductivity on contaminant plume configuration and contaminants concentration for the three types of aquifer sediments. A critical comparison of the behaviour of the three different types of soils was also conducted. / Simulation results of sensitivity analysis have shown that sorption and hydraulic conductivity greatly affected the contaminant plume length and concentration of contaminants with much lesser effect shown by the effective porosity. The simulated results also showed that the movement of contaminant in Tamala Limestone is most rapid by comparing these three types of aquifer sediments together. Thus, it can be said that contaminated sites found in Tamala Limestone needs immediate remediation of contaminants to bring down the contaminants concentration in groundwater. / In brief, the thesis explores the current groundwater scenario in and around Perth region. Based on the information a hypothetical scenario simulation has critically analyzed the various parameters affecting the water and contaminant flow for the various soil parameters. The study is considered as a building block for further research on developing a remediation technique for groundwater contaminant treatment.

Confusion where ground and surface waters meet : Gila River General Adjudication, Arizona, and the search for subflow /

Sobczak, Robert Valentine. January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. - Hydrology and Water Resources)--University of Arizona, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves R1-R8).

Confusion where ground and surface waters meet Gila River General Adjudication, Arizona, and the search for subflow /

Sobczak, Robert Valentine. January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Dept. of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves R1-R8).

Caractérisation hydrogéologique du massif rocheux à la Mine Niobec, St-Honore, Québec /

Tremblay, Donald. January 1993 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Sc.T.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1993. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

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