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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chemical Growth Retardant Effects on Easter Lilies

Bailey, D. A., Miller, W. B. January 1988 (has links)
Plants of Lilium longiflontm Thunb. 'Nellie White' recei,yed the following treatments during forcing: 1) control; 2-3) gne or two sprays of 50 mg-liter ancymidol 4-9) one or two sprays of 5, la, or 15 mg-liter XE-1019; or 10) one spray of 20 mg-liter XE-1019. All growth retardant treatments reduced plant height compared to controls. Plant height decreased linearly with increasing concentration of XE-1019 for both one- and two-spray treatments. High concentrations of XE-1019 delayed anthesis; ancymidol treatments did not. Individual corolla length was not affected by treatments. Treatments did not affect daughter bulb depletion or new daughter bulb growth. Total leaf area and leaf dry weight decreased as XE-1019 concentration increased; ancymidol treatments did not affect leaf area, but did reduce leaf dry weight. Leaf total soluble carbohydrate decreased with increasing concentration of XE-1019.

Chemical Height Control of Florists' Hydrangeas

Bailey, D. A. January 1988 (has links)
XE-1019 (2 foliar sprays of 10, 2Q or 30 mg-liter⁻¹) was applied to plants of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. 'Rose Supreme' during greenhouse forcing. Doses applied resulted in excessive reductions in shoot elongation and inflorescence diameters and delayed anthesis. Shoot growth was reduced with increasing XE-1019 concentration. Shoot length was reduced 46 %; stem dry weight was reduced 31 %; leaf area per shoot was reduced 44 %; inflorescence height was cut by 45 %; and inflorescence mass was reduced 48% with the 30 mg-liter⁻¹ XE-1019 treatment. Specific leaf weight increased with increased XE -1019 concentration (192% increase with the 30 mg-liter⁻¹ treatment) resulting in thicker leaves at anthesis. XE-1019 is an effective height control agent for florists' hydrangeas, and shows significant activity at very low (less than 0.2 mg a.i. per plant) doses.

Effects of XE-1019 Spray Concentration of Chrysanthemums

Bailey, D. A. January 1988 (has links)
Plants of Chrysanthemum moifolium Ramat. 'Ovaro' received 0, 10, 20, or 30 mg-liter ⁻¹ XE-1019 applied as a 204 ml-m⁻² foliar spray. Treatments did not affect time from start of short days to bloom or inflorescence height lunge. Inflorescence height and inflorescence display diameter both were reduced with increasing concentration of XE-1019.

Spray Carrier Volume Effects on XE-1019 and Chrysanthemums

Bailey, D. A. January 1988 (has links)
Plant of Chysanthemum morífolium Rymat. 'Ovaio' received 0, 102, 204, 304 or 408 ml-m⁻² of 0, 40, 20, 13.3, and 10 mg-liter⁻¹ XE-1019, respectively. No treatment affected time from start of short days to bloom or inflorescence display diameter. All XE-1019 treatments resulted in shorter plants than controls did. No carrier volume effect on plant height was observed. The inflorescence height range per pot decreased with increasing carrier volume. The greater inflorescence height uniformity achieved with the high carrier volume is beneficial and warrants further investigation.

Use of Growth Retardants for Floral Initiation of Hydrangeas

Bailey, D. A. January 1988 (has links)
Floral initiation was successfully stimulated for plants of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Rose Supreme' under non-inductive environmental conditions by spraying plants with XE-1019 or paclobutrazol. Effective treatments were 10 weekly of 5 biweekly sprays of 100 mg-liter ⁻¹ paclobutrazol; 5 biweekly sprays of 11 or 30 mg-liter⁻¹ XE-1019, and 4 triweekly (once every 3 weeks) sprays of 15 or 30 mg-liter⁻¹ XE-1019.

Podranea Height Control with XE-1019

Bailey, D. A. January 1988 (has links)
Foliar sprays of XE -1019 at 3, 4 9, 12, 15, l8 and 36 mg a.i. liter⁻¹ were found to be effective in controlling the height of Podroea ricasoliana However, at higher concentrations (greater than 12 ppm), undesirable leaflet curling and reductions in leaflet size were observed All treatments lost effectiveness in controlling internode elongation during week 4 and 5.

Controlling Hybrid Lily Plant Height with Ancymicol and XE-1019

Bailey, D. A., Miller, W. B. January 1988 (has links)
Plants of Lilium speciosum hybrids '101' and '298' received one 125 ml soil drench containing 1-3) 0, 0.125, or 0.25 mg ai. ancymidol per pot; or 4-6) 0.05, 0.10, or 0.15 mg a.i. XE-1019 per pot. Ancymidol treatments were less effective in controlling plant height (11 % and 16 % reduction of control plant height) than were XE-1019 treatments (18 %, 26 %, and 34 % reduction of control plant height). Treatments did not affect days from planting to visible bud; days from planting to anthesis of the first flower per inflorescence; the total number of flowers per inflorescence reaching anthesis; or the number of aborting buds per inflorescence. The treatments investigated allowed for rapid production of plants having a commercially acceptable height without a reduction in flowering quality.

Dygliuotojo šaltalankio (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) dauginimas žaliaisiais auginiais / Propagation of sea buckthorn using green cuttings

Treikauskienė, Jūratė 09 June 2010 (has links)
Siekiant nustatyti genetinius, fiziologinius ir fizinius veiksnius, darančius įtaką dygliuotojo šaltalankio (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) auginių rizogenezei, tirti trijų veislių žalieji auginiai, paimti iš ūglių lignifikacijos pradžioje. Nustatyta, kad ISR 40 ir 50 mg/l koncentracijos tirpalas, palyginus su kontroliniu variantu, nežymiai, bet patikimai spartina rizogenezės procesą. Net mažiausios NAR koncentracijos mažina auginių su šaknimis išeigą. IAR rizogenezės spartos nedidina, bet 40–50 mg/l koncentracijų tirpalai didina įsišaknijusių auginių procentą. ISR ir NAR poveikyje nežymiai didėja vidutinis pagrindinių šaknų skaičius ant šaknies regeneruojančio auginio. Intensyviausiai šaknis regeneruoja iš ūglio viršūnės paimti auginiai, kuriems būdingas mažiausias sumedėjimo lygis. Auginiai nuo juvenaliniame tarpsnyje esančių medžių pagal rizogenezės spartą atsilieka nuo auginių, paimtų nuo derančių medžių. Esminę įtaką dygliuotojo šaltalankio žaliųjų auginių rizogenezei daro auginio ilgis. Parodyta, kad egzistuoja minimalūs auginio, turinčio potencijų rizogenezei, parametrai. Tik pavieniai penkių centimetrų ilgio auginiai regeneruoja šaknis. Didėjant auginio ilgiui rizogenezės dažnumas didėja. / In order to evaluate genetic, physiologic and physical factors influencing rhizogenesis of green cuttings of sea buckthorn, cuttings from three cultivars were taken at the beginning of lignification. It was estimated, that 40 and 50 mg/L IBA solutions narrowly but reliably quicken rhizogenesis compared to control. Solution with even the lowest NAA concentration reduces output of cuttings with roots. IAA doesn’t accelerate process of rhizogenesis, but 40 and 50 mg/L IAA solutions increase percentage of rooted cuttings. Average main root quantity on the rooted cutting increases under the influence of IBA and NAA. Cuttings with the lowest lignification level, which were taken from terminal shoot part, regenerated roots more intensively. Cuttings taken from juvenile plants lag behind the cuttings from bearings plants according to rhizogenesis speed. The length of cutting is crucial for the rhizogenesis of sea buckthorn cuttings. Minimal cutting parameters for potential rhizogenesis are shown. Only several 5 cm length cuttings regenerate roots, rate of rhizogenesis increases in longer cuttings.

Margalapės aktinidijos (Actinidia kolomikta Maxim.) dauginimas žaliaisiais auginiais / Propagation of actinidia (Actinidia kolomikta maxim.) using soft cuttings

Subatis, Tadas 16 June 2014 (has links)
Aktinidijos (Actinidia kolomikta Maxim.) ūgliai 2013 m. buvo paimti iš Aleksandro Stulginskio Universiteto Pomologiniame sode augančių motininių augalų. Tirtos trys veislės ‘Paukštės Šakarva’, ‘Lankė’ ir ‘Landė’. Siekiant nustatyti genetinius, fiziologinius ir fizinius veiksnius, darančius įtaką margalapės aktinidijos auginių rizogenezei, tirti trijų veislių žalieji auginiai, paimti iš ūglių lignifikacijos pradžioje. Nustatyta, kad ISR augimo reguliatorius didina įsišaknijusių auginių kiekį. IAR augimo reguliatoriaus poveikis žaliesiems auginiams labai panašus kaip ir ISR. Intensyviausiai šaknis regeneravo iš ūglio viršūnės paimti auginiai, kuriems būdingas mažiausias sumedėjimo lygis. Esminę įtaką margalapės aktinidijos žaliųjų auginių rizogenezei darė auginio ilgis. Įrodyta, kad egzistuoja minimalūs auginio, turinčio potencijų rizogenezei, parametrai. Didėjant auginio ilgiui rizogenezės dažnumas didėja. / Actinidia (Actinidia kolomikta Maxim.) shoots in 2013 was cuting Aleksandras Stulginskis University Pomology garden. Were tested three varieties ‘Paukštės Šakarva’, ‘Lankė’ ir ‘Landė’. In order to evaluate genetic, physiologic and physical factors influencing rhizogenesis of soft cuttings of actinidia, cuttings from three cultivars were taken at the beginning of lignification. It was estimated, that the IBA solution, compared with the control slightly increases the yield of cuttings with roots. IAA efficiency is not significantly different from the IBA. Cuttings with the lowest lignification level, wich were taken from terminal shoot part, regenerated roots more intensively. The length of cutting is crucial from the rhizogenesis of actinidia cuttings. Minimal cutting parameters for potential rhizogenesis are shown. Rate of rhizogenesis increase in longer cuttings.

Evaluación de fitorreguladores del crecimiento en la inducción de callo embriogénico en Gossypium barbadense L. 1753 “algodón nativo” color pardo

Teruya Kamiyama, Milagros Sanae January 2016 (has links)
Gossypium barbadense L. “algodón nativo” es oriundo de la costa norte del Perú y se caracteriza por presentar fibras de colores naturales. La evaluación del efecto de diferentes concentraciones de fitorreguladores de crecimiento en la inducción de callo embriogénico se realizó en explantes de hipocotilo de G. barbadense L. “algodón nativo” color pardo, bajo dos condiciones lumínicas distintas. La desinfección de semillas se llevó a cabo utilizando NaOCl al 2.5% en distintos tiempos de exposición (5-20 min) para obtener plántulas in vitro. Para la iniciación y proliferación de callos, se introdujeron explantes de hipocotilo (con 5 réplicas) en medios Murashige-Skoog (MS) suplementados con diferentes concentraciones de ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D), kinetina (Kin) y agua de coco. Los callos friables de mayor proliferación fueron transferidos a medios MS con distintas concentraciones de Kin, 2,4-D y ácido indol-3-butírico (IBA) para la inducción de callo embriogénico. Los cultivos fueron mantenidos en condiciones de fotoperiodo 16 h luz/ 8 h oscuridad y oscuridad continua. Se logró el 100% de desinfección de semillas en 10 min de exposición al desinfectante. En 85% a 100% de explantes de hipocotilo se obtuvo la formación de callo en todos los tratamientos de iniciación de callo incubados en ambas condiciones lumínicas durante 21 días. La mayor proliferación de callo friable se obtuvo en 82.5% de explantes cultivados en medio MS enriquecido con 0.1 mg/l de 2,4-D y 100 ml/l de agua de coco e incubados en fotoperiodo 16 h luz/ 8 h oscuridad. En los medios MS suplementados con distintas concentraciones de Kin, 2,4-D e IBA no se logró la inducción de callo embriogénico. Sin embargo, en el medio MS sin reguladores de crecimiento y en el suplementado con 0.05 mg/l de Kin y 0.3 mg/l de IBA, en fotoperiodo 16 h luz/ 8 h oscuridad, se inició la organogénesis radical.Gossypium barbadense L. “native cotton” is originally from the northern coast of Peru and is characterized by its naturally colored fibers. The evaluation of the effect of different concentrations of plant growth regulators on embryogenic callus induction was performed in hypocotyl explants of Gossypium barbadense L. “native cotton” brown, under two different lighting conditions. Seed disinfection was carried out using 2.5% NaOCl in different exposure times (5-20 min) in order to obtain in vitro plants. For initiation and proliferation of callus, hypocotyl explants (with 5 replicates) were placed in Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), kinetin (Kin) and coconut water. Friable calli with the highest proliferation were transferred to MS medium with different concentrations of Kin, 2,4-D and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for induction of embryogenic callus. The cultures were maintained under conditions of 16 h light/ 8 h dark photoperiod and continuous darkness. 100% of seed disinfection was achieved at 10 min of exposure to disinfectant. In 85% to 100% of hypocotyl explants, callus formation was obtained in all callus induction treatments, incubated in both lighting conditions during 21 days. The highest proliferation of friable callus was obtained in 82.5% of hypocotyl explants cultivated in MS medium enriched with 0.1 mg/l 2,4-D and 100 ml/l coconut water, in 16 h light/ 8 h dark photoperiod. In MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of Kin, 2,4-D and IBA, induction of embryogenic callus was not achieved. However, in MS medium without growth regulators and supplemented with 0.05 mg/l Kin and 0.3 mg/l IBA, in 16 h light/ 8 h dark photoperiod, root organogenesis was initiated.

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