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Emissions of nitrous oxide by tropical soil macrofauna : impact of feeding guilds and licrobial communities involved / Émissions d'oxydes d'azote par la macrofaune de sol tropical : impact des régimes alimentaires des ingénieurs de sol et des communautés microbiennes fonctionnelles impliquées dans ces émissionsMajeed, Muhammad Zeeshan 21 December 2012 (has links)
Les sols représentent environ 63% des émissions de N2O et à eux seuls les sols tropicaux représentent 23% de ce budget soit une contribution bien plus élevé que les sols tempérés. Ces sols sont connus pour abriter une grande biodiversité d'invertébrés dominés par quatre types i.e. termites, vers de terre, fourmis et larves de scarabaeid. Ces groupes macrofaunal sont considérés comme des ingénieurs des sols via notamment leurs actions de régulation de la disponibilité des ressources chimiques, tels que l'azote minéral pour les micro-organismes. Cette régulation est due à leurs capacités de digestion spécifiques de la matière organique ainsi que la création et/ou la modification des habitats des sols. Cette étude est basée sur l'hypothèse suivante (i) l'environnement digestif et les structures biogéniques de ces ingénieurs du sol sont considérées comme des « hot spot » d' émissions de N2O (ii) les taux d'émission de N2O varient en fonction de leurs régimes alimentaires, cette macrofaune ingérant des substrats avec différents C:N (iii) le taux d'émission de N2O de chaque invertébré est corrélé à la densité des communautés bactériennes digestives impliquées dans l'émission de N2O (bactéries nitrifiantes et dénitrifiantes) et à leur teneur en azote minéral dans leur tube digestif. Pour évaluer ces différentes hypothèses, des mesures des taux d'émission de N2O ont été effectuées in vitro en aérobiose pour la macrofaune (30 espèces différentes en provenance d'Afrique, d'Amérique du Sud et d'Europe) et leurs matériels biogéniques associées (nids, turricules). L'abondance des gènes fonctionnelles des bactéries nitrifiantes (AOA et AOB) et dénitrifiantes (nirK, nirS, nosZ) ont été quantifiés par PCR quantitative. Les termites humivores et champignonnistes ainsi que les larves de scarabaeid émettent des quantités significatives de N2O alors que les fourmis n'en émettent pas. Quand aux termites xylophages et litièrivore, ils absorbent le N2O. Les structures biogéniques des vers de terre (turricules) et des fourmis (nid) émettent des quantités importantes de N2O ce qui n'est pas le cas des nids de termites. La faune du sol et leurs structures biogéniques associées, sont donc, dans la majorité des cas étudiés, un lieu d'émission de N2O, confirmant ainsi notre première hypothèse. Ce travail a également démontré qu'il y a avait une étroite corrélation entre régime alimentaire et intensité de l'émission de N2O au sein de chaque type de macrofaune étudié. En revanche, l'abondance des gènes des communautés digestive nitrifiantes et dénitrifiantes et le contenu en N minéral au sein du tube digestif ne semblent pas être des proxies pertinents des émissions de N2O. A partir de ces mesures, des calculs ont été effectuées pour déterminer l'importance de ces émissions à l'échelle des écosystèmes tropicaux étudiés (forêt et savane). Ces calculs suggèrent que la macrofaune du sol dans ces écosystèmes pourrait contribuer entre 0,1 à 11,7% et 0,1 à 8,8% du budget total des émissions de N2O, respectivement. Les résultats de ces travaux devraient contribuer à une meilleure prise en compte de la composante biotique dans la modélisation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des sols en milieu tropical. / Soils account for about 63% of N2O emissions. Tropical soils are estimated to emit 23% of global N2O emission budget which is much higher than temperate soil N2O emissions. These soils also harbor a huge biodiversity of invertebrates dominated by four types of macrofauna i.e. termites, earthworms, ants and scarabaeid grubs. These macrofaunal groups are considered as soil engineers because they regulate the availability of chemical resources, like mineral nitrogen, for the microorganisms via their specific digestion capabilities and/or by creating and modifying soil habitats. This study is based on the following hypothesis (i) the gut environment or biogenic structures of these soil engineers are considered as hotspots of N2O emission (ii) the N2O emission rates will vary according to their feeding behavior as these macrofauna thrive on diverse substrates with different C:N ratio (iii) the rate of N2O emission in each soil fauna will also depend on the gut density of the bacterial communities involved in the N2O emission (nitrifiers and denitrifiers) and on the mineral nitrogen content within the gut. To assess these different hypotheses in-vitro short-term N2O emission rates were assessed for either live macrofauna (30 species collected from Africa, South America and Europe) or their biogenic materials or both under aerobic incubations. Genes abundance of nitrifiers (AOA and AOB) and denitrifiers (nirK, nirS, nosZ) were quantified by real time quantitative PCR. Soil-feeders and fungus-growing termites and scarabaeid grubs emitted in-vivo N2O while ants did not. Surprisingly, wood- and grass-feeding termites revealed an uptake of N2O. Biogenic structures of earthworms and ants emitted substantial amount of N2O while those of termites did not. The emission difference between macrofauna or their biogenic materials and their control materials was significant for most of the macrofaunal groups studied confirming our first hypothesis. We also confirmed that the feeding behavior (total N content and C:N ratio of food material) is the main factor explaining the observed N2O emission pattern of each macrofaunal group investigated whereas genes abundances, particularly of denitrifiers and gut N mineral content did not appear to be relevant proxies of the N2O emissions rates. A back-on-the-envelope data upscaling suggests that soil macrofauna could contribute from 0.1–11.7% and 0.1–8.8% of the total soil N2O emissions, respectively, for the tropical rainforest and dry savanna ecosystems. This work should contribute to a better estimation of the soil biotic compartment in the different models of greenhouse gas emissions from tropical soils.
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Sociální postavení členů jednoty bratrské v Mladé Boleslavi na počátku 17. století / The social status of members of the Unity of the Brethren in Mladá Boleslav in the early 17th centurySimon, Karel January 2012 (has links)
The Unity of the Brethren has a rich history in Mladá Boleslav. This thesis focused on the social status of members of the Unity of the Brethren in Mladá Boleslav in the early 17th century. The basic source, from which the research is based, is a part of a unique finding of the Brethren Church correspondence, which had been found in 2006. This is the registra of Boleslav corps Church from the years 1610 and 1611. By the processing and evaluation of entries in these registers is determined by amount of members of the Corps unity and their percentage representation of Bohemian Brethren in the population of the city. The participation of members of the Unity in the administration of the city has been identified according to the data in the indexes and records preserved in the books of the early 17th century. The work also pays attention to the representation of Bohemian Brethren in the leading positions of individual guilds in Mladá Boleslav. The subject of research is also the property status of the members of the Unity corps in Mladá Boleslav. Research found that in 1610 and 1611 members of the Unity corps in Mladá Boleslav were 17 % to 18 % of the population of the city. Members of the Unity of the Brethren participated in the administration of the city. The average representation of Bohamian...
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Litomyšlský graduál z dílny Matouše Ornyse z Lindperka / The Litomysl Gradual Illuminated by Matous Ornys of LindperkMoučková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
keywords: Litomysl Gradual, Matous Ornys of Lindperk, 16th Century, Bohemia, literary guilds of fraternities The main aim of the thesis is a monograph of the Litomysl Gradual of 1561-63 within the context of the works of Matous Ornys of Lindperk. In addition to the critical analysis of the resources dealing with this subject, the thesis also monitors the works and the individual cultural and historical connections to the manuscript, with particular focus on the donators - literary guilds of fraternities, whose role and position within the community of a modern- period town are dealt with in further detail. The emphasis is put on the specifics conditional upon their ultraquist denominational affiliation and the corporate nature of the order. After placing the work within the cultural and historical context, the author of the thesis performs the basic codicological analysis of the manuscript structure, followed by the detailed description of the bookbinding, and an iconographic analysis of the internal decoration of the gradual, the latter focusing on both the motives embedded in the historiated initials as well as the motives of the border decoration. The tracing of the relations between the illuminations and other graduals forms the important part of the formal and comparative analysis of the...
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Efeitos do manejo florestal na estrutura da avifauna na floresta Amazônica de Paragominas (Pará) / Effects of the forest management on birds structure in Paragominas Amazonian forest (Para)Cardona, Miguel Angel Quimbayo 11 December 2012 (has links)
O Pará é o estado Amazônico mais visado pela atividade madeireira. Possui a maior gama de serrarias da Amazônia, e produze mais de 50% da madeira em tora do Brasil. A zona Leste do Estado é a responsável por 45% da produção de madeira em tora. Nessa zona se localiza o município de Paragominas, onde o 56% da população urbana depende diretamente da indústria madeireira para sua subsistência. Esta região faz parte da chamada área de endemismo Belém, cuja perda de floresta nativa é de 67,48% devido ao desmatamento. Historicamente as explorações madeireiras foram desenvolvidas com técnicas convencionais, que produzem danos tanto na floresta quanto no solo, e com impactos diretos sobre a fauna que depende da floresta. Na última década estabeleceram-se uma série de diretrizes técnicas para promover o manejo florestal em florestas de terra firme da Amazônia Brasileira, recomendadas pelo Conselho de Manejo Florestal (FSC) para todas as operações de exploração em florestas nativas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do manejo florestal, incluída a exploração de impacto reduzido, em áreas exploradas em diferentes temporadas (1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 e 2009) e uma área não explorada sob a comunidade de aves, comparando a riqueza, abundância de espécies e de grupos funcionais e outros grupos ecológicos vulneráveis a distúrbios naturais e antrópicos. As aves foram usadas neste estudo devido à sua importância nos processos ecológicos da floresta como polinização, e dispersão e predação de sementes. As amostragens de campo foram feitas na temporada de seca (outubro de 2010) e chuva (abril de 2011) mediante observação direta por pontos fixos em seis transectos de 1 km de distância, com pontos marcados a cada 200 m, e distância de 150 m entre transectos, para um total de 36 pontos por área de manejo florestal. A análise das informações coletadas em campo mostra que: a) registraram-se 235 espécies entre as áreas de manejo florestal; b) existem diferenças significativas de riqueza de espécies entre a as áreas de manejo florestal e entre as temporadas de amostragem; c) a área de manejo florestal com maior riqueza de espécies e abundância de grupos funcionais foi a área explorada em 2000, contraste evidenciado com a área não explorada que teve a menor riqueza e abundâncias de grupos funcionais; d) As espécies do interior da floresta, espécies que requerem de cavidades de árvores para ninho e os grupos funcionais insetívoros (seguidores de formigas), insetívoros de sub-bosque e nectarívoros-insetívoros de sub-bosque foram os grupos cológicos mais afetados pelo manejo florestal, especialmente na área não explorada que teve atividades de pré-exploração e a área explorada em 2003 que foi afetada por distúrbios naturais antes da amostragem de campo; e) os grupos que se viram afetados pelas atividades de manejo florestal podem e devem ser usados como indicadores em programas de monitoramento durante as etapas de manejo florestal, principalmente as etapas de pré-exploração, exploração e pós-exploração, na área de manejo florestal Rio Capim. / Para is the most important state from the Amazon region in wood activities. It has the greatest sawmill of the region and produce more than 50% of the Brazilian wood. The Easte zone of the State is responsible of the 45% of wood production. In this zone is located Paragominas, a town where 56% of the urban human population depends directly on the wood industries to survive. This town is into the endemism area called Belem, whose forest loss is almost 67,48%. Historically wood explorations were made with conventional techniques that produced damages in the forest structure and into the soil, and have direct impacts on the forest fauna. In the last ten years they were established some technique guidelines to promove forest management in terra firme forests of the Brazilian Amazon, recommended by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to all the exploration activities in native forests. The principal aim of this study was to assess the effects of forest management, including reduced impact logging, in areas that were logged in different seasons (1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009) and an unlogged area, on the community of birds, comparing richness, species and guilds abundance, and other ecological groups that are vulneravel to the natural and antropic disturbances. Birds were used because of its importance in forest ecological process like pollination, and seed dispersion and predation. Fieldwork was made in dry season (October 2010) and rain season (abril 2011) by direct observations in pointcounts into 1 km transects; six transects were sampled with pointcounts at each 200 m with a total of 36 pointcounts per area. Information analysis demonstrate that: a) were registered 235 species into the all six forest management areas; b) there were significative differences in species richness between forest management areas and sampled seasons; c) species richness and guild abundances had their major value in the area logged in 2000, contrasting with the unlogged area that had lower values in this items; d) species of the forest interior, cavity nesters, and understorey ant follower insectivores, insectivores and nectarivores were the most affected ecological groups by the forest management, specially in the unlogged area that had pre-logged activities and the area logged in 2003 that was affected by natural disturbances before fieldwork; e) Ecological groups named above that were the most affected by the forest management could and should be used as indicators in monitoring programs during the forest management steps, principally pre-logging, logging and pós-loggingin the Rio Capim Forest Management Area.
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Evolutionary Studies of Fruit-Piercing Moths in the Genus Eudocima Billberg (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)Crystal Klem (7053191) 16 October 2019 (has links)
prevalence of monoculture and landscape simplification is correlated with
diminished biodiversity and increased presence of harmful pest species in crop
environments. Lepidoptera is the largest clade of herbivorous insects, with
many agriculturally significant species. The pest status of insects in agricultural settings is human-defined
based on behaviors that may negatively impact the yield of susceptible crops.
As such, both the insect behavior and the affected crop play a part in
determining pest status. One helpful means of understanding pest status
involves using pest injury guilds, which distinguish different pest groups
based on similar kinds of injury to comparable plant tissues. Pest injury
guilds defined in the literature are reviewed and then applied to
agriculturally-significant Lepidoptera. Specialized Lepidoptera behaviors are
reviewed within their respective injury guilds, and the systematics, ecology,
and control options for fruit-piercing moths are discussed within the context
of pest Lepidoptera behaviors. To address the need for distribution information
for economically relevant Lepidoptera, the first annotated checklist of
pest Lepidoptera is also provided for the United States and Canada. This
checklist includes 80 agriculturally significant Lepidoptera species and
complexes, and incorporates notes on distribution, species delimitation,
natural history, and establishment.<br></p>
<p><b> </b></p>
moths in the genus <i>Eudocima</i> Billberg,
1820 have significant pest status as adults rather than as larvae, and directly
injure fruits using a specially-adapted proboscis. There are at least 48 <i>Eudocima</i> species which are found in the
world’s tropics, but confusion persists in the classification of this genus and
there are several suspected complexes. Additionally, the area of origin for
this group is uncertain, although the Oriental region has been postulated. A
comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of <i>Eudocima</i>
is conducted using 82 morphological characters, which are each described and
figured, and analyzed using parsimony. Results suggest that <i>Eudocima</i> is not monophyletic. Strongly-resolved
relationships were recovered, although these did not correspond with previous
generic concepts. The Australian region is recovered as the most parsimonious
area of origin for <i>Eudocima</i>, and
patterns of dispersal, particularly between the Oriental and Australian regions
along the Indo-Australian Archipelago, are discussed.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The <i>Eudocima phalonia</i>-complex is distributed
throughout the Old World and has been the subject of increasing interest and
research due to its economic impact in the tropics and status as a potential
invasive species. The recent description of closely-related sister species, as
well as morphological variation documented within <i>E. phalonia</i> itself, suggests possible speciation occurring within <i>E. phalonia</i> populations across its wide
geographic range. To test species boundaries for this taxon, a molecular
phylogeny is constructed using anchored hybrid enrichment and a next-generation
sequencing approach. Sampling for this phylogeny was informed using a global
range map for <i>E. phalonia</i>, which was
developed using georeferenced specimen data from natural history collections.
Biogeographic analyses are also conducted to investigate the area of origin and
dispersal patterns of <i>E. phalonia</i>,
and to examine possible speciation modes and gene flow. Georeferenced range
information is also utilized along with environmental variables in constructing
a correlative environmental niche model using MaxEnt, which is used to evaluate
a previous mini risk assessment for environmental suitability in the
continental United States for <i>E. phalonia</i>
establishment. Results suggest that <i>E.
phalonia</i> is monophyletic, with gene flow still occurring between
populations. The area of origin for <i>E.
phalonia</i> is postulated to be the Oriental region, although further
investigation is needed. Range predictions for <i>E. phalonia</i> from environmental modelling were performed for both the
Old World, which concurred well with occurrence data, and for the New World. Assessment
of environmental suitability for <i>E.
phalonia</i> in the continental United States suggests areas in Florida and
along the Gulf Coast are most favorable for establishment.</p>
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Diversity, composition and seasonality of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in a northern mixed-grass prairie preservePatenaude, Andrea M. 14 September 2007 (has links)
The objective of this study was to characterize the wild bee fauna of a managed mixed-grass prairie in southwestern Manitoba. Weekly sampling using two methods, sweep-netting and bee bowls, was conducted over two years (2005-2006) at three sites within the Yellow Quill Mixed-grass Prairie Preserve. Spatial and seasonal patterns in diversity indices, taxonomic composition and ecological composition of the bee fauna were identified and investigated in relation to sampling method, environmental conditions, and floral resource availability. A total of 7014 individual bees representing five families and 100 species were collected. Numerically, social nesters from the genera Lasioglossum and Bombus dominated, while mining species of Andrena represented the greatest species richness. Observed spatial and seasonal patterns in the abundance, diversity and composition of the bee community were strongly modified by sampling method, resource limitation in the second year and the presence of the exotic invasive plant leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). / October 2007
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Diversity, composition and seasonality of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in a northern mixed-grass prairie preservePatenaude, Andrea M. 14 September 2007 (has links)
The objective of this study was to characterize the wild bee fauna of a managed mixed-grass prairie in southwestern Manitoba. Weekly sampling using two methods, sweep-netting and bee bowls, was conducted over two years (2005-2006) at three sites within the Yellow Quill Mixed-grass Prairie Preserve. Spatial and seasonal patterns in diversity indices, taxonomic composition and ecological composition of the bee fauna were identified and investigated in relation to sampling method, environmental conditions, and floral resource availability. A total of 7014 individual bees representing five families and 100 species were collected. Numerically, social nesters from the genera Lasioglossum and Bombus dominated, while mining species of Andrena represented the greatest species richness. Observed spatial and seasonal patterns in the abundance, diversity and composition of the bee community were strongly modified by sampling method, resource limitation in the second year and the presence of the exotic invasive plant leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula).
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Diversity, composition and seasonality of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in a northern mixed-grass prairie preservePatenaude, Andrea M. 14 September 2007 (has links)
The objective of this study was to characterize the wild bee fauna of a managed mixed-grass prairie in southwestern Manitoba. Weekly sampling using two methods, sweep-netting and bee bowls, was conducted over two years (2005-2006) at three sites within the Yellow Quill Mixed-grass Prairie Preserve. Spatial and seasonal patterns in diversity indices, taxonomic composition and ecological composition of the bee fauna were identified and investigated in relation to sampling method, environmental conditions, and floral resource availability. A total of 7014 individual bees representing five families and 100 species were collected. Numerically, social nesters from the genera Lasioglossum and Bombus dominated, while mining species of Andrena represented the greatest species richness. Observed spatial and seasonal patterns in the abundance, diversity and composition of the bee community were strongly modified by sampling method, resource limitation in the second year and the presence of the exotic invasive plant leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula).
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Efeitos do manejo florestal na estrutura da avifauna na floresta Amazônica de Paragominas (Pará) / Effects of the forest management on birds structure in Paragominas Amazonian forest (Para)Miguel Angel Quimbayo Cardona 11 December 2012 (has links)
O Pará é o estado Amazônico mais visado pela atividade madeireira. Possui a maior gama de serrarias da Amazônia, e produze mais de 50% da madeira em tora do Brasil. A zona Leste do Estado é a responsável por 45% da produção de madeira em tora. Nessa zona se localiza o município de Paragominas, onde o 56% da população urbana depende diretamente da indústria madeireira para sua subsistência. Esta região faz parte da chamada área de endemismo Belém, cuja perda de floresta nativa é de 67,48% devido ao desmatamento. Historicamente as explorações madeireiras foram desenvolvidas com técnicas convencionais, que produzem danos tanto na floresta quanto no solo, e com impactos diretos sobre a fauna que depende da floresta. Na última década estabeleceram-se uma série de diretrizes técnicas para promover o manejo florestal em florestas de terra firme da Amazônia Brasileira, recomendadas pelo Conselho de Manejo Florestal (FSC) para todas as operações de exploração em florestas nativas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do manejo florestal, incluída a exploração de impacto reduzido, em áreas exploradas em diferentes temporadas (1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 e 2009) e uma área não explorada sob a comunidade de aves, comparando a riqueza, abundância de espécies e de grupos funcionais e outros grupos ecológicos vulneráveis a distúrbios naturais e antrópicos. As aves foram usadas neste estudo devido à sua importância nos processos ecológicos da floresta como polinização, e dispersão e predação de sementes. As amostragens de campo foram feitas na temporada de seca (outubro de 2010) e chuva (abril de 2011) mediante observação direta por pontos fixos em seis transectos de 1 km de distância, com pontos marcados a cada 200 m, e distância de 150 m entre transectos, para um total de 36 pontos por área de manejo florestal. A análise das informações coletadas em campo mostra que: a) registraram-se 235 espécies entre as áreas de manejo florestal; b) existem diferenças significativas de riqueza de espécies entre a as áreas de manejo florestal e entre as temporadas de amostragem; c) a área de manejo florestal com maior riqueza de espécies e abundância de grupos funcionais foi a área explorada em 2000, contraste evidenciado com a área não explorada que teve a menor riqueza e abundâncias de grupos funcionais; d) As espécies do interior da floresta, espécies que requerem de cavidades de árvores para ninho e os grupos funcionais insetívoros (seguidores de formigas), insetívoros de sub-bosque e nectarívoros-insetívoros de sub-bosque foram os grupos cológicos mais afetados pelo manejo florestal, especialmente na área não explorada que teve atividades de pré-exploração e a área explorada em 2003 que foi afetada por distúrbios naturais antes da amostragem de campo; e) os grupos que se viram afetados pelas atividades de manejo florestal podem e devem ser usados como indicadores em programas de monitoramento durante as etapas de manejo florestal, principalmente as etapas de pré-exploração, exploração e pós-exploração, na área de manejo florestal Rio Capim. / Para is the most important state from the Amazon region in wood activities. It has the greatest sawmill of the region and produce more than 50% of the Brazilian wood. The Easte zone of the State is responsible of the 45% of wood production. In this zone is located Paragominas, a town where 56% of the urban human population depends directly on the wood industries to survive. This town is into the endemism area called Belem, whose forest loss is almost 67,48%. Historically wood explorations were made with conventional techniques that produced damages in the forest structure and into the soil, and have direct impacts on the forest fauna. In the last ten years they were established some technique guidelines to promove forest management in terra firme forests of the Brazilian Amazon, recommended by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to all the exploration activities in native forests. The principal aim of this study was to assess the effects of forest management, including reduced impact logging, in areas that were logged in different seasons (1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009) and an unlogged area, on the community of birds, comparing richness, species and guilds abundance, and other ecological groups that are vulneravel to the natural and antropic disturbances. Birds were used because of its importance in forest ecological process like pollination, and seed dispersion and predation. Fieldwork was made in dry season (October 2010) and rain season (abril 2011) by direct observations in pointcounts into 1 km transects; six transects were sampled with pointcounts at each 200 m with a total of 36 pointcounts per area. Information analysis demonstrate that: a) were registered 235 species into the all six forest management areas; b) there were significative differences in species richness between forest management areas and sampled seasons; c) species richness and guild abundances had their major value in the area logged in 2000, contrasting with the unlogged area that had lower values in this items; d) species of the forest interior, cavity nesters, and understorey ant follower insectivores, insectivores and nectarivores were the most affected ecological groups by the forest management, specially in the unlogged area that had pre-logged activities and the area logged in 2003 that was affected by natural disturbances before fieldwork; e) Ecological groups named above that were the most affected by the forest management could and should be used as indicators in monitoring programs during the forest management steps, principally pre-logging, logging and pós-loggingin the Rio Capim Forest Management Area.
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Composição e estrutura da fauna araneológica (Arachnida, Araneae) associada ao estrato arbóreo-arbustivo de matas ciliares e seus microambientes no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil / Composition and structure of the spider fauna of the tree-shrub strata of riparian forests and its microhabitats in Rio Grande do Sul, BrasilRodrigues, Everton Nei Lopes January 2011 (has links)
A intenção deste estudo foi conhecer a composição e a diversidade da araneofauna relacionada a matas ciliares no Rio Grande do Sul, em diferentes localidades: rio Piratini no município de Arroio Grande; rio Camaquã em Cristal; rio dos Sinos em Parobé e rio Maquiné em Maquiné. Foi comparada a riqueza de espécies, abundância e similaridade da fauna de aranhas e a sazonalidade, avaliando se fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos influenciam na assembleia de aranhas das matas ciliares. Também foram avaliadas as guildas de aranhas, tanto aspectos espaciais, quanto temporais, e a influência de fatores abióticos e de complexidade ambiental sobre as mesmas. As aranhas foram separadas e classificadas em quatro guildas: construtoras de teias orbiculares, construtores de teias irregulares, caçadoras cursoriais e caçadoras emboscadoras/espreitadoras. Para a amostragem da araneofauna foram efetuadas duas coletas por estação durante dois anos em cada mata ciliar. As coletas foram realizadas em transecções, por um período de 45 minutos, utilizando como método o guarda-chuva entomológico (GCE) para amostrar a araneofauna do estrato arbóreo-arbustivo. Em cada mata ciliar foram delineadas seis transecções, duas em cada microambiente: borda com o campo, interior da mata e borda com o rio. O esforço amostral foi de 288 horas de coletas. No total foram coletadas 42057 aranhas: 8851 adultas (21%) e 33206 jovens (79%). A família predominante foi Theridiidae, com mais de 50% das aranhas amostradas em cada mata, a única exceção foi a mata ciliar do rio Maquiné que dominou Linyphiidae. A abundância de aranhas adultas foi diferente entre as matas ciliares, com maior abundância no rio Maquiné (34,58% das aranhas) e menor no rio dos Sinos (18,43%). Dos microambientes, as maiores abundâncias foram no interior da mata, seguido pelas bordas, muito próximas entre si. Foram determinadas 440 espécies/morfoespécies de aranhas, entre 168 gêneros. No total 232 espécies foram nominais (53%) com 14 novos registros para o Rio Grande do Sul e três para o Brasil. No rio Maquiné foi registrada a maior riqueza de espécies (S=218) e menor no rio dos Sinos (S=179). Entre os microambientes, as maiores riquezas de espécies de aranhas foram observadas nas bordas (campo: S=298 e rio: S=279) e após o interior da mata (S=246). A riqueza de espécies foi diferente entre os rios, já as riquezas entre os microambientes não diferiram. As espécies raras foram representadas por 130 singletons (32,5% das espécies do inventário). Para a sazonalidade, as aranhas adultas foram mais abundantes no verão e menos no outono; as aranhas jovens predominaram no outono e menos na primavera. A riqueza não diferiu entre os dois anos de amostragem. Já entre as estações a diferença foi significativa, maior na primavera e menor no outono. Não foi encontrada uma relação entre os fatores abióticos (temperatura e precipitação) com a araneofauna, tanto para abundância, quanto para a riqueza. As variáveis bióticas da vegetação não foram suficientes para explicar as variações na comunidade de aranhas, não influenciando nas mesmas. A análise multivariada de similaridade (ANOSIM), pelo índice quantitativo de Morisita e qualitativo de Simpson, mostra que as composições de espécies das araneofaunas diferem entre as matas ciliares. Para os diferentes microambientes não foram encontradas diferenças na composição. Prevaleceu a guilda das construtoras de teias irregulares e uma menor quantidade das caçadoras cursoriais. A MANOVA indicou diferença significativa na proporção das guildas entre todas as matas ciliares e entre os microambientes. A partir da análise de correspondência canônica (CCA), as guildas não estão correlacionadas com as variáveis de complexidade ambiental avaliadas. As curvas de rarefação e os estimadores analíticos de riqueza de espécies indicam que a fauna de aranhas ainda não foi suficientemente amostrada para as matas ciliares, revelando a urgência de estudos futuros, principalmente, abrangendo outros métodos, para diferentes estratos das florestas. / The aim of this study was to characterise the spider fauna associated to riparian forests in Rio Grande do Sul. Four different sites were sampled: Piratini River in Arroio Grande; Camaquã River in Cristal; Sinos River in Parobé and Maquiné River in Maquiné. Diversity components such as species richness, abundance and faunal similarity were compared among rivers, among microhabitats (forest edges and forest interior) and yearly seasons, and also against biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Spider foraging guilds were also evaluated, again for spatial and temporal scales, and again against biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Spiders were separated in four guilds: orbicular web builders, sheet web builders, running hunters and ambush hunters. Two samples per season were taken during two years for all forest sites. Sampling consisted of using beating tray on the tree-shrub strata across linear transections (50 X 2 m) for 45 min. On each site six transects were used, two per microhabitat: grassland edge, forest interior and river edge. Sampling effort totalled 288 h of sampling. Overall we obtained 42,057 spiders: 8,851 adults (21%) and 33,206 juveniles (79%). The predominant family was Theridiidae, with more than 50% of all spiders for all sites except Maquiné River, in which Linyphiidae dominated. Adult spider abundance differed among sites, with more spiders in Maquiné River (34.58% of the spiders) and less in Sinos River (18.43%). Among microhabitats, largest abundances occurred in the forest interior, with the edges having less spiders. A total of 440 spider species/morphospecies were recognised within 168 genera. Only 232 of those species were nominal (53%) with 14 new records for Rio Grande do Sul state and three for Brazil. In Maquiné River we found the largest richness (S=218) and in dos Sinos River the lowest (S=179). Comparing microhabitats, the largest species richness were observed for the edges (grassland edge: S=298; river edge: S=279) with the forest interior below (S=246), but not significantly. Rare species were represented by 130 singletons (32.5% of inventoried species). Adult spiders were more abundant during Summer and less during Autumn; while young spiders occurred more during Autumn and less during Spring. Species richness also differed among seasons with more species during Spring and less during Autumn. A multivariate analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), either using Morisita quantitative index or Simpson qualitative index, shows spider species composition to differ among sites, but not among microhabitats within a site. There were no significant relationships between spider diversity components and abiotic (temperature and precipitation) factors, either for abundance or species richness. Biotic factors related to vegetation complexity (vegetation density, vegetation height, vegetation structure, canopy cover) were insufficient to explain variation in spider assemblages. Sheet web builders was the prevailing guild and running hunters were relatively rare. A MANOVA indicated significant differences in guild proportions among sites and among microhabitats. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed the guilds not to be correlated with the vegetation complexity variables evaluated. Analytical species richness estimators indicate that the spider fauna is still not sufficiently sampled, revealing the urgency of continuing studies, especially involving other sampling methods so as to evaluate other forest strata.
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